E-Marketing - Philadelphia University

A comprehensive process that involves every aspect of a
business from designing its products, setting the pricing
strategy to analysing sales statistics and collecting
customer feedback.
Refers to using technology such as the internet, website
and email, sms, including its wide variety of options and
tools to conduct your marketing activities and achieve your
marketing objectives.
E-Marketing tools and strategies include:
 Business websites;
 Search Engine;
 Email;
 Online newsletters/e-zines;
 Online catalogues;
 Online press releases;
 Online surveys;
 Online customer service;
 Banner advertising;
 Affiliate marketing.
 Mobile telephone marketing;
 Online Community (Friendster, YouTube) - new
 Web Log (Blog) - new
The e-Marketing Concept
The objectives of marketing are to:
 get the right product
 promoted in the right way
 sold at the right price
 distributed at the right place
 profitably
Examples of e-Marketing include:
 online surveys to conduct market research
 web site to display and sell your products
 internet advertising to promote your business
 software to collect and analyse your customer
The Key to e-Marketing:
The key to successful e-Marketing in today's business
environment is to place your clients in control. Allow
them to choose how often and what type of messages
they receive, thus creating a more meaningful
relationship with your business.
This is commonly referred to as Permission Marketing.
Your e-Marketing messages and tools should aim to
deliver information that the consumer wants - that they
perceive to be valuable.
e-Marketing is not an alternative to your existing
Marketing Plan, in fact you may already have a
"Marketing Plan" that identifies your marketing
objectives, outlines your key strategies designed to
achieve those objectives, and guides your daily
marketing activities.
With e-Marketing you can develop techniques to
enhance this existing plan to make your marketing
activities more effective (smarter) more efficient
(cheaper) and you may even find that you can tap into
new markets both locally and overseas.
With the use of internet-based product
catalogues you can reduce your printing costs
and maintain a higher quality of product
information for your customers.
By utilising marketing information systems you
can analyse your sales information to make
more informed decisions and customers all over
the world can view your products with a
The cost of e-Marketing depends on which strategies you
choose to implement.
Any business can start using simple e-Marketing
techniques such as email, newsletters, computer based
data management and internet research by purchasing a
computer and connecting to the internet which can be
achieved for less than $2,000.
Businesses can also spend many thousands of dollars
utilizing the services of a professional e-Marketing firm to
create and implement a complete e-Marketing package.
The choice is yours!
The Marketing Process
A comprehensive marketing process and resulting
Marketing Plan is critical for the success of your
An effective marketing process should provide
you with the information, strategies and
solutions to any and all obstacles you might
encounter along the way in building and running
a successful and profitable business.
Affiliate Program
Search Engine Optimization
Email Campaigns
Banner Exchange
Business Website
Mobile Phone Marketing
Affiliate Program
Affiliate Program
Affiliate Marketing Program
Affiliate marketing is where you refer customers to other businesses
via links to their web site from your web site or emails and receive
commissions for each customer you refer to the other business.
They are essentially revenue sharing arrangements between online
vendors or sellers and resellers or affiliates.
If the business is "multi-level" you also receive commissions from
the customers referred by other businesses you have introduced.
Conversely, you can set up your own affiliate marketing program to
have other businesses sell your products and services for you by
paying them a commission.
Affiliate Program
Affiliate Marketing Program
Affiliate Program
Affiliate Marketing Program
Affiliate Program
Affiliate Marketing Program
Affiliate Program
Affiliate Advantages
Increased sales.
Improves search engine link popularity.
The Internet becomes your sales team.
Low operating costs.
Sites with affiliate programs could be perceived as
more significant.
Affiliate Program
Affiliate Disadvantages
Potentially expensive up-front costs.
Administrative overhead.
Accounting overhead.
Some profits go to the affiliate.
Affiliate Program
Affiliates vs. Advertising
In most cases, an affiliate program has a distinct
advantage over an advertising campaign since
you only pay your affiliates for traffic they
generate to your site or sales they generate.
Thus, with an affiliate program, you pay for
results after the fact, whereas advertising costs
are all up-front and have no guaranteed results.
Affiliate Program
Affiliate Types
Commission Based
A commission-based program, also referred to as pay-per-sale, will
pay the affiliate a commission for all sales that come directly from
them. Meaning if a customer clicks a link on the affiliates site and
then purchases from you, that affiliate would make a percentage of
the total sale price. www.Amazon.com is the best example of this
type program, they pay up to 15% of the sale price.
The commission is based on what the customer pays and not the
retail price, so if the customer gets a discount, then the affiliate
commission will be lower.
Affiliate Program
Affiliate Types
Flat-Fee Based
A flat-fee-based program, also called pay-perlead, will pay a fixed amount for each new
customer regardless of how much they spend.
www.paypal.com is a good example of this
model, they pay a $5 referral fee for all new
customers sent by an affiliate.
Affiliate Program
Affiliate Types
Click-Through Based
A click-through-based program, also called payper-click, will pay the affiliate a fixed amount for
each visitor they send to your Web site.
www.overture.com is a good example of this
model, they pay 2 cents for every click through.
It doesn't sound like a lot, but it can add up
Affiliate Program
Affiliate Types
Banner-Impression Based
A banner-impression-based program, also called
pay-per-impression, will pay the affiliate a fixed
amount for each banner impression displayed
on their site. www.doubleclick.com is a good
example of this model, they pay about $5 per
1000 banners displayed.
Affiliate Program
Agreement Terms
The Affiliate Agreement Terms state how the affiliate
will get paid, when they are paid, how refunds are
handled, what the restrictions are, and any other terms
on which you decide. The affiliate agreement is a very
important part of your program and must be thought
through completely.
This lesson will cover most of the considerations that
will be in your affiliate agreement, but you will want to
visit a major site such as www.Amazon.com for a more
thorough sample of how affiliate terms should be
Affiliate Program
Affiliate Payments
Payment Type
For consistency purposes, all payments should be made in U.S. dollars. This is because U.S. dollars are more
universally accepted than any other currency. Next, be sure to mention United States Dollars (USD) when you
refer to how much the affiliates will get paid so there is no confusion.
