The Trojan War

How it all began…
 Banquet for the wedding of Peleus and Thetis
 All the divinities were invited, except for Eris
 She sent in a golden apple labeled For the Fairest
 Hera, Pallas Athena, and Aphrodite all try to claim it
 They are sent to Paris to learn who earns the apple
 working as a shepherd because it was prophesized
that he would bring ruin to Troy
The Judgment
 Paris was living with a nymph named Oenone (ee n
oh n ee)
Each goddess offers Paris a bribe:
Athena- make him lord of Europe and Asia
Hera- give him victory over Greece
Aphrodite- will give him the most beautiful
woman in the world
Paris is a coward and weakling, so he picks
The Most
Helen’s Marriage
 She is daughter is of
Zeus and Leda
 She is desired by every
prince in Greece
 Husband gets to be
king of Sparta
 Her suitors must agree
to punish anyone who
might kidnap her
 Menelaus is chosen
The Meeting
 Paris goes to Sparta as a
guest of Menelaus and
 Law of hospitality=
Paris is warmly
 Menelaus must go to
Crete, trusts Paris
 Paris breaks law of
hospitality and runs
away with Helen
War Begins
The agreement for Helen’s betrothal is enacted
• King of Ithaca
• Doesn’t want to leave
• Attempts to feign
• Is outwitted- must join
• Hero of The Odyssey and
the one who dreams up
the solution to the war’s
• His mother, Thetis, knows
he will die at Troy
• Hides him in a royal court,
disguised as a girl
• Odysseus, the cleverest
Greek, must retrieve him
• Achilles cannot maintain the
disguise- must join the war
Pre-War Obstacle
1000 ships set out for Troy
The ships can’t sail at Aulis
 North wind prevents them
 Artemis is angered over the killing of a rabbit
 To appease her, a maiden must be sacrificed
 Iphigenia, daughter of Agamemnon (brother of
Menelaus and commander in chief) agrees to
save face
 Her death allows them to sail
The Trojan Royals
1. Priam: King
 Older, has many children
2. Hecuba: Queen
3. Paris
4. Hector
 Greatest warrior in Troy
 noblest son; kind to Helen, but does not desire her
5. Andromache
 Hector’s wife
6. Cassandra
 Apollo loved her and gave her gift of prophecy
 She rejected him, he cursed her- no one will believe her
Greek Leaders
a. King of Mycenae
b. Leader of the Greeks
c. bossy, proud,
a. King of Sparta
b. Helen’s husband
c. Agamemnon’s
a. immortal except for
his heel
b. golden armor
c. greatest Greek
a. King of Ithaca
b. Crafty, the smartest
Conflicts Over Women
a. Agamemnon captured her
b. Her dad is a priest of Apollo,
and he begs her release
c. Agamemnon refuses
d. Divine retribution: Apollo
rains down arrows of fatal
sickness on Greeks
e. Achilles calls a conference
and brings in Calchas, a
f. The verdict: Chryseis must
be returned
g. Agamemnon’s pride is
wounded, he is furious
a. Achilles captured her
b. When forced to give up
Chryseis, Agamemnon
takes Briseis from Achilles
c. Achilles is furious: he
drops out of the war, stays
in his tent
d. Greeks begin to lose
the war