to our Rough Draft Proposal

Solar Assisted Air Conditioning Project
Team 94
Submitted to:
K. Purcell, F. Harackiewicz, A. Weston
Submitted by:
Matthew Trueblood, David Gregg, Gary Anderson,
Jared Bradd, Jason Schauer, Kevin Melander
Non-Disclosure Statement
The information provided in or for this proposal is the confidential, proprietary property of the
Saluki Engineering Company of Carbondale, Illinois, USA. Such information may be used solely by the
party to whom this proposal has been submitted by Saluki Engineering Company and solely for the
purpose of evaluating this proposal. The submittal of this proposal confers no right in, or license to use,
or right to disclose to others for any purpose, the subject matter, or such information and data, nor
confers the right to reproduce, or offer such information for sale. All drawings, specifications, and other
writings supplied with this proposal are to be returned to Saluki Engineering Company promptly upon
request. The use of this information, other than for the purpose of evaluating this proposal, is subject to
the terms of an agreement under which services are to be performed pursuant to this proposal.
Validity Statement
This proposal is valid for a period of 30 days from the date of the proposal. After this time, Saluki
Engineering company reserves the right to review it and determine if any modification is needed.
Saluki Engineering Company Team #94 (S12-SAC2)
Southern Illinois University Carbondale
College of Engineering - Mailcode 6603
Carbondale, IL 62901-6603
Dr. Suri Rajan
Mechanical Engineering & Energy Processes
Southern Illinois University Carbondale
College of Engineering - Mailcode 6603
Carbondale, IL 62901-6603
Dr. S. Rajan,
On September 15th, 2007 we received your request for a proposal in regards to the design of a solarassisted air conditioning system. We would like to thank you for your time and giving us this opportunity
to submit our proposal for this project.
The world, and more specifically, the United States, has been increasing its power usage almost
exponentially. A large chunk of that energy is from air conditioning and refrigeration. With the increase
in energy consumption, today’s environment is being put at more and more risk of greenhouse gasses
and ozone depleting emissions. Through the use of solar assisted air conditioning, a significant portion
of that polluting energy could be diminished.
The design described in our proposal consists of designing and fitting a solar assisted three ton
absorption air-conditioning system to a typical residential unit in order to decrease the ever-growing
energy costs and relieve some of the impact caused to the environment. By using flat panel collectors,
solar heat can be collected and used to drive an absorption air-conditioning cycle. This proposal outlines
specifically what will be returned to you as product, in the form of a finished design report.
Thank you again for your time and consideration on this project. Feel free to contact us at any point with
questions, comments, or concerns with the contact information from the resumes attached.
Matthew Trueblood
Project Manager, Team 94, S12-SAC2
Saluki Engineering Company
Executive Summary
Air conditioning, cooling, and refrigeration are used every day in life. The amount of energy used
on air conditioning alone is reaching staggering amounts. Most residential and small business air
conditioning systems are using vapor compression systems which require energy to drive. Because of
this, the United States government has an increased attentiveness and interestedness in solar assisted
air conditioning in order to reduce the amount of energy consumed as well as reduce ozone-depleting
gases and other harmful pollutants into the air. This proposal covers one particular solar assisted design
that includes the basic design and function of a solar assisted absorption cycle. The absorption cycle is
advantageous because the cycle requires very little supplied electrical energy when compared to a vapor
compression cycle. Although the COP of the absorption cycle is lower than that of a vapor compression
cycle, around 0.7 as compared to 2.5 respectively. Throughout this write up the various subsystems
required for a working absorption cycle are covered in detail. The calculations used to find properties
such as enthalpies and heat transfer rates at the subsystems are included in this proposal. This
information will be used in a more in depth study which will include the calculation of required solar
panel area, working pressures and temperatures, as well as COP for similarly set up cycles using
different working fluids. This study will produce theoretical values of these properties as well as an indepth cost analysis of the proposed construction of the system which will identify if using a solar
enhanced absorption cycle is worth the initial investment.
Table of Contents
Cover ......................................................................................................................................................... 1
Non-disclosure Statement ........................................................................................................................ 2
Transmittal Letter (MT) ............................................................................................................................. 3
Executive Summary (DG) .......................................................................................................................... 4
Table of Contents ...................................................................................................................................... 5
Introduction (MT)...................................................................................................................................... 7
Nomenclature ........................................................................................................................................... 7
Literature Review ...................................................................................................................................... 8
Brief Absorption History (DG) ............................................................................................................... 8
Solar Thermal Collection (GA) ............................................................................................................... 8
Working Fluids (JS) .............................................................................................................................. 11
Current Systems on Market (JB) ......................................................................................................... 12
Computer Aided Modeling (MT) ......................................................................................................... 13
Design Basis (MT) .................................................................................................................................... 16
Subsystems Overview & Block Diagram (DG) ......................................................................................... 17
Subsystems.............................................................................................................................................. 18
Generator (DG) ................................................................................................................................... 18
Heat Collection and Backup Subsystem (MT) ..................................................................................... 21
Heat Exchangers (DG) ......................................................................................................................... 23
Absorber (GA) ..................................................................................................................................... 24
Valves (JS) ........................................................................................................................................... 26
Rectifier (JS) ........................................................................................................................................ 26
Evaporator(JB)..................................................................................................................................... 26
Condenser (JB) .................................................................................................................................... 28
Pumps (KM)......................................................................................................................................... 30
Thermostats (KM) ............................................................................................................................... 31
List of Analyses/Experiments/Simulations to be Performed (MT) ......................................................... 32
List of Deliverables (MT) ......................................................................................................................... 32
References .............................................................................................................................................. 33
Resources and Overhead Costs (GA) ...................................................................................................... 35
Organizational Chart(MT) ....................................................................................................................... 35
Timeline(MT) ........................................................................................................................................... 36
AIL(MT) .................................................................................................................................................... 37
Resumes .................................................................................................................................................. 39
Figure 1. Solar Collector Efficiency ......................................................................................................... 10
Figure 2. Block Diagram of System.......................................................................................................... 17
Figure 3. Basic Absorption Cycle ............................................................................................................. 18
Figure 4. Basic Generator Setup ............................................................................................................. 19
Figure 5. Flat Panel Collector Dissected .................................................................................................. 21
Figure 6. Solar Irradiance Values............................................................................................................. 22
Figure 7. Average Electricity Cost over Time .......................................................................................... 23
Figure 8. Average Natural Gas Cost over Time ....................................................................................... 23
Figure 9. Basic Tube Heat Exchanger ...................................................................................................... 23
Figure 10. Two-shell Lithium-Bromide cycle water chiller ...................................................................... 25
Figure 11. Evaporator in Absorption Cycle ............................................................................................. 27
Figure 12. Evaporator Input and Output Diagram .................................................................................. 27
Figure 13. Condenser in an Absorber Cycle ............................................................................................ 29
Tables ..............................................................................................................................................................