Payment Amount
To determine a fair price to pay your affiliate, first visit some sites with similar programs and see what they
offer their affiliates. Next, in most companies it is assumed that about 12% of your budget is advertising. Thus
you might allocate 10% of that towards the affiliate payments and 2% towards maintaining the program.
Payment Minimum
It is pretty standard practice for affiliate programs to have a reserve amount that must be met before payment
is sent. For example www.amazon.com will not send you a check until you have accumulated $25 USD or more.
Payment Frequency
How often you send out payments can impact the loyalty of your affiliates as well. When possible, it is
recommended that you send affiliate checks out once a month, or at worst quarterly. Be sure to define the
payment schedule in your affiliate agreement and pay promptly according to that schedule.
Payment Delay
Due to fraud and refunds, it is necessary to have a built-in delay for payment in your affiliate program. Typical
delays range from 45 days to 60 days. This allows time for any refunds or charge backs to surface before you
pay out to the affiliates.
Affiliate Program
Building Affiliate Program
Creating the code to run your own affiliate program is the biggest task. Most Web
site owners will choose to out-source this project to a Web development company
that specializes in E-Commerce solutions. You are encouraged to review affiliate
programs already in place by your out-source options before finalizing the deal.
Third Party Vendors
Another option is to purchase a third party package to add an affiliate program to
your site. We recommend looking at www.AffiliateZone.com as a possible solution.
They have a $75 USD setup fee and monthly fees of $34.95 USD per month.
Writing Your Own
The last option is to create your own. This requires some programming experience,
but is a solution worth considering given the costs of outsourcing the project. Next
it has the advantage of integrating completely into your site, unlike the results you
might expect by attaching a third party affiliate program to your site.
Affiliate Program
Promote Affiliate Program
Mentioning your affiliate program in your newsletter is
a great place to start promoting your affiliate program.
You will also want one or more links to your affiliate
program within your Web site. There are also some
nice affiliate directories where you can list your
program for free.
Affiliate Directories
1. www.AssociatePrograms.com
2. www.Associate-it.com
3. www.CashPile.com
4. www.Refer-it.com
Affiliate Program
Affiliate Screening
You will want to review all Web sites requesting
to participate in your affiliate program. This
helps to ensure that sites with questionable
content do not display a banner to your site. In
most cases, the quality of the affiliate's Web
site is not the issue, only the nature of the
content for the site.
Affiliate Program
Affiliate Approval Notice
Once approved, you should send a confirmation
email to new affiliates along with their affiliate
ID and instructions on how to place the ad
banner or link on their site. You should also
remind them of any restrictions included in the
affiliate agreement terms within the email.
Affiliate Program
Affiliate Code
For an affiliate to get credit, they need an affiliate ID. These typically
come in two flavors, a promocode or an affiliate code. An affiliate
code is granted to owners of Web sites that have been approved for
linking to your site.
The affiliate code is added to their link to your site so that they can
get credit for sales coming from their site. The example below
passes the affiliate code 1047917.
Affiliate link sample syntax:
Affiliate Program
Affiliate Tracking
Response tracking from an affiliate program can be
handled easily by two methods. First, the campaign will
contain a Web page address that is unique to the
affiliate program with the affiliate ID tacked on the
end. Then you will be able to track the sales for the
associate ID.
Using both methods would allow you to compare how
many people visited from the affiliate links relative to
how many people purchased from them.
Affiliate Program
Affiliate Graphics
You will need to provide some graphics and link code to your affiliates so
they can easily link to your site. The code would be the same for everyone
except the affiliate ID would be different. The example below is a sample of
what is used with Webmaster Certification Online's affiliate program.
Source Code:
<a href=http://www.webmastercertification.com/aff.cfm?aff=21099>
<img src=http://www.webmastercertification.com/images/aff3.gif
width=230 height=33 border=0 hspace=0 alt="Get Webmaster
You are encouraged to offer multiple graphic options in different sizes and
colors to allow for more compatibility with your affiliate Web sites.
Search Engine Optimization
M. Fakhrurrazi
Search Engines
A search engine is a service where internet users can go to the search
engine web site and search for web sites that interest them by
inputting keywords. The search engine then displays the results of their
search starting with the web sites that best meet the search criteria
down to the web sites that least fit the search criteria.
Search engines are becoming ever more popular especially when you
consider how many web sites there are on the internet today and most
users have limited time to find what they are looking for. Search engine
optimisation is the process of getting your web site address or URL as
close as possible to the top of the search results when someone using
the search engines is looking for the products you sell.
Search Engines
Search Engine Optimisation
Search Engines
Search Engines and Directories
A directory site is one that contains manually compiled
categories of Web sites, whereas a search engine
uses automated spiders to search the Web for
content and organize it by keywords, with little
regard for the true category under which each site
should fall.
Search Engines
Search Engines and Directories
User's Point of View
Over the years there has been plenty of debate over whether search engines are directories
and vice versa. From the user's point of view, it would appear that all directories could be
considered search engines since they all have an input box to search the content of the site,
regardless of the method of acquiring data.
E-Marketing Point of View
From an E-Marketing point of view, we are more concerned with the method by which data is
added and ranked, as this will determine how we adjust our placement strategy for each. It
is the intent of this lesson to optimize placement in the search results for search engines
and directories.
Blurring the Lines
It is important to note that many search engines get some of their results from other search
engines and directories, many of which are owned by or partnered with each other. The
dynamics of these relationships are ever-changing, but a visit to
www.SearchEngineWatch.com can update you on the current state.
Search Engines
Can the Search Engine War Be Won?
Many people believe that great placement in the search engines is a lottery at best. For
example, the authors of Web Marketing & Project Management said in their book, "I don't
believe this game can be won."
For argument's sake, let's do a quick test to see if, in fact, search engine placement is possible.
By clicking on a link below, the corresponding search engine box will appear. Do a search for
"Webmaster Certification" in any of the search engines listed below. Once there you should find
"Webmaster Certification Online" and/or "WebYoda" listed in the top five, probably both in the
top 5 with one of them listed #1.
