Sekar.L Application التطبيقof High-Frequency Electromagnetic Energy عالية التردد الطاقة الكهرومغناطيسية A deep-heating في أعماق التدفئةmodality شكل Does Not stimulate ال حفزMOTOR &المحركات SENSORY NERVES. .األعصاب الحسية No Danger ال يوجد خطرof CHEMICAL BURNS الحروق الكيميائية 2 No Contraction of Muscles is produced ال تقلص العضالت وينتج Frequency ( تردد27.12 MHz at wavelength of 11 M) Dia ضياءmeans through من خاللand Thermo الحراريةmeans temperature درجة الحرارةheat. Short wave diathermy (SWD), or radio frequency (RF), is used to penetrate deep اختراق عميقinto the body tissues أنسجة الجسمto stimulate blood flow تدفق الدم. 3 A=Power Switch B=Timer C=Milliameter (monitors current from power supply not current entering patient-volume control) D= Intensity(%max power to patient) E=Tuning Control(tunes output from RFO) 4 •Generates Both an Electrical الكهربائيةand a Magnetic Field المجال المغنطيسي SWD Units at 13.56 MHz= Stronger Magnetic Field SWD Units at 27.12 MHz = Stronger Electrical Field 5 SWD have two main الرئيسيتين circuits ;الدوائر 1. The machine circuit الجهاز الدوائر which produce high frequency current coupled with 2. The patient circuit الدائرة المريض through inductors to transfer the electrical energy to the patient. 6 •This type of high frequency current is obtained by DISCHARGING التفريغa CONDENSER المكثفthrough an INDUCTANCE ملف محاثةof LOW OHMIC RESISTANCE. انخفاض المقاومة األومية 7 Effects of an electrostatic field الحقل الكهربائي: 1- Free ions in the tissues give minimal movement (Vibration of Ions )اهتزاز األيوناتdue to high frequency leading to friction احتكاكbetween ions and produce heat.إنتاج الحرارة + - - - + + - + 8 2- The dipolar وثنائي القطب molecules (جزيئاتas water – will rotate to & fro Swinging) charge change rapidly, friction between molecules leads to heat in the tissues. 9 3- The non-polar وغير القطبية molecules (as fat –الدهونInsulator عازل, undergo distortion تشويهof their electron cloud اإللكترون سحابة leading to back & forth ويعود عليها movement) cause minimal friction and molecular movement producing little heat. 10 Tissue Temperature Increase Increased Blood Flow (Vasodilatation) Increased Venous and Lymphatic Flow تدفق الدم الوريدي واللمفاوي Increased Metabolism Changes In Physical Properties Muscle Relaxation - االسترخاء Analgesia - تسكين الخواص الفيزيائيةof Tissues عضلة 11 Flexible pads منصات مرنة: consist of metal electrode encased المغطىin rubber and produce an electrostatic field. 12 Space plates لوحات الفضاء: consist of a rigid metal electrode قطب المعادن الصلبة encased in a Perspex cover electrostatic field. 13 Coil: ملفor cable electrode كابل كهربائيconsists of a wire with plugs at either end electromagnetic field. 14 The monode: flat, rigid coil encased in Perspex cover electromagnetic field. 15 The diplode: or drum electrode طبل الكهربائي, consists of a flat coil electrode encased in a Perspex cover with two wings electromagnetic field 16 1. Capacitor field Method مكثف مجال األسلوب 2. Inductive field / Cable Method كبل األسلوب/ حثي حقل Selection of Appropriate methods Can Influence The Treatment 17 The electrodes acts as CAPACITOR The patient tissues & Insulating material acts as DIELECTRIC MEDIUM. المتوسط عازل Heat production by conversion of ELECTROMAGNETIC ENERGY الطاقة الكهرومغناطيسية MECHANICAL ENERGY(HEAT) )الميكانيكية (الحرارة الطاقة 18 If the goal of treatment is to increase tissue extensibility &زيادة األنسجة التمددthe limitation is primarily to capsular tightness, المحفظة ضيقthen capacitor field method of SWD is the more appropriate choice. 