Cicero's Rome

Cicero’s Rome
509 BC Monarchy overthrown
The Roman Republic (Res publica) was
Led to a series of wars and refinements
over the next approximately 450 years
Roman Republic
The Roman Republic can be divided into
three periods:
an early period, when Rome was expanding
to the start of the Punic Wars (to c. 261 B.C.),
a second period from the Punic Wars until the
Gracchi and civil war (to 134), and
a third period, from the Gracchi to the fall of
the Republic (to 27 B.C.).
The Gracchi
“The Gracchi, Tiberius Gracchus and Gaius
Gracchus (Gracchi is the plural of
Gracchus), were two Roman brothers who
tried to reform Rome's social and political
structure to help the lower classes in the
second century B.C. The Gracchi are at
the beginning of the period of the decline
of the Roman Republic.”
War and Conflict
Conflict raging between the
Senatorial and Popular parties
“…the trouble seeps down further
every day and once this sort of
deterioration has started, it gains
momentum rapidly and soon there is
a headlong rush to disaster.” (Cicero)
Three major social groups
Patricians --- the aristocracy
Equites --- the landed gentry
Plebians ---common men
(and, of course, slaves were also present but had no
Consuls – 2 men elected for 1 year. These were the
supreme leaders, and each Consule had equal power.
Proconsuls – governors of the provinces. Appointed by
the senate; consuls often became proconsuls
Praetors – Served as judges in courts, and as govenors
of small provinces or cities
Censors – Classified citizens by their wealth, eventually
became one of the most powerful offices. They could
remove senators from office.
Aediles – mid-level government officials. Supervised
public places, the food supply, etc
Quaestors – Controlled the state and provincial finances
Senate – Senatus populusque Romanus (senate and
people of Rome). Chief governmental body of the
Late Republic Period
Between 111 BC and 44 BC Rome suffered
through at least 2 external wars and 2 civil wars.
Republic changed in 88 BC when Sulla was
appointed Dictator after defeating his enemies in
a civil war.
After another civil war Julius Caesar appointed
Dictator in 46 BC. He was assassinated in 44 BC
44 B.C.
Ides of March – Julius Caesar assassinated
Cicero not directly implicated but his name
was used by the perpetrators
Cicero was 62 in 44 B.C.
Cicero was 18 in 88 B.C./Scaevola 67
Scaevola (28) had conversation with
Laelius (56) about Scipio’s death
Born to a plebian family
Became a Poet, Philosopher, soldier, and
influential politician
Strong defender of the republic
Born 106 BC
90 BC was a soldier
75 BC appointed Quaestor in Sicily
Eventually held every government position
63 BC appointed Consul
58 BC exiled from Rome (returns 57 BC)
43 BC assassinated
129 B.C. Laelius’s discourse on friendship
 Best friend Scipio Africanus dies
 Sons-in-law – Gaius and Scaevola – console
88 B.C. Cicero was 18 years old – heard it from
Scaevola, his teacher (son-in-law of Laelius)
44 B.C. Cicero addresses Atticus – writes
dialogue down