101 Transition Activities for the Classroom 101 Transition Activities for the Classroom 101 Transition Activities for the Classroom has been developed by the Special Education Cooperative Transition Team to assist teacher efforts in bringing transition to their daily classroom activities. It was designed to promote student thought toward postsecondary adult life through daily classroom activities. 101 Transition Activities for the Classroom This document provides transitionbased topics in five focus areas: SelfDetermination/Self-Advocacy, IGP (Individual Graduation Plan), Career Exploration, Community, and Resources. It is intended to serve as a basis for student centered transition planning and implementation. Contributing Team Members Carol Sturgill Cooksey Ogie M. Slone LeAnn Marksberry Sally Miracle Clatis Walker Norm Terry Kathy Eversole Big East Special Education Cooperative Big East Special Education Cooperative Caveland Educational Support Center Central Kentucky Special Education Cooperative Central Kentucky Special Education Cooperative Jefferson County Public Schools Upper Cumberland Special Education Cooperative Carol Detmer Shelia Holloway Lesa Hibbs Tammy Williams Terrie Ralston Jan Richards Northern Kentucky Special Education Cooperative Ohio Valley Educational Cooperative River Region Special Education Cooperative West Kentucky Special Education Cooperative Wilderness Trail Special Education Cooperative Kentucky Department of Education Self-Determination Learner Goals 3 and 4 (Self Sufficiency and Group Membership) POS -Academic Expectations 2.29, 2.31, 2.32 (Positive interaction in groups, Individual well-being and healthy relationships, Accept responsibility, Mental and Emotional Health) KCCT – Practical Living/Vocational Studies KCCT - P.L. - 1.1.1 - 1.1.3 – Positive interaction that contribute to mental and emotional well-being KCCT – P.L. - 1.2.1, - 1.2.3 – Issues concerning well-being and healthy relationships. KCCT – P.L. – 1.5.1 - 1.5.4 – Benefits of exercise and fitness KCCT – P.L. – 1.6.1 – 1.6.4 – Major cause of injury or death KCCT – P.L. – 1.7.1 – 1.7.4 – Choices and habits of mental and emotional health KCCT – P.L. – 1.8.1 – 1.8.4 – Strategies for remaining mentally and emotionally healthy Transition Activity #1 Self Determination/Self Advocacy Activity: Students interview one of the following types of people. (Politician, Preacher, Teacher, Professional, Worker) Student then describes personal lives, social activities, early and later goals in life of those interviewed. Transition Activity #2 Self Determination/Self Advocacy Activity: Share the results of the interview from Activity #1. Discuss these questions: 1. Which of the lifestyles do you want for yourself? 2. What are characteristics of that lifestyle that appeal to you? 3. What does your lifestyle say about you? Transition Activity #3 Self Determination/Self Advocacy Activity: Have each student write 5 positive things about every student in the class on separate sheets of paper. Review with individual student to help build self concept and self esteem. Transition Activity #4 Self Determination/Self Advocacy Activity: Read the Dr. Suess book, Oh, The Places You’ll Go (Examine the various places life may take you.) Transition Activity #5 Self Determination/Self Advocacy Activity: Facilitate a classroom discussion of the difference in “Wants and Needs.” After discussion, have student generate a T chart of 5 “needs” and 5 “wants.” (This list will later be used in developing goals.) Transition Activity #6 Self Determination/Self Advocacy Activity: From your list of wants, develop 3 goals. (Goal setting) Transition Activity #7 Self Determination/ Self Advocacy Activity: Choose one of the goals, prioritize a list of activities to be done to achieve the goal. (How to prioritize) Transition Activity #8 Self Determination/Self Advocacy Activity: Develop a plan for monitoring the activities from the previous goal. (Monitoring progress) Transition Activity #9 Self Determination/Self Advocacy Activity: Divide class into 2 groups and allow 5 minutes to generate a list of activities we use to self manage. (grocery lists, to do lists, calendars) Group with most activities wins. (Teaches self management skills) Transition Activity #10 Self Determination/ Self Advocacy Activity: Partner with another student and verbally sequence the plan for their day’s activities. (Teaches planning and self management) Transition Activity #11 Self Determination/ Self Advocacy Activity: Give each student a blank sheet of paper. Each student then stands and closes their eyes. Have student follow directions. 1. Fold sheet in half. 2. Tear off bottom right corner. 3. Fold in half again 4. Tear off left top corner 5. Tear bottom right corner 6. Fold in half again. 