Wear Out the Welcome Mat - the School District of Palm Beach

Customer Service Basics
Who are our customers?
Students, staff, parents, volunteers, etc.
Good customer service…
should be a way of life in your media center and the basis for every decision.
is more important than rules. Restate in a positive way.
provides service and builds positive relationships.
turns every encounter into an opportunity.
is treating customers the way you want to be treated.
is not only asking the questions but listening to the answers.
is positive, welcoming and empowering for the customer. Use feedback and surveys.
Six Basic Needs of all Customers
welcome your customers, by name if possible
make eye contact, smile, use a pleasant tone of voice, be polite
appear friendly even if you are having a bad day
professional appearance and attitude - dress for success
positive environment – not the gossip center
Understanding and empathy
feel their pain – “I understand and this is what I can do to help”
show you care
take it seriously but not personally, patience while venting, don’t become defensive
treat all customers the same
tell them what you can do and respond in a timely manner
Options and alternatives
offer options for solving the problem, be open to help
easy access to clear and accurate information – handouts, signage, brochures
deliver what was promised on time
Start today
look at all rules – restate in a positive way
create a customer centered library – think like a customer
overdue books – fine free Friday, late is great, amnesty times
hire for attitude, train for skills
Works Cited
Hyman, Karen. "Customer Centered Library." 02 Mar 2007 28 Jun 2007
Collins, Dorene. "Customers First!." FactSheet Jun 1999 28 Jun 2007
"Berkeley Human Resources." Customer Service Principles and Behaviors. 10 Apr 2007.
University of California. 31 Jul 2007 <http://hrweb.berkeley.edu/internal/customer.htm>.
"General Customer Service Principles." Student Administrative Services Center. University of
Hartford. 28 Jun 2007 <http://uhaweb.hartford.edu/sasc/customerserviceprinciples.htm>.
Presented by:
Cookie Davis, Media Specialist
Jill Saracino, Media Specialist
A. W. Dreyfoos Jr. School of the Arts
Lighthouse Elementary
PX# 56029
PX# 57283