Scholarships - Montague Regional High School

November 30, 2014
(updated on January 6, 2016)
Students and Parents……………………………………………….………………………………………….3
UPEI Entrance Scholarships and Bursaries…………………………………………………………….4
Holland College Entrance Scholarships………………………………………..……………………..13
Scholarships, Bursaries and Awards…………………………………………………………………...33
MRHS Awards and Prize List………………….……………………………………………………………88
Programs and Opportunities for High School Students……..………..………………….….92
List of Maritime Universities and Colleges, other Canadian Universities and
Entrance to US Universities…………..……………………………………………………….…………102
Maritime Universities and Colleges…………………………………………………………103
Other Canadian Universities…………………………………………………………..….…..105
Entrance to Universities in the United States………………………………………….106
Scholarships, bursaries, awards, programs and opportunities listed by month…107
Summer employment and Opportunities for Students……………………………………..122
Students and Parents
This booklet contains information on scholarships, bursaries and awards available to our
graduates. You will find a brief description, links to the website for further information,
deadlines and applications.
It is impossible to keep this booklet current as deadlines change each year and not all
deadlines are known very far in advance. Remember: dates are based on last year’s
deadlines, unless the current year is listed.
Students are encouraged to check the announcements on our school website, visit the
scholarship board at Student Services, and talk with our Guidance Counselors for the most upto-date information.
Many recruiters from universities and colleges visit our school. Their visits will be posted on the
school website and in Student Services (where sign-up sheets will be available). Some
universities and colleges will hold an open-house and these dates will also be posted on the
school website.
Many scholarships and bursaries will require a copy of your transcript, letters of
reference/recommendation and/or an essay. Allow yourself time to get the necessary
Important information to remember:
Students with an average of 80% or higher in grade 11 and who have maintained that
through first semester of grade 12 will often be considered for scholarships to the
university or college where they apply. This process starts in February/March, of their
graduating year, depending on the institution. Some universities/colleges have separate
applications for some entrance scholarships.
Students should make appointments with our guidance counsellors to get assistance
with planning and applying to universities and colleges.
Students receiving scholarships and awards, must bring the letter from the institution to
the guidance counselors to confirm acceptance; otherwise they will not be announced
at the graduation ceremony.
It is impossible to find every scholarship or bursary that is available. If you find scholarships not listed
in this booklet, forward them to Donna White at and she will see that they are
added to the booklet.
UPEI Entrance Scholarships
There are a number of scholarships which students are automatically considered
for. The following is a list of scholarships you MUST apply for. More information
and applications are located in Student Services.
Most deadlines are MARCH 1.
Audrey J. Tinney Nursing Scholarship
For 1st year Nursing student
full-time student (5 semester courses per semester)
Must be a PEI resident for minimum of 5 years.
Applicants will provide an essay, 500 words or less, outlining academic and career goals, extracurricular activities (work, family, volunteer work or sports) and additional information on how
the scholarship would assist you in achieving your goals.
March 1
Max Amount: $1000
Avery Scholarship
For 1st year Arts student – majoring in English
Island high school student entering first year of the Faculty of Arts at UPEI and planning
to major in English
Recipient is chosen on the basis of a typed 750-1,000 word essay on a topic chosen by
the Board of the L. M. Montgomery Institute.
March 1
Arts- Majoring in English
Max Amount: $1000
Doris MacPherson Caseley Memorial Scholarship
For 1st year Arts student
PEI student entering the Bachelor of Arts program
minimum average of 75%
March 1
Max Amount: $2500
Doris H. Anderson Leaders of Tomorrow Scholarship
First Year Students
Awarded to thirteen students entering full-time study (five courses per semester) at
UPEI for the first time, who have a minimum 80% average in grade 1 and have proven
leadership ability.
March 1
Max Amount: $2000
Dorothy Corrigan Entrance Bursaries
First Year Students
Awarded to two students entering full-time study (five courses per semester) at UPEI for
the first time, and who have a demonstrated financial need.
March 1
Arts, Majoring in English
Max Amount: $3000
Dr. Julian Jaynes Memorial Entrance Scholarship
For 1st year students, majoring in Psychology
the deserving student will have achieved high academic standing in high school
major in the study of psychology
recipient shall be determined by the based upon a complete application prior to the
application deadline.
March 1
Majoring in Psychology
Max Amount: $1000
Dr. Ninian N. LeBlanc Alumni Scholarship
First Year Students
PEI high school graduate entering first year who has a strong academic record, a
demonstrated financial need, and who is not already on scholarship
award may be received for four years consecutively, provided he/she maintains the
academic requirements established by the University (currently 75% in first year and
80% in subsequent years)
Deadline: March 1
Faculty: Any
Number: 1
Max Amount: $2200
Euginie Ann Pineau Memorial Entrance Bursary
For students entering the Transition Program
The recipients will be recommended by the Transition Program Co-ordinator to the Scholarship
and Awards Committee based on suitability to the program and financial need. Selection will
occur no later than August of each year.
July 15
Max Amount: $500
Frederick M. Davison Award for Excellence
Awarded to the student who best reflects the following criteria; will have achieved well
academically, though not necessarily the highest aggregate in high school; and exhibits
dedication and a desire to make a difference in the community.
Applicants will provide a personal statement of 500 – 1,000 words outlining:
Involvement in school and community activities; leadership experience; personal and
professional goals; why you wish to be a part of the UPEI community; how you hope to
contribute to the spirit and life of the campus during your time at UPEI .
Two (2) letters of reference
March 1
Max Amount: Up to $4000
Evelyn M. Cudmore Memorial Scholarship
For 1st year students in Science and Majoring in Family & Nutritional Sciences
Special consideration for a student specializing in Child and Family Studies
Eligible students should have demonstrated volunteer leadership and experience
among the following areas: Red Cross or other water safety programs as an instructor,
supervisor, or in a similar capacity; experience as a youth camp counselor, leader, or
swim instructor; or other notable volunteer activity in outdoor education
Students receiving other scholarships and/or bursaries of less than full tuition are
Special consideration may be given to a student’s financial circumstances.
March 1
Science, Majoring in Family & Nutritional Sciences
Max Amount: $700
H. Wade MacLauchlan Raised Expectations Awards
Awarded to a PEI student who has demonstrated the greatest academic improvement
from grade 10 to completion of grade 12 (minimum 10% improvement in an academic
program or a switch from general to academic program).
March 1
Max Amount: $1000
Harrison McCain Scholarship
Criteria for the awards include:
 a minimum 80% average in senior year of high school
 financial need
 leadership qualities
 a recognized initiative in funding your own education.
The number of scholarships/bursaries available may vary from year to year.
Renewal criteria to be met each year.
March 1
Max Amount: $4000/ year ($16,000 over 4 years)
Hart-Gorrill Entrance Award
Awarded to a student of good character ,shown through extra-curricular activity and
pursuing full-time study.
March 1
Max Amount: $250.
Island International Baccalaureate Scholarship
Awarded to a student who has successfully completed the International Baccalaureate
Diploma program at a Prince Edward Island high school at the time of his/her graduation
and intending to enter UPEI for the first time.
March 1
Max Amount: Full tuition
J. Elmer & Elise Hynes Aboriginal Student Achievement Entrance
Awarded to an Aboriginal student entering UPEI in full-time undergraduate studies who
is positively and actively involved in their community, and who has a high school
academic record that reflects his/her perseverance in studies.
March 1
Max Amount: $1000
John Tremblay Bursary in Business Administration
Preference is given to students entering the Business Administration program at UPEI.
Awarded to a student, upon recommendation from their high school principal(s), who
graduated from a PEI French-language high school; based on good academic standing
and not already on scholarship of more than $1000.00.
March 1
Max Amount: $2500
Mary C. McInnis Scholarship in Nursing
Entering 1st Year nursing
Awarded to a deserving student graduating from an Island high school who is entering
the School of Nursing with a high academic average.
March 1
Max Amount: $1500
Wilbert McInnis Scholarship
Entering School of Business
Awarded to a student who has graduated from an Island high school and is entering the
School of Business, has a minimum average of 75%, and contributes to their community
through volunteer work.
March 1
Max Amount: $1500
Michael S. Kelly Memorial Scholarship
Awarded to a first-year student, demonstrates characteristics of leadership, community
involvement, outstanding athletic ability, and academic excellence.
Applicants will require two letters of reference (one from within the education system)
and a personal statement on extracurricular activities that applicant has been involved in.
March 1
Max Amount: Renewable full tuition
Wanda Wyatt Scholarship
Awarded to students who demonstrate the potential to contribute to the long-term
development of the Province.
Recipients must demonstrate an aptitude for or interest in the cultural or artistic dimension
of life.
Applicants will require two letters of reference (one from within the education system) and
a personal statement on extracurricular activities that applicant has been involved in.
Max Amount:
March 1
$5000 Renewable (total of $20,000 over 4 years)
A.G & Eliza Jane Ramsden Memorial Scholarship Protestant
These scholarships will be awarded to full-time students with consideration for financial
requirements and personal character and not already receiving a scholarship or bursary
of more than $1000.
Consideration may also be given to the academic standing of an applicant and/or
expressed interest to pursue theological studies. These scholarships are awarded on the
basis of financial need.
February 15th
Max Amount: Minimum of $1000 to a maximum of full tuition.
The Garden Home Scholarship in Nursing
Entering 1st year Nursing
This scholarship is awarded annually to a student entering first year of the UPEI School
of Nursing program.
The scholarship is granted based on demonstrated leadership qualities and an interest
in gerontology.
March 1
Max Amount: $5000 non-renewable entrance scholarship
John S MacDonald Scholarship
The scholarship will be awarded to a Montague High student who plans to go to UPEI
and who has maintained an 80% or greater academic record in grade 11, and who
displays interest and enthusiasm for life-long learning, an interest and commitment to
his/her community and demonstrates financial needs.
Applicants must submit a 500 word essay to the UPEI Scholarship and Awards
March 1
Max Amount: $5000 (renewable for one year)
Holland College Entrance Awards
All awards have application deadlines and some awards are designated to specific
programs but many are available to all college students.
All recipients are notified in June and awards are issued as tuition credits applied
to student accounts in September.
For more information on the following awards, visit the following
For more information about the awards outlined in the list attached, please
contact Crystal Neary by e-mail or phone at (902)
Note: There are many more awards found on the Holland College website
but not all are for first year students.
4-H Scholarship
The Canadian 4-H website has a number of scholarship programs. The PEI
4-H also has scholarships listed. Visit:
Deadline: none
Value: not specified
Cal Callahan Memorial Pipeline Contractors
Association Of Canada Bursary
Pipe Line Contractors Association of Canada. Open to child or ward of a person
working in the pipeline construction industry with a member organization.
Deadline: none
Value: up to $6,000
Association of Universities And Colleges In Canada
The Association of Universities and Colleges of Canada administers more
than 150 scholarship programs on behalf of the federal government,
domestic and foreign agencies and private sector companies.
Deadline: none
Value: varied
Bell Aliant Pioneers Volunteers
Award to a person with vision loss, living in Nova Scotia or Prince Edward
Island, to assist with tuition costs while attending a post-secondary
educational program.
Deadline: April 27
Value: $2,000
Canadian Hospitality Foundation College Entrance
High school students who are enrolling in September of this year in a
minimum 2 year college diploma program in one of the mentioned areas.
Must be a Canadian citizen or permanent resident (will need the first 3
numbers of your SIN).
Criteria: Applications are to be judged on the following criteria. Points
assigned to each of the criteria (from a total of 100 points) are as follows:
1. Work experience (20): based on quality and length of work experience
with extra points for foodservice, hospitality, and culinary related
experience and for increased levels of responsibility.
2. Scholarship record (20): based on grade point average.
3. Leadership & ability to get along with others (25): based on work
experience, letters of reference and responses to application questions.
4. Professional promise (25): based on work experience, letters of
reference and responses to application questions.
5. Discretionary points (10): given to the discretion of each judge and
based amongst other things on quality of application (neatness,
imagination and effort put into the presentation).
**Submission must include a completed application form.
Applies to: Culinary Arts, Golf Club Management, International Hospitality
Management, Tourism and Travel Management.