Table 1. COP of Triplets Recommended for Theoretical Calculation ..................................................... 11
Table 2. A table of systems currently in use in the world ...................................................................... 12
Table 3 - Specifications of Zihong Absorption Air Conditioner .............................................................. 13
Table 4. Specifications of AIEC-72QLW Absorption Air Conditioner ...................................................... 14
Table 5 - Specifications of WFC-SC10 Absorption Air Conditioner ........................................................ 15
Table 6 – Overhead and Resource Costs................................................................................................. 35
Table 7 – Organizational Chart................................................................................................................ 35
Table 8 – Team Timeline ......................................................................................................................... 36
Table 9 – Action Item List (AIL) ............................................................................................................... 37
Air conditioning is a vital and sometimes essential need for comfort and contentment for most
in the United States. A recent statistic shows that two-thirds of all homes in the United States have an
air conditioner installed. To a homeowner, air conditioning is responsible for approximately 17% of the
annual bill every year. This adds up to nearly $11 billion dollars spent on specifically air conditioning and
cooling in the United States alone.[1] Not only is the rising cost of electricity becoming a problem for
owning air conditioning units, but the environment is taking a hit as well. An average of two tons of
carbon dioxide is released into the atmosphere each year per residential home in America – this sum
adds up to over 100 million tons of carbon dioxide being poured into the atmosphere from air
conditioning units alone. As of recently, the United States government has been pushing for more
solutions to this ever growing problem, offering tax rebates and incentives for both residential and
business installations of solar energy harassing. This proposal takes aim at these specific problems
caused by typical air conditioning units by proposing modeling and the design of a solar assisted air
conditioning unit that would be suitable for an average American household. By harnessing the sun’s
solar energy through heat collection, an absorption air conditioning system can be ran with minimal
backup heat generation to provide cooling throughout the year, if necessary. Our proposed design
would consist of a single-stage absorption system with heat generation supplied by solar heat being
collected from flat panel collectors. In addition to the solar energy input, the system would provide a
backup heat generation from a residential natural gas line that would generate energy for the system for
days with irregularly low solar irradiance.
enthalpy [kJ/kg]
mass flow rate [kg/sec]
rate of heat absorbed in generator [kW]
rate of heat rejected in condenser [kW]
rate of heat rejected in absorber [kW]
rate of heat absorbed in evaporator [kW]
coefficient of performance
π‘˜π‘” π‘™π‘–π‘žπ‘’π‘–π‘‘ π‘Žπ‘šπ‘šπ‘œπ‘›π‘–π‘Ž
π‘˜π‘” π‘™π‘–π‘žπ‘’π‘–π‘‘
π‘˜π‘” π‘£π‘Žπ‘π‘œπ‘Ÿ π‘Žπ‘šπ‘šπ‘œπ‘›π‘–π‘Ž
π‘₯ =
π‘˜π‘” π‘£π‘Žπ‘π‘œπ‘Ÿ
π‘₯′ =
concentration fraction in liquid phase
concentration fraction in vapor phase
enthalpy of vapor mixture (𝑁𝐻3 + 𝐻2 𝑂) [kJ/kg]
enthalpy of liquid mixture (𝑁𝐻3 + 𝐻2 𝑂) [kJ/kg]
mass of purge liquid from evaporator per kg of mixture (liquid + vapor) [kg]
Literature Review
Brief Absorption History
The absorption cycle has been used for air conditioning purposes for the better part of 60 years.
This cycle is most commonly seen in large scale industrial applications where waste heat is plentiful in
the form of excess steam or hot water. The first design of an absorption cycle was created by the
French Engineer Ferdinand Philippe Edouard Carre in 1858, Fredinand is known as the inventor of
refrigeration. In 1850, Ferdinand's brother Edmond Carre developed the first absorption refrigerator,
using water and sulphuric acid. Ferdinand continued Edmond's work on the process and in 1858
developed a machine which used water as the absorbent and ammonia as refrigerant. His absorption
machine was patented in France in 1859 and then in the United States in 1860. In 1862 he exhibited his
ice making machine at the Universal London Exhibition, producing an output of (440 lb) per hour. His
design was based on the gas vapor system. In 1876 he equipped the cargo ship with an absorption
refrigeration system, this allowed the ship to carry frozen meat all over the world. Carre's method
remained popular through the early 1900s.
Carre’s system is a basic single effect chilling system which will be explained later in this write
up. While his system focused on moving heat out of a refrigerator the basic idea of moving heat with
absorption was born and from there on there have been many studies focused on improving the cycles
The absorption cycle is similar to the compression cycle, except for the use of a pump to create
a pressured flow instead of adding a great deal of energy compressing the working fluid. While some
electrical energy is required by the liquid pump in absorption systems, the amount required is minuscule
when compared to the amount needed by the compressor in the vapor compression cycle. The most
common combinations of working fluids used in an absorption cycle are ammonia (refrigerant) and
water (absorbent), and water (refrigerant) and lithium bromide (absorbent).
Solar Thermal Collection
One method in harnessing the sun for energy is the thermal collection of the sun’s radiation into
heat. So far this method proves to be the most efficient way of harnessing solar energy. Depending on
need, systems for harnessing this heat can be as simple as a few coils of tubing with a working fluid
running through them. More complex methods involve concentrating the sun’s rays into a single point
to increase the intensity and efficiency of solar radiation.
The most common method comes from the use of flat plate collectors. These types of collectors
use an absorber plate that is typically dark or black to help absorption of the sun’s radiation. They are
also made to allow heat transfer into the working fluid with a reduction of heat lost to the environment.
These collectors are backed by insulation to reduce any heat transfer into the surface they are mounted
to. Extensive research has been done on these collectors in regards to different types of coatings on the
absorber as well as the use of filters and reflectors to contain most if not all solar radiation.
Another common residential and commercial method for heat collection involves the use of
evacuated tube collectors. Multiple tubes of evacuated glass are positioned on an absorber plate. These
tubes generally contain a heat pipe through the middle which is fused at one end. Fluid can be passed
across the end exposing the heat pipe allowing for heat transfer to occur. Other evacuated tube
collectors use the same principals but do not contain a heat pipe. Fluid can pass into the center of the
pipes but the tube is fused to itself resulting in direct solar radiation to the working fluid. These
collectors make use of thermal properties of convection within a vacuum. Heat loss is reduced therefore
efficiencies are increased.
Regardless of the use of flat plate or evacuated tube collectors, solar thermal collection can be
paired with solar electric collection in the use of a hybrid PVT or photovoltaic thermal collector. By
pairing these collectors together efficiencies of a system can be increased in many ways. Both heat and
electricity are produced which is necessary in absorption refrigeration. In regards to the photovoltaic
portion of the collector, it is known that when these panels increase in heat the conversion efficiency of
solar to electric energy is reduced. With the incorporation of a thermal collector, heat is drawn away
from the panel which effectively reduces the efficiency loss of the photovoltaic cells.
The following graph shows independent test results of both flat plate collectors and evacuated
tube collectors currently on the market.
Figure 1. Solar Collector Efficiency at 1000 watts/π‘š2 with Ambient Temperature and using absorber
surface area
Other research has shown efficiency drops in regards to evacuated tube collectors when
temperature is low and snow coverage is present. Snow can become trapped between tubes lowering
the thermal efficiency whereas flat plate collectors will not hold snow as easily due to its flat surface.
These efficiency losses must be ignored due to the application of solar assistance to an air conditioning
system. The surrounding temperatures will be in excess of temperatures needed to produce snow
therefore such claims that evacuated tube collectors are inefficient may be neglected.
