Business Growth: The entrepreneurs experience Lecture 6: Entrepreneurship and Enterprise Zoe Dann Learning outcomes By the end of this lecture, you should be able to: • Understand the integrated nature of business growth and how it is measured • Discuss and evaluate the use of models of the small business growth process • Discuss some of the factors that impinge on business growth Key Questions • How can we tell whether a business is growing? • Do businesses need to grow? • What affects the growth of organisations? • How can we model growth and is it useful? How can we tell a business is growing? Business growth Financial Growth Resources Profitability, sales turnover Performance Strategic Growth Asset accumulation New products Strategic alliances Direction Structural Growth Organisational Growth Use of assets Net assets Number of people (Source: Wickham, p.224) What does a typical growth curve look like for a business? Time A Gazelle Company: Facebook Distribution of firms by size Large 250+ Medium 50-249 Small 0- 49 95.4% 0.1% 0.6% 99.3% Micro 0-9 Source: stats berr, 2008 Enterprise survival rates Percentage of firms still trading after 1 year US 2 years 66 96 3 years 4 years 80 65 50 5 years 6 years + UK Vat Reg’d 54 45 40 Source: Headd (2003) and Office for National Statistics (2008) Typology of Business Growth Birches: Mice, Elephants and Gazelles • Mice – Small, vulnerable, hardworking, little market influence power, quick to change direction if needed, very few aspire to grow, maintain their profitability • Elephants – Large, command respect, cannot change direction quickly, can influence the market place and conditions, likely to be contracting in size • Gazelles – Growth oriented with above average profitability, seek growth rather than control, ultimately become large employers, agile, “at least 20% growth a year for 4 years” Birch (1988) Start ups: A taxonomy • Life style firms: – privately owned and support owners – modest growth – Typically micro business • A foundation company – Centered on research and development – Creates new industry or changes entire sector • A high potential venture – Rapid growth, – Innovative products/services in a large market – Large investments (Hisrich and Peter, 1995) Growth aspirations and performance eg. Topclass ties passive shrinkers eg. Used cars ‘Trundlers’ eg. Cycle world e.g. Chocolat Hotel, Facebook ‘Triers’ ‘Flyers’ deliberate shrinkers ‘Living dead’ ‘Gazelles’ Mature firms ‘Life style firms’ negative growth no growth growth aspirations, some growth high growth ‘Supergrowth’ firms • A Social Enterprise • Uses ‘engaged ethics’ buying cocoa beans from multiple growers • • The company’s sales have soared 226% a year from an annualised £533,000 in 2005 to £18.4m in 2008. Can we model growth? Life Cycle Models Principals of Life Cycles These theories suggest that small business growth characterised by • a number of predictable, common, discrete and consistent ‘stages’ or ‘phases’ • sequential in nature and occur as a hierarchical progression not easily reversed • tend to be ‘metamorphosis’ models (d’Amboise and Muldowney, 1988) • ‘Crises’ are an important feature – periods of relatively stable growth interspersed with periods of more rapid, discontinuous change The small business life cycle Stage 1 Inception Stage 2 Survival Stage 3 Growth Stage 4 Expansion Stage 5 Maturity Size Age of business Evolution Crisis From: Scott and Bruce (1987) What are crises? • • • • ‘growing pains’ (Steinmetz, 1969) ‘developmental problems’ (Kazanjian, 1988) ‘developmental ‘hurdles’ (Parks, 1977) Consensus that different problems during different stages of the growth process – sequential (Dodge and Robbins, 1992) • Certain problems more dominant at certain times and sequential pattern to crises Greiner Model : Evolutions and revolutions as organisations grow 5. Crisis of 4. Crisis of Size of Firm ? Red Tape 3. Crisis of Control 5. Growth 2. Crisis of through Autonomy 4. Growth 1. Crisis of Collaboratio through Leadership 3. Growth Co-ordination through 2. Growth 1. Growth through Creativity Delegation through Direction Age of Firm From: Greiner (1972) Churchill and Lewis model Changing role of the entrepreneur HIGH Owner’s ability to do People, planning and systems LOW Owner’s ability to delegate 1 Conception/ Existence 2 Survival 3 Growth/ Success 4 Expansion/ Takeoff (Adapted from: Churchill and Lewis, 1983) 5 Maturity Greiner v Churchill & Lewis • What similarities and differences can you see in the two models? • Think about issues like linearity: is there any scope for backwards steps as firms in reality shrink and grow? Can steps be missed out, e.g. dot.coms can grow incredibly quickly? • What about crisis issues such as a downturn in the market? What about firms that just never grow, or grow very slowly over a long period? Criticism of models of growth • “Limited usefulness for the study of growth management since they are built on the deterministic assumption that all firms grow linearly through a predictable series of preordained stages” (Merz et al, 1994). • Empirical studies confirmed that growth stages not discrete and highly specific • Stages are fluid and non-sequential, with developmental problems often overlapping between different stages • ‘Grow or fail’ hypothesis criticised. • Small businesses often reach a plateau in their development and can remain in one growth stage for prolonged period of time What factors influence small business growth? Influences on Growth Strategy Entrepreneur Business Environment Firm Storey, 1994 Influences on Growth History Employment levels Education system Social Role Models Models Age Behaviour Gender Religion Family Experience Religion Attitude to risk Technology Cycles Internet Technical Taxation Industry Sustainability Economic Interest rates Access to finance Political economy Regulation Support/ training Political/ legal Digital 26 The End of the Cycle: Business Closure • Planned exit v forced • Part of natural cycle of ‘business churn’ • Closure routes – – – – sold on Insolvent Reopened closed down 33% approx 20% approx. (Source: SBRC, 2002) • Entrepreneurial learning – continued as an entrepreneur, sought employment or retired • Serial entrepreneurs, portfolio entrepreneurs Conclusions • Variety of measures of growth – balanced score card needed • No one single theory will adequately describe the growth patterns in small businesses (Smallbone, in Carter and Jones-Evans, 2006) • Successful entrepreneurs need to be exceptional learners and adaptable to survive Key References and Further Reading • Carter and Jones-Evans (2006) ‘Enterprise and Small Business’, Chapter 6 • Churchill and Lewis (1983), ‘The 5 stages of small business growth’, Havard Business Review • Greiner, Larry E., (1972), ‘Evolution and Revolution as Organizations Grow’, Harvard Business Review • The Wall Street Journal, (March 2008) ‘Facebook CEO Seeks Help as Site Grows Up’ ?mod=blog • Storey, D (1994), ‘Understanding the Small Business Sector’, International Thomson Business Press, London • Wired (09/06/07), How Mark Zuckerberg Turned Facebook Into the Web's Hottest Platform k?currentPage=2 Appendices Churchill and Lewis Churchill, N.C & Lewis, V.L. (1983)