Variables can be given any value that matches their type.
The Java statement that gives a variable its value
is called an assignment statement.
After a variable is given a value, the variable is
said to be initialized.
These aren’t equations! Read “=” as “gets” deposit = 4; my_num = 3.4; name = “CSC 130”;
You can use the assignment operator (=) and math operators (*,/,+,-) to do arithmetic.
Remember your order of operations! (PEMDAS)
The thing on the left gets changed.
value = 4+3*10;
interest = 3.0/2.0;
due = value+interest;
The right-hand sides are expressions , just like in math.
The following table summarizes the arithmetic operators available in Java.
This is an integer division where the fractional part is truncated.
We can change the value of a variable. If we want the value to remain the same, we use a constant .
final double PI = 3.14159; final int MONTH_IN_YEAR = 12; final short FARADAY_CONSTANT = 23060;
The reserved word final is used to declare constants.
These are constants, also called named constant
These are called literal constant.
Block of code: Denoted by { }
Scope: The area of code in which a variable is available for use
A variable’s scope is the block in which it is declared
You must declare and initialize a variable before using it on the right of a rule.
Only the variable to the left of the = gets changed
There can be one and only one variable on the left.
You cannot put data into a variable that does not match the variables’ type.
You can only have one variable with any given name in a particular block.
Assignment statements are NOT math equations!
count = count + 1;
These are commands!
value = 2;
interest = value;
value = value + 3;
What’s the value of interest?
There’s no such thing as: z
3 x
4( y
Double Division: no rounding
3.0 / 6.0
6.0 / 3.0
At least one number must have a decimal
Integer Division: round DOWN
x/y, if both x and y are ints
Both numbers are integers
int x = 6/4;
int y = 4/6;
double z = 4/6;
double a = 6/4;
double b = 6/12.0;
int c = 6.0/12;
Modular Arithmetic: Remainder from division
Works with integers only
Operator is % (NOT PERCENT!)
6 % 4 is read “six mod four”
3 % 6 =
7 % 2 =
7 % 14 =
14 % 7 =
What useful thing does % 10 do?
3 % 10 =
51 % 10 =
40 % 10 =
678 % 10 =
What useful thing does /10 do (integer division?)
3/10 =
51/10 =
678/10 =
What useful thing does % 2 do?
To change a variable’s type, you can cast from one type to another
int x = 4;
double y = 10/(double)x;
This is illegal:
int x = 5.5;
This is legal:
int x = (int)5.5;
Increment Operator
x =x + 1;
Decrement Operator
x = x – 1;
And others:
x += 2;
amount *= 1.05;
Random numbers – generate with the
Math object.
Random double between x and y: double rand = Math.random()*(y-x)+x;
Random int between x and y (inclusive): int rand = (int)(Math.random()*(y-x+1)+x);
Be careful with parentheses!
You can print to the console window:
String word = “Hey”;
int y = 45+5;
System.out.println(“The answer is “+y);
System.out.print(“Stay on this line “);
System.out.print(“and keep printing.”);
Average three numbers
Fahrenheit to Celsius
C = (5/9)(F-32)
Given a big number, (> 1000), print its last three digits in reverse order (Ex: if input is
1234, prints out 432)