Is WebmasterCertification.com the luckiest company alive when it comes to search engine
placement? Not likely. The truth is, we have applied the strategies we are about to discuss in
order to achieve the placement we currently enjoy. Your results will likely vary, however, as you
can clearly see, these strategies are proven effective.
Most people think search engine placement is a lottery at best. Many who do attempt top 10
placement without the appropriate training often fail miserably. This leaves the door open even
wider for those of us who are persistent and trained correctly.
Search Engines
Search Engine Basics
Good placement in search engines results from a
combination of preparation and opportunity (aka
LUCK). Search engines claim you can get results in as
few as 24 hours, yet it can often take 2 months before
most search engines cycle through their backlog of
new entries. With 90% of the sites indexed in search
engines being junk, getting good exposure via search
engines is difficult. Use the tips in this section to
improve your placement odds.
Search Engines
Search Engine Tips
Submit Web site to search engine (http://google.com/addurl).
Use keywords in the content near the top of the document.
Keywords placed inside clickable link text ranks higher.
Use descriptive Web page titles.
Use a descriptive URL, for example:
Encourage other sites to link to yours.
Search Engines
Search Engine Tips
Purchase alternate Web names, point them all to your Web site, then
submit those names.
Use Meta Tags correctly
Visiting your own link in the results of some search engines can improve
your ranking.
Avoid frames, Web sites using frames can not be picked up by all search
engine spiders.
Avoid keyword spamming, any excessive use of keywords can hurt your
placement in the search engines.
Use an entry page through which people can access your Web site, but is
optimized with the rules above, thus more desirable to the search engines.
Search Engines
Search Engine Urban Legends
The list below contains factors that are presumed to improve search engine placement but
typically do not.
Using popular search terms unrelated to your content does yield more traffic but not quality
Search engines are not case sensitive. Searching on "webmaster" or "Webmaster" will yield the
same results.
The order that keywords are typed into a search engine does not affect the results.
Placing keyword content on a Web page that is the same color as the background will hide it
from users, but search engines will often interpret it as spam.
Meta Tags are presumed to be the key to high rankings; however with many search engines,
they are primarily used to determine what words to index a site with, and not as much how high
to rank it.
Search Engines
Hidden Content Alternative
It is true that content that is the same color as the
background color can be detected as spam by the
search engines; however, two colors do not have to be
exactly the same to appear exactly the same. For
example, while the color white is "#FFFFFF", the color
"#FEFCFD" is not white, although it visually will appear
Another technique would be to set the background to
the color's text name ("white"), and then color the
content with the color's number ("#FFFFFF"). It is
rumored, however, that this practice is more likely to
be detected as spam.
Search Engines
Keyword Search Terms
Keyword search terms are either single words or multiple words that are
typed into a search engine. Web developers typically put these words in the
title, meta tags, and content of the Web pages to improve the likelihood
that the pages will be found by search engines.
One typical oversight is to put all the single search words in to the meta tag
as single keywords separated by commas. As it turns out, the focus should
be on multiple keyword terms. For example, a user interested in
Webmaster courses is likely to type "Webmaster Certification" or
"Webmaster Training" into a search engine.
First make a list of every keyword search term you feel is relative to your
business. Next go to inventory.overture.com and search on each of the
original terms. Look in the search results for a section called "Refine
Suggstions to narrow you search." This tells you other keyword search
terms on which users have searched. Add all that you feel are truly relative
to the list for your business.
Search Engines
Doorway pages
Doorway pages are Web pages that point to other
pages in a Web site but the Web site pages do not
point to them. These pages can be individually
optimized for each search engine and each search
The main example for doorway pages was deep
linking. Recall that deep linking is the act of making
special pages that advertising can point to so that the
effectiveness of the advertising campaign can be
Search Engines
Doorway pages
Keyword Optimized Pages
Keyword optimized pages are pages where each page in a set of pages focuses on one keyword
search term. The keyword meta tag should only include the target keyword and the
description meta tag should include the target keyword in a sentence. Next, the title should
be worded to contain the target keyword term, preferably twice, but never more than
twice. For example, we might use the following title for a doorway page about
"Webmaster Training."
Webmaster Training - Quality Online Webmaster Training 25% Off
Misspelled Keywords Pages
Another interesting and effective strategy is to build gateway pages that are optimized for
misspelled keyword terms. First, choose your most effective keyword terms, then misspell
them using the following patterns.
Examples: ebmaster Training WWebmaster Training eWbmaster Training Wbmaster Training
Weebmaster Training Wbemaster Training Wemaster Training Webbmaster Training
Wembaster Training
Search Engines
Doorway pages
Link the Gateway Pages
Assuming you have hundreds of gateway pages, it would be neither
practical nor advisable to submit all the pages to the search engines
individually. It would be very time consuming and would likely be
detected as spam.
Alternatively, you can make a set of hidden links to your target
keyword pages from one page within your main site, then on each
target page put hidden links to the misspelled pages for that target
keyword. Once complete, the gateway pages become a connected
part of your Web site and when your site is spidered by the search
engines, these pages are likely to be included.
Search Engines
Search Engine Popularity
About the Different Search Engines
You have integrated your keyword terms into your Web pages using
the techniques previously discussed. But this only prepares your
pages for what the search engines like to see. The goal now is to
convince the search engines that the visitors to your site are
satisfied as well.
Many of today's search engines incorporate methods to track the
popularity of links in the search results returned. The more popular a
link is, the higher in the rankings the site will appear. We will discuss
different techniques next and how to make them work for you.
Search Engines
Link Popularity (off page)
The first method search engines use to grade a Web site is how many Web
sites point to them. Hence if your site has 100 other sites linking to you, but
your competitor has only 10, your site will rank higher in some search
engines. As a byproduct, every site that links to you is a potential entry
point for your customers.
There are many options to getting linked, most of which are byproducts of
other E-Marketing techniques discussed throughout this course. Some
examples include business directory sites, Web awards, Internet top 50
sites, resource sites, banner sites, blind links, affiliate links, free Web sites
and reciprocal links with other non-competing Web sites.
