With EU contribution “CONCILIATION AND ARBITRATION: two ways to manage the effects of disputes on information and consultation rights in the context of Banking mergers, acquisition and restructuring” (VS/2010/0668) Florence, 6 December 2011, Centro Studi CISL Conciliation and arbitration of collective labor disputes in EWC. Domenico Iodice – APF Research Dept. With EU contribution “CONCILIATION AND ARBITRATION: two ways to manage the effects of disputes on information and consultation rights in the context of Banking mergers, acquisition and restructuring” (VS/2010/0668) The “Gordian knot” of public justice at work. Main limitations: Congestion in the courtroom. Overloading of roles, procedural delays, downtime, etc.. Lack of knowledge of the micro-lived business. Frequent recourse to technical consultants, insufficient level of the institution of personal appearance of parties. Potentially instrumental use of procedural institutions. The excessive time dilation of pronouncement means, sometimes, legal uncertainty: legitimize it in fact elusive practices of individual rights, influencing the stay of proceedings, if any, to 'reverse burden of proof. With EU contribution “CONCILIATION AND ARBITRATION: two ways to manage the effects of disputes on information and consultation rights in the context of Banking mergers, acquisition and restructuring” (VS/2010/0668) The alternative hypothesis: a conventional private justice. What are A (L) DR Acronym for 'Alternative Labour Dispute Resolution' expressing a tendency Community recorded in other areas (civil, commercial and consumer contracts). Not intended to replace the decision of the court (arbitration), but to support the parties in finding a consensual definition of the conflict. What is the main form of ALDR The mediation, understood in everyday language. Why apply it? The alternative methods of resolving conflicts are presented as possible answers to the problems of access to justice, not only in Italy but in Europe. This explains the interest of the European Commission Employment and Social Affairs, as expressed in the Green Paper. With EU contribution “CONCILIATION AND ARBITRATION: two ways to manage the effects of disputes on information and consultation rights in the context of Banking mergers, acquisition and restructuring” (VS/2010/0668) Objectives of community culture of ALDR. in summary : Promoting a new culture of communication between economic actors (stakeholders), physiologically opposing stakeholders. Promoting the knowledge of specific terms of individual conflict. To allow the parties to mediate the resumption (maieutica) of broken dialogue: preliminary common solutions. With EU contribution “CONCILIATION AND ARBITRATION: two ways to manage the effects of disputes on information and consultation rights in the context of Banking mergers, acquisition and restructuring” (VS/2010/0668) Conciliation and Arbitration in the general theory of law. Assumptions: a) The existence of individual rights; b) a dispute concerning their alleged infringement. The individual right is, formally, a category transcendent function to maintain the status quo (Kelsen), essentially a position of interest protected and regulated by law. The controversy arises when those who must not adapt spontaneously to the legal precept: the ordering is in crisis, and transfers to third parties or their bodies the task of restoring violated order. With EU contribution “CONCILIATION AND ARBITRATION: two ways to manage the effects of disputes on information and consultation rights in the context of Banking mergers, acquisition and restructuring” (VS/2010/0668) Individual forms of dispute resolution: some categorizations Means of self-composition: Renunciation, recognition, transaction, conciliation. renunciation recognition transaction conciliation Unilateral acts “dismissivi” Plurilateral acts of negotiated agreement With EU contribution “CONCILIATION AND ARBITRATION: two ways to manage the effects of disputes on information and consultation rights in the context of Banking mergers, acquisition and restructuring” (VS/2010/0668) Individual forms of dispute resolution: some categorizations (2) Means of hetero-composition: Arbitration. Arbitration Conciliation Composite measure: an agreement of compromise and an act of decision Act hybrid (auto / hetero-composed): a negotiating agreement and a act of third With EU contribution “CONCILIATION AND ARBITRATION: two ways to manage the effects of disputes on information and consultation rights in the context of Banking mergers, acquisition and restructuring” (VS/2010/0668) Conciliation and Arbitration: structural differences Effective discharge of the dispute Role of the third Conciliation: Arbitration: only business support and advice decisional activity chronology consilium precede the negotiating agreement decisum follow the agreement of compromise With EU contribution “CONCILIATION AND ARBITRATION: two ways to manage the effects of disputes on information and consultation rights in the context of Banking mergers, acquisition and restructuring” (VS/2010/0668) Conciliation: types. administrative type Union type Judicial type Verbal process (Authentication) Decree of enforceability Recognition mechanisms Carried out by State bodies. Environment infra / extra judicial Carried out by external bodies recognized by the State. With EU contribution “CONCILIATION AND ARBITRATION: two ways to manage the effects of disputes on information and consultation rights in the context of Banking mergers, acquisition and restructuring” (VS/2010/0668) Arbitration: types. Arbitration / arbitration no ritual. The arbitration shall be subject to strict procedures, the arbitration shall be relieved from the obligation to comply with the requirements of the code of ritual. Arbitration in accordance with law and in equity. The decision is bound to comply with applicable laws (secundum legem), the decision may overcome the constraints of the law (either strained or ultra) in adherence to principles of fairness. Principle of alternative nature: electa una via, non datur recursus ad alteram With EU contribution “CONCILIATION AND ARBITRATION: two ways to manage the effects of disputes on information and consultation rights in the context of Banking mergers, acquisition and restructuring” (VS/2010/0668) The use of delegated legislation in the banking sector The renewal of the CCNL agreement of 11 July 1999: Article. 