ACCOUNTS RECEIVABLE LEVELS AS PART LIQUIDITY MANAGEMENT STRATEGY IN POLISH NONPROFIT ORGANIZATIONS Grzegorz Michalski Wroclaw University of Economics 2016-03-18 ACCOUNTS RECEIVABLE LEVELS AS PART LIQUIDITY MANAGEMENT STRATEGY IN POLISH NONPROFIT ORGANIZATIONS ACCOUNTS RECEIVABLE LEVELS AS PART LIQUIDITY MANAGEMENT STRATEGY IN POLISH NONPROFIT ORGANIZATIONS Liquidity Strategies NonProfit Organizations: Polish NonProfits Case During the liquidity management we have various levels of operating risk: —Higher in more risky strategies cases —Smaler in less risky cases 2 ACCOUNTS RECEIVABLE LEVELS AS PART LIQUIDITY MANAGEMENT STRATEGY IN POLISH NONPROFIT ORGANIZATIONS Working capital strategies: liability based perspective Aggressive strategy: minimalization of long term financing — Comparatively smaller cost of interests (interests from long term debt are more expensive than from short term debt. In the aggressive strategy there is maximization of short term debt in place of long term debt. — But short term debt is more risky way of financing – it is linked with higher level of individual risk, that cause the cost of capital rates growth. — Higher cost of capital rate causes smaller economic efficiency growth (firm value growth) because financial costs consume operating results of the organization. 3 ACCOUNTS RECEIVABLE LEVELS AS PART LIQUIDITY MANAGEMENT STRATEGY IN POLISH NONPROFIT ORGANIZATIONS Working capital strategies: liability based perspective Conservative strategy: minimalization of risk by maximization of long term financing (maximizing share of long term debt in total debt) — Use of Long term debt in debt rather than short term debt is less risky way of financing – it is linked with smaller level of individual risk, that will make smaller the cost of capital rates. — Smaller cost of capital rate causes higher economic efficiency growth (firm value growth). 4 ACCOUNTS RECEIVABLE LEVELS AS PART LIQUIDITY MANAGEMENT STRATEGY IN POLISH NONPROFIT ORGANIZATIONS ACCOUNTS RECEIVABLE LEVELS AS PART LIQUIDITY MANAGEMENT STRATEGY IN POLISH NONPROFIT ORGANIZATIONS Working capital strategies: assets based perspective Restrictive strategy: —Managing team uses most risky but the ‘cheapest’ solution: the smallest as possible, level of liquid assets —Use of small level of current assets is cheaper from operating point of view (smaller ‘visible’ operating costs of holding and managing current assets). —But generaly it is more risky way what cause higher costs of financing – it is linked with higher level of individual risk, that will make higher the cost of capital rates. —Higher cost of capital rate causes smaller economic efficiency growth (smaller firm value growth). ACCOUNTS RECEIVABLE LEVELS AS PART LIQUIDITY MANAGEMENT STRATEGY IN POLISH NONPROFIT ORGANIZATIONS Working capital strategies: assets based perspective Flexible strategy: —Managing team uses more expensive but less risky solution: the sufficient to cover whole operating risk of lack of current assets high as possible, level of liquid assets —Use of high level of current assets is more costly from operating point of view (higher ‘visible’ operating costs of holding and managing current assets). —But generaly it is less risky way what cause smaller costs of financing – it is linked with smaller level of individual risk, that will make smaller the cost of capital rates. —smaller cost of capital rate causes higher economic efficiency growth (higher firm value growth). ACCOUNTS RECEIVABLE LEVELS AS PART LIQUIDITY MANAGEMENT STRATEGY IN POLISH NONPROFIT ORGANIZATIONS ACCOUNTS RECEIVABLE LEVELS AS PART LIQUIDITY MANAGEMENT STRATEGY IN POLISH NONPROFIT ORGANIZATIONS Higher risk in more risky liquidity strategies cases Aggressive (large short term debt portion in debt) liquidity financing strategies Restrictive (small current assets in relation to CR cash revenues) liquidity investment strategies they results with higher individual risk ->> higher risk need higher cost of financing for organization ->> higher cost of financing eats larger part of economic results the organization than in less risky cases Cost of financing = Cost of own fund ((E/(D+E))*ke) + cost of debt ((Dl/(D+E))*kDl+(Ds/(D+E))*kDs) kDs = f(D/E,5c,…); kDl = f(D/E,5c,…); kE = kRF + beta (km – kRF) beta*L = f(betaU, D/E, SZ, CZ, other individual risk factors,…) Economic results = free