

Lake County Community Assessment

Cristin Barnaby

Nathan Buchinger

Mark Keskes

Sara Tonder

Denise Vanderweele

Karen Whisler

Introduction to Lake County Michigan

 Located in the northwestern part of Michigan’s Lower Peninsula

 Located 8- miles north of Grand Rapids, Michigan

 Surrounded by 5 other counties

 Manistee county to the northwest

 Wexford county to the northeast

 Osceola county to the East

 Newaygo county to the South

 Mason county to the West

 Has 5 different communities within the county

 Baldwin

 Branch

 Chase

 Idlewild

 Irons

 Luther

Introduction to Lake County Michigan

 Total Land Area- 574.60 Square Miles

 Land Area-567

 Water Area-7.2

 Persons per square mile as of 2010- 20.3

 Total population as of 2012- 11.498

 87.0.% White

 9.4% Black

 Percent living in poverty in 2009- 19.2%

 Income below poverty level in 2009- 19.4% with the state being 10.5%

 Income below 50% of the poverty level in 2009- 7.4% with the state being 4.8%

 Unemployment rate in April 2010- 11.3% with the state being 9.2%

Introduction to Lake County Michigan

 Adult Diabetes Rate- 11.6%-----State 9.7%

 From 2006-2010 in Lake County, Michigan

36.1% Overweight

43.1% Obese

 Obesity Rates from 2006-2010 in Michigan State






 Obesity Rates from 2006-2010 in the United States






 Obesity is a battle for every state, county and city in the United


 Healthy Goals have been established for a number of health related issues

 For obesity the Healthy People 2020 target for is 30.6% for adults aged 20 years and older.

 Change starts at the community level in each county

Throughout this presentation we will look at Lake County and their obesity rate. We will analyze the data, create a nursing diagnosis, create a plan and interventions to make the plan a reality and then we will evaluate the outcomes.


Abnormal or excessive fat accumulation or BMI >30% that presents a risk to an individuals health


Body Mass Index

Body Mass Index (BMI): a percentage that is calculated from weight and height of a person


Healthy weight: 18.5-24.9%

Overweight: 25-29%

Obese: >30%

BMI in Lake County

2006-2010 Overweight and Obese in Lake County







Not Overweight or Obese

According to the Michigan Behavior Risk Factor Survey, 2006-2010, 36.1% of people in

Lake County are overweight and 43.1% are obese.

Percent Obese in Population: A










Lake County




United States

Obesity Contributors


Overeating + Insufficient Exercise=Energy Imbalance



Increased Cost of Food

Deficient Knowledge

Health risks

Cardiovascular Disease: the fifth leading cause of death




Community Health Indicators









Mortality per 100,000 for Disease with Obesity as Major


Lake County






Cardiovascular Disease Cancer

Michigan 4x4 Plan

4 Healthy Behaviors

Maintain a healthy diet

Engage in regular exercise

Get an annual physical exam

Avoid all tobacco use

4 Health Measures


Blood Pressure


Blood Sugar

Health Promotion

Community Spaces

Gardens, Trails & Parks

Youth and Family Health Programs

Girls on the Run

WiseWoman Screenings



Salmon Run 5K & 10K

Community Health Nursing Diagnosis’s

Risk of adult-onset diabetes among Lake County residents, related to being overweight and or obese as demonstrated by percentage of population overweight being 36.1% and Rate of obesity being 43.1% (District Health Department #10 [DHD] 2011).

Risk of heart disease among Lake County residents, related to being overweight or obese as demonstrated by the current age adjusted death rate of 263 per 100,000 related to cardiovascular disease (District Health Department #10 [DHD] 2011).

Risk for cancer among Lake County residents, related to being overweight or obese as demonstrated by the current age adjusted death rate of 233.1 out of 100, 000 related to Cancer

(District Health Department #10 [DHD] 2011).

Risk for obesity among Lake County residents related to poverty, unemployment and lack of education as demonstrated by a current Lake County unemployment rate of 13.5% (Federal

Reserve Bank of St. Louis, 2013) a poverty rate of 23.4% (District Health Department #10 [DHD]

2011) and a high school on time graduation rate of 55% for the class of 2011 (Tanner & Higgins,


SMART Goals for Lake County

 By July 2020 the obesity rate in Lake County will be 33.1%, down from 43.1% in


 By April 2015 Lake County will provide free health classes to all ages, races, and income.