Deadline: May 15
Number: 1
Value: $3,000
Connolly Group Lock Llewellyn Memorial Scholarship
Criteria: Student must be accepted into a full time program at Holland
College. Student must demonstrate leadership in academics and athletics.
Submission must include a completed application form and an
autobiographical essay.
Deadline: May 15
Number: 2
East Coast Security Services Inc. Entrance Bursary
Criteria: Any student entering their first year of the Law and Security
program at Holland College is eligible to apply. The applicant must
demonstrate financial need.
Applies to: Law and Security
Deadline: May 15
Number: 1
Cooke Insurance Entrance Awards
Cooke Insurance Entrance Awards are available to all students of Holland
College who are residents of Prince Edward Island and are accepted into
full-time programs. Applicants will be assessed on the basis of professional
promise, leadership abilities and financial need.
*Applications must include a biography, summary of education and work
Applies to: All students
Deadline: May 15
Number: 2
Value: $1,000
David and Nancy Lopes Family Entrance Award
Criteria: This award is in the form of a tuition credit available to a
deserving student accepted into a full-time program at Holland College.
Particular emphasis will be placed on the following (in order of
importance): financial need, academic performance, community and/or
volunteer service.
**Submission must include a completed application form, a completed
budget form, and an autobiographical essay.
Deadline: May 15
Number: 1
Holland College Memorial Fund Bursary
Criteria: Bursaries are awarded on the basis of financial need.
Deadline: May 15
Number: 4
Foyston, Gordon & Payne Award
In December 2011, Foyston, Gordon & Payne Inc. established an entrance
award at Holland College with special consideration given to those who
are single parents.
 Students must apply for this award.
 A budget form must accompany the application.
 Applicants must be accepted into a full-time program at Holland
 Recipients will be selected on the basis of financial need.
Applies to all programs
Deadline: May 15
Number: 2
Value: $2,500
The Holland College Foundation Personal Insurance
Company Entrance Award
 Students must be accepted into a full-time program at Holland
 A committee selected by the Registrar will review the applications.
 The recipients will be selected based on the review of the
application materials.
Deadline: May 15
Number: 3
Value: $2,500
Samuel Holland Entrance
The Samuel Holland Bursary fund was established through contributions
made by various businesses and individuals to provide a bursary for
deserving students.
 Students must be of good academic standing and accepted in a
full-time Holland College program.
 Involvement in community programs, activities, or services will be
taken into consideration.
 Financial need of the applicant is a consideration.
Applies to all programs
Deadline: May 15
Number: 10
Value: $1,000
Chief Myles Burke Memorial Award
Myles Burke, former Chief of the Cape Breton Regional Police Service, and
alumnus of Holland College's Atlantic Police Academy, passed away
suddenly on April 9, 2011.
 The award will be given annually to a deserving student accepted
into the Police Science (Cadet) program at the Holland College
Atlantic Police Academy.
 The successful recipient will be an individual who demonstrates
financial need and a solid work ethic.
 Volunteer experience will be considered an asset.
 Student must provide a completed application form and a
completed budget form.
Applies to Police Science (Cadet)
Deadline: Nov 1
Number: 1
Value: $1,100
Wright Family Scholarship
 Awarded to a student on admission to the program
 demonstrates through previous academic performance and other
aspects of the recruitment and selection process outstanding
potential for successful participation in their program
 Applicants will also be assessed on the basis of financial need.
 Submission must include a completed application form, a
completed budget form, and an autobiographical essay.
Applies to Carpentry, Wood Manufacturing - Cabinetmaking, Plumbing,
and Electrical Technology
Deadline: May 15
Number: 1
Value: $2000
Partners in Value Student Awards
 All students accepted into a Holland College program are eligible
on the basis of financial need and academic performance.
 Students must apply.
 Applicants will be assessed on the basis of financial need and
overall academic performance.
Applies to all programs
Deadline: May 15
Number: 8-10
Vector Aerospace's Danny Landry Memorial
 Applicants must demonstrate through previous academic
performance and other aspects of the recruitment and selection
process outstanding potential for successful participation in the
aviation industry.
 Submission must include a completed application form and an
autobiographical essay.
Applies to Aircraft Gas Turbine Engine Repair and Overhaul
Deadline: May 15
Number: 1
Jamie Bone Memorial Award
Criteria: Applicants will be assessed on overall academic performance,
leadership ability, and financial need. Participation in athletics and
involvement in the community also considered.
** Submission must include a completed application form, a completed
budget form, and an autobiographical essay.
Applies to: Commercial Diving
Deadline: May 15
Number: 1
Value: $500
Bottler Award
 Student must demonstrate through previous academic
performance and other aspects of the recruitment and selection
process outstanding potential for successful participation in the
environmental technology industry.
 Submission must include a completed application form and an
autobiographical essay.
Applies to Environmental Applied Science Technology
Deadline: May 15
Number: 1
Value: $500
Team Cormorant
 Plan to pursue a career in aircraft maintenance.
 Special consideration will be given to students who meet the
requirements of the scholarship, demonstrate an interest in Rotary
Wing aircraft, achieved a high academic standing, and who intend
to work in the Rotary Wing industry.
Applies to Aircraft Gas Turbine Engine Repair and Overhaul Technology
Deadline: May 15
Number: 2
Value: $1,000
MacLean Construction Ltd. Entrance Bursary
In 2011, MacLean Construction established a new entrance bursary,
annually benefitting a student in the Colleges Carpentry program.
 Applicants must be accepted into the Carpentry Program full time.
 Financial need will be a primary consideration.
Applies to Carpentry Program
Deadline: May 15
Number: 1
Holland College Leadership and Community
Involvement Awards
 Applicants must be accepted to a full-time program at Holland
Submissions must include a completed application form and an
autobiographical essay.
A. In a biography, applicants must demonstrate that they are leaders
in their school and/or community through athletics and
extracurricular activities, community involvement and volunteer
B. Recipients must exhibit a high aptitude in their chosen area of
Deadline: May 15
Number: 10
David Harding Leadership Award
 This award will be available to a first year student accepted into
the Culinary Arts or Pastry Arts program.
 The successful recipient will have demonstrated in their application
examples of their leadership qualities along with an outline of their
volunteer activities and community involvement.
 Applicants who meet the criteria but who also have great financial
need will be given priority consideration.
 Submission must include a completed application form, a
completed budget form, and an autobiographical essay.
Applies to Culinary Arts, Pastry Arts
Deadline: May 15
Number: 1
Robert L. Cotton Memorial Bursaries
 Students must apply for the award
 provide a completed application form and a completed budget
 Applications will be reviewed and successful recipients selected by
a selection committee chaired by the College Registrar.
Applies to all programs
Deadline: May 15
Number: 1
Value: $500
Wanda Wyatt Scholarships
 Available to Prince Edward Island students who have
demonstrated an aptitude for, or an interest in, the cultural or
artistic dimension of life, and who demonstrate potential to
contribute to the long-term development of the province of Prince
Edward Island.
Applicants must provide in written format a response to the following:
List the three activities within either your school or community that have
been the most important to you over the last three years, and state why
they support or add to the cultural or artistic dimension of life on the
Island - include your role and period of involvement.
Applicants must provide their most recent academic record, two reference
forms completed by non-relatives and an autobiographical essay.
Deadline: May 15
Number: 4
1st year tuition ($5,000)
Holland College President's Award of Excellence
 A grade 12 average of at least 80 per cent.
 Students must submit an essay of no more than 500 words
outlining their suitability for this award.
 Students must submit two completed reference forms from school
or community representatives attesting to the applicant's
leadership in athletics, school, workplace, or community, or some
combination thereof.
Deadline: May 15
Number: 2-4
1st year Tuition
ATV Media Scholarship
 Applicants must be members of a designated group as defined in
the Canada Employment Equity Act.
 Preference is given to students who are members of a visible
minority or aboriginal peoples who demonstrate an interest in
television journalism and/or visual communications.
 If there are either no candidates, or not enough candidates from
any of the designated groups, the foundation will identify other
deserving candidates.
 Submission must include a completed application form and an
autobiographical essay.
Applies to Journalism, Graphic Design
Deadline: May 15
Number: ?
$2,500 +
Jillian Ruth Knockwood Memorial Award
This award was established in March, 2012 by Kim and Chris Knockwood in
memory of their infant daughter Jillian Ruth, who passed away in July,
 Any student entering their first year of the Human Services
program at Holland College is eligible to apply.
 The successful recipient must be of strong academic standing and
demonstrate financial need.
Applies to Human Services
Deadline: May 15
Number 1
Value: $500
Harrison McCain Bursaries
Applicants must be Canadian citizens and accepted into a program
of full time studies at Holland College.
Financial need will be a primary consideration. Students must
apply for this award and include the financial information section.
Deadline: May 15th
Number: 10 ($1250 each)
$12,500 (2 more available for Aboriginal students)
Holland College Faculty Association Award
 Must be a deserving student enrolled full time in a college
 Financial need and academic achievement will be the primary
Deadline: May 15
Number: ?
Holland College President's Award of Excellence
 A Grade 12 average of at least 80 per cent.
 Students must submit an essay of no more than 500 words
outlining their suitability for this award.
 Students must submit two completed reference forms from school
or community representatives attesting to the applicant's
leadership in athletics, school, workplace, or community, or some
combination thereof.
Reference Form (required)
Deadline: May 15
Number: 2-4
1st year tuition
MacDougall Steel Welding Fabrication Entrance
 Any student entering their first year of the Welding Fabrication
program is eligible to apply
 Applicants must demonstrate financial need, good academic
standing, and show promise in the field of welding
Deadline: May 15
Number: 2
Eleanor and Jack Howatt Family Entrance Award
 Any student entering their first year of the Carpentry, Plumbing, or
Electromechanical program is eligible
 Preference will be given to students whose families are involved in
farming, and financial need will be a consideration.
Deadline: May 15
Number: 1
Transitions Leadership Awards
 Students must apply for the award
 Applications to include a completed Application Form, including
the Financial Information section and a one-page summary
addressing why they feel they would be a deserving candidate.
Deadline: June 1
Number: 2
Olivia Ruth MacLeod Memorial Award for Music
 Students must be entering the first year of the Music Performance
 Must l show musical promise as well as demonstrate financial need
 Students must apply for the award
Deadline: May 15
Number: 1
Bulletproof Solutions French Language Technology
 This award will be given annually to a bilingual student entering
their first year of the Computer Networking Technology program
who is keen to learn, enjoys technology, and has excellent
communication skills
 Students must apply for the award.
 Applications to include a completed Application Form (including
the Financial Information section).
Deadline: May 15
Number: 10
Louis W. MacEachern Bursary for Aspiring Business
 Students entering their first year of Holland College’s Accounting
Technology, Administrative Assistant, Business Administration,
Legal Administration, Marketing and Advertising Management, or
Medical Support Services programs are eligible to apply.
 Recipients will demonstrate financial need and an overall
willingness to help others through community involvement and
volunteer activities.
 Students must apply for the award.
Deadline: May 15
Number: 10
Bursaries for Aspiring Artists
These awards will be given to incoming, first-year students
accepted into one of Holland College’s School of Performing Arts
programs (Performing Arts Foundation, Dance Performance, Music
Performance, or Theatre Performance).
Successful recipients will show talent as aspiring performance
artists and demonstrate financial need. Students must apply for
the award.
Deadline: May 15
Number: varies
Regis and Joan Duffy Awards of Excellence in
Performing Arts
These awards will be given to first-year students accepted into one of
Holland College’s School of Performing Arts programs. Successful
recipients will aspire to careers in the performing arts but face financial
barriers, show promise as aspiring artists, or are exceptional talents in the
performing arts industry. Students must apply for the award. Applications
are to include a portfolio, as well as a personal statement outlining his/her
fit as a candidate.
