Computer Hacking
Forensics Investigator
Module I
Computer Forensics in
Today’s World
Steven is the managing director of a
respected software company. After finding
pornography downloaded on his network
server and a number of individual office
computers, he decided to hire a computer
forensics investigator to build a case for
employee dismissal.
The Investigator was hired to locate deleted
files if any and verify certain non-work
related contents of the hard drives in
question. The investigator was able to
locate spy software, pornography, illegal
file-sharing software from the hard drive of
the suspicious employee. This led to
employee dismissal.
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Module objective
of computer forensics
to computer forensics
forensics flaws and risks
of computer forensics
for cyber attacks
of attacks
Cyber war
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Module Flow
Forensics flaws
Cyber crime
Role of computer
Cyber war
and risks
Reason for cyber attacks
Modes of attacks
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Cyber activity has become an
important part of everyday life of the
general public
Importance of computer forensics:
85% of business and government
agencies detected security breaches
• FBI estimates that the United States
loses up to $10 billion a year to
cyber crime
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History of Forensics
Galton (1822-1911)
• Made the first recorded study of fingerprints
Leone Lattes (1887-1954)
• Discovered blood groupings (A,B,AB, & 0)
Goddard (1891-1955)
• Allowed Firearms and bullet comparison
for solving many pending court cases
Albert Osborn
• Developed essential features of document examination
Gross (1847-1915)
• Made use of scientific study to head criminal investigations
• A Lab was set up to provide forensic services to all field agents and
other law authorities throughout the country
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Definition of Forensic Science
–“Application of physical sciences to law in the
search for truth in civil, criminal and social
behavioral matters to the end that injustice shall
not be done to any member of society”
(Source: Handbook of Forensic Pathology College of
American Pathologists 1990)
–Aim: determining the evidential value of
crime scene and related evidence
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Definition of Computer Forensics
“A methodical series of techniques and procedures for
gathering evidence, from computing equipment and
various storage devices and digital media, that can be
presented in a court of law in a coherent and
meaningful format”
- Dr. H.B. Wolfe
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What Is Computer Forensics?
According to Steve Hailey, Cybersecurity
“The preservation, identification, extraction,
interpretation, and documentation of computer
evidence, to include the rules of evidence, legal
processes, integrity of evidence, factual reporting of
the information found, and providing expert opinion
in a court of law or other legal and/or
administrative proceeding as to what was found.”
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Need for Computer Forensics
“Computer forensics is equivalent of surveying a
crime scene or performing an autopsy on a victim”.
{Source: James Borek 2001}
 Presence of a majority of electronic documents
 Search and identify data in a computer
 Digital Evidence is delicate in nature
 For recovering
• Deleted,
• Encrypted or,
• Corrupted files from a system
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Evolution of Computer Forensics
1984 - FBI Computer Analysis and
Response Team (CART) emerged
1991 - International Law Enforcement
meeting was conducted to discuss
computer forensics & the need for
standardized approach
1997 - Scientific Working Group on
Digital Evidence (SWGDE) was
established to develop standards
2001 - Digital Forensic Research
Workshop (DFRWS) was held
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Computer Forensics Flaws and Risks
Computer forensics is in its early or
development stages
It is different from other forensic sciences as
digital evidence is examined
There is a little theoretical knowledge based up
on which empirical hypothesis testing is done
Designations are not entirely professional
There is a lack of proper training
There is no standardization of tools
It is still more of an “Art” than a “Science”
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Corporate Espionage Statistics
Corporate computer security budgets
increased at an average of 48% in
62% of the corporate companies had
their systems compromised by virus
FBI statistics reveal that more than
100 nations are engaged in corporate
espionage against US companies
More than 2230 documented
incidents of corporate espionage by
the year 2003
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Modes of Attacks
Cyber crime falls into two categories depending
on the ways attack take place
Following are the two types of attacks
1.Insider Attacks
2.External Attacks
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Cyber Crime
Cyber crime is defined as
“Any illegal act involving a computer, its systems, or
its applications”
The crime must be intentional and not
Cyber crime is divided into 3 T’s
• Tools of the crime
• Target of the crime
• Tangential to the crime
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Examples of Cyber Crime
A few examples of cyber crime
• Theft of intellectual property
• Damage of company service networks
• Financial fraud
• Hacker system penetrations
• Denial of Service Attacks
• Planting of virus and worms
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Reason for Cyber Attacks
Motivation for cyber attacks
1. Experimentation and a desire for
script kiddies to learn
2. Psychological needs
3. Misguided trust in other individuals
4. Revenge and malicious reasons
5. Desire to embarrass the target
6. Espionage - corporate and
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Role of Computer Forensics in Tracking
Cyber Criminals
Identifying the crime
Gathering the evidence
Building a chain of custody
Analyzing the evidence
Presenting the evidence
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Rules of Computer Forensics
Minimize the option of examining the original
Obey rules of evidence
Never exceed the knowledge base
Document any changes in evidence
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Computer Forensics Methodologies
The 3 A’s
Acquire evidence without modification or
Authenticate that the recovered evidence is same
as the originally seized data
Analyze data without any alterations
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Accessing Computer Forensics Resources
Resources can be referred by joining various
discussion groups such as:
– Computer Technology Investigators Northwest
– High Technology Crime Investigation Association
Joining a network of computer forensic experts
and other professionals
 News services devoted to computer forensics
can also be a powerful resource
 Other resources:
• Journals of forensic investigators
• Actual case studies
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Preparing for Computing Investigations
Computing investigations fall under two
distinct categories:
1. Public Investigation
2. Corporate Investigation
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Maintaining professional conduct
Professional conduct determines the credibility
of a forensic investigator
Investigators must display the highest level of
ethics and moral integrity
Confidentiality is an essential feature which all
forensic investigators must display
Discuss the case at hand only with person who
has the right to know
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Understanding Enforcement Agency
Enforcement agency investigations include:
Tools used to commit the crime
Reason for the crime
Type of crime
Infringement on someone else’s rights by
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Understanding Corporate Investigations
Involve private companies who address company
policy violations and litigation disputes
Company procedures should continue without any
interruption from the investigation
After the investigation the company should
minimize or eliminate similar litigations
Industrial espionage is the foremost crime in
corporate investigations
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Investigation Process
• Detecting/identifying the event/crime.
• Chain of Evidence, Documentation.
• Data recovery, evidence collection.
• Tracing, Filtering, Extracting hidden data.
• Analyzing evidence
• Investigation report, Expert witness
• Report
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Digital Forensics
The use of scientifically unexpressed and proven
methods towards the
 Preserving
 Collecting
 Confirming
Digital evidence extracted
 Identifying
from digital sources
 Analyzing
 Recording
 Presenting
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The need for computer forensics has grown to a
large extent due to the presence of a majority of
digital documents
A computer can be used as a tool for investigation or
as evidence
Minimize the option of examining the original
3A’s of Computer forensics methodologies are –
Acquire, Authenticate, and Analyze
A computer forensic investigator must be aware of
the steps involved in the investigative process
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