19 Create Stronger Electrical Field Than Magnetic Field Ions Will Be Attracted Or Repelled Depending on the Charge of the Pole 20 Center Has Higher Current Density Than Periphery 21 Patient Is Between Electrodes and Becomes Part of Circuit 22 Fat Tissue Resists يقاومCurrent Flow Thus Fat Is Heated In An Electrical Field Precaution: electrical field may overheat area with large fat content 23 Two Metal Plates Surrounded By Plastic Guard Can Be Moved 3cm Within Guard Produce High- Frequency Oscillating Current 24 Area To Be Treated Is Placed Between Electrodes Becoming Part of Circuit 25 Sensation Of Heat In Direct Proportion To Distance Of Electrode From Skin Closer Plate Generates More Surface / superficial Heat 26 Greater Electrical Field Patient Part of Circuit Must Have Uniform Contact (toweling) Spacing Equal To Cross- sectional Diameter of Pads Part To Be Treated Should Be Centered 27 1. COPLANAR METHOD طريقة متحد المستوى In this electrodes can be placed side by side جنبا الى جنبon the same aspect of the part, provided that there is adequate distance between them. كافية المسافة بينهما 28 Increasing The Spacing Will Increase The Depth Of Penetration. But Will Decrease The Current Density Capacitive Method Good for Treating Superficial Soft Tissues 29 1. CONTRAPLANAR METHOD كونترا طريقة مستو In this electrodes are placed on opposite sides األضالع المتقابلةof the treatment part. Most satisfactory method for deeply placed structures. وضع هياكل عميقE.g. Joints 30 1. CROSSFIRE تبادل الطالق النارMETHOD طريقة In this first half of the treatment is given with the electrodes in one contra planar position & for the second half the electrodes are repositioned at right angles. 31 1. MONOPOLAR METHOD القطب أحادي طريقة The active electrode أحدث الكهربائيis placed over the site of the lesion اكثر من &موقع من اآلفةthe indifferent electrode is applied to some distant part of the body. 32 Creates A Stronger Magnetic Field Than Electrical Field المجال المغنطيسي Using a long tubular flexible conductor موصل أنبوبي طويل مرنةcovered in thick rubber called a Cable Or Coil, is Wrapped Circumferentially بشكل محيطيAround An Extremity Or Coiled Within Electrode If the goal is to increase blood flow to aid healing of a muscle injury then Inductothermy can be chosen. 33 Passing Current Through A Coiled Cable Creates A Magnetic Field By Inducing Eddy Currents (دوامة التياراتsmall circular electrical fields) That Generate Heat 34 Two Arrangements: Pancake Coils فطيرة لفائف Wraparound Coils ملفوف لفات •Toweling Is Essential. •Pancake Coil Must Have 6” in Center. Then 5-10cm Spacing Between Turns 35 تباعد Spacing provided by: 1- Wrapping غالفflexible pads in towel. 2-Flat felt spacing pads between pad electrode and skin. 3-Air when using space plates. 36 a- Normal spacing تباعد طبيعية even field الميدان حتى distribution. b- Increased spacing زيادة التباعد deep field عمق الميدانconcentration. c- Decreased spacing إنقاص تباعد superficial سطحي concentration. a) c) b) 37 •About 4 cm distance will give heating of the deep tissues. •Conversely the minimum skin electrode distance is about 2 cm, will give superficial heating. 38 حجم القطبIf the electrodes are too small than the diameter of treated part line of force will be concentrated superficially. -If the electrodes are markedly larger the line of force will be lost in the air. -Ideally, the electrodes should be slight larger أكبر قليالthan the area treated. 39 المعادنmetal causes the lines of force to concentrate on the metal 40 Patient Sensation Provides Basis For Recommendations Of Continuous SWD Dose I (Lowest) - No Sensation هناك إحساسof Heat Dose II (Low) - Mild Heating Sensation معتدل تدفئة اإلحساس Dose III (Medium) - Moderate or Pleasant Heating Sensation معتدلة أو بليزانت تدفئة اإلحساس Dose IV (Heavy) -Vigorous Heating Within Pain Threshold تدفئة قوية ضمن عتبة األلم 41 Uses Thermal Effects التأثيرات الحرارية Deep heat Increased blood flow Non-thermal Effects اآلثار غير الحرارية •Edema reduction •Lymphedema reduction Increased cell metabolism •Superficial wound Increased tissue extensibility healing Muscular relaxation Possible changes in enzyme reactions •Treatment of venous stasis ulcers 42 Disorders of Musculoskeletal System; ( Sprain, Strain, Muscle & Tendon tear, Capsule lesion, Joint stiffness, Hematomas) Sub acute & Chronic Inflammatory Conditions; (Tenosynovitis, Bursitis, Synovitis, Sinusitis, Dysmenorrhoea, Fibrositis, Myositis) 43 يزرع معدنية (be aware of body piercings) – Concentration of the field. – الناظمات القلبيةInterference with function – المناطق الدماغيةThe inability of the circulation to disperse heat could result in high temperature – Burns. 