Deadline: May 15
Number: varies
The W. Garfield Weston Awards of Excellence for
Aspiring Tradespeople
 Open to Prince Edward Island students* entering first year of a one
or two-year trades program (Aircraft Gas Turbine Engine Repair
and Overhaul Technology, Automotive Technology, Carpentry,
Commercial Diving, Electrical Technology, Electromechanical
Technology, Energy Systems Engineering Technology, Heating
Ventilation and Air Conditioning Technology, Heritage Retrofit
Carpentry, Plumbing, Power Engineering, Precision Machinist,
Steamfitting Pipefitting, Welding Fabrication, Welding Level 1,
Wind Turbine Technician, or Wood Manufacturing Cabinetmaking)
 Applicants will be assessed on the basis of financial need and
commitment as an aspiring tradesperson
 Students must apply for the award
 Applications to include a personal statement outlining why they
feel they should be selected for the award, what influenced them
in pursuing a career in the trades, what their goals are, etc., along
with a letter of support from a high school guidance counselor or a
skilled trades/career exploration teacher
Deadline: May 15
Number: 10
$2500. (two installments) plus a $2000. tuition credit
Arsenault Best Cameron Ellis Accounting Award
 This award is given to first-year student accepted into the
Accounting Technology program
 Financial need and community service will be considered.
 Students must apply for the award.
Deadline: May 15
Number: 10
Value: $500.
Scholarships, Bursaries and Awards
Student Services
Montague Regional High School
The following are scholarships, bursaries and awards that
students must apply for. To obtain more information on these
scholarships, bursaries and awards – check out the scholarship
board in student services.
Remember: Not all dates can be updated this early in the year.
So, most dates are based on last year’s deadlines. These
deadlines change from year to year.
Some additional links to research on your own are:
If you are a 4-H member, check out these websites for
James Lee Foundation
The scholarship is open to emerging creative talent from across Canada
wanting to enter into the advertising industry. Entrants must be nonprofessional Canadian residents over the age of 16. All fields of creativity
related to the advertising community will be considered.
Upload a link to a portfolio that you host with a maximum of 10 pieces to
the JLF website. In addition to your portfolio, please provide your contact
information and a paragraph (max. 200 words) explaining how the funds
would help you to pursue your creative path.
Deadline: September 15, 2015
Number: 1
up to $5000
Ethel Boyce Achievement Award
The award is administered by Softball Canada and is given annually. It is expected
that the award winners will have exhibited leadership traits and skills in softball.
The award is meant to help defray the costs of education and/or playing
To qualify for this award the applicant must be:
- Registered with a provincial/territorial softball association
- A resident of the province or territory
- In attendance at a recognized Canadian post-secondary educational
institution, or plan on attending one in the following year.
Deadline: September 15 (of each year)
Number: 2 (1 female, 1 male)
Canadian Wind Energy Association Blog Contest
Students, from across Canada, entering or in post-secondary education
are eligible to submit multimedia or written entries on the theme of why
wind energy is important to Canada’s future energy mix. Prizes will be
awarded for the best blogs, most creative submissions and best use of
The winners will be announced in Montreal on October 29, 2014.
Deadline: September 6, 2015
Number 3
1800 Wheelchair Canada
Participants must meet the following criteria:
Enrolled at an accredited high school, college, or university in the U.S.
 Enrolled at the undergraduate level or your final year of high
 Age sixteen (16) years or older
 Carry a status of “Good Standing” - i.e. currently enrolled
 Maintain a cumulative Grade Point Average (GPA) of at least 3.0
(or equivalent)
 Application postmarked by September 15, 2015
 There are no requirements in terms of physical disability or ability.
All applications are welcome
 Please send your application via traditional mail; no express mail
will be accepted
 Do not send any CD ROMs, letters of recommendation, tax returns,
bank balances, resumes or CVs
 Please keep a digital copy in Word or Google Docs. We'll need a
copy to put up on our site.
Deadline: September 15, 2015
Number: 2
Canadian Young Speakers for Agriculture Competition
Jointly sponsored by Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada and 4-H Canada,
the Canadian Young Speakers for Agriculture (CYSA) competition is held
annually in November at the Royal Agricultural Winter Fair in Toronto. It is
a fantastic opportunity to develop your public speaking skills and acts as a
forum to express community concerns. Speeches are prepared on one of
five topics and are 5-7 minutes in length. Cash prizes for two age groups
Junior (11-15) and Senior (16-24)
Deadline: September 30, 2015 (to CYSA)
Number: 2
$1000 (Senior); $500 (Junior)
Equals6: SimplyCast Bill Ritchie Scholarship
Open to high school, college and university students.
 Grade average for most recent full academic year
 Equals6 portfolio completion percentage
Deadline: September 30, 2014
Number: 1
Prince Edward Island Teachers' Federation
Students are eligible if they are dependents of PEITF members, retired
members or deceased members. Two scholarships shall be awarded to a
student attending an accredited university and one to a student attending
an accredited community college or equivalent post-secondary institution
who is registered for the student's final year study.
Deadline: September 30, 2015
Number: 2
The Loran Scholars Program
Character, Service, Leadership
Character, service and leadership are the selection criteria for the Loran
Scholar program. Loran Scholars are people of strong moral character who
have demonstrated commitment to service and potential as leaders. They
are curious by nature, interested in a wide range of subjects and willing to
take meaningful risks. They prioritize results over appearances, value
integrity and honesty. Though they study diverse subjects, and go on to
work in a variety of fields, they share a common commitment to their
university and larger communities.
The Loran Scholar program is open to every graduating high school or
CEGEP student from coast-to-coast. Renewable for up to four years, and
valued at up to $80,000, it includes an annual tuition waiver and a stipend
of $9,000, access to funding and internships through our summer
program, invitations to annual gatherings and forums, and one-on-one
mentorship. We select 30 Loran Scholars each year and the award is
tenable at any of our partner universities.
Be in the graduating year of uninterrupted full-time studies in high
school or CEGEP. Exceptions may be considered for those who have
undertaken a gap year for academic pursuits or community servicebased activities.
Present a minimum cumulative average of 85%
Hold Canadian citizenship or permanent resident status
Deadline: October 21, 2015
for all sponsored applications to be received
Deadline: October 28, 2015
for all direct pool applications to be received
Number: 30
Value: up to $80,000
Equals6: Atlas Shrugged Essay Contest
Applicant must be in grade 12, college undergraduate or graduate
student. It is an essay contest with three topics to pick from. Applicant will
be judged on both style and content.
Deadline: October 24, 2014
Number: 9
Value: 1st: $10,000.
2nd: 3 prizes of $2000.
3rd: 5 prizes of $1000.
25 finalists receive $100.
50 semi-finalists receive
4-H AgriVenture Scholarship Opportunity 2014
Sponsored by AgriVenture Global and the International Agricultural
Exchange Association (IAEA), 4-H Canada is pleased to announce a
scholarship awarded to one student nationally, to be used toward an
AgriVenture travel and work program.
Applicants can choose a placement in Denmark, France, Germany,
Netherlands, Norway, Sweden, United Kingdom, Australia, New Zealand or
Send application to your provincial office.
Number: 1
University of Toronto National Book Award and
Scholarship Program
The University of Toronto National Scholarships will be awarded to students
who demonstrate superior academic performance, original and creative
thought, and exceptional achievement in a broad context. The National
Scholars will be those who not only excel in academic pursuits but also have
an enthusiasm for intellectual exploration and an involvement in the life of
their school and community.
University of Toronto National Book Awards
Each school is invited to choose one outstanding student on the basis of
these criteria. It is not necessary that the student intend to apply for
admission to the University of Toronto.
The National Scholarships
The National Scholarship will cover tuition and incidental fees for four
years, will provide residence support in first year, and will include an
additional, renewable, monetary award. The value of the monetary award
will be determined annually on the basis of individual financial
circumstances. The Scholarship is tenable only at the University of
Number: 15-20
Value: $7500-12500 (for each of four years)
The Arbor Scholarships
Each of the students chosen as a finalist will be assured of receiving a
University of Toronto admission scholarship. These scholarships are
valued at $5,000 in first year, renewable at $1,500 for the second, third
and fourth years.
Deadline: November 6, 2015
Number: 10
Value: $5000 For 1st year; renewable at $1500 for the remaining 3
The Ritchie Scholarship
Open to high school, college and university students.
Grade average for most recent full academic year
Equals6 portfolio completion percentage
Deadline: November 1, 2015
Number: 1
Value: $500
INDSPIRE – Building Brighter Futures – Bursaries &
Scholarships Award
Indspire bursaries, scholarships, and awards help First Nation, Inuit, and
Métis students cover the costs of their post-secondary education including
training, books, living expenses, childcare, etc.
Deadline: November 2, 2015
Number: ?
Value: ?
TD Scholarships for Community Leadership
TD Scholarships for Community Leadership are intended to serve the
needs of all Canadian families and communities.
Scholarships are open to students across Canada who:
Are in their final year of high school, or CEGEP (in Quebec)
Have demonstrated leadership in improving their community
Obtain a minimum overall average in their most recently completed
full year of school of 75%
Applicants selected as finalists will be notified by the end of March 2014
and interviewed by a selection panel in April.
Application form
3 copies of an essay, up to 600 words, describing your community
 Letter of recommendation from your school
 2 letters of support from the community groups
Deadline: November 27, 2015
Number: Each region will have a minimum of two full scholarship
recipients, provided there are suitable, qualified applicants.
Value: Each scholarship is valued at up to $70,000 over 4 year
Plus - An offer of paid summer employment
Arthur Paulin Scholarship
The Arthur Paulin Automotive Aftermarket Scholarship provides monetary
assistance to deserving students who wish to further their education in
the automotive field.
applicants must be enrolled in an automotive aftermarket industry
related program (including an automotive apprentice. auto body, hard
parts, heavy duty, or motive power (machinists).
Deadline: November 30, 2015
Number: 1
Value: 700.00
9th Annual AFOA – POTASHCORP Aboriginal Youth
Financial Management Awards
Three outstanding Aboriginal Youth from across Canada will be selected to
travel to Halifax, Nova Scotia for four days to attend the ceremony at the
AFOA Canada’s National Conference on February 25-27, 2014. These students
will represent the views of Canada’s Aboriginal Youth at one of the most
important National Leadership Events in Canada.
 5 year Scholarship package valued at over $5,000
 4 nights at Delta Winnipeg
 Free trip to Winnipeg and tour of city highlights
 Demonstrates an interest and considering a career in the areas of
financial and/or management
 Completed application form and submit an essay
 Letter of Recommendation from a teacher, guidance counselor or
educator, attesting to the student’s performance and commitment
 Academically successful
 Pursuing post-secondary education and/or training
 Grades 11 or 12 (maximum age 19 years)
 Applicants must be of Aboriginal ancestry (First Nations, Metis, Inuit)
Deadline: December 4, 2015
Number: 3
over $5000 each
D & R Sobey Atlantic Scholarship
The D&R Sobey Atlantic Scholarship is awarded on the basis of the
following criteria:
 Current resident of one of the four Atlantic Provinces
 Entering first year of the undergraduate Commerce program at
Queen’s School of Business
 Academic excellence
 Involvement in school or community activities
 Proven leadership
Valued at $75,000 per student, the scholarship is awarded in equal
amounts of $18,750 annually throughout the four-year undergraduate
Commerce program. It is renewable provided that a minimum 75%
average is achieved in the first year of study and a minimum 80% average
is achieved in each subsequent year while enrolled in a full course load.
Deadline: December 1, 2014 (not updated)
Number: 6
Burger King Scholars Program
The Burger King Scholars program assists employees, employees' spouses
or domestic partners, employees' children and high school seniors in the
continuing their education. To date, the program has awarded more than
$17.6 million in scholarships and the program continues to grow. Last year
alone $2.2 million in scholarships were awarded.
Deadline: December 15, 2015
Number: varies
Value: $1000. To 50,000.
French for the Future National Essay Contest
Open to students in grades 10 to 12 across Canada. The Contest will
award a total of $215,000 in scholarships, giving its winners the chance
to pursue their postsecondary studies partially or completely in
The scholarships are offered in partnership with the following 8
postsecondary institutions:
the University of Ottawa (ON)
the Université Sainte-Anne (NS)
the Université de Moncton (NB)
the Université Saint-Boniface (MB)
the University of Alberta's Campus Saint-Jean (AB)
the University of Lethbridge (AB)
Laurentian University (ON)
Glendon College of York University (ON)
Students must submit a 750 word essay in French on this year's chosen
Deadline: December 18, 2015
Number: 36
Value: $1000. To 12,000.