Once you are linked by any of these methods, it is advantageous to submit
the sites that point to you to the search engines as many of them may not
be indexed. This not only tells the search engines that they exist but also
that they link to you.
Search Engines
Link Popularity
Blind Links
Blind links are links in a Web page that are not visible to the visitor, but visible to the search engines. It is
possible to put these links in other pages that you create and point them all back to your main site. This can be
accomplished by making very small 1x1 graphics that display the same color as the background of the page.
Simply name the graphic(s) something meaningful like "webmastertraining.gif" and point the link to the
corresponding Web site.
Affiliate Links
Affiliate links are links to your site where the site containing the link to your site earns money either by people
visiting your site or by producing sales. For example, WebmasterCertification.com has an affiliate program that
pays 5% of all course sales that come from the affiliate site. As a byproduct, the affiliate sites are linked to you
and can be submitted to search engines to improve your popularity.
Free Web Site
Another option is to create free Web sites at places like www.angelfire.com/ and have a link to your site from
them. The problem with this idea is that the page you are submitting is not likely to be a very useful page, thus
you are improving your link popularity at the expense of submitting dead weight to the search engines.
Search Engines
Click Popularity
Click popularity is a measure of how often your link in search results is clicked. In
some search engines, the more often your link is clicked, the higher your site ranks in
the search results. Thus, in popularity-driven search engines, you can search on your
keyword terms, then go through the search results clicking on every link within the
results that links to your site. Over time this will improve your position in these
search engines.
The more savvy search engines keep track of how much time you spent at a given
link, this is referred to as popularity stickiness. If you click on the first link in the
search results, then back up and choose another link immediately, the search engine
assumes you did not like the first result very much.
A good strategy for you is to set your browser's home page to the search engine you
would like to target, and each time you open your browser you search on your
keywords, click on your link, then leave that search engine alone for a while (the
exact delay time is unknown).
Search Engines
Click Popularity
Focus on multiple search terms
One of the biggest oversights in the search engine placement wars is focusing all
your energy on one really good search term. You need to target multiple
keyword terms, ones that have proven to be good search terms relative to the
people doing the searching. WebYoda made this mistake early on as we did not
focus on the search term "Web Design Training" as much as we should have.
However, with your help in the next exercise, you can help correct this
Visiting Competitors Sites
It is often valuable to visit the competition's Web site. Remember that if you click on
their links, you are improving their popularity as well. Instead, manually type the
URL for the competition Web site into your browser location bar. This will get
you to their site without giving them click popularity credit.
Search Engines
Popularity Search Engines
How to Identify Popularity Search Engines
You can assume that all search engines that allow you to submit Web sites are
monitoring link popularity at some level. However, click popularity is not as
common. The most obvious way to know a search engine potentially uses click
popularity is if the links within the results visit their server before heading to the
destination site. Meaning if you put the mouse over a link, the status bar at the
bottom of your browser will show the link pointing back to the search engine.
Identifying The Ones That Don't Want to Be Found
One might assume that if you put your mouse over a link in search results and the
status bar shows the true URL to the destination site, that the search engine does
not use click popularity. However, this may not be the case. Some search engines
will purposely set the onMouseover text to display the destination URL, but have
the link set to visit their server first before going to the destination site. This can be
detected by creating a shortcut to the link then viewing the properties of the
shortcut to see where the link really goes.
Search Engines
Popularity Search Engines
List Of Popularity Search Engines
The following search engines are believed to use click popularity. Some of
these get their results from the same source. For example,
www.directhit.com provides search results for www.askjeeves.com. It is
still assumed to be advantageous to visit all sites, whether they are related
or not, to improve click popularity.
Click Popularity Search Engines
1) http://www.yahoo.com
2) http://www.google.com
3) http://www.altavista.com
4) http://www.excite.com
5) http://www.lycos.com 6) http://www.msn.com
7) http://www.aol.com
8) http://www.askjeeves.com
9) http://www.nbci.com
10) http://www.iwon.com
Search Engines
Hand-Reviewed Directories
Hand-reviewed directories are ones where a real person looks at each site before it is added.
This means it is not a good idea to submit the same site over and over again as it may be
detected as spam. In addition, submitting any or all sub-pages of a Web site is discouraged.
Open-Source Directories
Open-source directories like dmoz.com and NBCI.com, are ones where anyone who gets approved can
become an editor for the directory. Dmoz.com for example, has over 30,000 editors. Once you are an
editor you can submit Web sites for approval at will and they are typically approved within 48 hours.
Proprietary Directories
Proprietary directories are ones in which the editors are hired by the directory company. This means it is very
hard to influence the inclusion of your site within these directories, the time delay for inclusion can be
months, and you are not notified if the site is rejected.
Pay-Per-Review Directories
Pay-per-review directories are also proprietary directories. Basically, for a fee of typically $199 you are
guaranteed your submission will be reviewed within 48 hours. If your submission is approved, you will be
immediately added to the directory and you should start appearing within the directory within a week. If
you receive an email of approval, but do not find your site in the directory within two weeks, you are
encouraged to call to confirm placement.
Search Engines
Pay-Per-Click Directories
Pay-per-click search engines are search engines where the listings are ordered by the
highest bidder per keyword term. The minimum bid is $0.05 US, and you only pay if
someone clicks on your link. The two major pay-per-click sites are
www.findwhat.com and www.overture.com.
www.findwhat.com is the second largest pay-per-click site. They have a review
policy, so your submissions do not appear until they have been reviewed (about 24
hours). One of the neatest features findwhat.com has is the ability to get groups of
keyword term statistics. Meaning that if you query on "Webmaster," it will return
the top 50 most frequently typed search terms. This is very valuable for determining
what keywords on which to bid.
www.overture.com is by far the largest pay-per-click site. They are a review site as
well, meaning, once you submit your sites, they must be reviewed by their editors
before they are added. This takes about 48 hours, but ensures the quality of the
Search Engines
Metacrawlers Search Engine
Metacrawlers are search engines that return the best
results of the other search engines. In theory, the
Metacrawler results should collectively be better,
however, at closer inspection you find that a lot of the
listings are also pay-per clicks. Meaning, most
metacrawlers are used to capture affiliate dollars from
the pay-per-click networks they list.