44 عرق رطبة الضماداتThe water collects and concentrates the heat. نزف – حيضIncrease vasodilatation, prolong hemorrhage. – الحملMiscarriage فرط السخونة 45 Sensory loss / Impaired thermal sensation ضعف اإلحساس الحراري Cancer السرطان/ Malignant tissues –األنسجة الخبيثةAccelerate the rate of growth & Metastasis Active أحدثTUBERCULOSIS –السلIncrease the rate of development of the infection. Recent األخيرةRadiotherapy –العالج اإلشعاعي Skin sensation & Circulation may be decreased. 46 Dermatological األمراض الجلدية Conditions – Will exacerbate Severe Cardiac conditions – ظروف قاسية القلبGreater demand of Cardiac output. أمراض األوعية الدموية المحيطية- DVT 47 Areas of particular sensitivity: Epiphysis plates مشاشي لوحاتin children The genitals األعضاء التناسلية Sites of infection مواقع اإلصابة The abdomen with an implanted intrauterine device جهاز مزروع داخل (الرحمIUD) The eyes and face Application through the skull جمجمة 48 تخفيف اآلالم Stimulation of Sensory heat receptors – Pain Gate Mechanism. تشنج العضالت Heating Secondary Afferent muscle spindle – Inhibitory influence to motor pool. التهابAssists in removal of cellular debris and toxins. Nonthermal: Alters diffusion rate across the cell membrane Thermal: Increases intramuscular metabolism 49 تسريع التئام الجروح by increase cutaneous circulation جلدي تداول, Vasodilatation increases: Blood flow Capillary filtration Capillary pressure Oxygen perfusion عدوىincrease circulation and increase white blood cells and antibodies – Reinforcing body’s normal defense mechanism. تليفincrease extensibility التمددof fibrous tissues such as tendons, joint capsule and scars. Alters collagen properties, allowing it to elongate. 50 1- Burn - can be avoided by: -Checking all contra-indications and area to be treated. -Test of thermal skin sensation. -Taking care during application over a bony prominence. -Never apply SHORT WAVE DIATHERMY over clothing. -Making sure that the skin is dry. -If you apply over two skin surfaces in contact, they must be separated by absorbent material towel. -Making sure that the leads from the machine are not touching or within 25 mm electromagnetic field around the lead. -Making sure that there is adequate spacing between the electrodes and the skin. -Allowing 2 or 3 minutes on each intensity setting maximum heat. 51 2- shock - can be avoided by: -Not increasing intensity unless the leads and electrodes are connected to machine. -Making sure that the machine is earthed. اختبأ اآللة -Not touching the machine. -Making sure that there is no metal within the range of 300mm. -If the patient is wearing a hearing aid switch it off. جلسة المعونة 52 3.Synthetic Material المواد االصطناعية These do not absorb moisture as readily as normal materials They ignite more easily The material may absorb energy or concentrating the field. 53 4. Obese Patients المرضى السمنة Fat layers more readily heated Absorbing 8 times that absorbed in muscle. 54 Continuous المستمرshort wave diathermy Increases tissue temperature Increased risk of burns Pulsed نابضshort wave diathermy May or may not increase temperature Pulses allow for increased treatment intensity and duration Not the same as “non-thermal” 55 It is also known as Pulsed electromagnetic energy (PEME) Pulsed electromagnetic field (PEMF) The production of HFC for PSWD is exactly same as for CSWD. 56 By incorporating إدماجa timing circuit توقيت الدوائر, the output can be turned on & off allowing bursts of Oscillations. Off-Time Longer Than On-Time Low Mean Power Output Uses Drum Electrode Some machines give fixed – length pulses (65 or 400µsec) 57 -Is short wave at the frequency of 27.12 MHz, which is pulsed at a rate, selected by the therapist. -The pulse frequency range is from 15 to 200 Hz. -The maximum intensity is 1000 watts. -The pulse duration is constant at 0.4 ms in square pulse. -The advantage of pulsed S.W.D. is that a very high عالية جداintensity كثافةof power السلطةcan be administered with minimal effect. 58 59 1-Increases the number & activity of cells in the injured region 2-Reabsorption استيعابof hematoma دموي ورم. 3-Reduces swelling & Inflammation 4-Increases rate of fibrin deposition orientation &الليفين ترسب 5-Increases collagen deposition & organization 6-Increase nerve growth &نمو األعصابrepair. 