By abortion the Mother does not learn to love, but kills her own child

Purdue Students for Life
By abortion the Mother does not learn to love,
but kills her own child to solve her problems.
And, by abortion, that father is told that he
does not have to take any responsibility at all
for the child he has brought into the world. The
father is likely to put other women to the same
trouble. So abortion leads to more abortion.”
-Mother Teresa
Pro-Life News
Columbia passes a new Constitution which could allow for legalization of abortion
The pro-life advocates opposed the new constitution because it includes the phrase
"reproductive rights" that pro-life advocates have long pointed to as a code word for
abortion. The right to life of unborn children is included in the document, but early
drafts did not say human life begins at conception. The final version says life "begins
with conception" but also guarantees "the right to freely make responsible and
informed decisions about one's health and reproductive life" -- which can easily be
used by abortion advocates in courts to try to overturn the nation's pro-life laws
prohibiting abortions.
Judge in Argentina ruled that a mother cannot force her daughter into having an
abortion based on mental health reasons. The girl was a 12 year old rape victim and
the study they sited was done in 1995 and published in the Journal of Anxiety
Disorders – which found that most women who had abortions following sexual assault
said that abortion only increased the trauma they were experiencing.
Hope for adult stem cells
Dr. David Prentice, a fellow with the Family Research Council: “Adult stem cells have
been used in a rat model of ALS (amyotrophic lateral sclerosis; "Lou Gehrig's disease")
to strengthen muscles and their connecting nerves.
Doctors at Imperial College, London have published results showing improvement in
patients with alcoholic liver cirrhosis, after treatment with their own adult stem cells.
Seven of the nine patients showed significant improvement up to 12 weeks with three
patients showing almost complete resolution.
Candidate’s Official Positions on Abortion
John McCain
Barack Obama
John McCain believes Roe v. Wade
is a flawed decision that must be
overturned, and as president he
will nominate judges who
understand that courts should not
be in the business of legislating
from the bench.
Has been a consistent champion of
reproductive choice and will make
preserving women's rights under Roe
v. Wade a priority as President. He
opposes any constitutional
amendment to overturn the Supreme
Court's decision in that case.
Constitutional balance would be
restored by the reversal of Roe v.
Wade, returning the abortion
question to the individual states.
The difficult issue of abortion
should not be decided by judicial
Barack Obama is an original cosponsor of legislation (Prevention First
Act) to expand access to
contraception, health information and
preventive services to help reduce
unintended pregnancies, by
increasing funding for family
planning and comprehensive sex
education that teaches both
abstinence and safe sex methods.
The Act will also end insurance
discrimination against contraception,
and improve awareness about
emergency contraception.
In 1993, John McCain and his wife,
Cindy, adopted a little girl from
Mother Teresa's orphanage in
Bangladesh. She has helped make
adoption advocacy a personal
issue for the Senator
What They’re Saying
John McCain
Barack Obama
•In August 1999, McCain told the San
Francisco Chronicle that he would "not
support repeal of Roe vs Wade" because it
would force women to undergo illegal
operations. He has subsequently said that
he was speaking about the.need to change
the "culture of America", and supports the
repeal of Roe vs Wade.
•McCain said he thought Roe v. Wade should
be overturned and said he would support
exceptions to a ban on abortion in cases of
rape, incest, and when the mother’s life is in
Source: Boston Globe, p. A11 Jan 22, 2000
•In a letter to the National Right to Life
Committee, McCain detailed a long antiabortion record, including his sponsorship of
the effort to overturn President Clinton’s veto
of a bill banning late-term procedures called
“partial birth” abortions. He also has
opposed public financing of abortions, except
in cases of rape, incest or a threat to the
mother’s life.
•During Saddleback forum, claimed that
he would work to reduce the number of
abortions, and falsely claimed that
abortion rates had not declined despite
having a pro-life president (Bush) This is
indeed contrary to proven fact (see
Guttmacher Institute) Also during same
discussion, stated that knowing when life
begins is “above my pay grade.”