This does strengthen the argument to use the pay-perclick sites since if you are #1 in the pay-per-click sites,
you are likely to enjoy top placement in the
metacrawlers as well.
Search Engines
Standard Search Engines
Search Engines
Pay Per Click Search Engines
Search Engines
Mirror Search Engines
Search Engines
Meta Search Engines
Email Campaigns
M. Fakhrurrazi
Email Campaigns
About Email Campaigns
Email or electronic mail has revolutionised
communication. Anyone with access to the internet
and an email program can send a written message along with attached documents - anywhere in the
world within seconds via the internet.
Email campaigns are targeted emails that work much
like conventional direct mail campaigns. They come in
various forms such as direct email, newsletters,
newsgroups, and press releases.
Email Campaigns
Direct Mail vs. Direct Email
Direct mail is very expensive compared to direct email.
Most of us have received multiple versions of the AOL
CD via direct mail, which in most cases makes a great
drink coaster at best. Most of us can not afford to
make a billion pieces of direct mail like AOL, but,
fortunately, there is direct email.
The creation cost for both are about the same but the
publication and distribution costs for direct email is
much less. This gives you the opportunity to use direct
email on the Internet on a much smaller budget.
Email Campaigns
Spam Email
A sharp line divides email marketing from spam.
Basically email marketing is solicited email
(requested), and spam is non-solicited email
(not requested).
The gray area begins to form when you start
arguing over how a recipient asks.
Understanding this division is the key to
ensuring you do not come across as spamming.
Email Campaigns
Opt-out Email
Opt-out email is email sent to target groups who have shown an interest in
a specific topic. Once the email is received, the recipient has the option to
"unsubscribe" from receiving further email from you.
Opt-out email is considered solicited email because at some point the
recipient filled out a form somewhere that landed them on a list of people
who have agreed to receive email.
Opt-out list may start as a legit email list, but those lists are often bought,
sold, shared, rented or exchanged by others with similar lists. This results in
your email address being vulnerable to anyone, including spammers.
Opt-out email is often mistaken for spam since you don't specifically ask for
opt-out email.
Email Campaigns
Opt-in Email
Opt-in email is email that has been specifically requested. This email
approach will be well received by your target audience since they
ask you to send it to them.
The recipient must explicitly request to be placed on your opt-in list,
or you run the risk of looking like a spammer.
Most Opt-in sign ups are single opt-in, meaning you enter your email
address then you click a submit button and you are subscribed.
Double opt-in requires you to reply to an email confirmation before
you are added to the list. This helps ensure someone else can not
add you to an opt-in list without your permission.
Email Campaigns
Purchased vs Rented Email Lists
Every time you turn around, someone is trying to sell you a list of
1,000,000 email addresses. At best you are purchasing a static list of
opt-out email addresses that are not targeted towards any particular
demographics. At worst you are buying a near dead opt-out list of
emails, and those you do reach will view your company negatively
because they have already received too much spam email from the
same list.
Rented email lists are living opt-in lists where people subscribe and
unsubscribe daily. In most cases, you never actually see the list, but
instead the company submits your email to their list for you. Rented
lists are more easily targeted because you can choose a company or
companies whose audience matches your target audience.
Email Campaigns
Renting a List
When you rent a list, your email is distributed
for you to individuals all over the world who
sign up and receive email messages on specific
You can visit Web sites that have similar
demographics as yours and see if you can rent
their list. For example, would likely rent from
www.searchenginewatch.com because of
similar demographics.
Email Campaigns
Building A Better Email
In direct mail marketing, the envelope has two primary purposes: branding
and to encourage the recipient open it.
In email marketing, the envelope is the email's From: line, Subject: line, and
To: line. Following a few simple rules can increase the success of an email
campaign dramatically.
You should start the email off with a headline at the top which is set apart
from the rest of the email by single dashed line on the top and bottom of
the header. The header should be two lines at most and summarize exactly
what you have to offer.
The signature is the section at the bottom of your email that allows you to
identify yourself and offer contact information. Using a signature at the
bottom of your emails ensures that the recipient knows who originally sent
the email, even if it is forwarded.
Email Campaigns
Test Your Email
Before sending any email campaign to the rest
of the world, be sure to send a copy to yourself
to make sure everything looks exactly the way
you expect it to. Check your links in the
received version to see that they all work, check
the contact information for correctness, and
check to see that the email meets all the length
and formatting rules.
Email Campaigns
Avoid Email Attachments
Some companies have found email attachments
containing postcards, slide shows, or even
commercials. Though this method can have some
effective results, it should be avoided as many users
assume any attachment from a third party is a possible
Next, if the attachment contains the bulk of your
payload and is not opened, then your message will
never get seen. By simply supplying a link to a Web
address containing more information, you can grab the
prospect's attention without the fear of a potential
Email Campaigns
When to Send Email
Conventional wisdom suggests that everything should
be waiting for you first thing Monday since you are
fresh and ready for a new week. However, reality will
show you that your email box is bulging at the seams
on Monday and you just want to get through it at any
Instead, email early Friday afternoon. Most people are
winding down for the weekend at that time and
putting off tasks till the next week. This allows for
more light reading of the few emails trickling in on a
Friday afternoon.
Email Campaigns
The Unsubscribe Option
Even if you are using your own opt-in email list, you
must offer a way to unsubscribe from the list in every
email. This applies to direct email, newsletters, and all
other email promotions. This shows your respect for
their time when they decide to no longer receive direct
The option to unsubscribe can be placed near the
bottom of the email with easy-to-follow instructions.
Probably the simplest unsubscribe method tells the
recipient to reply to the received email and place the
word "Unsubscribe" on the subject line. This is quick
and easy, thus the recipient does not feel trapped.
Email Campaigns
Response Tracking
Response tracking from email marketing can be
handled easily by two methods. First, the campaign can
include a Web page address that is unique to the
campaign, and you can track the visitors to that page.
Next, you can associate a promocode with the
campaign and track how often it is used.
A combination of both methods would allow you to
compare how many people responded relative to how
many people acted on their response.
