Wiztech Automation Solutions Wiztech Automation Solutions Pvt,Ltd., 102, W-Block, 2nd Floor, 2nd Avenue, Anna Nagar, Chennai, Tamil Nadu. www.wiztech4automation@gmail.com Title C Summary 1. Introduction History of C Fundamentals of C language Data Types and its sizes Different Data Types Different levels of languages Operators and Expressions Identifiers and keywords Symbolic constants 2. Input and Output Printf and scanf Put char and get char gets and puts main functions structure of C programming 3. Control Statements If else Nested if else else –if Ladder Switch case break statement, continue statement, switch and goto Loops for, while and do while Date 1 Title Nested Loops and infinite Loops 4. Functions Definitions and structure of functions User defined function Pre-defined function Function declaration, calling and definition Function with return type and non-return type Function with arguments and with arguments Recursive function Inter calling function 5. Arrays Definition and processing of Array. One dimensional Array Declaration, Accessing, initialization and processing of 1-D Array Two dimensional Array Declaration and Accessing individual elements of 2-D Array Processing and initialization of 2-D array Array with more than two-Dimensions Multidimensional array and functions. Date 2 Title 6. Pointers About memory and address Operator Pointer Variables Declaration of pointer Variables Assigning Address to pointer variables Dereferencing Pointer variables Types of pointer Pointer Arithmetic Passing pointer to function Array of pointers and functions 7. Strings Definition and operation Programming strings String compare, copy, reverse, length, concadination. String functions String Pointers String Library functions Memory allocation in C 8. C Preprocessor Header files Date 3 Title Macros Parameterized Macros Problems with macros Macros vs. Functions Conditional compilation 9. Structure and Union Definition of Structure Definition of union Structure and function Programming in Structure and union 10. Files Handling Definitions and Declaration of File Opening a file or creating a file Input and output operations on file Read and Write a file using fprintf and fscanf Append a file 11. Project All topics based Project will be given Date 4 Title 8051 Microcontroller: 1. Introduction Basic Electronics Electronic components used in an Embedded system Resistor and its types & its color coding Capacitor and its types Diodes (1N4007,1N5408) and transistor (BC547) Regulators and Specified IC’s Relay and functional diagram Introduction to embedded system 2. 8051 microcontroller Difference between Complex and Reduced instruction set What is microcontroller and what is microprocessor? Introduction to 8051 Architecture Instruction set /Bus architecture Pin diagram and description of each series RAM, ROM, FLASH and other peripherals Introduction to 8051 programming KIT. 3. Software used in 8051 Keil uVision 3 Proteus design suite Date 5 Title 4. Peripheral Interfacing Port addressing and programming Led interfacing with microcontroller Bar graph Led with switch interfacing Seven segments BCD segments LCD – 16 x 2 Alphanumeric display Keypad DC motor 5. Timer Programming in C Detailed features of timer Application of timer Different types of timers and its bits. Programming timers 0 and 1 in 8051 C Counter and its application Counter programming 6. Mini Project Mini project based on so far taken modules. 7. Communication Protocols interfacing What is communication? Different types of communication and its Application Date 6 Title Universal Asynchronous Receiver Transmitter (Serial communication) Transmitting and Receiving data using Serial Communication 7. Analog to Digital Converter & Digital to Analog Converter Sampling and Quantization in detail. Analog to Digital Converter (ADC 0804 and ADC0808). 8255 interfacing with ADC. Sensors interfacing. Sensor calibration. 