Ideas for people who are ready to extend their social relationships Ideas for people who are ready to extend their social relationships Acknowledgements Thank you to the individuals and family members who have contributed to this project. The project has depended on people’s descriptions of their circumstances and experiences, and their advice about the materials developed. GCSS project team Anne Fahey Project Manager and interviews Kerri Hicks Interviews Kim Fairbairn —Baker Family advisory worker Dr Chris Fyffe Materials development Chelsea Miller Communications and graphics Consumer Advisory Group Consultation and feedback John Willis Editing and feedback Photos in this report and posters and tip sheets (where not otherwise credited) courtesy of CreatAbility events between 2006 and 2013. Image on front cover, stock image from For more information contact: Anne Fahey Manager Mental Health and Dual Disability Planning Manager Golden City Support Services (GCSS) PO Box 297 Bendigo Victoria 3552 Tel: (03) 5434 2724 Mobile 0438 506 716 2 Golden City Support Services (2013) — a FAHCSIA funded project Ideas for people who are ready to extend their social relationships Table of Contents Acknowledgements ..........................................................................................................................................2 PART 1: PROJECT OVERVIEW ....................................................................................................................5 1.1 Definitions ...............................................................................................................................................6 1.2 Why social connections matter ..........................................................................................................7 1.3 Summary of what participants in the project said ..........................................................................9 1.4 Framework developed for describing natural supports ............................................................. 11 1.5 Learnings about natural supports .................................................................................................... 12 1.6 How the interviews have guided the resource materials development ................................. 12 1.7 This project is just getting started .................................................................................................. 13 PART 2: DETAILS OF INTERVIEWS ........................................................................................................ 13 2.1 What is a good life? ............................................................................................................................ 15 2.2 Each person has different networks of relationships.................................................................. 18 2.3 Joining and being part of the community ....................................................................................... 31 2.4 Aiming to be inclusive: the perspective of one community organisation............................... 43 PART 3: STAFF DEVELOPMENT MATERIALS ...................................................................................... 47 3. 1 About these resource materials..................................................................................................... 47 Topic 1: Being socially connected is important ...................................................................................... 50 Topic 2: What sorts of relationships? ....................................................................................................... 58 Topic 3: Step 1: What sort of a life does each person want? .............................................................. 61 Topic 4: Being in the right place at the right time for natural supports............................................ 65 Topic 5: It’s not as simple as it sounds! ................................................................................................... 75 Topic 6: Where is the directory of natural supports? There isn’t one! ............................................ 80 Topic 7: Partnerships between individual, staff and families, what does it take? ............................. 83 Topic 8: Can staff be friends? Exploring roles for staff promoting social relationships ................. 87 Topic 9: Summary: ‘Do’s and don’ts.......................................................................................................... 92 PART 4: IDEAS ABOUT SOCIAL CONNECTIONS FOR INDIVIDUALS AND FAMILIES ....... 96 4. 1 Purpose of the resource materials ................................................................................................ 96 Topic 1: What are social connections and why are they important? ................................................ 98 Topic 2: What sorts of relationships are we talking about? .............................................................. 102 Topic 3: What can I do? What do I bring to a relationship? ............................................................. 107 3 Golden City Support Services (2013) — a FAHCSIA funded project Ideas for people who are ready to extend their social relationships Topic 4: What can families do? ................................................................................................................. 110 Topic 5: Ideas for joining a community group....................................................................................... 114 Topic 6: Quick tips: do’s and don’ts ........................................................................................................ 118 PART 5: REFERENCES ............................................................................................................................... 120 PART 6: POSTERS OR TIP SHEETS ....................................................................................................... 123 Staff — are you a bridge to the community? .................................................................................... 123 Getting started: how to connect with your community ................................................................ 123 Being local matters .................................................................................................................................. 121 Ideas for parents ...................................................................................................................................... 124 Forming relationships ............................................................................................................................. 124 Staff advertisement .................................................................................................................................. 124 PART 7: APPENDIX ................................................................................................................................... 125 Project design ........................................................................................................................................... 125 Method: what we did .............................................................................................................................. 127 Interview proformas and guides ........................................................................................................... 129 4 Golden City Support Services (2013) — a FAHCSIA funded project Ideas for people who are ready to extend their social relationships PART ONE: PROJECT OVERVIEW Being socially connected to others matters. Feeling socially connected is a subjective experience. This project aimed to describe the natural supports of people with disabilities who feel they are socially connected and to learn from their experiences. All of the people were working, volunteering, participating, socialising, developing and contributing in different ways, with different networks of people, in their local communities. The nine people involved in the project were young men and women with a range of disabilities (such as mental illness, intellectual disability, ABI, physical disability and autism) and four family members. Their experiences have formed the basis for the development of resource materials for staff, families and people with disabilities. These materials are not for everyone. Not everyone wants to spend more time with others, is ready to or has the support to do it. The ideas which follow are for people who want to increase the natural supports — that is, social connections — in their lives. This report is divided into seven parts: 5 Golden City Support Services (2013) — a FAHCSIA funded project Ideas for people who are ready to extend their social relationships Part 1: Project overview including rationale, and main findings about natural supports. Part 2: Details of interviews with people who are socially well connected. This material has guided the development of the resource materials in Parts 3 and 4. Part 3: Staff development materials. There are nine discussion topics with information, activities and reference to the interviews in Part 2. Part 4: Ideas and discussion materials for individuals and family members. There are four topics for idea and discussion. Part 5: References. Part 6: Descriptions of posters and tip sheets. These materials are six separate documents to this main report. Part 7: Appendix. How the project was conducted. 1.1 Definitions ‘Natural supports’ is the term used in the title of this project to refer to a variety of social connections and relationships which promote social inclusion. Social inclusion is having the opportunity to participate in learning, occupation, to engage with others, and to have a voice ( In these materials ‘natural support’ and ‘social connections’ and ‘social relationships’ are often used interchangeably. Natural supports can include family, friends, acquaintances, coworker or neighbours and members of organisations or groups, and more. That is, any and all situations where people get together, share or chat, briefly or over time. Natural (or informal) supports are different from support and assistance from people in paid roles, (although people in paid roles may also be a source of natural support in some circumstances). The core role for staff is to ‘Work with people to support and sustain their existing resources, assets, networks and relationships’ (Department of Health 2011). Natural supports can involve people with and without disabilities. A relationship involving natural supports is a two way relationship. Each person brings something to the relationship and is sustained in some way by the relationship. For this project the emphasis was on natural supports who were not family members or staff. 6 Golden City Support Services (2013) — a FAHCSIA funded project Ideas for people who are ready to extend their social relationships 1.2 Why social connections matter Many people with disabilities, including psychiatric disabilities are socially isolated. ‘Most disabled people continue to be isolated, lonely and have few friends.’ (Shakespeare, 2003) ‘Most people with developmental disabilities dependent on the service system have very limited social networks and few friends.’ (Amado 1993) Natural supports are important for physical and mental health and well being. ‘Social connection is increasingly recognised for its important role in mental, emotional and physical health. Interpersonal relationships are the foundation stones for building social capital and stronger communities. The value of friendship seems simple and obvious. It is a very intimate aspect of life which is largely assumed to be integral and spontaneously generated, given a modicum of opportunity. But engagement in friendship is not necessarily easy or straight forward for... people with mental illness… due to their capacity for social connection… and ongoing social stigma… by which they experience social exclusion.’ (Montclaire 2011) Loneliness effects physical, mental health and human behaviour. Human services and organisational practices can add to loneliness. ‘For the sake of people’s well-being, longevity, mental health and positive social behaviour, practices in human services systems that contribute to loneliness must be identified and altered.’ (Amado 1993) 7 Golden City Support Services (2013) — a FAHCSIA funded project Ideas for people who are ready to extend their social relationships ‘A major criticism of community-based services is the difficulties these programs have in enabling people with disabilities to participate fully in community life and connecting them with other community members.’ (Traustadottir 1993) Natural supports can counter loneliness. ‘The quality and not just the quantity of social relationships affects the feeling of loneliness; loneliness is unpleasant and not a good way to live life. Even if a person is surrounded by support staff, case managers etc – they could experience loneliness. People may be present in social situations but not participating. Social participation is not friendship. People with low self esteem, who find it hard to make friends, are likely to be the most lonely. Loneliness affects human behaviour and physical and mental health negatively.’ (Amado 1993) Natural supports are inbuilt in participation and involvement in community and networks. ‘Communities and networks are important not just because they make people feel happy and connected. Networks play a number of other functions as well as emotional support: instrumental aid (lifts, childcare, loans, finding work), appraisal (evaluating a problem or a solution), and monitoring.’ (Shakespeare 2006) 8 Golden City Support Services (2013) — a FAHCSIA funded project Ideas for people who are ready to extend their social relationships Natural supports can help to protect vulnerable people and ameliorate the likelihood of social exclusion. ‘People with a disability or mental illness are often seen as ‘less than’ or ‘different’ in society. They are at risk of being rejected, isolated and segregated and lead lives outside the rest of society. What can best protect the vulnerability of people is the very thing from which they are separated: ordinary citizens. For these people the lifelong exercise of building, repairing and rebuilding a web of relationships in which we all learn is denied to them.’ (Klees 2005) Different approaches have been tried to establish and maintain natural supports for people who are socially isolated and lonely. The aim is for ‘the person to have a richer set of experiences; to have a life more familiar to others – who can talk and relate to the person (ie have something in common); to have more chances to learn and be familiar and comfortable in other typical settings; to be surrounded by more people who may provide natural support; and so increase the likelihood that relationships of various kinds will occur.’ (Klees 2005) 1.3 Summary of what participants in the project said All of the people interviewed described, in different ways, their openness to new experiences, people and locations. Often this was also the pattern within their family. In different ways, the starting point for a discussion was each person’s expectation to be involved in the community with other community members, sharing common interests and patterns of life. These people had a vision about the social relationships they wanted. Relationships were a priority for their good life but what they wanted from these relationships varied. The common theme was not wanting to be isolated or at home with nothing to do. 9 Golden City Support Services (2013) — a FAHCSIA funded project Ideas for people who are ready to extend their social relationships There were several examples of how people made contributions to community groups and friends. Connected people know how to build relationships and offer something to others. ‘If you want to be in the community you have to give back’. Often the foundation for community connections and friendships could be traced to childhood: family, mainstream school, early development and experiences. The kinds of families who look for more friends and social connections will look for/ find more connections for their children. Everyone in this project who is well connected has been to mainstream school, lived for many years in the same community or started their hobby, interest or sport in childhood. The role of the family in supporting, modeling and creating social relationships was important for some people. However, it cannot always be assumed that the family is close. Building trust with others is key. Several people emphasised the importance of trusting people and that this only occurred after regular and long term contact. What is clear is that being part of a community, a network or having many social and friendship relationships doesn’t just happen. It is not a single event, like going to the movies or volunteering once. The connections were not all about friendships. Relationships, including friendships change over time, and each individual had examples of successes and souring, or things simply moving on. What these people had in common is their pursuit of, and belief in, being part of and contributing to, their local communities. Consistent with the key messages, the comments from project participants described: The importance of following personal priorities; of contributing to social situations and being a natural support for others. The starting point is ‘what sort of a life do you want?’ Not the details but the guiding directions. Identifying people’s interest and talents are a foundation for social relationships and connections. Being part of a community, a network or having many social and friendship relationships doesn’t just happen. Joining a group to pursue a common interest can be a good starting point. Relationships often begin and are maintained from following an interest, study and/or work. There are many different types of relationships. These can all reduce isolation and loneliness. Relationships and friendships change over time, and each individual has examples of successes and distress. This is a lifelong and repeated process and not just a consequence of one relationship in time. There may be setbacks — for all sorts of reasons.. but people keep going again when circumstances improve. Contributing to a relationship is part of being socially connected. Everyone can contribute. 10 Golden City Support Services (2013) — a FAHCSIA funded project Ideas for people who are ready to extend their social relationships There is no one way to be socially connected. People want different things from various relationships - and what people want and how it is satisfied changes. 1.4 Framework developed for describing natural supports Being socially connected means many types of relationships. For those people interviewed, the majority of relationships with other people were not (close) friends. Relationships can be long term, intimate or trusted relationships, passing greetings and acknowledgements between strangers sharing a public space, while others will be discontinued or simply fade away with changing circumstances. Based on the interviews, a variety of natural supports and social relationships have been identified. Friends. The people to share emotions, close events, social situations with; where there is concern for and about each other, perhaps over many years. Friends may be in contact often, occasionally or on special occasions like birthdays and when things don’t go so well. Family’s friends. Each family is a social network. There can be possibilities for relationships with more distant family members or using family members’ networks and resources. Neighbours are people living nearby. People who share a living space as their households are in close proximity. Neighbours can be in regular to occasional contact over time; and neighbours can ask each other small favours and look out for each other. Acquaintances are found in places where someone is a regular; people are recognised because of frequently being part of a place, activity, pastime e.g. walking the dog along the beach each day. Often these people can be relied on in a limited way (e.g. a taxi driver). Members and staff in community groups or organisations. Colleagues at work or study, including from school. Businesses where person is a patron or customer. Social media and technology— various forms used to maintain contact. Self help/ advocacy groups where people meet for common interests and causes. Social action groups with a common cause. Community groups with a common interest. Brief greetings — people you simply greet in public spaces (such as sports grounds, the local streets) because you are sharing a public space, perhaps regularly or occasionally. Pets as a social bridge and source of companionship. Staff and professionals who provide various support services. Developing relationships is a lifelong and repeated process. Being socially connected is not a consequence of one relationship at any one time. Being as much a part of the typical community 11 Golden City Support Services (2013) — a FAHCSIA funded project Ideas for people who are ready to extend their social relationships as possible provides a foundation for the exploration of new experiences and increases the likelihood of social connections forming. However, there is no way to guarantee satisfying relationships and social connections. 1.5 Learnings about natural supports The key messages from this project are: Everyone needs to feel connected to others, to belong to something, and to be a part of the community. People become mentally and physically unwell without it. People with disabilities can be a part of their community. Everybody’s different, there is no recipe. You can find your own ways to connect. It is important to know first what sort of life you want. Anyone with only staff and family in their life is missing out on other sorts of relationships. Staff and friends are different. Being connected to your community is not all about friends. Look out for other options. Relationships change/some are stressful or unsuccessful and that’s okay. People can feel included in a common activity without lots of social interaction. There are many different forms of social relationships and they can all contribute to reducing loneliness. Community groups can plan to be more welcoming for everyone. There are different barriers and enablers to developing social connections arising from different disabilities. These key messages are communicated through the tip sheets and posters (see Part 6). 1.6 How the interviews have guided the resource materials development Natural supports are recognised as the fabric of daily life. Being connected in the community isn’t always predictable, always fun, or static. Social connection is multi layered and means many things. As a result, there is no one approach to being socially connected and the information in the resource materials is not intended for others simply to replicate. Therefore the exact arrangements for each contributor have been disguised to avoid readers simply flocking to the same place or group. That would be missing the point. What can be replicated is how people have become involved in community settings and social situations. A welcoming setting, group or individual is specific to each person not a community resource for every person with a disability. What the individuals involved in this project teach us is the 12 Golden City Support Services (2013) — a FAHCSIA funded project Ideas for people who are ready to extend their social relationships importance of following personal goals; of pursuing personal interests and contributing to social situations ‘as you want to’, and being a natural support for others. The following information and materials are for people who are interested and at the point of exploring new social relationships. We realise that this will not be all people with disabilities and their families. Hopefully for these people and their families some of the examples and ideas can assist with thinking about what might be possible for them in the future. The initial project brief proposed the development of a community resources guide. Our conclusion was that this is not the best starting point. The emphasis in the resources has been on how to form and facilitate various social relationships. Our advisers and contributors described too many examples of a local group being welcoming to one person, and then more people simply chose that group as the ‘place’ for natural supports— but not because it was important to them. The result was that community relationships were fractured for everyone. In summary the resource materials have been developed on the basis of the following principles: There is no one approach, or recipe, for building natural supports and social connections. What is right for one person will be different for another. Natural supports are a two way relationship — not a place or an event. Resource materials are best designed to assist each person, and their family, build the relationships which suit them. The following resource materials are not be for everyone. They are for people who are ready to extend their social relationships. The materials have ideas, experiences and supporting resources and activities. The information is presented based on the participants’ interviews and then using those experiences for ideas and discussion. The materials have adopted different perspectives: of staff members, family members or individuals and support groups. Notwithstanding these groupings, the resource materials will be best used when they are molded to each situation. For example, it may be helpful for staff to complete exercises as if they were the individual, community group member and/or family member. 1.7 This project is just getting started This project builds on the experiences of people with strong social connections. Based on those experiences we have developed materials which may be of assistance to other individuals, their families and staff who are ready to extend their various social relationships. This was our project brief. However, the project team now sees the advantages of further trialing these materials and getting more extensive feedback. The attached posters, or tip sheets, were developed to complement the resources materials. There is scope to develop more resource materials and make several more posters from the information gathered in this report. With the right opportunities to continue, this report is the start of a longer 13 Golden City Support Services (2013) — a FAHCSIA funded project Ideas for people who are ready to extend their social relationships term process of development, evaluation and relevance for people with many different disabilities and support needs. PART TWO: DETAILS OF INTERVIEWS This project is built from interviews about the social experiences of individuals and family members. The interviews are reported using the framework for describing natural supports (see section 1.4), and beginning with ‘what sort of a life' is important to each person. The following material is divided into descriptions of: ‘What is a good life?’ from the perspective of members of a consumer advisory group. The network of relationships described by Elly, Louise, Ed and Frank’s family. 14 Golden City Support Services (2013) — a FAHCSIA funded project Ideas for people who are ready to extend their social relationships How Anthony, Amanda, Esther, George and Lisa each approached specific community groups or roles. The perspective of one community organisation wanting to be inclusive. The people interviewed all had very different life stories including different disabilities. In order to emphasise the ways people have established and maintained different social relationships, and not the specific places where this has occurred, the identities of all individuals and community settings have been disguised. ‘Italics’ have been used to denote direct quotes. 2.1 What is a good life? Members of the Consumer Advisory Group, on several occasions, discussed the contribution of natural supports to a good life and the importance of being socially connected in a way that suits each person. What makes a good life? The group brainstormed what was important for a good life. The responses showed the importance of: Being involved, being busy, and having purpose. ‘Well balanced with work and rest.’ ‘Keeping occupied. Income, employment, volunteering. Community activities.’ ‘Goals to achieve: reason to get up and get on. Stable. Depends what’s on for the day. Something to get up for. May sleep in 9/10 am, wake up early, and have things to do or be bored. Recreation.’ ‘Relationships, engagements, work, play, having interests’. Having at least the basics of life (food, shelter etc) ‘Good sleep, access to resources, basics in life, somewhere to live, food.’ Good food, good entertainment. Transport had specific mention: ‘Transport, important to get to and from when not much public transport.’ Having good support through various professional and practical strategies, such as: ‘Physical, mental health. Medical support’. ‘Stress reduction strategies, e.g. meditation, relaxation’. 15 Golden City Support Services (2013) — a FAHCSIA funded project Ideas for people who are ready to extend their social relationships What are natural supports? When asked about natural supports, a distinction was made between the roles and ways to connect with professional and medical support and natural support, such as: ‘Natural supports need to be flexible, keep medical support due to knowledge, education.’ ‘Natural supports occur more organically’. People said that medical support always needs to go alongside natural supports. Medical supports are critical and central to the life of person with a mental illness. Some people noted that there can be a ‘blurring of roles between paid and unpaid support’. It was recognised how natural supports can be lost if a person does not have other supports and has to ask too much of natural supports, such as: ‘Lost close friends due to demands she had to make on them in the absence of other support.’ Conversely, natural supports may lead to greater understanding of mental illness by reducing the stigma frequently experienced by people with mental illness. Family or friends Family and friends were recognised as people’s ‘first port of call’ for support, as they often realise first when someone is not well. Family can offer very practical assistance such as, care for person’s children, school, lunches, transport. Family can be of assistance accompanying someone to the doctor, ‘checking emotional support and educating community groups/ schools.’ Group members noted that close family or friends ‘can help but not always.’ This was attributed to family or close friends lacking time, expertise, or understanding (of mental illness). This meant it was important to ‘not always assume family is in closest (social) circle.’ Similarly, ‘Families are not always in the picture or don’t think they can do anything to help.’ ‘Person doesn’t always accept illness. Person doesn’t always accept help from family especially if there are issues. Importance of knowing boundaries — when and where to provide support — when to leave alone. Family might offer misguided support — may be counterproductive — not understanding or having knowledge about how they can help.’ Role of the support group The brainwork for describing natural supports includes the role of self help and advocacy groups. Members of the Consumer Advisory Group identified how the group supported social inclusion through ‘peer support rather than agency or paid service’. People used the group to ‘rebuild skills and confidence’ preparatory to wider community participation. ‘Group helps people get back to community… a stepping stone.’ 16 Golden City Support Services (2013) — a FAHCSIA funded project Ideas for people who are ready to extend their social relationships Neighbours Neighbours play an important role in social relationships for many people because of their close proximity and sharing of daily routines. Starting the relationship ‘simply requires saying hello’. Neighbours can have many roles. ‘Pets fed, mowing, look after place when away. Take others to school. Cup of sugar. Watch over houses. Not too intrusive’. Typically the relationship is not a close one, but could be as needed. Neighbours ‘step in if they think they are needed.’ Joining community groups The first step is to ‘look for people’s strengths and talents and foster these in groups, for example, group set up a team in table tennis competition’. Opportunities can grow from just one experience or contact. ‘There was a snowball effect. First one contact or idea... then another...CWA, Arts clubs, CWA knitting, mosaic groups with friends, U3A.’ Business workers to acquaintances Several people noted that as a result of regularly going to a business, the workers would recognise people and say hello down the street or even stop for a chat. ‘Bank workers stop for a chat down the street’. SUMMING UP CONSUMER ADVISORY GROUP MEMBERS’ VIEWS A self help group is important for some people — to build confidence, feel safe, share information experiences and learn from each other. Look for people’s talents and interests before joining a community group. Where possible have many interests and be involved in a variety of community settings. Staff and professionals are important side by side with natural supports — the roles are not the same. Sometimes the boundaries become blurred. Sometimes, people who are close can’t always help. Relationships can change and evolve — being a regular in a business means also being recognised in other places like the park, supermarket or down the street. 17 Golden City Support Services (2013) — a FAHCSIA funded project Ideas for people who are ready to extend their social relationships 2.2 Each person has different networks of relationships The following interviews describe the different network of social relationships for each person. a. Elly Elly is a young woman living in her own flat. She had a clear personal vision: ‘to do as much as possible myself. Normality.’ Elly describes herself as: ‘being prepared to try things; can tolerate knockbacks; doesn’t want to rely on others; will seek help if needed; ‘don’t smother me’ message to staff; good understanding of ‘wanting to do as much as she can;’ importance of taking responsibility; creates opportunities’. Elly has a sense of herself established before and after an accident. Elly described various roles and relationships, anchored around the local community centre. Friends Elly had friends she had known before and after her involvement with the community centre and weren’t restricted to the community centre. One friend was a former neighbour who had now moved further away and Elly goes to stay there. Neighbours Elly described one neighbour ‘who does the bins’. There is incidental contact and greetings between them occurring after 15 months of being neighbours. Acquaintances Elly described her relationship with local taxi drivers as a ‘trusted relationship.’ Being a local means ‘taxi drivers look out for you.’ Also there were people she saw down the street who said hello. Social media and technology Elly described ‘being in touch’ with friends using social media. Community group and work Being at the community centre is a significant part of Elly’s week. The centre is physically accessible which is important. Elly knows she is welcome because people are: ‘friendly’; ‘don’t change tone in voice’; ‘not patronising’; ‘ask about disability’. Importantly, ‘I don’t feel any different’; ‘don’t feel judged.’ For Elly a sign of ‘belonging’ was ‘when I was included in the gossip’; and I was ‘confident to ask questions.’ 18 Golden City Support Services (2013) — a FAHCSIA funded project Ideas for people who are ready to extend their social relationships Elly has several roles at the local community centre which is near to where she lives. She is a volunteer, part of interest groups and is employed in an administration role. She felt that being at the community centre three to four times per week meant she was accepted and it was expected she would be there. She also makes a significant contribution through her membership, involvement, and volunteer work roles. Pets as a bridge and as companions Elly had ‘introduced the cat’ to the neighbour. SUMMING UP ELLY’S EXPERIENCES Elly noted the importance of ‘trust’: trusting others and the situation, ‘before anything can happen.’ Trust is everything — and trust takes time to develop. The same place can involve different social relationships, perhaps depending on people’s roles. The community centre is the hub for Elly’s interests, contributions and social relationships. The community centre is very welcoming. Social media can be an important way to stay in touch. Being a local means people look out for you. Importance of building personal confidence and trying. Relationships change — neighbours might become friends, co workers might become friends away from the workplace. Neighbours are important. b. Edward Edward is a young man, supported by his mother, who knows how he wants life to be: ‘A good life is a busy life.’ ‘Can’t be bothered sitting around home.’ ‘When you want something you go and get it.’ Ed says knows how to find what he wants, such as, ‘look on the internet, ring up, find out by asking questions’. What he wants he goes out and gets. 19 Golden City Support Services (2013) — a FAHCSIA funded project Ideas for people who are ready to extend their social relationships Being welcomed is very important to Ed. That is, ‘when people are friendly, they talk, they hang out at other times. Never going back to place if they treat me different.’ Ed went to local mainstream secondary school and then Tafe. He went to a supported employment setting for five or six years and then moved to other supported work. Ed walks into town sometimes. Ed knows how to entertain himself. He likes footy, music. He plays lots of music. He has three guitars and practices by himself. He also goes down every Friday and Saturday night to local pub and watches bands: ‘it’s a really good spot because the taxi is nearby.’ ‘Sometimes I get bored but not often. If am, TV or play station games time in room. Lonely on the odd occasion but plenty of friends so doesn’t get to me. Picks up the phone, mum says always has the phone either on it or texting.’ Family and extended family Mum and dad, one younger sibling and uncles and Aunties around town have been important for Ed. ‘If I need them for anything I will talk to them. If I needed something they would help e.g. rang Pa at 11pm at night when I had forgotten the key to get into the house’. Extended family present opportunities for new relationships or occasional involvements when people live well apart, such as: ‘I have a cousin... I’m looking forward to seeing new baby cousin Juliette.’ ‘Some family in Queensland are visiting here.’ Friends School friends have been important for Ed beyond school. Ed goes with mates from school to a music venue — ‘sometimes they drive him home’. ‘I do hang out with the people I work with. I do see them or go out on some occasions. Mostly go out with other mates — mates I went to school with. I did get some friends from work to come out and be a part of the footy club.’ Ed explored what it means to be a friend as a friend ‘has just had a serious motor bike accident and is now a paraplegic. I will see him, if he needs anything I will help out if he needs things done. I have known him for a long time.’ A good friend is ‘someone who will support, have fun with, a couple of drinks. Trust….mates who are really long time reliable.’ Community settings Ed has several interests in different community settings — music, gym, dance and footy. 20 Golden City Support Services (2013) — a FAHCSIA funded project Ideas for people who are ready to extend their social relationships Ed enjoys listening to music. ‘They (publicans /crowd) don’t exclude him, treated like everyone else (has had an experience where he was not allowed into the pub/night club… bouncer said it was because of his rugby top. Three other males that he was with all had rugby tops on. Family friends all felt it was this person who knew Ed and knew he had a disability). He has been going to the local pub for a long time now.’ Ed goes two or three times a week to the local gym. The gym has the ‘same instructors … been out there for a long time …nice place if you need a hand they will teach you. All very approachable been going there long enough and have rapport and know people well enough’. Ed has also been part of a dancing troupe since he was 17 or 18. The group has frequent rehearsal and regular performances throughout the year. Initially Ed came in doing the props. ‘Can’t remember exactly how but had been down watching a rehearsal. Had an interest knew someone in the club and asked could he join the group. Went down to the training and had a look one week and then went the following week. Phoned up and asked. Having confidence, thinking about whether or not he really wanted to do it. Ed rang and was told what nights to come and have a look. First session was “alright,” leader of the group took a role in introducing. Ed ‘can’t remember whether Dad stayed’. Dad took him. People were friendly, he hung round they chatted and included Ed in things. ‘Matt was the leader and talked through what to do. Four of the originals are still in the group. Matt does most teaching, Ed does some teaching now. Up to 80 people attend three different teams… train every week. Ed has a special role that no one else has.’ Ed said ‘I enjoy what I do, why do something if you are not committed to doing it, a lot of friends there.’ Mum’s comment: Mum and dad and sister attend also and Ed sees some of the volunteers outside the group at times clubbing and have come to birthdays and sometimes picnics or outings including Matt’s mum dad and sister. “Mum and dad don’t interfere much” dad takes him to the group and people drop him home. Ed not sure how this started .. can’t remember Ed thinks he asked… Mum thinks it just evolved maybe they couldn’t pick him up at one stage and they asked or family offered.’ Ed also enjoys watching the footy. He has been down to the footy AFL but not for a while now. He barracks for Carlton. Ed does the local footy clubs stats of how many kicks and hand passes. This all started from Dad’s contacts. Dad played with this club but Ed made the approaches after he had been out there watching the guys for a long time. ‘Last year I spoke to a couple of the guys/ coaches and said that I wanted to help out. I knew the guys by hanging around the club and getting to know them. The club guys are friendly and I hang out with them at other times.’ Ed used to be at another footy club because of friends he went to high school with and his uncle coached. But, he ‘felt like he needed a change, so I moved clubs’. 21 Golden City Support Services (2013) — a FAHCSIA funded project Ideas for people who are ready to extend their social relationships Ed has also been involved with two other groups, but has discontinued these. ‘I’ve moved on from that.’ Work colleagues and customers Ed works at a disability employment factory, with sixty other people, doing packing three days per week. Ed says: ‘I like the different people you meet… some of the customers… and its busy…. , learning, get paid that I spend and save. Like to earn more but happy with number of days working.’ Neighbours One neighbour was very important when Ed was younger. As a young person he would pack his bag when he was going to leave home. He was packing his bag to go live with them! These neighbours have moved away but Ed and the family is still in touch. SUMMING UP ED’S EXPERIENCES Friendships and opportunities sometimes grow from family connections, sometimes from school friends and contacts. Some community clubs and venues are more welcoming than others. Sometimes it’s just time to move on to something else. Being a regular, just hanging around the club, for a long time, and we can all fit in. Having lots of interests matters — things to do at home, things to do with others. When people know you, they will offer a hand if needed e.g. a lift. If you want something — go get it! There are more possibilities in the mainstream community. Family and friends stick up for you! Being as independent as possible can help to be socially connected. Ed has many interests and is involved in a variety of community settings. 22 Golden City Support Services (2013) — a FAHCSIA funded project Ideas for people who are ready to extend their social relationships c. Louise Louise spoke about friends, neighbours and other relationships and her expectations for privacy. It was her involvement with the gym that provided insights into community involvement and what different people want from being included and how this is influenced by her mental illness. ‘Because I think my level of social inclusion has been limited in the last ten years but most of the time that’s what I’ve needed. When I have a lot of social outings then that’s very draining on me. On the outside looking in if you see social inclusion as things that supports mental health.’ Louise described what she contributed as being very similar to what she wanted from others. ‘I guess (I contribute) the respect, the same thing that I get , respect , giving people their space and some of the men lift incredibly heavy weights and make quite an amount of noise when they do so. I don’t turn and stare at people if they are trying to lift 250kgs.’ ‘And also that polite friendly brief interaction, which I seem to be getting more confident with as time goes by and even more confident in the space……But I’ve got the safety and privacy of my own lounge area where I have my treadmill and I can watch TV while I’m on the treadmill, which I enjoy because it doesn’t require anything of me socially.’ Louise agreed that a common and shared interest is the usual reason for people to get together. Louise said she feels welcome when: ‘people greet me, and I return that greeting, people are polite and respectful to one another. Those things also make me feel valued as well as welcomed. People take time.’ Louise described being able to motivate herself if she was ever bored. Professionals and staff The people who are most important to Louise are ‘my 3 treating doctors, the GP , psychiatrist and psychologist, my mum who is a registered paid carer, and also my friend and I have my partner and I would say that those people are the closest.’ ‘I mean if those things/ people were taken away from me my mental health would be terrible, I would be really unwell, so I have to have those in my inner circle’. Family Louise stated playing sport from a young age, and her family also played sport. ‘I grew up in a family where we use to go for nightly walks as family and my parents were very sporty as well, so I grew up in an environment that where it has always been part of my life, and a management technique for my mental illness has been walking and its usually been walking outside. Gym has been an extension of that.’ 23 Golden City Support Services (2013) — a FAHCSIA funded project Ideas for people who are ready to extend their social relationships Family experiences set a foundation for Louise’s involvement with sport and gym. Louise’s parents were both involved in the local community. Her mother used to be on the canteen at school and her father helped run a youth sports group. ‘Mum actually was playing, began playing when she was 35 in the masters netball so she kind of got back into it as well and my dad joined a gym, so I guess it’s been around fitness a lot and the group activities.’ ‘My mum, she gets the social side but she also gets that level of fitness but also belonging to a club, I think gives her a sense of purpose.’ ‘Yeah I’ve even watched, thought when I’m older I will be looking to something like bowls, if I’m not working or that I find that I’m you know not getting enough stimulation outside of the home, whether or not that will be bowls or something else.’ Bowls is another one of those sporting activities that everyone focuses on the sport and you can choose whether or not to do the social side. ‘You can choose to be on the committee or on selection committee or doing morning teas or you cannot, you don’t have to. So I guess that’s an environment where there is lots of different roles for people at different levels, with different levels of desire to interact. Friends Louise described few friendships. ‘I lost a lot of my school friends through not being able to commit to things and keep those commitments basically and being an introvert. I don’t seek new friendships, so it’s rare that they happen, but I do go with them if they do occur. I try to value them if they do occur because I know they can help. Louise could describe her ideas about the essence of a good friend. ‘A good friend is someone who allows me… who supports me… in being myself and doesn’t put demands on me. If there was a social event and at the last minute I couldn’t come because I didn’t feel well enough or something like that, being understanding of that. Which, I’ve found actually to be really difficult personally. Someone, who can converse with me about the things that I want to talk about. Maybe a common thread or something in common that draws us together. So it’s something, you know that you know that you’ve always got.’ Neighbours Louse has had very limited contact with neighbours. She thinks a good neighbour ‘is somebody that doesn’t encroach on my privacy within my home, but you know, I am still happy to wave and say hi’. ‘What I want a good neighbour to do is to keep an eye out for anything suspicious because I guess I would do that for them too. Not complain about my dogs barking — no one ever has. So, you know, keep to themselves mostly. So I guess somebody who doesn’t knock on the door frequently but does keep a general eye out in the street and what’s happening and at people’s 24 Golden City Support Services (2013) — a FAHCSIA funded project Ideas for people who are ready to extend their social relationships houses. Not a nosey neighbour so to speak and I guess alert me if there was anything they felt I should know.’ Louise also outlined how she would act as a good neighbour and that it was similar to what she wanted from a neighbour. ‘If I am a good neighbour I guess I would act in the same way as how I see a good neighbor. If I saw something weird happening at the house, then I may alert the neighbour or if it’s something that perhaps needed the police or something like that, to act in those circumstances, but also, not being on their door step, not knocking you know for no particular reason. By just allowing them privacy in their own home….so probably the same things that I would want.’ Community setting: Gym Louise described her involvement with a gym where there is a group of people all pursing their individual and common goal to train. ‘I do go to a particular gym with my partner and everyone there , it’s a male and female gym but everyone’s got a common goal, everyone is there to train.’ Louise reflects that there must be other social and group situations that people would outwardly think is not necessarily suitable for an introvert but do offer that kind of level of limited interaction. The gym that I go to everybody is very focused on their training and may only say a couple of sentences to each other if they know each other really well. So it’s an environment where I can be for a few hours and I feel supported in that environment because there’s not an expectation on any social interaction. I mean it is interaction but not verbally. It’s when I have to develop ongoing relationships with people that sometimes I find it quite difficult’. Louise did note that her partner is a backstop for her if she does need to ask about an exercise or piece of equipment and ‘I don’t want to ask somebody I don’t know.’ This setting is right for her, where there are no expectations from others, unlike other more social gyms where people go for coffee or socialise. She is becoming more confident ‘because I know exactly what my program is and I can move through it at a pace that suits me, which everyone else is doing pretty much the same thing as well’. ‘Now I’m oblivious because I’m focused on what I’m doing and I realise other people are actually focused on what they are doing.’ 25 Golden City Support Services (2013) — a FAHCSIA funded project Ideas for people who are ready to extend their social relationships Acquaintances and brief greetings Louise described how regular routines, like shopping, could mean she felt part of the community without having to interact a lot. ‘Another example of that is maybe going shopping, because you’re still out and in the community. There are people around, you have a bit of interaction with the shop keepers and that sort of thing but again then you are choosing the level that suits you at that time.’ ‘And when I’ve been particularly unwell I haven’t been able to do those things.’ Self help/ support group Louise has just joined the support group and was appreciating being accepted and being with people with a common interest. ‘The only group I am a member of is the Consumer Advisory Group (CAG) at the moment, and so we all have a common interest and a common goal, and everybody brings something different within the group that’s valuable.’ ‘I’m in a process at the moment where the CAG is such a hugely positive experience for me….I feel valued and respected in this environment but I don’t feel that in the workplace. Because it is such an incredible fulfilling, respectful environment where I feel really valued and I don’t think that I’ve been in my whole life in an environment where I’ve felt respect and you know feeling so valued. It’s an incredible experience. Nothing compares, longevity in the group would be good, which may happen anyway I might not have to wave a magic wand anyway.’ Businesses Being a regular at a business offers opportunities for limited and regular social interactions. ‘There is one girl that works on the counter, and every time she sees me she’s like “Hi Louise, how are you” and we have a very brief conversation and that’s, so that’s built up over time.’ Pets as companions Louise’s pets are most important for her for companionship. ‘I’ve got my dogs, they would be in the inner circle of social relationships.’ 26 Golden City Support Services (2013) — a FAHCSIA funded project Ideas for people who are ready to extend their social relationships SUMMING UP LOUISE’S EXPERIENCES People can feel included in settings where people share a common goal, but don’t necessarily interact at any deep level. Despite being little in contact with neighbours there can be a connection through expectations to notice the unexpected or unwanted, while maintaining privacy. Not everyone likes groups or in depth social interaction. ‘You don’t have to develop relationships with people, that require maintaining or ongoing support, and I can choose the level of interaction but I am still socially included.’ Many groups based on common interests present options for how much social interaction people want. It’s possible to feel supported but not through talking — sharing a common experience. Pets can be important as companions. Early experiences are important for later life interests and pastimes. d. Frank’s family Frank is a young man living with his extended family. He loves dogs and finds relationships with people more difficult, probably due to autism. His family built on Frank’s interest in animals as the basis for establishing social relationships. The family had a clear plan and vision: they gathered lots of information, knew what they wanted, and then planned how. Family started with premise that ‘Frank will have a social life’. His family said further to ‘treat him as normally as he is able to be treated. Don’t treat him with kid gloves. You’ve got autism, you’re not allowed to do this, you’re not allowed to do that — get out and do it, if you can’t do it that’s fine’. This meant trying some things and if they didn’t all work out — ‘so change things.’ Always there was the proximity to animals which mattered. ‘He used to go to riding for the disabled but that got too stressful for him so he now does carriage driving.’ ‘Our idea was that he just coped if he didn’t we took time out and started again.’ We have ‘got to keep on going, got to give him something that is not the same every day. We wouldn’t like the same thing every day so why would he?’ 27 Golden City Support Services (2013) — a FAHCSIA funded project Ideas for people who are ready to extend their social relationships We wanted him to be accepted in the normal community. ‘Being in the normal community was as much as we wanted.’ This meant we chose mainstream not special school. Frank wanted to be beside others — ‘parallel player, happy to be by himself as long as he can contact someone.’ ‘He didn’t want to be with other people who have disabilities’. The family always talked about possibilities and realise that ‘impatience can be self motivating.. especially when the ‘system’ is slow.’ This direction has taken a lot of family time. ‘Lucky we’re retired and have time.’ Family The family has always been ‘very community focused’. This included input to the school in the past with the tuck shop and other volunteering. Family member: ‘Wherever Frank was I became part of the system’. ‘Any problems they (the school) could come straight to me and tell me what was going on…able to nip things in the bud’. Family has a role in social outings. ‘It’s grandfather’s job to take him to the pictures.’ Developing Frank’s independence is part of thinking about the future, ‘we have accepted that we have to look after him but we are slowly working towards his own home. He can be on his own overnight now.. we can get away.’ ‘I used to ring him and say don’t catch the bus home. Meet me at the supermarket complex. A massive thing — the independence of it. A lot of the thing is to accept his disability. I see that a lot. One mother, she accepted her young man with autism but oh my god totally molly coddled him.’ Family’s friends Family members are ‘out and about’ in local community and continue to do that with Frank. ‘People who know him are the people we see regularly. He knows them because we do. He knows mostly older people.’ Friends Frank attended mainstream primary and secondary schools. Frank’s mainstream school emphasised its pastoral care program. ‘Secondary school was very important — support system they put in place. When things came up he would go to counselling.’ Mainstream school ‘set up the networks for Frank.’ Frank still has friends he first met from school. ‘Kids he went to school with remember him and greet him. He doesn’t remember anyone unless they have a dog. He will remember the dog and associate the dog with the person.’ 28 Golden City Support Services (2013) — a FAHCSIA funded project Ideas for people who are ready to extend their social relationships ‘He has one friend from school — his one and only normal friend. Friend keeps in contact — takes him to the movies (3 or4 times a year), sends texts. James has his license and drops Frank home afterwards. James doesn’t realise just how much he does. For his 21st — James brought 2 tickets to the Zoo one for Frank and one for James. They went down on the train, caught the tram and went to the zoo. It was the best birthday present Frank had.’ Frank met Steve when Steve was a volunteer buddy. Now they are friends. ‘Frank has a friend who is a vet. He met Steve through another community volunteer matching organisation. He had one weekend a month and that’s how that friendship started. Steve moved away and got a partner. Every time he comes back here he takes Frank out for the day. Steve kept in touch when he went to Scotland for a couple of years.’ Social media and technology Frank uses ‘text and Facebook — to keep in touch’ with friends. ‘A movie will come out that Frank wants to see and Frank will text James saying ‘can we go to the pictures?’ ‘Sometimes I’m bored but not often. If I am I have TV or play station games time in room. Lonely on the odd occasion but plenty of friends so doesn’t get to me. Pick up the phone if I need to. I always have the phone either on it or texting.’ Frank uses various media to keep in touch and to send and receive messages: Text: ‘I text to make him feel that someone is thinking of him.’ ‘Friends will send a text — what are you doing Frank? ‘Text important to keep in touch. If something happens he will send a video or a picture all on the text’. ‘Frank has all the staff mobiles and sends them texts regularly’. Skype: ‘He can Skype, talk to us and see us when we are away.’ Facebook. ‘Uses Facebook. Try and protect from Facebook predators — no picture/ has a dog instead.’ Phone. ‘Frank’s phone is his world. Without a phone he is just lost.’ Tweet: ‘He can tweet.’ Neighbours Neighbours ‘will look out for Frank’. The family continues to invest in the local area. ‘We have very good neighbours — the neighbour will leave a message if I am not around. Yes there are people who would notice if he was not around. There is a very good neighbour who would notice. If neighbours notice that Frank is not around, they will ask after him. There are also plenty of people who would help out if we want to do something or go somewhere.’ ‘If needed the neighbours will drop in and see Frank or send him a message’. 29 Golden City Support Services (2013) — a FAHCSIA funded project Ideas for people who are ready to extend their social relationships ‘He is in contact with the neighbours via text. He will feed the neighbour’s dogs if this needed doing’. Community group Building on Frank’s love of animals, the family thought about how Frank could be involved with animals and how and where this could happen. The family identified an animal welfare organisation as the foundation for getting Frank to be socially involved. Frank doesn’t belong to any other organisations or groups. The community group is welcoming with high expectation of behaviour for Frank and everyone. They are ‘prepared to follow through and be consistent’. The community group has a ‘commitment to long term relationships’. The community group has expectations of members contributing by ‘being part of presentations, conferences, - contribution is built in’. Frank goes to the animal welfare organisation three days per week. ‘People out there are more his age — the young workers.’ Acquaintances Acquaintances are the people Frank meets because he is out and about in the community. ‘He sees a lot people, if he goes up to the supermarket complex, they say hi. I say who’s that and he says, I don’t know they must be from school.’ Businesses The family doesn’t have a corner shop but do use the local shops. ‘They treat him well in the computer shops; (family member) thanks people for assisting Frank.’ 30 Golden City Support Services (2013) — a FAHCSIA funded project Ideas for people who are ready to extend their social relationships SUMMING UP FRANK’S EXPERIENCES The whole family is involved in the local community. Family always working to the long term goal of Frank being accepted in the community, and as independent as possible. School is where lots of relationships and expectations started from. Find what you like to do, then look to who else might be interested too. When people know you, they look out for you. Being as independent as possible can help to be socially connected. Linking in with community groups and local neighbourhood takes time. Building social relationships can take a lot of time — family time too. Community group was welcoming. Try things — you can always change them. Frank’s definition of being connected is being in parallel to people, as long as there is someone to contact if needed, and animals. Frank has one interest and everything flows from that. Relationships change and for Frank this meant someone who was a volunteer buddy became a friend. 2.3 Joining and being part of the community The following discussions describe people’s experiences planning to and becoming part of specific community settings. The discussions reveal how different people want different things from being with others and how circumstances change and evolve. For several people they have initiated their involvement with community groups without staff assistance. a. Anthony and finding the right club Anthony wanted to join a club. He had played tennis and badminton since childhood. He had specific reasons for choosing the badminton group. ‘I was looking for some physical exercise but nothing too strenuous. I knew the people at the community centre who were playing badminton. It was not a badminton club where I did not know anyone.’ 31 Golden City Support Services (2013) — a FAHCSIA funded project Ideas for people who are ready to extend their social relationships He planned his first night of badminton by going with someone he knew already. ‘I met with one of the people from the community centre to go to badminton club the first night. I played a game that night. I had played badminton at school so I was not unfamiliar with the game and I felt confident about joining the club because I knew about badminton.’ Anthony enjoyed the club at the beginning. It was a ‘good fit’ for him. ‘It started as a good fit with the club. It occupied the time and I concentrated on playing badminton and enjoying the activity. I got along fine with the other club members. There were a lot of people there who were younger than me and it was mixed men and women. They were a diverse group’. Club members were welcoming. ‘I was treated in a respectful way by other members. I didn’t feel excluded. There were no signs of exclusion or barriers that I had to get over. It was a stress free environment for quite a while. Nobody told you what to do.’ The aim was to play badminton — not to socialise. ‘It was not a social group, the focus was on badminton. There was no time for socialising; it was just into badminton and playing. People usually went home straight after the games. The hall was cold and people didn’t want to stay, especially on winter evenings. It was ‘bring your own drinks’ — I always took my own drink.’ Expansion of badminton Anthony started to talk about badminton at the community centre. People at the community centre started to show an interest in playing too. ‘Badminton became a topic of conversation at the community centre — the social conversations at community centre were about badminton. I would get tips and coaching for playing badminton at the community centre. The badminton club helped to develop connections at the community centre. It became such an activity and the community centre borrowed a table so that people could practice while at community centre. Anthony became a bit frustrated with how well he could play compared with others. ‘The nature of badminton is competitive and I started taking on this competition. All players were graded into different levels. When you first joined you were at the base level. You were promoted if successful to another level. Other people I knew from community centre progressed and I got stuck at a level. I played for three years but my skill level did not progress. I felt frustrated when other people from community centre did better than I was doing.’ 32 Golden City Support Services (2013) — a FAHCSIA funded project Ideas for people who are ready to extend their social relationships Things started to change Anthony gradually realised he wasn’t interested in a competitive club. ‘It was a very individual group — everybody was trying to win. You had the opportunity to play in a team and you brought your skills to the team. The teams were random and the club did the matching. You played with strangers and there was no social connection between the players.’ He wanted other things. ‘I didn’t want the competiveness of the game. What I wanted was the benefit of physical activity, fun and enjoyment.’ Anthony resigned, having realised the club wasn’t for him. ‘I told the people who were officially in charge that I was resigning. They were fine with that’. Anthony then started playing badminton in a group which was more social. This suited him much more. ‘I had social connections only with people I already knew from community centre. We formed our own social group within badminton. Others did the same. It was a venue only for people to play badminton’. Anthony learned for next time. ‘I learnt from that experience. If I ever joined another sporting group I would find one that was not so competitive. I would try to find a group where competition was not the entire aspect.’… ‘At the badminton club I was just another player — pay your fees and use the facilities. Badminton gave the community centre members something to talk about outside community centre.’ SUMMING UP ANTHONY’S EXPERIENCES Feeling connected with others can come from pursuing a common interest. People want different things from clubs and groups. Anthony realised he wanted to socialise. Not everyone wants to socialise rather than be competitive. It’s Ok to change groups — things change. 33 Golden City Support Services (2013) — a FAHCSIA funded project Ideas for people who are ready to extend their social relationships b. Amanda joining the school council Amanda wanted to be more involved in the school community. She decided to apply to join the school council. ‘I wanted a way to be involved with the school community. It was a chance to meet other parents and to help out. There was an advertisement about the vacancy in the school newsletter.’ As well as the advertisement in the newsletter, Amanda asked several people about the school council. ‘I asked a couple of people about the schools council. These were friends of my parents, who I also know, who had kids at the school. They had had kids at the school for a number of years so were well placed to tell me about the school.’ ‘I spoke to the principal about the school council. He thought the council would benefit from the skills I had. The council was also desperate for people. I did a bit of research on the Council and filled in the application.’ Being appointed and getting started Amanda read she was on the school council in the newsletter. ‘I found out that I was on the school council when I read it in the newsletter.’ She didn’t have much preparation, although people were welcoming at the meeting and acknowledged the skills she brought to the role. ‘The date for the first meeting was set. I turned up at the school and introduced myself at the meeting. The meeting was informal and I was introduced as the new member. A note was made in the minutes welcoming me to the meeting. The other members said polite hellos and commented that it was good to have someone of my caliber on the school board.’ Was it a good fit for you? The school council role suits Amanda in several ways. She is both contributing and enjoying what she is gaining from the role. Amanda has contributed skills from her previous work roles. ‘The skills that I brought to the council have come from running my own businesses, managing offices, environmental planning.’ That helped build her confidence in participating and contributing. ‘I have been able to help them out when they are looking at quotes. I will say no that is too high. They are quoting this because you are receiving government funding and they think this is what you can pay. I say tell them you will accept a lesser amount. I have also assisted using my computer skills.’ There is a limited expectation of socialising but still there are opportunities for adult discussions which is important for Amanda. 34 Golden City Support Services (2013) — a FAHCSIA funded project Ideas for people who are ready to extend their social relationships ‘People do not generally stay to chat after the meeting. They are night meetings and most people want to get back home to their families. For me it is good to get out without my child and have adult conversations’. Amanda is also learning about how schools operate and their funding. ‘I have been on council for one year. I find it interesting to hear the background information on what is happening in schools e.g. the low levels of funding schools receive’. Everyone shares a strong commitment to the school. ‘What I like is that everybody is there for the good of the school. At times there are very heated discussions and I am able to have my say. The discussions always wind up with everyone is there for the good of the school.’ The meetings are interesting for Amanda. ‘I like hearing about the things the school is planning to do and being a part of the solution. I like to hear the results of our discussion and that people are happy with the outcome. I haven’t been bored so far. If nothing happens it may be a possibility.’ Amanda has a sense of achievement in the work completed by the school council. ‘There is so much work to be done. It will be nice to look back in seven years time and say “We have achieved something”. A sense of achievement is what I get from belonging to School Council.’ She has contributed in other ways too. ‘Over the school holidays I spent 2 days working on tidying up the school yard. This saved a couple of 100 dollars that can now be put towards purchasing something for the school. School is thankful to get help.’ Amanda also has a plan about what to do if the school council is unsatisfactory in some way. ‘If I was unhappy with the way things were being done or felt unheard, I would raise it with the chair. If it was coming from the teachers I would raise it with the principal. If the issue was not sufficiently resolved, I would walk away.’ Benefits of being on school council Amanda feels the teachers respect her and will ask her opinion, and that she has access to more information about the school. ‘School council gives you access to teachers and programs. You get more respect from the teachers and this flows on to the way that your child is treated. It makes me feel more part of the school community. 35 Golden City Support Services (2013) — a FAHCSIA funded project Ideas for people who are ready to extend their social relationships ‘Teachers will stop and have a chat with me and ask my opinion. I have been asked to do presentations in my skill area.’ Parents are recognised and thanked for their input. ‘The parents are always thanked for making the time available to attend the meeting. At the end of the year the school puts on a Christmas party for school council. School council does the same for the teachers.’ Amanda has the opportunity to recognise the teachers too. ‘I always reiterate how good the teachers are. Always minute that the principal has been asked to pass on thanks from school council. School camp — teachers went against the industrial action to make sure that the kids got a camp. We made sure that the principal passed on our thanks to the teachers.’ The school council has assisted Amanda’s recovery. ‘Being on school council has been a really good stepping stone in my recovery. It helps to be an environment that is similar to those that I spent a huge part of my working life in. It helped me to get back on my feet again.’ SUMMING UP AMANDA’S EXPERIENCES Finding a group or committee which used Amanda’s skills was important. Amanda contributed and gained from participating in the school council. School council members and teachers recognised her contributions. Making a contribution improved Amanda’s confidence and well being — and she was an asset to the School Council. c. How Esther found out about what’s on locally Esther is a member of many groups: an art group, Pilates, Carers groups, CWA knitting association, church groups and discussion groups at the community house. She has tried and learned other things along the way, such book binding. ‘There are always other groups around….’ Esther described how she felt joining a new group or situation: 36 Golden City Support Services (2013) — a FAHCSIA funded project Ideas for people who are ready to extend their social relationships ‘I do feel self conscious when I first join a group. But it gets me out of the house, less of a recluse — means I’m able to talk with people.’ Esther has also found that sometimes she doesn’t want to socialise — and that’s Ok. ‘Sometimes you can’t be social because of the voices and the meds.’ Esther found out about different group from others. ‘A friend who is very much of the community told us about the carer group and told us about the knitting group.’ She knew the following artist and was interested in art and sculpture: ‘There was a local artist who got a community grant to build a meditation garden. Artist had an idea of getting the community to make mosaic pieces. Sarah and I were involved with groups creating mosaics.’ This was a short term project. Esther’s mother went to CWA knitting first…’then the woman who runs the CWA was where we went to buy wool. She asked us to join’. Esther has contributed her skills. I did classes up at the high school. Part of CWA group that taught students to knit. I know craft things, drawing techniques. I brought this to the group. I learnt to use an embroidery machine. I was after skills. I have been part of the woollen show — did a bit of crochet in the past. I made 20 dolls to go to East Timor.’ Esther has found that being in a smaller rural community is better for getting to know people. ‘I was used to different things in Melbourne but it’s not as good as being in this small town. You get to see people regularly in the country. In Melbourne you have to travel a lot to do things’. Esther enjoys the U3A movie group. She has found that people from the movie group also say hello down the street. ‘People pass by in the street and have a chat. I had a chat the other day to one person.’ Esther also used to be able to sing. Ideas for singing were in the local paper and on community notice boards. She found a singing group and ‘I didn’t know anyone… they were friendly, talked and chatted. Provided cuppa and break, very friendly.’ 37 Golden City Support Services (2013) — a FAHCSIA funded project Ideas for people who are ready to extend their social relationships WHAT ESTHER’S EXPERIENCE TELLS US There are lots of activities and groups in each community. Find what you are interested in. It’s possible to find out what’s on from other people, notice boards and the local paper. Not everything is long term. Be part of what suits. Being in a small community has meant seeing the same people in different places: this can make it easier to get to know people… and there is less travel between things. Some communities and some groups do know how to welcome new people better than others do. d. George pursues his interest in chess George had ‘played billiards for years and was a bit sick of it.’ One of his friends said: ‘I think you are smart — you should take up chess’. George decided to take up chess and saw a community notice board outlining costs for lessons preparatory to joining the club. George found out that some people have lessons and decide ‘it’s not for them. Others join as a social member (play with friends) and some go in the competition’. George knew what he wanted and what he enjoyed. ‘Activity was the aim. To enjoy the activity similar to other games I have played in past….I like games where you have tricks and bid. You must be able to concentrate. Occupies your mind gives you something to look forward to.’ George has made friends as well. ‘A few of chess party friends are my friends and we catch up sometimes. People are happy to play with you. They know you are going to make mistakes but will take you on board. Doesn’t matter if you lose 10 times in a row they know you will improve. I knew some of the people, not many.’ George is now a member of the chess club and plays in competitions with a partner. 38 Golden City Support Services (2013) — a FAHCSIA funded project Ideas for people who are ready to extend their social relationships ‘I asked a lady if she wanted to be my partner, she said yes and we still play together in competition. I thought she would be a really good chess player. She is my partner on Tuesday and Fridays. She is a really good chess player. I am a pretty good chess player too.’ There are competitions throughout the week and it’s essential to have a partner to play competition. The club finds a partner if people are alone. George also noted it’s important to be a reliable partner. It’s important to be a courteous, nice, engaging person. Chess is challenging and people can disagree. In chess it’s important to ‘manage conflict by talking it out. Try not to get cross. Sometimes I do get a bit cross but try to stay calm and talk things out’. WHAT GEORGE’S EXPERIENCE TELL US Other people sometimes recognise what you are good at. This helps find a new activity. George knew what he wanted from a group. Some clubs help people find a partner to be able to participate. George understands the importance of him contributing to the chess partnership by being reliable. Being part of a group, with other people, can mean having to manage disagreements and talk things through. e. Lisa presenting information to community groups Lisa has created a role for herself presenting information to schools and clubs about her experience with disability. Lisa has developed fliers and a power point presentation for school groups to talk about her accident and how it has affected her. This was ‘scary’ at first but she soon found out that ‘people were supportive of her’. Lisa has also approached local sporting clubs about the talk. She gave the talk about her accident and what happens afterwards to netball clubs. Lisa said her message was: ‘don’t drink and drive and end up like me.’ She has also spoken at conferences and gave a ‘talk to the church in disability week. Lisa’s mother said Lisa is confident now when she goes out. She has become a competent presenter. ‘I have never seen her hesitate or scared. We have the computer there and Lisa goes sentence by sentence. She ad libs a bit — good sense of humour - that breaks the ice a bit’. 39 Golden City Support Services (2013) — a FAHCSIA funded project Ideas for people who are ready to extend their social relationships Lisa recognises that her sense of humour is an asset and it always comes through and she always gives good answers. Humour is needed to relax the audience. People sometimes get frightened if it is someone with a disability bit wary about how to handle him/how to say things. Once Lisa cracks a few jokes with them they are ok’. Lisa found that when she spoke about her epilepsy at the adolescents’ camp, one of the kids stood up and said I have epilepsy too. One of the staff spoke to Paul afterwards and said — Gee Lisa you did a great thing. We knew that he had epilepsy but he did not want any of his peers to know. Because Lisa made a bit of fun of it and explained it all, the boy had the courage to get up in front of all his peers and say I have got it too.’ Lisa and her mum have learned ways to respond if things don’t go smoothly.’ If anything goes wrong at a talk we always laugh it off. We bring our own computer equipment so prevent computer glitches. Lisa has her own mic — she is a bit hard to understand so has a lapel mic’. WHAT LISA’S EXPERIENCE TELLS US Lisa created a role for herself with community groups. Lisa has many skills and has learned more through being a presenter. A sense of humour can often get though situations when people are anxious or when little organisational things don’t quite work. Other people recognise what Lisa is good at — not her disability. Lisa has been a role model for others giving them confidence to speak up. f. From self help group to community group The Consumer Advisory Group members meet together for mutual support, information and social opportunities and relationships. This occurred during several group discussions. Several members talked about how the self help group was a ‘stepping stone’ to the wider community. Members provided their insights and experiences about joining a community group using the self help group as a foundation to get started and become more confident and knowledgeable. The following lists are each a brainstorm of the responses to the different questions. There is no one answer! Different people have different ideas. 40 Golden City Support Services (2013) — a FAHCSIA funded project Ideas for people who are ready to extend their social relationships What do you contribute to a community group? Some people responded to this question by listing a range if different skills relevant to different groups, such as: ‘Composition skills, knowledge of mapping topography; artistic ability; cards; music festival: mosaic tiling stepping stones.’ Other people identified a role that was important for them and then all of the opportunities that developed from that: ‘Artist: Life drawing group: other artists and gallery. Exhibitions, Artwrap (continuing ed), build a folio, social event. Drawing classes’. Community educator: ‘Mental health education in schools/ council/ community forums and talks’. Some people had specific roles within their community groups, such as; ‘Captain of sporting team.’ ‘Time keeper, secretary.’ Finding out about what’s on in the community People identified a range of ways to find out more about what was in the community. ‘Invited by friends to join. Use the internet to search for supports/groups — Google questions e.g. “information for people with mental illness who want to work”. Browse at the library to see what is available. Check the local newspaper. Talk to friends who have similar interests. Check the information board at community houses. Use the contact number for the group to find out more information if the person has the confidence and capability to do this. The case manager can get information.’ Generally people sought advice and information from friends, contacts, internet and other support group members. Only one comment specifically mentioned a staff role. There was discussion about how it is important to have ‘a person you can trust to run suggestions by. This person could make the phone call for you or they could be there while you make the phone call.’ 41 Golden City Support Services (2013) — a FAHCSIA funded project Ideas for people who are ready to extend their social relationships How can you tell if it is a match for you? Group members listed many ways to check if the group or activity was the right match for them, such as going along with someone else, being spoken to respectfully, or how flexible the arrangements could be. Important preparation: Make sure that you have the skills to go to the group — what is the skill needed and how do you get it. e.g. before joining a chess group take lessons. Find out what the group needs from you. You make a decision to commit to the group and about the level of commitment that you can make to the group. Find out about the group requirements — bring a plate of food, fees. Skills and equipment— you need to know what to take. Mentally prepare for the group— relax, think about what you might expect at the group. Positive and welcoming signs were: Someone could come with you to check that the group is what you want. Group members talk to you. Group members speak in a respectful way to you. The group leader lets you in the front door and welcomes you to the group. Members of the group, other than the leader, talk to you. Proper introduction/induction process to the group. People take an interest in you and ask questions about yourself and your family. People don’t ask too many questions and don’t take too much of an interest. Friendly interest rather than sticky beak interest. Easier to not feel overwhelmed in small groups. If the group is flexible — it’s ok not to attend every week. Comfort, feel relaxed, you enjoy the group. Not in fight or flight mode. Body language, eye contact, nod or smile, encouragement. Worrying signs suggesting the group was not a good match were: ‘People asking too many personal questions. Offer less information about themselves and focus on you. Prying questions. Depends on how well you are — if you are still experiencing paranoia you may make assumptions. Group may not suit you at the time but further down the track may be fine. Sometimes the group is too far away and this is an added stressor. The timing of the group may not be right for you. Purpose of the group may be different to yours. 42 Golden City Support Services (2013) — a FAHCSIA funded project Ideas for people who are ready to extend their social relationships Very busy environment/too much stimulation. Perception — the environment feels threatening.’ What do you do when it is not working for you? People suggested practical ways to respond if a group may not be the right one for each person, such as getting feedback from others and checking your reactions. Take someone you trust along with you and who can give feedback on what the situation is really like. Get someone else’s opinion about what is really going on/sounding board. Important that the person makes the decision themselves that they want to go. Be ok about being yourself. Attended one group — given lots of instructions and told “you must come every week” so decided not to return. SUMMING UP ABOUT JOINING A GROUP Prepare before joining a group or club. Think about what you bring to a group. Look around the community for a match between your interest and abilities and a group. Recognise there will be ups and downs in group membership. Feeling welcome and respected in the group matters. Think about what to do if the group doesn’t work for. 2.4 Aiming to be inclusive: the perspective of one community organisation This interview explored with a church warden how the church aimed to be inclusive of all members of the community. The church has planned ways to encourage people to feel welcome. The church knows there are people who attend church who require support to participate. These are ‘mainly people with mental illness, particularly people with addictions, drug, gambling, alcohol addictions. There are also older people with other disabilities, such as those who have had strokes. There is a young person with down syndrome, people come and go a lot, I think, so 43 Golden City Support Services (2013) — a FAHCSIA funded project Ideas for people who are ready to extend their social relationships every so often you see young people in wheel chairs or something like that but not as a regular thing.’ How are new people welcomed Culture of the church: The church has ‘an atmosphere of welcome’ ... and I’ve since found out that people who are in leadership in the church actually make quite an issue of this that it is your job to make its everyone’s job to make people who come feel welcome and that applies as much to someone who might appear different or, poorer as to anyone.’ ‘This one stood out for that sort of culture.’ How people are greeted: ‘The first thing is someone greets you as you come in. But the other thing is if someone hasn’t been before and obviously doesn’t know anyone it’s the job of the hosts for the day to make sure that they’re introduced to some people and that those people look after them and make sure they are comfortable’. Church members do a range of things so that people feel welcome and not alone. They introduce themselves, and have a little chat e.g. are you having a good week or that sort of thing, then make sure they have got someone to sit with during the service or they say do you know anyone here , it’s a reasonably big church so chances are they will know someone. So they will make an effort to find them. If they have children they will explain to them about how the Sunday school system works and if they want their children to go they are welcome to do that or welcome for their children to be in the meeting. It’s entirely up to the parents if they want their children to go to Sunday school or the meeting.’ Different people have different responses to being welcomed. Being flexible is important. ‘I think, you have to be careful about being so welcoming and so inclusive, if you are an introvert like I am. The first time I went there were about three or four different groups of people that officially welcomed me. That that wasn’t counting the ones that smiled.’ Being too welcoming can be overwhelming for some….’so you do have to be able to give people space too … not overloading people by being too welcoming I guess.’ It’s important to be aware of others feeling and reactions. Things like: ‘being very gentle with people, speaking softly, maintaining you know a sensible distance from them, making sure people are comfortable and not pushed into more physical contact — like a hug. Host teams are responsible for making people feel welcome that day. Host teams find out who is new, make introductions, find out where people prefer to sit, who with and provide information — even umbrellas. ‘If it’s raining you co-opt the little kids to take umbrellas out to the car park so that people getting out of cars don’t get wet. Kids love that.’ 44 Golden City Support Services (2013) — a FAHCSIA funded project Ideas for people who are ready to extend their social relationships How else are people included The church has a range of ways to involve people beyond weekly meetings. There are other groups which people become part of. ‘One of the important things … more important than the Sunday meetings is mid week house group meetings. The ultimate aim is that they become groups within a group and they are the kind of ministry area.’ These meetings encourage people to attend and recognise people vary in how they are feeling or they have other commitments ... ‘and there is this really relaxed kind of atmosphere about it, you do what’s comfortable for you at this time. I see some of them from time to time wander in and wander out again. It’s really important not to pressure people. ‘Yes expecting behaviour change when you are not going to get it because what people need is friendship not changes.’ ‘The church has to be careful not to think it can heal everyone.’ This is different from being a friend…‘If you’re a friend and just a friend, then you’re not trying to change their life you’re just going to support them in where they are at.’ After meetings there is an opportunity to get together. ‘I’m rarely home before 7pm because people won’t leave. It is a really good sign of a very healthy culture and you see the people that I know of that have mental health issues there. It’s set out like a café so there are tables and they will be sitting at tables with other people just being a part of things.’ It’s not just people who are friends who spend time together. ‘It doesn’t look like friendship groups it looks like people have been sitting at a table and someone comes and joins them and they just chat.’ Transport is provided. ‘The bus goes all over town and takes them home after the cuppa and they get home quite late’. ‘I’ve seen them coming in off the bus and they’ll be chatting.’ What happens beyond the church Some people have friendships outside the church. ‘There’s a real encouragement of other people to keep up friendships outside of the church, for their own sake not for the sake of the church or anything’. This is encouraged by making such contact acceptable, including when people have left the church for whatever reason. ‘Oh you’re still seeing so and so how are they going. It’s ok, you don’t feel any unease.’ 45 Golden City Support Services (2013) — a FAHCSIA funded project Ideas for people who are ready to extend their social relationships REFLECTIONS ON BEING WELCOMING AND INCLUSIVE Leadership matters — leaders create a direction and support a culture of inclusiveness — or not. Have practical ways to welcome people who are new to, and part of, a group, such as transport, chance for a cuppa, or people who greet and look out for newcomers. Recognise that different approaches are important for different people — and that people may vary their involvement. Invitations to be included shouldn’t put pressure on people. 46 Golden City Support Services (2013) — a FAHCSIA funded project Ideas for people who are ready to extend their social relationships PART THREE: STAFF DEVELOPMENT MATERIALS 3. 1 About these resource materials These materials are for staff members or teams who are supporting people with disabilities, including disabilities arising from mental illness. The materials are for staff training and development activities for staff to think about ways to support people with disabilities to be more socially connected. The ideas are relevant for all staff roles working with people with disabilities who are ready and want to become more socially involved in their local community. 47 Golden City Support Services (2013) — a FAHCSIA funded project Ideas for people who are ready to extend their social relationships The materials have been developed to be used in staff meetings, where time is short, to assist staff in various community support settings to explore: What are natural supports? Why natural supports are important The role of staff enabling, and not preventing, natural supports forming. There are nine topics which are related. It is not intended that the material will be worked through sequentially or in total. Choose the topics and activities which are relevant to you. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. Being socially connected is important What sorts of relationships? Step 1: what sort of a life does each person want? Being in the right place, at the right time for natural supports It’s not a simple as it sounds! Where is the directory of natural supports? There isn’t one. Partnerships with individuals, families and staff — what does it take? Can staff be friends? Are staff natural supports? Summary do’s and don’ts Each topic is structured as follows: Aim for this topic What is this topic about? What is your opinion? Want more ideas? a. How these materials were developed We asked people who each judged themselves to be socially well connected to talk about their experiences. b. Using the materials Choose a topic that is relevant to you or your staff team. Read through the aim and what the topic is about. Base discussion around this material to clarify what it means to everyone. Select one activity (or more) from the ‘what is your opinion?’ section and encourage discussion. A discussion leader could help to ensure all the information makes sense to everyone and what’s important for them. For some topics suggested issues to be covered have also been provided. A good starting point is to make sure everyone has the same understanding of key terms and phrases. 48 Golden City Support Services (2013) — a FAHCSIA funded project Ideas for people who are ready to extend their social relationships Just a note: Topic 4 has a lot of detail about the different approaches which have been used by organisations to build natural supports. Lots of different ways have been tried! Different approaches work best in different situations. The materials in Part 3 parallel information in Part 4 for individuals and their families. In practice, Parts 3 and 4 can be used as relevant from any perspective. Often excerpts from the interviews from Part 2 form the discussion material. It may also be useful to read more of the interviews. In addition, there are supporting posters and tip sheets to promote ideas and discussions. These are described in Part 6. Some topics specifically refer to some posters and tip sheets, but they may also be useful more generally. 49 Golden City Support Services (2013) — a FAHCSIA funded project Ideas for people who are ready to extend their social relationships Topic 1: Being socially connected is important 1.1 Aim for this topic To describe how being socially connected is necessary for everyone’s well being and quality of life. 1.2 What is this topic about? a. The importance of social relationships Many people with disabilities, including psychiatric disabilities are socially isolated. ‘Most disabled people continue to be isolated, lonely and have few friends.’ (Shakespeare, 2003) ‘Most people with developmental disabilities dependent on the service system have very limited social networks and few friends.’ (Amado 1993) ‘Engagement in friendship is not necessarily easy or straight forward for ... people with mental illness… due to their capacity for social connection… and ongoing social stigma… by which they experience social exclusion.’ (Montclaire 2011) 50 Golden City Support Services (2013) — a FAHCSIA funded project Ideas for people who are ready to extend their social relationships Natural supports are important for physical and mental health and well being. ‘Social connection is increasingly recognised for its important role in mental, emotional and physical health. Interpersonal relationships are the foundation stones for building social capital and stronger communities. The value of friendship seems simple and obvious. It is a very intimate aspect of life which is largely assumed to be integral and spontaneously generated, given a modicum of opportunity. But engagement in friendship is not necessarily easy or straight forward for... people with mental illness… due to their capacity for social connection… and ongoing social stigma… by which they experience social exclusion.’ (Montclaire 2011) Loneliness effects physical, mental health and human behaviour. Human services and organisational practices can add to loneliness. ‘For the sake of people’s well-being, longevity, mental health and positive social behaviour, practices in human services systems that contribute to loneliness must be identified and altered.’ (Amado 1993) ‘A major criticism of community-based services is the difficulties these programs have in enabling people with disabilities to participate fully in community life and connecting them with other community members.’ (Traustadottir 1993) 51 Golden City Support Services (2013) — a FAHCSIA funded project Ideas for people who are ready to extend their social relationships Natural supports can counter loneliness. ‘The quality and not just the quantity of social relationships affects the feeling of loneliness; loneliness is unpleasant and not a good way to live life. Even if a person is surrounded by support staff, case managers etc – they could experience loneliness. People may be present in social situations but not participating. Social participation is not friendship. People with low self esteem, who find it hard to make friends, are likely to be the most lonely. Loneliness affects human behaviour and physical and mental health negatively.’ (Amado 1993) Natural supports are inbuilt in participation and involvement in community and networks. ‘Communities and networks are important not just because they make people feel happy and connected. Networks play a number of other functions as well as emotional support: instrumental aid (lifts, childcare, loans, finding work), appraisal (evaluating a problem or a solution), and monitoring.’ (Shakespeare 2006) Natural supports can protect vulnerable people and ameliorate the likelihood of social exclusion. ‘People with a disability or mental illness are often seen as ‘less than’ or ‘different’ in society. They are at risk of being rejected, isolated and segregated and lead lives outside the rest of society. What can best protect the vulnerability of people is the very thing from which they are separated: ordinary citizens. For these people the lifelong exercise of building, repairing and rebuilding a web of relationships in which we all learn is denied to them.’ (Klees 2005) 52 Golden City Support Services (2013) — a FAHCSIA funded project Ideas for people who are ready to extend their social relationships Different approaches have been tried to establish and maintain natural supports for people who are socially isolated and lonely. The aim is for ‘the person to have a richer set of experiences; to have a life more familiar to others – who can talk and relate to the person (i.e. have something in common); to have more chances to learn and be familiar and comfortable in other typical settings; to be surrounded by more people who may provide natural support; and so increase the likelihood that relationships of various kinds will occur.’ (Klees 2005) ‘Social connection is increasingly recognised for its important role in mental, emotional and physical health. Interpersonal relationships are the foundation stones for building social capital and stronger communities. The value of friendship seems simple and obvious. It is a very intimate aspect of life which is largely assumed to be integral and spontaneously generated, given a modicum of opportunity. But engagement in friendship is not necessarily easy or straight forward for... people with mental illness… due to their capacity for social connection… and ongoing social stigma… by which they experience social exclusion.’ (Montclaire 2011) 53 Golden City Support Services (2013) — a FAHCSIA funded project Ideas for people who are ready to extend their social relationships People’s ability and drive to seek out and maintain relationships with different people varies. Some people will always ‘need a hand’, others may ‘need a hand’ sometimes. ‘Reciprocity seems to be an important element in proper friendship’ (Shakespeare 2006). ‘Contribution is important but sometimes we need a hand….there are moments when we are not’ interdependent. We simply depend and cannot reciprocate.’ (Kittay 1999 in Shakespeare) b. Definitions of key terms ‘Natural supports’ is the term used in the title of this project to refer to a variety of social connections and relationships which promote social inclusion. In these materials natural support and social connections are often used interchangeably. Social inclusion is having the opportunity to participate in learning, occupation, to engage with others, and to have a voice ( Natural supports can include family, friends, acquaintances, co-worker or neighbours and members of organisations or groups, and more. That is, any situation where people get together or chat, briefly or over time. Natural (or informal) supports are different from support and assistance from people in paid roles, (although people in paid roles may also be a source of natural support in some circumstances). The core role for staff is to ‘Work with people to support and sustain their existing resources, assets, networks and relationships’ (Department of Health 2011). Natural supports can involve people with and without disabilities. A relationship involving natural supports is a two way relationship. Each person brings something to the relationship and is sustained in some way by the relationship. For this project the emphasis was on natural supports who were not family members or staff. c. Key messages from interviews Everyone needs to feel connected/to belong to something/to be a part of the community. People become mentally and physically unwell without it. People with disabilities can be a part of their community. Everybody’s different, there is no recipe. You can find your own ways to connect. 54 Golden City Support Services (2013) — a FAHCSIA funded project Ideas for people who are ready to extend their social relationships Anyone with only staff and family in their life is missing out on other sorts of relationships. Staff and friends are different. Being connected to your community is not all about friends. Keeping going/look for other options-you can do it. Relationships change/some are stressful or unsuccessful and that’s okay. There are many different ways of being included. 1.3 What is your opinion? a. Why are social relationships important for everyone? Why should we be concerned when people with disabilities are socially isolated? Is friendship always the goal? See also: poster: Forming relationships c. Complete the following and discuss your answers True or false: why do social relationships matter? True/False/ Maybe It is the people in our lives who enrich our lives. Not having enough people in your life can lead to poor mental and physical health, loneliness and no one ‘looking out for you’. Anyone with only staff and family in their life is missing out on other sorts of relationships Everyone can have a network of people in their lives Discuss your answers. There are many viewpoints to explore. 55 Golden City Support Services (2013) — a FAHCSIA funded project Ideas for people who are ready to extend their social relationships d. Have your discussions identified the following issues? The reasons why people agree or disagree with the different statements above. The range of meanings given to ‘friendship.’ For example, does friendship often refer to the opposite of loneliness? Does everyone have a role supporting the development of social relationships? 56 Golden City Support Services (2013) — a FAHCSIA funded project Ideas for people who are ready to extend their social relationships 1.4 Want more ideas? a. Does everyone give something to each relationship? Is reciprocity always important in relationships? Can relationships tolerate periods of dependency from one person and still survive? Discuss the following. ‘Reciprocity seems to be an important element in proper friendship.’ (Shakespeare; 2006) ‘while the image of mutuality and interdependence among persons is an important one…there are moments when we are not’ inter’ dependent. We simply depend and cannot reciprocate. Furthermore, while dependence is often socially constructed… all dependence is not’ (Kittay 1999 in Shakespeare.) How do you understand reciprocity? Reciprocity doesn’t depend on being able to contribute independently but it may depend on the ingenuity of staff or family to assist someone to contribute. It is important to look carefully for the ways each person can contribute, like making a cup of tea for someone else – even with full support. Being present at a meeting or a music festival is another contribution when crowd numbers matter. b. Policies which support building social relationships Mental health policy and research recognises the importance of social relationships. ‘Core principle: Family, support people and significant others have a significant and important role in supporting people’s recovery. Mental health service providers support people to utilise and enhance their existing support networks. Good practice: Support people’s relationships and social networks.’ (Framework for recovery oriented Practice 2011) Victorian recovery oriented practice (2011) dept of health. For the purposes of this framework, recovery-oriented practice is understood as encapsulating mental healthcare that: encourages self-determination and self-management of mental health and wellbeing involves tailored, personalised and strengths-based care that is responsive to people’s unique strengths, circumstances, needs and preferences supports people to define their goals, wishes and aspirations involves a holistic approach that addresses a range of factors that impact on people’s wellbeing, such as housing, education and employment, and family and social relationships supports people’s social inclusion, community participation and citizenship. 57 Golden City Support Services (2013) — a FAHCSIA funded project Ideas for people who are ready to extend their social relationships Topic 2: What sorts of relationships? 2.1 Aim for this topic To recognise the range and variability of social relationships and sources of natural support. To recognise that are many different types of relationships — people with disabilities tend to have too few. To understand that for us all, most social relationships we have are not friendships. 2.2 What is this topic about? a. Types of social relationships and natural supports Here is a list of possible social relationships — and there may be more! Family, including extended family. Friends. Family’s friends. Neighbours. Acquaintances — places where person is a regular; people are recognised because of frequently being part of a place, activity, pastime e.g. walking the dog along the beach each day. Members, staff or volunteers in community groups or organisations. Colleagues at work or study. Businesses where person is a patron or customer. Social media and IT to stay in touch. Social action groups with a common cause, such as self help/advocacy groups where people meet for common interests and causes. People you greet in public spaces such as sports grounds, the local streets, but perhaps don’t see again or not very often. Pets: Some people mention the importance of pets as companions and a bridge to meeting others. The relationship with staff is a complex one because it is a paid relationship and for many people very important! See Topic 9 for more discussion. b. What people want from relationships varies People want different things from social relationships. Discuss what Louise has said: ‘And the gym is a great environment because it doesn’t have a lot of verbal conversation or interaction but it is still being included’ (see Louise’s interview). 58 Golden City Support Services (2013) — a FAHCSIA funded project Ideas for people who are ready to extend their social relationships Louise wants people side by side with her so she is not alone, but she is not seeking more involved social relationships at the gym. Given the list of different types of relationships above, how would you describe what Louise wants from other people at the gym. 2.3 What is your opinion? a. Other types of relationships? Read the material in 2.2 and discuss: Are there other types of social relationships from the ones listed? Why is talking about social relationships complicated? Why is there more to social relationships than friendship? b. Read the interviews for Louise, Elly and Ed. (See Part 2) Often when people talk about social connections and relationships, they are referring to friends only. Describe the different social relationships in the interviews. How do Louise, Ed and Elly differ in what they want from social relationships? How did Louise, Ed and Elly develop relationships without staff involvement? c. Complete the following and discuss your answers True/False/Maybe I am the closest relationship one person has — I must be a friend. Many people with disabilities are lonely. Staff can reduce people’s loneliness. Some people don’t want others in their lives. Staff should respect that. 59 Golden City Support Services (2013) — a FAHCSIA funded project Ideas for people who are ready to extend their social relationships d. Have your discussions identified the following issues? There are many different types of social relationships People can feel connected (and not lonely) because of a variety of relationships Most people have very few friends — but many acquaintances, familiar people from shops, and other public places who recognise them and make them feel welcome or colleagues from work, volunteering or other community settings. The relationship with staff can be important, trusted and enduring — but it is not a friendship. 2.4 Want more ideas? One debate in relation to natural supports is whether some relationships are more ‘valuable’ than others. There are mixed views about relationships between people with disabilities. Louise, Elly and Ed’s interviews suggest that relationships with different people offer very different things and it is the mix and diversity of a person’s relationships that are most important. Consider the following: ‘There is a tendency for researchers or advocates to focus on certain types of relationships for people with (intellectual) disability such as with people without (intellectual disability), rather than others types, such as with family, staff, or peers with intellectual disability. However, perhaps the absence of relationships with people without (intellectual) disability from social networks is the reason they are accorded more attention. In the process however, they may seem to be accorded more value. Care must be taken to avoid devaluing or diverting attention from other types of relationships. Ideally each relationship offers a different value that adds rather than detracts from the benefits gained from a person’s entire social network.’ (Bigby and Fyffe 2010) What is the message about different relationships from the three paragraphs above? 60 Golden City Support Services (2013) — a FAHCSIA funded project Ideas for people who are ready to extend their social relationships Topic 3: Step 1: What sort of a life does each person want? 3. 1 Aim for this topic To describe where to start when building social relationships and natural supports To understand that a life participating in the community means each person will be part of relationships involving natural supports. 3.2 What is this topic about? a. Everyone’s idea of a good life will vary — natural supports will vary accordingly This topic asks the reader to think about the sort of life particular person with a disability might want and how this affects the goal to work towards increasing natural supports. ‘People are different in their support needs, their aspirations and their values.’ (Shakespeare 2006) The starting point for increasing the natural supports in someone’s life is their goals, preferred activities and interests. With these as a basis, community members and groups with shared interests, values or causes can be identified. Start with what the person wants, what they are interested in. Their interests, hopes, talents, learning ambitions and more. Then think about where this could happen. Natural supports are not placements — suggestions about where to go, who with and to do what, are different for each individual. No one can create relationships. Staff can encourage and design opportunities for relationships and social exchanges, which may then lead to friendships. People have to want to do it and feel confident. This takes trust, time and building confidence to speak up. Families don’t have to do everything. There are various roles for paid staff (e.g. bridge to increase relationships; investigate, match; training and information; problem solve, check out different places or groups.) The biggest role for paid staff is with those community people providing support (Klees 2013). 61 Golden City Support Services (2013) — a FAHCSIA funded project Ideas for people who are ready to extend their social relationships b. It’s never too early in life to lay the foundations for social relationships and connections The vision for how you want/ your family member to live, even from childhood, can set the scene for whether these opportunities are more — or less — likely to happen, even when there are disruptions and deviations along the way. Bjarnason (2002) argues that ‘early parental decisions and family support systems will affect the claims of disabled persons to adulthood and his or her possibilities to be both heard and understood. The support of professionals is crucial in enabling parents to become effective supporters of their children. ….Those who were able to take action, were able to help their adult disabled children join the mainstream and achieve independence.’ 3.3 What is your opinion? a. Choose one or two interviews to discuss from part 2. All of our contributors had imagined what they wanted their life to be like — sometimes with the help of close family members. These people had expectations about social relationships. Relationships were a priority for their good life. The starting point for a discussion was each person’s expectation to be involved in the community with other community members, sharing common interests and patterns of life. What each person wanted from life was different, and this guided what they wanted from the community and social relationships, such as to build on a pre-illness identity; to have life in the mainstream, part of the wider community; to be busy; to doing common activities beside other people. For each interview, identify what was important for each person as the basis for their relationships with others and involvement in the community. How many of these interest and pastimes had their origins in childhood? Read Louise’s interview. What roles and contributions did she identify before deciding joining the school council was right for her? 62 Golden City Support Services (2013) — a FAHCSIA funded project Ideas for people who are ready to extend their social relationships b. See Poster: Being local matters. What was important for Steph as the basis for planning community involvement and social relationships? Discuss: What does a (vision) or idea of a good life have to do with developing natural supports? Are your experiences of what’s possible likely to enable or limit the social possibilities for people you support? What does the following statement have to do with natural supports? ‘You can’t do what you can’t imagine’ (Klees 2005) What was Steph’s experience? c. For discussion ‘Being a passive spectator, observer or family member without responsibility is not a strong foundation for social relationships’ (Klees 2013) What does this mean? d. Checkout websites for ideas about hobbies and more This website lists many, many hobbies, interests and pastimes. Think about someone you know as you read the list. Are there ideas for what that person might like to do? Then start to think about how people might be involved in your local community. 3.4 Want more ideas? a. Exploring what people want from life What people want from life varies — we all set different priorities and have different values. Consider the following two quotes — they suggest quite different things which may be important to people. ‘Control over one’s life Convenience and lack of responsibility Safety and security Companionship and intimacy Routine and familiarity’ (Shakespeare 2006). In contrast Klees (2005) ‘stresses the importance of networks and relationships and describes the good life as including: connections; a sense of belonging; a place or places to give; a few 63 Golden City Support Services (2013) — a FAHCSIA funded project Ideas for people who are ready to extend their social relationships close committed relationships with family and friends and an even wider circle of those committed to be on their life’s journey; respect from those you come in contact with.’ Explore the following: Does planning ensure many lenses are considered when exploring priorities for people? Do individual support plans pick up social networking and relationships? Do people ask for it? Is it a given? b. Creating conditions for relationship formation Relationships are not guaranteed but the likelihood is greater if the person is frequently present and involved in typical community settings. Klees suggest: ‘Discover community space — typical, valued, age peers, welcoming, accessible, reflect person. Ensure presence. Plan and support a valued role — we all need to make a contribution (based on interests, typical, valued, recognizable, familiar, contribution). Other people — not just support people. Support people are a bridge to other people (valued, present, compatible, and available)’ (Klees 2013). Further Klees states: You cannot create relationships — but can encourage and design opportunities which may lead to friendships; families don’t have to do it all. The biggest support role is with those community people providing support. There are additional roles for paid staff (e.g. bridge to increase relationships; investigate, match; training and information; problem solve, check out place before presence — paid person (if available) does the keeping in touch, and setting up meetings. For discussion From above: What are Klees’ main messages? Can you think of other precursors to relationships, such as: trust; time and confidence to speak up or building skills for independence or competence in an activity (such as chess or serving afternoon tea). Choose any one of the interviews and see how that person planned new relationships. What did they do? 64 Golden City Support Services (2013) — a FAHCSIA funded project Ideas for people who are ready to extend their social relationships Topic 4: Being in the right place at the right time for natural supports 4.1 Aim for this topic To describe ways to encourage natural supports in community settings after identifying the goals, interests and past times of each person. To start where natural supports are more likely to develop, that is, in places with people typical of the wider community. To build social connections where everyone can contribute. Natural supports involve two way relationships. The aim is for ‘the person to have a richer set of experiences; to have a life more familiar to others – who can talk and relate to the person (ie have something in common); to have more chances to learn and be familiar and comfortable in other typical settings; to be surrounded by more people who may provide natural support; and so increase the likelihood that relationships of various kinds will occur.’ (Klees 2005) 4.2 What is this topic about? This topic discusses how to get started with building natural supports. The ideas are relevant to individuals, their family or support staff. a. What was learned from interviews about helping relationships gets started? There were descriptions of being welcomed and a sense of belonging with a regular group or an informal gathering or public venue. This meant being treated like everyone else, ‘getting the gossip’, being part of whatever was happening, having the unquestioned right to be present and involved. Same priorities Networking/ community connection was a high priority for family/ individual and neighbourhood group. Being mobile helps — either by bike, scooter, public transport, private transport — a lift from others. Being able to ask someone for a lift is one sign of being part of a group. 65 Golden City Support Services (2013) — a FAHCSIA funded project Ideas for people who are ready to extend their social relationships It’s not about money and always doing more! Our contributors give examples of different ways meeting people — not only about doing more and more. The individual or family can't do this alone. Can friends, other family or support staff give ideas about spending time with others and finding community settings and groups which are welcoming. Relationships have highs and lows — they are not static and can be stressful, distressing as well as reassuring and beneficial. For people with mental illness, anxiety etc — importance of a comfort zone and finding ways to keep relationships going though ups and downs of mental illness. Trust matters. Individuals and families need someone to trust before being able to keep information building about possibilities. Be ready, be opportunistic, and look for many different ways. Relationships don’t always happen is a planned or logical way. However it is very easy for staff, families and our pattern of life to get in the way of relationships forming. The importance of contribution. Everyone contributed to the community group, friendships or social relationship. What was contributed wasn’t necessarily the same as what was gained or appreciated in the relationship. Many people will be getting support from different professionals and organisations. Sometimes it is what staff or family do that helps or blocks people forming relationships with others in the community. b. Key points about promoting friendships Friendships are perhaps the most elusive and complex relationship for everyone. Key points about promoting friendship: ‘Building inclusion, friendships and relationships is complex and difficult — otherwise more people with disabilities would have more friends.’ (Shakespeare 2006, p183) ‘Friendship is an elusive thing which cannot be easily engineered.’ (Shakespeare 2006, p 181) ‘Sometimes reports of friendships and relationships are “too rosy”. ‘Friendship between people without disabilities and people with intellectual disability are in practice harder and more complex than they first appear, and are usually rather different from conventional mutually supportive friendships.’ (Traustadottir 2000 cited in Shakespeare, 2006, p 184) c. How to have more acquaintances Acquaintances are people who are familiar, enough to say ‘Hi’ and have a chat. They are in the same regular activities, past times, locations, but we don’t really know them well. The project participants described acquaintances and their importance: 66 Golden City Support Services (2013) — a FAHCSIA funded project Ideas for people who are ready to extend their social relationships ‘Being a local, a regular. Being a local means people look out for you — and notice when you are not around.’ ‘Acquaintances can be everywhere.’ ‘Taxi drivers — a trusted relationship.’ ‘Sees a lot people, if he goes up to the shopping centre they say hi Frank. I say who is that — Frank says I don’t know … they must be from school.’ ‘At the footy. Does enjoy watching the footy. Knew the guys by hanging around the club and getting to know them. Footy club guys are friendly and hang out with them at other times.’ 4.3 What is your opinion? a. Where are the welcoming community settings From the project, it was found that community settings had expectations of individuals wanting to participate. Read Frank’s interview (section 2.2). What expectations did the community group have of Frank? Were these expectations reasonable and realistic? Read the interview with a church member about the church wanting to be inclusive (section 2.4). What ways did the church try to welcome and include people? Do these ways apply to other groups too? b. For discussion What does the following quote mean? Do you agree? Are you prepared to do it? ‘We are all challenged to do more in our private and work lives to include people with disabilities.’ (Amado 1993c, p324) 67 Golden City Support Services (2013) — a FAHCSIA funded project Ideas for people who are ready to extend their social relationships c. What is your answer to the following? True/False/Maybe Some people are difficult to get to know and don’t know how to get to know others. These people need help so that they are not lonely and isolated from others. It’s not enough to be friends only with people with other disabilities or mental illness Everyone can do something in return to maintain a relationship ‘It is the setting, not the characteristics of the individual, which determined the level of social activity.’ (Shakespeare; 2006) 4.4 Want more ideas? Different approaches by organisations to building natural supports Promoting friendships and relationships has been tried a range of ways, from policy reform, education and training and specific programs. Probably all have their place and usefulness. The following materials provide descriptive excerpts about various approaches to building natural supports tried by different organisations, as follows: a. b. c. d. e. f. g. h. Policy and services. Community connecting. Training. Education. Technology and social media. Volunteer matching. Self advocacy. Passing greetings. Remember too, that in our interviews, several people had extended their natural supports and community relationships without paid assistance. Individuals and families may be making all sorts of community links as part of daily life. In the interviews, sometimes people didn’t recognise that was what they were doing! 68 Golden City Support Services (2013) — a FAHCSIA funded project Ideas for people who are ready to extend their social relationships a. Policy and services The overall context for building friendships and social relationships can be promoted through the policies of government and of services. For example, Shakespeare (2006, p182) ‘a focus on friendship could bring about a major shift in the provision of services for people with disabilities’. (p183): ‘policies which took the intimacy and friendship needs of people with disabilities seriously would see support as more diverse than simply daily living tasks’. Such high level policies can be both inspirational and give direction, but alone are lacking in implementation guidelines. Despite many years of these types of policies, progress reducing loneliness has been limited, for example, the following comments are still true today, ‘The current reforms in the disability sector are to full inclusion of people with disabilities in all aspects of community life. Yet many people with disabilities continue to be isolated, lonely and have few friends. A major criticism of community-based services is the difficulty these programs have in enabling people with disabilities to participate fully in community life and connecting them with other community members (Traustadottir 1993). Policy alone is not sufficient to build more inclusive communities. b. Community connecting One more specific approach to building social relationships is the notion of a person who is a ‘bridge’ or ‘connector’ to the community. This role is distinguished from more typical support roles and may or may not be a paid role. For example, ‘One approach is to use a bridge to the community who guide individuals with disabilities in the community and introduce them to people who may be their friends. The ‘bridge builder’ or ‘community connector’ introduces the person with disabilities to new places, guides them to new relationships, connects them with valued people in the community and familiarizes the person with new opportunities. This approach is based on ensuring the person is exposed to and in community environments and those communities have the capacity and willingness to become involved with people with disabilities, including as friends. Bridge builders need to be able to: focus on gifts and capacities of individual, not deficits; able to work by trust not authority; a belief that people with disabilities are not in the community is because no one has asked them; a willingness to let go after they have guided someone into the community. The role of bridge builder can be structured in at least three different ways: as a community member; as a special job for a staff person; as part of the job for all staff’ (Amado 1993b). Asking staff to think about their role building social relationships can be a major change in focus for staff, with significant advantages of the individuals, as follows: 69 Golden City Support Services (2013) — a FAHCSIA funded project Ideas for people who are ready to extend their social relationships ‘There is potential for staff to do more to help friendship, such as promote a community development model of service provision, looking for opportunities for their clients to make connections and engage in social activities. Rather than only group activities, facilitate individualised social activities for clients’ (Traustadottir 1993). Organisations wanting to support relationships between people with disabilities and community members can adopt a variety of practical approaches. Amado (1993c) proposes that organisations start by changing or widening the focus of the organisation and staff roles to recognise that friendships and relationships are important and that emphasising independence and skill building on their own can be limiting for the person. The message is one of ‘not doing more — but doing different.’ Such a change of organisational and staff emphasis is a long term obligation to individuals and understands that real friendships may develop but the individual needs support to meet many people as part of a widening social network. Supporting relationships means the support is never done — a long term obligation. Organisations and staff need to consider views, attitudes and ways of working that may be impeding staff supporting people with disabilities to develop social relationships. Amado (1993c) cautions organisations and staff against seeing all difficulties lying with a community which is not welcoming to people with disabilities, ‘The problem is often not community members, but staff and agencies. Staff often think it’s attitudes of community members which is the biggest barrier to starting connecting efforts with community member. Sometimes staff have unconscious opinions that the individual with disabilities is not someone community members will value spending time with. Agency structures and practices can get in the way and increase the distance between the person with a disability and community citizens. Supporting people’s relationships can also mean re-kindling old ones. Some staff may have views about what’s worth trying (e.g. family not interested).’ Oversimplifying the nature of both social relationships and the community is common (Amado 1993c). Two important complexities are that there are many forms of social relationships and these are not all friendships; and that being connected and included in the community is a subjective experience not a place. The following are specific examples of organisations and approaches implementing a community connector or community bridge builder approach. Daehaeko Support network The Daehaeko Support network is a small group of Canadian families and people with disabilities working together to create person centred and socially inclusive supports. The foundation for their activities is a vision for a ‘good life’. The ‘good life’ includes safety and security in one’s home and in the community; connections to family, friends and a wide range of acquaintances; a sense of belonging — people who notice if someone not present; places to give 70 Golden City Support Services (2013) — a FAHCSIA funded project Ideas for people who are ready to extend their social relationships and contribute; a few close family and friendships and a widening circle of lasting relationships; continual opportunities to grow and develop; respect from those you come in contact with’ (Klees 2005). On a more day to day practical level – and towards the vision - ‘things that make the day complete’ such as having an opportunity to invite someone in some way; having a chance to contribute; including a range of people in your day; being involved in the mundane and everyday things of life; being reminded that you belong; taking responsibility. This group builds on social roles as a basis for relationships and identity. ‘A role is a person, in place, doing something predictable’. Roles can involve functional contributions (such as an artist, administrative assistant) of person; and contribution of person by their presence (such as member of a crowd at a meeting, rally, festival.) ‘Turn interests into roles: not activities’. Then identify activities which are related to roles. Activities versus roles means the difference between, for example, she likes gardening; she is a gardener. The latter role suggests many many activities arising from being a gardener. Examples of social roles: family (son, daughter, aunt, cousin, mother); community and civic (voter, volunteer, board member); recreation and leisure (athlete, gardener, artist, singer); work (employee, union member, co-worker, employer) (see also O’Brien 2010). The further component of their approach is ‘building a context for a relationship’ recognising that ‘relationships can’t be created, but it is possible to promote situations where relationships are more — or less — likely to occur’. Janet Klees (2013) notes things to remember about building the context for relationships. These include realising that time and certainty are needed if more enduring relationships are going to form; not changing existing arrangements unless the options are better; and keeping talking together so that community members also see the possibilities. Community mentors Wilson et al (2012) describe a training program for community members assisting them to include people with disabilities in community settings, such as a community kitchen. The role of community members was described as mentors and these people were all existing members of a community or volunteer group and received brief training about inclusion and participation. The project found the role of the mentor supported inclusion when community members were ‘people who valued others’ also received brief training about how to include people with disabilities in the community setting and the mentoring role was time and activity limited (ie not open ended). Circles of support/ friendship circles Recognising that many people with disabilities do not have established social networks, various initiatives have tried to provide a framework upon which genuine friendships can develop. This approach centers on creating circles of companionships and friendship for people with 71 Golden City Support Services (2013) — a FAHCSIA funded project Ideas for people who are ready to extend their social relationships disabilities, frequently arranged by families. One approach is to strengthen already existing relationships’ and natural social networks around the person with disabilities and use the existing friends to develop new social relationships involving the person (e.g. MAPS). For people with few or no pre existing social networks a more formal approach has been used to invite individuals who do not know the person to participate (Amado 1993b, p291). Some of the practical issues identified with the circles of support approach are: the groups and the related social relationships may collapse; the group takes on different or confused additional roles (such as fund raising or seeking services)(Amado 1993b, p291); and the group becomes like a service in a way which is stygmatising for the person at the centre (Shakespeare 2006, p181). c. Training Some programs may assist people with disabilities to learn how to make friends using an education framework in the same way that other skills may be taught. Preferably such approaches would emphasise social inclusion, and not just skills development, by incorporating shared interests (e.g. art, animals) and not just geographical proximity or isolated skills. Shared interests are a crucial foundation to social relationships. In the absence of a context for building social relationships, training programs risk being patronising or irrelevant beyond the teaching/ learning situation (Shakespeare 2006, p182). d. Education Education about impairment and disability, and by people with disabilities and with mental illness, is one way to challenge misconceptions and find common understandings and ways of being together. In order to become friends, people with and without disabilities need to be able to learn about disability, both in general and in terms of the specific individual with whom they are engaging. ‘People with disabilities, together with support staff, need ways to be able to explain and to educate colleagues, family and friends about what their own impairment means and if and when accommodation is needed’ (Shakespeare 2006, p182). e. Technology and social media Technology and social media is re-defining the form and style of social relationships for everyone. This is equally true for people with disabilities and more exploration of the role of technology and social media enabling inclusion and extending social relationships is needed. For example, ‘new initiatives should be assessed in terms of whether they impact on possibilities for friendship and intimacy, helping build connections. For example, relying on email or phone can be time efficient but reduces opportunities for social contact and face to face communication. The screen may open new worlds or serve to deepen isolation and prevent acquisition of skills and confidence required to conduct relationships in the everyday world. For people wanting to be part of group exchanges and discussions, providing online discussion opportunities may build connections and promote mutual support. For example, people with communication or social 72 Golden City Support Services (2013) — a FAHCSIA funded project Ideas for people who are ready to extend their social relationships interaction issues may find online groups easier to negotiate than face to face meetings’(Shakespeare 2006, p180). Sherry Turkle: Connected but alone. Turkle concludes that one aspect of social media is that it gives ‘companionship without the demands of friendship’. This may be a legitimate medium for people who want some level of social connection but do struggle with face to face and more traditional social exchanges (for example, people with autism or anxiety disorders). f. Volunteer matching Several programs have used volunteers as a basis for ‘one to one matching’ with a person with a disability intended to develop mutually satisfying social connections. Examples include citizen advocacy and Leisure Buddies programs. Amado notes that ‘many long lasting friendships emerge from these efforts’. Similarly, many people who benefit from volunteering schemes (e.g. older people, people with intellectual disability) the benefits outweigh any anxieties about charity and paternalism which disability rights activists have sometimes expressed (Shakespeare 2006, p184). The difficulties identified arise from incompatibility in matching or confusion of roles, such as between advocacy and friendships (Amado p291). The following is an example of a specific program for individuals in mental health recovery based on volunteer matching. Compeer Program Adult Supportive Friendship Model Compeer describes the program as ‘Recovery through the healing power of friendship.’ From the website: the Compeer Model was developed using the three elements of support — relatedness, autonomy, competence. Research shows that where these elements are present in relationships, people feel more secure, emotionally open, and enjoy greater well being and mental health. Supportive friendship involving: volunteer/supportive friend; Compeer Coordinator; Mental Health Professional; and Peer Client. The outcomes from Compeer are described as: Social inclusion, community integration, natural supports: being in the community; going to social events, preparing for work or school, decreased needs for crisis services, independence. Matched peer clients feel connected with others in a meaningful way; now experience companionship. Matched peer clients experience enhanced self worth: A Compeer volunteer (supportive 73 Golden City Support Services (2013) — a FAHCSIA funded project Ideas for people who are ready to extend their social relationships friend) engenders acceptance and empathy. Matched peer clients can now experience more meaning and purpose, and hope for recovery. g. Self advocacy groups Voluntary groups for people with disabilities, including mental illness, create possibilities for friendship and companionship, as well as having practical value in campaigning or providing services. These groups bring isolated people together and make spaces for friendships to grow. These groups also offer spaces where people with disabilities can socialise with others on their own terms (Shakespeare 2006, p181) and can be a foundation or preparation for wider community involvement. Self advocacy groups engage in personal support networking and community development through organising and consciousness raising. Individuals and self help groups become involved with other community groups and voluntary associations with broadened opportunities to meet people who will eventually become friends (Amado 1993b). Self advocacy is primarily a group process of mutual support, information sharing and action as determined by group members. Self advocacy is important for many people with a disability, most typically those with an acquired brain injury, intellectual disability or severe communication impairment, whose voice is most at risk of not being heard. These groups are often isolated within disability advocacy, within support services and within the community more generally (Fyffe et al 2004). h. Passing greetings with strangers in a shared situation Many of the approaches to building relationships have depended on proximity and familiarity within local communities. Bigby and Wiesel (2011) introduce the concept of ‘brief encounters’ from urban studies. People who don’t really know each other will greet each other in a shared situation, perhaps discuss the shared experience, and may not see each other in other situations, or even see each other again. Examples where this occurs include being in a crowd at the footy; waiting in queue at Telstra or the post office; simply being regularly in your street or at a favourite place or shop. Encounters are ‘exchanges which are fleeting or more sustained between neighbours, participants with a shared purpose in a public space, consumers and shopkeepers, passengers and taxi drivers (or fellow travelers), standing in a queue which are central to life in a city (or any urban space)….Encounters can be convivial through to hostile but provide another lens to consider the dimensions of social inclusion’. The point is there are many different types of social relationships. 74 Golden City Support Services (2013) — a FAHCSIA funded project Ideas for people who are ready to extend their social relationships Topic 5: It’s not as simple as it sounds! 5.1 Aim for this topic To understand the complexity of social relationships and how many ways social relationships and natural supports can be misunderstood, disregarded or disrupted. 5.2 What is this topic about? a. Building social relationships is not simple It’s not simple! Relationships are complex, changing, inter related. Simple circles of social relationships around people are inadequate to describe social relationships. ‘Staff can do things that friends can’t do. Families can be limiting. Friends can help people move beyond human service goals. Families provide things that friends can’t.’(Amado 1993) b. Social relationships vary, change and aren’t always clear cut We’re not just talking about close friendship — there’s more to being socially connected! Friendship has multiple forms and can provide companionship, assistance, guidance and support, (Salmon, 2013), in all sorts of ways. It’s how you feel about it — lonely or that you belong. There are no clear rules. It’s not the number of people that matters or how often you’re in contact. No one can insist someone else is a close friend. Friendships are two way. We all have the right to be in public places (if we want to be), to be treated respectfully and politely by other members of the community and staff in shops and businesses. This can be where social connections start. The following diagram is trying to depict the inter relationships, changes and evolutions that can happen within a network of social relationships. Co-workers become friends, but not necessarily. Many people are acquaintances and not friends. And so the variation and change continues throughout life. There are many more cogs and wheels and arrows for change which could be added. 75 Golden City Support Services (2013) — a FAHCSIA funded project Ideas for people who are ready to extend their social relationships Friends Coworkers Meeting lots of people in the community c. Friendships and social relationships are not always happy or without ‘Thedemands. complexity of friendship is often ignored. In encouraging the possibility of friendship, the reality is it will bring pain, joy and possibly both… with friendship comes the possibility of rejection or betrayal…. Sufficient friendships cannot be measured numerically, and friendship alone may not be enough.’ (Uditsky 1993) 76 Golden City Support Services (2013) — a FAHCSIA funded project Ideas for people who are ready to extend their social relationships While rights can be insisted upon — friendships can’t. However, it is possible to create circumstances where friendships and other relationships won’t occur! ‘Many fundamental aspects of living in the community cannot be legislated for, such as the need for informal social relationships with partners, friends, family, and acquaintances ... while a rights agenda can open doors into communities or institutional roles, achieving social inclusion and a sense of belonging for people with intellectual disability in the form of individual social connections or civic friendship requires change on the part of community members, which cannot be mandated. The challenge remains to turn social inclusion from a cult or idealized value to functional value, so that understandings of how it can be done are embedded in the service system.’ (Reinders 2002) c. Human service organisations are acting from outside the community Human service organisations are often outside communities and therefore struggle to connect to people to community members. ‘Given the human services culture… it is not surprising to find friendship, to varying degrees, considered in the simplistic manner the field knows best… relationships have become one more domain in the development of individualised service or program plans. .. the encouragement of friendships is more than a programmatic.’ (Uditsky (1993) Communities are complex and fragmented. There is no one ‘community’. ‘Community care has meant that most disabled people are living in the community, just as the concept of community has been eroded.’…’traditional ties of family, religion and community have declined.’ (Shakespeare; 2006) 77 Golden City Support Services (2013) — a FAHCSIA funded project Ideas for people who are ready to extend their social relationships 5.3 What is your opinion? a. Is this your experience too? The main messages from contributors to this project are: The importance of following personal priorities; of contributing to social situations and being a natural support for others. The starting point is what sort of a life do you want? Not the details but the guiding directions. Identify people’s interest and talents are a foundation for social relationships and connections. Being part of a community, a network or having many social and friendship relationships doesn’t just happen. Relationships often begin and are maintained from following an interest, study and/or work. Forming a relationship is not a single event of joining a club or becoming a volunteer. Joining a group to pursue a common interest can be a good starting point. There are many different types of relationships. These can all reduce isolation and loneliness. Relationships and friendships change over time, and each individual has examples of successes and distress. This is a lifelong and repeated process and not just a consequence of one relationship in time. What everyone has in common is their pursuit of, and belief in, being part of and contributing to, their local communities. There may be setbacks — for all sorts of reasons… but people keep going again when circumstances improve There is no one way to be socially connected. People want different things from various relationships and it changes. Discuss each dot point. What are the implications for how you work to support someone in the community? 5.4 Want more ideas? For discussion Discuss the statement: Human services and organisational practices can add to loneliness. Consider also: ‘ A major criticism of community-based services is the difficulties these programs have in enabling people with disabilities to participate fully in community life and connecting them with other community members’ (Traustadottir 1993). ‘Professionals run the risk of bringing human services practices into the community domain to form friendships — like any other program’ (Uditsky,1993) 78 Golden City Support Services (2013) — a FAHCSIA funded project Ideas for people who are ready to extend their social relationships Do you agree or disagree with these statements? What can you do in your role to connect people with community members? Is it your role? How can the disability system and mental health systems work to increase community connection from a starting point outside the community? Do you agree or not that your role is outside the community? Do these statements match your experiences or not? 79 Golden City Support Services (2013) — a FAHCSIA funded project Ideas for people who are ready to extend their social relationships Topic 6: Where is the directory of natural supports? There isn’t one! 6.1 Aim for this topic Natural supports are not a placement or a support service. Being in the community is not a place or an event. 6.2 What is this topic about? a. Natural supports are not something you go to Being part of a community, a network or having many social and friendship relationships doesn’t just happen. Nor is it a single event of joining a club or becoming a volunteer. These relationships and friendships change over time, and each individual has examples of successes and souring, or simply moving on. What these people have in common is their pursuit of, and belief in, being part of and contributing to, their local communities. b. The aim is not the same number or type of social relationships for everyone Interview material gives ideas about joining a school council, footy fan group, dance group, badminton club, gym, and animal welfare group. There are no details given for these groups, they are important to each person and will be swamped if everyone joins. Our advisers and contributors described too many examples of a local group being welcoming to one person, and then more people simply chose that group as the ‘place for natural supports’— but not because it was important to them. The result was that community relationships were fractured for everyone. c. Finding the right community group What each contributor has shared is how these groups were identified — that process of questioning and experimenting is what everyone can learn from. See posters: Are you a bridge to the community? Getting started: how to find groups in your community. Being local matters! 6.3 What is your opinion? a. Complete as an exercise Think about someone you support. Who are the people in the person’s life? That is, people who contribute to a ‘sense of belonging’ and familiarity in day to day life/ in the local neighbourhood and community by providing assistance, information, companionship, recognition, friendship, interest in a common activity or pastime. Think about people: 80 Golden City Support Services (2013) — a FAHCSIA funded project Ideas for people who are ready to extend their social relationships Near to home (such as neighbours, corner shop). As part of community and activity groups (such as church, sports club, hobby club). Businesses and commercial settings (e.g. bank, supermarket, coffee shops, bus drivers). Friends and acquaintances. People ‘who know you and your family’ and say ‘hello’ (such as family friends). This is not people who are paid to provide support, such as attendant carers or general practitioner, although these people may be part of your life in other ways, for example, when you see them at the pool or down the street and say hello. Let’s make a list: Where is the person a patron or customer? Who is a friend, acquaintance, co-worker or neighbour? Where is the person a member of organisations or groups? (Etmanski 2004) Other prompts: When you go down the street: who/ how many say hello, stop for a chat. What do you do with your neighbours: do you do for them? Do they do for you? Who gives you a hand at: the bank, supermarket, bus stop etc. Who notices if you are away from your usual commitments/ classes such as if you are sick. Where do you spend regular time each week and who are you with during these times? Doing what? Who would you contact of you needed a hand, some help — and family weren’t available? If you were down the street — is there a shop you would go into or a friend to contact? Who looks out for your family member/ you? 6.4 Want more ideas? How to know when it is all working? Klees suggests: Is there a satisfying contribution being made? Is there learning happening? Is there a sense of pride present? Is there relationship building happening? Is it leading to more opportunities? Think about someone you know, or select an interview from section 2.3. Use the questions above to decide if the group or community setting is working for the individual and the other people involved? 81 Golden City Support Services (2013) — a FAHCSIA funded project Ideas for people who are ready to extend their social relationships 82 Golden City Support Services (2013) — a FAHCSIA funded project Ideas for people who are ready to extend their social relationships Topic 7: Partnerships between individual, staff and families, what does it take? 7.1 Aim for this topic To explore the meaning of collaborative partnerships between individuals, their families and staff. 7.2 What is this topic about? a. Building trust between people is essential Trust is critical. Building trust takes time. We will all try different things if someone we trust is there or says it’s OK. Several contributors to the project emphasised the importance of trusting people and that this occurred following regular and long term contact. Families and individuals need people to trust who will provide good information, suggest possibilities and respectfully challenge family assumptions. b. Seven principles of partnership Workers/organisations need to: Be an effective communicator Be professionally competent Be genuinely respectful Demonstrate commitment Strive for equality Take action through advocacy Build trust ‘Trust is the keystone principle. It binds all of the other values. Trust means having confidence in someone else’s reliability, judgement, word and action. When individuals and family members trust a worker (or an organisation) they will accept what is suggested even when they are doubtful and unsure.’ (Turnbull et al 2011) 83 Golden City Support Services (2013) — a FAHCSIA funded project Ideas for people who are ready to extend their social relationships Note : Advocacy refers to speaking out and taking action. A worker who is an effective advocate for the individual and family members will act to prevent problems; be alert for opportunities to advocate; pinpoint and document problems; form and broaden alliances; and seek win-win solutions. There are other reasons for families and individuals feeling a lack of trust in organisations, such as: Anxiety and lack of confidence. For some people this may be a consequence of paranoia. Not all families want close relationships with each other or with organisations. Staff being viewed as oppressors. Shakespeare (2006, p180) describes the risk of staff being viewed as exploiters which ‘neglects the staff helping role’. ‘There has been considerable focus on oppression (of disabled people by non disabled people) and less focus on partnership and alliance.’ d. See posters: Staff — are you a bridge to the community? Staff advertisement. Ideas for parents. Being local matters. 84 Golden City Support Services (2013) — a FAHCSIA funded project Ideas for people who are ready to extend their social relationships 7.3 What is your opinion? a. Quiz: Are you a trustworthy worker? Are you able to work in a way that builds trust with families and individuals? Discuss the meaning of each statement. Then discuss your answers to the following: Do you/ does your organisation: Yes/No/Maybe Communicate by exchanging information in open and honest ways? Earn respect by treating all family members with dignity and honouring their cultural values? Strive for equality by sharing power with families and individuals? Advocate for individuals and families and take actions to achieve ‘win-win’ solutions? For the perspective of individuals and families, are you: Reliable — do what you say? Using sound judgement? Maintaining confidentiality? Confident and skilled to act in the best interests of people you support? Confident and skilled to follow through on what was agreed? 85 Golden City Support Services (2013) — a FAHCSIA funded project Ideas for people who are ready to extend their social relationships b. For discussion Discuss the implications of the following: It is necessary for staff/ organisations to build a relationship with families of 3 plus years before families can trust (Klees 2013). How can families and individual trust services when staff turn over every 12 months or so? 7.4 Want more ideas? Family sensitive practice (Bouverie website) in another way to describe how to build relationships with families. What is the message from the following quotes? ‘All dealings with families should be as direct, open and honest (transparent) as is practicable, acknowledging that confidentiality, privacy, duty of care and broader protective issues may be particular obstacles to implementing this principle from time to time. Provide clear and detailed information to families regarding the nature of the service, options, consent needed and any likely consequences or limitations of the service. (Bouverie website)’ ‘All family members should experience contact with an agency as predominantly respectful, i.e. acknowledging and valuing family members' humanity, time, personal sense of agency, expertise and priorities as well as their particular cultural values and mores relating to gender, socioeconomic or specific ethnic issues.(Bouverie website)’ Do you already use these ideas? Discuss. 86 Golden City Support Services (2013) — a FAHCSIA funded project Ideas for people who are ready to extend their social relationships Topic 8: Can staff be friends? Exploring roles for staff promoting social relationships 8.1 Aim for this topic To explore the difference between natural supports and paid supports To describe the roles for staff consistent with promoting social connections 8.2 What is this topic about? a. Roles for staff encouraging natural supports Allies promoting inclusion. Shakespeare (2006) and Klees (2005) talk about the importance of supportive allies. A similar idea is advocacy — ‘sticking up for someone’; ‘standing beside’ (See Turnbull et al 2011). Companionship. Personal assistants may provide companionship as well as practical help (Shakespeare 2006). Planning: through individual funding attend to social connections. Brainstorming ideas and possibilities. This means not trying to solve the issue in question but opening it up for discussion. As a bridge - building relationships from what individual and family does; what family or individual’s network does. Facilitate relationships; investigate, match; training and information; problem solve, check out place before presence —— paid person (if available) does the keeping in touch, meetings (see Klees 2013). Extending social relationships in the family. Find ways individuals contribute back through their core identities/ roles in families (e.g. brother, son, aunt, etc) (Klees 2013). Keep oversight of connectedness especially for people who struggle to connect to the community and or have other unmet needs. Knowing when to withdraw and when to stay for the long term. Support staff have to know how to withdraw, what steps (task analysis) and not over caring. This can still mean a long term involvement (Klees 2013). Not getting in the way of social relationships forming. This applies to all staff roles. (For example, see Uditsky,1993). It is arguably a foundation role for all staff to support a: ‘plurality of relationships of importance to people.’ For example, mental health professionals: work with people to support and sustain their existing resources, assets, networks and relationships (Department of Health 2011). 87 Golden City Support Services (2013) — a FAHCSIA funded project Ideas for people who are ready to extend their social relationships b. Can staff be natural supports? No but staff can be very important in people’s lives. Relationships with staff can involve emotion and empathy. It is not desirable for worker or employer to have a relationship which is devoid of attachment and care. However, there are different roles for staff and natural supports. Staff can be allies but this is not the same as friendship. It is important not to misconstrue what relationships with staff are and not to down grade them either. ‘Natural personal and committed relationships and good paid support are powerful influences in the life of a person with a disability. However, these roles are not interchangeable. People do not move from one to the other…. There are different expectations and tasks assigned to each of these roles.’ (Klees 2005) Staff can help or impede the development of natural supports. Relationships with staff can be significant for people. These relationships can be long term where people know each other well. However, if staff are the only relationships in the person’s life the individual is isolated and vulnerable if/when staff leave. All forms of social relationships are important. Staff can be a critical relationship e.g. people with a mental illness noted the importance of medical staff for them to be as well as possible and therefore be able to participate in the community. c. Roles and practices where staff get in the way of natural supports Any roles which lead to unnecessary isolation and separation for the community; or promote dependence on the worker are inconsistent with promoting natural supports. There can be unhealthy relationships between staff and individuals, such as: Relationship between staff and individual being viewed without emotion. Shakespeare (2006) notes the risk that staff are treated as servants if the individual-staff relationship is devoid of emotion, or as commodities (Reinders and Schuengel in Bigby and Fyffe 2010). Isolating the individual through support. This may occur through one to one support from a paid worker. … rather than the support worker being a catalyst for the person with intellectual disability to participate in activities or build new friends and acquaintances, they themselves become a direct substitute for friends or meaningful activities (Bigby and Fyffe 2009). 8.2 What is your opinion? a. Do all staff roles provide ways to support social relationships? See posters: Staff — are you a bridge to the community? Staff advertisement. 88 Golden City Support Services (2013) — a FAHCSIA funded project Ideas for people who are ready to extend their social relationships 89 Golden City Support Services (2013) — a FAHCSIA funded project Ideas for people who are ready to extend their social relationships b. For discussion Give your experiences of family or staff assisting or hindering the development of natural supports for someone you know. Describe what happened. What relationships were assisted? How? What relationships were blocked? How? Role play the differences in the staff roles? c. For discussion: the roles for staff consistent with promoting social connections Consider: What responsibility do staff have to encourage social relationships beyond themselves, given that most staff leave and the person is then left without close relationships? What staff roles are consistent with promoting natural supports? How can staff roles interfere with the formation and maintenance of natural supports? Has your discussion identified the following issues? Is companionship the same as friendship? Are staff members also companions? Do the roles of people, such as taxi drivers, differ from support staff or professionals? Aren’t they all providing a service? Do you agree there are many types of social relationships (see section 1.4). The term ‘friend’ does not capture all the possibilities and expectations people have of different relationships. 8.4 Want more ideas? a. Staff are not friends What is a friendship? Are relationships with paid workers ever friendships? What do you think? The following statements introduce different points. Do you agree or disagree with each statement Yes/No/Maybe Staff relationships with individuals do involve emotions. A relationship with emotions is still not a friendship. Companionship is not the same as friendship. All staff have a key role assisting people with disabilities form relationships with others. 90 Golden City Support Services (2013) — a FAHCSIA funded project Ideas for people who are ready to extend their social relationships ‘A traditional stress on professionalism, impartial treatment and distance needs to give way to ‘commitment and involvement’ (Traustadottir 1993 p122). This implies emotionally based relationships, ‘these connections often bear little resemblance to close relationships such as friendship’. The core component of delivering care or support must be development of relationships, knowing each person well, and watching and coaching this on the part of supervisors (Reinders in Bigby and Fyffe 2010). Lutfiyya (1993) concludes that the relationships between people with disabilities and staff are important but they are not friendships. ‘There are many instances whereby individual staff provide excellent support to people with disabilities where there is mutual respect but not friendship. The quality of these relationships should not be disregarded.’ ‘Staff can be pivotal in promoting inclusion and friendship. Taxi drivers, support staff, various professionals do emotional work including friendship and validation, not just the obvious practical tasks. Many people with disabilities rely on their support staff for companionship as well as practical help.’ (Shakespeare 2006, p180) 91 Golden City Support Services (2013) — a FAHCSIA funded project Ideas for people who are ready to extend their social relationships Topic 9: Summary: ‘Do’s and don’ts’ 9.1 Aim for this topic To summarise for staff ideas building and maintaining natural supports. 9.2 What is this topic about? As a support worker/ staff member: a. Do: Do see building social relationships as a role for all staff. Do think differently. Do recognise there is an endless range of interests, pastimes, hobbies and vocations in the community. Do create conditions for relationships to form and keep going. Do allow time for some relationships to develop and strengthen. Do build ‘give and take’ into ideas for relationships. Do recognise what each person contributes as well as receives. Do help build skills and independence to assist community involvement. Do problem solve early! Do keep talking with community members so they understand community inclusion too. Do keep communication open and shared. Do support roles with contribution at the core: like fan club member, bird watcher, family member with responsibilities. Do turn interests into roles: not activities. Do identify activities which are related to roles. Do think about the community as many experiences — not as a place. Do find ways to do things that don’t depend on money. Do find what people can do now! b. Don’t Don’t underestimate the social links the person or their family may be making as part of daily life that you don’t (need to) know about. Don’t aim for variety all at once when building relationships. Don’t rely on ‘one offs’ and variety as a basis for building relationships. Don’t change something for the person until you’re clear what the person is going to is better. Don’t be surprised or panic if relationships have ups and downs. Don’t risk limiting the ideas available to individuals and families because you have limited ideas. Don’t support roles where the person is passive: spectator, observer, or family member without responsibility. 92 Golden City Support Services (2013) — a FAHCSIA funded project Ideas for people who are ready to extend their social relationships Don’t think of natural supports as a way to save on paid supports — they are different. Don’t expect families / individuals to do everything or nothing. Don’t think there is a directory of ‘natural supports’ — this means you are thinking about natural supports like placements. Don’t concentrate on skills and forget relationships. Don’t assume things can happen now only if there is more money. 9.3 What is your opinion? a. About forming relationships Discuss poster: Forming Relationships What can you do in your current role to increase natural supports for people you support? Brainstorm possibilities for your role. Also use the posters ‘how to connect to your community’; and ‘staff advertisement’ to promote discussion. b. Likelihood of relationships in different settings Consider the following scenarios. Think about Klees (2013) guidelines for increasing the likelihood of relationship formation. That is, plan routines which are predictable, settled, and part of the routine in every week. What relationships are likely to be formed in the following situations? What are the enablers and what are the obstacles to relationships forming? Five people with disabilities join a small exercise class at a neighbourhood house. Five people with disabilities meet together at the local coffee shop every week. Several people with disabilities decide to join the library. One person with a disability starts going to church. d. What community groups can do Read the interview about the church wanting to be inclusive. Think about a club or organisation you know. What practical strategies does your club do already to welcome everyone? What else could it do? What do you do when you are not at work to promote inclusion? 93 Golden City Support Services (2013) — a FAHCSIA funded project Ideas for people who are ready to extend their social relationships 9.4 Want to know more? Some useful websites Here are some websites used for these resources. There will be many more. Belong Matters is a ‘small not for profit organisation developed by families who have a passion for social inclusion!’ Bouverie website. Family sensitive practice and family sensitive training, Country Women’s Association website. Compeer describes the program for people with mental illness as ‘Recovery through the healing power of friendship.’ Deohaeko Support Network ‘is a group of families who came together nearly 20 years ago to think about and plan for good lives for our young adult sons and daughters who have a developmental disability.’ Hobbies and interests. Janet Klees introduces Deohaeko Support Network and suggests some strategies to help build relationships for people with disability. Michael Kendrick consulting MoodGYM This free, fun, interactive program helps young people identify and overcome problem emotions. ReachOut. ‘Take control of whatever you’re going through. Use to figure things out and make life better’. 94 Golden City Support Services (2013) — a FAHCSIA funded project Ideas for people who are ready to extend their social relationships Sherry Turkle: Connected but alone. The role of social media in social connections. 95 Golden City Support Services (2013) — a FAHCSIA funded project Ideas for people who are ready to extend their social relationships PART FOUR: IDEAS ABOUT SOCIAL CONNECTIONS FOR INDIVIDUALS AND FAMILIES 4. 1 Purpose of the resource materials These materials are intended to promote discussion for people with disabilities, including disabilities arising from mental illness, to think about ways to be more socially connected. The information is for people who are ready and want to become more socially involved in their local community. For some people the starting point will be a support group. Ideas for people who are ready to extend their social relationships The materials are also relevant for family members, often parents, of people with a disability. The ideas for parents of young children ‘set the scene’ for their family member’s social relationships in the local community, as well as for families wanting to find ways to encourage different social relationships for their adolescent or adult family member. There are six topics which are interrelated. It is not intended that the material will be worked through necessarily sequentially or in total. Choose the topics and activities which are relevant to you. The topics are: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. What are social connections and why are they important? What sorts of relationships are we talking about? What can I do? What do I bring to a relationship? What can families do? Ideas for joining a community group Quick tips: do’s and don’ts Each topic is structured as follows: What is this topic about? What is your opinion? a. How these materials were developed We asked people who were socially well connected to talk about their experiences. b. Using the materials Choose a topic that is relevant to you or your family. Read through the aim and what the topic is about. Base discussion around this material to clarify what it means to everyone. Select an activity (or more) from the ‘what is your opinion?’ section and encourage discussion. A discussion leader could help to ensure all the information makes sense to everyone and what’s important for them. A good starting point is to make sure everyone has the same understanding of key terms and phrases. The materials parallel information in Part 3 for staff training and development. In practice, Parts 3 and 4 can be used as relevant from all perspectives. 97 Golden City Support Services (2013) — a FAHCSIA funded project Ideas for people who are ready to extend their social relationships Topic 1: What are social connections and why are they important? See the poster: Tip sheet about relationships 1.1 What is this topic about? This topic considers the importance of social relationships in people’s lives and how the sort of life each person wants ‘sets the scene’ for forming a variety of social relationships and connections. Social connections are an important part of life which can be limited for many people with disabilities. People without social connections can be lonely. Natural supports — or social relationships - are more likely to develop in places with people typical of the wider community. The vision for how you want/ your family member to live, even from childhood, will set the scene for whether these opportunities are more — or less — likely to happen. Different individuals and families have different values and priorities which will determine what sorts of social relationships are important. Start with what you and your family member want, and what you are interested in. Natural supports and social relationships are not places to be. Suggestions about where to go, who with and to do what arise from each individual’s priorities for life, preferences and interests. You cannot create relationships — you can create conditions for relationships or conditions which disrupt or get in the way of relationships with community members. a. What we learned from participants in the project Refer to any of the following interviews in Part 2: Elly knew how she wanted life to be because of her pre-accident identity and her determined personality. Frank’s parents wanted Frank’s life to be part of the wider community. Amanda joining the school council. Amanda was able to contribute based on her previous experiences and skills, be regularly part of the meetings and gained confidence for participating. George playing chess. George identified what he wanted based on his interest and found a chess group. He also re-appraised what he was getting from being part of that club. Lisa developed a role for herself as a presenter to school and community groups. She wanted to share her experiences of disability and discovered people saw her as a role model for them 98 Golden City Support Services (2013) — a FAHCSIA funded project Ideas for people who are ready to extend their social relationships to be confident about speaking up. Others told her she was competent and well organised, with a sense of humour. Frank’s family made many comments about their vision for Frank’s life, such as: ‘We wanted him to be accepted in the normal community’. ‘Being in the normal community was as much as we wanted.’ ‘Treat him as normally as he is able to be treated. Don’t treat him with kid gloves. You’ve got autism, —get out and do it, if you can’t do it that’s fine. He used to go to riding for the disabled but that got too stressful for him so he now does RDA carriage driving. Our idea was that he just coped if he didn’t we took time out and started again. Frank’s family started with the premise that Frank will have a social life. ‘Got to keep on going, got to give him something that is not the same every day. We wouldn’t like the same thing every day so why would he?’ b. The importance of working out what suits you Try to work out what a satisfying level of connectedness with others is for you. We all vary in terms of what makes us feel lonely or socially connected. This can change at different times. Is your family a source of social support? Not all families want close relationships with each other. For many people, but not all, involvement with family members is important. Families assist people to initiate, have a go and problem solve to link to other people — as well as what families do anyway. Do you need staff to help make the links? Some families don’t support what a young adult might want to do or don’t know how best to help. Sometimes other people with disabilities can be an important source of social connection and provide ways to plan for other social opportunities. c. Things don’t always go well Deciding to be part of a wider range of community situations doesn’t automatically go well every time. The following examples reveal that what the community setting is offering may not be what someone wants. In both cases the following people did something else where they were welcomed and comfortable. ‘Ed has had an experience where he was not allowed into the pub/night club… bouncer said it was because of his rugby top. Three other males that he was with all had rugby tops on. Family friends all felt it was this person who knew Ed and knew he had a disability.’ ‘I attended a U3A group — given lots of instructions and told “you must come every week” - so I decided not to return’ (CAG member) 99 Golden City Support Services (2013) — a FAHCSIA funded project Ideas for people who are ready to extend their social relationships Being with others is not a panacea for everything. Even with strong community connections and varied social relationships, people may still not have full lives nor have all their needs met. 1.2 What is your opinion? a. Why does a vision for life matter? What sort of a life do you want for your family member? How does this idea set the scene for developing social connections? What might be limiting or restricting your thinking of the possible? Discuss the quote: ‘You can’t do what you can’t imagine.’ (Klees 2005) b. Is ‘safe and happy’ enough?’ Families often say their family member being ‘safe and happy’ is what they want. When families (or staff ) say this, what does it mean? Points to consider: Is someone really safe in isolation from the wider community? What is better and not just safe? Can being known in the wider community increase safety with more people ‘looking out for someone’ — or is this unrealistic? c. How important are neighbours Read the following experiences and discuss the importance of neighbours for people feeling a sense of belonging; social connection; and as a consequence for safety and security. How did people develop ‘neighbourly’ relationships? What did each person give and receive from neighbours? Building relationships with neighbours This is what project participants did: ‘Regular greetings and helping each other out.’ One neighbour: who does the bins; introduced cat to him; incidental contact and greetings. In contact with the neighbours via text, he will feed the neighbours dogs if needed. Neighbours ‘step in if they think they are needed.’ Have to say hello to start friendly relationship. Live across the road. I went in when I was not well and was taken to hospital. (We have) Community activities in the court, Christmas parties, BBQ. A very good neighbour who would notice if he was not around. 100 Golden City Support Services (2013) — a FAHCSIA funded project Ideas for people who are ready to extend their social relationships Neighbours watch over houses. Not too intrusive. Importance of neighbours during emergencies ‘One person had to evacuate his flat due to a flood in the area. He was living alone, mobile phone was flat and had to flee from the flat on his electric wheelchair, knowing the wheelchair battery had been going flat quickly over the last few months. Friends and family who were trying to get to him were stopped by road blocks’. How could this have been different? What would you do in this situation? Do you look out for the neighbours? Would they look out for you? We all have vulnerabilities. How can yours be overcome through greater social connectedness? 101 Golden City Support Services (2013) — a FAHCSIA funded project Ideas for people who are ready to extend their social relationships Topic 2: What sorts of relationships are we talking about? See the poster: ‘Getting started to connect in your community.’ 2.1 What is this topic about? a. There are many ways to be socially connected That is, there are all sorts of ways not to be isolated and lonely. There are many forms of social relationships — most people have few friends but lots of other people they know, recognise, seek advice from, and spend time with and so on. Here is a list of possible relationships: Family, including extended family Friends Family’s friends Neighbours. Acquaintances Members, staff or volunteers in community groups or organisations Colleagues at work or study Businesses where person is a patron or customer Contacts on social media and IT Social action groups with a common cause, such as Self help/ advocacy groups where people meet for common interests and causes People you greet in public spaces such as sports grounds, the local streets, but perhaps don’t see again or not very often. People you meet through pets b. What did we learn from participants in the project? The following is a summary of the interviews for Ed, Louise and the Consumer Advisory Group. (You may also want to read their full interviews in Part 2.) For Ed: Friendships and opportunities sometimes grow from family connections, sometimes from school friends and contacts Some community clubs and venues are more welcoming than others, or it’s just time to move on. Being a regular, just hanging around the club, for a long time, and we can all fit in Having lots of interests matters — things to do at home, things to do with others When people know you, they will offer a hand if needed e.g. a lift 102 Golden City Support Services (2013) — a FAHCSIA funded project Ideas for people who are ready to extend their social relationships If you want something — go get it! There are more possibilities in the mainstream community Family and friends stick up for you Being as independent as possible can help to be socially connected Ed has many interests and is involved in a variety of community settings. For Louise: People can feel included in settings where people share a common goal, but don’t necessarily connect at any deep level. Despite being little in contact with neighbours there can be expectations to notice the unexpected or unwanted, while maintaining privacy. (What makes it a suitable environment) You don’t have to develop relationships with people, that require maintaining or ongoing support, and I can choose the level of interaction but I am still socially included. Not everyone likes groups. Many groups based on common interests have options for how much social connection people want. It’s possible to feel supported but not through talking — sharing a common experience Pets can be important as social bridges. Early experiences are important for later life interests and pastimes. For Consumer Advisory Group members: Family and friends can’t always help — role of professionals important. Staff are important side by side with natural supports — the roles are not the same. Staff can sometimes do what people who are close can’t always help with. Relationships can change and evolve — being a regular in a business means being recognised in other places like the park, supermarket or down the street. Look for people’s talents and interests before joining a community group. A self help group is important for some people — to build confidence, feel safe, share information experiences and learn from each other. Being a local and a regular means people will stop for a chat down the street. b. About being a friend Connected people knew how to build relationships and ‘put in’ with others. Being linked to other people is not about receiving only: it’s about give and take. All the advantages of having people in our lives are relevant to everyone. Many interviews describe the importance of ‘give and take’ in relationships, and how different people’s contributions to relationships varied. 103 Golden City Support Services (2013) — a FAHCSIA funded project Ideas for people who are ready to extend their social relationships ‘A friend (of Ed’s) has just had a serious motor bike accident …..I will see him if he needs anything and will help out if he needs things done. Have known him for a long time. What makes a good friend? Someone who will support, have fun with, a couple of drinks’. (How do you give back)? Return favours, offer skills e.g. computers — fixing neighbours; loading up trailer and taking things away. Some people didn’t realise what they had to give to a relationships until others in the group let them know. ‘True friendship’ is not common or easy. People can be connected with others and feel that they are welcome and have a sense of belonging without ‘true friendship’. 2.2 What is your opinion? a. Think about your social network or that of your family member From the interviews we learned that people who feel socially connected have a variety of different types of social relationships; that these relationships may change; and are not expected to be forever. People had few close friends but lots of different relationships. The relationships were often formed as a consequence of pursuing specific interests or the routines of daily life for shopping, being a neighbour etc. Describe the different relationships your family member has using the list above. Did you identify additional types of relationships? How did these relationships get started? b. Your thoughts about Ed, Louise and the Consumer Advisory Group Select one or more interviews to read in detail (see part 2). How do your experiences match or differ from Ed, Louise and the Consumer Advisory Group? What practical ideas can you think of for increasing the likelihood of your family member developing different types of social relationships? What about relationships with staff? Are relationships with staff the same as other social relationships? c. About friendship Most of us have few friends and many other sorts of social relationships. (See the examples of other types of relationships above). Nonetheless a close friend can be very important. What can be learned from the following experiences? 104 Golden City Support Services (2013) — a FAHCSIA funded project Ideas for people who are ready to extend their social relationships Elly found that friendships developed from other of relationships. ‘I have contacts with friends beyond the neighbourhood house. There is a previous neighbour who I stay with in another town. ‘ Frank’ family described two friendships – one with origins from school and another which has evolved from a volunteer matching program. ‘One friend from school. Friend keeps in contact — takes him to the movies (3 or 4 times a year), sends texts. A movie will come out the Frank wants to see and he will text James ‘ can we go to the pictures?’ James has his license and drops Frank home afterwards. Social life not there except for when James takes him to the pictures or pizza hut. James gave him the best birthday 21st present he had ever had — a special outing with animals.’ ‘He has a friend who is a vet. Met Steve through another community volunteer matching organisation. He had one weekend a month and that’s how that friendship started. Steve moved away. Every time he comes back to town to see parents and friends he takes Frank out for the day. Steve rings Frank and says ‘you work out what you want to do’. Steve kept in touch when he went to Scotland for a couple of years.’ Ed’s family described how neighbours can become friends: ‘Neighbours when younger helped out. Now moved and still best mates, regular catch ups, special events. As a young person he would pack his bag when he was going to leave home - he was packing his bag to go live with them!’ d. About the role of social media Several of the participants in this project used social media to keep in touch with friends and family. Social media can keep people in touch including people who find communication difficult in other ways. Here are some examples from Frank (See the full interviews in Part 2.) Frank uses various media: Text: ‘I text to make him feel that someone is thinking of him.’ ‘Friends will send a text — what are you doing Frank? ‘Text important to keep in touch. If something happens he will send a video or a picture all on the text’. ‘Frank has all the staff mobiles and send them texts regularly’. Skype: ‘He can Skype, talk to us and see us when we are away.’ Facebook. ‘Uses Facebook. Try and protect from Facebook predators — no picture/ has a dog instead.’ Phone. ‘Frank’s phone is his world. Without a phone he is just lost.’ Tweet: ‘He can tweet.’ What do you think is the place of social media building and maintaining social connections? 105 Golden City Support Services (2013) — a FAHCSIA funded project Ideas for people who are ready to extend their social relationships What are the advantages and disadvantages of social media? 106 Golden City Support Services (2013) — a FAHCSIA funded project Ideas for people who are ready to extend their social relationships Topic 3: What can I do? What do I bring to a relationship? 3.1 What is this topic about? Each of us brings something to social relationships. We also gain something from the interaction with others. What each person brings is part of the foundation of the relationship. What each of us brings includes what we are interested in, how we want to live our lives, our personality and more. a. What sort of a life do you want? Knowing what sort of life you want is the first step to thinking about building social relationships. Some ideas about deciding what’s important to you: Everyone’s idea of a good life will vary. Natural supports and social relationships are more likely to develop in places with people typical of the wider community. The vision for how you want/ your family member to live, even from childhood, will set the scene for whether these opportunities are more — or less — likely to happen. b. What the project participants said The people who felt well connected in this project knew what sort of life they wanted, and that was the basis for different social relationships, For example, ‘To do as much as possible. Normality.’ Didn’t want to spend all his time with other people with disabilities. “A good life is a busy life” ‘Can’t be bothered sitting around home.’ ‘When you want something you go and get it.’ Elly said: ‘I’m prepared to try things; I can tolerate knockbacks; I don’t want to rely on others; I will seek help if needed; ‘don’t smother me’ message to staff; good understanding of ‘want to do as much as I can;’ importance of taking responsibility; creates opportunities.’ The Consumer Advisory Group said, in response to ‘What makes a good life?’ said: Well balanced with work and rest Community activities Keeping occupied Good food, good entertainment 107 Golden City Support Services (2013) — a FAHCSIA funded project Ideas for people who are ready to extend their social relationships Physical, mental health Relationships, engagements, work, play, having interests Goals to achieve: reason to get up and get on. Stable. Depends what’s on for the day. Something to get up for. May sleep in 9/10 am, wake up early, and have things to do or be bored. Recreation. Good sleep, access to resources, basics in life, somewhere to live, food. Transport, important to get to and from when not much public transport. Income, employment, volunteering. Medical support Stress reduction strategies, e.g. meditation, relaxation. Read the full interviews in part 2. 3.2 What is your opinion? The following examples from Louise and Frank describe situations where each person knows exactly what they want from social connections — that was the starting point. a. Louise: Being socially connected doesn’t have to mean close relationships Louise described her enjoyment about being in the gym, feeling included, sharing a common goal of training with many people, but not wanting to be friends with people. Summing up Louise’s experiences: People can feel included in settings where people share a common goal, but don’t necessarily connect at any deep level. Despite being little in contact with neighbours there can a connection through expectations to notice the unexpected or unwanted, while maintaining privacy. (What makes it a suitable environment) You don’t have to develop relationships with people, that require maintaining or ongoing support, and I can choose the level of interaction but I am still socially included. Not everyone likes groups Many groups based on common interests have options for how much social interaction people want. It’s possible to feel supported but not through talking — sharing a common experience Pets can be important as social bridges Early experiences are important for later life interests and pastimes. What is Louise contributing to the social relationships at the gym? What is she receiving? 108 Golden City Support Services (2013) — a FAHCSIA funded project Ideas for people who are ready to extend their social relationships b. Frank is interested in animals — only! Frank volunteers at an animal welfare organisation. ‘He doesn’t belong to any organisations — except animal welfare organisation - and it is the animals that make this an ok group for Frank. He has all the staff mobiles and sends them texts regularly. Goes to animal welfare organisation 3 days per week people - out there they are more his age — the young workers.’ What is Frank gaining from being socially connected? What is he giving? 109 Golden City Support Services (2013) — a FAHCSIA funded project Ideas for people who are ready to extend their social relationships Topic 4: What can families do? See the poster: ‘Being a local matters’; ‘Ideas for parents’ 4.1 What is this topic about? Families can assist their family member to be part of the community in different ways which encourage social relationships. (It is recognised that for some people, family will not be closely involved). a. Adult social networks can start in childhood From the interviews, the foundation for community connections and friendships could often be traced to childhood: family, mainstream school, early development and experiences. The families who look for more friends, connections probably look for and find more connections for their children. Too often the emphasis for children is skills alone. Many families only start to think about social relationships and connections for 18 year olds. This misses opportunities good supports and resources to facilitate relationships from an earlier age. Young people can have great skills and independence because of earlier learning but may be very isolated if relationships haven’t been progressively developed. For many people, early experiences may have been interrupted or life may have changed. People with a mental illness may have had good early experiences and relationships prior to their first episode. Recovery is about re-making those connections. b. What did we learn from participants in the project? How families can help For many people with disabilities involvement with family will be important for helping social relationships get started. Families can assist people to get started, to develop skills, to have a go, to problem solve, and to link to other people and experiences. As Ed said in the interviews: family and friends ‘stick up for you’. Ed’s family also were a ‘back up’. ‘Mum and dad, one younger sister. Uncle and Aunties I see around town. If I need them for anything I will talk to them. If needed something they would help - I rang Pa at 11pm at night because I had forgotten my key to get into the house.’ This backup role was reinforced by others, as follows: ‘family/ close friends — first port of call. First to let person know — you are not well. Family can step in to support and care for person’s children, school, lunches, transport’ (Consumer Advisory Group). Frank’s family built on Frank’s interests and developed his skills and independence: 110 Golden City Support Services (2013) — a FAHCSIA funded project Ideas for people who are ready to extend their social relationships ‘Frank loves animals. We built on that. Autistic —parallel player happy to be by himself as long as he can contact someone. Doesn’t like girls. He can’t plan — organisation is not one of his list of skills, can’t multi-task. Animals are what he is interested in. His is quite happy to stay on his own overnight now - we are able to get away for the night. Has his own debit card and is able to make his own purchases from shops.’ Frank’s family was very involved in the community and ‘setting the scene’ for Frank to develop social relationships. This included ways that family members contributed to community groups and encouraged the development of Frank’s skills and independence. ‘Family were very community focused. Importance of mainstream school for community connections especially pastoral care program at Catholic College. Parents put in a lot at school e.g. tuckshop, volunteering etc’. ‘Social outings — father’s job to take him to the pictures.’ ‘Let him walk around the block by himself, let him stay overnight by himself. Encouraged him to walk from school to the market place. I used to ring him and say don’t catch the bus home. Meet me at the market place. A massive thing — the independence of it.’ (Read the full interviews in Part 2). Some people find it very difficult to be with others and might need a hand. This is when family, friends or staff may be helpful to ‘stick up for you’. But family can’t always help Families can be important but not in all circumstances or for everyone. Not all family members want close relationships with each other. See the interviews with the Consumer Advisory Group, for example: ‘Families not always in the picture or don’t think they can do anything to help. Person doesn’t always accept mental illness.’ ‘Person doesn’t always accept help from family especially if there are issues. Importance of knowing boundaries — when and where to provide support — when to leave alone.’ ‘Family might offer misguided support — may be counterproductive — not understanding or having knowledge how they can help.’ 111 Golden City Support Services (2013) — a FAHCSIA funded project Ideas for people who are ready to extend their social relationships c. Who can families trust? It’s all about trust. A worker, and therefore the organisation, will be trusted as a consequence of: Being reliable Using sound judgement Maintaining confidentiality Having the confidence and skill to act in the best interests of people who trust them and make good efforts to follow through on what was agreed (Turnbull et al 2011). 4.2 What is your opinion? a. What’s happening for your family member? The following can create conditions where social relationships may form. Discuss your answers to the following questions. Does your family member spend time with: Yes/No/maybe? People their own age? Doing things people of their age do generally in the community? Other people with disabilities in community places? Other people without disabilities in community places? b. Are some things always worth a try? Do social relationships forming depend on an individual’s independence? Some families doubt different ideas for building social relationships because their family member can’t ever do these things independently. Is it worth trying to build social relationships based on something which depends on paid or unpaid support? Why do it? 112 Golden City Support Services (2013) — a FAHCSIA funded project Ideas for people who are ready to extend their social relationships c. What are the roles for families? What roles do you have as a family member? Back up when arrangements fall through. For ideas or vetting ideas. Supporting greater independence. Networking, and contributing. Modeling how the family wants the community to be. Does it mean families have to do all of this alone? 113 Golden City Support Services (2013) — a FAHCSIA funded project Ideas for people who are ready to extend their social relationships Topic 5: Ideas for joining a community group 5.1 What is the topic about? Deciding to join a community group doesn’t just mean picking the first group or activity you notice. Think about what’s important to you. Find a group that matches your interests and your contributions. See how welcoming the group is. a. What do you contribute? What the Consumer Advisory Group said: Think about what you bring to a group. Look around the community for a match between your interest and abilities and a group. Contribution is important to be a group member. Recognise there will be ups and downs in group membership. Think about what to do if the group doesn’t work out for you. Thinking about the future — think about the long term. What may joining the group lead to down the track? Will you be at the group in 3 years? What can you get from the group? The first steps to joining a group include: ‘Look for people’s strengths and talents and foster these in groups.e.g. neighborhood house set up a team in sports competition. Also considered: CWA, Arts clubs, CWA knitting, mosaic groups with friends; U3A’. ‘Knowing what you want. Is it Cards club, Song writing, Poets group, School Council Committee?’ Do you know what you contribute? Contributions can come from physical presence, membership, specific skills or personality, for example, Composition skills, knowledge of mapping topography; artistic ability; cards; music festival: mosaic tiling stepping stones. Life drawing group: other artists and gallery. Exhibitions, Artwrap (continuing ed), build a folio, social event. Drawing classes. Mental health education in schools/ council/ community forums and talks. Captain of sporting team. Time keeper, secretary. Role model. 114 Golden City Support Services (2013) — a FAHCSIA funded project Ideas for people who are ready to extend their social relationships b. Being in the right place, rights times for natural support Main messages: Start with what you want, what you are interested in Natural supports are not placements — suggestions about where to go, who with and to do what arise from each individual You cannot create relationships — you can create conditions for relationships. 5.2 What is your opinion? Read about the experiences of the following people. The full interviews are in Part 2. What can you learn from each description? Have you had similar experiences? a. Ed: Footy fan and volunteer Ed does enjoy watching the footy. He has been down to the footy AFL but not for a while now. He barracks for Carlton. Ed does the local footy clubs stats of how many kicks and hand passes. This all started from Dad’s contacts. Dad played with this club but Ed made the approaches after he had been out there watching the guys for a long time. ‘Last year I spoke to a couple of the guys/ coaches and said that I wanted to help out. I knew the guys by hanging around the club and getting to know them. The club guys are friendly and I hang out with them at other times.’ Ed used to be at another footy club because of friends he went to high school with and his uncle coached. But, he ‘felt like he needed a change, so moved clubs’. Ed has also been involved with two other groups, but has discontinued these. ‘I’ve moved on from that … but have memories of that.’ b. Finding a welcoming group — a church which wants to be inclusive Leadership is critical to developing an inclusive culture. Different people have different responses to being welcomed. Being flexible is important. ‘I think, you have to be careful about being so welcoming and so inclusive, if you are an introvert like I am as I said you know, the first time I went there, there was about 3 or 4 different groups of people officially welcome me that wasn’t counting the ones that smiled.’ Being too welcoming can be overwhelming for some. ….’so you do have to be able to give people space too … not overloading people by being too welcoming I guess.’ 115 Golden City Support Services (2013) — a FAHCSIA funded project Ideas for people who are ready to extend their social relationships It’s important to be aware of others feeling and reactions. Things like: ‘being very gentle with people, speaking softly, maintaining you know a sensible distance from them, making sure people are comfortable and not pushed into more physical contact — like a hug.’ Find practical ways to be welcoming. ‘Host teams are responsible for making people feel welcome that day. Host teams find out who is new, make introductions, find out where people prefer to sit, who with and provide information — even umbrellas. If it’s raining you co-opt the little kids to take umbrellas out to the car park so that people getting out of cars don’t get wet. Kids love that.’ c. Anthony and finding the right club Anthony wanted to join a club. He had played tennis and badminton since childhood. ‘I was looking for some physical exercise but nothing too strenuous. I knew the people at the community centre who were playing badminton. It was not a badminton club where I did not know anyone. I met with one of the people from the community centre to go to badminton club the first night. I played a game that night. I had played badminton at school so I was not unfamiliar with the game and I felt confident about joining the club because I knew about badminton. Other people who I knew played badminton encouraged me to go to the club. They said it will be good and you will enjoy yourself. They were also going to be playing’. Initially the club was a good fit for Anthony. ‘It started as a good fit with the club. It occupied the time and I concentrated on playing badminton and enjoying the activity. I got along fine with the other club members. There were a lot of people there who were younger than me and it was mixed men and women. They were a diverse group. I was treated in a respectful way by other members. I didn’t feel excluded. There were no signs of exclusion or barriers that I had to get over. It was a stress free environment for quite a while. Nobody told you what to do. Eventually Anthony realised this club did not emphasis what he wanted. ‘It was not a social group, the focus was on badminton. There was no time for socialising, it was just into badminton and playing. People usually went home straight after the games. The hall was cold and people didn’t want to stay, especially on winter evenings’. d. What Esther’s experiences tell us Esther tried different community groups depending on what she was interested in. We learned from Esther that: There are lots of activities and groups in each community. Find what you are interested in. 116 Golden City Support Services (2013) — a FAHCSIA funded project Ideas for people who are ready to extend their social relationships It’s possible to find out what’s on from other people, notice boards and the local paper. Not everything is long term. Be part of what suits. Being in a small community has meant seeing the same people in different places: this can make it easier to get to know people… and there is less travel between things. Some communities and some groups do know how to welcome new people better than others do. e. Lisa created a role for herself Lisa created a role for herself. She thought she was telling others about disability. Others saw her as a role model because of her confidence and ability to present to a group. In summary: Lisa created a role for herself with community groups. Lisa has many skills and has learned more through being a presenter. A sense of humour can often get though situations when people are anxious or little organisational things don’t quite work. Other people recognise what Lisa is good at — not her disability. Lisa has been a role model for others giving them confidence to speak up. 117 Golden City Support Services (2013) — a FAHCSIA funded project Ideas for people who are ready to extend their social relationships Topic 6: Quick tips — do’s and don’ts See the poster: ‘Being a local matters’ a. Do Do see building social relationships as important. Do allow time for relationships to develop depth. Do build ‘give and take’ into ideas for relationships in the community. Do keep communication open and shared. Keep everyone talking: family, individual, staff and community members. Do problem solve. Things change. Do support roles with contribution at the core: like fan club member, bird watcher, or family member who has responsibilities. Do think about the community as an experience — not a place. Do find ways to do things that don’t depend on money. Do think differently. Do recognise there is an endless range of interests, pastimes, hobbies and vocations in the community. Do find what people can do now. b. Don’t Don’t assume families or individuals have to do everything — or nothing. Don’t concentrate on skills and forget relationships. Don’t risk limiting the ideas available to individuals and families. Don’t rely on ‘one offs’ and variety as a basis for building relationships. Don’t support roles where the person is passive. Don’t think of natural supports as a way to save on paid supports — they are different. Don’t think there is a directory of ‘natural supports’ that people can ‘slot’ into. c. What was learned from interviews about helping relationships gets started? The importance of being welcomed and a sense of belonging with a regular group or an informal gathering or public venue. Having the same priorities Networking/ community connection was a high priority for family/ individual and neighbourhood group. Being mobile helps — either by bike, scooter, public transport, private transport — a lift from others. Being able to ask someone for a lift is one sign of being part of a group. It’s not about money and always doing more! Our contributors give examples of different ways meeting people — not only about doing more and more. The individual or family can't do this alone. 118 Golden City Support Services (2013) — a FAHCSIA funded project Ideas for people who are ready to extend their social relationships Relationships have highs and lows — relationships are not static and can be stressful, distressing as well as reassuring and beneficial. Trust matters. Individuals and families need someone to trust before being able to keep information building about possibilities. Be ready, be opportunistic, look for many different ways. Relationships don’t always happen is a planned or logical way. The importance of contribution. Everyone contributed to the community group, friendships or social relationship. What was contributed wasn’t necessarily the same as what was gained or appreciated in the relationship. Many people will be getting support from different professionals and organisations. Sometimes it is what staff or family do that helps or blocks people forming relationships with others in the community. 119 Golden City Support Services (2013) — a FAHCSIA funded project Ideas for people who are ready to extend their social relationships PART FIVE: REFERENCES The literature supports themes identified from the interviews. This is not a comprehensive literature review about natural supports and social connectedness. Amado, R. (1993a) Loneliness: Effects and implications, In A. Amado (ed) Friendships and community connections between people with and without developmental disabilities, Baltimore: Paul Brookes, Chapter 4. Amado, A. (1993b) Working on friendships, In A. Amado (ed) Friendships and community connections between people with and without developmental disabilities, Baltimore: Paul Brookes, Chapter 16. 120 Golden City Support Services (2013) — a FAHCSIA funded project Ideas for people who are ready to extend their social relationships Amado, A. (1993c) Steps for supporting community connections, In A. Amado (ed) Friendships and community connections between people with and without developmental disabilities, Baltimore: Paul Brookes, Chapter 17. Bigby, C., and Fyffe, C. (2009) An overview of issues in the implementation of individualised funding. In C. Bigby and C. Fyffe (eds) Achieving their own lives: individualised funding for people with intellectual disability. Proceedings of the Third Annual Roundtable On Intellectual Disability Policy. Bundoora: La Trobe University. Bigby, C., & Fyffe, C (2010). More than Community Presence: Social Inclusion for People with Intellectual Disability. Proceedings of the Fourth Annual Roundtable On Intellectual Disability Policy. Bundoora: La Trobe University. Bigby, C., and Wiesel, I. (2011) Encounter as a dimension of asocial inclusion for people with intellectual disability: beyond and between community presence and participation. Journal of Intellectual and Developmental Disability, 39, 4, 263-267. Bjarnason, D. (2002): New voices in Iceland. Parents and adult children: juggling supports and choices in time and space. Disability and Society, 17, 3, 307-326 Department of Health (2011) Victorian recovery oriented practice, Melbourne: author. Etmanski, A. (2004) A good life for you and your relative with a disability. Vancouver: Planned Lifetime Advocacy Network. Fyffe, C., McCubbery, J., Frawley, P., Laurie, D., and Bigby, C. (2004) Self advocacy resource unit. Model development report. Disability Services Division Kendrick , M. (2008) Key dimensions of quality In individualised lifestyles and supports, Interaction, 22/4'09 Klees, J. (2005). Our presence has roots. The ongoing story of the Deohaeko support network. Toronto: Resources supporting families and community legacies inc. Klees, J. (2013) Stories of possibility: Building a context for relationship. Workshop materials Australia 2013 Lutfiyya, Z. (1993) When ‘staff’ and ‘clients’ become friends. In A. Amado (ed) Friendships and community connections between people with and without developmental disabilities, Baltimore: Paul Brookes, Chapter 6. 121 Golden City Support Services (2013) — a FAHCSIA funded project Ideas for people who are ready to extend their social relationships Montclaire, A (2011). Friendship Really Matters: Exploring effects of Compeer friendships for people experiencing mental illness, St Vincent de Paul Society, Box Hill, Victoria, Australia. O’Brien, J. (2010). SSR: Supporting social roles. A second bottom line to services for people with disabilities. Toronto: Inclusion. Shakespeare, T. (2006). Disability rights and wrongs. New York: Routledge Reinders, H. (2002). The good life for citizens with intellectual disability. Journal of Intellectual Disability Research, 46, 1-5. Salmon, N. (2013) ‘We just stick together’: how disabled teens negotiate stigma to create lasting friendship. Journal of Intellectual Disability Research, 57, 347-358 Traustadottir, R. (1993) The gendered context of friendships, In A. Amado (ed) Friendships and community connections between people with and without developmental disabilities, Baltimore: Paul Brookes, Chapter 7. Turnbull, A., Turnbull, R., Erwin, E., Soodak, L., and Shogren, K. (2011) Families, professionals and exceptionality. Positive outcomes through partnerships and trust. Pearson, Upper Saddle River NJ. 6th ed. Uditsky, B. (1993) Natural pathways to friendships, In A. Amado (ed) Friendships and community connections between people with and without developmental disabilities, Baltimore: Paul Brookes, Chapter 5 Wilson, N., Bigby, C., Stancliffe, R., Balandin, S., & Craig, D. (2013) I thought it was going to be a lot harder. Community mentors supporting social inclusion IASSIDD conference presentation, Halifax 122 Golden City Support Services (2013) — a FAHCSIA funded project Ideas for people who are ready to extend their social relationships PART SIX: POSTERS OR TIP SHEETS The attached posters, or tip sheets, were developed to complement the resources materials. There is scope to make several more posters from the information gathered in this report. At this stage, the following topics have been presented in posters, or tip sheets: Staff — are you a bridge to the community? This poster outlines a role for all staff to provide a bridge to the community to facilitate the formation of social relationships. Getting started — how to connect with your community This poster explores how to connect to your local community. Ideas for people who are ready to extend their social relationships Steph’s story Steph’s story shares how a 21 year old woman with a disability made some changes to her life to support her in going from feeling lonely and isolated to being connected. This story is not based on any one real person, but is drawn from the real comments made by the people with disabilities who shared their time and experiences with the creators of this project. Ideas for parents Parents and other family members can play a big role in linking people to the community groups and settings they are interested in and where relationships are more likely to occur. Forming relationships This poster explores why relationships with others are important. Staff advertisement This poster is presented as an ad for staff and outlines how staff can work to support social relationships — whatever their role. 124 Golden City Support Services (2013) — a FAHCSIA funded project Ideas for people who are ready to extend their social relationships PART SEVEN: APPENDIX Project design The introduction of the NDIS will provide individuals and their families with increased opportunities to choose and purchase supports which best meet their needs. As a result, this will need to include alternatives options to the traditional delivery of services, which enable access to a community life through the support of natural supports. Presently, Disability Services are often unable to provide access to natural supports beyond paid ‘disability group supports’ or ‘individualised supports’. As a result, in Regional Victoria many adults with disabilities (and often their families) are isolated, lonely, disconnected in their communities, dependent on disability supports and immediate family. The project will: Identify and document natural supports such as clubs, community organisations, volunteer groups that could include people with disabilities It will scope the support that these organisations need to success fully include people with disabilities The project will resource the disability sector with the above information. This project will provide the service delivery system with the information that they need to tap into strong natural supports. a. Project Goal To promote the positive inclusion of adults with disabilities in their local communities b. Objectives To support and educate individuals, families/carers and the service system, to identify, build and sustain natural supports around the goals and aspirations or the people they work with. To strengthen local, natural supports to embrace the participation of individuals with disabilities through education and training. To develop the disability sector as mentors to strengthen natural supports. Ideas for people who are ready to extend their social relationships c. Target group Individuals, residing in the Loddon Mallee Region between the ages 18-35 years, and their families/carers. d. Interventions Individual and family/carer involvement in the project will achieve the following: Five individuals with disabilities (including psychiatric disabilities) and their families and carers, wanting to engage natural supports within their local, mainstream community will be identified and engaged in the project development. Consult with individuals, their families/carers about their fears and vulnerabilities in engaging natural supports; as well as the resources and interventions required to overcome these and achieve their vision and goals. Support these families with the knowledge, skills, and strategies and establish natural supports in their local communities. Strengthening natural supports: Map the Loddon Mallee Region to identify natural supports interested in supporting the inclusion of people with disabilities e.g. clubs, groups. Identify the strengths and needs of these natural supports, including the knowledge and resources that would benefit their practice. Create, develop and deliver training to natural supports, identifying a range of inclusive practices and strategies. Disability Sector Workforce and Organisations: Create and share project findings demonstrating successful planning that sustains the membership of people with disabilities in community organisations. Demonstrate methods of effective communication and collaboration with individuals and families/carers to reach successful outcomes with these organisations. Provide examples of how to build positive relationships between the disability sector and natural supports. A package to educate and train staff throughout Loddon Mallee Region to facilitate inclusive practices within community groups and advocate for the value of building natural supports. Individuals with a disability, their families/carers will be involved in: Creating and developing the individuals’ vision and goals to inform selection of natural supports 126 Golden City Support Services (2013) — a FAHCSIA funded project Ideas for people who are ready to extend their social relationships Using individual ‘skills capacity’ audits which details the skills, needs, supports and contribution for inclusion that will inform the development of the work of this project so that it has broader application to individuals, families and carers in this region. Consulting with GCSS to identify fears and vulnerabilities about using natural supports and resolving ways to overcome these. Receiving supports from GCSS to develop confidence in relaying their needs, activating their goals and discerning quality services Focus group discussions about what the ‘right match’ is for the individual and the natural supports. Production of a inventory of natural supports, that reflects the in-put of individuals and their families and carers, that will be made available to disability services, individuals, families/carers The inventory will include strategies for disability sector to mentor natural supports if required. The role of Individuals, families/carers will be recognised through a financial contribution for their time at meetings and/or respite services purchased. Individuals and their families and carers will be invited to participate in the evaluation of project. Method: what we did Being socially connected is a subjective experience. This project aimed to describe the natural supports of people with disabilities who feel they are socially connected and to learn from their experiences. The project was undertaken between February and May 2013 in regional Victoria. Experiences of individuals and/or their family members The project centred on asking nine people with disabilities, who judged themselves to be well socially connected, to describe their experiences. All of these people were working, volunteering, participating, socialising, developing and contributing in different ways, with different networks of people, in their local communities. The people involved in the project were young men and women with a range of disabilities (such as mental illness, intellectual disability, ABI, physical disability and autism) and four family members. People lived in settings including a large regional city, small town and more isolated rural communities. Interviews occurred during March to May 2013 and described: Who they identified as natural supports What was important in the development and maintenance of natural supports How people knew they were welcomed into different community settings. The themes identified from the interviews have been linked to relevant research literature. 127 Golden City Support Services (2013) — a FAHCSIA funded project Ideas for people who are ready to extend their social relationships The interviewers knew the individuals involved, which assisted the establishment of the project. See later in this appendix for the interview guide and letter of invitation. The write up of each set of interviews disguises people’s identities and the details of their community involvement. Experiences of community organisations In addition, there were interviews with one community organisations to identify what they did to be inclusive of all community members. See the appendix for the community group interview guide. Advisory roles The project advisory group comprised members of the Consumer Advisory Group. Members of this group contributed to interview material, reviewed the materials and advised the project staff. There was a family advisory worker within GCSS who contributed and reviewed materials particularly from the perspective of families. In addition, there were family members in some individual interviews and the CAG. Distribution The materials developed from the project will be widely available through website and conference presentations. A website to disseminate the material more widely is planned but could not be completed within the timeframe for the development of materials. 128 Golden City Support Services (2013) — a FAHCSIA funded project Ideas for people who are ready to extend their social relationships Interview proformas and guides LETTER OF INVITATION TO PARTICIPATE Dear …… I am writing to you and the person you support about a project, “Mapping Natural Supports” ( e.g. sporting clubs, shopkeepers, friends, employment, the neighbours, hobbies) that Golden City Support Services has received funding from the National Disability Insurance Scheme Practical Strategies. I am inviting you and your family to share your experiences in linking to community supports to assist in the development of information and strategies for people with disabilities and their family carers to link to a range of community supports. The commitment we are asking for is to tell your story about developing community linkages; meet with the project workers four times; and to advise on the development of materials. This a short term project and will be completed by the 30th April 2013. A fee will be paid to participants and any travel expenses will be reimbursed. I will follow up this letter with a telephone call to discuss your interest in participating in this project. Your consideration of this request is much appreciated. Yours sincerely Anne Fahey Manager Golden City Support Services INDIVIDUAL INTERVIEW GUIDE This guide was developed for those interviewing individuals and families. 129 Golden City Support Services (2013) — a FAHCSIA funded project Ideas for people who are ready to extend their social relationships Getting started Before interviewing individuals and families: Check they are clear and reminded about the purpose of project and their involvement and what that means. Confirm confidentiality about their places of inclusion. The project will not describe specific settings by name. Describe the outcomes of the project; that they will receive the final materials. Say why they will be paid for their contribution. The following questions are to guide interviews with each individual/ family/ group about their natural supports. While the questions have been arranged in to four themes, it is likely that discussion will move back and forth between these themes. It may not be necessary to ask specific questions as the issues and experiences may simply emerge from general discussion. Themes to explore Theme 1: Describe your (person with a disability) current social networks, natural supports Who are the people in the person’s life? That is, people who contribute to a sense of belonging and familiarity in day to day life/ in the local neighbourhood and community by providing assistance, information, companionship, recognition, friendship, interest in a common activity or pastime. These people are different from staff who are paid to provide particular assistance at certain times. Think about people: Near to home (such as neighbours, corner shop). As part of community and activity groups (such as church, sports club, hobby club). Businesses and commercial settings (e.g. bank, supermarket, coffee shops, bus drivers). Friends and acquaintances. People ‘who know you and your family’ and say ‘hello’ (such as family friends). This is not people who are paid to provide support, such as attendant carers or general practitioner, although these people may be part of your life in other ways, for example, when you see them at the pool or down the street and say hello. Let’s make a list: You are a patron or customer at…….? You are a friend, acquaintance, co-worker or neighbour of…….? You are a member of which organisations or groups? (Etmanski 2004) 130 Golden City Support Services (2013) — a FAHCSIA funded project Ideas for people who are ready to extend their social relationships Other prompts: When you go down the street: who/ how many say hello, stop for a chat What do you do with your neighbours: do you do for them? What do they do for you? Who gives you a hand at the bank, supermarket, bus stop etc Who notices if you are away from your usual commitments/ classes etc e.g. sick Where do you spend regular time each week e.g. for 1-2 days — who are you with during these times? Doing what? Who would you contact of you needed a hand, some help — and family weren’t available? E.g. if you were down the street — is there a shop you would go into or a friend to contact? Who looks out for your family member/ you? Theme 2: What determines how these relationships/ networks operate/ what gets in the way? Summary description of this person: o What does this person like/ dislike; have passion for; interested in o Personality o Contribution o Other? What is the pattern of community relationships — long term? Part of each week? How long have these relationship/s been going on? How did it/ they get started? Do these relationships lead to valued social roles/ identities? What role/ contribution does the person make in these networks/ relationships? What is the vision for this person in their community? Are they connected to people who look out for them? Who are the people? (e.g. neighbour etc) What does the individual and family do to support relationships and community connections. Are people welcome/d in their community? Describe how people are welcomed — it will mean different things to different people. Who else is involved? Are people with disabilities also part of this network? Are they part of the people who look out for each other etc What do you do as a family/ individual to encourage inclusion Has something gone wrong in any of these relationships — what happened? Did the relationship recover, respond? What happened when relationships didn’t continue? Could things have been done differently? 131 Golden City Support Services (2013) — a FAHCSIA funded project Ideas for people who are ready to extend their social relationships Theme 3: What is the relationship between natural and paid supports? How does each influence the other? What do paid staff do? What is the role for paid staff? How have paid staff or family contributed to forming relationships: where to go, how often, to do what and with whom? If staff weren’t there what would happen to these relationships? Do family or paid staff ever ‘get in the way’? How? Why might this happen? (e.g. lack of trust, feeling vulnerable/ unsafe, no sure others can manage, or?) Theme 4: Reflection on what we’ve talked about so far Why does this person/ family have satisfactory natural supports? What are the features/ characteristics? Follow up questions These questions were developed for subsequent discussions: What do the project participants do if lonely or bored? Who does community networking if they can’t / won’t. What are the barriers/ challenges to forming social relationships? What makes community connection difficult? e.g. difficulty of asking versus being independent / self sufficient; managing (fear of) rejection e.g. ‘can anyone give me a lift if it’s raining?’ What is in people’s individual support plans about social networking? Give dome more detail or vignettes about what happens in social situations, such as down the street or at the community house. 132 Golden City Support Services (2013) — a FAHCSIA funded project Ideas for people who are ready to extend their social relationships INTERVIEW GUIDE FOR COMMUNITY GROUPS This guide was developed for those interviewing individuals and families. Getting started Check community group members are clear and reminded of the purpose of project; why they have been approached and what they are contributing to the project. Confirm confidentiality about identifying too specifically: o their organisation, as distinct from their approaches to welcoming people, and why that is important. o Individual people as distinct from members/ participants/ volunteers generally, and why. Describe the outcomes of the project; that they will/can receive in a final report. Offer a donation to their group for their contribution. The following questions are to guide each interview. It may not be necessary to ask specific questions as the issues and experiences may simply emerge from general discussion. Themes to explore Theme 1: Describe the community group or organisation Describe the purpose, nature of membership/ participants/ volunteers, can anyone be involved (are there any restrictions on members/ participants/ volunteers); what is asked of membership/ participants/ volunteers. Describe your current membership/ participants/ volunteers (e.g. by age, residential location; typical pattern (e.g. monthly meeting, or weekly tournament) or length of involvement (e.g. most people have been involved for 10+ years; or most people stay involved up to about 2 years before they get a job again; other?) How is your organisation funded — formally and informally: fees, effort in kind or fund raising by membership/ participants/ volunteers; one off or ongoing government grant; occasional self help funding; other? How is your organisation governed? How are decisions made? How do people become decision makers? How would you describe the features of your group: e.g. we like to have fun; we want to link to the community; we are a well established group etc or a word/ or phrase: well organised, we get there in the end; we’re up to date; we get by week by week etc. Theme 2: How do you welcome new people.. and keep them involved How do new people find out about you? What happens when someone makes enquires? What happens when someone first becomes involved? 133 Golden City Support Services (2013) — a FAHCSIA funded project Ideas for people who are ready to extend their social relationships What keeps people involved? What if someone has a query or a concern? What do people do as part of joining your organisation? Are their responsibilities for membership/ participants/ volunteers How is being a member/ participants/ volunteers an advantage for someone (e.g. gain confidence, get fit, opportunity to be given responsibility, different social group) (How) is this different if someone says they have a special need (e.g. due to health, mobility etc)? Do membership/ participants/ volunteers see each other at other times e.g. are there social events; do some people meet at each other’s houses or for a coffee; does your group get involved with other community events? Theme 3: What have you noticed and learned about different people being part of your group when family or paid staff are also involved? What is the role for family and/or paid staff? What do paid staff or family do if they accompany the person? How have paid staff or family contributed to forming relationships in your community group? If staff or family weren’t there what would happen to other relationships within the group? Do family or paid staff ever ‘get in the way’? How? Why might this happen? (e.g. lack of trust, feeling vulnerable/ unsafe, not sure others can manage, or?) Theme 4: What have you noticed and learned about different people being part of your group? Are there situations or characteristics of people which mean they are more likely to fit in/ to be welcomed by other members and/or take part in what the group can offer? Are there situations or characteristics of people which mean they are less likely to fit in/ to be welcomed by other members and/or take part in what the group can offer? What is it important that people bring to your community group? Have you ever had to do something different or extra for some people — why? How did it go? Have you found any limits to what your group can do extra for someone? How would you respond in these situations? Describe /discuss. Has something gone wrong— what happened? Did the situation recover, respond? What happens if it’s just not working for the organisation (e.g. someone is always late, doesn’t seem to get on with others, or doesn’t stick to commitments) What happened when people didn’t continue? Could things have been done differently? 134 Golden City Support Services (2013) — a FAHCSIA funded project Ideas for people who are ready to extend their social relationships Follow up questions about locating community groups These questions were specifically for the Consumer Advisory Group. If you were talking with consumers about using unpaid supports/community groups, what tips would you give them about: (provide examples) Finding about groups/support in the community? How can you tell if it is a good group/support for you?? What do you do when it’s not working for you? What do you do when you have tried to make it a good fit and it is still not working? What have you learnt about being in a community group? 135 Golden City Support Services (2013) — a FAHCSIA funded project