PRE-ICIS WORKSHOP PROPOSAL FOR ICIS 2014 Sunday December 14, 2014, 9am-2:30pm Auckland School of Business Auckland, New Zealand Room Location Auckland School of Business Building Case Room 1, 260-00 Workshop Co-Organizers: James Pick and Hindupur Ramakrishna University of Redlands, Redlands, California USA Tom Horan Claremont Graduate University, Claremont, California, USA Workshop Agenda 8:30-9am Coffee and Tea 9-9:15am Introductions, Introduction to Workshop James Pick 9:15-10:20am Making a case – why are GIS and spatial analysis relevant for IS/IT academics? What is GIS and spatial analysis – Overview of GIS concepts, methods, and architecture; spatial analysis and business intelligence; and connections with MIS concepts. Questions and discussion Overview of GIS - Integrating GIS into Business School Teaching Overview of GIS - Integrating GIS into IS/IT Research Break James Pick 10:20-10:40am 10:40-11am 11-11:15am 11:15-11:45am Keynote Talk. Scott Campbell, Head of Technology, Eagle Technology Group Ltd. Auckland, New Zealand “GIS in New Zealand: Opportunities and Applications” 11:45-12:30pm Box Lunch and soft drinks in Workshop room (included in workshop registration) Hindupur Ramakrishna Tom Horan 12:30-1pm Hands-on Demo – Business Analyst Online Tool A Business Analysis Tool for IS/IT Research and Teaching Tom Horan, James Pick, Hindupur Ramakrishna 1-1:30pm Building a Publication Record in GIS: the Spatial Research Ecosystem James Pick 1:30-1:40pm 1:40-2:20pm Short Break Contributed Research Papers Session The Role of “Big Data” in Regional Low-Carbon Management: A Case in China 1,3 Hui Ma1, Xi Zhang2, and Lang Fan3 Capital University of Economics and Business, Beijing, China 2 Tianjin University,Tianjin, 300072, P. R. China Application of GIS to Support Regional Policy for Development of Renewable Energy in Southern California: An Exploratory Case Study Analysis James B. Pick, Monica Perry, and Jessica Rosales University of Redlands, Redlands, California, USA 2:20-2:30pm Workshop Summary Presenter: Xi Zhang, Tianjin University Presenter: James Pick University of Redlands