Select an Autobiography or Biography The subject of your selected book should be a (mostly) positive figure. (In other words, do not select a book about Hitler or Manson or other mass murderers.) A sports or music figure is fine, or someone who has demonstrated a social conscience would make an excellent candidate. Select the book and have it approved by this date: _____________________. Tasks while reading As you are reading, you are going to be expected to complete the following: Retell, Reflect, Relate Due: _________________ News Report Due: _________________ Character Analysis Due: _________________ Your novel should be completely read by: ___________________ Tasks when done reading Five Paragraph Essay Due: _________________ Your final product will be composed of four different parts. They will be due on four different days over the semester. Be sure to budget your time to ensure that they are completed promptly. As this is a summative assignment, no work will be accepted late : Event Retell, Reflect, Relate For this section of your book, you will write a journal which is 2-3 pages in length, using 3 headings: retell, reflect and relate. Be sure the journal is typed and carefully edited. Retell (half - 3/4 page) In this section, you should select one or more events which were important in the biography or autobiography. These should be events which you will refer back to in the other two sections of this journal. You do not need to retell the entire book’s events (nor should you try). Just give enough information that the reader will be able to understand and connect with the rest of your journal. Reflect (1 – 1 ½ pages) Here, refer back to the event(s) mentioned in the first section. Don’t repeat the plot summary, but move on to analysis. Why was this (these) event(s) important? How did it change the main character? What character traits did he/ she demonstrate during it? Is there a message or moral that the author of the book is trying to get across? What is it and how is it reflected in the event? Relate (3/4 - 1 page) Finally, relate this event and the character’s reactions to something else. You can compare the events, the emotions or the personality development from the novel to you and your life, to the experiences of friends or family, to other novels you have read, to current events or anything else. Just be sure the comparison is insightful, not superficial, and that it will enhance our understanding of the book and the emotions and message within it. DUE: THIS PORTION OF THE ASSIGNMENT WILL BE MARKED OUT OF 15 (1% of mark) A character analysis chart where you find twelve key quotations that show traits of the hero in the ISU book. (1 % overall) o List six traits that describe the main character. o Complete the chart by finding two quotations for each trait. o Explain how each quotation shows the chosen character trait. o This portion is worth 1% of your overall mark DUE: A news report, properly formatted, which details the most significant event of the book (3%) o The news report should have an appropriate headline and subhead o There should be a properly constructed lead, containing the 5Ws of reporting o Write the news report as though it has just happened o The length of the news report should be approximately 200 words o This portion is worth 3% of your overall mark DUE: Five paragraph essay, using the following as your statement: o “_character name_____ is/ is not a heroic figure.” o There should be an introductory paragraph, three body paragraphs, each of which provides two reasons, supported with evidence and explained, and a conclusion paragraph o The essay should also have a title, which gives the topic of the series of paragraphs o This portion is worth 10% of your overall mark DUE: News Report Rubric K/U / T/I / C / 4 **Demonstrates thorough knowledge of news report form **Demonstrates a high degree of competence answering 5Ws and H, providing relevant details **Uses quotations with a high degree of understanding to enhance report **Concluding paragraph sums up all report details and outlines “next step” 3 **Demonstrates considerable knowledge of news report form **Uses language conventions accurately and effectively all or most of the time **Uses language conventions with considerable accuracy and effectiveness effectiveness **Demonstrates considerable competence answering 5Ws and H, providing relevant details **Uses quotations with considerable understanding to enhance report **Concluding paragraph considerably sums up all report details and outlines “next step” 2 **Demonstrates moderate knowledge of news report form **Demonstrates moderate competence answering 5Ws and H, providing relevant details **Uses quotations with moderate understanding to enhance report **Concluding paragraph discusses report details and touches on “next step” **Uses language conventions with moderate accuracy and effectiveness 1 **Demonstrates limited knowledge of news report form **Demonstrates limited competence answering 5Ws and H, providing relevant details **Uses quotations with limited understanding to enhance report **Concluding paragraph does not sum up all report details and does not outline “next step” **Uses language conventions with limited accuracy and effectiveness R ENG1D1 ISU Essay Rubric K/U = /10 T/I = /20 C= /10 A= /10 4 **Demonstrates a high degree of understanding when making connections between thesis and supporting arguments **Evidence is specific and detailed and strongly supports the thesis **Explanations demonstrate a high degree of understanding of topic and clearly connect to the evidence **Demonstrates a high degree of competence proving topic sentences/reasons using insightful analysis **Communicates ideas and information for audience and purpose with a high degree of effectiveness **Uses language conventions accurately and effectively all or most of the time **Demonstrates thorough knowledge of structure and MLA requirements **Demonstrates a highly effective use of planning and revision **Essay submitted to turnitin within 24 hours of assignment deadline 3 **Demonstrates considerable understanding when making connections between thesis and supporting arguments **Evidence is somewhat specific and detailed and most evidence strongly supports the thesis **Explanations demonstrate considerable understanding of topic and clearly connect to the evidence **Demonstrates considerable competence proving topic sentences/reasons using strong analysis **Communicates ideas and information for audience and purpose with a considerable degree of effectiveness **Uses language conventions with considerable accuracy and effectiveness **Demonstrates considerable knowledge of structure and MLA requirements ****Demonstrates effective use of planning and revision 2 **Demonstrates moderate understanding when making connections between thesis and supporting arguments **Some evidence shows inaccuracy and sometimes supports the thesis 1 **Demonstrates a limited degree of understanding when making connections between thesis and supporting arguments **Most evidence shows inaccuracy and does not support the thesis **Explanations demonstrate moderate understanding of topic and some connect to the evidence **Analysis lacks depth; moderate competence proving topic sentences/reasons **Explanations attempt to link evidence to reasons **Little evidence of analysis is evident, demonstrating a limited degree of competence proving topic sentences/reasons **Communicates ideas and information for audience and purpose with moderate effectiveness **Uses language conventions with moderate accuracy and effectiveness **Demonstrates moderate knowledge of structure and MLA requirements **Shows limited evidence of the planning and revision process **Communicates ideas and information for audience and purpose with limited effectiveness **Uses language conventions with limited accuracy and effectiveness **Demonstrates limited knowledge of structure and MLA requirements **shows little evidence of the planning and revision process **Essay is not submitted to turnitin within 24 hours of assignment deadline R