There are a few more types of solar thermal collection which may be extreme and not cost
effective for residential use but further research helps design and evaluate a proper solution for today’s
market for solar assisted air conditioning. These methods are known as Concentrating Solar Power
systems or CSP. By use of sun tracking devices, mirrors or lenses will focus solar energy into a central
position which results in extreme temperatures. These high temperatures can be enough to generate
steam that is capable of running turbines. Storing heat from CSP systems allow for almost 100% heat
recovery. Because systems of storage have such high efficiency, solar heat can be used at times during
lapses of sun coverage including night.
Working Fluids
In an absorption cycle one component that has to be carefully examined is the working fluid
used within the system. The working fluid dictates the thermodynamic properties of the system and
consequently the efficiency of the system. The early versions of absorption cycles used water with
sulfuric acid [2]. Lately more research into the working fluids that would be ideal for absorption cycles
has surfaced resulting in many other relatively untested options. The suggested options depend on the
cycle that is chosen. The more commonly used Platen and Munters absorption cycle only requires a pair
of working fluids with an inert gas. Through many experiments and research the main two working fluid
pairs are water with either Lithium Bromide or Ammonia. The Einstein and Szilard cycle uses a triplet
that includes a refrigerant, absorbent, and pressure equalizing fluid [3]. The triplets that have been
recommended through theoretical calculations for COP are listed in Table 1 below.
Table 1. COP of Triplets Recommended for Theoretical Calculation [3]
Methyl Amine-Pentane-Water
Methyl Amine-Butane-Water
COP Pressure (Bar)
The most common fluids known for Platen and Munters absorption cycles are ammonia and
water pair as well as lithium bromide and water pair. There are many advantages to each of these
working fluids. Ammonia and water solutions in absorption cycles are still considered because this
solution is environmentally safe in small amounts and in low concentrations and are common in the
residential air conditioner systems that use absorption cycles1. Some applications exist of larger
ammonia and water systems in industries and used for refrigeration. These systems can attain a
Coefficient of Performance (COP) of 0.45 but are limited by corrosion of Copper piping materials1.
Lithium Bromide and water systems are environmentally safe in the relatively small amounts they are
used and are not harmful to the Ozone layer. The solution can have the capacity of anywhere from 350
to 7000 kW of thermodynamic work with a double effect systems which will equal out to a COP range of
0.9 through 1.25; however again this solution is limited by its corrosion of piping materials and even has
the possibility of crystallization [2].
Finally there are some working fluids that are much less considered because of its harmful
effects to the environment but are still studied because of their performance. The R22 as well as R134a
solutions can be used as refrigerants with organic absorbents which can produce a system that can
theoretically outperform the most commonly used working fluid pair; however the experimental data is
not readily available [4].
Current Systems on the Market
Solar assisted air-conditioning has been around for over a hundred years. There are commercially
several types of air conditioning units for retail. Absorption, adsorption, desiccant evaporative cooling,
liquid desiccant cooling, and photovoltaic units are all available for purchase online or through various
dealers. Note, that all of the current listed applications are not domestic, but internationally based,
implying that this technology has not quite caught on in the United States.
Table 2. A table of systems currently in use in the world. [5]
Currently in the United States, the average household will consume about 750 kW[6] per month,
without running any air conditioning. Once hot weather arrives, and air conditioners are powered on,
the monthly cost jumps up to about 2000 kW per month. As of January 2012, the average cost of
electricity in the United States for a residential home was $0.1143/ kWh [7]. That means $228.6 month,
and around $2700 per year in extra energy used to cool a home.
There are currently a few different models available online or through dealers that already offer a
wide range of cooling in different sized units and cooling capacities.
A company in China called Zihong offers a solar absorption unit for anywhere between $500-800 USD,
and a cooling capacity anywhere between 20,000 and 48,000 Btu/hour. This particular unit uses an
evacuated vacuum tube as the solar collector.
Table 3 - Specifications of Zihong Absorption Air Conditioner [8]
Suitable Area
25 - 42
30 - 48
42 - 67
50 - 80
58 - 93
1350 - 1560
1700 - 1900
2400 - 2640
2900 - 3150
3500 - 3740
6.14 - 7.09
7.73 - 8.64
10.91 - 11.95
13.18 - 14.32
15.91 - 17
Power Input
Rated Current A
Indoor Unit
490*280*173 550*300*179 550*300*179 550*390*179 550*390*179
Outdoor Unit
850*300*755 940*300*755 950*355*835 950*355*125 950*360*125
Water Tank
980*400*370 980*400*370 1120*400*40 1120*400*40 1120*400*40
Vacuum Tube
980*400*370 980*400*370 1120*400*40 1270*280*21 1270*280*21
This is one of the smallest units commercially available.This is an ideal example model to base
the assignment upon. Generally absorption units are much larger and have a much greater tonnage.
Once an absorption system falls below around the 10 ton range, they stop being any more efficient with
a decrease in size and power. Generally you find that regular vapor compression cycles require an input
of at least 5000 Watts per hour (furnace compare). Compare this to the highest required input for an
absorption cycle of only 3700 Watts per hour for approximately 4 tons of cooling. This input is 26% less
than an average vapor compression consumption.
Another system that is currently available for purchase online comes from Chongqing, China, and is
currently not listed with a price, but it is a 2 ton (24,000 Btu) system.This is a little less than the capacity
expected, but it will help effectively compare the size/efficiency ratio. The model is the AIEC-72QLW.
This model is a central-air unit, which utilizes a photovoltaic solar panel, as well as using solar thermal
Table 4. Specifications of AIEC-72QLW Absorption Air Conditioner [9]
Air Circulation
Suitable Area
30 - 50
Btu/h/w 4.37
Power Consumption
Power Input
Rated Current
Indoor Unit
Outdoor Unit
Solar Panel
Power Supply
The manufacturer claims that their unit can fully operate at these conditions while consuming
30-50% less electricity than their competitors. They also claim to have a coefficient of performance of
4.37, which is unusually high for an absorption cycle which usually does not pass a COP of 1. It
is assumed that this is due to the combination of absorption and a photovoltaic cell, in which the PV cell
is powering the pump, making the system overall more efficient.
Finally there is a Yazaki Absorption Unit called the WFC-SC10, which is a 10 ton unit.
Table 5 - Specifications of WFC-SC10 Absorption Air Conditioner [10]
Btu/h 120,000
Power Consumption
Power Input
Power Supply
Most notable is the greatly increased cooling capacity almost six times greater than previously
discussed systems. The required power input is also much less. Although it is not directly expressed in
the system description, it has to be assumed that photovoltaic cells are used for the input to power the
pump and greatly increase the system performance and efficiency.
Computer Aided Modeling
The development of computational and simulation software has given engineers a convenient
and accurate tool for modeling various different engineering systems including thermodynamics. In
particular a set of programs developed by “F-Chart Software”, a developing company mainly consisting
of engineering faculty members of University of Wisconsin. F-Chart Software develops four separate
programs all aimed at thermal energy analysis, and particularly solar energy. “F-Chart” is a solar system
analysis and design program that focuses around several different system and collector types and
analyzing solar collection from them. Features like life-cycle economics would allow several different
computations for modeling at several different locations around the globe without redundant
computations. Combining weather data with active and passive solar collection data, F-Chart allows
engineers to competently solve tricky and numerous solar collection problems.