9. Single article for two extrajudicial institutions (organic). “Cascade "of conventional private justice: the Parties shall define the collective model, the individual choose whether and when to apply it. Osmosis protection of the ordinary judgment of grade 1. Experimental nature of the negotiating tools. With EU contribution “CONCILIATION AND ARBITRATION: two ways to manage the effects of disputes on information and consultation rights in the context of Banking mergers, acquisition and restructuring” (VS/2010/0668) The conciliation in accordance with covenantal Joint Commission (a representative of an ABI + for the unions signatory) administrative Commission At the Dir Prov. Work (4 +4 +1) Private art. 9 (Article coherences. c.p.c. 410) COMPOSITION OF THE BODY MODE OF ACTION CRITERIA FOR THE PREPARATION OF MINUTES With EU contribution “CONCILIATION AND ARBITRATION: two ways to manage the effects of disputes on information and consultation rights in the context of Banking mergers, acquisition and restructuring” (VS/2010/0668) The headquarters of conciliation covenantal union by ABI in Rome or Milan or "At the company to the dispute" The second option expresses a new philosophy of management of the litigation, aimed at bringing the dispute to the context from which it arises: to understand the specific technical and professional skills, share routes and anticipate the compositional logic of conflict resolution. With EU contribution “CONCILIATION AND ARBITRATION: two ways to manage the effects of disputes on information and consultation rights in the context of Banking mergers, acquisition and restructuring” (VS/2010/0668) MARC in the Community scenario. the Green Paper of 19 April 2002, produces the following notion: "Alternative methods of dispute resolution procedures designate the non-judicial dispute resolution conducted by a neutral third party." The European Commission intends to create uniform mechanisms for conciliation and voluntary arbitration, in view of complementarity (instead of the alternative nature) compared to the work process. However, marked differences persist in regulation in EU countries. The experiences are diverse and contradictory. With EU contribution “CONCILIATION AND ARBITRATION: two ways to manage the effects of disputes on information and consultation rights in the context of Banking mergers, acquisition and restructuring” (VS/2010/0668) Lines of macro-trend : characteristics Great Britain: alternative compositional tools. Voluntary choice. Italy, Germany, France: compositional tools functionally complementary. Belgium, Finland: requirement for a preliminary review to the ADR judicial. Denmark, Ireland: creation of conventional ADR (Arbejdsmarkedets Ankenarven; Conciliation Service of the Labour Relations Commission) With EU contribution “CONCILIATION AND ARBITRATION: two ways to manage the effects of disputes on information and consultation rights in the context of Banking mergers, acquisition and restructuring” (VS/2010/0668) The German experience. The system of labor law has a strong social perspective to reconstruct an essential balance between : weaker party (worker) strong party (employer) Apply standard regulatory safeguards essential mandatory downwards. (sociality as Grundnorm). The source legislation bargaining (union) ensure development of law and dynamism. The Employment Tribunals consider the rights, but also driving skills of dispute (with positive results). With EU contribution “CONCILIATION AND ARBITRATION: two ways to manage the effects of disputes on information and consultation rights in the context of Banking mergers, acquisition and restructuring” (VS/2010/0668) Dogmatic categories The law on the trial of the 1979 work introduces the distinction between: Disputes of Interest Solving mechanisms: (extrajudicial) Conciliation and Arbitration. Law disputes Solving mechanisms: (judicial) Processes before the courts. The admissibility of the arbitration commission for the protection of individual rights is excluded. They are then invested with the residual competence (clarification / regulatory interests at stake). The Employment Tribunals are composed of a President (toga) and two lay judges (representing the employers and workers). Overall competence. With EU contribution “CONCILIATION AND ARBITRATION: two ways to manage the effects of disputes on information and consultation rights in the context of Banking mergers, acquisition and restructuring” (VS/2010/0668) Reasons for an apparent success most of the individual labor disputes is com-poses outside the judging phase. The attempt at conciliation is mandatory (within two weeks of the quote) and takes place prior to the hearing in court. The success rates are very high (40%). This is due to competition of