7. Mini Project - Best Embedded System Training in Chennai

Wiztech Automation Solutions
Wiztech Automation Solutions Pvt,Ltd.,
102, W-Block, 2nd Floor, 2nd Avenue,
Anna Nagar, Chennai,
Tamil Nadu.
C Summary
1. Introduction
 History of C
 Fundamentals of C language
 Data Types and its sizes
 Different Data Types
 Different levels of languages
 Operators and Expressions
 Identifiers and keywords
 Symbolic constants
2. Input and Output
 Printf and scanf
 Put char and get char
 gets and puts
 main functions
 structure of C programming
3. Control Statements
 If else
 Nested if else
 else –if Ladder
 Switch case
 break statement, continue statement, switch and goto
 Loops for, while and do while
 Nested Loops and infinite Loops
4. Functions
 Definitions and structure of functions
 User defined function
 Pre-defined function
 Function declaration, calling and definition
 Function with return type and non-return type
 Function with arguments and with arguments
 Recursive function
 Inter calling function
5. Arrays
 Definition and processing of Array.
 One dimensional Array
 Declaration, Accessing, initialization and
processing of 1-D Array
 Two dimensional Array
 Declaration and Accessing individual elements
of 2-D Array
 Processing and initialization of 2-D array
 Array with more than two-Dimensions
 Multidimensional array and functions.
6. Pointers
 About memory and address Operator
 Pointer Variables
Declaration of pointer Variables
Assigning Address to pointer variables
Dereferencing Pointer variables
 Types of pointer
 Pointer Arithmetic
 Passing pointer to function
 Array of pointers and functions
7. Strings
 Definition and operation
 Programming strings
 String compare, copy,
reverse, length,
 String functions
 String Pointers
 String Library functions
 Memory allocation in C
8. C Preprocessor
 Header files
 Macros
 Parameterized Macros
 Problems with macros
Macros vs. Functions
 Conditional compilation
9. Structure and Union
 Definition of Structure
 Definition of union
 Structure and function
 Programming in Structure and union
10. Files Handling
 Definitions and Declaration of File
 Opening a file or creating a file
 Input and output operations on file
 Read and Write a file using fprintf and fscanf
 Append a file
11. Project
 All topics based Project will be given
8051 Microcontroller:
 Basic Electronics
 Electronic components used in an Embedded
 Resistor and its types & its color coding
 Capacitor and its types
 Diodes (1N4007,1N5408) and transistor (BC547)
 Regulators and Specified IC’s
 Relay and functional diagram
 Introduction to embedded system
2. 8051 microcontroller
 Difference between Complex and Reduced instruction set
 What is microcontroller and what is microprocessor?
 Introduction to 8051 Architecture
 Instruction set /Bus architecture
 Pin diagram and description of each series
 RAM, ROM, FLASH and other peripherals
 Introduction to 8051 programming KIT.
3. Software used in 8051
 Keil uVision 3
 Proteus design suite
4. Peripheral Interfacing
 Port addressing and programming
 Led interfacing with microcontroller
 Bar graph Led with switch interfacing
 Seven segments
 BCD segments
 LCD – 16 x 2 Alphanumeric display
 Keypad
 DC motor
5. Timer Programming in C
 Detailed features of timer
 Application of timer
 Different types of timers and its bits.
 Programming timers 0 and 1 in 8051 C
 Counter and its application
 Counter programming
6. Mini Project
Mini project based on so far taken modules.
7. Communication Protocols interfacing
 What is communication?
 Different types of communication and its Application
 Universal Asynchronous Receiver Transmitter (Serial
 Transmitting and Receiving data using Serial
7. Analog to Digital Converter & Digital to Analog
 Sampling and Quantization in detail.
 Analog to Digital Converter (ADC 0804 and
 8255 interfacing with ADC.
 Sensors interfacing.
 Sensor calibration.
8. Interrupts programming in C
 Definition of Interrupts
 Different types of Software and Hardware interrupts.
 Programming timer interrupts
 Programming external interrupts
 Interrupt priority in 8051
 Interrupt programming in Embedded C
9. Final Project
 Projects based on combination of all modules used in 8051.
PIC 16f877a Microcontroller:
1. Introduction
 Introduction to various technologies in electronics.