With respect to the design at hand, F-Chart would allow computer computations of the heat
collection for the generator. Flat-panel solar collection could be modeled above a typical residential
home at minimal cosmetic degradation. With F-Chart, performances of different dimensioned and types
of flat-panel solar collection would be able to be modeled with minimal computations needed to be
done by hand.
In relation to thermodynamics, a simple equation solver such as “Engineering Equation Solver”
(EES) could be used to model an absorption cycle. While the user must have knowledge of how
absorption cycles work as well as critical concepts that include mass flow, concentration fractions of
refrigerants, enthalpy values, and energy balances, EES is a tool that reduces the amount of work
needed to be done by hand. Concepts such as back-solving to find pressures or temperatures needed for
a particular COP value also are advantageous when solved in EES, as all the computations are done
within seconds.
Design Basis
The solar assisted air conditioning unit will be designed and modeled around the initial
conditions set by the client as listed below:
Design appropriate solar collector
Select proper working fluid (refrigerant) and conduct cycle analysis for proper system operation
Minimize compression power input to smallest value using solar energy supplement
Design proper electronic controls for automatic operation
Build and test a small demonstration unit to show the capabilities of Solar Enhanced AirConditioner
Due to the lack of financial resources, the project will be purely design and modeling based,
producing for the client all performance data, specifications, dimensions, model numbers, and
blueprints of the designed system required to build the system.
Subsystem Overview & Block Diagram
The block diagram shown below illustrates the components needed to effectively run an
absorption cycle coupled with solar thermal heating. As one can see from the diagram there are many
different components used to make a system of this complexity work. Essentially one can break the
block diagram into two main sections, the cooling cycle and the solar thermal cycle, and several subsections which are described further in the “Subsystems” section. By adding solar energy to the system,
the solar thermal can provide heat so the working fluids in the cooling cycle can go through a phase
change, and thus reducing any un-needed energy that would be drawn from the grid.
Figure 2. Block Diagram of Proposed System
The generator used in an absorption chilling machine is one of the major components which
drives the system’s chemical reaction. The generator is where the bulk of the operating energy is added
to the system. This energy will be delivered from the solar collectors and hot water storage tanks in the
hot water loop. The working fluid mixture is pumped into the generator from either an optional heat
exchanger or directly from the absorber. The basic operation of the generator consists of heat addition
from the hot water loop. The refrigerant, together with the absorbent in the Generator, separates due
to the heat provided by the hot water. The absorbent is then set to the absorber as a solution with a
low refrigerant content, while the refrigerant that has evaporated in the Generator travels to the
Condenser where it is condensed and releases heat away from the system. This basic absorption system
is shown below in Figure 3 is used to give a better understanding of where the working fluids are moving
through the generator.
Figure 3 - Basic Absorption Cycle
There are two common types of absorption generator designs, immersed tube and falling film.
Falling film generators are more frequently used in absorption chiller systems because of their higher
performance. The comparison of the two shows that the heat transfer coefficient of the falling film
generator is 4.37 times higher than that of immersed tube generator, which can significantly reduce the
volume of the falling film generator. The volume of falling film generator is only 52% of the volume of
immersed tube generator, with similar heat transfer.
The calculations for choosing the correctly sized generator are complex, but are well defined in
many experimental studies. In one such study found in the International Journal of Heat and Mass
Transfer, the calculation of the heat transfer coefficient is derived through experimentation. There
results yielded a heat transfer coefficient based on the calculation concentration of solution coming in
(Win), heat flux (qw), and the Reynolds number for the flow (Re), all of which are shown in equation (1).
With the heat transfer coefficient one can now calculate the heat transfer between the fluid already in
the generator and the fluid being added to the generator using equation (2). In this equation the values
needed are the cross sectional area of the fluid surface (A), and the different in temperature between
the two fluids (βˆ†π‘‡).
−0.80 0.24
β„Žπ‘–π‘› = 129.7π‘Šπ‘–π‘›
π‘žπ‘–π‘› 𝑅𝑒 −0.08 (1)
𝑄̇𝑓𝑙𝑒𝑖𝑑 = β„Žπ‘–π‘› π΄βˆ†π‘‡
So far this only considers the absorber fluid and the refrigerant; one must also consider the heat
addition from the hot water loop. This is the main reason there is a generator in the system after all.
The calculations for the heat addition from the hot water loop are somewhat simplified with basic
assumptions, these include constant properties from the hot water and material used to construct the
generator, the heat transfer through the insulation is adiabatic, and that only conduction and
convection occurs in the heat generation. From Figure (4) below one can see the mediums which heat
will have to transfer through in order to warm the working fluids of the absorption system.
The energy balance required must include the heat transfer from the hot water into the
refrigerant absorption fluid mixture shown as 𝑄̇ in figure (4). Then the calculation of the temperature
change in the flow of the hot water loop down the pipe is found using equation (3).
Figure 4 - Basic Generator setup
𝑇𝑒 = 𝑇𝑖 +
π‘žπ‘ Μ‡ 𝐴𝑠
Equation (4) is used to calculate the heat transfer from the working fluid through the pipe and
into the refrigerant mixture. In equation (4) we assume the insulation is perfectly adiabatic and heat
transfer only occurs inwards. This of course is not the case but with the proper amount of insulation the
heat loss in negligible. Equation (5) shows the resistances throughout the system.
𝑄̇ =
π‘…π‘‘π‘œπ‘‘π‘Žπ‘™ =
β„Ž1 𝐴1
π‘‡β„Ž20 − π‘‡π‘Ÿπ‘’π‘“
lnπ‘Ÿ2 ⁄π‘Ÿ1
2πœ‹π‘˜1 𝐿
β„Ž2 𝐴2
The design of the generator is not set and may change from one system to the other. For this
reason there are many equations which can be used to calculate the heat transfer from the hot water
source to the working fluids. Once these are found, the overall change of state for the working fluids
can be found.
Heat Collection and Backup Subsystem
In our particular design, heat collection would primarily come from the solar energy harnessed
by solar heat collection. Collectors would be placed across the south-facing roof of a typical residential
home that would harness the radiant energy produced by the sun in order to heat the generator in the
system. Flat panel collectors, designed in the 1950’s, are the most common type of heat collectors
today. They are made up of a dark flat-plate absorber, a transparent cover that allows solar energy to
pass through but keeps heat trapped inside to minimize heat losses, a working fluid, and insulation to
keep heat trapped inside the device. A dissected version of a flat panel collector can be seen in Figure 5
Figure 5 – Flat Panel Collector Dissected [11]
This particular system would be modeled around three geographically different areas of the
United States – Phoenix, AZ, Miami, FL, and Marion, IL. All three are ideal candidates for testing solar
collection because their solar irradiance is fairly high in the months where heat is most needed. The
solar irradiance for all three locations over the span of a year can be seen in Figure 6 below. Solar
irradiance values were taken from the National Renewable Energy Laboratory (NREL), more specifically
from the TMYv3 (Typical Meteorological Year Version 3) data sets published by them [12].
