Fresh Fruit and Vegetable Program George Sneller, Donna Parsons, and Jeff Booth 1 3/21/2016 This is what it is all about! 2 3/21/2016 Handouts: PowerPoint Handout Claim Instructions 2007-2008 Claim Form Time and Effort Form 3 3/21/2016 What is the CFDA Number for the Fruit and Vegetable Grant: The Catalog of Federal Domestic Assistance (CFDA) number is: 10.582 This is needed to complete the schedule of federal financial assistance. 4 3/21/2016 Grant Award Period: 2006-2007 Award Closeout Grant Period: July 1, 2007 to September 30, 2007 2007-2008 Award Grant Period: October 1, 2007 to June 30, 2008 5 3/21/2016 How Much Is Your Award? Does everyone know their 2006-2007 award amount? Notification letters were mailed out June 6, 2007. Agreement letters were mailed out on July 24th – including the award amount. 6 3/21/2016 Where do we book this revenue? 6198 School Food Services Applicable Fund: (GF) Revenues beginning with 61 are federal revenues that come to the district through OSPI. Record revenue received through OSPI for the fruit and vegetable program grant. Create a sub-code to track FF&V revenue (i.e.) 6198-01 7 3/21/2016 8 3/21/2016 Where do we record expenditures? 98 Food Services Record the direct expenditures for preparing and serving meals to pupils under the National School Lunch Program, School Breakfast Program, Special Milk Program, and Seamless Summer Feeding Waiver. Create a sub-code to record separately fruit and vegetable program expenditures 9 3/21/2016 Claim Instructions Goal 1: Children will receive healthy fruit and vegetables. Approximately 9,418 children received Fresh Fruits and Vegetables last year. Goal 2: All claims will be submitted accurately and timely. 10 3/21/2016 11 3/21/2016 Claim Instructions: (refer to claim form) Make copies of claim form as needed. Submit monthly claims. Districts are reimbursed based on expenditures reported. 12 3/21/2016 Monthly Claims: Complete all School Information School Name School Address District Name Agreement # Contact Name Contact Phone and Email Address 13 3/21/2016 Complete Claim Information: Grant Period: July 2007 to September 2007 Grant Period: October 2007 to June 2008. Claim Month and Year Original or revised Month’s Operating Days 14 3/21/2016 Operating Costs Fresh Fruit and Vegetable purchases Dried Fruits – 10% max Direct Labor Costs – 50% max Small Supplies/Other 90% of Grant Award 15 3/21/2016 Fruit and Vegetable Costs Product Freight Taxes. Other 16 3/21/2016 Dried Fruits Limit dried fruit purchases to 10% of total operating costs. There is no established percentage for dried fruit. The USDA insists, and we all agree, that this program is for FRESH fruits and vegetables. FRESH should be the main emphasis. DO NOT stock up on dried fruit at the end of the school year just to spend your funding. THIS IS NOT THE INTENT OF THE PROGRAM. All fruit and vegetables purchased should be consumed by June 30, 2008. 17 3/21/2016 18 3/21/2016 Fruit and Vegetable Costs Should costs for trail mix, which may include nuts, corn nuts, etc. that was added to a mix that is predominantly dried fruit be included on the claim? Yes 19 3/21/2016 Fruit and Vegetable Costs Can costs for juice squeezed at the school, if offered more than one time per week, be included? No, only if offered one time per week. 20 3/21/2016 Fruit and Vegetable Costs Can costs of smoothies made with fresh fruit if offered no more than one time per week be included? Yes, however may not include ice cream or yogurt as a filler. 21 3/21/2016 Can you use Fruit and Vegetables as Rewards? Not allowable. One instance of smoothies being used as reward for students whose behavior was good. Cannot do this. 22 3/21/2016 Fruit and Vegetable Costs Can the district purchase vegetable products (sliced/ individually bagged) that include dip? Yes Can the district purchase fruit products that include dip? No, except for pre-sliced that include a minimal amount of caramel dip. 23 3/21/2016 Fruit and Vegetable Costs No fruit bars, fruit and honey bars, Tbars, Nutri-grain bars, Granola bars, fruit leather or excessive amounts of dried fruit is reimbursable on the fruit and vegetable program. 