Thinking and Test Taking Skills

Thinking and Test
Taking Skills
New skills
• Thinking strategies
• Test Taking Strategies
Thinking Skills
• Knowledge (who, what, how, when)
• Comprehension (classify, define, show,
• Application (predict, explain)
• Analysis (distinguish, relate)
• Synthesis (create, make, solve, compose)
• Evaluation (defend, compare, appraise,
Know the subject matter
How to take the test!
Research shows
• That you can gain as many as 20 points
simply by becoming testwise!
• Your approach to studying should be
determined by the type of test.
Types of Tests
• Objective (multiple choice, true/false,
matching, fill-in-the-blank)
• Subjective (essay)
Types of Tests
• Standardized – established norms
(average compared against others) ex.
• Non-standardized – (tests gauged to
measure the student’s knowledge of
specific content) ex. A Spanish midterm
Test Anxiety
• Can block memory and prevent you from
doing well
• Symptoms – nervousness, fear, nonstop
talking, withdrawal, fidgeting, dread,
putting yourself down, lack of
concentration, nausea, sweaty palms,
sleeplessness, nosebleeds, memory
blocks, worry, anger, bloating,
procrastination to study
Stop Anxiety
• Redirect your energy way from the worry
• Plan your attack – visualize, daydream,
make up a story, recall the strategies that
you’ve learned, breathe, notice your
tense muscles, do some cross lateral
“brain gym” (right hand to left side, left
hand to right side in quick movements)
Believe in yourself!!!
Prepare for the
• Use any calendar to plan your study
• Know the types of questions the teacher will
• Get information and support from other
• Use note-taking strategies, create study sheets.
Steps to study
• Review all class and reading notes,
handouts, study sheets, texts course
outlines, out of class assignments.
• Divide material into what you know well,
what you need to review, and what is
completely unfamiliar (color code or label
material a/green=know well; b/yellow
review; c/red=unfamiliar)
• Using PowerPoint or index cards…study
vocabulary/definitions, formulas, lists of
causes, summaries of concepts.
• Turn chapter headings and subheadings
within chapters into possible test
• Form a study group
• Quickly review the material just before
going to sleep
• Get a full night’s sleep before a test
• Have a positive attitude
• Even if you feel nervous, try to be
optimistic (fake it till you make it!)
Qualifying words
• Get in the habit of reading test
instructions and questions carefully.
• Qualifying words are terms that change
the meaning of another word or phrase.
Qualifying Words
• Negatives – be alert to negatives in
objective test questions such as multiple
choice or true/false. Circle the negative
• Double Negatives – contain two
negatives – usually one word and one
prefix: ie., He is not unathletic. Then
reread and answer.
• This is what you know:
– Living things that can move are classified as
Do these mean
the same thing?
• Living things that can move are generally
classified as animals.
• Living things that can move are always
classified as animals.
• Living things that can move are
sometimes classified as animals.
• Most living things that can move are
classified as animals.
• Some living things that can move are
classified as animals.
• All living things that can move are
classified as animals.
• Circle the word to fix your attention on
that word and consider the question and
your answer carefully.
• You should guess as your last resort.
• …if you don’t know the answer and
• …if you are not penalized for guessing.
During testing
• Make a conscious effort to relax.
• Highlight key words and phrases from
any directions
• Look over the entire test first looking at
the types of questions.
• Budget your time…write down how much
time you will devote to each section.
Allow time to check the test.
During The Test
• The first time you go through the test,
always choose or fill in an answer for
every question and flag the ones you
aren’t sure of.
• Circle the number, draw a star or
question mark beside the question.
Read, read, read
• Read all directions twice.
• Circle key words
• Be careful not to read more into questions
than is actually there.
• Ignore how fast or slowly your classmates
are working and proceed steadily.
• Never change an answer unless it is
clearly wrong.
• Draw a mind map or create an outline on
the back of the test or scrap paper.
• Answer only the question being asked.
– Writing everything on the test in hopes that
some points will be given wastes time.
If you get stuck
• Reread the question and break it down
into small units.
• Search for clue words
• Carefully reread the question and any
answer choices
• Visualize the event, notes, or section of
the book
• Brainstorm associated concepts
Multiple Choice
• Read all choices before making a
• Eliminate obvious wrong answers
• Usually there are more true answers than
false because they are easier to write.
• If the question is confusing, break it down
into two parts.
• Watch for qualifying words..because, no
one, only, generally, some, never.
• All parts of a statement must be true
before it can be true.
• Read both columns before starting.
• If one column is longer, work here first.
• Cross off the answers you’ve used as you
• Do the easiest matches first.
• Match tough ones last through the
process of elimination.
• Clue words can indicate a vowel or
consonant at the beginning of the answer
such as “a” or “an”.
• Clue words can indicate whether an
answer is singular or plural “the”, “these”,
“those”, or “they”.
• Often, they appear after the blank.
• Many times teachers use sentences
taken from the text or math problems
identical to ones gone over in class
• If you are given a study guide, USE IT.
The teacher is telling you what will be on
the test.
Essay Questions
• Anticipate test questions
• Map out possible answers
• Three main ingredients of an essay:
– Knowledge of the subject
– Organizing of ideas
– Writing skills
During the test
• Note how many points each essay is
• Jot down a few phrases about each
question as you read through the
• Read all of the questions and it will keep
you from repeating information.
• Decide on a time limit for each question.
Worth Asking
• Before the day of the test, ask your
teacher if he or she would consider letting
the class make a 2” x 2” square notecard
that can be used during the test
• Can help reduce test day anxiety
• Forces you to study and evaluate which
information deserves to go on the card