Solar Radiation kWh/m2/day
Averaged Monthly Solar Irradiance
Phoenix, AZ
Miami, FL
Marion, IL
Figure 6 – Solar Irradiance Values
From the solar irradiance value data collected, we will be able to equate a heat collection
system through Engineering Equation Solver (EES) by using flat panel heat collection equations relating
solar irradiance to workable energy deliverable to the generator.
The heat collection subsystem will need its own pump to circulate the working fluid which will
be controlled by a thermostat. This thermostat will measure the heat inside the flat panel collector flow
tubes and compare it to the hot water storage temperature to decide whether the system is generating
more heat than is being stored – this makes sure the heat collector is not running inefficiently or
A backup heat generator would be required for days that are hazy or cloudy and do not give out
sufficient solar radiation. There are many commercially sold on-demand hot water heaters that have
built-in controllers to control the natural gas flow & flame. This in-line with our heat collection cycle
would allow a simple way of heat regulation to ensure that we have the same heat into the generator at
all times, thus making the cycle analysis much less complicated. A cost analysis will be prepared at the
end of the design report comparing electric vapor compression systems to our proposed solar-assisted,
natural gas backup system. By using average electricity and natural gas costs over the past 30 years as
seen in Figures 7 and 8, we will be able to, in the most basic form, calculate equations to predict future
electricity and natural gas costs, which we will use in comparing our system to several other residential
options currently available.
US cents per kilowatt hour
Average Electricity Costs
United States
Figure 7 – Average Electricity Costs over Time [13]
Average Natural Gas Prices vs. Time
Dollar per BTU
United States
Figure 8 – Average Natural Gas Costs over Time [14]
Heat Exchanger
The heat exchanger is an optional item that is used to increase the performance of an
absorption cycle. The heat exchanger is normally placed after the pump and valve and before the
generator as shown in the block diagram. The heat exchanger is heated from expelled working fluid
mixture leaving the generator, this fluid is moving back to the absorber and still has a good deal of heat
from the generator. This heat is then used to warm fluid moving from the absorber to the generator.
This preheating increases the time in which the working fluid is exposed to higher temperatures. This in
turn increases the separation of the refrigerant and absorber mixtures.
There are a few different types of heat exchangers. These different types can be broken into
two categories which include fluid to air and fluid to fluid set ups. An absorption cycle requires an fluid
to fluid set up. Based on performance rating and size limitations these a shell and tube fluid to fluid
heat exchanger is by far the best investment and will be modeled for this absorption system. Unlike the
generator heat exchangers are made by many different suppliers and information regarding heat
transfer and flow rate is available. Figure (9) shows a basic shell and tube heat exchanger used from pool
heating to HVAC applications.
Figure 9 - Basic tube shell heat exchanger picture sourced from SEC heat exchangers
The amount of heat transfer depends on the number of tubes/passes of the working fluid through the
bath created inside the shell. The heat transfer also depends on the flow rates of the two systems of
fluids and will be calculated once flow rate of the absorption cycle is found.
The overall cost of a tube and shell heat exchanger ranges from 200-500 dollars depending on
the size and number of tubes/passes inside the shell. It is also possible to build a heat exchanger at a
lower cost out of small tubes welded in series placed inside a larger diameter tube sealed at both ends.
For this project we will only be calculating the overall performance of the system so the heat transfer
numbers from the more expensive designs will be used for simplicity.
The absorber assumes the role of combing both the system’s refrigerant as well as the
absorbent fluid. This process works by introducing absorbent fluid, typically water, into a vapor field of
refrigerant that has just came from the evaporator. Pressures of the evaporator and absorber are the
same allowing for both systems to be integrated into the same vapor space allowing for a quick
absorption. During the absorption process, heat is produced by the condensation and dilution of the
solution. For the process of absorbing refrigerant into the absorbent, we need to remove this heat that
is produced. By running a set of tubing through the absorber we can create an internal heat exchanger
with a fluid flow as a means to transport the heat out of our absorber. A common option is to have
water fed from a cooling tower through the absorbers tubing, removing the unwanted heat, which can
also be then fed through the condenser to remove heat from the refrigerant. Another option is to add
fins to the absorber to cool. With the use of tables and basic heat transfer equations, simulations will be
modeled to find necessary cooling of the absorber to keep it at proper temperatures. The finned option
would be ideal in a cost saving environment. With a cooling tower there are added costs associated.
These costs include the actual tower as well as another pump that will need to be regulated.
With temperatures regulated and the absorption process set, focus will now be on the exit of
the refrigerant rich solution from the absorber. This solution will need to be pumped into the generator.
To increase efficiencies we can pump this refrigerant rich solution through a heat exchanger to first
gather heat therefore reducing the energy input required of the generator. Figure 10 below shows a
system set up with this heat exchanger shown. To benefit further from this, the working fluid that we
will be receiving heat from will be the, low in refrigerant content, solution that is being returned from
the generator. This is the same solution, high in absorbent content, which was introduced to the
refrigerant vapor in the beginning of the process. Note that heat is unwanted during the absorption
process and needed to be removed. This led us to want to remove as much as possible before entering
the absorber.
Figure 10 - Two-Shell Lithium Bromide Cycle Water Chiller [18]
The valves required for a absorption cycle are expansion valves. Expansion valves are used
between two subsystems that operate at different working pressures. The first valve goes between the
heat exchanger and the absorber return line. The second valve goes in the line between the condenser
and the evaporator. Valves will help control the flow rate through the system.
We have located some companies that make these valves and range in prices given the size of
system. For a three ton system we have found prices ranging from $35 to $147. The more expensive
valves had a thermostatic expansion valve which could couple our cost of a thermostat.
The rectifier subsystem is located above the Generator and before the condenser. The rectifier
is required to ensure the quality of the solution that is flowing into the condenser is correct. Exiting the
generator and going into the rectifier is a solution of vapor water and small amounts of lithium
bromide. The rectifier is composed of many complex chambers for the solution to flow through and
gives the lithium bromide a lot of surface area to condense and return to the generator. If lithium
bromide enters the condenser, the capacity of the refrigeration cycle would decrease and consequently
decrease the efficiency, as well as this would increase the rate of corrosion of the piping and
As per our system we could not locate any companies that professionally make rectifiers for lithium
bromide cycles which would require us to design our own. The rectifier must be able to remove the
lithium bromide for our cycle to reduce the corrosion because we did implement any palladium cells to
remove the hydrogen gas that forms during corrosion.
In an absorption air conditioning cycle, there are many important parts of a system, but the
evaporator is the sub system that is the direct cause for the air conditioning. The evaporator is placed
after the condenser and before the absorber. In between the condenser and the evaporator is a small
nozzle, which helps maintain certain pressures inside of the sub-systems. The pressure inside the
evaporator is kept at near vacuum, allowing the refrigerant liquid to flow from the absorber with no
machine work. The sub system is also kept at a lower temperature. The refrigerant is then sprayed over
an evaporator tube bundle, and begins to boil. This is because the boiling temperature is now lower
than the temperature of the conditioned air, causing heat to move from the conditioned air stream, into
the evaporator, and causes boiling in the liquid [19]. Flowing inside of the evaporator tube bundle is a
stream of chilled water. Chilled water usually comes from an underwater source or storage so that it can
be introduced into the system at the appropriate temperature. This flow of cool water aids the
refrigerant in the process of boiling. The more that the tube containing cooled water weaves back and
forth, the greater surface area for air to blow over and thus creates a much greater cooling capacity.
