Reports to: Enquiries Manager

Position Description
Enquiries Adviser
Reports to:
Enquiries Manager
Our work
The Banking Ombudsman Scheme (the Scheme) was set up in 1992 as a free and independent
process to help people sort out their unresolved problems with banks. The Scheme has
recently expanded to include non-bank deposit takers that are regulated by the Reserve Bank.
The Scheme is available to anyone who has a complaint against any of the Scheme’s
participants. It investigates and resolves complaints that fall within its Terms of Reference
which can be found, along with other information about the Scheme, at
We aim to be New Zealand’s premier investigation and dispute resolution scheme. Our goals
are to:
 Resolve disputes between customers and Scheme members fairly and efficiently
 Lift standards in the banking and financial services sector
 Improve the customer experience.
Our office is located in Wellington, and our staff are a hard-working and dedicated group of
professionals who uphold a tradition of being easy to access, independent and fair. We also
pride ourselves on our ability to listen, resolve and learn. This means:
 listening to both sides of a dispute to ensure we understand the problems
 helping to resolve the problems identified
 helping reduce future complaints by sharing the learning from the mistakes made.
Purpose of the role
The Enquiries Adviser is responsible for providing information and advice to the public, potential
complainants, and Scheme Participants; dealing with initial written complaints; managing the
pre-Investigation of claims; and identifying early signs of systemic issues. As such this role has
the following dimensions:
Host/receptionist – welcoming complainants and helping them feel comfortable about
Sleuth – working out the nature of their complaint
Filter – working out if their complaint comes within our terms of reference
Educator – explaining the role of the Scheme and providing general banking information
Point of referral – referring complaints to the relevant participants (if the matter has not
been through the bank’s complaints process), or to another dispute resolution service if
the complaint is outside our jurisdiction
Liaise with participants – building and maintaining a professional relationship with our
participants and working with them to ensure complaints are processed efficiently
Trend/theme spotter – being vigilant for any trends, themes and potential systemic
Key Relationships
Scheme Participants
NZ Public
Appropriate government agencies
Other key stakeholders
The Deputy Banking Ombudsman
The Banking Ombudsman
Other members of the Office
Key Result Areas
Information and Advice
The Enquiries Adviser is responsible for providing information and advice to members of the
public, new complainants prior to their lodging a formal complaint, and Scheme Participants.
Key tasks
Discuss the problem the complainant has with their bank in order to ascertain most
appropriate course of action.
Provide information on the complaints process.
Liaise with banks when urgent enquiries require immediate attention.
Provide information on standard banking processes and practices.
Provide information on the work of the Office.
Keep Scheme Participants informed of relevant enquiries.
Maintain appropriate documentation including recording necessary information in the Case
Management System.
Initial Written Complaints
The Enquiries Adviser is responsible for ensuring the effective and efficient processing of initial
written complaints to the Banking Ombudsman in accordance with Office policies and
Key Tasks
Assess the complaint against Terms of Reference, identifying where further information is
Liaise with complainants and Scheme Participants to gather further information where
Refer the complaint back to the Scheme Participant where it has not been through their
internal process.
Monitor progress of complaint, keeping both complainant and Scheme Participant informed.
Assist complainants to document complaints where they have difficulty articulating these.
Recommend appropriate course of action.
Where the complaint is considered to be outside of the Terms of Reference develop
jurisdictional decline letters which provide clear rationale for decision.
Provide a clear audit trail in the Case Management System documenting the complaint,
correspondence, phone calls and any other action taken.
Pre-investigation of Complaints
The Enquiries Adviser is responsible for completing the pre-investigation phase of the
Complaint and Dispute Resolution process in accordance with policies and procedures.
Key Tasks
Obtain further information from complainants to clarify the nature of their complaints and
the compensation they are seeking
Assist complainants to document complaints where they have difficulty articulating these
Liaise with complainants and Scheme Participants to gather further information where
Where the complaint is deemed to be outside of the Terms of Reference develop
jurisdictional decline letters which provide clear rationale for decision.
Assist investigators by obtaining further information where appropriate.
Provide a clear audit trail in the Case Management System documenting the complaint,
correspondence and any other action taken.
Liaise with the Investigation Team over specific complaints.
Competency Summary
Personal Qualities
Information Management
Commitment to Excellence
Stores and manages information systems to
enable the efficient and effective use of
Works co-operatively and effectively as a
member of a team and with others inside and
outside the organisation to accomplish goals
and resolve problems. Team can be defined
as an intact work group or interdisciplinary/project team.
Sets high personal and professional standards
for self and others; assumes responsibility and
accountability for the successful completion of
projects, assignments or tasks. Consistently
gives careful attention to all the detailed
aspects of a role, shows a high concern for
Communicating Effectively
Undertakes thorough analysis through
accurately defining complaint; gathers all
relevant information and applies sound,
analytical techniques and frameworks in order
to develop a recommendation; makes sound
recommendations based on logical, factual
Planning and Organising
Plans and manages activities and projects for
self and others; organises tasks to make best
use of time and resources, and focuses
attention on key objectives
Expresses and conveys information effectively
to other people. This includes speaking,
writing and listening. This covers formal and
informal situations.
Acts in a manner that conveys the principles
important to the organisation, including
impartiality, fairness, honesty, openness,
sound business ethics and respect for others
Takes action to achieve objectives beyond
what is necessarily called for; recognises and
seizes opportunities to improve on own and
the organisation’s performance; generates
innovative and practical ideas to meet needs.
Personal Qualities
Stakeholder Focus
Personal Effectiveness
Focuses attention on understanding the needs
of stakeholders; makes every effort to ensure
that stakeholders are listened to; ensures
stakeholders understand the rationale for
findings/decisions made.
Maintains effective performance when under
pressure, (such as time pressure,
shifting/conflicting priorities or job ambiguity)
when facing opposition from others or in
ambiguous environments, acts professionally
at all times.
Professional/Technical Skills and Knowledge
Applies the breadth of knowledge and understanding in related area achieved through study and/or experience.
 A general interest in the banking sector and the role of the Banking Ombudsman
 Financial literacy
 Has a general understanding of databases, excellent data entry skills
 Some experience in interpreting or administering legislation
 Competence in the use of computer technology
 Tertiary qualification
 An understanding of complaint handling and case management