
SWEP Conference 2015
Presenters: Anna Mondragon ESC Region 19 ~ El Paso & Stefanie Cassels ESC Region 11
~ Fort Worth
PSW Models that follow a Cognitive Processing Approach
Since the federal definition of a learning disability involves a disorder in one or more of
the basic psychological processes (34 CFR 300.8) many states are using processing
approaches for diagnosing SLD, cognitive processing is an important area to address.
– Includes measures of specific psychological processes that interfere with
a student’s ability to preform academically
– Also establishes a link between weaknesses in cognitive processing and academic
• Consistency‐Discrepancy Model (Naglieri, 1999)
– This approach examines individual strengths and weaknesses through the
theoretical lens of the PASS (planning, attention, simultaneous processing, and
successive processing) theory of intelligence
– Creates a profile of an individual’s cognitive /academic strengths and cognitive/
adacemic weaknesses
• Concordance‐Discordance Model (Hale and Fiorello, 2004)
– This approach is characterized by directly assessing the cognitive processes
which have been empirically linked to academic achievement along with an
examination of the ecological factors and treatment validity
– This assessment approach is imbedded in a consultation‐based problem solving
process. Inherent in this approach are the critical role of RTI data collected, a
thorough description of the presenting problem, and a review of the educational
history to develop an initial theory about the student.
• Ability‐Achievement Consistency Model (Flanagan, Ortiz, Alfonso, 2007)
Examines cognitive processing strengths and weaknesses through the Cattel‐Horn‐Carrol (CHC)
theory of intelligence. 7 broad areas of cognitive ability in the CHC model: auditory processing,
visual processing, short‐term memory, long‐term retrieval, crystallized knowledge/comprehension,
fluid reasoning, and processing speed.
Creates a profile in which logical and empirical links can be made between cognitive weaknesses
and academic weaknesses
Ahh haa moment- The most important thing when it comes to SLD evaluations is
to identify the PSW model you used to determine eligibility. According to the
Crowley ISD evaluation manual we use the Ability‐Achievement Consistency
Model (Flanagan, Ortiz, Alfonso, 2007). The Cross-battery method disc is an
assessment tool not a method of interpretation.
Ahh haa moment- The full scale IQ is relevant for ruling out ID. A student cannot
demonstrate a PSW with an IQ in the ID range.
Essentials of Cross-Battery Assessment, Third Edition
Cross-Battery Assessment Software System (X-BASS)- Expected release date March
30, 2015
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