 By March 2015 Lake County will increase the number of recreation areas that provide playgrounds and trails for biking, hiking and walking

 By January 2014 Lake County will provide a 5K run/walk race each month

 By July 2020 Lake County will have a decrease in the number of deaths related to cardiovascular disease, mainly Coronary Artery Disease

Plan for Lake County

 Reduce the obesity statistics from a staggering 43.1 %

 Focusing on both the adult and children of the community

 Using both community volunteers and employers from within the county

 Provide services that are free of charge or have a very small fee so everyone can be included

 Create interventions that can be used within the community to help decrease the obesity rate

Intervention #1

 Opening up the school gym once a month to the community and have a health fair/open gym/activities night in which all ages can attend

 Free healthy foods could be provided to help draw people in from the community

 Blood pressure and diabetes screenings (sugar checks) could be done by volunteer nursing students from Ferris State University

 Education about food, obesity, and physical activity can be provided and pamphlets and booklets can be handed out

 Workers of the health fair are all on a volunteer basis

 Individual and community participation and progress could be evaluated by recording participate blood pressure, blood sugar, weight, and BMI and each month they come back it will be recorded again to see the progress they have made and where they may need more education

Intervention #2

Creating health education programs throughout the county

Education classes can be held in multiple locations such as the hospital, health department, assisted living facilities, homeless shelters, and churches

Classes can include education about obesity, exercise, and provide meal plans that are healthy and low budget

Sessions can be divided up and each section given every week for a month

This can be done on a volunteer basis or possibly as part of the public health nurses job description

Depending on if it is a volunteer basis or part of a public health nurses job description with depend on the cost. If it is purely volunteer work then the classes will be free and if it is lead by a public health nurse a small fee for the whole month can be collected

Intervention # 3

 Creating more 5K run/walk races

 Providing the community with a different 5K run/walk race each month

 There would be a fee to run in these races but you would be provided with a shirt and other items for participating in the race

 Companies can create different types of races that make it fun for the participates such as a color run in which you would be splattered with colored powder throughout the race or provide obstacles throughout the course to make it more challenging

 Volunteers would be the ones to help set up the course and help the runners

Intervention #4

• Working with community schools and businesses to create wellness based programs

• They can include both nutrition and exercise

• Challenges can be created to get everyone involved and awards can be given to the winners

• Challenges can include a walk the walk challenge in which you can register for the challenge and receive a pedometer and make a goal to get 10,000 steps a day or having a pot luck and see who can make the best healthy dish.

• For schools they can have challenges with races and sports games or who can come up with the best healthy recipe

• These can all be run by school or business employees and are free of charge to participate


Center for Disease Control [CDC]. (2012). Healthy weight-It’s not a diet, It’s a lifestyle!.

Retrieved from http://www.cdc.gov/healthyweight/assessing/bmi/index.html

District Health Department #10 [DHD]. (2011). 2011 Annual report. Retrieved from http://www.dhd10.org/uploads/File/Annual%20Reports/2011%20Annual%20report


Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis. (2013). Unemployment in Lake County, MI. Retrieved from http://research.stlouisfed.org/fred2/series/MILAKE5URN

Harkness, G. (2012). Community and health nursing: Evidence for practice. Philadelphia,

PA: Lippincott Williams & Wilkins.

Institute for Alternative Futures. (2008, October). School based wellness programs: A key

approach to preventing obesity and reducing health disparities. Retrieved from http://www.altfutures.com/draproject/pdfs/Report_08_04_DRA_Project_School_Based_Welln ess.pdf


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Retrieved from http://www.cdc.gov/mmwr/preview/mmwrhtml/rr5410a1.htm

Lake County Chamber of Commerce [LCCC]. (2013) Welcome to Lake County, Michigan. Retrieved from http://www.lakecountymichigan.com/

Lake County, Michigan. (2013, February 24). Retrieved from http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Lake_County,_Michigan

Lake County, Michigan (MI). (2012). Retrieved from http://www.city-data.com/county/Lake_County-


Mayo Clinic. (2011, July 23). Exercise: 7 benefits of regular physical activity. Retrieved from http://www.mayoclinic.com/health/exercise/HQ01676


News medical. (n.d.). What is obesity?. Retrieved from news-medical.net

Tanner, K., & Higgins, L., (2012). Database: Michigan high school graduation and dropout rates.

Detroit Free Press. Retrieved from: http://www.freep.com/interactive/article/20120410/NEWS06/120409064/Database-


U.S Department of Health and Human Services. (2013). Educational and community-based

programs. Retrieved from http://www.healthypeople.gov/2020/topicsobjectives2020/overview.aspx?topicId=11

United States Census Bureau [USCB]. (2013). State & County quick facts: Lake County,

Michigan [data file].Retrieved from http://quickfacts.census.gov/qfd/states/26/26085.html

World Health Organization [WHO]. (2013). Obesity and overweight. Retrieved from http://www.who.int/mediacentre/factsheets/fs311/en/


Yang, Y., & Nichols, L. M. (2011). Obesity and Health System Reform: Private vs.

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