Email Campaigns
Response Staff
There are many methods for automating this process, and it is fine to send an
automated response so long as it is followed with a real person responding soon
after. Many prospects rely on the human element to close the deal, therefore it is
essential you supply it for them.
How quickly you can respond makes all the difference in the world. A 24-hour to 48hour window of response time is preferred and anything faster than 8 hours is
viewed as an unreal response time. By responding quickly you demonstrate to your
visitors that you are very serious about customer support.
One of the most annoying things on the Internet are those sites that do not offer
any phone support options. DirectNIC for example, one of the leading domain name
resellers, offers some of the best rates at $15 per year and provides more free
features than you know what to do with. The problem is, they only offer support via
email. This in itself could cost them millions in lost business.
It is very common for visitors to ask the same questions. To help speed up the
response process, your response staff is encouraged to have form emails already
prepared that address the most common questions.
Email Campaigns
Newsletters, in this case, are email messages distributed by a company or organization to an
opt-in list on a set schedule. Newsletters typically announce sales, specials, schedules, events,
product releases, as well as a payload of useful information that makes the newsletters
There are two types of marketing opportunities with newsletters. You can either offer your
own newsletter or you can advertise in someone else's newsletter.
Setting Tone: To create an effective newsletter that people want to read on a regular basis
requires choosing a topic that you can be the authority on and that the readers will look
forward to reading.
Setting the Frequency: You must determine how often the newsletter should be mailed out.
Too often and readers feel overloaded and will likely unsubscribe. Too infrequently and readers
may forget who you are and think you are spamming them.
Archive Your Newsletters: If you do offer both ASCII and HTML versions, then archiving your
newsletters on your Web site will be very easy. Each month you simply add a link to your
monthly newsletter within the archive section and add the new newsletter with a new name.
Email Campaigns
Newsletters (Getting Subscribers )
First, a link to receive the newsletter should be available on your main page
and maybe on all pages.
Next, the sign up process needs to be very easy, with just enough questions
to understand who your readers are, but not so many that they may hold
them back from signing up.
Finally, you need to clearly explain your privacy policy so your readers feel
secure. You should never give your list to anyone, never email your list for
anyone, and let your users know that is your policy.
Word of Mouth: Another way to increase readers is through your current
reader base. You can encourage your readers to pass your newsletter on to
friends by adding wording at the bottom of each newsletter letting them
know you need their help to spread the word.
Email Campaigns
Newsletter Advertising
Selling Ads In Your Newsletter
There are two reasons you might sell ads in your newsletter. First, the whole purpose of your newsletter might
be to sell ad space. In this case, you build your revenue model around making money off advertising sales in
the newsletter.
Second, if your newsletter is good, you will be contacted by those wanting to advertise in your newsletter.
Unless your company is in the advertising business, you should not consider putting ads from other companies
in your newsletter. Your newsletter is a great place for you to educate your readers, sell them on your
products, and solve technical problems for them. It is for you and you alone.
Newsletter Special Announcements
Though you do not want to put ads from other people in your newsletter, you might want to make a special
announcement about a partner company who is willing to do the same for you.
If you choose to do this, be sure that both companies are in a position to benefit from the partnership, both
are in a position to give a strong recommendation about the other, and neither are competing directly with
each other.
Advertising in Other Newsletters
There is no shortage of newsletters out there looking to sell ad space. Your goal is to find newsletters that
match your client demographics, have a strong reader following, and the content seems worthwhile. The list
below is a good place to start, but you are encouraged to sample the newsletters of your final choices to
ensure they will benefit your ad campaign.
Email Campaigns
An E-promotion is an email sent to your own opt-in email list about
your specials, discounts, contests, or giveaways. E-promotions must
be well-planned and well-timed. They should have something very
worthwhile for the readers such that they merit having their own
email instead of being part of the newsletter.
For example, WebYoda wanted to build new prospects' awareness
about the success that past students had enjoyed. WebYoda ran an
E-promotion asking for readers to submit success stories. In return,
WebYoda picked a submission at random, and gave away a Palm VII
to that lucky person.
Email Campaigns
A newsgroup is a kind of electronic bulletin board where people who are
interested in like subjects can post and respond to conversational
"threads" or topics. There are literally thousands of newsgroups hosted all
over the world, and covering every conceivable topic about which humans
Each newsgroup has a following of readers along with self-proclaimed
gurus who police each group for unwanted traffic. This means you will need
to gain the acceptance of the group gurus in order to build a reputation
within each group.
Newsgroups are where spam originated and thus is least tolerated. Before
you begin posting to newsgroups other than the test groups, you need to
understand how they work. Newsgroups are like real communities. All
members have real personalities, and you must be accepted by the group
before your messages will be respected.
Email Campaigns
Because of the spam problems associated with
newsgroups, blatant advertising is usually banned, but
you're welcome to give advice, answer questions, and
pass on information. Be sure to include your signature
block at the bottom of all messages just as you would
for an email.
Pick no more than three groups in which to participate
and try to post messages at least twice per week.
Don't let the newsgroup gurus for these groups
discourage you. In fact, if they give you a hard time,
this may draw attention to you and thereby bring you
more traffic.
Press Releases
An Internet press release is the same as a traditional press release
except it is internet based.
As with any press release the idea is to send a document to a news
provider with the hope they find your document newsworthy
enough to publish.
With an internet press release you send an email with your
newsworthy document attached.
A great way to generate a lot of traffic to your web site is to get
yourself mentioned by the press. In fact, a press release is one of the
world's and Web's most effective marketing tools. As such,
announcing your web site via a press release is a great way to create
the initial promotional momentum a new web site requires.
Email Campaigns
Press Releases
Though press releases are generally considered conventional
marketing and not E-marketing, it is important to discuss their
For example, every press release which www.BusinessWire.com
distributes in the U.S. is transmitted to a myriad of Internet sites,
online services and databases.
In total, they reach over 16,000 points online, more than any other
commercial wire service. They make news available in every major
content syndicating service. The other significant press release
company to consider is www.prnewswire.com.