Figure 11 - An evaporator in an absorption cycle [20]
Different types of evaporators are categorized by the length and alignment (horizontal or
vertical) of the evaporator tubes. The evaporation tubes may be located inside or outside of the main
vessel where the vapor is driven off. As liquid evaporates into a gas, it absorbs heat. Because the
evaporator is kept at a lower pressure, this effects the state qualities of the lithium bromide inside of
the system. As vapor is allowed to expand, its physical qualities are changed, and it cools at it
evaporates. Hence why this sub system is called an “evaporator”, because the refrigerant evaporates to
create the cooling effect. This is an essential process in an air conditioning system. This sub system is
common to all air conditioners, not just an absorption cycle.
Figure 12 - An evaporator input and output diagram [19]
When the chilled water flows into the system through the water coil, it usually enters the
evaporator at a temperature of approximately 12ºC (54º F) and generally leaves the system at 7º C (44 º
F). In all examples studied, it appears that the general mean temperature difference in the entering
chilled water and the exiting chilled water is approximately 5º C (10º F). Common pressure for the
interior of an evaporator is 6mm Hg (0.8 kPa), which is an extreme vacuum. The refrigerant boils at
3.9ºC (39ºF).
To calculate the heat transfer coefficient of an evaporator, one must appropriately apply the
equation [21]:
h = 4.36
Where k is thermal conductivity of the material used to create the evaporator [Btu/(h•
and D is the internal tube diameter [ft]. This equation applies to both laminate and turbulent flows.
To calculate the overall heat load of the evaporator [21]:
= (1 - exp( -
= (1 - exp( -
= (1 - exp( -
Using these equations we can solve [21]:
Where, sp is the super heating region, dsp is the de-super heating region, tp is the twophase region, U is the heat transfer conductance [Btu/(h•
•ºF)], C is the heat capacity [Btu/h•ºF], A is
the area [
], Q is the heat transfer [Btu/h],T is temperature [ºF],
βˆ†h is the change in enthalpy [Btu/lbm].
is the mass flow rate [lbm/h], and
After the generator comes the condenser. A condensers purpose is to condense a refrigerant
vapor from its gaseous state to it’s liquid state, generally by cooling the refrigerant. When a vapor is
cooled and condensed, it gives up its heat. The condenser is generally very warm due to this process of
condensation. In a condenser, cooling coils are run throughout the sub system,weaving back and forth
as many times as possible to create a bigger surface area for the refrigerant to condensate upon. The
source of the water is generally a cooling tower that stores a minimum amount of water for the system
to use to cool off the condenser. The refrigerant vapor from the generator enters the condenser and
passes through a series of mist eliminators to aid in the condensation progress. Once the vapor
refrigerant condenses onto the outer surface of the cooling tubes, the cool water removes heat due to
the condensation process and carries it out of the condenser through the cool water tubes. Cooling
water will enter the condenser at approximately 30ºC (85º F) and leaves the entire air conditioning
absorption cycle at about 38ºC (101º F). This is because the system can be made more efficient by
sharing a flow of cooling water, so that the condenser and absorber will both be cooled by the same
flow of water, although this is not always the case because this is usually only applied in the practical
situations, where as when calculating maximum efficiency, each sub system will usually have its own
source of cooling water. Once the refrigerant is condensed and accumulates enough to form into a
liquid, it will drip down and collect into a trough located beneath the cooling coils and the mist
eliminators. The condenser is kept at a pressure of 66mm Hg (8.8 kPa), as this higher pressure helps with
the condensation and allows the vapor refrigerant to return back to a liquid solution state. Once the
refrigerant is collected in the trough, it moves on into the evaporator. The refrigerant is able to move to
the next system due to the change in pressure between the systems, where the condenser is at a higher
pressure than the next system which is kept at a near vacuum, and the refrigerant is sucked through a
narrow channel and through an expansion valve.
Figure 13 - A condenser in an absorption cycle. [21]
To calculate the heat transfer for given regions inside of the condenser, we can apply these
equations [22]:
Then using these rate equations we can solve [22]:
Where, sp is the super heating region, dsp is the de-super heating region, tp is the two-phase
region, U is the heat transfer conductance [Btu/(h•
•ºF)], C is the heat capacity [Btu/h•ºF], A is the
area [
], Q is the heat transfer [Btu/h],T is temperature [ºF],
is the change in enthalpy [Btu/lbm].
is the mass flow rate [lbm/h], and βˆ†h
The pumps in the absorption chilling cycle take on the role of pumping an absorption solution or
a liquid refrigerant. Pumps play an important role in the absorption process. Without pumps there is no
way of controlling the flow of the cycle. In this case there is two pumps located throughout the system.
There is one pump that pumps the liquid refrigerant from the absorber into the heat exchanger. The
refrigerant is pumped into the heat exchanger initially, but then goes directly into the generator. This
type of pump would be classified as a refrigerant pump because it is used to recirculate the liquid
refrigerant in the system. It is an important part of the cycle, without it the system would have no way
of regulating how much refrigerant is flowing through at any specific time.
In addition to the refrigerant pump there is another pump that is located in between the
generator and the solar collector. This pump is a little different compared to the first one. This pump is
used to pump the water from the generator into the solar collector. By doing so the water is heated to
an ample temperature needed to run the cycle. Both of these pumps go hand in hand with the system
they both play an important role in keeping the cycle running. Without the pumps the cycle would not
have a steady flow of either the water or specific liquid refrigerant, which in most systems is either
liquid-bromide or ammonia water. These pumps are controlled by another subsystem, the thermostat.
The thermostat is located in the cycle right next to each pump in order to regulate temperature and how
much absorption fluid or liquid refrigerant needs to be pumped [18].
The thermostats in the cycle have important roles that include regulating the pumps and
monitoring the different temperatures of the refrigerant or fluid in the cycle. These thermostats will be
placed in sequence with the pumps in order to monitor the temperatures of the substances being
pumped through the cycle. By doing so the thermostats have the ability to communicate with the
pumps telling them when to shutoff or turn back on based on the needs of the system. This is one way
of keeping costs down and regulating the system so you are not over using the pumps or pumping too
much of one substance and not enough of the other. In this cycle there is two thermostats that will be in
charge of monitoring the two pumps.
The first thermostat is located in between the pump and the heat exchanger. This thermostat
monitors the temperature of the liquid refrigerant that is being pumped from the absorber to the heat
exchanger. By placing a thermostat here the pump will be able to pump the right amount of refrigerant
to the heat exchanger at any time and will help to be more efficient of a system. The second thermostat
will monitor the water of the cycle. This thermostat is placed in the water storage loop. It monitors the
temperature of the water coming in and out of the solar collector. By monitoring both sides of the
collector the thermostat will be able to communicate with the pump and regulate how much water
needs to be pumped through the system or whether the pump needs to be shutdown. Both of these
thermostats play a huge role in the cycle, they are in charge of monitoring the temperatures and
keeping everything at the ideal temperature needed to keep the system running at its optimal
List of Analyses/Experiments/Simulations to be Performed
The following analyses and simulations will be performed in this project.
