Lecture Topic 3: Industrial Organic Chemistry Ref: “Organic Building Blocks of the Chemical Industry”, by H.H. Szmant “Industrial Organic Chemistry”, by K. Weissermel and H.-J. Arpe Premise: Classification of organic chemicals by: • COST • PRODUCTION VOLUME • STARTING MATERIAL Goal: Ability to 1. identify bulk, fine and specialty chemicals 2. give examples of primary building blocks and of C1, C2, C3, C4 and higher acyclic and cyclic organic building blocks 3. the manufacture of a common chemical from souces to final products Cost - Volume >100 Medicinals and other specialties Flavours, fragrances Dyes 10 Specialties Fine Chemicals 1 Common plastics Resins, Elastomers Pseudo-commodities Organic intermediates Commodities Primary organic building blocks 0.1 Inorganic heavy chemicals 0.01 105 106 107 108 109 Demand (lb/y) 1010 1011 1012 US Chemical production 2003-2006 (Import-Export) Source: C&E News Jan 8 2007 Special position of inorganics: Metal and energy prices rose Why should we care ? => inflation => Fed hike => filters down to mortgages, credit cards … Canada produces anything: •Metals •Coal •Gas •Oil Why the deficit ? Many reasons. •Not enough value addition (manpower, R&D) •Economy of scales (~size of population + others) The Top Ten Ammonia Sulfuric acid Urea Polyethylene Ammoniumnitrate, NH4NO3 Sodiumchlorate NaClO3 Nitric acid Sodium hydroxide Chlorine Benzene 0 500 1000 1500 2000 2500 3000 Take home message: Inorganics Dominate, PE top organic 3500 4000 4500 5000 Cost/Volume: Implications INDUSTRY CHARACTERISTICS Product life cycle # of products Product volumes Product prices Product differentiation Value added Capital intensity R&D focus BULK CHEMICALS FINE CHEMICALS SPECIALTY CHEMICALS Long > 100 Moderate >1,000 Short/moderate >50,000 >10,000t/y <10,000t/y highly variable <5 $/kg >5 $/kg >10 $/kg none very low high low high high high process moderate process moderate/low application KEY SUCCESS FACTORS • technical service – • links with customer – • cost The History of Industrial Chemistry is linked to Building Blocks 1850- Plants, Animals 1850+ 1920+ Coal Tar (side product of “coal gasification”) Acetylene (from CaC2, Reppe Chemistry) 1950+ Ethylene (from oil) 1973+ CH4, CO/H2 (syngas) Future: CO/H2 from Coal (exothermic) CO2 fixation via: Plants, Animals CO2 fixation (endothermic) (endothermic) What is a Building Block A building block is any (organic) chemical that can be used to synthesize other (organic) chemicals. There are very few truly primary, large-volume organic building blocks. These are all currently obtained from: • petroleum refining • natural gas • coal • ammonia • carbon dioxide • renewable resources The first Building Block: The Age of Acetylene Walter Julius Reppe Reppe Chemistry: Make everything from acetylene. BASF Ludwigshafen Examples R Co(I) R C N N Ni(CN)2 PPh3 Ni(CN)2 HC CH O CH2O HO CH2 C C CH2 OH • Tricky technology, acetylene explodes under pressure (~ 5 atm). • Acetylene forms explosive salts with heavy metals (no copper tubes & valves !). • Largely replaced by ethylene & C1 Chemistry. •“Inorganic” entry (CaC2) into organic chemistry. • Still very valuable for fine chemicals •Could make a comeback with cheap energy. Building Blocks: Primary, Secondary… 1º BB 2º BBs Ethylene ethylene dichloride ethylene oxide ethyl benzene Propylene propylene oxide acrylonitrile isopropyl alcohol cumene n-butyl alcohol 3º BB vinyl chloride ethylene glycol vinyl acetate acetone Benzene ethyl benzene cumene styrene phenol acetone