7. Tear off top right corner. Everyone unfolds their paper. Each should be the same, but all are different. WHY? (Importance of active listening) Transition Activity #12 Self Determination/ Self Advocacy Activity: Partner with another student. While one student sits on his/her hands, the other student tells the story of his/her previous day. The listener must display appropriate listening behaviors, i.e., nodding, eye contact, gestures with appropriate verbal feedback, etc. (Active listening) Transition Activity #13 Self Determination/ Self Advocacy Activity: Volunteering KWL – Discuss: What do you know about volunteering? What would you like to know about volunteering? Each student decides on a volunteer activity to do in the next week. Transition Activity #14 Self Determination/Self Advocacy Activity: Question the teacher/principal Students formulate questions to obtain information relating to that individual’s personal career choices. (Learning to ask the “right”questions) Transition Activity #15 Self Determination/ Self Advocacy Activity: Round Robin for Health Each student names one way to improve or stay healthy as we go around the room taking turns. For each one named, the student gets 1 point. Tally scores at end.(Why health is important) Transition Activity #16 Self Determination/ Self Advocacy Activity: Divide into small groups and discuss what is known about health insurance. After a 5 minute discussion in the small group, share with the large group while teacher charts responses. Transition Activity #17 Self Determination/ Self Advocacy Activity: Who’s Important??? Each student will make a list of 5 most important people in their lives. This list must include identifying information. (Begins Address Book or Reference List) Transition Activity #18 Self Determination/ Self Advocacy Activity: Personal Strengths and Limitations – Each student needs to recognize 3 strengths and 3 limitations. Write on separate index cards. Transition Activity #19 Self Determination/ Self Advocacy Activity: Limitations – Conference with individual student (may partner students together) on ways to overcome or compensate the identified limitations. Transition Activity #20 Self Determination/ Self Advocacy Activity: Charades Write various emotions on pieces of paper. Each student draws and acts out that emotion. (Effect of non-verbal behavior) Transition Activity #21 Self Determination/ Self Advocacy Activity: Group students in groups of 3. Students in the group discuss their own disability and how it affects them. Then each student talks about the accommodations that work best for him/her. Community Learner Goal 4 (Responsible member of group or society) POS – Academic Expectations 2.33, 2.34, 2.35, 2.14, 2.16, 2.17 (Physical movement in a variety of settings, Culture and Society, Government, Evaluating and Using services) KCCT – Practical Living/Vocation Studies KCCT – PL - 2.2.1 – 2.2.3 – Regular involvement in physical activities (social and physical benefits) KCCT – PL - 2.3.1- 2.3.2 – Rules of fair behavior, fair play and cooperation KCCT – PL – 3.1.1 – 3.1.5 –Accessing and assessing consumer information KCCT – PL –3.2.1 – Determine personal needs and resources KCCT – PL – 3.3.1 –3.3.3 – Rely on services and resources Transition Activity #22 Community Activity: Each student consults a family member about their hobbies. Have a “Show and Tell” about the various hobbies identified. Transition Activity #23 Community Activity: Have each student interview 2 community leaders. Transition Activity #24 Community Activity: Identify adults they respect by job titles. Transition Activity #25 Community Activity: With a partner identify 3 skills needed to participate in community activities. Transition Activity #26 Community Activity: Have each student draw a map of their community. Transition Activity #27 Community Activity: RACE – Divide into 2 or 3 teams. Allow 5 minutes to brainstorm all the jobs within their community. Team with most jobs is the winner. Transition Activity #28 Community Activity: Divide into groups and write a song about a community place, person or people. Transition Activity #29 Community Activity: Make a list of people in your community you might ask to help you find a job. Transition Activity #30 Community Activity: Divide class into 2 groups. One group makes a list of things needed for daily living (i.e., stamps, bread, milk, towels, gas, medicine, etc.) The other group makes a list of places in the community. Then make a match game. Transition Activity #31 Community Activity: Write a community activity on an index card. Partner with another student and draw one card. Each pair discusses appropriate dress for that activity. Transition Activity #32 Community Activity: Each student develops a daily menu demonstrating a well balanced diet. Each student then swaps with another student to evaluate work. Discussion should be about the importance of daily nutrition. Transition Activity #33 Community Activity: Each student makes a list of 3 leisure activities he/she enjoys. Each student then chooses one activity and shares with another student the preparation needed to participate in that activity. Transition Activity #34 Community Activity: Divide the class into 2 or 3 groups. Each