two reasons: a) the ineffectiveness of the system of SO-CALLED "Real protection": the trial system does not guarantee the worker the provisional preservation of jobs (in defense of the interest in the final reinstatement). b) The dynamic and proactive role granted to the President of the Court being conciliatory. The tool provides a conciliatory mere claim for redress With EU contribution “CONCILIATION AND ARBITRATION: two ways to manage the effects of disputes on information and consultation rights in the context of Banking mergers, acquisition and restructuring” (VS/2010/0668) The French experience. The system of labor law has markedly conflicting characteristics In regards dismissal, disputes have been speaking inquisitorial, with assurances of defense The Board of Arbitrators has elected joint composition. Characteristics of the process Search the reconciliation (preventive and compulsory) and cognitive powers of investigation. The unions have active procedural legitimation "in place" of employees. With EU contribution “CONCILIATION AND ARBITRATION: two ways to manage the effects of disputes on information and consultation rights in the context of Banking mergers, acquisition and restructuring” (VS/2010/0668) The alternative means of composition. Little used by the employer (not considered non-partisan for his powers of sanction). Labor inspector Simple "trait d'union" between employee and employer in the prodromal phase Role of delegating too biased towards the worker director of staff MEDIATION Union Representative Boards of conciliation provided by some CCNL: condemned as neo-corporatism. Joint bodies branch: opposed by employers face. Councillors of employees: the role of trade unions considered vicar. Joint committees on pensions: one full-blown case of success. With EU contribution “CONCILIATION AND ARBITRATION: two ways to manage the effects of disputes on information and consultation rights in the context of Banking mergers, acquisition and restructuring” (VS/2010/0668) Build a new European scenario ... According to a study reported in the Green Paper (35), fewer than one in four restructuring to meet goals for cost reduction and increased productivity. The banking system recorded a marked increase in the current conflict as a result of corporate restructuring A buffer solution is to constrain the signing of specific agreements with the unions (under the CCNL) and agreements setting up / amending of EWC to the “ad hoc” creation of joint commissions of a prior conciliation which are mandated to find common solutions. With EU contribution “CONCILIATION AND ARBITRATION: two ways to manage the effects of disputes on information and consultation rights in the context of Banking mergers, acquisition and restructuring” (VS/2010/0668) Coherence of the model with the guidance established. "Restructuring in a socially responsible means balance and take into consideration the interests and concerns of all parties affected by the changes and decisions. Concretely, in the form, not a restructuring is less important than substance. It 'should be ensured involvement of those affected through open consultation process. " Green Paper, 37. In summary: the best way of settling conflicts is to prevent them! With EU contribution “CONCILIATION AND ARBITRATION: two ways to manage the effects of disputes on information and consultation rights in the context of Banking mergers, acquisition and restructuring” (VS/2010/0668) What happens in the EWC? The new EWC Directive 2009/38/EC aims to strengthen the constitution making enforceable and practicable rights to information and consultation, including through an appropriate system of sanctions. The project operates on a preliminary and complementary aims to make the due rights of EWCs through the establishment of safeguards, physical places to prevent and resolve conflicts (conciliation and arbitration chambers in supranational and national). With EU contribution “CONCILIATION AND ARBITRATION: two ways to manage the effects of disputes on information and consultation rights in the context of Banking mergers, acquisition and restructuring” (VS/2010/0668) When there is violation of the rights of information / consultation? Article 6.2 (c) The functions and the procedure for information and consultation of the EWC and the manner in which information and consultation of the EWC will coordinate with the information and consultation of national representative bodies of workers in accordance with the principles laid down in Article . 1.3 (principle of shared responsibility). The Recital 37 clarifies that the CAC can be aware before of national representation, or simultaneously to the same, but not thereafter. Article 2 "Information" is data transmission by the employer to the employee representatives to provide knowledge and consideration of the issue. The information is timely, manner and content are appropriate to enable to carry out a thorough impact assessment and prepare, if appropriate, consultation with the competent organ of the Community-scale group Community-scale undertakings. Workers' representatives should receive necessary information in a timely manner in order to carry out a detailed examination in view of the consultation. See also recital 22 ("without slowing down the decision-making in enterprises"). With EU contribution “CONCILIATION AND ARBITRATION: two ways to manage the effects of disputes on information and consultation rights in the context of Banking mergers, acquisition and restructuring” (VS/2010/0668) Recognizing the "lesion" Article 2 "Consultation" means a dialogue and