Canada's Luckiest Student 4
Student Life Network – Contest
Canada's Luckiest Student 4 is the greatest student prize in Canadian
history, and it just keeps getting better! It starts with a $20,000 GIC to
help with school, a Dell gadget bundle for you and a friend, and a
Breakaway Tours trip to a destination of your choice. Keep an eye out as
new prizes get added on, and opt in as they're revealed. Winner takes all.
Deadline: August 4, 2015 – January 4, 2016
Number: 1
Value: $20,000 - $52,700
University of Guelph
President’s and Chancellor’s Scholarships
These scholarships include a research assistantship position and
mentorship by one of Guelph’s leading professors. These scholarships
reward top students and recognize academic excellence. Students must
achieve a 90% to apply .Must apply online
Deadline: January 25, 2016
Number: 12
$32,000 (over 4 years)
Kin Canada Bursary
This bursary is awarded to a student who demonstrates financial need,
community and school involvement and knowledge of Kin Canada.
Applicants must be Canadian citizens and can apply to their local club.
Deadline: February 1 (of each year)
Number: 48 (Nationally)
Value: $1000
Canadian Right of Way Educational Foundation
A scholarship awarded to a graduating high school student who is entering
a full time course of study in any of the various fields impacting the “right
of way” profession (such as law, surveying, engineering, planning, real
property appraisal).
Deadline: February 1 (of each year)
Number: 1
Terry Fox Humanitarian Scholarship
For recognition of humanitarian volunteer work, qualities of citizenship,
while in pursuit of excellence in academics, athletics and amateur sport,
fitness, health, and volunteer service.
Deadline: February 1 (of every year)
Number: 20
Value: $7000
Future Aces Foundation Scholarship and Citizenship
Open to students who exhibit exemplary citizenship qualities as
represented in the Future ACES Philosophy:
Attitude, Ability, Action, Achievement,
Co-operation, Courage, Confidence, Education Empathy, Example, Service,
extensive community service, volunteerism and commitment to
humanitarian causes;
be in need of financial assistance;
provide evidence of the potential for success;
be 16-24 years of age; Canadian resident enrolled in or pursuing a postsecondary school education.
Deadline: February 2, 2016
Number: 30
Value: $1000
Schulich Leader Scholarship
Schulich Leaders are selected by the universities.
In order to become a Schulich Leader, one must be a Schulich Leader
Nominee enrolling in a STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering, or
Mathematics) Program at one of the twenty designated Canadian
Universities. Each school can nominate one student.
Eligibility Requirements:
At least two of the following attributes:
 Academic excellence
 Demonstrated leadership in school life and community life, or
provided evidence of entrepreneurial talent
 Financial need
Applicants must submit the following:
 One page essay on why you feel you should be nominated for the
 List the name of the university/universities you wish to attend as
well as what program you are interested in pursuing
 Two letters of recommendation. At least one must be academic.
Deadline: September 8, 2015 -February 2, 2016
Number: 1
Value: $80,000 over 4 years
UNB OREO Competition
Teams of 3-5 high school students compete against each other in a
realistic business setting.
Deadline: February 8, 2014
Number: 8
Value: Top 8 teams earn bursaries towards tuition at UNB, St. John
Western University National Scholarship
National Scholarships are designed to recognize all-round excellence. They
are awarded on the basis of outstanding academic performance to
candidates who demonstrate ability for creative and innovative thought
and a passion for the pursuit of learning. National Scholarships also
recognize exceptional achievement in extracurricular activities such as the
arts and athletics. A special emphasis placed on candidate’s commitment
to community service through ongoing contributions to school and
community life.
Applicants must be Canadian citizens or a permanent resident. All
applicants must have obtained overall academic average of 90% on all
Grade 12 (621) Courses.
Deadline: February 14th, 2016
Number: Varies (1-30)
Value: Varies ($2500-$65,000)
Top 20 Under 20 Scholarship
At Youth in Motion, we want to encourage you to continue making a
difference. That is why we created Top 20 Under 20; to celebrate and
honour Canadians who have demonstrated a significant level innovation,
leadership and achievement but have not yet reached the age of 20. There
are incredible young people in this country doing incredible things!
Top 20 Under 20 is open to all young Canadians under the age of 20 regardless of race, gender and/or religious affiliations. Our only
requirement is that your leadership and innovation has led to the
betterment of your school, community, province and/or country.
Deadline: February 15, 2015
Number: Not Specified
Value: Not Specified
RBC Students Leading Change Scholarship
This scholarship was created in recognition of the growing number of
Canadian students showing a passion to lead and inspire positive change
in their community. Scholarship.
There will be 5 scholarships awarded in each of the following 3 student
 Graduating High School Students
 Undergraduate Students
 Second Degree Students
In each of the 3 student categories, 2 scholarship recipients will also be
awarded a Me to We Trip,
Where they will work alongside Me to We field workers on change
initiatives in a Free the Children community overseas.
Deadline: February 23, 2016
Number: 15
RBC Aboriginal Student Award Program
You are eligible to apply to the RBC Aboriginal Student Awards Program if
you are a Status Indian, a Non-status Indian, Inuit or Métis and meet these
You are a permanent resident or citizen of Canada
You have applied or are currently attending an accredited postsecondary institution in Canada
You maintain a full course load that leads to a recognized degree,
certificate or diploma
You have at least two years remaining in post-secondary academic
program as of September 2014
You require financial assistance to pursue your education
Deadline: February 28, 2016
Number: 10
up to $4000
Harrison McCain Scholarship
Available annually to students attending University who have graduated
from a high school in Canada. Criteria for the awards include a minimum
80% average in senior year of high school, financial need, leadership
qualities, and a recognized initiative in funding your own education.
Deadline: March 1 (each year)
Number: varies
Value: $16,000 (over 4 years)
*Interested students need to get an application from student services
UNB Currie Scholarship
The scholarships are awarded annually to students beginning an
undergraduate degree program at UNB upon graduation from a high
school in any of the four Atlantic Provinces.
The Currie Undergraduate scholarships are intended to support the
education of future leaders. The applicants are therefore asked to submit
an essay (not less than 250 words) giving the selection committee an
indication of their leadership capabilities, including (but not limited to)
school and extra-curricular activities. Required in the essay is evidence of
overcoming barriers or difficult situations.
Deadline: March 1 (each year)
Number: 4
Value: $50,000.
The McEwen Scholarship
(Coop Atlantic)
The McEwen Scholarship is an entrance scholarship awarded to two
undergraduate university students each year. The scholarship is allocated
in the amount of $1,000 per year for up to four years. The purpose of the
scholarship is:
To improve understanding and knowledge about co-operative
issues and co-operative organizations; and
To fulfill one aspect of Co-op Atlantic's socioeconomic
responsibilities to the community by assisting deserving students
in reaching their educational goals.
Each year, a McEwen Scholarship will be awarded in each of the following
 Co-op Members
 Employees
Applicants must be accepted at an accredited university. Through an
application form and a formal written essay, applicants will be judged
on the following criteria:
 demonstrated knowledge of co-operative issues and/or cooperative organizations
 good academic performance
 demonstrated community/school involvement
Deadline: March 1 (each year)
Number: 2
Value: $4000
Canadian Association of Principals (CAP)
Student Leadership Award
The Canadian Association of Principals and Lifetouch Canada are proud to
sponsor the CAP Student Leadership Award. This award allows principals
the opportunity to recognize one of their student leaders and to enter
that student as a nominee for a national scholarship. Nationally, the
Canadian Association of Principals will administer the scholarship
Each school is asked to nominate one student leader who has
demonstrated outstanding leadership.
 Nominees should be in the top 20% of their class - an average of
80% or above.
Criteria for Selection (100 possible points):
Leadership in school activities (1 - 25 points)
Leadership in community activities (1 - 25 points)
Academic achievement (1-25 points)
250 word, on how you have demonstrated your leadership abilities
to foster a safe and healthy lifestyle in your school and
community? (1 -20 points)
Recognition, awards, honours and scholarships (1 to a maximum of
10 points).
Deadline: March 1, 2015
Number: 12
John S MacDonald Memorial Entrance Scholarship
Awarded to an incoming UPEI student from Montague Regional High
School who maintained an 80% or greater average in their grade 11 year
and displays an interest and enthusiasm for life-long learning and an
interest/commitment to their community and has financial need.
Deadline: March 1 (each year)
Number: 1
Value: $2200
The Leonard Foundation Scholarship
All applicants will be considered but preference will be given to children of
ordained clergy, licensed elementary or secondary school teachers,
Canadian military personnel, members of the engineering institute of
Canada and members of the mining and metallurgical institute of Canada.
Deadline: March 15 (each year)
Number: approx. 140
Atlantic Scholars Scholarship
Awarded to the top academic applicants to the Faculty of Agriculture who
have shown a commitment to their community through extra-curricular
Deadline: March 15, (each year)
Number: not specied
Value: $10,000 (per year)
Organic Studies Bursary
This bursary is awarded annually to a student entering his/her first year of
post-secondary studies in organic agriculture. The individual must have a
minimum high school average to date of 75%.
Deadline: March 15 (each year)
Number: 1
It's Your Job ...
Workplace Rights, Camera, Action!
Young Worker Video Contest
Applicants submit a two-minute video about the importance of workplace
health and safety!
Deadline: April 1, 2016
Number: 1
Value: $1000 (for student) and $1000 (for their school)
CollegeWeekLive Monthly Scholarship
All you have to do is, login into CollegeWeekLive and choose 3 colleges
that interest you. One lucky winner a month.
Deadline: March 31, 2015
Number: 12
Noreen & George Corrigan Scholarship
This is a renewable scholarship given to a deserving student who is a
single mother and attending a post–secondary institution.
 Age 18-30
 A graduate of a PEI high school and intend to further their studies
 Must be a single mother not living in a common-law relationship
 Must demonstrate financial hardship
Deadline: March 31, 2015
Number: 1
Value: $1000
Noreen & George Corrigan Scholarship (Students with
a Learning Disability)
Open to a student who has or will be graduating from a PEI High School
and has been accepted to an accredited post-secondary institution. Must
have a documented learning disability such as Dyslexia, Duscalculia and
/or Dysgraphia, etc
Deadline: March 31, 2015
Number: 1
Value: $1500
Orin Carver Scholarship Program
 An overall average of 75% with no individual subject mark less than
 two letters of reference
 exhibit a level of excellence and leadership in either athletics, arts
and/or community service
 must be attending UPEI or Holland College full time next year.
Deadline: March 31, 2015
Number: 1
Value: $3000
2015 4-H PEI Scholarships
The applicant must be a Grade 12 graduate and have been a 4-H member
for 2 years, including the year the scholarship is awarded.
Deadline: March 31, 2015
Number: 2
Value: $1000
Credit Counselling Service Scholarship
CCSAC Scholarships are open to residents of Atlantic Canada (regardless of
age) who will be enrolled in an accredited post-secondary program in the
up-coming academic year.
Deadline: April 10, 2015
Number: ?
Value: $1000
Prince Edward Island Fishermen’s
Association Member Scholarships
Eligibility Requirements:
Applicants must be related to a member of the Prince Edward
Island Fishermen’s Association.
Applicants must have graduated from a Prince Edward Island high
school in June of 2014 and be accepted as first-year students in an
accredited post-secondary institution. (Please provide a copy of
the acceptance letter from your institution)
A one page essay must be included with your application on how
the inshore fishery of Prince Edward Island is important to you and
your community.
Deadline: April 15, 2015
Number: 12
Neads National Student Awards Program
The NEADS National Student Awards Program is offered to encourage full
access to post-secondary education for persons with disabilities, who
often have greater barriers to participation in higher education, as well as
extra costs because of their disabilities. Students must currently be
registered in and continuing at post-secondary institution and provide
documented proof of registration as part of the application and on receipt
of the award.
Deadline: April 15 (each year)
Number: 6
5 at $3000; 1 at $1000.
Assumption Foundation Scholarships
Available to students who attained certain academic standards and who
have financial needs. The applicant needs to be enrolled as a full-time
student in a CEGEP or a post-secondary institution and be a Canadian
citizen. The applicant must also show an average of 70%.