8. Interrupts programming in C Definition of Interrupts Different types of Software and Hardware interrupts. Programming timer interrupts Programming external interrupts Interrupt priority in 8051 Interrupt programming in Embedded C 9. Final Project Projects based on combination of all modules used in 8051. Date 7 Title PIC 16f877a Microcontroller: 1. Introduction Introduction to various technologies in electronics. Advantages and application of PIC16f877a Importance and evolution of PIC16f877a in Embedded system Different architecture used in Embedded system Difference between PIC and its families 2. PIC 16f877a controller Introduction to PIC16f877a Comparison of PIC and 8051 Difference between CISC and RISC PIC family and categories and its family PIC16f877a Pin description and specification Memory organization and its divisions Input and Output ports 3. Software used PIC C compiler Proteus design suite 4. Embedded C Programming Introduction to Embedded C Date 8 Title Rule to write a code Programming for PIC Example program for PIC Compilation and stimulating the hex file 5. Peripheral Interfacing with PIC Pin description and Port Addressing I/O pins interfacing Color led programming with switch Bar graph led with different task 7-segments and BCD interfacing Railway timing using BCD with different modes LCD (20x2 Alphanumeric display) Linear Keypad DC motor interfacing with different controls 6. Timers and counters Definition of timer 0, timer 1 and timer 2. Pre scaling value used in timer Exact delay in different modes of timers Counter and its application 8 bit and 16 bit counter Watch dog timer Date 9 Title 7. Mini Project Real time based mini project 8. Compare / Capture / PWM module CCP mode Compare mode Capture mode PWM mode (PWM) 9. Analog to Digital Converter A/D module overview Sampling rate and quantization ADC channels and ports Sensor interfacing with PIC Sensor Calibration Programming with External EEPROM 10. USART – Communication protocol USART (Universal Synchronous Asynchronous Receiver Transmitter) Asynchronous mode – Serial communication USART Baud rate generator (BRG) USART Asynchronous mode USART Synchronous master mode USART Synchronous slave mode Date 10 Title 11. Master Synchronous Serial Port MSSP mo1dule overview Synchronous - SPI mode Synchronous - I2C mode 12. Interrupts Interrupt logics Software and Hardware interrupts Internal Interrupts External Interrupts Priority based interrupt programming 13. Final Project Real time project based on our syllabus Advance Virtual RISC - Atmega16 / 32 1. Introduction Introduction to various technologies in electronics AVR differs from other controller AVR family and its classification Virtual RISC Importance of AVR in Embedded system Date 11 Title 2. At mega 16/32 History and futures of AVR At mega 16 in AVR family Difference between RISC and Virtual RISC AVR architecture General purpose registers in AVR Memory allocation in the controller I/O pin descriptions and its usage 3. Software used AVR Studio 4 Proteus design suite 4. Embedded C program Introduction to Embedded System in AVR Port classification and Addressing Rule to write a code in AVR Programming a AVR microcontroller Example coding Compiling and stimulating a design using hex file 5. Peripheral Interfacing Port programming and Port Addressing Led with switch interfacing with Atmega32 Date 12 Title Bar graph designing controlled by switch 7 segments, BCD interfacing Printing the name in 14 segments LCD (20x4 Alphanumeric Display) Linear keypad Matrix keypad 6. Relay, Optoisolator and Stepper Motor interfacing Relay and Optoisolator Stepper motor interfacing with AVR Problems based on different wave format Controlling stepper motor using a program 7. Mini Project Mini project based on the modules 8. Timers and Counters Programming 8 bit timers and 16 bit timers Programming Timer 0, Timer 1, Timer 2. Counter and its Application Programming in 8 bit and 16 bit counter 9. Compare/Capture/ PWM Wave generation using 8 bit Timers. Wave generation using Timer 1. Input capture and compare programming Date 13 Title DC motor interfacing and PWM PWM modes in 8 bit timer PWM modes in 16 timer DC motor control using PWM 10. Analog to Digital Convertor and Digital to Analog Convertor ADC characteristic ADC programming in AVR Sensor interfacing and Signal conditioning DAC interfacing with AVR 11. Serial Port Programming Basics of serial communication ATmega32 connection with RS232 Universal Synchronous Asynchronous Receiver Transmitter USART Baud rate calculation AVR serial port programming 12. MSSP programming Master Synchronous Serial Port overview SPI – Serial Peripheral Interface SPI Bus Protocol SPI Programming in AVR MAX7221 interfacing with AVR Date 14 Title I2C – Inter Integrated Circuit I2C Bus Protocol Two Wired serial Interface (TWI - I2C) in AVR I2C Programming in AVR DS1307 RTC interfacing and Programming 13. Interrupt Service Routine AVR Interrupts Programming in Timer Interrupt Programming in External Interrupt Interrupt Priority in the