Spanish I Day 12—Review of 1B Vocabulary, Ser, and South America HAGA AHORA el 9 de septiembre Write the opposite for the following vocabulary words: Grande __________________ Aburrido _________________ Fácil ____________________ El alumno __________________ Bueno __________________ Gracioso ___________________ Simpático ____________________ Check flashcards! ¡PIZZARAS! Practice for Vocabulary 1B Quiz Pronouns—English vs. Spanish Singular Plural Singular 1st person 1st person 2nd person 2nd person 3rd person 3rd person Plural Conjugating Ser Singular 1st person 2nd person 3rd person Plural ¡PREPARATE PARA LA PRUEBA! PREPARE FOR THE QUIZ! Necesitan… 1. pencil 2. clean desk 3. backpack zipped up 4. NO PHONES. If its out during a quiz, I’ll assume you are cheating and give you a zero. Practice with Ser “Ser” Worksheet… Circle/Highlight the subject of each sentence! Check to make sure the subject and form of “ser” agree Singular 1st person 2nd person 3rd person Plural You will be expected to locate and identify the capital for each Spanish-speaking country. We will break up the quiz into Central America and South America… This song is to help you remember the capitals of South American countries! ¡LO ESCRIBE! Test Review- pg 46-47 Complete what you do not finish for homework!