REVISION TIPS for SY1 and SY2 Which resources should I use? All Yr 12 resources published on the blog/ powerpoints etc SY1 workbook (peach one) SY2 WJEC booklets for Education Your Sociology AS Handbook(for layout of exam papers and exam technique) Research Methods Booklet Research summaries for SY2 Keywords documents for SY1 and SY2 Synoptic overviews of course Past exam papers in C5 (ask to borrow any) Textbook Books in cupboard in C5 (ask to borrow any) WATCH THE NEWS OR READ THE PAPERS SY1 Introductory Core Ensure you can make three points for all the terms in introductory core (listed in AS handbook), such as clear definition, examples and links to research/perspective. Complete Mindmaps for following:How children are socialised – role modelling, imitation, sanctions – with examples How agents of socialisation (family, media, peer groups, education, religion and workplace) influence identity/behaviour How identities such as gender, ethnicity and social class are influenced by agents of socialisation e.g family and canalisation. REFERENCE MUST BE MADE TO THE ITEM IN THE PAPER ON THESE QUESTIONS Part a) 5 Marks – 5 mins – 3 points. 50 -100 words max Jan 2010 - With reference to the item define the term values Jun 2010 – With reference to the item define the term culture Jan 2011 – With reference to the item define the term agents of socialisation Jun 2011 – With reference to the item define the term secondary socialisation Jan 2012 – With reference to the item define the term culture Jun 2012 – With reference to the item define the term peer group Jan 2013 – With reference to the item define the term norms Jun 2013 – With reference to the item define the term nurture Part b) 10 Marks – 10 mins – 4 points. 200 -300 words Jan 2010 - Outline ways that society controls behaviour Jun 2010 – Outline how any two agents of socialisation influence behaviour Jan 2011 – Describe how two agents of socialisation transmit norms and values Jun 2011 – Describe how two agents of socialisation influence gender roles Jan 2012 – Outline ways in which behaviour is controlled in society Jun 2012 – Describe how culture is transmitted by two agents of socialisation Jan 2013 – Outline how socialisation influences social roles Jun 2013 – Describe how two agents of socialisation influence behaviour Revision Tips – Mrs Rust-Ashford SY1 Youth Culture Section Part a) 15 marks – 15 minsutes – 4 points – 300 words Develop mindmaps/tables or essay plans of 4 points for the following topics: Reasons for the development of ‘youth culture’ (as a whole) Reasons why young people join youth ‘subcultures’ Reasons why youth cultures are often seen as masculine Characteristics of spectacular sub-cultures Characteristics of post-modern youth – Neo Tribes Reasons why young people are seen as deviant Reasons why young people form anti-school sub-cultures. Jan 2010 – Outline how youth cultures have emerged since the 1950s Jun 2010 – Outline reasons why young people join youth cub-cultures Jan 2011 – Outline characteristics of Neo-tribes Jun 2011 – Outline and explain why youth cultures may be seen as no longer linked to gender Jan 2012 - Outline changes in female involvement in youth cultures Jun 2012 - Outline and explain why youth cultures are seen as a form of resistance Jan 2013 - Outline ways that consumerism has influenced youth culture Jun 2013 - Explain the features of spectacular youth sub-cultures Part b) 30 marks – 30 mins – 5-6 points – 600 words Develop mindmaps/tables or essay plans of 5-6 points for the following topics: Youth cultures as a rite of passage (Functionalist) Youth cultures as a form of resistance (Neo-Marxist ) Youth cultures as being deviant/criminal (Interactionist/moral panic and labelling, Marxist – resistance, Functionalist – status frustration, Crisis of Masculinity) Girls and sub-cultures (Feminist arguments Vs ‘Malestream Sociology’) Youth as a product of consumerism/globalisation – Post Modernism/NeoTribes/Tribalisation Vs Neo-Marxist arguments Ethnicity and sub-cultures (Gangsta culture, hybrid cultures, resistance) Social class and sub-cultures (Marxist arguments, Gangs, chavs, riots) Sub-cultures in education (Willis’ lads and earoles, girl gangs etc). Youth in a risk society (How are young people’s live different today) Jan 2010 – Discuss the view that membership of youth cultures in the norm for young people Jun 2010 – Discuss the view that females have little involvement in youth cultures Jan 2011 – Discuss the view that spectacular youth cultures are a thing of the past Jun 2011 – Discuss the view that youth cultures are a form of resistance Jan 2012 – Assess the view that spectacular youth cultures have been replaced by Neo-tribes Jun 2012 – Discuss the view that gender and social class no longer influence youth cultures Jan 2013 – Assess the view that membership of youth cultures is based upon social and economic factors faced by young people Jun 2013 – Youth cultures are often seen as deviant – Discuss. Revision Tips – Mrs Rust-Ashford SY2 Research Methods ASTIG to remember how to structure your answers Use the research methods booklet and textbook to revise the key concepts in research