Deadline: April 30 (each year)
Number: 6
Safety Matters Award (Award sponsored by the
Workers Compensation Board of PEI)
The Workers Compensation Board’s Safety Maters Award is awarded to a
Prince Edward Island student who is graduating high school and has
demonstrated an understanding of occupational health and safety
principles, and has taken the initiative to apply them in school or in a
Submit application with a sponsor reference attached
Deadline: May 1 (each year)
Number: 1
Value: $500
PEI Industrial Technology Teachers Association
Applicant must plan to pursue a career in a skilled trade and have taken a
minimum of 3 trade courses. Reference from current member of PEI
Technology Teachers Association, resume with cover letter, outlining why
these courses have been valuable to you.
See Student Services for application information
Deadline: May 1, 2015
Number: 4
Credit Union Scholarship
If you are a Grade 12 student on Prince Edward Island and are planning on
attending a recognized post-secondary institution we are here for you.
Eligibility Requirements:
1. Applicant, parent(s), or legal guardian must be an active member of a credit
union on Prince Edward Island.
2. The applicant must be a full-time Grade 12 student during the 2013-2014
academic school year.
3. The applicant must be planning to attend a recognized University or College
for the 2014-2015 school year.
Evaluation Components:
Scholarships will be awarded to individuals who encompass a well-rounded
character. Consideration will be given to the following criteria:
• Community involvement
• Extra-curricular activities
• Career goals
• Leadership roles
Deadline: May 7, 2015
Number: 3 (Montague High students)
Hockey PEI Scholastic Award
Applicants must be a hockey player / official, have displayed a high degree
of tenacity and dedication to his/her team while maintaining academic
excellence. This award is for a student attending university or college next
year. A one page essay on “What Hockey Means to Me” is required.
Deadline: May 8, 2015
Number: 1
Value: $1000
PEI Mutual Centennial Trust Scholarship
This scholarship is administered through the Island high schools. In mid-May of
each year, we send out application forms to each of the Island high schools, who
in turn put together a selection committee and choose the winning candidate(s).
The two main criteria are financial need and academic performance.
See student services for application.
Deadline: May 11, 2015
Number: 20
The Friends of the Confederation Centre Arts
Scholarships Award Program
The Friends’ Arts Scholarship Award Program is for Prince Edward Island
high school graduating students who will be pursuing full time postsecondary studies in applicable arts programs in Canada.
Deadline: May 12, 2015
Number: 3
Sport PEI Scholarship
Sport PEI offers a Sport Scholarship Program which recognizes excellence
and achievement in sport and academics.
 Are graduating from a Prince Edward Island High School and
entering 1st year at a post-secondary institution in the fall of the
current year
 Have excelled in high school and or provincial sports during the
current school year
 Have demonstrated outstanding leadership qualities through
volunteerism and sport
 Have maintained a strong academic standing during the current
school year
Deadline: May 14, 2015
Number: 4 (2 girls and 2 boys)
up to $1000.
Curl Atlantic - Joyce Myers Trust Fund Scholarship
This scholarship is for curlers who have enrolled full time in a postsecondary institution.
Recipients will be expected to devote a fulltime, shared commitment to sport
and education exclusively. This award is a means to pursue further achievements
that surpass the current level of performance. Priority will be given to athletes
attending Atlantic universities, colleges or vocational schools.
Complete application and email to the Executive Director of Curl Atlantic,
Helen Radford ( a copy of your
university or high school transcript and one other letter of reference other
than your coach.
Deadline: May 15, 2015
Number: ?
RBC Award – For children of RBC Employees
Applicants must be children of RBC employees.
The scholarship program was created to assist young adults to further
their education at the university or college level.
Scholarships are based on student's academic record, extracurricular
activities, letters of reference and one page essay dealing with career
Deadline: May 15, 2015
Number: 100
Value: $2500
The Epilepsy Association of Nova Scotia Memorial
Scholarships are awarded based on scholastic achievement, volunteer and
work experience and extracurricular activities. Applicants must be under
the care of a physician for the treatment of epilepsy.
Deadline: May 15, 2015
Number: 2
Value: $500
The Rotary District 7820 Scholarship
Applicants must be in grade 12 and attending a university or college. They
must have demonstrated his/her commitment to “Service Above Self” in
their community within District 7820.
click on scholarships for application and information
Deadline: May 15, 2015
Number: 1
Education Award - Young Brain Tumour Survivors
The Education Awards are only open to survivors of a pediatric brain
tumour (malignant or non-malignant) diagnosed before the age of 18 who
live in Canada. This information is confirmed by submitting the completed
Medical Eligibility Form with your application
The awards are open to students who will be enrolled full-time in a
publicly-funded Canadian university or college in the 2014 fall academic
These are one-time awards.
Deadline: May 15, 2015
Number: 1
Value: up to $5000
The Architects Association of PEI Scholarship Fund
Open to a Prince Edward Island student who graduated from a PEI High
School and is accepted into a recognized architectural program.
Deadline: May 15, 2015
Number: 1
Arthur and Theresa MacDonald Scholarship
 Must be accepted to accredited Canadian post-secondary
 Must demonstrate effort and dedication in their studies
 Must demonstrate financial hardship
 Must not be a recipient of a major scholarship, as defined by their
 Must have satisfactory academic performance, but not necessarily
Deadline: May 15, 2015
Number: 1
Value: up to $2000
Lowell Phillips Scholarship
Open to high school graduates from Prince Edward Island who have a
defined physical disability. Applicants must be accepted to a recognized
post-secondary institution and have demonstrated a financial need.
Deadline: May 15, 2015
Number: 1
Value: $500
Joseph Spriet Scholarship
Open to a student who has successfully completed one year postsecondary; OR have graduated high school and have been in the work
force for at least one year post graduation; OR entering a post-secondary
institution that offers accommodations for learners with disabilities. Must
be pursuing full time studies in Human Services, Business, Sports or
Deadline: May 15, 2015
Number: 1
Value: $5000
PEI Federation of Agriculture Scholarship
For Federation members, their spouses or their children who are enrolled
in a leadership program that helps expand their knowledge of the industry
and promote leadership and who are enrolled in a postsecondary or
graduate program.
Applicants will be screened on: Industry involvement, volunteer and
community service, two letters of recommendation, long term goals, and
farming background.
Deadline: May 15, 2015
Number: Not Specified
Value: $2,000
Learning Matters Education Charity
Applicants must demonstrate financial need, community involvement,
academic excellence, and have a career objective that will make a positive
contribution in Canadian society.
You will need:
copy of transcripts
copy of your letter of acceptance
two letters of reference
personal essay
information about your extracurricular and community
Deadline: May 30, 2015
Number: 6
Value: $2500
Monsanto Canada Opportunity Scholarship
Applicants must be grade 12 students entering their first year of postsecondary education in agriculture at a recognized Canadian educational
Students must have demonstrated academic excellence, leadership
capabilities, and a keen interest and involvement in their rural community.
Deadline: May 29, 2015
Number: 65
PEI Roadrunners Bursary
 Applicants must be high students entering college or university in
the fall.
 Must have participated in organized running events during grade
 Include a letter of reference from a coach or teacher
 Include official transcript
Deadline: May 31, 2014
Number: 2 (one male and one female)
Value: $200
SSTA Societe Saint-Thomas-D'Aquin Scholarshps and
Bursary Competitions
The Acadian Foundation – Societe Saint-Thomas-D’Aquin Bourse J. –
Henri-Blanchard – $1,000
Bourses Monseigneur-Jean-Chiasson et la bourse Pere-Emmanuel Richard
$500 (6)
Bourse Monseigneur-Jean-Francois-Buote – $1,000
Bourse Saint -Thomas-d’Aquin – $1,000 – theological study
Bourse Jeunesse Acadienne – $500 – member of Jeunesse acadienne
Bourse des arts – $400 exsclusively for artistic development
Bourse de la Fondation des oeuvres acadiennes – $250
Bourse de la Federation des parents de PEI – $500 – Early Childhood
Development Program
Bourse de l’Universite d’Ottawa
Deadline: May 31, 2015
PEI Women's Institute Education Scholarship
Awarded to a PEI student, age 17-25 years, enrolled in any post-secondary
institution for a minimum of one school year or 28 weeks. The applicant's
mother, grandmother or guardian must be a PEIWI member. Applicants
will be judged based on self-motivation, community spirit and need.
Deadline: May 31, 2015
Number: 1
Value: $500
CIBC 4-H Post Secondary Education Scholarship
The following eligibility criteria must be met:
 A 4-H member currently in their last year of high school or
CEGEP (Quebec) and must be at least 16 years of age
 available across Canada to 4-H members in good standing
who plan to pursue a post-secondary education in the field
of engineering, arts, science, business or health
 Complete the application form and submit:
o Transcript of marks for the past academic year
showing their numerical grade average in
percentage form (i.e. 85%)
o A 500-word essay including what 4-H has done for
them and what they hope to achieve through higher
o Three reference letters from your community,
school or 4-H
Deadline: June 1, 2015
Number: 8
Value: $1000
Royal Canadian Sea Cadet Education Foundation
Scholarship Fund
Awards scholarships annually to Royal Canadian Sea Cadets entering the
first year of University or Community College course leading to a degree or
diploma. Application can be downloaded at
Deadline: June 1 (each year)
Number: 1
John Deere Canada 4-H Scholarship
Available across Canada to 4-H members in good standing who plan to
pursue a post-secondary education at a Canadian college or university in
the field of engineering, agricultural/mechanical trades, science, business
or health.
Deadline: June 1, 2015
Number: 15
TD 4-H Agriculture Scholarship
Available across Canada to 4-H members in good standing who plan to
pursue a post-secondary education at a Canadian college or university in
the field of engineering, agricultural, ag-science, or ag-business or.
Deadline: June 1, 2015
Number: 12
Weston Family 4-H Agricultural Scholarship
Available across Canada to 4-H members in good standing who plan to
pursue a post-secondary education at a Canadian college or university in
the field of agriculture.
Deadline: June 1, 2015
Number: 12
ABBVIE IBD Scholarship Program in Support of the
Chron's & Colitis Foundation of Canada
Applicants of any age are encouraged to apply. All applicants must be:
A legal and permanent resident of Canada;
Diagnosed with Crohn's disease or ulcerative colitis by a health
care professional;
Seeking an associate, undergraduate, or graduate degree from a
Canadian university; college; or enrolled in a trade school
educational diploma;
Enrolled in or awaiting acceptance from a Canadian-based postsecondary educational institution for the Fall semester of 2014;
A student who demonstrates academic aspiration and strives to
sustain an optimal level of wellness in spite of their Crohn’s disease
or ulcerative colitis, allowing them to excel to reach their goals and
inspire others to do the same.
Deadline: June 1, 2015
Number: 1
Canadian Sanitation Supply Association Scholarship
Open to all Canadian students who will be attending college or university
in Canada in 2014. Winning applicants will be those who achieved a high
level of academic and leadership qualities over the years.
Deadline: June 1, 2015
Number: 3 (1 in Atlantic Canada, 1 in medicine & 1 in education)
Administered by Sport PEI, this award is given to an outstanding PEI high
school athlete. The MRHS scholarship committee will review applications
and chose one nominee from the school to submit to Sport PEI. Students
must include a 1 page letter with their application.
For more information, please contact Sport PEI at
or at 902-368-4110.
Deadline: June 10, 2015
Number: 1
Value: $1,000
**To be handed to Student Services
John Eddy Memorial Media Scholarship
Candidates must be Canadian citizens residing in NB, NS or PEI. They also
must be enrolled full time at a Canadian University or College in a
broadcasting related program.
Deadline: June 15 (each year)
Number: 1
Value: $2,000
Global Automotive Aftermarket Scholarship
Applicants graduating high school who will be enrolled in a college level
program, university or accredited automotive program through CAMPE.
Priority will be given to students pursuing a career in the automotive
Deadline: June 15 (each year)
Number: Not Specified.