exchange of views between employees 'representatives and central management or any other more appropriate level of management, timing, method and content that enable workers' representatives, on the basis of information provided, to express, within a reasonable time, an opinion on the proposed measures to which the consultation relates (subject to the responsibilities of management) that can be taken into account within the Community-scale group Community-scale undertakings. See also recital 14 (accruals) and 23. Annex 1: It occurs to allow workers' representatives to meet with the central management and obtain a reasoned response to their every possible opinion With EU contribution “CONCILIATION AND ARBITRATION: two ways to manage the effects of disputes on information and consultation rights in the context of Banking mergers, acquisition and restructuring” (VS/2010/0668) Transnationality of the "lesion" Article 1 (3) ... the competence of the EWC and the extent of the procedure for informing and consulting employees is limited to transnational issues. 4) are considered to be transnational those concerning the Community-scale undertaking or Community-scale group of undertakings as a whole or at least two plants of 'undertaking or group situated in two different Member States. See also the 'Article 1.2 (principle of effectiveness) and recitals 12 and 16 (range of potential effects). With EU contribution “CONCILIATION AND ARBITRATION: two ways to manage the effects of disputes on information and consultation rights in the context of Banking mergers, acquisition and restructuring” (VS/2010/0668) Safeguards: delegate to Member States Article 10 (1). - continuedNational legislation could possibly have a duty to intervene to ensure, for example., That EWCs have the means proceedings (such as the right to appeal to the courts to defend themselves), as well as substantial resources necessary for this purpose (legal personality, finance, communication tools: the law guarantees the effectiveness of employees, id est all "necessary means" for this purpose). The provision does not concern only the EWC, but also each of its members With EU contribution “CONCILIATION AND ARBITRATION: two ways to manage the effects of disputes on information and consultation rights in the context of Banking mergers, acquisition and restructuring” (VS/2010/0668) EWC: capacity to act What is meanwhile already "guaranteed" by the Directive? The expertise of the EWC are extended, pursuant to Article 12.1, the area of collective representation of workers' interests. This provision will help to clarify the question of the ability of EWC to sue in the event of legal conflict. So far, some of the difficulties faced EWC (eg. The case of P & O within the Conciliation Council in the UK) to be recognized as parties authorized to participate in court proceedings. The Community legislator has introduced the "legitimacy" without the explicit prior to the granting of legal personality EWC general, possible source of conflict in some countries. Almost legal status granted to EWC indirectly, subject to national implementation in the future could create doubts and confusion in practice. Yet it would be easy to say that the traditional monopoly of trade unions (in terms of legal mandate exclusive representation of interests of workers) should not prevent EWC to exercise and defend the fundamental rights of information and consultation in the presence of the courts. With EU contribution “CONCILIATION AND ARBITRATION: two ways to manage the effects of disputes on information and consultation rights in the context of Banking mergers, acquisition and restructuring” (VS/2010/0668) The current “vulnus” regulatory The recast Directive does not identify the means of prevention and settlement of collective disputes on rights to information and consultation. Nor declares them mandatory. The possibility of conciliation and arbitration bodies to date can be scheduled only in the negotiation: the time of formation of the EWC or the renegotiation of the With EU contribution “CONCILIATION AND ARBITRATION: two ways to manage the effects of disputes on information and consultation rights in the context of Banking mergers, acquisition and restructuring” (VS/2010/0668) This is the only option? The old Directive 94/95 art. Demandava 11 member states for the establishment of "administrative and judicial procedures" which allow us to enforce the obligations of information and consultation. There was plenty of time to correct transposition of demando. For example, in Italy Legislative Decree. N ° 74 of 04.02.2002 "Implementation of Council Directive of 22 September 1994, 94/45/EC on the establishment of a European Works Council or a procedure for informing and consulting employees in undertakings and Community-scale groups of undertakings ". With EU contribution “CONCILIATION AND ARBITRATION: two ways to manage the effects of disputes on information and consultation rights in the context of Banking mergers, acquisition and restructuring” (VS/2010/0668) Tools of mandatory Article 17 Sanctions 1. Unless the act constitutes a crime, the violation of the provision in Article 11 the Ministry of Labour and Social Affairs, after hearing the parties concerned, administrative sanction for payment of a sum of money of 1,033 euros to 6,198 euros. 