group then makes a diagram of government officials (i.e., local, state and federal) demonstrating the top official down. Transition Activity #35 Community Activity: Game of places. Write names of places in the community on pieces of paper. Each student draws one and has to give a verbal description of that place. Student who guesses it goes next. Transition Activity #36 Community Activity: Yellow Pages – Make a list of services that one would need. Students use phone book to locate the name and number of service providers in their community. Transition Activity #37 Community Activity: Divide class into 3 groups and have them brainstorm community services or activities that are paid for with tax dollars. Transition Activity #38 Community Activity: Invite a community leader to visit the classroom. Transition Activity #39 Community Activity: Stump the panel – Have 3 people volunteer to be a community expert panel. The audience then tries to stump the panel by asking questions about community/government services and their location. (court house, bank, jail, pharmacy, grocery, etc) Transition Activity #40 Community Activity: Role Play – Each student assume the role of a “community helper”. (nurse, doctor, policeman, fireman, mailman, etc.) While portraying this person, other students may ask questions about this type of job. (Research required) Individual Graduation Plan Learner Goals 3, 4, 5 and 6 (Self sufficiency, Group member, Think and integrate, Problem solve) POS – Academic Expectation 2.36, 2.37, 2.38 (Career exploration and development of work habits) A.E. 1.11 (Writing to communicate ideas and information) A.E. 1.2 (Making sense of materials they read) A.E. 1.5-1.9 (Using mathematical ideas and procedures) KCCT – Reading – Sub-domain 4 (Practical/Workplace) KCCT - RD-E-4.0.6 – 4.0.10 KCCT - RD-M-4.0.11-4.0.14 KCCT - RD-H-4.0.8-4.0.13 KCCT – Writing – All sub-domains (Reflective, Personal, Literary, Transactive) KCCT – WR -1.1 – 1.4 KCCT – Mathematics – Relationships KCCT - MA-1.3.1-1.3.4 KCCT - MA-3.3.1-3.3.4 KCCT - MA-4.3.1-4.3.2 KCCT - MA-M/H-2.3.1-2.3.4 KCCT - MA-H-4.3.1-4.3.5 KCCT- Practical Living/Vocational Studies KCCT - PL-4.1.1–4.1.4 -Jobs/Careers reflect individual and societal needs KCCT - PL-4.2.1-4.2.4 -Factors when selecting/preparing for employment KCCT - PL-4.3.1-4.3.2 -Positive and negative work habits KCCT - PL-4.4.1-4.4.3 -Skills for future school/workplace KCCT - PL-4.5.1-4.5.2 -Special skills for postsecondary opportunities Transition Activity #41 IGP Activity: Assign the students to discuss three jobs they are interested in for a career with a partner. Transition Activity #42 IGP Activity: Develop a Three Column Chart for each Career Cluster with headings – “Careers”, “Skills” and “Courses” on each. Assign students to transfer their career choices onto a Post It note (one for each career) and place it on the related Career Cluster chart. Transition Activity #43 IGP Activity: Divide students into Career Cluster groups according to their career choices. Assign the groups to brainstorm 10 or more skills needed for the Career Cluster, and place/write them under the “Skills” section of the Career Cluster chart. Transition Activity #44 IGP Activity: Assign students to complete a Learning Styles Inventory (ex: CITE). Transition Activity #45 IGP Activity: For a journal activity, assign students to explain a minimum of 3 ways their Learning Style fits their career choices. Transition Activity #46 IGP Activity: Invite high school counselor to discuss course requirements with the students. Transition Activity #47 IGP Activity: Obtain copies of the high school catalog. Assign Career Cluster groups to examine the high school catalog to locate course offerings that are beneficial to the cluster and place/write them on the ThreeColumn chart labeled, “Courses.” Transition Activity #48 IGP Activity: Assign students to individually determine the courses they will need to take for their own personal career choice. Transition Activity #49 IGP Activity: Assign student to compare the list of courses from the Career Cluster group with a partner . Transition Activity #50 IGP Activity: Students are to individually determine if they need to add more courses to their own lists and how different their list is to the chart created by the group. Transition Activity #51 IGP Activity: For a journal entry, assign students to respond to the question – ”Why do I read, what do I read, and how often do I read?” Transition Activity #52 IGP Activity: Using copies of their transcripts and/or progress reports, assign students to chart their reading grades, test scores, etc. Transition Activity #53 IGP Activity: Direct the students to analyze what the information from their charts says about their reading ability. Transition Activity #54 IGP Activity: Assign students to their Career Cluster groups. They then take turns sharing how reading will help their employability. Transition Activity #55 IGP Activity: For a journal entry, assign students to respond to the