cash flows / cost of financing 9 ACCOUNTS RECEIVABLE LEVELS AS PART LIQUIDITY MANAGEMENT STRATEGY IN POLISH NONPROFIT ORGANIZATIONS Smaller risk in less risky liquidity strategies cases Conservative (large long term debt portion in debt) liquidity financing strategies Flexible (large current assets in relation to CR cash revenues) liquidity investment strategies they results with smaller individual risk ->> smaller risk need higher cost of financing for organization ->> smaller cost of financing consumes smaller part of economic results the organization Cost of financing = Cost of own fund ((E/(D+E))*ke) + cost of debt ((Dl/(D+E))*kDl+(Ds/(D+E))*kDs) kDs = f(D/E,5c,…); kDl = f(D/E,5c,…); kE = kRF + beta (km – kRF) beta*L = f(betaU, D/E, SZ, CZ, other individual risk factors,…) Economic results = free cash flows / cost of financing ACCOUNTS RECEIVABLE LEVELS AS PART LIQUIDITY MANAGEMENT STRATEGY IN POLISH NONPROFIT ORGANIZATIONS 10 Organizations risk sensitivity Depending on organization there are various levels of risk sensitivity depending on individual organization situations. More sensitive organizations (with more sensitive individual risk factors: CZ, SZ) rather should to choose less risky strategies, nearer to flexible and conservative solutions Less sensitive organizations (with less sensitive individual risk factors: CZ, SZ) rather should to choose cheaper but also more risky strategies, nearer to restrictive and aggressive solutions 11 ACCOUNTS RECEIVABLE LEVELS AS PART LIQUIDITY MANAGEMENT STRATEGY IN POLISH NONPROFIT ORGANIZATIONS ACCOUNTS RECEIVABLE LEVELS AS PART LIQUIDITY MANAGEMENT STRATEGY IN POLISH NONPROFIT ORGANIZATIONS ACCOUNTS RECEIVABLE LEVELS AS PART LIQUIDITY MANAGEMENT STRATEGY IN POLISH NONPROFIT ORGANIZATIONS ACCOUNTS RECEIVABLE LEVELS AS PART LIQUIDITY MANAGEMENT STRATEGY IN POLISH NONPROFIT ORGANIZATIONS ACCOUNTS RECEIVABLE LEVELS AS PART LIQUIDITY MANAGEMENT STRATEGY IN POLISH NONPROFIT ORGANIZATIONS NonProfit organizations aim The nonprofit organizations aim differ to for profit organizations case Managing teams of nonprofits should in first to realize the mission of the organization The economic results are also very important as a helpful factor to stronger and more widely influence of the mission realized by wisely use of money from the donnors How about the risk? — Risk taken by the nonprofit organizations should be rather small, it cannot to danger the mission realization — Nonprofits should rather use conservative and flexible solutions than aggressive and restrictive: Flexible investment in liquid assets strategy Conservative financing liquid assets strategy 16 ACCOUNTS RECEIVABLE LEVELS AS PART LIQUIDITY MANAGEMENT STRATEGY IN POLISH NONPROFIT ORGANIZATIONS Flexible AR policy Theoreticaly aimed on realization of the mission nonprofit organizations, should to choose more safe and more flexible accounts receivable policies. But in fact they are rather aggressive / restrictive Receivables conversion period and other short-term characteristics in Polish nonprofit organizations in 2009 17 ACCOUNTS RECEIVABLE LEVELS AS PART LIQUIDITY MANAGEMENT STRATEGY IN POLISH NONPROFIT ORGANIZATIONS For-profit case Short-term receivables, other short-term levels, receivables conversion period and other short-term characteristics in Polish for-profit organizations in 2009-2010 Accounts receivable period winsorized mean in Polish nonprofit organizations for 2009 & 2010 data is 13,82 days, the adequate level for for-profit Polish firms is three times longer and take 50,4 days. 18 ACCOUNTS RECEIVABLE LEVELS AS PART LIQUIDITY MANAGEMENT STRATEGY IN POLISH NONPROFIT ORGANIZATIONS conclusions According to data received from over 3000 Polish NPOs, the average NPO investment in accounts receivables is more aggressive than in similar for profit organizations. Accounts receivable period in Polish nonprofit organizations is shorter than adequate periods in for-profit Polish organizations. That shows that they generally can use rather aggressive than flexible idea of accounts receivable management. It’s more risky solution. That observation suggest us that here, in Polish NPO case we have small risk exposition or rather smaller aversion of managing teams? Unfortunately rather the second. 19 ACCOUNTS RECEIVABLE LEVELS AS PART LIQUIDITY MANAGEMENT STRATEGY IN POLISH NONPROFIT ORGANIZATIONS