2. If questions arise concerning the obligations of information and consultation consists of a conciliation committee consisting of members appointed by stakeholders and chaired by a person appointed by the Parties by mutual agreement. In the absence of agreement between the parties within thirty days regarding the existence of obligations, the Director General of the protection of working conditions of the Ministry of Labour and Social Affairs, after hearing the parties themselves in contradictory to each other, and ascertain the possible failure orders the fulfillment of these obligations. If not complied with the order within thirty days, the Director General shall be chargeable to the defaulting party to an administrative penalty of 5,165 euros to 30,988 euros. " With EU contribution “CONCILIATION AND ARBITRATION: two ways to manage the effects of disputes on information and consultation rights in the context of Banking mergers, acquisition and restructuring” (VS/2010/0668) Assumptions about the succession of laws The Body is established "by operation of law" (the agreement is not required) The provision applies "ipso jure" to all agreements concluded under the previous Directive and not renewed Probably, the national laws enacted in under the previous Directive and transposing it, because not expressly repealed, remain in the part of the tool in full force. With EU contribution “CONCILIATION AND ARBITRATION: two ways to manage the effects of disputes on information and consultation rights in the context of Banking mergers, acquisition and restructuring” (VS/2010/0668) Suggestions You could even build a dam to the operations of the sales of businesses occurred without prior information, by a REQUEST TO MEMBERS OF TRADE UNIONS TO COMPOSE A Conciliation Board in a decentralized site. If the invitation is rejected, it is doubtful whether corporate behavior can be criticized on a real (effective suspension of the measures taken) or a mandatory (through fines). The letter of the law is to favor the first hypothesis, the ratio of the standards of procedural protection gives way to the second With EU contribution “CONCILIATION AND ARBITRATION: two ways to manage the effects of disputes on information and consultation rights in the context of Banking mergers, acquisition and restructuring” (VS/2010/0668) Arguments in support The Directive 77/187 on protection of workers in case of transfer of undertakings (as amended by Directive 2001/23) provides for employer liability for a "timely" and in any case before the transfer of 'company, the ineffectiveness of the penalty decisions. With EU contribution “CONCILIATION AND ARBITRATION: two ways to manage the effects of disputes on information and consultation rights in the context of Banking mergers, acquisition and restructuring” (VS/2010/0668) De jure condendo Laws would need to transpose national and carried out remedial tools effectively, as conciliation and arbitration boards Should be a European Regulation, immediately binding, which would impose "ab externo", on the initiative of the injured parties, to all EWC (both existing Directive, is made even under the Directive 94/95, is up in the future), the activation chambers of conciliation and arbitration in accordance with rules and procedures of representation and homogeneous standards. Should establish a definite schedule for the procedures, rules propaedeutic between instruments, and especially the activation of the same state that suspends the effectiveness of business decisions, in practice, the most important effects of the Group's strategic choices (such as transfer of businesses or business units, the conversion and collective redundancies) declare themselves legally frozen until the outcome of the conciliation and arbitration. With EU contribution “CONCILIATION AND ARBITRATION: two ways to manage the effects of disputes on information and consultation rights in the context of Banking mergers, acquisition and restructuring” (VS/2010/0668) De jure condito. National Laws: Overview of the existing laws. Tools of Appeal. In all countries the courts are competent to deal with disputes relating to the representation of lavoratori.Si is in most cases (A, B, D, E, EL, F, I, S, NL and P) of the Courts work (for individual questions) and / or ordinary courts (DK, FIN, F - for collective disputes), or the jurisdiction of the companies (NL). Ireland has made the choice of arbitration, it should be emphasized when taking into account the transnational nature of disputes (the call is possible only if questions of law). Finally, some peculiarities. In Finland, there is an oversight role that is assigned to the Minister of Labour. With EU contribution “CONCILIATION AND ARBITRATION: two ways to manage the effects of disputes on information and consultation rights in the context of Banking mergers, acquisition and restructuring” (VS/2010/0668) Priorities and objectives of the analysis Necessary to analyze the existing EWC agreements in Europe Should single out the negotiating tools of excellence already set and promote knowledge. Need to flesh out the application of good practice already sanctioned agreements, and promote awareness and dissemination. It should identify the guiding principles for promoting conciliation and arbitration implementing and / or modifying existing EWC agreements and those of future stipulation. It should identify the means of harmonization of these instruments of composition in the central depository with any national standards (like the Italian one) involving composition tools in the decentralized (Alternativity? Prerequisites? Temporal succession? Prevalence?) With EU contribution “CONCILIATION AND ARBITRATION: two ways to manage the effects of disputes on information and consultation rights in the context of Banking mergers, acquisition and restructuring” (VS/2010/0668) Agreements: an overview of the existing. There are two types of EWC agreements: those "Article 13" and "Article 6". Until the entry into force of the Directive of 1996, companies covered by Article. 