bisphenol A Methanol acetic acid formaldehyde MTBE vinyl acetate terephthalic acid Polyester Toluene Xylenes C1-Chemistry C1 Chemistry in a nutshell: C1-Chemistry and the Power of Syngas Advanced C1-Chemistry: Natural Products C1-Chemistry Database http://www.aist.go.jp/RIODB/c1db/index.html Syngas: A Second Look (+) From: Natural Gas (CH4) Crude Oil Coal 1976 1982 2000 3% 12 % 16 % 50 % of it SASOL, South Africa (–) Energy intensive (+++) More than 500 years of coal reserves (+++) Anything can be made from Syngas (as long as it contains carbon or hydrogen) • NH3 (Haber-Bosch process) • Oxo-products (Hydroformylation • Gas, Diesel, Lubricants, waxes….. (Fischer-Tropsch process) (–) Syngas is dirty (CO, CO2, H2, H2S, COS) but easy to clean (+) Very clean Diesel (low sulfur) fuel from syngas (SASOL) A Brief History of Syngas (H2/CO) Haber Bosch Process • Hydrogen for ammonia synthesis obtained as syngas, CO removed Fischer-Tropsch: Hydrocarbons from Syngas •“Synthetic fuel” crucial for German war machine • Leuna plant alone 900,000 t/year, bombed in June 1944 • Technology of the future if oil runs out, center of SASOL company Hydroformylation: Aldehydes, Alcohols, Amine … from Syngas • Largest homogeneously catalyzed process • Origin of modern transition metal catalysis Organometallics in Industry Production of Organometallics Verbindungen - Silicones Al-Alkyles Sn-Alkyles 900.000 t/a 90.000 t/a 35.000 t/a Products obtained with organometallic catalysts - Polypropylene Polyethylene „Oxo“-Products Acetaldehyd Acetic Acid 17.000.000 t/a 36.000.000 t/a 5.000.000 t/a 2.200.000 t/a 1.000.000 t/a History of Catalytic Industrial Processes Very small number of crucial discoveries Very small number of players + Minute amount of “right” catalyst = Massive production (and $), = High number of processes & products The golden path: 1. Understand the first processes 2. Understand which are expanding and why Petrochemistry & Catalysis: Wacker, Monsanto etc. The Start of C1 Chemistry: Hydroformylation (Oxo Process) O. Roelen, Ger. Pat., 949 548, 1938. •Discovered by Otto Roelen who tried to find out the cobalt catalyzed FT process produces alcohols •Largest homogenously catalyzed process in the world (~ 10 billion Kg of aldehydes) •1968: Introduction of phosphines to stabilize cat. •Use of watersoluble Rh-phosphine complexes •1970: Rh (better n/iso ratio, but EXPENSIVE) •2004: 75 % use Rh; •Major process propene to butanol Hydroformylation (Oxo Process): Instant Recognition Max Planck is so impressed that he drops his breakfast sandwich permanently (-> sandwich complexes) and Quantum Mechanics temporarily… … to rush to the scene of the accident and inspect a good bottle of n-butanol. Good for Otto, because Max controls funding. Mechanism of the Hydroformylation: From Hieber to Heck Walter Hieber (right) the pioneer or metal carbonyl chemistry (left:Behrens, his lecture assistant). Heck-Breslow meachnism (1960/61) Nothing is more practical than a good theory (L. Boltzmann) Mechanism MUST be comply with rate law Sounds boring, but… For ratio of H2/CO = 1:1 reaction rate is pressure independent due to the opposing orders of H2 and CO. Increasing the H2/CO ratio is of limited use for increasing the overall reaction rate because HCo(CO)4 is only stable under certain minimum CO partial pressures at a given temperature. Catalysts are Survivors Stability of HCo(CO)4/Co2(CO)8 species with respect to precipitation of cobalt metal (cobalt concentration is 0.4 wt. %). Industrial