Email Campaigns
Press Releases
Setting the Tone
The goal of a press release is to be informative of current and future events within
your company. It should not be written to sound like a marketing campaign. Instead,
it should be worded more like a headline news story.
Setting the Time
As with newsletters, it would be a good idea to publish your press release on a day
other than Monday to miss the rush. For press releases, Thursday afternoon is a
good target since it won't hit most presses or online services until the next day
anyway. Next if it is picked up by any newspapers, they might even run it as a
weekend story, which would yield even more readers.
Press Release Tracking
Response tracking from a press release can be handled easily by two methods. First,
the press release should contain a Web page address that is unique to the press
release. Next you can include a special offer within the press release using a
promocode to track sales. Using both methods would allow you to compare how
many people visited from the press release relative to how many people purchased
because of it.
Press Releases
Banner Exchange
Banner Exchange
M. Fakhrurrazi
Banner Exchange
Banner Advertising
A banner advertisement is an image placed at the top or
bottom of a web page, to catch the viewer's eye and
possibly prompt them to click on it.
It can either be static, that is, simply like a billboard
displaying the name of a website, or dynamic, encouraging
the user to click on the banner image to be transferred to
that website.
Banner advertising is based on one-to-many advertising
rather than one-to-one. It has traditionally been the most
common form of promotion on the web.
Banner Exchange
Banner Advertising
Banner Exchange
Banner/Link Exchanges
A banner exchange (link exchange) is a cooperative
advertising program where participating businesses
work together to promote each other's
products/services and websites on an exchange rather
than paid basis.
Banner exchanges have management systems that
track when and where banners are displayed
throughout the network. Every time you display the
banner of another member, you receive a credit. Based
on these credits, the management system ensures that
your banner is displayed at other sites in the banner
exchange network.
Banner Exchange
Banner/Link Exchanges
Banner Exchange
Banner/Link Exchanges
Banner Exchange
Banner/Link Exchanges
Banner Exchange
Banner Branding vs. Click-Throughs
(impression vs click)
There are two goals of a banner campaign,
branding and click-throughs.
A branding campaign is more concerned with
how many people see the brand name and not
as much with how often it is clicked.
Coke, for example, just wants to bring their
name to mind, visiting their Web site, is
Banner Exchange
Banner Terminology
Banner Impression - You display a banner on your Web site one time.
Banner Exposure - A banner company displays your banner one time.
Exchange Ratio - How many impressions you must display to receive an exposure.
Click-Through Ratio (CTR) - the percentage of clicks on a banner relative to the total
number of banner displays.
CPM - Cost per 1000 impressions, a typical purchase rate is $10 per thousand.
Banner Dimensions - The standard banner size for nearly all banner networks is
486x80, meaning 486 screen pixels wide and 80 pixels tall.
Real Traffic - any visitor who clicks a banner to visit a page then subsequently clicks a
link on that page.
Banner Exchange
Banner Optimization
Banner Size
How quickly a banner loads can determine whether a banner is seen
at all. Many banner networks will allow you to place a banner up to
10K in size, which can take 5 seconds to load. You should avoid any
banners larger than 4K as this ensures your banners load in 2 seconds
or less.
Banner Exchange
Banner Optimization
Banner Colors
Bright colors get the most mileage. Yellow, orange, and green
attract more attention than red, blue and black. A banner that gives
the appearance of a yellow page ad is highly effective.
Banner Exchange
Banner Optimization
Banner Graphics
Simple animated graphics and animated banners which switch
between three frames of text are very effective.
Banner Exchange
Banner Optimization
Next, banners that look like error messages, selection boxes,
submit buttons, or a scrollable windows are also very
Banner Exchange
Banner Optimization
Banner Content
Of course the banner message is very important. The message should convey what is in it for
the visitor: how they can save, how they can benefit, why them, etc. The content should focus
on emotions like fear, curiosity, humor, or the big promise.
The word "FREE" is still the most powerful word in advertising. Offer a free drawing, free
subscription to an e-zine, free advertising, free trial offer, free download for software, etc. For
example, WebYoda offers a free tour of the Internet which is pulled as a sample of the
Mastering the Internet course.
Banner Exchange
Banner Optimization
Banner Branding
Since nearly 99% of all banners are never clicked on, you need to
get as much mileage out of the non-clicked banners as you can.
Branding at least leaves the opportunity for the surfer to see
your company name, Web address or logo.
Banner Exchange
Banner Optimization
The Submit Button Call to Action
A call to action is also known to raise response rates. Simple phrases
such as "Click Here," "Visit Now" and "Enter Here" tend to improve
response rates by 15%. These phrases should be strategically placed in
the ad, preferably on the right side, as this is where the eye will be
Banner Exchange
Banner Optimization
Cloaked Banners
One fairly new technique is to build a banner with a clear background, no border,
option buttons, and text instructions. When done correctly, the banner will appear
to be an integral part of the Web site and lose the banner look all together.
Banner Exchange
Pay Per Banner Impressions
The www.doubleclick.net banner network is by far the largest pay per banner
network, with fees starting around $15 per thousand impressions. A visit to any
major site that displays banners other than their own is likely to feed from
Web Site Specific Banners
The key advantage to purchasing banners on a specific Web site is to ensure a
quality demographics match. For example, if you sell sports cards, then placing a
banner campaign at a sports cards magazine site, such as www.beckett.com,
ensures your banners are displayed to visitors who are likely interested in sports
Search Engine Banners
Another method to qualify your traffic is to purchase banners on a search engine site
such as Yahoo.com, Google.com , and DirectHit.com. Google.com for example,
places three banner ads to the right of all search results. The pricing is $15 per
1000 impressions.
Banner Exchange
Pay Per Banner Impressions
Banner Program Options
If you do decide to purchase a banner campaign, don't forget you
may have options. First, consider purchasing click-throughs and not
banner impressions as this will yield more quality traffic. If branding
is your main focus, then a banner impression campaign may be right
for you.