Value: $1,000
The Sabrina Shannon Memorial Award
This award recognizes the important role that youth play in raising
awareness and educating others about life-threatening allergies.Students
entering their first year or continuing their studies at a post-secondary
Deadline: June 19, 2015
Number: 2
Brudenell Golf Scholarship
Applicants must be members at Brudenell in the year of application and
immediately preceding.
 Must show achievement in golf, academics and intentions to
pursue further education at a recognized post-secondary
 Pick up application at Student Services.
Deadline: June 30
Number: 1
Value: $500
Harry K Simmonds Quality Golf Scholarship
For a student who has achieved an overall average of 75% in their last year
of high school who has exhibited a level of excellence in golf and has been
participating in junior golf development program at Brudenell.
Check Student services for applications.
Deadline: June 30th
Number: 1
Value: $500
PEI Foundation for People with Disabilities - Alice &
Roy Bruce Memorial Scholarship
Applicants must have a permanent disability and be a permanent resident
of PEI. To be awarded annually towards the cost of a post-secondary
education at a recognized educational institution.
Deadline: June 30 (each year)
Number: 4
June Callwood Harmony Scholarships
This scholarship recognizes the outstanding achievements of youth in
promoting harmony and diversity across Canada. Our scholarships aim to
recognize young leaders who have taken action to challenge
discrimination and inequity in their communities.
Apply for a scholarship if you are a graduating high school student who
will be attending a postsecondary institution in the fall and have done
work on diversity issues such as the following: Race and Ethnicity, Class,
Family, Gender, Age, Ability, Regionalism, and Sexual Orientation.
We particularly encourage applications from youth who identify as:
racialized/a person of colour
First Nations, Métis, or Inuit
a person with a disability
a person from a low-income household
a newcomer
someone who has experienced systemic barriers based on a part of
their identity not listed above
Deadline: June 30, 2015
Number: 10
BBG Communication Scholarship
Awarded to a student between the ages of 16 and 21 who has a high
school average of 80% or higher who is a Canadian or US citizen.
Deadline: June 30, 2015
Number: 1
Value: $1,000
PEI Foundation for People with Disabilities Foundation Award
Foundation Awards are given with the purpose of increasing the
participation and inclusion of children with disabilities in Island life. To be
awarded annually towards costs for items approved by the Foundation’s
Deadline: June 30 (each year)
Number: 6
Value: $500.00
Aboriginal Canadians Scholarship (NUPGE)
All Aboriginal Canadian children /grandchildren (including foster children
/grandchildren) of National Union of Public and General Employees'
current / retired members who plan to enter the first year of a Canadian
public, post-secondary education institution full-time in 2015 - 2016 are
eligible to apply.
Deadline: July 6, 2015
Number: 1
Visible Minority Scholarship(NUPGE)
All visible minority children (including foster children) of National Union
Employees/Members who plan to enter a Canadian post-secondary
institution full time in 2014-2015 school year.
Deadline: July 6, 2015
Number: 1
Value: $1,500
Terry Fox Memorial Scholarship (NUPGE)
Intended for all children with a disability who are children of a National
Union employee. Applicants must be entering their first year of postsecondary education in 2014-2015.
Deadline: July 6, 2015
Number: 1
Tommy Douglas Scholarship (NUPGE)
Open to all students who plan to enter the first year of a Canadian public
post-secondary education institution full-time in 2015 - 2016 and who are
the children, grandchildren or foster children of a NUPGE member.
Deadline: July 6, 2015
Number: 1
Rev. Patrick J. Mooney Memorial Scholarship
 Candidates must be attending a post-secondary institution
 Candidates must demonstrate an active involvement in their
church at either a parish or diocesan level
 Candidates should provide evidence of community involvement
 Candidates must be practicing Roman Catholics
 In addition to completed application form, candidates must
provide two letters of reference
 Successful candidates may not hold other grants, scholarships or
bursaries totaling in excess of $3,000.00
Deadline: July 31 of the current year
Number: 1
The selection committee stresses citizenship, the development of
leadership and an interest in Canada and in maritime activities
These are awarded during any year of study at an accredited postsecondary institution
Preference for this scholarship will be given to the children or
grandchildren of veterans.
Deadline: July 31, 2014
Number: ?
The SOS Safety Scholarship
To qualify, students must creatively prepare and upload an essay, action
plan, or resource guide that outlines prevention of the social issues
covered in the magazine. For example Bullying, Suicide, Gang/ Youth
Violence, Drug Addiction.
Deadline: July 31 (each year)
Number: 1
The Saint Dunstan’s Bursary program
Applicants for this scholarship must meet the following criteria:
 You must be an Island student and be graduating from a PEI high
school with a grade 12 average of at least 65%, or must have
achieved an average of at least 65% in your previous year of study.
 An OFFICIAL TRANSCRIPT must be sent to our office. (We will not
accept a transcript that comes directly from the student, a
transcript that is computer generated, or a transcript that is
labeled “unofficial” by the university).
 You must be a practicing Roman Catholic with a letter of
recommendation forwarded from your pastor (required for firsttime applicants only).
 If entering the first year of university/college, attach a copy of
conditional acceptance from the university/college the student is
planning to attend. Those in university must qualify as full-time
students (i.e. normally defined as a minimum of three courses per
semester), and college students must attend on a full time basis.
 The post-secondary institution must be non-profit.
 Awards will not be made to students receiving other
awards of $3,000 or more.
Deadline: July 31 of the current year
Number: 1
? (renewable)
Maritime Affairs Scholarship
These scholarships are intended to assist with tuition and may not be
awarded where the government provides free tuition eg. enrolment in the
Canadian Forces, acceptance at the Canadian Coast Guard College, or by
grant covering the cost of tuition.
Deadline: July 31, 2015
Number: ?
Masonic Scholarships
To qualify you must be a member of a Masonic lodge under the
jurisdiction of the Grand Lodge of Prince Edward Island or his wife, widow,
son, daughter, brother or sister.
Deadline: July 31 (each year)
Number: 3
Value: varies
CN Pensioner’s Association of PEI Awards
 Must have a grandparent or great-grandparent who worked for
the CN railway on PEI.
 Must provide completed application and the following:
o Verification of Enrollment (Don’t need Letter of Acceptance)
o Transcript of your marks for last past three semesters
Resume (Max 1 page)
A recent picture (optional)
Deadline: August 15
Number: 4 (in Atlantic Canada)
Value: $1000
Equals6 One-month Scholarship
Equals6 Top-Talent Scholarships are open to full-time students attending a
US or Canadian high school, college or university. Scholarships are based
upon academic achievement and Equals6 community
participation. Specifically, each student receives points toward a
scholarship award score based upon the following criteria,
Grade average for the most recent full academic year.
Equals6 Portfolio completion percentage.
Deadline: not updated as of June 17, 2015
Number: 1
Value: $250
Rt. Rev. George A. MacDonald Scholarship
Applicants for this scholarship must meet the following criteria:
 Be a practising Roman Catholic
 Be registered as a full-time student at the University of PEI
 Have a permanent home address on Prince Edward Island
 Achieve above average academic performance
 Participate in athletic program[s] at the varsity or club level at UPEI
 Not be in receipt of other bursaries and scholarships totalling in
excess of $3,000
Link to application:
Deadline: August 31, 2015
Number: 1
Johnson Insurance Scholarship
The Scholarship Program is open to children and grandchildren of Johnson
Affinity group members or have a Home-Auto policy with Johnson’s.
Students must be completing high school in 2015 and beginning postsecondary education this fall.
Deadline: August 31, 2015
Number: 50
Value: $1000
** The following scholarships are ones you apply for in
the fall of your first year in university or college.
Coop Atlantic Agricultural Scholarships
To be eligible, applicants must be a member or a full-time employee of a
member co-operative of Co-op Atlantic; or a Parent/Guardian who is a
either a member or employee of a member co-operative or of Co-op
o includes academic performance, extra-curricular and community
involvement, work experiences
o the applicant’s exposure to or understanding of agricultural cooperatives.
Applications, accompanied with a 500 word essay, must be submitted to
the Dalhousie Faculty of Agriculture Awards Office.
Deadline: September 20 each year
Number: 2
Value: $1000 (to a diploma program student); $3000 (to a degree
Hans McCorriston Motive Power Machinist Grant
Applicants must be enrolled in a college-level machinist training program
within Canada.
Deadline: October 15 (each year)
Number: ?
Value: $1000
Compass Mortgage Group Scholarship
Be between the ages of 17 and 24 on December 30th, 2014.
Submit answers to the essay question, which can be found on the
application page, prior to the December 30th, 2014 deadline.
Have at least one full year of post-secondary studies remaining at the
time of the award.
Have a GPA of 2.75 or greater.
Be a resident of Canada or the United States.
Deadline: December 30, 2014
Number: 1
Amount: $500.
These prizes and awards at Montague Regional High School have special
qualifications and students must apply for them. Check the following list carefully
to see if you think you qualify for any of the awards. Application forms can be
picked up from Student Services.
These applications are due the first week of June with the exception of the Belfast
Minor Hockey Award (which is usually in May). Check announcements or Student
Services for exact dates.
Please note that a separate application is required for each prize.
The Cox & Palmer Law Prize
Awarded to a student who will be continuing his/her education in the field of Law.
The Stewart McKelvery Stirling and Scales Prize
Awarded to a student continuing his/her education in the field of Law.
The Blair Power Memorial Prize
Awarded to the student who has excelled in both Athletics and Academics.
The Montague Consolidated School Prize
Community Service Award - Awarded to a student who has contributed to his/her community.
The John M. Gillis Memorial Lodge Prize
Awarded to the student continuing his/her education in the field of Nursing.
The Kenneth Clements Memorial Prize
Awarded to the son or daughter of a fireman in the Montague and surrounding area who is continuing
his/her education in the Technical or Vocational Area.
Kings County Memorial Hospital Auxiliary Bursary
Awarded to a deserving MRHS student who will continue his/her education in the Health field.
The Boyd Murphy Prize
Awarded to a student who is continuing studies at University or College.
The James A Gordon Memorial Award
Awarded to a deserving MRHS graduate -if possible from the New Perth area.
The Percy Lavers Memorial Award
Awarded to a student from either Montague, Morell or Souris with financial need, good academic
standing, character and general progress.
Southern Kings and Queens Arts Council
Awarded to a graduate entering a Performing Arts, Visual Arts, or Literacy Arts program at University
Chelsey MacKenzie Memorial Bursary
To a deserving student continuing his/her education, possessing a good work ethic, a love of sports,
enthusiasm for life, energy and the ambition to succeed.
David Fraser Memorial Trust Prize
For a deserving student who has shown school spirit, a strong work ethic, and persistence in his or her
studies including Math.
Belfast Minor Hockey Award
Student must be active in Hockey or Ringette in the Belfast organization. Applications and Transcripts
are forwarded to Belfast Minor Hockey Representatives who choose the winner. DEADLINE IS MAY 22.
The Courtney Riley, Dept. of Fisheries Memorial Scholarship
For a student with community involvement, an interest or experience in the environment and who has
financial need.
Grad Class of 85 Award
For a deserving student whose parent(s) graduated from MRHS in 1985.
The Darren Terrance Martin Memorial Bursary
For a student furthering his/her education in an area involving children who are challenged mentally
and/or physically.
The Jimmy Carroll Memorial Scholarship
For a deserving student who plans to further his/her education at the post-secondary level – preferably
to a student for the Town of Georgetown.
The John Armstrong Memorial Prize
For a deserving student who has overcome significant obstacles, has financial need, demonstrates
good character and is enrolled in a post-secondary institution.
Kings United Pastoral Charge
For a deserving student who is an active member United Church member. NEW for identification
The following opportunities are available to high school students.
Note: Dates are based on last year’s deadlines and change from year to year.
Provincial Page Program
It’s a great opportunity to learn more about the PEI Legislative Assembly and make some extra cash! The
following is a list of the criteria for the program.
Must be a Grade 11 or 12 honour roll student (can afford to miss some school)
Must have an interest in the legislative assembly and public affairs
Must be able to meet the demands of a weekly shift when the house is in session (preferably someone
that is not too heavily involved in other activities)
Student must attend at least one shift per week when the house is in session, therefore; needs access
to transportation to and from town
Students are paid $55 for a day shift and $40 for an evening shift + mileage
Students can come to Student Services for more information and/or an application form.