Catalyst Design (Cheat sheet) Catalyst: Optimized combination of: •mechanical properties •catalytic properties •physical properties Three Types of Catalysts: •Heterogeneous (insoluble)used for high p, high T •Homogeneous (soluble) used for low T, high/low p •Enzymes low T, low p Selectivity increase Heterogen. < homogen. < Enzyme Heterogeneous Catalyst Design Mechanical St abilit y Catalyst Design Act ivit y Select ivit y St abilit y Surface area porosit y acidit y densit y composit ion Emile Kuntz (Rhone-Poulenc) has a very good idea TPPTS Using TPPTS instead of PPh3 gives a highly water soluble catalyst: SO 3 Na P Na O3 S HRh(CO)[TPPTS Na3]3. In aqueous solution the catalyst essentially has a 9 charge, making it totally insoluble in all but the most polar solvents Na O3S Alkenes (C2-C4) are water soluble enough that migration into the aqueous catalyst phase occurs. Remigration of the aldehyde product back into the more soluble organic phase allows easy separation of product from catalyst. n/iso 18:1 (propene) via water soluble catalyst. Rates are slower than with conventional Rh/PPh3 catalysts due to lower alkene concentrations in the water phase and higher amounts of the inactive tris-phosphine Rh complex. The process is limited to the shorter chain alkenes that have some appreciable water solubility. Alkenes higher than pentene are not soluble enough in water. Fischer Tropsch Chemistry: 1925 + Franz Joseph Emil Fischer Kaiser-Wilhelm Institut Mülheim 1913 Director of the newly founded Kaiser-WilhelmInstitute for Coal Research (Mülheim / Ruhr 1925 Discovers formation of hydrocarbons from Syngas with Hans Tropsch CO + H2 Ni/Co (CH2)n 1. 2. 3. Carbide-methylene Hydroxycarbene CO insertion Oil Producing Countries Mio t Oil Production/Consumption by Countries Mio t Comsumption Production US China JP Russia Germany India Brasil Reality Check I: Are We Becoming More Oil Dependent ? Importance of oil for GDP of G7 countries is dropping Tons of Crude / Million Euro of GDP (Germany) QuickTime™ and a TIFF (Uncompressed) decompressor are needed to see this picture. Coal - Oil - Coal ? Plus: 500+ years of proven reserves at current consumption levels Can substitute Oil & Gas: directly (generation of electricity) indirectly (Coal gasification - > Syngas -> Chemicals) Large reserves in countries that do not have oil & gas: USE China Minus: Can’t be pumpe (no pipeline) transport expensive unless close to water High in sulfur Use of Coal Electricity From Coal Energy and the CO2 Footprint Types of Coal Geology and Origin of Coal Coal Players: Peabody, BHP, Teck-Cominco Major Coal Producers: USA, China Major Coal Reserves: Australia CHM 4010 Building Blocks from Coal Coal Only 11 % of Benzene Arom at ics 95 % of Condensed Arom at ics Carbon Black, Graphit e "Long Term , Coal is t he only plausible alt ernat ive t o Oil as raw m at erial for t he chem ical indust ry" CHM 4010 The Coal Tree S CCl 4 MeOH, AcOH, Ac2O Rayon R2N S O NH3 (6%) CH4, H2S, CO, H2 (14%) Cl CS 2 Cl SiC CO H2 calcium cyanamide CaN C NH Oxo chemicals Coal CaC 2 Coke acetylene HC CH Water gas: H2 (51%), CO (42%), CO2 (6%), N2 (1%) Metallurgy Fuel & exports n Producer gas: N2 (75%), CO2 (14%), CO (10%), Ar (1%) Road Tar Coal Tar Tar O Electrodes and C fibers Pitch Naphtha BTX Indene Coumarone (benzene, toluene, xylenes) Tar bases CH 3 Anthracene Phenanthrene Light Oil CH 3 H2C CH 2 CH 3 N N N Tar acids OH Cresols Creosote Phenol Xylenols CH 3 Acenaphthene N H Carbazole CH 3 CH 3 C H2 Fluorene CHM 4010 