SMT Usability Studies Presentation to AMWG Draft 5

Smart Meter Texas: Usability & UX
Analysis Process and Implementation
 An effort was undertaken to improve the overall user experience (UX) of the Smart Meter
Texas web portal
 Retained Shannon Graf, a consumer insights professional
 Conducted a heuristic evaluation of the overall SMT site usability against industry
standards and best practices
 Proposed changes to be considered to improve the user experience.
 The TDSP’s reviewed and elected to include recommendations that could be included in the
new third party solution without impacting the ability to release third party in 2014.
 Ms. Graf then conducted user validation testing on the new SMT UX design changes
 Validated that the changes improved the usability of the site
 Incorporated feedback from these session with additional changes to further improve
the user experience
Heuristic Evaluation of SMT Site Usability (UX)
Summary of Research
The evaluation involved Ms. Graf utilizing the existing Smart Meter Texas
solution to perform all new and existing customer functionality.
Ms. Graf also walked through the design documentation and navigation
prototype tool to review the new Third Party functionality.
The research resulted in development of industry best practice
recommendations intended to improve the Smart Meter Texas solution
usability and user experience (UX).
Key Takeaways: Quick Fixes & Proposed Solution
Quick Fixes solve for…
Addressing key issues that are a barrier
to success in the existing portal
Reducing cognitive load currently
required during each step from
registration to management
Consolidating the steps needed to
register, view, and manage agreements
Proposed Solution solves for...
A simplified process which aims to
reduce overall cognitive load and
increase efficiency for all user types
Organization of processes in modal
windows by critical tasks
Visual representation of key data to
help users identify at-a-glance:
pending agreements, overall usage,
updates / notifications, and entry
points to action items, (i.e. 3rd party
Summary of Recommendations
High level findings
Identified key ways in which the existing infrastructure can
be simplified to enhance the overall organization, ease of
use, and navigation.
Addressing the overall infrastructure under which
business processes operate is critical to meeting the
business objectives; at minimum, Phase I
recommendations should be considered.
Visual and relevant
Content that is prioritized by relevancy to the user types
(3rd Party, Residential, Business), on a visual dashboard once
they have logged in, will assist in quick identification of key
Implement interactive dashboard functionality that allows
users to drill down into more information, (i.e. 3rd
Parties can view pending agreements at a glance via a
content management system or CMS module).
Consolidate and
Group Like Content
As an example, Customer Meters, Agreements, HAN
Device Messages, My Profile, Company Profile, Manage
Users, and Pending Approvals are related to ‘My Account’,
but are not strategically linked to a flow.
Regroup these options based on critical tasks:
• Evaluate (profile, information and messages)
• Create / Initiate (agreements)
• Manage (modifications to user accounts)
Contextual Help
Data entry fields that are industry-specific (i.e. not the
standard name, address, email, phone) often become points
of confusion and disrupt a process for users, particularly if
they are unclear as to whether or not they have completed
a step or the process in its entirety.
Instead of excessive links to additional pages of content,
provide guidance inline, particularly alongside data entry
Additionally, provide confirmation at the completion of
a key step, as to what users have just achieved, (e.g.
‘Registration Completed! Click on the to the Messages
tab to access your confirmation.’).
New Smart Meter Texas UX
Presentation of New SMT UX Navigation Tool
SMT New UX Design Validation Testing
Summary of Research
The study involved 15 in-depth interviews (IDIs) across two days on May 6th
and 8th, 2014 in Dallas and Houston, respectively. The interviews were
conducted with both residential and business customers and prospects,
including representative consumers of the Hispanic community.
The research resulted in consistent strategic and tactical findings across all
respondents, and validated that changes made as a result of the first round of
design reviews are positive and well-received.
Validation Testing Participant Profiles
• Mix of male (7) and female (8)
• Mix of residential SMT customers (5) and residential SMT prospects (4)
• Mix of current SMT small business owners (2) and prospective SMT small
business owners (4)
• Hispanic representatives:
– Residential SMT customers (2)
– Prospective SMT residential customers (2)
Key Takeaways
Opportunities for Improvement
Both customers and prospects
expected to see images of meters / inhome devices and / or scenarios
explaining how tracking usage can
save money
The registration process for new
customers was described as
“simple” and “painless”
The concept of connecting with, and
viewing, friends’ usage was lost on
The new ‘Usage’ default landing
page for authenticated users was
well-received, as it was described as
“exactly why we are here”
While they appreciated ‘About Us’,
they still want to know “who is behind
this” upfront on the Homepage
The revised order in which the
authenticated navigation options are
presented matched users’ mental
Both customers and prospects,
(whether SBOs or residential)
mentioned wanting the option to
contact SMT through an online
channel – whether web form or live
chat – if they had questions
The new designs were deemed less
overwhelming due to key options
being presented as needed, not “all
at once”
Additional Changes to Solution Implemented
Summary of Changes Made Based On Validation Testing
• Added information to the ‘What is Smart Meter Texas’ FAQ
•Unauthenticated Residential Landing and Business Landing - Added scenarios describing
how tracking usage leads to savings in energy and ultimately cost
• Global Navigation About Us – Added links to the TDSP web sites
• Registration Steps within SMT – Added description of a Third Party
• Authenticated Agreements – Added content to clarify description of 3rd parties agreements
and Friends agreements
• Changed ‘Share Testimonial’ to ‘Share Feedback’
• ‘Friends and Family’ not changed due to complexity
What is Smart Meter Texas (SMT)?
SMT stands for Smart Meter Texas, the name of this website. SMT allows you to track and
review your electric usage in monthly, daily and fifteen minute intervals and have access to meter
and premise information.
You can access your electric usage data in SMT from your home or office or anywhere with
internet connectivity. You also can allow your friends, family, or authorized Third-Party Service
Providers to access your electric usage data.
By monitoring your electric usage and working with your Retail Electric Provider or your ThirdParty Service Providers, you can learn new ways of lowering your usage and potentially your
electric bill. Studies have shown that with more information about their electric usage available to
them, consumers can and do take steps to conserve energy. The availability of this amount of
data allows your Retail Electric Provider to create new retail products which could benefit you.
If you own businesses with multiple facilities, you can monitor your energy costs for all of your
facilities grouped under a single SMT account. SMT can be utilized by your Facility Management
team along with your Retail Electric Providers or your Third-Party Service Providers to identify
ways of lowering your energy costs.
User Experience Implementation
 The UX heuristic evaluation was an in depth study with a wealth and volume of results
documented by Ms. Graf.
 The report from Ms. Graf is not included in this presentation but will be published for access
by the Market
 As stated previously a selected portion of the study recommendations were implemented
that could be included in the new third party solution without impacting the ability to release
third party in 2014.
 Additional UX heuristic recommendations can be included in future releases through the
AMWG change request process if so desired by the Market.