Deadline: October 1, 2015
Space Camp Canada
Educational adventure
This Space Camp experience is a great way to develop a passion for space science. It is for children aged 9 to
15 years old. Space Camp is unique in Canada. Campers, instructed by a dedicated team of counselors, go
through an authentic and unique “hands-on” astronaut training program. There is a 3-day and a 6-day camp.
http://www. .org/en/home/#/space-camp/
Colonel Chris Hadfield Essay Contest
Two Island students have an awesome opportunity to win a "6-Day Space Camp" at Canada's Cosmodome in Quebec.
This is marking the upcoming Col Chris Hadfield lecture event at Confederation Centre of the Arts on October 30, 2014,
This prize is an all-expense paid trip. An essay/video contest is offering two prizes to attend the Camp. Open to Island
students only.
Number: 2 (1for 9-12 yrs and 1for 13-15 yrs)
Deadline: October 20, 2014
ScotiaBank Bright Future Young Leaders Award
Applicants need to be between 16-24 years of age when the program starts on April 5, 2013. You need to
volunteer 100 hours over the year – November 1, 2013-October 31, 2013, across the 6 Pillars with a minimum
of 15 hour in at least 3 of the Pillars:
Social/Community services
Apply at:
Deadline: Hours logged between January 31, 2015 and October 31, 2015
Number: 12
Value: $2,500 CDN donation to the chosen charities of the 12 winners
A personal computing device for you
Vimy Pilgrimage Award
This award recognizes the actions of young people who demonstrate outstanding service, positive
contributions, notable deeds, bravery or leadership.
The award consists of a fully funded, educational week in Vimy, France, to study Canada’s First World War
effort. This week is scheduled for April 5 – 13, 2015 and includes classroom education and daily field trips to
important First World War sites. Awards are based on an essay and must be accompanied by letters of
Deadline: November 30, 2015
Number: 20
SHAD Program
SHAD offers a one-month in-residence program each July on one of the Canadian host university campuses for
just over 600 students in Grades 10, 11, and 12.
During the SHAD program (July 3-29, 2016) teams of participants work together:
to develop a solution to a problem by applying scientific principles to develop engineering, design and
entrepreneurship projects
 create a real life product or service
 conducting market surveys
 creating business plans
 Create engineer working prototypes
A winning team is selected at each campus who compete for the national competition held each fall. The
SHAD Entrepreneurship Challenge is a chance to show off the innovative spirit and leadership skills of the
newest SHAD Fellows.
It costs nothing to apply. There are bursaries so no student should ever be deterred to apply because of cost.
Deadline: November 30, 2015
House of Commons Page Program
To be considered, the online application must be duly completed and accompanied by the following
supporting documents:
a transcript of your final marks from last year (Grade 11 ), as well as your current year’s marks as they
become available;
an essay (500 words maximum, double-spaced);
a one-page curriculum vitae outlining your activities and interests;
The names and contact information for two references. (The references may be any teacher, school
principal, guidance counsellor, administrator of an academic institution or non-family member who has
supervised you in a paid or voluntary activity.
Deadline: December 7, 2015
Number: 1 per region
Salary of $13,633
Canada's Luckiest Student 2
Student Life Network – Contest
Canada's Luckiest Student 2 is the greatest student prize in Canadian history, and it just keeps getting better!
It starts with a $20,000 GIC to help with school, a Dell gadget bundle for you and a friend, and a Breakaway
Tours trip to a destination of your choice. Keep an eye out as new prizes get added on, and opt in as they're
revealed. Winner takes all.
Deadline: August 1 – December 31, 2014
Number: 1
Value: $20,000 - $52,700
2016 Beaverbrook Vimy Prize Scholarship
This program offers 15-17 year old students the opportunity to study the interwoven history of Canada,
France and Great Britain during the Great Wars.
Throughout the 2 week long scholarship program, prize winners will tour key historical sites in Britain, Belgium
and France.
Deadline : March 1,2016
Number: not specified
Winners take part in an intensive scholarship program in Europe, participating in educational seminars and
museum events, including visits to the iconic Vimy War Memorial and other historic battlefields and gravesites, in
England, Belgium and France.
Digital Bootcamp
(Center for the Arts and Technology)
Centre for Arts and Technology’s Digital Bootcamp is your chance to explore a career in digital art or design.
This three day, jam-packed event is a combination of hands-on experience, and education about future career
paths. Studio spaces and guidance from our industry professional instructors will help you determine your skill
set for a future career. Get in the classroom, get hands on and get creative to build a project.
This event is open to students in grade 10, 11, 12, and high school graduates with an interest in digital arts.
Seats are reserved on a first come, first serve basis with first priority given to Grade 12 applicants.
Registration fee of $225.00 which includes lunch for 3 days, mission supplies and a Bootcamp Survival Kit.
Register by December 31, 2015 and pay only $199.00 registration fee.
Deadline: February 28, 2016
Forum For Young Canadians
Open to Canadian students who are 15 to 19 year-old and are interested in politics and are leaders in
their communities.
This week-long program includes a maximum of 120 students per session. You get to spend one week
on Parliament Hill. There are three sessions in 2016. February 15 to 20, 2016; March 6 to 11, 2016;
and March 19 to 47, 2016.
Deadline: Not specified
Number: 120 per session
Cost to student: $895.
Are you looking for a spring or summer program to learn French? Do you want to discover another region of
Canada and meet new people? Go Explore!
Explore is a five-week intensive language-immersion course. You can take the course in the spring or summer,
whichever you prefer.
Participants in Explore receive a $2,200 bursary (taxable income) that covers tuition fees for the courses,
instructional materials, meals and accommodations, workshops, and other mandatory activities.
Deadline: February 28 (of each year)
Number: ?
Value: $2000
Encounters with Canada
Canada's largest youth forum! Spend a week with 120 to148 teens from across Canada (ages 14-17) in
Ottawa, where they:
discover their country through each other,
learn about Canadian institutions,
meet famous and accomplished Canadians,
explore exciting career options,
develop their civic leadership skills,
live an extraordinary bilingual experience
different themes each week such as Journalism and Communication, Arts and Culture, Sports and
Fitness, Science and Technology, Medicine and Health
Check out the theme calendar for 2014-2015:
Register at:
Deadline: May 8, 2015
It's Your Job ...
Workplace Rights, Camera, Action!
Young Worker Video Contest
Applicants submit a two-minute video about the importance of workplace health and safety!
Deadline: March 27, 2015
Number: 1
$1000. (for student) and $1000. (for their school)
Aboriginal Arts & Stories
This competition is open youth of aboriginal ancestry (Status, Non-status, Inuit or metis) between the
ages of 11-29.
Create a writing or art piece that explores a moment or theme in Aboriginal history or culture.
A 200-400 word statement that explains how your piece reflects or interprets the moment or theme
you selected must accompany your entry.
Deadline: March 31, 2015
Number: numerous in each age category
$100. To $2000.
2014 Duck Brand Duct Tape Stuck at Prom - Scholarship Contest
Each Eligible Participant must attend a high school, home school association or other school-sanctioned prom
held in 2014, wearing complete prom attire and/or accessories made using Duck® Brand Duct Tape ("Duct
Tape Prom Attire"). Other materials, in addition to Duck® Brand Duct Tape, may be used or incorporated into
the design. You can enter as a single or as a couple.
Deadline: March 16 - July 15, 2015
Value: Single: $500 and $500 to school
Couple: 1st:$10,000 to each individual and $5000 to school
2st:$5,000 to each individual and $3000 to school
3rd:$3,000 to each individual and $2000 to school
7 runner-up prizes of $500 and $500 to school
Looking for an opportunity to build your resume and make an impact in your Community? Looking for a fun
Project? Do you like working with other teens and want to develop your leadership skills? Become a Red
Cross Volunteer and participate in the Cold Campout on May 2nd.
For more information contact Wendi or Alanna @ 902-628-6262.
This program offers high school students a glimpse into the life of a university student at Canada’s top Medical
or Law Schools. In partnership with the Faculty of Law and Medicine, two of Canada’s foremost faculties, the
program provides access to the university’s distinguished academic and research professionals who lead
“hands-on” academic Program.
For more information or contact Hong Si @
French Immersion Summer Program
L’Universite De Moncton
June 29-August 1, 2014
Two programs available:
2 1/2 weeks (June 29-July 16, 2014)
5 weeks (June 29-August 1, 2014
Summer Writing Workshop –Saint Mary’s University
August 14-15
This workshop focuses on different aspects of university-level writing. The session includes:
 two days of classroom instruction
Extensive writing resource materials
Personalized itinerary of writing workshops
Panel discussion with professors
Individualized feedback
Residence packages are available and library and campus tours are provided.
Cost: $200. workshop only
$235. Single, one night accommodation
$35. extra night accommodation
Double occupancy available.
All meals, materials and taxes included.
Deadline to register: August 7, 2014
YMCA Summer Work Student Exchange Program
The YMCA Summer Work Student Exchange is a unique national exchange program that brings together youth
from various communities across the country. Participating youth, aged 16 and 17, have the opportunity to
improve their second official language skills, and gain important employment experience through a work
placement while on their exchange.
Cost for the program is $100.
Apply online at:
**Any students planning to apply to universities in the United States are required to write
the SAT or ACT tests and should contact the school counselors for information.
If University or the larger Colleges are not of interest to you, the following are possible
Eastern College
Academy of Learning
Trucking Human Resource Sector Council Atlantic
Maritime Universities & Colleges
Acadia University
Atlantic School of Theology
Cape Breton University
Dalhousie University
Dalhousie: Faculty of Agriculture Entrance Scholarships
Holland College
University of Kings College
Mount St. Vincent University
Mount Allison University
Memorial University
Nova Scotia College of Art & Design
Saint Mary’s University
St. Francis Xavier University
St. Stephen’s University
St. Thomas University
UNB Fredericton and Saint John
UNB Currie Scholarship
The scholarships are awarded annually to students beginning an undergraduate degree program at
UNB upon graduation from a high school in any of the four Atlantic Provinces.
The Currie Undergraduate scholarships are intended to support the education of future leaders. The
applicants are therefore asked to submit an essay (not less than 250 words) giving the selection
committee an indication of their leadership capabilities, including (but not limited to) school and extracurricular activities. Required in the essay is evidence of overcoming barriers or difficult situations.
Deadline: March 1 (each year)
Number: 4
Value: $50,000.
Universite De Moncton
Universite Sainte Anne
Other Canadian Universities
Carleton University
Concordia University
Kings University
McGill University
McMaster University
Queen’s University
University of British Columbia
University of Guelph
University of Guelph Entrance Scholarships
 President’s Scholarship (8)
 Lincoln Alexander Scholarships (2)
David Mirvish Chancellor’s Scholarship (1)
 Chancellor’s Scholarship (1)
These scholarships include a research assistantship position and mentorship by one of Guelph’s leading
professors. These scholarships reward top students and recognize academic excellence, innovate Students
must achieve a 90% to apply .Must apply online
Deadline: January 26, 2015
Number: 12
Value: $32,000 (over 4 years)
Western University
Western University Students only
Students applying to Western University must obtain a nomination from their school in order to be eligible
for the following Western Entrance Scholarship – Information and Application
Western University – Five President’s Entrance Scholarship valued at $65,000
Western University – Three International President’s Entrance Scholarships valued at $50,000
Western University – Fifteen Faculty Entrance Scholarships valued at $30,000
Western University – One Beryl Ivey Continuing Entrance Award valued at $64,000
Western University – 50 National Merit Awards valued at $2,000
Entrance to universities in the United States
Any students planning to apply to universities in the United States are required to write the
SAT or ACT tests.
Students should contact the school counselors for information.
The following is a short list of scholarships, bursaries, awards, programs
and opportunities for students.
