EngAGE feedback report Oct 2014

Fifty+ Forum
Feedback from people aged 50+ who attended the Fifty+
Forum on 15th October 2014 at Port Vale FC Conference
Centre, Burslem
Living Well in Winter: Providing
Affordable Warmth
The work of EngAGE is overseen by the following consortium of organisations:
Method and Approach
Key Emerging Themes
Verbatim Responses
Question 1
Question 2
The Fifty+ Forum met on 15th October 2014 and approximately 82 older
residents of Stoke-on-Trent attended. Martin Chadwick, Chief Officer of Beat
the Cold, spoke about “Living well in winter: providing affordable warmth”,
Fuel poverty in Stoke-on-Trent
Risks from the cold
Breakdown of average dual fuel bill
Insulation salesmen
Reducing the impact of cold homes
NICE guidelines.
Method and Approach
Forum members took part in facilitated discussion at tables of 6-10 people. All
views were recorded, and each facilitator gave verbal feedback to the
meeting on behalf of their table. The discussion questions were:
1. How should we all pay for reducing carbon emissions and helping
vulnerable people to keep warm at home?
2. How would you like to find out about helping to keep warm at home?
The first part of this report draws out key emerging themes and makes
recommendations, and the second part reports verbatim feedback, collated
under headings.
Where appropriate, we have added text in brackets () for clarity. Some
comments may belong under more than one heading. A few comments,
which were not clear, are recorded at the end.
1. Key Emerging Themes
Based on the feedback below, EngAGE would like to draw out the following
Question 1 – paying for reducing carbon emissions and helping vulnerable
Feedback indicates that older people feel that the current system (i.e.
the levy) is not a fair one.
There is an expressed preference for these initiatives to be paid for from
direct taxation or from the profits made by energy companies. One
table’s comment – “Comes from us – regardless of where from” –
recognises that the monies involved would ultimately come from the
public’s purse either through increased taxation or increased energy
Solar power is mentioned and we presume that this is seen as a way of
both generating income and making savings.
Question 2 – finding out about helping to keep warm
“Trust” is highlighted as an essential element when people are finding
out about what can help them to keep warm – this applies to advisers,
charities, companies, venues, media and contexts or settings.
There is a clear preference for advice and information to be provided
by agencies other than those, such as energy companies, who have
something to sell.
Forum members would prefer not to approached via cold calling,
whether door-to-door or by ‘phone.
Some people like having leaflets through their door, whilst others do not.
There is clearly a need to use all available means and media to
communicate information about this important topic.
2. Verbatim Responses
Question 1:
Levy on fuel not working – being taken advantage of
Not a fair system – not everybody benefits
Comes from us – regardless of where from i.e. taxes/council tax etc
We can only help vulnerable people with improved insulation/boilers
If it is to help vulnerable people, why are vulnerable people paying it
(i.e. the levy)?
Why doesn’t industry pay more? Can’t energy companies pay out of
Suggestions/Preferences – Action by National and Local Government:
Solar panels are good, put more on public buildings
Raise awareness to people who use a lot of electricity for technology –
instead of paying for heating
If it was taken out of the income tax fund – it would mean it comes out
of the people who are earning more
Government should pay as we already pay enough in aviation – high
carbon emission – large vehicles
Government should monitor companies with big carbon emissions
Bigger emphasis on recycling – make people aware of what’s
happening to recycling so they are more likely to do it
Levy should come out of taxation – target the people who can afford
to pay
Target businesses who operate in UK – but bases abroad
Stop winter fuel allowance being paid to UK pensioners who live
abroad, i.e. Spain
Increase levy on “gas guzzling” cars, i.e. PM to have a 1.0L Nissan Micra
Tax people with solar panels on front roof of house – because they are
Company pay 5% and less profit/reduce bills, home front wall
insulation, solar panels in public places
Fuel allowance to be paid direct to fuel company
The Government should pay (through tax)
Through taxation rather than a levy – we pay enough!
Government should pay through income tax
Not the collection of the taxes etc – it’s the distribution that needs to
be fairer
Consumer should not pay through levy
Check houses for heat loss and have a strategy in place to rectify
Suggestions/Preferences – Action by Companies/Landlords:
Fuel companies to pay not to be involved as they have a vested
interest and only meeting targets
Companies should pay levy on profits
Seasonal prices
Landlords should pay in rented accommodation
Comments recorded but not clear:
Fairness – more hangers on than genuine people – people who are on
the right benefits – not people on low incomes - pension etc
Simple systems – eco friendly
Solar panels
Reduce the levels of tax
Alternative energy to reduce
Awareness of cost of electricity/gas and waste
Question 2:
Trust is gone
People telling you to keep warm are more usually trying to sell
What is best for insulation?
Telephone calls are a pain! TPS doesn’t work
Information from people you trust – not selling products
Information on advice centres – library/GPs/Civic offices/Age
UK/supermarkets/post/Facebook/Church groups
TV company – community allowances – raise awareness
Radio and paper – free communication
No to phone calls
Flyers useful if catchy!
Use existing organisations to pass on message – doctors, forums, NHS
Local radio – trusted
Not leaflets through door
Make the fact that you are a not for profit charity more visible –
differentiate from salesman
More talks in public venues, trusted partners, NHS/Council, Social
Services on a one to one basis, radio/TV, advertising, market stalls/have
a one to one talk
Clear explanation from companies on how to use systems
Trusted environments
Local news
Info in GPs and hospitals
Community centres and health centres
TV, advertising, posters, local radio, through the post – with fuel bills,
delivery drivers, e.g. meals on wheels
Do not agree with door to door callers
Local organisations could all have information about Beat the Cold
Leaflets through my door, radio Stoke/Signal, phone number on buses
stating it’s not a con, no phone calls or door to door
The supplier could collaborate with local authorities to make contact
to gain trust or local authorities write a letter followed with a phone call
Training/awareness with all local agencies/CAB
By appointment only with someone else present - friend or relative
Arrange to meet in a trusted place – church, community centre
Appointments/recommendations – we phone you/no cold sales call
Use a badge – phone before
EngAGE Stoke on Trent
Palace Chambers
21 Stafford Street
Stoke on Trent
T: 01782 200736
F: 01782 209099
E: frances@engagestokeontrent.org.uk
Registered Charity No. 1087774 (Age UK North Staffordshire)