AVR Interrupt Programming in C 14. Main Project IEEE paper based projects Advanced RISC Machine (ARM LPC2124) 1. Introduction Introduction to various technology in Electronics Different operating modes in ARM ARM family and its classification ARM7-TDMI and Advanced RISC Date 15 Title General Description and Importance’s of ARM7TDMI Principle and working of ARM-LPC2124 2. ARM7 – LPC2124 Device Information and its Application Architectural Overview ARM7TDMI-S Processor On-Chip Flash Memory system and Static RAM Block diagram of LPC2124 General Purpose Input and Output Registers Pin description of LPC2124 3. Software used Keil uVision4 software Proteus design suite 4. Programming with Embedded C Detailed view of the Pin description of ARM7TDMI Port Addressing and its classification Rule to write a code and its description Programming a ARM7TDMI microcontroller Example coding Compiling and stimulating the design using its Hex file 5. Input and Output Interfacing Date 16 Title General Purpose Input Output (GPIO) Programming Light Emitting Diode with Button interfacing with ARM7TDMI Bar Led designing controlled by switch 7 segment display and Binary Coded Decimal interfacing Printing Alphanumeric display using 14 segment Liquid Crystal Display (16x2, 20x4) Alphanumeric Display Linear keypad, Matrix keypad Calculator 6. Graphical LCD Display the special characters in GLCD Displaying the designs and symbols using Font creator Making the image and Graphics to display 7. Stepper Motor Pin description of stepper motor Programming the stepper motor Problems based on different wave form Controlling stepper motor using a Program 8. Mini Project Mini project based on modules ion ARM7TDMI 9. Timers in ARM7TDMI Features and Application of Timer0 and Timer1 Date 17 Title Register description for Timer0 and Timer1 Programming a 32 bit Timers Exact time duration in different timers 10. Watch Dog Timer Overview of Watch Dog Timer Features and description of Watch dog timer Register description of Watch Dog Timer Importance features and application of Watch dog Timer Programming in WDT Watch Dog Reset and External Start 11. Analog to Digital convertor Definition and features of ADC Pin description and Register description of ADC Operations of Analog to Digital Convertor Interfacing Sensors with different voltage Sensor calibrations 12. Serial Communication – UART0 Basics of serial communication in ARM7TDMI Features and Pin description of UART0 Transmitting and Receiving data in UART0 Baud Rate generation using registers ARM serial programming Date 18 Title 13. Serial Communication – UART1 Basics of serial communication in ARM7TDMI Features and Pin description of UART1 Transmitting and Receiving data in UART1 Baud Rate generation using registers ARM serial programming 14. Mater Synchronous Serial Port MSSP Overview SPI – Serial Peripheral Interface SPI bus protocol Block diagram and working description Interfacing MAX7221 with Segments 7SEG-MAX2-CA / CC with MAX7221 using SPI I2C – Inter Integrated Circuit Description of I2C Bus protocol Features and Application of I2C Two Wired serial Interface(TWI) I2C Register description and programming in I2C Architecture used in I2C 15. Real Time Clock (RTC) Features and description of RTC Architecture and Register description Alarm Register Groups Date 19 Title RTC Usage Notes Reference Clock divider Programming DS1307 16. Main Project Main project mainly based on IEEE based Real Time project Hardware Interface 1. Introduction Basics Electronic components Application of Electronic components Detailed view of Resistor, Capacitor, Diode, Voltage Regulator etc. Base Boards 2. Different types of Boards Description of Bread board Description of Dot board Description of Line Board 3. Power Supply Circuit Power Supply Circuit Overview Components required for PSC Soldering Circuit design for Power supply circuit Date 20 Title Designing a Power Supply Board 4. Micro controller board Micro controller Board Over view Components required for controller board Developing an project in developer board Date 21 Title Contents C summary …………………………………………………………………Error! Bookmark not defined. 8051 - AT89C51…………………………………………………………….4 PIC16F877A…………………………………………………………………..7 AVR ATMEGA32 …………………………………………………………..11 ARM LPC2124……………………………………………………………….14 HARDWARE …………………………………………………………………19 Date 22 Title 23 Embedded System 8051 - Premilinary PIC - Beginners AVR - Intermediate ARM - Experts Date Title Date 24 Title Date 25