•During South Carolina Primary when
asked to comment on Partial Birth
Abortion ban: When you describe a
specific procedure....then naturally, people
get concerned, and I think legitimately so.
But the broader issue here is: Do women
have the right to make these profoundly
difficult decisions? And I trust them to do
Voting Record
John McCain
0% rating by NARAL, and 75% rating by NRLC
•Supports repealing Roe vs. Wade
•Voted yes on banning partial birth abortions
•Voted for barring grants to organizations that perform abortions
•Voted yes on notifying parents of minors who get out-of-state abortions, and voted
to prohibit transporting minors across state lines for
•In the past, he cosponsored legislation to prohibit
discrimination against families with adopted children, to
provide adoption education, and to permit tax deductions
for qualified adoption expenses, as well as to remove
barriers to interracial and inter-ethnic adoptions.
Embryonic Issues
•Voted yes on banning human cloning.
•Voted to expand embryonic stem cell research
Voting Record
Barack Obama
Rated 100% by NARAL, Rated 0% by NRLC
•Voted against upholding the Partial Birth Abortion Ban
•In Illinois state Senate, voted against the Infants Born Alive Protection Act.
•Voted no on prohibiting minors seeking abortions from crossing state lines and also
voted no on notifying parents of a minor who obtains an abortion.
•Voted YES on spending $100M to reduce teen pregnancy by education &
•Sponsored bill providing contraceptives for low-income
•Co-sponsored ensuring access to and funding for
Embryonic Issues
•Voted yes on expanding embryonic stem cell lines
Born Alive Infants Protection Act
The Born-Alive Infants Protection Act states that any baby that has been born alive is to be
legally considered a person. As such, she or he would automatically be granted full protection
under the U.S. Constitution. Other existing laws require that newborns must receive medical
attention as needed. The Bill required that all born alive infants were given equal protection,
regardless as to how they were delivered: naturally, prematurely, by induced labor, caesarean
section, or as a result of a failed abortion.
This bill was aimed at preventing practices such as those that were occurring in Christ Hospital
in Oak Lawn, IL. Sometimes the pregnant woman will choose to have "induced labor" or "livebirth abortion" before the fetus is full-term. Christ Hospital's policy was to give only comfort care
to the newborns after birth until they died. No evaluations were made whether the newborns
could have survived if given appropriate medical assistance. This is reported to occur 12-25
times per year.
In the Illinois Senate, Obama was the only senator to oppose this legislation and is quoted as
“essentially , adding a --- an additional doctor
who then has to be called in an emergency
situation to come in and make these assessments
is really designed simply to burden the original
decision of the woman and the physician to
induce labor and perform an abortion.”
Freedom of Choice Act
Pro Abortion lawmakers (sponsored by Jerrold Nadler and supported by Barbara
Boxer, Hillary Clinton, and John Edwards) and independent Joe Lieberman) have
proposed FOCA to invalidate all limits on abortion. Senator Obama is a cosponsor,
and has stated that if he is elected President, one of the first things he will do is
sign the act.
This includes:
•Any state or federal law that would interfere with abortion access.
•The Hyde Amendment, which prohibits most federal funding of abortion, and
the laws of many states that restrict state funding of abortion
•Laws in effect in some areas that bar abortions in government-operated hospitals.
•Laws requiring parental notification or consent, judicial authorization for
•Laws requiring that women seeking abortion receive certain information on matters
such as fetal development and alternatives to abortion, and waiting
•Conscience laws which allow doctors, nurses, state-licensed professionals,
hospitals or other health care providers to decline to provide or pay for abortions.
•The ban on partial birth abortions.
•40 Days for Life Fasting Schedule
•THIS SUNDAY! Oct. 5th. From 2:30-3:30.
•Meet at 2:15 in front of the Stewart Center Library.
•Matrix Walk for Life
•NEXT Saturday, Oct. 11th. Begins at 8:30, in Columbian
•Trip to Planned Parenthood in Indianapolis
•Saturday October 18th. 8:30-12:30.
•Meet at 8:20 by the model of Purdue in the Union