Top Three Condensed Aromatics O O 600,000 tons Xylenes O 100,000 tons Naphtalene Phtalic Anhydride Indene Thermoplastic resins Inks Rubber O Coumarone O Dyes H2O2 40,000 tons O Anthracen e Anthraquinone Building Block Analysis: Aspirin® O OH O O CH 3 OH OH O + T < 90C O Acetyl Salicylic Acid A.S.A. 90% yield H3C liquid phase 50C, 3-4 bar 1. CO2 2. H2SO4 O OH NaOH Shawinigan (Canada) Cu(acetate) 2 ONa H3C + O2 H Acetaldehyde 2. H2SO4 Phenol Kellogg/Monsanto H2SO4 liquid phase T & P > STP + catalytic processes CH 3 Acetic anhydride Kolbe-Schmitt reaction 1. O2 Benzene O Salicylic Acid Hock process Cumene O FOSSIL FUELS: LPG, Coal, Petroleum, etc. thermal cracking H2C CH 2 Ethylene Propylene thermal cracking PdCl2 / CuCl2 + 0.5 O2 Wacker-Hoechst Process Origin of other Reagents Cu Mined as an ore and refined Pd Mined and refined (Sudbury, Ontario: “anode slime”) H2SO4 H2O + 0.5 O2 + SO2 O2 Fractional distillation of liquid air Acetic acid Methanol + CO (Monsanto process) NaOH Electrolysis of brine (NaCl + H2O) “chloralkali cell” pyrometallurgical byproduct Science is naming…. Oil: From Crude Oil to Distillates Classified by b.p. Classified by Use 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 1. Natural gas: C1 2. Propane: C3 3. Gasoline: C7 - C9 4. Naphta C6-C11 5. Kerosene (Paraffin): C11-C18 5. Diesel oil C13-C15 6. Lubricating Oil C18-C25 7. Fuel oil C20-C27 Gases Petrol Naphta Kerosene Diesel oil Lubricating Oil Fuel oil Greases & Waxes Bitumen Good source of information: http://tonto.eia.doe.gov/dnav/pet/pet_pnp_top.asp Distillates - A second look Name Number of Carbon Atoms Boiling Point (C) Refinery Gas 3 or 4 below 30 Petrol 7 to 9 100 to 150 Naphtha 6 to 11 70 to 200 Kerosene (paraffin) 11 to 18 200 to 300 Diesel Oil 11 to 18 200 to 300 Lubricating Oil 18 to 25 300 to 400 Fuel Oil 20 to 27 350 to 450 Greases and Wax 25 to 30 400 to 500 Bitumen above 35 above 500 Uses Bottled Gas (propane or butane). Fuel for car engin es. Solvents and used in petrol. Fuel for aircraft and stoves. Fuel for road vehicles and trains. Lubricant for engin es and machines. Fuel for ship s and heating. Lubricants and candles. Road surface and roofing. Higher boiling fractions distilled under vacuum Fuel: Gasoline vs. Diesel Petrol and Diesel engines operate differently • A high tendency to autoignite is undesirable in a gasoline engine but desirable in a diesel engine. • We need two rating systems Octane Number Developed by the chemist Russel Marker Isooctane (2,2,4-trimethylpentane) = 100 n-heptanee =0. 87-octane equivalent to a mixture of 87 vol-% isooctane and 13 vol-% n-heptane. n-Heptane ? high purity n-heptane originally obtained by distillation of pine resin. Heptane from crude oil is a mixture of isomers and would not give a precise zero point. Different Octane numbers, depending on test protocol: RON = Research Octane Number (used in Europe) MON = Motor Octane Number PON = Pump Octane Number = (RON + MON)/2 (US, CAN) Isooctane is not the most knock-resistant substance available. Ethanol has RON of 129 Liquified petroleum gass (LPG) > 110. Octane Boosters Peak Deficits of high octane fuels: 1940 + WW II (aircrafts) 1960 + Polyesters (Terephatic acid) deplete aromatics Quick Fix (Kettering & Midgley, GM, Dupont, 1924+) Tetraethyllead PbEt4 (“Leaded gasoline”) as octane booster (1:1200) Easily decomposed to its component radicals, scavenges radicals that would start the combustion prematurely, thereby delaying ignition. Production (EtCl + Na-Pb alloy) peaks at 