Analysis of equating of solar irradiance of three geographically different locations in the United
States (Marion, IL, Pheonix, AZ, and Miami, FL) in EES.
Solar Energy Collection from flat panel collectors computer simulated
Required cooling load analysis of typical residential area
Complete Absorption System Cycle Analysis (Pressures, Temperatures, Enthalpies, Mass Flow
rates at all state points)
Hot Water Storage and Backup Generation Heat Analysis and Simulation
Complete System Simulation in EES
Deliverable Goods
The deliverable goods of this project will consist of modeling a solar assisted absorption 3-ton
refrigeration system, designed for residential application. The following will be delivered for two
different systems (Lithium Bromide/Water System & Ammonia/Water System).
Specifications of System
 Pressures, Temperatures, Enthalpies, Mass Flow rate at all points of system
 Input Power Required to run system
 Complete thermostat and controller driven system controls optimized to calculated heat
loads in a typical residential building
 Augmentation of Optimization of Systems through Computer-Assisted Modeling
Blueprints & Dimensions of System
 CAD Model of System built into an example residential home
 Dimensions & Specifications in blueprint
Cost Analysis
 Cost Analysis performed on system versus typical vapor compression systems, of similar
cooling capacity, found in other residential areas
 Future cost analysis from algorithm based equations predicting growth of future
electricity and natural gas costs
[1] “Energy Savers: Air Conditioning.” Internet: [Accessed
[2] L. Schaefer, S. Shelton, 1st Initial. , " Working fluid selection through parameter
estimation," International Sorption Heat Pump Conference, Vol. , no. , pp. 1-10, June 22-24.[]. :.
[Accessed 2-16-2012]
[3] R. Zehioua, C. Coquelet, 1st Initial. Et al., "P-T-X measurements for some working fluids for an
absorption heat transformer: 1,1,1,2-tetrafluoroethane (R134a) + dimethylether diethylene glycol
(DMEDEG) and dimethylether triethylene glycol (DMETrEG)," Journal of Chemical Engineering, Vol. 55,
no. , pp. 2769-75, 2010.[]. :. [Accessed 2-16-2012]
[4] N. Madhukeshwar, E. Prakash, 1st Initial. , " An investigation on the performance characteristics of
solar flat plate collector with different selective surface coatings ," INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF
ENERGY AND ENVIRONMENT, Vol. 3, no. 1, pp. 99-108, 2012.
: [Accessed February 20, 2012]
[6] Solair: Intelligent Energy. (2008, June 30) Best Practice Catalogue on Successful Running Solar AirConditioning Appliances (1st ed.) [Online]. Available:
[7] U.S. Energy Information Administration. Total Electric Power Industry Summary Statistics. U.S.. ES1.B,
March 27, 2012.
[8] (2010). [Online]. Available:
[9] (2010). [Online]. Available:
[10] Solar Panel Plus. (2007). [Online]. Available:
[11] Ochsner, Travis. “Flat-Plate Collectors.” Internet: [Accessed
[12]National Renewable Energy Laboratory. “National Solar Radiation Data Base.” Internet: [Accessed March 20, 2012]
[13]WolframAlpha. “Electricity Costs in US over time.” Internet:
[14]WolframAlpha. “Natural Gas Costs in US over time.” Internet:
[15] SEC Shell and Tube. (2012, April 8) Available:
[16] I. Arshavski, Y. Nekhamkin, S. Olek, E. Elias. International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer,
Volume 22, Issue 2, March–April 1995, Pages 271-284 Available: Conjugate heat transfer during falling
film evaporation
[17] Yungus A. Cengel, Afshin J. Ghajar. Heat and Mass Transfer, Fourth ed., April 2012, pp 163, 473.
[18] ASHRAE. 2006 ASHRAE Handbook - Refrigeration (SI Edition). Atlanta, Ga, 2006, pp: 41.1,41.11.
[19] R. M. Price. (1996, December 17). Evaporation (1st Ed.). [Online] Available:
[20]York. Millennium YIA Absorption Chiller. [Online] Available:
[21] D. M. Admiraal and C. W. Bullard. (1993 August). Heat Transfer In Refrigerator Condensers and
Evaporators (1st Ed.). [Online] Available:
[21]York. Millennium YIA Absorption Chiller. [Online] Available:
[22] D. M. Admiraal and C. W. Bullard. (1993 August). Heat Transfer In Refrigerator Condensers and
Evaporators (1st Ed.). [Online] Available
Resources and Overhead Costs
The resources required to design and model the aforementioned solar assisted air conditioning
system are detailed in Table 6.
Table 6 – Resources and Overhead Costs
EES software
$ Each
REFPROP plugin
Cellular Device
Project Notebook
Scientific Calculator
Organizational Chart
The team member names, principal areas of responsibility and engineering discipline are listed
in Table 7 below.
Table 7 – Organizational Chart
Member Name
Matthew Trueblood
David Gregg
Gary Anderson
Jared Bradd
Jason Schauer
Kevin Melander
Principal Area of Responsibility
Overall Administration and Overseer & Heat Collection
Design of Generator and Heat Exchangers Subsystems
Design of Absorber Subsystem
Condenser and Evaporator Subsystems
Working Fluids, Valves, and Rectifier Subsystems
Design of Thermostat, Pumps, and Control Subsystems
In Table 8 below, our team timeline as bid is shown.
Table 8 – Team Timeline
Table 9 – Action Item List (AIL)
Action Item List
Sec Ref #: S12-SAC2
Date: 4/8/2012
Hrs. Worked are on the second
Team Members:
Matthew Trueblood, ME (PM) | David Gregg, ME | Gary Anderson Jr., ME| Jared Bradd, ME | Jason
Schauer, ME | Kevin Melander, EE |
Pers Assig
New Stat
# Activity
ned Due
Due us
Obtain funding for
20271 REFPROP Plugin
Aug Aug
0% Talk to MEEP department chair
2 Order REFPROP Plugin JB
0% See Activity #1 for funding
Program solar
radiance values from
previous found data
20243 into EES
Aug Aug
0% Data previously found
Equate heat transfer
equations from solar
irradiance to heat
24274 collectors in EES
Aug Aug
0% Use data from Activity #3
Find temperatures of
working fluids in heat
24305 collection subsystem
Aug Aug
Design pump and
thermostat for heat
2431Use Activity #4 data for mass flow
6 collector subsystem
Aug Aug
0% rates, etc
Rough draft design of
24317 Generator
Aug Aug
Program rough draft
3178 Generator into EES
Equate heat transfer
equations from heat
2749 collectors to generator DG
0% Use data from Activity #4
1 Program first draft
14Very very rough draft - no working
1 design in EES
0% numbers yet
Being early
1 pressure/temperature
274See activity #10 for temperatures,
2 design analysis in EES
0% pressures, enthalpies
Calculate working fluid
1 properties using
20273 REFPROP Plugin in EES JS
Aug Aug
0% LiBr/H20 & NH3/H20
Find and program
1 mass flow rates of
4 system in EES
Start initial research
1 for cost of evaporator
5 and condenser
Using data from #12
701 Benwood Drive, Carbondale, IL 62901 815-739-0636 Cell
I am a hard working practical person who is not afraid to take on a project. I have a demonstrated record of
team building and interdisciplinary projects. My experiences and potential are built on my integration of a
associate degree in business management as well as a bachelors degree in mechanical engineering.
