Chapter 2 Economic Systems

Three Economic Questions
What Goods and Services should be
 How should these goods and services
be produced?
 Who consumes these goods and
Economic Goals
Economic Efficiency
 Making the most of resources
Economic Freedom
 Freedom of gov. intervention in production and
Economic Security and Predictability
 Assurance that goods and services will be available
Economic Equity
 Fair distribution of wealth
Economic Growth and Innovation
 Leads to a higher standard of living
Small Group Discussion
Discuss with 2-3 other classmates
 What economic goals the United States is
○ Examples of those goals
 What goods are produced in the U.S.
Four Economic Systems
Traditional Economies
 Market Economies
 Centrally Planned Economies
 Mixed Economies
Free Market Economy
Market-arrangement that allows buyers
and sellers to exchange things
 Why?
 Specialization
Free Market Economy Cont.
In a free market system, individuals and
privately owned businesses own the
factors of production, make what they
want, and buy what they want
Circular Flow Diagram
 Firm
 organization using the resources
 Transforms inputs (factors of production)
into outputs (products)
Factor Market
 Purchasing factors of production from
Product Market
 Purchase the goods and services that firms
Self-Regulating Nature of
How do they all cooperate?
 Self Interest
Adam Smith
Consumers in pursuit of their selfinterest have the incentive to look for
lower prices
 Competition
 The struggle among the producers for the
dollars of consumers
The Invisible Hand
 Describes the self-regulating nature of the
Advantages of the Free Market
Economic Efficiency
2. Economic Freedom
3. Economic Growth
4. Consumer Sovereignty
Critical Thinking and Review
How does specialization make us more
 Why is economic equity difficult to
achieve in a free market economy?
 Explain what Adam Smith meant by “the
invisible hand of the marketplace.”
Centrally Planned Economy
Central Government answers key
economic questions
 Gov. owns both land and capital
Socialism and Communism
 Social and political philosophy based on the
belief that democratic means should be
used to evenly distribute wealth throughout
 A political system characterized by a
centrally planned economy with all economic
and political power resting in the hands of
the central government
The Former USSR
Read pages 36 & 37 in your textbook
 With a partner discuss
 The role of the centrally planned
government in the Soviet Union
 The affects of the government on the
agriculture and industry
 The impact of Soviet Consumers
 What is a current day example of a country
that is centrally planned?
Problem s of Centrally Planned
Could be used to jumpstart Economy
 Poor quality
 Serious shortages
 Diminishing production
Read pg. 39 in textbook
 Real Case Study Russia in Crisis
 Answer Applying Economic Ideas Questions
Modern Economies
Mixed Economies
 Laissez Faire
 Doctrine that states government should not
intervene in the marketplace
Circular Flow Diagram of
Mixed Economy
Comparing Mixed Economies