question, “When and how is math important in my life?” Transition Activity #56 IGP Activity: Using copies of their transcripts and/or progress reports, assign students to chart their math grades, test scores, etc. Transition Activity #57 IGP Activity: Direct students to analyze what the information from their charts says about their math ability. Transition Activity #58 IGP Activity: Assign each student to use a high school course planning sheet and a course catalog to decide the courses they will take in high school. Transition Activity #59 IGP Activity: Assign each Career Cluster group to research places of employment in the community that match the Career Cluster (Resources – Voc. Rehab, Chamber of Commerce, Employment Office, Internet, etc) Transition Activity #60 IGP Activity: Assign students to create a tracking chart keeping up with their own high school activities. (clubs/organization, recognitions, honors, work experience, etc.) Transition Activity #61 IGP Activity: Assign students to list their hobbies. Transition Activity #62 IGP Activity: For a journal entry, instruct students to respond to this questions, “Do my hobbies have a correlation to my Career Cluster choice?” Transition Activity #63 IGP Activity: Culminating Activity – Each Career Cluster group or students individually create a brochure highlighting the information gathered from The 3 Column Chart, The Community Research, etc. to share with others OR each student completes his/her IGP. Career Exploration Learner Goals 3, 4, 5 and 6 (Self sufficiency, Group member, Think and Integrate, Problem solve) POS -Academic Expectations 2.36 (Strategies for choosing and preparing for career) KCCT – Practical Living/Vocational Studies KCCT – PL –4.1.1-4.1.4 – Jobs/careers reflect individual and societal needs KCCT – PL - 4.2.1-4.2.4 – Factors for selecting/preparing for careers KCCT – PL – 4.3.1-4.3.2- Positive and negative work habits KCCT – PL – 4.4.1-4.4.3 –Special skills for postsecondary education Transition Activity #64 Career Exploration Activity: Research and discuss careers in Agriculture: What education is necessary? How many are employed in this field? What is the projected growth? What is the average salary? Is this an area of interest? Transition Activity #65 Career Exploration Activity: Research and discuss careers in Communication: What education is necessary? How many are employed in this field? What is the projected growth? What is the average salary? Is this an area of interest? Transition Activity #66 Career Exploration Activity: Research and discuss careers in Health Science: What education is necessary? How many are employed in this field? What is the projected growth? What is the average salary? Is this an area of interest? Transition Activity #67 Career Exploration Activity: Research and discuss careers in Public Service What education is necessary? How many are employed in this field? What is the projected growth? What is the average salary? Is this an area of interest? Transition Activity #68 Career Exploration Activity: Research and discuss careers in Arts & Humanities: What education is necessary? How many are employed in this field? What is the projected growth? What is the average salary? Is this an area of interest? Transition Activity #69 Career Exploration Activity: Research and discuss careers in Construction: What education is necessary? How many are employed in this field? What is the projected growth? What is the average salary? Is this an area of interest? Transition Activity #70 Career Exploration Activity: Research and discuss careers in Human Services: What education is necessary? How many are employed in this field? What is the projected growth? What is the average salary? Is this an area of interest? Transition Activity #71 Career Exploration Activity: Research and discuss careers in Science & Mathematics: What education is necessary? How many are employed in this field? What is the projected growth? What is the average salary? Is this an area of interest? Transition Activity #72 Career Exploration Activity: Research and discuss careers in Education: What education is necessary? How many are employed in this field? What is the projected growth? What is the average salary? Is this an area of interest? Transition Activity #73 Career Exploration Activity: Research and discuss careers in Information Technology: What education is necessary? How many are employed in this field? What is the projected growth? What is the average salary? Is this an area of interest? Transition Activity #74 Career Exploration Activity: Research and discuss careers in Social Sciences: What education is necessary? How many are employed in this field? What is the projected growth? What is the average salary? Is this an area of interest? Transition Activity #75 Career Exploration Activity: Research and discuss careers in Business & Marketing: What education is necessary? How many are employed in this field? What is the projected growth? What is the average salary? Is this an area of