13 (Agreements to February 22, 1996) were able to circumvent the requirements of the Directive, and to renew these agreements indefinitely. In Europe, the overall agreements in force in 2006 were 741, of which 439 are still "Article 13". In large part, are based in Germany and apply German law (jus loci). With EU contribution “CONCILIATION AND ARBITRATION: two ways to manage the effects of disputes on information and consultation rights in the context of Banking mergers, acquisition and restructuring” (VS/2010/0668) How to overcome the problem While the national body representing the workers (eg "Betriebsrat", “RSU" or "RSA") addresses their dispute by relying on national law and national collective agreements, EWC issues must be managed with reference to the company. It 's necessary to provide clear rules in the Agreement or, in the meantime, groped to apply the principle of responsibility of the local impact of the decision (decentralized office, if later). With EU contribution “CONCILIATION AND ARBITRATION: two ways to manage the effects of disputes on information and consultation rights in the context of Banking mergers, acquisition and restructuring” (VS/2010/0668) OUTCOME OF CONSULTATION AND STUDY OF LEGISLATIVE TEXTS OF EWC SIGNIFICANT AGREEMENTS WITH RESPECT TO THE PREDICTION OF TOOLS OF CONCILIATION AND ARBITRATION OF COLLECTIVE DISPUTES ON INFORMATION AND CONSULTATION RIGHTS. EWC AGREEMENTS CONSULTED: 75 AGREEMENTS WITH NOTHING value: 64 AGREEMENTS WITH REDUCED value: 6 AGREEMENTS WITH RELEVANT value: 5 With EU contribution “CONCILIATION AND ARBITRATION: two ways to manage the effects of disputes on information and consultation rights in the context of Banking mergers, acquisition and restructuring” (VS/2010/0668) AGREEMENTS WITH REDUCED VALUE AGUSTAWESTLAND = ART. 12 LEGAL STATUS AND INTERPRETATION = EXCLUSIVE ITALIAN JURISDICTION (CALLED D. LGS. 74/02) ASSICURAZIONI GENERALI = ART. INTERPRETATION 14 / = DISPUTES SETTLEMENT IN CONTEXT OF PARENT, IF DISAGREE PERSISTS, EXCLUSIVE ITALIAN JURISDICTION CEMENTIR = ART. 8 HOW '= DOCUMENTATION AND INFORMATION TIMES AT LEAST 30 DAYS. FIRST MEETING; Contextuality 'TRANSNATIONAL INFORMATION AND NATIONAL POSSIBILITY' OF OPINION MOTIVATED IN 7 DAYS. AFTER THE MEETING. ENEL = ART. RELATIONSHIP WITH NATIONAL STANDARDS 14 = THE AGREEMENT IS SUBJECT TO THE RULES IN FORCE FOR BEST COUNTRY MEMBERS. ENI = ART. 16 AGREEMENT AND APPLICABLE LAW = 'SUBJECT TO THE LAWS, THE COLLECTIVE AGREEMENTS AND RULES APPLICABLE IN ITALY INDESIT (1996) = ART. 8 TERM OF DIRECTIVE 94/95 DEFENSIVE AND CLAUSE (DO NOT APPLY THE EFFECTS OF THE DIRECTIVE). With EU contribution “CONCILIATION AND ARBITRATION: two ways to manage the effects of disputes on information and consultation rights in the context of Banking mergers, acquisition and restructuring” (VS/2010/0668) AGREEMENTS WITH SIGNIFICANT VALUE H.J. HEINZ = SECTION 12, DISPUTE RESOLUTION (AAA) 1. IS INTENTION OF THE PARTIES THAT ANY DISPUTE ARISING FROM THIS AGREEMENT IS ANSWERED BY STEERING BUREAU. IF THE DISPUTE IS RESOLVED, WE APPLY THE FOLLOWING PROCEDURES. 2. ANY QUESTION OF INTERPRETATION OR ALLEGED VIOLATION OF THE PROVISIONS OF THIS AGREEMENT WILL BE SUBJECT TO ARBITRATION BY A BOARD OF THREE REFEREES. 3. AN ARBITRATOR WILL BE DESIGNATED BY CENTRAL MANAGEMENT, AN ARBITRATOR FROM EWC. A THIRD ARBITRATOR WILL BE DESIGNATED BY THE BUREAU OF STEERING JOINT AGREEMENT. 4. THE ARBITRATION SHALL DECIDE FOR MAJORITY OF VOTES AND EXPRESSES ITS EVALUATION WITHIN 15 DAYS TO CENTRAL AND EWC. With EU contribution “CONCILIATION AND ARBITRATION: two ways to manage the effects of disputes on information and consultation rights in the context of Banking mergers, acquisition and restructuring” (VS/2010/0668) AGREEMENTS WITH SIGNIFICANT VALUE RCS (2009, AA+) = ART. 9 DISPUTES BEFORE YOU SEEK THE BODIES OF JUSTICE, is PROVIDED AN ATTEMPT AT CONCILIATION OF DISPUTES THROUGH MANDATORY TECHNICAL COMMISSION, MUST CONCLUDE THAT ITS OPERATIONS WITHIN TWO MONTHS OF RECEIPT OF THE APPLICATION OF THE SUBJECT. With EU contribution “CONCILIATION AND ARBITRATION: two ways to manage the effects of disputes on information and consultation rights in the context of Banking mergers, acquisition and restructuring” (VS/2010/0668) AGREEMENTS WITH SIGNIFICANT VALUE SAN BENEDETTO (AA+) = ART. 10 DISPUTES BEFORE YOU SEEK THE BODIES OF JUSTICE, IS PROVIDED AN ATTEMPT AT CONCILIATION OF DISPUTES THROUGH MANDATORY TECHNICAL COMMISSION, MUST CONCLUDE THAT ITS OPERATIONS WITHIN TWO MONTHS OF RECEIPT OF THE APPLICATION OF THE SUBJECT. With EU contribution “CONCILIATION AND ARBITRATION: two ways to manage the effects of disputes on information and consultation rights in the context of Banking mergers, acquisition and restructuring” (VS/2010/0668) AGREEMENTS WITH SIGNIFICANT VALUE UNICREDIT (AA+) = ART. 20 DISPUTES BEFORE YOU SEEK THE BODIES OF JUSTICE, IS PROVIDED AN ATTEMPT AT CONCILIATION OF DISPUTES THROUGH MANDATORY TECHNICAL COMMISSION, MUST CONCLUDE THAT ITS OPERATIONS WITHIN TWO MONTHS OF RECEIPT OF THE APPLICATION OF THE SUBJECT With EU contribution “CONCILIATION AND ARBITRATION: two ways to manage the effects of disputes on information and consultation rights in the context of Banking mergers, acquisition and restructuring” (VS/2010/0668) AGREEMENTS WITH SIGNIFICANT VALUE TAKEDA PHARMACEUTICALS (AA)= ART. 11.2 In case of dispute between the parties relating to this Agreement which can not be settled