Senior studying Mechanical Engineering December 2012
Southern Illinois University Carbondale
G.P.A. 3.3/4.0
Associates of Science in Business Management May 2009
Waubonsee Community College
G.P.A. 3.0/4.0
RD Services Inc. Hinckley, Illinois
Construction management
May 2007-Present
Southern Illinois Mathematics Department
Beck Bus Company
December 2011-Present
Math/Engineering tutoring
August 2011-Present
Student transportation and safety
Fabrication and welding
AutoCad, Inventor, Finite Element Analysis programs
Design of structures and systems: steel bridge competition, solar power air conditioning unit.
Commercial Drivers Licenses (CDL)
Asian Manufacturing Scholarship
Dean's List 2010 and fall 2011
Steel bridge team captain 2010-2011, member 2009-present.
ASCE Student Chapter, Engineers without borders
American Society of Mechanical Engineers (ASME).
Jared Bradd
Permanent Address:
1027 Homestead Drive
Bloomington, Il 61705
College Address:
601 S. Marion Street Apt. 3
Carbondale, Il 62901
OBJECTIVE: An internship in Mechanical Engineering beginning January 2013.
Bachelor of Science in Mechanical Engineering
Minor in Math
Southern Illinois University Carbondale
December 2012
GPA: 3.4/4.0
Reception Desk Employee
Student Recreation Center, Carbondale Illinois
ο‚· Work and operate duties of the reception desk.
ο‚· Check for identification, memberships, and handle accounts.
ο‚· Open and close building, handle cash flow.
Machine Operator
Mechanical Devices, Bloomington Illinois
ο‚· Horizontal Lathe Machiner
 Cincinnati Millicron
 Johnford
ο‚· Vertical Drill Press Operator
 Johnford
ο‚· Cleaning and Packing
Red Cross Certified Life Guard
Oneil Pool, Bloomington Illinois
ο‚· Protect and provide service to pool patrons.
ο‚· Maintain and manage pool.
Summer 2011 - Present
Summer 2010
Summer 2005-2009
ASME Member
Captain SIUC Swim Team
SAAC Representative
Southern Illinois University Swimming Team
Boy Scouts of America, Eagle Scout
Spring 2012 - present
May 2011 - present
August 2010 - May 2011
August 2008 - present
MAC Academic All-Conference Honors
MAC Second Team Scholar Athlete
Southern Illinois University Carbondale Dean’s List
SIUC Scholar Athlete
Big 12 Scholar Athlete
March 2012
March 2011
Spring 2009 - present
2008 - present
2004 - present
Jason Schauer
1265 E Park St.
Carbondale, IL 62901
(563) 542-6891
Objective: Obtain and contribute to a position at an Engineering Firm
Bachelor of Science in Mechanical Engineering, December 2012
Southern Illinois University Carbondale, IL 62901
GPA : 2.99
ο‚· Energy in Materials
ο‚· Independent study on Oxygen Separation via Vortex Tubes for Propulsion Systems
ο‚· Engineering Controls
Supervisor, Best Buy Inc.
November 2006 – Present
Drive and develop team of ten employees to achieve business growth.
Responsible for recognizing business gaps and implementing action plans.
Accountable for upwards of $500,000 in monthly revenue.
Lead Trainer for new and existing employees in Home Theater.
Outdoor Supervisor, Fever River Outfitters
Routine Maintenance checks on 50cc Schwinn scooters and basic mechanic.
Plan and execute pick-up and drop-off schedules for water services hourly.
Leadership Experience
Teamwork experience
Basic CAD design
Basic Solid Works designing
ο‚· Leadership Member Best Buy Community Team March 2012
ο‚· Member ASME, Southern Illinois University Carbondale, February 2011
ο‚· Member SAE Baja Racing Club, February 2011
ο‚· Habitat For Humanity, February 2010 41
702 West State Street | Mahomet, IL 61853 | (217) 377-7693 |
O bj ec t i v e
Seeking an internship in the Mechanical Engineering field where I can further continue my education by
learning practical hands on knowledge as well as being a useful and productive asset to the company
Su m m a r y o f Q u a l i f i c a t i o n s
Extensive experience with computer hardware and software suites including Adobe, MATLAB,
Microsoft, and Unix Applications
ο‚· Experience in Computer Assisted Drafting (CAD) suites including Autodesk, SolidWorks, and
Pro/E suites.
ο‚· History of successfully problem solving and troubleshooting in busy and stressful environments
ο‚· Youthful and energetic, yet mature and passionate about achieving goals and challenges
ο‚· References furnished upon request
Ed u c a t i o n
Pursuing Bachelor in Mechanical Engineering........................Southern Illinois University of Carbondale
ο‚· Specialization in Energy Processes & Thermodynamics.
ο‚· Project Manager of Senior Design project (Solar Assisted Air Conditioning System)
ο‚· GPA: 2.6
Pursuing towards transfer to SIUC.....................................................................................Parkland College
ο‚· Core classes Consisting of Mathematics, Physics, and Engineering
Mahomet-Seymour High School...............................................................................................Mahomet, IL
ο‚· High Marks through Graduation
ο‚· Honors and AP Classes
Jo b Ex per i en c e
Best Buy - Champaign, IL
April 2007 – August 2011
Computer Sales Associate – Related specific customer needs to computer hardware skills.
Developed client-to-sales communication, computer hardware skills, and team-building skills.
IGA - Mahomet, IL
March 2005 – April 2007
Service Center – Handled drawer and cash deposits as well as supervision of the front end cashier
team. Responsible for training new cashiers as needed.
Personal Computer Repair – Mahomet, IL
June 2005 – April 2007
Installing, Building, and Repairing Personal Computers as needed. Related specific customer
needs to specific hardware and services provided.
Kevin M. Melander
Campus Address
1101 East Grand Ave. #M1
Carbondale, IL 62901
(217) 714-6111
Permanent Address
2703 Willow Bend
Champaign, IL 61822
(217) 355-2515
OBJECTIVE Seek a challenging Internship in the field of Electrical Engineering
Southern Illinois University Carbondale
Bachelor of Science in Electrical Engineering
College of Engineering
ο‚· Expected Graduation: December 2012
Relevant Coursework
ο‚· C++
ο‚· Electronics
ο‚· Systems & Controls
Digital VLSI
Circuit Design
Employment Experience
710 Bookstore, Sales Assistant/Key Holder
Fall 2010 – Present
ο‚· Organize new merchandise and inventory
ο‚· Work daily with point of sale system
ο‚· Customer assistance
County Market, Grocery Stocker
May 2009-August 2011
ο‚· Customer assistance
ο‚· Stock product
ο‚· Helped control inventory
GMP Management, Inc.
Team Leader, Gatorade Summer Sport Camps Program
June 2009 - August 2010
ο‚· Educate consumers on the Gatorade product
ο‚· Work in a team to complete daily tasks
ο‚· Distribute the Gatorade product to consumers
Carbondale, IL
Champaign, IL
Champaign, IL
Senior Design Project: Solar-Assisted Air Conditioning System
ο‚· Work as a team to develop a solar-assisted Air Conditioning System for a
residential market