24 3/21/2016 Fruit and Vegetable Costs Can chocolate covered artificial fruit snacks be included in the fruit and vegetable costs? I don’t think so. 25 3/21/2016 Fruit and Vegetable Costs The “Buy American” policy followed by the National School Lunch Program (as provided in 7 CFR 210.21(d)) applies to purchases made with program funds. Purchase, to the maximum extent practicable, domestic commodities or products. 26 3/21/2016 Fruit and Vegetable Costs Itemize fruit and vegetable expenses on the forms provided and keep with your records. Complete Monthly. 27 3/21/2016 28 3/21/2016 Fruit and Vegetable Costs Questions??? 29 3/21/2016 Labor Costs: Cost of labor in preparing and serving fruits and vegetables is part of the operating costs Not subject to the 10% administrative limitation. Time and Effort reports are needed to support these costs. What is reasonable? 50%? 40%? 30%? 30 3/21/2016 Labor Costs: Should funds used to pay a student’s labor, i.e. students in work study programs such as VOtech, school-to-work programs, or paid student organizations, for the preparation of fruits and vegetables be included in labor costs? Yes, this is an allowable cost. 31 3/21/2016 Examples of Direct Labor Operating Costs: washing and chopping produce; preparing trays and baskets of produce; delivering produce to classrooms; set-up and clean-up (such as kiosks); and a prorated portion of fringe benefits for employees whose labor costs are charged as operating costs. 32 3/21/2016 Labor Costs: The fruit and vegetable program is a separate federal program. Time and Effort is required. Check with your business manager for guidance. 33 3/21/2016 Time and Effort Federal regulation requires that any salaries and benefits charged to a federal award must be based on documentation that meets the following criteria in order to be an allowable cost. Employee’s time documented in writing. Actual time spent (no estimates). Period covered may not exceed one month. Account for all the employees time. Signed by employee and supervisor. 34 3/21/2016 PUGET SOUND SCHOOL DISTRICT TIME AND EFFORT ATTENDANCE RECORD FOR THE MONTH OF OCTOBER 2007 EMPLOYEE NAME JOB TITLE SCHOOL LOCATION HOURLY PAY RATE DAYS OF THE MONTH PROGRAM DESCRIPTION 1 TOTAL HOURS 2 0 3 0 4 0 5 0 6 0 7 0 8 0 9 10 0 0 11 0 12 0 13 0 14 0 15 0 TOTAL 0 0 DAYS OF THE MONTH PROGRAM DESCRIPTION TOTAL HOURS 16 17 0 18 0 19 0 20 0 21 0 22 0 EMPLOYEE SIGNATURE DATE SUPERVISOR APPROVAL DATE 23 0 24 0 25 0 26 0 35 27 0 28 0 29 0 30 0 TOTAL 0 0 3/21/2016 Do I really have to? Yes. Time and effort reports should be prepared FOR any certificated and classified staff with salary and benefits that are charged: Directly to multiple federal awards. 36 3/21/2016 Who has to approve (sign) my time and effort report? Time and effort reports must be signed by the employee and a supervisor with knowledge of the employee’s daily activities. 37 3/21/2016 Time and Effort Common Errors Failing to recognize that employee position changes may result in time and effort report changes. Failing to provide training to staff who are responsible for completing time and effort documentation. Reporting estimates, not actual hours worked on each activity. 38 3/21/2016 Time and Effort Common Errors No adjustment to payroll expenditures. Time and effort not reviewed and signed by appropriate staff. Entire days time not accounted for (only federal program time reported). Payroll expenses are prorated and do not equate to actual hours reported. 39 3/21/2016 Time and Effort can lead to costly problems Inappropriate charges to federal programs. Inaccurate management information for decision-making. Increased risk of audit findings/questioned costs. 40 3/21/2016 Where can I find the regulations? Per OFM OMB Circular A-87, Attachment B, Section 8.h s/a087/a87_2004.html 41 3/21/2016 Labor Costs: Questions??? 