600.000 t/a (insae, MKD) Phased out (except for Yemen, Afghanistan, North Korea and some African countries) Highly toxic (“Chernobyl of the ‘20ies) Incompatible with car catalysts (1975 California) which contain Pt, Pd New chemistry allows upgrading of fuel at refinery But: Still used in aviation fuels ! PbEt4’s early competitor: Ethanol QuickTime™ and a TIFF (Uncompressed) decompressor are needed to see this picture. This photo, taken in April 1933, shows a Lincoln Nebraska gas station of the Earl Coryell Co. selling "Corn Alcohol Gasoline." The test marketing of ethanol blends was common in the Midwest at this time, but it did not succeed due to the market dominance of the major oil companies. Coryell was subsequently among complainants to the Justice Dept. in the US v. Ethyl antitrust lawsuit of 1936, which Ethyl lost in a Supreme Court decision in 1940. (Nebraska Historical Society) QuickTime™ and a TIFF (Uncompressed) decompressor are needed to see this picture. QuickTime™ and a TIFF (Uncompressed) decompressor are needed to see this picture. •colourless to yellow liquid •Melting point: -136 C •Boiling point: 84 C at 15 mm Hg, (decomposes near 200 C) Toxicology •Highly toxic - may be fatal if inhaled or ingested. Possible mutagen. Experimental carcinogen. Accumulative poison. Danger of reproductive effects. Note low LD50s below. Irritant. Toxicity data RL-RAT LD50 12.3 mg kg-1 C1 Chemistry C1 building block Source Use CH4 (methane) Natural gas energy, H2, CO, CH(4-x)Clx CO (carbon monoxide) Coal (as Syngas) CH3OH, HCOOH, esters, amides, Oxo acids, etc. CH3OH (methanol) CO + 2H2 Cracking of C3H8, C4H10 H2CO, MTBE, CH(4-x)Clx, CH3COOH H2CO (formaldehyde) CH3OH, Cracking of LPG Polymers (UF, PF, POM) HCOOH (formic acid) CO + H2O Fine chemicals CO2 (carbon dioxide) Water-gas-shift rxn. Supercritical fluids (SCFs) CS2 (carbon disulfide) S8 + Coke or CH4 Cellulosics, M+SCN–, thiourea Cl2CO (phosgene) polyurethanes CO + Cl2 R-C=N=O (H2N)2CO (urea) NH3 + CO2 Fertilizer, Resins (UF) HCN (hydrogen cyanide) HCONH2 - H2O byproduct (acrylonitrile) Methacrylonitrile, ClCN The Monsanto Process First large scale process based on methanol = milestone in the history of building blocks. Long development due to corrosion problems O [Rh, I-] CH3OH + CO H3C 60 atm 250 oC corrosion problems C OH Has largely replaced the two step Wacker process: O H2C CH2 + H2O [PdCl2] H3C O O2 C H H3C C OH Acetic acid is one of the most important secondary C2-building blocks and used to make vinylacetetate (foils), cellulose acetate… C2 Chemistry C2 building block Source Use CH2=CH2 (ethylene) thermal cracking of natural gas, refinery gas, crude oil Feedstock for ~30% of all petrochemicals!! Polymers (Polyethylenes etc.) Alphaolefins (LDPE), PVC Polystyrene, Polyvinyl acetate Polyethylene oxide CH3CH2OH (ethanol) fermentation, hydration of ethylene Gasoline additive (USA), Ethylene by dehydration (Brazil, India, Peru, Pakistan), Solvent, Esters (ethyl chloride, ethyl acetate) CH3CH=O (acetaldehyde) Wacker-Hoechst (ethylene) Monsanto process (MeOH) CH3COOH, Acetic anhydride, Peracetic acid CH3C(=O)OOH, Aldol condensation products CH3COOH (acetic acid)& CH3COOCOCH3 (acetic anhydride) Monsanto process (MeOH) Oxidation of C4-C8 hydrocarbons or acetaldehyde Vinyl acetate (PVA), Cellulose acetate, Solvent, Acetate salts, Chloroacetic acids HCCH (acetylene) Coal via CaC2 or from hydrocarbons 1,4-Butanediol, vinyl acetate C3 Chemistry C3 building block Source Use CH3CH2CH3 (propane) LPG