interest? Transition Activity #76 Career Exploration Activity: Research and discuss careers in Manufacturing: What education is necessary? How many are employed in this field? What is the projected growth? What is the average salary? Is this an area of interest? Transition Activity #77 Career Exploration Activity: Research and discuss careers in Transportation: What education is necessary? How many are employed in this field? What is the projected growth? What is the average salary? Is this an area of interest? Transition Activity #78 Career Exploration Identify your top three areas of career interest. What is the related career cluster for each area of interest? Transition Activity #79 Career Exploration What career possibilities do you see based on your present skills and interests, your likes and dislikes? Transition Activity #80 Career Exploration How much time are you willing and able to spend in further education or training? Transition Activity #81 Career Exploration Identify personal strengths that you possess and how these strengths will help in your chosen career. Transition Activity #82 Career Exploration Develop a career goal from the information that you currently possess about the world of work. Transition Activity #83 Career Exploration Discuss your ideal career based on your current abilities and knowledge of the world of work. Transition Activity #84 Career Exploration Identify five skills that you will need in order to be successful in your chosen career field. Resources Learner Goals 3, 4, 5, and 6 (Self sufficiency, Group member, Think and Integrate, Problem solve) POS -Academic Expectations 2.16, 2.17, 2.18, 2.30, 2.33 (Observe, analyze and interpret behaviors, social grouping and institutions, Interact and work cooperatively with groups, Understand economic principles, Evaluate consumer products and services, Use services and resources available in community) KCCT - Practical Living/Vocational Studies - Consumerism KCCT – PL – 3.1.1 – 3.1.5 –Accessing and assessing consumer information KCCT – PL –3.2.1 – Determine personal needs and resources KCCT – PL – 3.3.1 –3.3.3 – Rely on services and resources KCCT – Social Studies – Culture and Society KCCT – SS –2.1.1 – Culture KCCT – SS – 2.2.1 – Culture addresses human needs KCCT – SS – 2.3.1 – Social institutions KCCT – SS – 3.1.1-3.1.3 – Economic problems between wants and limited resources Transition Activity #85 Resources Activity: Divide into 2-3 groups and identify people or resources that are available to assist graduates and individuals after high school. Transition Activity #86 Resources Activity: Invite someone from the local Health Dept to visit class and inform of services available. Transition Activity #87 Resources Activity: Social Security – Discuss what it is and how people use it. Transition Activity #88 Resources Activity: Provide out handout from Appendix E in Transition Guide. Facilitate a discussion of the difference in IDEA and ADA. Transition Activity #89 Resources Activity: Discuss the Department of Vocational Rehabilitation. Possible activities: Invite Rehab Counselor, Web search, Brochure discussion Transition Activity #90 Resources Activity: Internet Resources – Visit the www.kycares.net website and facilitate use of the site for local services. Transition Activity #91 Resources Activity: Invite someone from Kentucky Supported Living to visit class. (502564-7702) Transition Activity #92 Resources Activity: Have each student choose one of their goals from Activity #6. Identify outside resources that would be helpful in attaining this goal. Transition Activity #93 Resources Activity: Personal resources – Using the same goal from previous Activity (#92) identify personal resources for attaining that goal. Transition Activity #94 Resources Activity: Transfer of Rights – Discuss the pros and cons of being 18. Generate lists of privileges and responsibilities. Transition Activity #95 Resources Activity: Divide class into groups and have each group do a web search to identify agencies that support persons with disabilities. The team with the most identified agencies wins. Transition Activity #96 Resources Activity: Each team from previous activity (#95) chooses one agency or resource. The team then researches services provided by that agency. Transition Activity #97 Resources Activity: Each group reports their finding from previous activity (#96) to the group. Transition Activity #98 Resources Activity: Have representative from local community college visit class. Transition Activity #99 Resources Activity: Have representative from vocational/technical school visit class. Transition Activity #100 Resources Activity: Have Disability Coordinator from nearby college or university visit the class. Transition Activity # 101 Resources Activity: Draw a map of Kentucky on paper or poster board. Write the names of all the Comprehensive Care Centers on pieces of paper. Each student takes one and gathers demographic information. Each student then places that center on the map.