City of Mount Washington Minutes of the Regular Council Meeting

City of Mount Washington
Minutes of the Regular Council Meeting
September 28, 2015
Mayor Armstrong called the meeting to order at 6:30 PM with the following Council
Members present; Greg Gentry, Mike Holt, Sandra Hockenbury, Gayle Troutman, Troy Barr
and Alice Harris.
Also present were; Public Works Director Ronnie Fick, Attorney John Spainhour, Assistant
Chief Rodney Hockenbury, City Engineer Dave Derrick, City Surveyor John St. Clair,
Administrative Assistant Gwen Elkins.
Mayor Barry Armstrong reminded everyone wanting to sign in to do so at this time.
Councilman Gayle Troutman led the pledge of allegiance.
Mayor Armstrong asked everyone present to take a moment to reflect accordingly to their
own personal beliefs.
City Treasurer Peggy Brinkman gave Treasurer’s report for August, 2015. Councilman
Gentry made and Councilwoman Hockenbury seconded a motion to approve. Motion carried
unanimously by a roll call vote of 6-0.
Councilman Troutman made and Councilwoman Hockenbury seconded a motion to approve
the minutes for the regular council meeting on September 14, 2015. Motion carried
unanimously by a roll call vote of 6-0.
John Herring with Dean Dorton CPA, presented the financial feasibility study for the future
funding of the Sports Complex. See attached handout. Discussion followed. Mayor
Armstrong invited the public to the next Council meeting regarding the Sports Complex.
Peggy Brinkman thanked John for all his work and his presentation.
Ordinance – John Spainhour held second readings of the following ordinances:
An ordinance establishing the real and personal property tax rate for the calendar year
2015 and providing for assessment and equalization and collection. Councilman
Gentry made and Councilman Troutman seconded motion to approve. Motion carried
by roll call vote of 6-0.
An ordinance declaring intent to annex supposed unincorporated territory adjoining
the City of Mt. Washington, Bullitt County, Kentucky being 44.790 acres located on
the side of Armstrong Lane and south side of KY highway 44 and identified on
Bullitt County PVA as Map 70 as parcel 89 known as Hall Farm. Councilman Holt
made and Councilwoman Harris seconded motion to approve. Motion carried by roll
call vote of 6-0.
Resolution 15-06 – City Attorney John Spainhour read the following;
A resolution declaring November 13, 2015 “World Pancreatic Cancer Day”. Motion
made by Councilman Troutman to adopt the resolution, seconded by Councilman
Holt. Motion carried by roll call vote of 6-0.
Bullitt East High School Future Farmers of America addressed the Mayor and council with a
presentation of how important their organization is to our community. They were there to request
a Grant. Discussion followed.
Old Business – still pending
1. City Flag – nothing new
2. Update on annexing from North Bardstown Road and the by-pass to the
Jefferson County Line. John Sinclair is working on survey’s etc.
3. Odor Control – Ronnie stated he received a call this weekend. Ongoing
process to get the chemicals just right. Still learning, but definitely a lot less
4. New City Pavilion, John St. Clair working on securing deeds, etc.
The Mayor also recognized the great work that the city employees are doing with a lot of the
projects in town.
The Mayor stated the Code Enforcement Office has been moved to the Police Department and
said he thinks it is working out well and is the right place for it.
The Mayor wanted to recognize Councilwoman Alice Harris for recent completion of health and
wellness goals with the Lets Move Cities, Towns and Counties Project.
Alice stated she has received 3 medals. There are 5 goals to reach. We have hit 3 of 5. She was
invited to the Whitehouse. She was the only person there from Kentucky. There were people
from 63 Cities, towns and we were one of them. The First Lady spoke to the group and Alice
said it was very nice.
The Mayor also stated Alice has been appointed from our Governor to serve on a committee for
the Kentucky Wireless Interoperability Advisory Board. He said she is representing Mt.
Washington well.
The Mayor also wants to recognize Dale Salmon as he was nominated and elected to represent
the MS4 communities/counties of region 4 (north central Kentucky) on the seven-member KSA
Board of Directors at the annual conference in Lexington in July.
Mike Holt said he would like to see sidewalks in the near future leading down Armstrong to get
pedestrians to the movie theaters. The Mayor said that was an excellent idea and stated he wants
to put that on New Business to discuss.
Mayor Armstrong also stated the need for executive session for the purpose of real property and
stated that there will be a decision as a result of the executive session afterwards.
Executive Session
Councilman Holt made a motion to enter into executive session at 7:32 p.m. in accordance of
KRS 61.810, for the purpose of real property. Councilman Troutman seconded the motion.
Motion carried.
Councilman Troutman made and Councilman Holt seconded a motion to reconvene into the
regular meeting at 8:21 P.M.
There being no further business before the council, Council man Troutman made a motion to
adjourn at 8:22 P.M. Councilman Holt seconded the motion. Motion carried unanimously.
Gwen Elkins, Administrative Assistant
City of Mt. Washington
Barry Armstrong, Mayor
City of Mt. Washington