Reflective Essay

A look at what I have learned concerning science,
technology, innovation and how they have impacted both
American and other cultures
Jeremy Sanders
As a History Major, my knowledge
so when pursuing a vocation that impacts
the lives of millions and lasts for centuries.
of science, and technology was limited to
This realization has made me realize the
several specific areas, which has made my
importance of standing up for my own
learning experience in HNS 380WX so
beliefs, which if grounded in truth, should
unique. One of the reasons the class has
act as handrails in my own life.
been such a great learning experience is that
I made two other discoveries as I
has combined the study of science and
gleaned information from the course. I
technology with an examination of the
learned that scientific advancement is a
history of these topics, something that has
long, drawn out process that usually is not
spurred my interest in the class. Several
the work of a single person, but builds on
parts of the class have struck me as
past experiences and history. Finally, the
extremely important to the development of
course solidified a fact I already knew but
science and technology. First and perhaps
never stopped to appreciate: the huge impact
most importantly, I learned that
science and technology has on society and
advancements are often the result of free
culture. Almost every aspect of our modern
thinking individuals who are willing to
lives has been influenced in some measure
challenge the status quo. Even if some of
by technological and scientific
their conclusions ended up being wrong, the
advancements. This realization has made my
scientists and innovators I examined in the
learning experience in the course much more
course all were willing to challenge
authority for principles. This characteristic is
necessary in all walks of life but is doubly
Science and technology advance due
to experimentation and individuals willing
to think outside accepted beliefs. In my
commitment to seek the truth in the face of
second artifact, I examined the impact of
intense opposition. Galileo challenged the
three major scientists on our understanding
old Aristotelian idea of an earth centric
of science and American culture. However,
universe and preached the earth revolved
this artifact solidified the fact that science
around the sun. His ideas opposed the
relies on innovation and challenging
teaching of the Roman Catholic Church.
accepted theories, even if the new ideas
Although Galileo is best known for pointing
were not necessarily correct. I examined
the telescope to the heavens and using it to
three famous men; Galileo, Newton and
discover numerous moons and other
Darwin, to arrive at this conclusion.
heavenly knowledge, I was most impressed
with his willingness to challenge accepted
scientific beliefs.1 Both Newton and Darwin
were also was forced to endure hardship for
his theories, although not on the same scale
as Galileo. Without this yearning for the
My research on Galileo and
truth from Galileo and Newton, I noted that
Newton brought back memories of high
space exploration and the space race during
school readings that discussed their impact
the Cold War may well have been
on our understanding of the universe. What
impossibilities.2 Thus, a desire for truth
my research reinforced was these two men’s
even in the face of opposition is critical to
achieving success.
Jeremy Sanders, “Galileo, Newton and
Darwin: Significant Scientists and their
Impact on Society Today,” VMI, Class paper
(2015), 3-4.
Sanders, “Galileo, Newton and Darwin,” 2.
paved the way for vaccinations and
disproved the accepted theory of
spontaneous generation.3
Another major realization I came to
over the course of this class is the necessity
of individual brilliance combined with need
Further proof of the need to build on
to build on others work. I first came to this
past research came during my reading about
conclusion while working on my first
Isaac Newton. Newton’s ability to conduct
artifact. While researching the impact of
independent research and build on the work
science and technology on American
of Galileo and other scientists enabled him
culture, I read about the development of
to develop a new form of math, Calculus, as
immunization and microbiology. Although
well as his three laws of motion that we still
both Pasture and Jenner are credited with
use today.4
discover the rabies and smallpox
The need to build on prior research is
vaccinations respectively, their discoveries
sometimes important to simply bringing this
would not have been possible without the
research into acceptance by mainstream
earlier work of Van Leeuwenhoek. Van
science. Even though Van Leeuwenhoek
Leeuwenhoek’s research with lenses and
disproved spontaneous generation in the late
micro-organisms a century prior to Jenner
Jeremy Sanders, “Conclusions on Science
and Impacts on US Culture,” VMI, Class
paper (2015), 1.
Sanders, “Galileo, Newton and Darwin,” 3.
1600s, it was not until Pasteur conducted
experiments in the 1800s that mainstream
science accepted this fact. Galileo’s theory
that the earth rotated around the sun was not
accepted until Newton demonstrated his
ideas over a century later.5
Scientific work can also spawn
The last important discovery I made
cultural shifts that are not desired or even
in this course was the dramatic affect
advocated by the particular theory. As I
science and technology can have on a
noted in my second artifact, Darwin’s
nation’s culture, even if the scientific theory
research spawned Social Darwinism, which
is debatable at best. Darwin’s book, On the
says that the best and most highly evolved
Origin of Species by Means of Natural
beings survive. Proponents of such thought
Selection, or the Preservation of Favoured
include Marx, Hitler and Stalin and was part
Races in the Struggle for Life, sparked
of Hitler’s justification to commit the
intense debate is the foundation of the
Holocaust during World War II.6
modern day debate between Creation and
Scientific advancement can also
create technology that sparks intense debate
over its ethical use. As I examined in my
third and fourth artifacts, the Manhattan
project culminated in the nuclear bombing
of Hiroshima and Nagasaki. Thousands of
Sanders, “Galileo, Newton and Darwin,” 3.
Sanders, “Galileo, Newton and Darwin,” 4.
Japanese civilians perished horribly, and
Overall, my understanding of the
sparked an ethical debate in America over
importance of science and technology has
the use of the bomb.7 This application of
dramatically increased over the course of
science also dramatically affected Japanese
this class. I realized through my research the
culture. Even today, Japan remains
importance of seeking the truth even in the
committed to never using a nuclear weapon
face of opposition, something Galileo,
and calls for nuclear disarmament.8 Thus,
Newton and Darwin all practiced. I also
science can have a dramatic effect on a
gained a fuller appreciation for the need to
particular nation’s culture.
build on past research and how much
Not all scientific advancement
science impacts culture and society. These
necessarily brings about debated cultural
realizations will help me shape my own
impacts. Jenner’s work with the smallpox
beliefs as I prepare to leave VMI and take a
vaccination enabled American’s to live
stand for my own beliefs and try to impact
longer, and spurned new advances to
American culture.
prevent polio, rabies and other deadly
viruses.9 Technological improvements, such
as Isaac Watts’ perfection of the steam
Images: Google Images
engine, enabled American to advance across
Sanders, Jeremy. “Conclusions on Science
and Impacts on US Culture.” VMI,
Class paper (2015).
the North American continent, dramatically
affecting American society.10
Jeremy Sanders, “The Manhattan Project,”
VMI, Class paper (2015), 1.
Jeremy Sanders, “Japanese Perspectives on
the Manhattan Project,” VMI, Class paper
(2015), 1.
Sanders, “Conclusions on Science,” 1-2.
Sanders, “Conclusions on Science,” 2.
Sanders, Jeremy. “Galileo, Newton and
Darwin: Significant Scientists and
Their Impact on Society Today.”
VMI, Class paper (2015).
Sanders, Jeremy. “Japanese Perspectives on
the Manhattan Project.” VMI, Class
paper (2015).
Sanders, Jeremy. “The Manhattan Project.”
VMI, Class paper (2015).