 Advantages and application of PIC16f877a
 Importance and evolution of PIC16f877a in Embedded
 Different architecture used in Embedded system
 Difference between PIC and its families
2. PIC 16f877a controller
 Introduction to PIC16f877a
 Comparison of PIC and 8051
 Difference between CISC and RISC
 PIC family and categories and its family
 PIC16f877a Pin description and specification
 Memory organization and its divisions
 Input and Output ports
3. Software used
 PIC C compiler
 Proteus design suite
4. Embedded C Programming
 Introduction to Embedded C
 Rule to write a code
 Programming for PIC
 Example program for PIC
 Compilation and stimulating the hex file
5. Peripheral Interfacing with PIC
 Pin description and Port Addressing
 I/O pins interfacing
 Color led programming with switch
 Bar graph led with different task
 7-segments and BCD interfacing
 Railway timing using BCD with different modes
 LCD (20x2 Alphanumeric display)
 Linear Keypad
 DC motor interfacing with different controls
6. Timers and counters
 Definition of timer 0, timer 1 and timer 2.
 Pre scaling value used in timer
 Exact delay in different modes of timers
 Counter and its application
 8 bit and 16 bit counter
 Watch dog timer
7. Mini Project
 Real time based mini project
8. Compare / Capture / PWM module
 CCP mode
 Compare mode
 Capture mode
 PWM mode (PWM)
9. Analog to Digital Converter
 A/D module overview
 Sampling rate and quantization
 ADC channels and ports
 Sensor interfacing with PIC
 Sensor Calibration
 Programming with External EEPROM
10. USART – Communication protocol
 USART (Universal Synchronous Asynchronous Receiver
 Asynchronous mode – Serial communication
 USART Baud rate generator (BRG)
 USART Asynchronous mode
 USART Synchronous master mode
 USART Synchronous slave mode
11. Master Synchronous Serial Port
 MSSP mo1dule overview
 Synchronous - SPI mode
 Synchronous - I2C mode
12. Interrupts
 Interrupt logics
 Software and Hardware interrupts
 Internal Interrupts
 External Interrupts
 Priority based interrupt programming
13. Final Project
 Real time project based on our syllabus
Advance Virtual RISC - Atmega16 / 32
1. Introduction
 Introduction to various technologies in electronics
 AVR differs from other controller
 AVR family and its classification
 Virtual RISC
 Importance of AVR in Embedded system
2. At mega 16/32
 History and futures of AVR
 At mega 16 in AVR family
 Difference between RISC and Virtual RISC
 AVR architecture
 General purpose registers in AVR
 Memory allocation in the controller
 I/O pin descriptions and its usage
3. Software used
 AVR Studio 4
 Proteus design suite
4. Embedded C program
 Introduction to Embedded System in AVR
 Port classification and Addressing
 Rule to write a code in AVR
 Programming a AVR microcontroller
 Example coding
 Compiling and stimulating a design using hex file
5. Peripheral Interfacing
 Port programming and Port Addressing
 Led with switch interfacing with Atmega32
 Bar graph designing controlled by switch
 7 segments, BCD interfacing
 Printing the name in 14 segments
 LCD (20x4 Alphanumeric Display)
 Linear keypad
 Matrix keypad
6. Relay, Optoisolator and Stepper Motor interfacing
 Relay and Optoisolator
 Stepper motor interfacing with AVR
 Problems based on different wave format
 Controlling stepper motor using a program
7. Mini Project
 Mini project based on the modules
8. Timers and Counters Programming
 8 bit timers and 16 bit timers
 Programming Timer 0, Timer 1, Timer 2.
 Counter and its Application
 Programming in 8 bit and 16 bit counter
9. Compare/Capture/ PWM
 Wave generation using 8 bit Timers.
 Wave generation using Timer 1.