methods. Ask yourself…. Can you write a clear definition of each term easily? Could you use ‘GROVER’ terms (Generalisability, Representativeness, Operationalisation, Validity, Ethics and Reliability) confidently? Make sure you know the sampling methods and the reasons why they are used. Ask yourself…. Could you explain for example why random sampling might be better for a quantitative study than opportunity sampling ? Can you confidently discuss 2 advantages and 2 disadvantages of: All the Quantitative methods e.g questionnaires etc All the Qualitative methods e.g unstructured interviews etc Mixed methods and Triangulation REFERENCE TO THE ITEM AND OTHER STUDIES MUST BE MADE IN THESE QUESTIONS Part a) 10 Marks – 10 mins – 3-4 points 100 words Jan 2010 – With reference to the item and elsewhere assess the strengths of observation Jun 2010 - With reference to the item and elsewhere outline the usefulness of surveys Jan 2011 - With reference to the item and elsewhere outline the meaning of the term Qualitative research Jun 2011 - With reference to the item and elsewhere outline the meaning of the term Quantitative data Jan 2012 - With reference to the item and elsewhere outline the meaning of the term representative sample Jun 2012 - With reference to the item and elsewhere outline the meaning of the term qualitative data Jan 2013 - With reference to the item and elsewhere outline the advantages of using Official statistics Jun 2013 - With reference to the item and elsewhere outline the strengths of Ethnographic research Part b) 20 marks – 20 mins – 5-6 points 400-500 words Jan 2010 – With reference to the item and sociological studies assess the strengths and weaknesses of unstructured interviews Jun 2010 - With reference to the item and sociological studies assess the usefulness of different forms of sampling Jan 2011 - With reference to the item and sociological studies discuss the use of participant observation for research Jun 2011 - With reference to the item and sociological studies assess the strengths and weaknesses of questionnaires Jan 2012 - With reference to the item and sociological studies assess the use of sources of secondary data Jun 2012 - With reference to the item and sociological studies discuss the importance of ethical issues in research Jan 2013 - With reference to the item and sociological studies discuss the strengths and weaknesses of structured interviews Jun 2013 - With reference to the item and sociological studies discuss the strengths and weaknesses of qualitative research Revision Tips – Mrs Rust-Ashford SY2 Sociology of Education. Create a mindmap/postcards etc for each booklet including:- Key ideas, names of writers, research studies, linked theories e.g Functionalism, Marxism and evaluation or strengths and weaknesses (AO2s). This should provide you with a ready-made essay for each topic. Look at the example of one on Marxism that I gave you in colour. Topics are: The purpose of education – Functionalist, Marxist This history of education policies – Start of compulsory education, tripartite system to comprehensivisation, to marketisation by the New Right. Marxism and Hidden Curriculum Functionalism, Meritocracy, Hidden Curriculum, shared values The New Right – Marketisation, vocationalism Social Class and location – Why is being working class a disadvantage? Ethnicity and attainment – Why do some ethnic groups do better? Gender and attainment – Why are girls doing better? Interactionism and labelling –Factors inside school affect children’s attainment Cultural and Material Deprivation- Which is more important? Part a) 20 marks- 20 mins – 4 points 300-400 words Jan 2010 – Outline gender differences in educational attainment Jun 2010 - Outline labelling theory in education Jan 2011 – Outline and explain the meaning of the hidden curriculum Jun 2011 – Outline the meaning of the term equality of opportunity in education Jan 2012 – Outline and explain how anti-school sub-cultures develop Jun 2012 – Outline the meaning of the term cultural capital Jan 2013 – Outline the concept of self-fulfilling prophecy in education Jun 2013 – Outline functions of the education system Part b) 40 marks – 40 mins – 6-7 points 800-1000 words Jan 2010 – Assess the view that the education system is meritocratic Jun 2010 – Discuss the extent to which cultural factors affect educational attainment Jan 2011 – Assess the extent to which schools affect the educational attainment of pupils Jun 2011 – Discuss how factors outside of school affect educational attainment Jan 2012 – Discuss the extent to which social class affects educational attainment Jun 2012 – Discuss the view that all girls and boys have equal opportunities in education Jan 2013 – Discuss differences in educational attainment according to ethnic background Jun 2013 – Discuss gender differences in educational attainment FINALLY Remember in the exam you will have to adapt to the particular question on the day. If you know your stuff you will be able to pull out relevant points to answer any question. Develop your understanding of the course as a whole by discussing and debating the main issues with others. Revision Tips – Mrs Rust-Ashford