Details of these are found in the following sections of this booklet:
 Scholarships, Bursaries and awards
 Programs and Opportunities for High School Students
September 15, 2015
James Lee Foundation Scholarship
September 15 (of each year)
Ethel Boyce Achievement Award
September 6, 2015
CanWEA Power of Wind Contest
January 30, 2015
1800 Wheelchair Canada
September 30, 2015
Canadian Young Speakers for Agriculture Competition
September 30, 2015
Prince Edward Island Teachers' Federation Scholarships
September30, 2014
Equals6: SimplyCast Bill Ritchie Scholarship
October 1, 2015
Provincial Page Program
October 7, 2015
OHS Leadership Program
October 20, 2014
Space Camp Canada
October 21-28, 2015
Loran Scholars Program Scholarships
October 24, 2014
Equals6: Atlas Shrugged Essay Contest
October 31, 2015
Scotiabank Bright Future Young Leaders Award
November 1, 2014
4-H AgriVenture Scholarship Opportunity
November 2, 2015 –February 15, 2016
INDSPIRE – Building Brighter Futures – Bursaries & Scholarships Award
November 6, 2015
University of Toronto National Book Award and Scholarship Program
November 30, 2015
Vimy Pilgrimage Award
November 27, 2015
TD Scholarships for Community Leadership
November 30, 2015
Arthur Paulin Scholarship
November 30, 2015
SHAD Program
December 4, 2015
December 1, 2014
D & R Sobey Atlantic Scholarship
December 7, 2015
House of Commons Page Program
December 15, 2015
Burger King Scholars Program
December 18, 2015
French for the Future Essay Contest
August 4, 2015 – January 4, 2016
Canada's Luckiest Student 2 Student Life Network – Contest
January 25, 2016
University of Guelph President’s and Chancellor’s Scholarships Scholarship
February 1 (of each year)
Kin Canada Bursary
February 1 (of each year)
Canadian Right of Way Educational Foundation
February 1 (of every year)
Terry Fox Humanitarian Scholarship
September 8-February 2, 2016
Schulich Leader Scholarship
February 2, 2016
Future Aces Foundation Scholarship and Citizenship Award
February 8, 2014
UNB OREO Competition
February 14, 2016
Western University National Scholarship
Date not specified
Forum for Young Canadians
February 15, 2014
Top 20 Under 20 Scholarship
February 19, 2015
RBC Students Leading Change Scholarship
February 28, 2016 Early Bird registration December 31, 2015
Digital Bootcamp (Center for the Arts and Technology)
February 28, 2016
RBC Aboriginal Student Award Program
February 28 (of each year)
March 1 (each year)
The McEwen Scholarship (Coop Atlantic)
March 1 (each year)
Harrison McCain Scholarship
March 1 (each year)
Avery Scholarship
March 1 (each year)
UNB Currie Scholarship
March 1, 2016
2014 Beaverbrook Vimy Prize Scholarship
March 1, 2015
Canadian Association of Principals (CAP) Student Leadership Award
March 1 (each year)
John S, Macdonald Memorial Entrance Scholarship
March 15, 2014
The Leonard foundation Scholarship
March 15, 2014
Atlantic Scholars Scholarship
March 15 (each year)
Organic Studies Bursary
April 10, 2015
Credit Counselling Service Scholarship
March 31, 2015
CollegeWeekLive Monthly Scholarship
March 31, 2015
Aboriginal Arts & Stories
March 31, 2015
Noreen & George Corrigan Scholarship
March 31, 2015
Noreen & George Corrigan Scholarship (Students with a Learning Disability)
March 31, 2015
Orin Carver Scholarship Program
March 31, 2015
2015 4-H PEI Scholarships
April1, 2016
It's Your Job ... Workplace Rights, Camera, Action! Young Worker Video Contest
April 15, 2015
Prince Edward Island Fishermen’s Association Member Scholarships
April 15 (each year)
Neads National Student Awards Program
April 30, 2014
Assumption Foundation Scholarships
May 1 (each year)
Safety Matters Award (Award sponsored by the Workers Compensation Board of
May 1, 2015
PEI Industrial Technology Teachers Association Bursary
See Student Services for application information
May 7, 2014
Montague Credit Union Scholarship
May 8, 2015
See Student Services for application information
May 8, 2015
Hockey PEI Scholastic Award
May 11, 2015
PEI Mutual Education Trust Scholarship
See student services
May 12, 2015
The Friends of the Confederation Centre Arts Scholarship Award Program
May 14, 2015
Sport PEI Scholarship
May 15, 2015
RBC Award – For children of RBC employees
May 15, 2015
Curl Atlantic - Joyce Myers Trust Fund Scholarship
May 15, 2015
The Epilepsy Association of Nova Scotia Memorial Scholarships
May 15, 2015
The Rotary District 7820 Scholarship click on scholarships
May 15, 2015
Education Award - Young Brain Tumour Survivors
May 15, 2015
Arthur and Theresa MacDonald Scholarship
May 15, 2015
Lowell Phillips Scholarship
May 15, 2015
The Architects Association of PEI Scholarship Fund
May 15, 2015
Joseph Spriet Scholarship
May 15, 2015
PEI Federation of Agriculture Scholarship
May 30, 2015
Learning Matters Education Charity
May 29, 2015
Monsanto Canada Opportunity Scholarship
May 31, 2014
PEI Roadrunners Bursary
May 31 (each year)
PEI Women's Institute Education Scholarship
May 31, 2015
SSTA Societe Saint-Thomas-D'Aquin Scholarshps and Bursary Competitions
June 1 (each year)
Royal Canadian Sea Cadet Education Foundation Scholarship Fund
June 1, 2015
CIBC 4-H Post Secondary Education Scholarship
June 1, 2015
John Deere Canada 4-H Scholarship
June 1, 2015
TD 4-H Agriculture Scholarship
June 1, 2015
Weston Family 4-H Agricultural Scholarship
June 1, 2015
ABBVIE IBD Scholarship Program in support of the Chron's & Colitis Foundation of
June 1, 2015
Canadian Sanitation Supply Association Scholarship Program
June 10, 2015
Earl F. Smith Athletic Scholarship
For more information, please contact Sport PEI at or at 902368-4110
June 15 (each year)
John Eddy Memorial Media Scholarship
June 15 (each year)
Global Automotive Aftermarket Scholarship
June 19, 2015
The Sabrina Shannon Memorial Award
June 30, 2015
June Callwood Harmony Scholarships
June 30, 2014
Brudenell Golf Scholarship
Pick up application at Student Services.
June 30, 2014
Harry K Simmonds Quality Golf Scholarship
Pick up application at Student Services.
June 30, 2014
BBG Communication Scholarship
June 30 (each year)
PEI Foundation for People with Disabilities - Alice & Roy Bruce Memorial
June 30 (each year)
PEI Foundation for People with Disabilities - Foundation Award
July 6, 2015
Aboriginal Canadians Scholarship (NUPGE)
July 6, 2015
Visible Minority Scholarship (Nupge)
July 6, 2015
Terry Fox Memorial Scholarship (Nupge)
July 6, 2015
Tommy Douglas Scholarship (Nupge)
March 16 – July 15, 2015
2014 Duck Brand Duct Tape Stuck at Prom - Scholarship Contest
July 31 (each year)
Rev. Patrick J. Mooney Memorial Scholarship
July 31 (each year)
The SOS Safety Scholarship
July 31, 2014
Chief Petty Officer Jack Scholarship
July 31 (each year)
The Saint Dunstan’s Bursary Program
July 31, 2014
Maritime Affairs Scholarship
July 31 (each year)
Masonic Scholarships
August 15, 2014
CN Pensioner’s Association of PEI Award
August 31, 2014
Rt. Rev. George A. MacDonald Scholarship
August 31, 2014
Equals6 One Month Scholarship
August 31, 2015
Johnson Insurance Scholarship
September 20 (each year)
Co-Op Atlantic Dalhousie Faculty of Agriculture College Bursaries
October 15 (each year)
Hans McCorriston Motive Power Machinist Grant Program
December 30, 2014
Compass Mortgage Group Scholarship
The following are just a few opportunities available to students. Check
the job bank for other summer employment in your area.
Remember, applications for summer employment open as early as
February or March in some sectors.
Canada Summer Job for Youth
Canada Summer Jobs:
 provides work experiences for students
 supports organizations, including those that provide important community
 recognizes that local circumstances, community needs and priorities vary
Deadline: January 4 to February 26, 2016
Number: ?
Value: ?
Federal Student Work Experience Program (FSWEP)
FSWEP is administered on behalf of the Public service of Canada to:
 Provide you with learning opportunities and valuable work experience within
your field of study
 Help fund your education and encourage you to complete your studies
 Develop your employability
 Offer insight into future employment opportunities and career options in
areas such as office and clerical work, field and lab work, information
technology work and working outdoors
 Be enrolled as a full-time secondary or post-secondary student in a recognized
 Be returning to full-time studies for your next year of study
 Meet the minimum age requirement to work in the province
Deadline: The 2015-2016 campaign launches October 28, 2015
Employment Development Agency & PEI Government Seasonal Jobs
This is a general application for various types of summer employment within the
Provincial government. Apply early!
Provincial Golf Course Student Positions
These positions are available to staff the four provincially-owned courses.
Applicants must be in full-time attendance at an educational institution (high
school, college or university) and be returning to full-time attendance in the
fall of the same year.
Applicants should be friendly, outgoing, mature, willing to learn, and enjoy
working with the public. Golf knowledge and bilingualism are definite assets.
Deadline: March 11, 2015
Number: ?
Value: hourly rate of $10.94 and $13.02
Health Care Futures Program
The program provides Island students with summer employment in the health
care sector and in fully licensed private nursing homes.
This is an opportunity for students to observe health care professionals at
work. The staff will coordinate job duties and supervise the students. Duties
may include those that enhance the comfort of patients and residents, and
provide assistance with social and recreational activities.
There are two types of full-time (37.5 hours per week) placements - one
beginning in June (12 weeks) and one in July (8 weeks).
- complete Grade 12 as of June of this year and be interested in pursuing a
health related career, and/or
- be currently enrolled in a health related education program.
Students are not eligible to participate in the program for more than two
Deadline: application available soon
Number: ?
Value: hourly rate of $10.94 and $12.03
Jobs For Youth Program
This program provides wage support to Island employers to create additional
employment opportunities for Island students aged 16 to 29.
Student eligibility:
 a minimum of Grade 10 education by September, 2014
 have attended school full-time in 2014 and intend to return to school fulltime in the current year
 be residents of Prince Edward Island and entitled to work in Canada
 be registered with the Jobs Registry of the Employment Development Agency
and must not be members of the employer’s immediate family.
Deadline: April 30, 2015
Number: ?
Value: ?
Camp Gencheff-WE ARE HIRING!
Are you a High School or Post-Secondary student?
Would you like to be Camp Counselor, work on the beach, and enjoy campfires, lots
of fun and care for very special people?
We provide counsellors with full time hours in the July and August with the possibility
of having a part time job for the rest of the year with our weekend respites operating
two weekends a month.
Please forward resume to PO Box 412 Charlottetown, PE C1A 7K7 or email to
For more information please contact me by email or
by phone 902-569-2669.
As of February 27, 2015
Camp Abegweit
Camp Abegweit is an interfaith camp sponsored by the Maritime Conference and the
Prince Edward Island Presbytery of the United Church of Canada. Camp Abegweit,
located in Augustine Cove, PEI, for children and youth ages 5-16.
Employees must be 16 years of age by July 1, 2015
Deadline: March 21, 2015
Oak Acre Children’s Camp
The camp employs 12 counsellors (6 male and 6 female), 1 lifeguard, 2 full-time
kitchen staff, 2 part-time maintenance staff, a program director, and a camp director.
All counsellors must pass personal reference checks and a criminal background check
for working with the vulnerable sector.and have Standard First Aid and CPR Level C.
The lifeguard is required to have NLS certification.
Hiring for Oak Acres begins in early May. If you are interested in joining our team,
please submit your resume to
Canadian Red Cross – Summer Water Safety Instructors
What are you doing this summer? Hanging Around? Getting Bored? Looking for a
Become an Instructor with a Red Cross Water Safety Day Camp! Hang out at the
beach and get paid for it!
Courses for Red Cross Assistant Water Safety Instructor and Red Cross Water Safety
Instructor. April 23-25 and May 1-3.
Participants must be 15 + to apply.
For more information:
Call Alanna at (902) 628-6261 ext. 4 or email