Propylene, energy CH3CHCH2 (propene) Thermal cracking of LPG, natural and refinery gas Polypropylene, Acrylonitrile, Oxo products (butyraldehyde, butanol, etc.),Propylene oxide Isopropanol, Cumene, Oligomers (nonene, dodecene, heptene) CH3COCH3 (acetone) Hock process (coproduct) Isopropanol (dehydrogen’n) Wacker-Hoechst (propene) Methyl methacrylate, Methyl isobutyl ketone, Bisphenol A, Aldol condensation products, Solvent CH3CH2COOH (propionic acid) CH2CH2 (hydroformylation) Food preservative, Amyl and Vinyl propionate, Herbicides C4 Chemistry C4 building block Source Use C4H10 (butanes) LPG 1-Butene, Maleic anhydride, MTBE, thiophene C4H8 (butenes, isobutene) Cracking of Cn4 Polymer/alkylate gasoline, Polymers/copolymers, alcohols C4H9OH (butyl alcohols) Propene, acetaldehyde MEK, Solvent, Fuel additive CH3(CH2)2CHO (butyraldehydes) Propene, acetaldehyde 2-Ethylhexanol, Trimethylolpropane Maleic anhydride Oxidation of C4-feedstocks Benzene (V2O5 catalyst) Unsaturated polyester resins, Fumaric acid, Pesticides HO(CH2)4OH (1,4-butanediol) Acetylene 1,3-butadiene poly(1,4-butylene terphthalate) THF, H2N(C4H8)NH2 H2C=CH-CH=CH2 (1,3-butadiene) Cracking of Cn4 Elastomers (i.e., synthetic rubbers), Chloroprene, THF O O O C4 Chemistry: Rubber C5 And higher (acyclic) Primary Building Blocks Source(s) Use Petroleum: CnHn+2 (n5) (pentanes, hexanes, heptanes, etc., and other n-paraffins) Fossil fuels Solvent, Fuel, Lubricant, Alkylbenzenes, Alcohols, Chlorinated paraffins, Lower m.w. alkanes/olefins Mineral waxes: Ozocerite, Montan wax Fossil fuels (lignite) Coatings Fatty Acids: Lard, Tallow, Palm oil, Corn oil, Castor oil, etc. Renewable (animal/plant) PVC stabilizer, Surfactant, Glycerine, Methyl laurate, Fatty amines (antistatic agents) Tall-Oil Fatty Acids (TOFA) Renewable (pulp byproduct) Fuel in pulping operations, Dimer/trimer acids for coatings Terpenes Renewable (plant) Fragrance/flavour “essential” oils, Turpentine Fermentation Products: •Amyl alcohols • Carboxylic acids, • Monosodium glutamate (MSG) Renewable (plant) H2S removal from refinery gas, Food industry, Pharmaceuticals, Laundry products, etc. Cyclic Building Block & Aromatics Building blocks Source Use Benzene C6H6 Coal, Oil, Petroleum (thermal/catalytic process) Ethylbenzene (for styrene), Cumene (for phenol/acetone), Cyclohexane, Nitroenzene Toluene C6H5CH3 Coal, Oil, Petroleum (thermal/catalytic process) Solvent, Benzoic acid, Phenol, Nitrotoluenes, aminotoluenes Xylenes C6H4(CH3)2 Coal, Oil, Petroleum (thermal/catalytic process) Phthalic acids and anhydrides (plasticizers, synthetic fibers) Cumene C6H5CH(CH3)2 Benzene Hock process (phenol/acetone) Phenol C6H5OH Cumene (Hock process) Benzene, Toluene, Phenol resins, Bisphenol A, ε-Caprolactam Cyclopentadiene C5 cracking fractions, Coal tar Polymers (for resins, contact adhesives, printing ink resin) Cyclohexane Crude gasoline, Benzene (hydrogenation) Cyclohexanone (feedstock for nylon precursors) • Structural adhesives • Structural sealants Cl2 Allyl chloride Epichlorohydrin • Primer paints Epoxy resin • Electrical insulation Propylene • Dashboards • Electrical insulation • Vinyl tops • Floor mats • Upholstery • Modular window frame units BTX • Fiber reinforced plastic composites Bisphenol A or Brominated Bisphenol A Ethylene Vinyl Vinyl chloride monomer Cl2 • Body side moldings • Molded armrests • Exterior & interior trim • Tires • Rubber hoses • Foam for seats • Caulks & sealants • Bumpers & fenders CO2 Polyurethanes Polyisocyanates Phosgene Cl2