 Input capture and compare programming
 DC motor interfacing and PWM
 PWM modes in 8 bit timer
 PWM modes in 16 timer
 DC motor control using PWM
10. Analog to Digital Convertor and Digital to
Analog Convertor
 ADC characteristic
 ADC programming in AVR
 Sensor interfacing and Signal conditioning
 DAC interfacing with AVR
11. Serial Port Programming
 Basics of serial communication
 ATmega32 connection with RS232
 Universal Synchronous Asynchronous Receiver
 USART Baud rate calculation
 AVR serial port programming
12. MSSP programming
 Master Synchronous Serial Port overview
 SPI – Serial Peripheral Interface
 SPI Bus Protocol
 SPI Programming in AVR
 MAX7221 interfacing with AVR
 I2C – Inter Integrated Circuit
 I2C Bus Protocol
 Two Wired serial Interface (TWI - I2C) in AVR
 I2C Programming in AVR
 DS1307 RTC interfacing and Programming
13. Interrupt Service Routine
 AVR Interrupts
 Programming in Timer Interrupt
 Programming in External Interrupt
 Interrupt Priority in the AVR
 Interrupt Programming in C
14. Main Project
 IEEE paper based projects
Advanced RISC Machine (ARM LPC2124)
1. Introduction
Introduction to various technology in Electronics
 Different operating modes in ARM
 ARM family and its classification
 ARM7-TDMI and Advanced RISC
 General Description and Importance’s of ARM7TDMI
 Principle and working of ARM-LPC2124
2. ARM7 – LPC2124
 Device Information and its Application
 Architectural Overview
 ARM7TDMI-S Processor
 On-Chip Flash Memory system and Static RAM
 Block diagram of LPC2124
 General Purpose Input and Output Registers
 Pin description of LPC2124
3. Software used
 Keil uVision4 software
 Proteus design suite
4. Programming with Embedded C
 Detailed view of the Pin description of ARM7TDMI
 Port Addressing and its classification
 Rule to write a code and its description
 Programming a ARM7TDMI microcontroller
 Example coding
 Compiling and stimulating the design using its Hex file
5. Input and Output Interfacing
 General Purpose Input Output (GPIO) Programming
 Light Emitting Diode with Button interfacing with
 Bar Led designing controlled by switch
 7 segment display and Binary Coded Decimal interfacing
 Printing Alphanumeric display using 14 segment
 Liquid Crystal Display (16x2, 20x4) Alphanumeric Display
 Linear keypad, Matrix keypad
 Calculator
6. Graphical LCD
 Display the special characters in GLCD
 Displaying the designs and symbols using Font creator
 Making the image and Graphics to display
7. Stepper Motor
 Pin description of stepper motor
 Programming the stepper motor
 Problems based on different wave form
 Controlling stepper motor using a Program
8. Mini Project
 Mini project based on modules ion ARM7TDMI
9. Timers in ARM7TDMI
 Features and Application of Timer0 and Timer1
 Register description for Timer0 and Timer1
 Programming a 32 bit Timers
 Exact time duration in different timers
10. Watch Dog Timer
 Overview of Watch Dog Timer
 Features and description of Watch dog timer
 Register description of Watch Dog Timer
 Importance features and application of Watch dog Timer
 Programming in WDT
 Watch Dog Reset and External Start
11. Analog to Digital convertor
 Definition and features of ADC
 Pin description and Register description of ADC
 Operations of Analog to Digital Convertor
 Interfacing Sensors with different voltage
 Sensor calibrations
12. Serial Communication – UART0
 Basics of serial communication in ARM7TDMI
 Features and Pin description of UART0
 Transmitting and Receiving data in UART0
 Baud Rate generation using registers
 ARM serial programming
13. Serial Communication – UART1
 Basics of serial communication in ARM7TDMI
 Features and Pin description of UART1
 Transmitting and Receiving data in UART1
 Baud Rate generation using registers
 ARM serial programming
14. Mater Synchronous Serial Port
 MSSP Overview
 SPI – Serial Peripheral Interface
 SPI bus protocol
 Block diagram and working description
 Interfacing MAX7221 with Segments
 7SEG-MAX2-CA / CC with MAX7221 using SPI
 I2C – Inter Integrated Circuit
 Description of I2C Bus protocol
 Features and Application of I2C
 Two Wired serial Interface(TWI) I2C
 Register description and programming in I2C
 Architecture used in I2C
15. Real Time Clock (RTC)
 Features and description of RTC
 Architecture and Register description
 Alarm Register Groups
 RTC Usage Notes
 Reference Clock divider
 Programming DS1307
16. Main Project
 Main project mainly based on IEEE based Real Time project
Hardware Interface
1. Introduction
 Basics Electronic components
 Application of Electronic components
 Detailed view of Resistor, Capacitor, Diode, Voltage
Regulator etc.
 Base Boards
2. Different types of Boards
 Description of Bread board
 Description of Dot board
 Description of Line Board
3. Power Supply Circuit
 Power Supply Circuit Overview
 Components required for PSC
 Soldering
 Circuit design for Power supply circuit
 Designing a Power Supply Board
4. Micro controller board
 Micro controller Board Over view
 Components required for controller board
 Developing an project in developer board
C summary …………………………………………………………………Error! Bookmark not defined.
8051 - AT89C51…………………………………………………………….4
AVR ATMEGA32 …………………………………………………………..11
ARM LPC2124……………………………………………………………….14
HARDWARE …………………………………………………………………19
Embedded System
8051 - Premilinary
PIC - Beginners
AVR - Intermediate
ARM - Experts