Tashkent Medical Academy CHAIR communal hygiene and health Theme: "Hygiene of entertainment and educational facilities" The purpose of classes 1.Oznakomit students with methodical care evaluation of projects by the General plan of cultural entertainment and educational institutions. 2.Obuchit methods and techniques of project consideration of cultural entertainment and educational facilities. 3.Obuchit principles of preventive and current sanitary supervision of cultural entertainment and educational institutions. 4.Obuchit survey techniques of entertainment and educational institutions. 5.Oznakomit laboratory monitoring methodology for compiling the report the results of laboratory research. The student should know: - Ethical and legal standards governing the relationship of man to man, society and the environm- Features of the organization and conduct of sanitary and epidemiological measures to mitigate the adverse effects of risk factors on health and the environment. - Methods of sanitary - hygienic inspection of supervision and copresenting the relevant accounting and reporting documentation. The student should be able to: - Conduct sanitary inspection of supervision and co-constitute the relevant accounting and reporting documentation. - Implement TSN controlled cultural entertainment and enlighten-enforcement agencies; - Perform visual, laboratory and instrumental research sites-ta. Motivation Participation physician in choosing land, consideration of the draft, putting operation of the facility, examine the state of health of the population. Sanitary inspection program (sanitary passport of entertainment and educational institutions) I. Background 1. Address 2. whose jurisdiction is 3. Who maintains: Radius Service 4. Type of entertainment and educational institutions 5. Capacity (design, actual) 6. A list of buildings and the purpose of each of them. 7. The system of construction. 8.Year of contents 9. Construction of the standard design (his №), individual project, is adapted building. 10. carry out reconstruction, expansion, when, what to speak. II. Planning and construction site. 1.Harakteristika surrounding area. 2.Podezdnye way. 3.Pochva, relief area 4.Ploschad area in hectares per 1 ha (design, actual) (KMK, snip, San Ping, GOST, methodical-cal instructions, regulations, etc.) subject to mandatory approval CSSES selection of land for the project, projects retrofitting buildings for other purposes. -5.Forma Plot ratio of the width to the length direction of the long axis of teaching-stka 6.Nalichie entries. 7.Zona Farmstead 8.Protsent site development 9.Harakteristika land plants: the total area percentage of the area of land plants to the area, the area of land plants per 1m2, types of land plants. 10. Noise and vibration on the estate (intensity during the day, the noise sources) Water, sanitation and cleaning of entertainment and Enlightenment-vegetation institutions I. Water 1. The object is connected to the urban water supply (yes, no) has a water-to-wire (to describe its structure) 2. Availability of replacement tanks, their capacity, sanitary condition. 3. Is there any hot water, how it works 4. Water consumption 1 visitor in m3 / day. (L / day); 5. Do you have enough water, there are different interruption in water supply 6. Who carries out the sanitary control of water supply. Water quality. 7. Disadvantages of water supply II. Sewerage 1.Prisoedinyaetsya whether a citywide sewer network. 2. Are there any small objects sewerage, characterize its device, scheme th wastewater treatment, the conditions of their descent into the pond. 3. How is the disinfection of wastewater 4. Are all buildings are connected to the sewerage system. 5. Availability of external orders. nodes, their organization, healthiness. 6. Serviceability of the sewerage network on the estate. III. Treatment 1. Types of collections for household waste on the premises. 2. Types of collections for specific wastes. 3. Collectors for debris on the estate (location, area of the state, the capacity of collections). 4. Disposal of waste produced on the estate, no, ka-a way. 5. The frequency of waste removal. 6. The sanitary condition of the estate. Characteristics of entertainment and Educational facilities 1. The name of the building (main, etc.), its number of floors. 2. The location of the building (designed, in fact). 3. Feasibility location floors. 4. The location of the building in relation to the street, adjacent objects The structural elements of the building 1. The outer walls (material, construction and thickness). 2. Internal partitions (material, design, thickness, sound-properties-RATE wall decoration in different rooms) 3. Characteristics of the floor in different rooms. 4. The presence of basement and ground floors. 5. The number of entrances, their purpose and use. 6. Internal stairs (the material characteristics of the march) 7. Lifts (size, purpose, use). Heating 1. The system of heating the coolant. 2. Types of heaters indoors, their location. 3. The microclimate in different rooms on different floors, according to the microroklimaticheskih measurements and reviews personnel. Ventilation 1. The presence of air vents. 2. The presence of supply and exhaust channels, their location, the area of the vents, the motivation, the availability of traction. 3. Is it possible through ventilation. 4. Are the ventilation mode in the cold and warm periods of the year. 5. What are the rooms are equipped with mechanical ventilation. 6. Ventilation. Processing of fresh air. 7. The supply air (zone transfer, air velocity and inlet holes, the amount of air entering the room in 1 hour). Air exchange rate in the bedrooms. 8. The effectiveness of ventilation (according to objective methods of research-) 9. Does the ventilation equipment noise and vibration. Daylight 1. General description and assessment of natural light main and auxiliary buildings (according to the characteristics of different lighting facilities; coverage of the first light, the shape of the windows and views of re-lash, light ratio, depth of the blackout windows, orientation, KEO, the color of the walls of the room) . Candlelight 1. The lighting system (local, general, combined) in the premises of different purposes. 2. Sources of light (incandescent, fluorescent). 3. Apply in different rooms illuminating equipment, its condition, overall depth, the presence of glare, light level, uniformity of illumination. 4. Local coverage areas for different purposes. 5. The presence of night lighting (lamps, light level). The i premise where 1. Intended use and location on the floor. 2. Length, width of floor space. 3. Equipment hard and soft inventory, and placement. 4. Noise and its sources, levels. 5. Mode of cleaning, disinfection, ventilation. Auxiliary facilities 1. Rooms Administration (list and specify the area). 2. Rooms staff and service and shopping (list and specify the area, sanitary conditions). 3. Open areas (nature, size, availability, use at different times of the year) 4. WC (list all the rooms on the project and their use of either in kind, to assess the space, equipment, ventilation, coholding). 5. Notes on the internal layout and use of space The use of innovative technologies: The use of "Star" Before The start of classes cut out of colored paper some big stars. On the reverse side of each star write a question regarding the co-content themes. Attach them to the wall with duct tape, as decoration, prefirst of what participants will be included in the study. When the topic of the session will be exhausted offer one of the participants to remove the star wailing aloud question corresponds tit-for him. Discuss all the points doubt correct inaccuracy, of. Control Questions 1. Hygiene requirements for planning and building Terri-tory spectacular and educational institutions. 2. Features of the plan entertainment establishments (Theater, circus, etc.). 3. The internal layout of entertainment establishments. 4. Sanitary device of entertainment and enlighten-enforcement agencies. 5. Hygienic requirements microclimate entertainment establishments. 6. Hygiene Requirements choice of land and spectacular uch-tutions. Key References: 1. "Health", ed. prof. Demidenko NM 2002 2. Akoulov KI, Bushtueva KA "Communal Hygiene" Moscow, 1986 3. Sh.T. Atabaev., TI Iskandarov "Communal Hygiene" (to Cyril. 1994, and the Latin. Earl 2007) 4. Guide to laboratory work on communal hygiene BI Gonchuk M; 1982 5. Akad.T.I.Iskandarov "Kommunal hygiene fanidan Amal mashғulotlar Uchun қullanma" (kiril.graf. 2006 th; Lotin Count 2008y.) 6. Communal Hygiene. Part 2 prof. Mazayev VT 2007. Additional: 1. Training program 2. Lecture material 3. KVM SanPin 4. From the Internet