amicably, the holes in England and Wales shall have exclusive jurisdiction. Before you go to court, the parties shall seek to resolve any differences internally, using as an example to the services provided by ACAS (Advisory, Conciliation and Arbitration Service, counseling, conciliation and arbitration). With EU contribution “CONCILIATION AND ARBITRATION: two ways to manage the effects of disputes on information and consultation rights in the context of Banking mergers, acquisition and restructuring” (VS/2010/0668) The only recent case in court: VISTEON • • • The new German legislation is already having its test in court immediately after its entry into force, June 18, 2011. On 8 September 2011, the Labour Court of the State of Cologne, decided in the second instance in a case involving the EWC of Visteon, for violation of rights of participation in the context of a plant closure in Spain. On one hand, the Court concluded that the rights of the EWC had been denied. Second, the judge has found a useful tool to enforce the provisions of the new EWC Directive into the German legal system. Visteon announced its plans to close a company in Spain June 23, 2011. The EWC has subsequently commenced the consultation process, a special meeting of July 12, 2011 and the start of legal proceedings. Although the consultation procedure, including an examination of possible alternatives to closure had not yet started, the management company wanted to "force", creating a fait accompli. To preserve their rights, the EWC had no choice but to pursue legal action. The question of EFFECTIVE TOOLS is very controversial. At stake is whether a Directive of the European Union may be without effect in Germany, while exactly the same Directive, in France and Belgium, is strongly protected. Will the German legislature FORGET TO INTRODUCE effective, dissuasive and proportionate to the seriousness of the offense"? A proposal put forward by the Social Democrats (SPD) during the legislative procedure was rejected April 6, 2011 by the conservative Liberal of the German Bundestag. The German trade union DGB therefore requested legal clarification on the issue, even before the case became public knowledge Visteon. TWO CONSIDERATIONS. 1. There are no legal precedents to judgment, in Germany. The only known case is that of Forbo, a chemical company, which ended in 2004 before the Labour Court of Lower Saxony, without ruling. 2. If the actual process should end before the European Court of Justice, would impact on all European Union countries. An irregularity in the consultation process can be expensive . This was the experience of the Finnish Fujitsu Siemens Computers, when he had to make additional payments of 3 million employees, because of a consultation procedure is not performed properly. Protecting the rights of the EWC in law With EU contribution “CONCILIATION AND ARBITRATION: two ways to manage the effects of disputes on information and consultation rights in the context of Banking mergers, acquisition and restructuring” (VS/2010/0668) In summary, we should ... Replicate and spread good practice negotiating Promote homogenous and preceptive, community, for the prevention and settlement of disputes Move from a system of fines for a violation that discourages making unproductive effects These conclusions will be tendered, together with the analysis in a forthcoming monograph bilingual APF available to the European Commission. With EU contribution “CONCILIATION AND ARBITRATION: two ways to manage the effects of disputes on information and consultation rights in the context of Banking mergers, acquisition and restructuring” (VS/2010/0668) The state of transposition of the Directive 24.11.2011: The EC asks four countries to proceed expeditiously: HANDS UP! The European Commission has asked Greece, Italy, Luxembourg and the Netherlands to implement the legislation on European Works Councils (recast of the EU directive on European works councils) into national law. The request takes the form of a 'reasoned opinion' under EU infringement proceedings. If Greece, Italy, Luxembourg and the Netherlands do not conform their legislation with Community law within two months, the Commission may decide to refer these Member States to the EU Court of Justice. The Member States were to adopt the laws, regulations and administrative provisions necessary to comply with new European Works Councils Directive into force by June 5, 2011 and notify to the Commission. In the cases of Greece, Luxembourg and the Netherlands, the process of adoption of national measures of implementation is underway, but have not been given precise directions in terms of completion of this process. In the Italian case, no information is received by the Commission on the timing and modalities of the implementation process. In July 2011 the Commission sent warning letters to 17 Member States for failing to meet these obligations. Infringement of these cases, eight cases were closed (SK, CY, CZ, FI, HU, IE, LT, SI) and five cases are in the process of being closed or the Commission is awaiting a few last items for the closure (FR, PL, RO, BE, UK), as these States have transposed the EU directive into national law. Latest News (from E. Pichot): the Netherlands has just completed the transposition, UK and Belgium are still in "standby" (there are reasons not to initiate infringement proceedings). With EU contribution “CONCILIATION AND ARBITRATION: two ways to manage the effects of disputes on information and consultation rights in the context of Banking mergers, acquisition and restructuring” (VS/2010/0668) Appendix. STATE of IMPLEMENTATION DIRECTIVE 2009/38/EC Document Note Date Rapport au Président de la République relatif à l’ordonnance no 2011-1328 du 20 octobre 2011 portant transposition de la directive 2009/38/CE du Parlement européen et du Conseil du 6 mai 2009 concernant l’institution d’un comité d’entrepris... 