60 1- Acute Sprains. 2- Contusions. كدمات 3- Acute Haematoma. 4- Bursitis. التهاب كيسي 5- Sinusitis. إلتهاب الجيب 6-Synovitis الزليل 7-Sports Injuries 8-Superficial Ulcers قرحة سطحية 9- Neurogenic Pain (Phantom Pain األلم فانتوم, Causalgia ) حراق 61 1- Cardiac Pacemakers. 2- High fever. 3- Tumour. 4- Metal in the area , including implants. 5-Pregnant Women 6-Impaired sensation 7-Uncooperative متعاون الوعي المرضى غير/ Unconscious patients فاقد 62 1- Synthetic materials 2- Obese patients 63 1-Decrease of pain & Swelling – Tissue trauma. 2-Acceleration of Inflammatory & Healing Process 3-Relaxation of Muscle Spasm 4-Decreases the rate of hematoma formation 5-Superficial ulcers are treated successfully – Bed sores 6-Acceleration of bone growth 64 1-Effective in treatment of post traumatic & Infective conditions 2-Often used in conditions where continuous SWD is contraindicated. 65 1- Shortwave machine with chosen electrodes and its test tube أنبوب إختبارto ensure the machine is working. 2- Test tubes for skin test. 3- Cotton towels or felt pads for spacing. 4- Ensure that there are no contraindications for SW application. 5- Put the patient in a comfortable position and well support, allow the area to be treated to be completely uncovered. 66 6- Inspect the area to be treated. 7- Ensure there is no metal (jewellery or hairpin) within 300mm of treatment area. 8- Explain the procedure and feeling to the patient. 9- If using flexible pad electrodes, wrap them in several layers of towelling or place them between felt pads to ensure the required amount of spacing. 67 10- If using space electrodes adjust the distance according to the concentration needed. 11-Instruct the patient not to move during treatment and warn her/him from uncomfortable heat feeling. 12- If the machine has a patient safety switch instruct the patient to switch the machine off if he feel more heat. 68 13- Check the machine controls at the zero position, then switch the power on. 14- Switch the intensity on and wait 2-3 minutes on the minimum intensity and ask the patient about her/his feeling, then adjust the timer to the required treatment time. 15- After treatment time has finished, turn the intensity switch to zero and remove the electrodes. 16-Inspect the area after treatment and ask the patient to stay few minutes for rest and to regain to normal temperature. 69 1-Application using two flexible pads or space plates: A- The electrodes should be slightly larger than the area treated and spaced from the skin by approximately 25 mm. B- To concentrate heat on one aspect of the part the electrode should be unequal in size (smaller one placed over the area where concentration of heat is required). 70 C- Coplanar application to treat structures on one aspect of the body. The distance between adjacent ends (x) must be greater than the sum of skin electrode distance (A+B) otherwise the line of force will pass directly between electrodes rather than tissues. 71 D- Application using a coil electrode: 1- The coil wound evenly firmly heat superficial tissue. 2- Pancake application heat superficial tissues. 72 E- Application using diplode: Adjust wings of diplode parallel to the skin of the treated area, electromagnetic field will produce. 73 F- Applications to two limbs: Two flexible pads, two space plates or flexible pad with a space plate are used. It is essential to put a cotton towel between the two limbs to absorb any perspiration. 74 G- Cross-fire application: For the treatment of sinuses, space plates positioned diagonally, after half of treatment time the positions are alternate. This ensures that all aspects of the sinus membrane are heated. Care must be taken to avoid direct placement over the eye. 75 Most Typically SWD Treatments Last For 20-30 Minutes Remember As Skin Temperature Rises Resistance Falls 76 When Should Diathermy Be Used? If The Skin Or Some Underlying Soft Tissue Is Tender And Will Not Tolerate Pressure In Areas Where Subcutaneous Fat Is Thick And Deep Heating Is Required Induction method When The Treatment Goal Is To Increase Tissue Temperatures Over A Large Area 77