Next, be sure to target your banners to best fit the demographics of
your potential traffic. Last, be sure to check your banner statistics
supplied by the banner network regularly to see where your best
traffic is coming from. This can help you fine tune your banner ad
Banner Exchange
Free Banner Exchanges
Free banner exchanges agree to display your banners for free in
exchange for you displaying other member banners on your Web
site. For new companies with little to no advertising budget, banner
exchanges are an option to consider.
www.bcentral.com is by far the largest of the banner exchanges,
meaning they have the largest Web site participation base. This does
not always equate to the best option however, as we will see.
It is important to note that banner exchange networks also
generate revenue by selling banners across their network, but you
are NOT required to purchase banners.
Banner Exchange
Grading Banner Exchanges
Not All Banner Networks Are Equal
 There are literally thousands of banner exchange
networks, many of which come and go on a daily basis.
Banner Exchange Ratio
 The typical banner exchange ratio is 1:2 or 50%,
meaning for every two banners you display on your
sight, your banner will be displayed once across the
banner network. Some banner networks will give you
an exchange ratio as high as 1:1 or 100%, but as we will
see later, this may be too good to be true.
Banner Exchange
Using Banner Exchange
Real Traffic Per Week
Choose a banner
First you must
choose the banner
exchanges in which
you would like to
participate. The chart
below ranks our top
12 banner exchanges
based on how many
real visitors we
received each week
from them, with all
other variables the
Rank Link Exchange URL
Banner Exchange
Using Banner Exchange
Starting a banner exchange campaign
The steps to starting a banner campaign are simple. Use the steps
below as a guide for any of the banner exchanges.
1) Create a 486x80 banner.
2) Choose a banner network.
3) Enter your Web site information.
4) Upload your banner as per their instructions.
5) Grab HTML code from their site to add banners to yours.
6) Add the HTML code to the top of a page on your site.
7) Wait for banner approval.
8) You will be emailed when you are approved.
Banner Exchange
Using Banner Exchange
Test Banners
Test your banners to see which are the most effective. This is done
by running multiple banners on the same banner campaign and
watch how they fare against each other. You do not need separate
accounts for each banner as most banner networks will allow you to
rotate multiple banners at once.
You must allow banners to be displayed a minimum of 1000 times on
the banner network for an effective gauge of how well they are
performing. The example below was one of our banner tests.
Banner Exchange
Free Banner Drawbacks
Losing Visitors to Other Sites
When using free banner exchanges, you potentially lose traffic to the banners
displayed on your site. This damage should be minimal if your site truly has
something great to offer the visitor. People are typically compelled to leave only
when they are not satisfied where they are.
Ugly Banners On Your Site
In most banner networks, you have little control over the quality of the banners
displayed on your site. Fortunately, all of the top 12 banner networks we recommend
review all banners before they are displayed.
Inappropriate Banners Displayed
In this case the damage from inappropriate banners can be minimized. In some
banner networks, adult-oriented banners are allowed. None of the 12 we reviewed
for this course promote adult-oriented Web sites.
Banner Exchange
Free Banner Drawbacks
Wasted Banner Exposures
Fake Banner Exposures - Faking the banner systems to think you are
displaying banners. You will be caught!
Hidden Banner Displays - Hiding the banner you are supposed to display in a
hidden frame. You will be caught!
Contest Sites - Requiring visitors to click hundreds of times on a site to
receive a free prize.
Free Gambling Sites - Allowing visitors to gamble free for small prizes where
each page has a new banner.
Free Game Sites - Free online games that refresh banners at the top while
you play.
Banner Exchange
Paid vs. Free Banners
Paid banners are preferred if your advertising budget
can afford it. The truth is, free banners come at a price.
You are given free banner impressions by the network
in exchange for cluttering your site with banners that
may lead to traffic leaving.
On the flip side, if you have a minimal advertising
budget, then the free banner exchange may be the
best solution for you in the early stages.
Banner Exchange
Reciprocal links
Reciprocal links are very similar to banner exchanges
except there is a simple agreement between two web
sites rather than an organised exchange.
Your business places a linked banner on an associated
web site and they put their banner on your web site. It
is common that the two web sites will sell associated
products or have some sort of common theme
however this is not necessary.
Banner Exchange
Reciprocal links
Banner Exchange
Business Website
M. Fakhrurrazi
Business Website
Technically speaking a web site is a related collection of World Wide
Web (WWW) files that includes a beginning file called a home page.
A company tells customers and potential customers where to find
their website on the internet by giving them the address (or URL) of
their home page. From the home page, you can get to all the other
pages on their site. For example, the web site for the Small Business
Development Corporation (SBDC) has the home page address of
Web sites may be very complex and consist of hundreds of pages of
information and even provide the ability for your customers to
purchase your products on the internet. Alternatively, they can be
quite simple, consisting of only a few pages that do little more than
inform your customers of your businesses address and contact
Business Website
Banner Exchange
Mobile Phone Marketing
M. Fakhrurrazi
Mobile Telephone Marketing
Mobile Phone Marketing
Mobile telephone marketing is the use of mobile
phone technologies such as voice, text and
multimedia message services to promote
products/services to consumers.
With the significant increase in the use of
mobile telephones in Australia in recent years,
there has been a corresponding increase in
marketing via these technologies.
Mobile Telephone Marketing
Mobile Phone Marketing
Currently, the main mobile telephone
technologies used for e-Marketing are:
Short Message Service (SMS)
Multimedia Messaging Service (MMS)
Wireless Application Protocol (WAP)
General Packet Radio Service (GPRS)
Mobile Telephone Marketing
Mobile Phone Marketing - SMS
Short Message Service (SMS) is a message that can be sent to and from mobile
telephones. The messages can be both text and simple line drawings. Mobile phone
users can also download screensavers for their mobile telephone.
The main use of SMS is by mobile phone users especially the youth market sending
messages to each other via their mobile phones or via a computer to mobile phones.
There are also technology companies that offer the service of sending bulk SMS's to
multiple mobile telephones at one time.
For the purposes of e-Marketing, small business can send SMS messages via a
personal computer or have a specialist technology company send the messages on
their behalf to prospective and existing customers. The messages can promote
almost anything such as advertising product specials, promoting a web site, inviting
them to a function, to participate in a competition etc..
Mobile Telephone Marketing
Mobile Phone Marketing - SMS