21/10/2011 article/documentation on legal issues Report on ordonnance n°2011-1328 of 20/10/2011 Europese ondernemingsraden meer invloed Denmark 01/04/2011 L 117 Bill to amend the Law on European Works Councils Implementation of Recast Directive 2009/38/EC Report, Group of Experts 29/03/2011 01/12/2010 Draft of the Italian participation code The Labor Minister recently presented the first draft of the "participation code." Containing a selection of existing European and national laws, bills, union agreements and good practices on workers' involvement with the company's management and profit 12/07/2010 Table: Eligibility criteria for EWC members / selection procedures Source: EMF, http://www.emf-fem.org/Areas-ofwork/Company-Policy/EWC-SE/European-WorksCouncils/EWC-legal-issues/Comparative-tablesfor-most-EU-Member-States-on-different-legalaspects 01/01/2005 Table: overview table on some legal aspects of EWCs Source: EMF, http://www.emf-fem.org/Areas-ofwork/Company-Policy/EWC-SE/European-WorksCouncils/EWC-legal-issues/An-overview-and-abrief-description-of-the-legal-systems-in-the-EUMember-States Author: A. Buggel 01/01/2002 With EU contribution “CONCILIATION AND ARBITRATION: two ways to manage the effects of disputes on information and consultation rights in the context of Banking mergers, acquisition and restructuring” (VS/2010/0668) transposition law 2009/38/EC France Ordonnance no 2011-1328 du 20 octobre 2011 portant transposition de la directive 2009/38/CE du Parlement européen et du Conseil du 6 mai 2009 concernant l’institution d’un comité d’entreprise européen ou d’une procédure dans les entreprises ... 21/10/2011 Cyprus Law 106(I)/2011 The Law of 2011 on the Establishment of a European Works Council is hereby issued through publication in the Government Gazette of the Republic of Cyprus in accordance with Article 52 of the Constitution. 29/07/2011 Estonia Community-scale Involgement of Employees Act [RT I 2007, 22, 112 entry into force 23.03.2007] 14/07/2011 Ireland S.I. No. 380 of 2011- European Communities (Transnational information and consultation of employees act 1996) (amendment) regulations 2011 14/07/2011 Czech Republic Law 185/2011 amending law 262/2006 on Labour Code (July 2011) ZÁKON ze dne 8. ervna 2011, kterým se mení zákon c. 262/2006 Sb., zákoník práce, ve znení pozdejších predpisu 08/07/2011 Lithuania Law amending the law of the republic of Lithuania on European Works Councils, 22 June 2011, No XI-1507 (Valstyb?s žinios (Official Gazette) 2004, No 39-1271) 22/06/2011 With EU contribution “CONCILIATION AND ARBITRATION: two ways to manage the effects of disputes on information and consultation rights in the context of Banking mergers, acquisition and restructuring” (VS/2010/0668) Germany Second Law on EWCs (June 2011) Zweites Gesetz zur Änderung des Europäische Betriebsräte-Gesetzes Umsetzung der Richtlinie 2009/38/EG über Europäische Betriebsräte (2.EBRG-ÄndG), BGBl.1 18.6.2011 14/06/2011 Spain Proyecto de Ley por la que se modifica la Ley 10/1997, de 24 de abril, sobre derechos de información y consulta de los trabajadores en las empresas y grupos de empresas de dimensión comunitaria (621/000096) 18/04/2011 Denmark Law 271 amending Law on EWCs (April 2011) LOV nr 281 af 06/04/2011 om ændring af lov om europæiske samarbejdsudvalg 06/04/2011 Bulgaria Decree n° 55 on the grounds of Article 98 item 4 of the Constitution of the Republic of Bulgaria 25/03/2011 Italy Emendamenti al D.Lgs. n. 74/2002 25/03/2011 Spain Proyecto de Ley por la que se modifica la Ley 10/1997 de 24 de abril, sobre derechos de información y consulta de los trabajadores en las empresas y grupos de empresas de dimensión comunitaria 11/03/2011 France Ordonnance relative à la transposition de la directive 2009/38/CE du Parlement européen et du Conseil du 6 mai 2009 concernant l’institution d’un comité d’entreprise européen ou d’une procédure dans les entreprises de dimension communautaire... 01/03/2011 With EU contribution France “CONCILIATION AND ARBITRATION: two ways to manage the effects of disputes on information and consultation rights in the context of Banking mergers, acquisition and restructuring” (VS/2010/0668) Rapport au Président de la République relatif à l’ordonnance n° 2011- du portant transposition de la directive 2009/38/CE du 6 mai 2009 concernant l’institution d’un comité d’entreprise européen ou d’une procédure dans les entreprises 01/03/2011 France Decret relatif à la composition du groupe spécial de négociation et du comité d’entreprise européen 01/03/2011 Slovakia Slovak Labour Code 08/02/2011 Belgium collective labor agreement (CCT) No. 101 transposing Directive 2009/38 on EWCs (recast) 21/12/2010 Belgium Transnational collective agreement 62 quinquies 21/12/2010 Austria Federal Law No 101: Amendment of the Arbeitsverfassungsgesetz [Labour Constitution Act], the Post-Betriebsverfassungsgesetz [Post Office Employee Representation Act] and the Landarbeitsgesetz 1984 [Agricultural Labour Act 1984] 14/12/2010 United Kingdom 2010 No. 1088 TERMS AND CONDITIONS OF EMPLOYMENT The Transnational Information and Consultation of Employees (Amendment) Regulations 2010 06/04/2010 Portugal Lei n° 96/2009 de 3 de Setembro - Conselhos de empresa europeus Portuguese transposition law, only availalbe in Portuguese 03/09/2009