THE VEIL FOR MORE THAN 2,000 YEARS WOMEN HAVE VEILED THEMSELVES BEFORE ENTERING A CHURCH OR IN THE PRESENCE OF THE BLESSED SACRAMENT. WHY DO WOMEN VEIL? 1 Corinthians 11:1-17 FOR MORE THAN 2,000 YEARS WOMEN HAVE VEILED THEMSELVES BEFORE ENTERING A CHURCH OR IN THE PRESENCE OF THE BLESSED SACRAMENT. IMAGINE THE POWER OF THE VEIL, AND BY EXTENSION, THE TRUE POWER OF A WOMAN AS GOD INTENDED, THAT THE EVIL ONE WOULD GO AFTER THIS SYMBOL TO THIS DEGREE. MY PERSONAL JOURNEY…. NOW BACK TO SAINT PAUL AND HIS REASONS FOR VEILING….. THE REAL PRESENCE ST. JOHN PAUL II CALLED THE CHURCH TO REKINDLE A EUCHARISTIC “AMAZEMENT”. Giving due reverence to the Real Presence of Christ in the Eucharist is the fruit of this amazement. …..BECAUSE OF THE ANGELS HUMILITY BEFORE GOD AND SUBMISSION TO HIS WILL VEILING SACRED THINGS DIVINE HIERARCHY AND WOMAN AS A SYMBOL OF THE CHURCH A visible sign to an invisible reality….. MODESTY I STILL HAVE A FEW QUESTIONS.... SHOULDN’T I AVOID CALLING ATTENTION TO MYSELF AT MASS? I’M WORRIED WHAT OTHER PEOPLE MIGHT THINK IF I WEAR A VEIL… DOES GOD NEED A VEIL TO KNOW OUR PIETY? NOW FOR A FEW PRACTICAL POINTS…. SO…….SHOULD I VEIL? • Pray about it! • God will always give you the Grace you need to do His will. • Veil anytime you are in mass or in the presence of the Blessed Sacrament. WHAT KIND OF HEAD COVERING DO I WEAR? • Any type of head covering is OK - Mantilla, infinity scarf, hat. • Traditionally married women wore black and unmarried women wore white . Today anything goes! • Consider using a sewn in comb, headband or comb to keep tugging toddlers from pulling it out! WHAT ABOUT OUR DAUGHTERS? The Holy Mother Church gives us freedom to veil or not. If our daughters show interest, encourage them. But please remember, it is not a sin to go without a veil.