42 3/21/2016 Are Small Supplies/Other Operating or Administrative Costs? Operating 43 3/21/2016 Small Supplies/Other: Small Supplies: napkins, paper plates, utensils, bowls, trays, baskets, pans, trash bags and the like. Low or No Fat Dips for vegetables only – limited use. 44 3/21/2016 Administrative Costs: Maximum of 10% of the funds may be used for non-operating costs, i.e., administrative costs. Is the 10% cap on administrative funds based on the total grant received or on the amount of grant funds actually spent? The grant award approved. 45 3/21/2016 Examples of administrative costs include equipment and supplies such as: refrigerators; coolers; kiosks (portable); carts; blenders; and food bars (portable). 46 3/21/2016 Equipment Purchases No equipment purchases will be allowed after December 31, 2007 unless there is an emergency situation where OSPI has provided a specific exception. 47 3/21/2016 Administrative Costs: Include additional custodial costs travel costs of district staff to attend meetings, training, etc. Nutrition education and materials. However, costs for developing new materials cannot be claimed. 48 3/21/2016 Administrative labor costs include all FFVP reporting and recordkeeping requirements including: filing reimbursement claims for FFVP; completing and maintaining financial reports; completing FFVP End of the Year report; planning and writing menus; ordering produce; billing; tracking inventory; and work on FFVP projects and promotional activities. 49 3/21/2016 Administrative Costs: Can administrative costs be used to lease equipment for the project duration such as a refrigerator for storage? Yes At the conclusion of the program, any equipment or unused items such as trash bags should be transferred for use in the school meal programs. 50 3/21/2016 Administrative Costs: Are labor costs for processing reports and claims considered operating costs or administrative costs? Answer: Administrative Costs 51 3/21/2016 Indirect Costs Indirect costs may be charged to both Operating Costs and Administrative Costs You cannot charge indirect cost on the cost of food items (fruits and vegetables) 52 3/21/2016 Administrative Costs: Questions??? 53 3/21/2016 Certification Statement Claim is true and correct. Records are available to support this Claim. No deliberate misrepresentation. 54 3/21/2016 Claim Signature: Check it first for accuracy. Operation and administration costs in correct category? Math is accurate? Food Service Director (or other district designated staff) should date and sign claim form. Mail or fax claim to OSPI-CNS. Attention Jim Wick OSPI Child Nutrition Services P.O. Box 47200 Olympia WA, 98504-7200 Fax: 360-664-9397 55 3/21/2016 Claim Deadlines: 60 day deadline for original claims and the 90 day deadline for revisions apply. See claim instructions for deadlines. Claims postmarked after these dates may not be paid. 56 3/21/2016 Claim Deadlines (Closeout). September 2007 deadlines for 2006-2007 grant does not match the NSLP claim deadlines because this grant closes September 30, 2007. June 2008 deadlines for the 2007-2008 grant do not match the NSLP claim deadlines because this grant closes June 30, 2008. 57 3/21/2016 No Double Dipping If you have served fresh fruits and vegetables for an afterschool snack, you cannot also claim the number of snacks served on the USDA afterschool snack program. 58 3/21/2016 Claim Payment Examples Year to date costs claimed will be analyzed and compared to the grant award. No payments will be made for claims in excess of the grant award. Administrative claims cannot exceed 10% of the grant award. 59 3/21/2016 Claim Payment Examples Fruit and vegetable and labor expenditures (operating costs) in excess of 90% of the grant award will be reimbursed as long as not all of the administrative funds have been spent. See claim instruction examples. 60 3/21/2016 Keep Expenditure Records Keep receipts, invoices, and other evidence of purchase and expenditures Keep time and effort records Keep them for a total of four years. Fruit and Vegetable funds are subject to all program requirements including audits. 61 3/21/2016 image8.jpg Don’t Lose Your Head! You can do this! 62 3/21/2016 Don’t Worry, You Won’t Crash and Burn! 63 3/21/2016 Claim Questions Call: Public Schools and Private Schools call: Jim Wick at 360-725-6211 - Or Jeff Booth at 360-725-6217 64 3/21/2016