

Sedimentary and Metamorphic


Ch. 6

Formation of Sedimentary Rocks


Intro. To Sedimentary Rocks

• Much of the Earth is covered with sediments.

Sediments are pieces of solid material that have been deposited on Earth’s surface by wind, water, ice, gravity, or chemical precipitation.

– Sediments join up to make sedimentary rocks.


• Wherever Earth’s crust is exposed at the surface, it is continuously being worn into smaller pieces by physical and chemical weathering.

– Rock and mineral fragments produced by weathering are called clastic sediments.

• These range in size from boulders to microscopic particles.

<.0039 mm Clay

0.062-0.0039 mm Silt

2-0.062 mm Sand

Gravel64-2 mm

256-64 mm

>256 mm




Erosion and Transport

• Once rock fragments are weathered out, they are transported elsewhere in a process called erosion.

– These materials are almost always carried downhill.


Deposition occurs when sediments are laid down on the ground or sink to the bottoms of bodies of water.

– Sediments are deposited when transportation stops.

• Largest grains settle on the bottom, smallest on top.


• New layers of sediment deposit on top of older ones, burying them

– Burial results in an increase of temperature and pressure.

• These conditions lead to lithification.

Lithification occurs when chemical and physical processes transform sediments into sedimentary rocks

» This literally means to turn into “stone.”


• Lithification begins with compaction.

– Weight from the addition of layers above forces sediment grains together.

• Water is pressed out of layers of clay.

• Sand resists additional compaction.

– This creates open spaces in the sedimentary rock, allowing for storage of water, oil, and natural gas.

– At 3-4 km of depth, temps. reach approx. 100 o C.

• This starts mineral changes that lead to cementation.

Cementation occurs when mineral growth cements sediment grain together.

» Occurs when calcite or iron crystals form in the empty spaces.

» Can occur when minerals grow larger as more of the same mineral precipitates out of the water and crystallizes around them.

Features of Sedimentary Rocks

• Primary feature is horizontal layering called bedding.

– The type of bedding depends on the method of transport.

• Bedding where particle sizes become heavier and coarser towards the bottom is graded bedding.

– Often observed in marine sedimentary rocks deposited by landslides.

Cross-Bedding is formed as inclined layers of sediment move forward across a horizontal surface.

– Can show sand dune movement

– Can show water movements and type of environment.

• Back and forth movement of waves creates symmetrical ripples.

• Currents flowing in one direction make asymmetrical ripples.

Evidence of Past Life

• One of the best features of sedimentary rocks are fossils.

– Fossils are the preserved remains of once-living organisms.

– If remains are buried quickly by deposition and cementation occurs, a fossil may form.

Types of Sedimentary Rocks

• Classification is based on how the rock forms.

– 3 types:

• Clastic

• Organic

• Chemical

Clastic Sedimentary Rocks

• Clastic sedimentary rocks are the most common types.

– Formed from the deposits of loose sediments on Earth’s surface.

• Classified according to particle size.

Coarse-Grained Clastics

• Consist of gravel-sized rock fragments.

– Conglomerates have rounded particles

– Breccia has angular fragments.

• Why the difference? Amount of time it took for the rock to cement.

Medium-Grained Clastics

• Consist of rock and mineral fragments that are sand-sized.


• Sandstone may contain ripples, which tells us about past conditions on the land there.

– Ripple marks and cross-bedding indicates the direction of current flow.

• Sandstone has a high porosity.

Porosity is the percentage of open spaces between rock grains.

– Sandstones can serve as underground reservoirs for oil, natural gas, and groundwater.

Fine-Grained Clastics

• Consist of particles that are smaller than sand grains.

– Composed of silt? = siltstone

– Composed of mud? = mudstone

• Shale is made of silt and clay.

• These have very low porosity.

– Typically form barriers to groundwater and oil.

Chemical Sedimentary Rocks

• Dissolved substances in water can get left behind to form rock if the water evaporates away.

– Layers of sedimentary rock formed in this fashion are called evaporites.

• These form mostly in arid regions.

• Most common evaporites are halite and calcite.

Organic Sedimentary Rocks

• Formed from the remains of once-living things.

– Most abundant form is limestone.

– Coal is also common.

Importance of Sedimentary Rocks

• Sedimentary rocks give us a snapshot of Earth’s ancient surface conditions.

• Energy!

– Coal, oil, and natural gas are stored in sedimentary rocks

– Uranium is often mined from sandstone.

Metamorphic Rocks


Causes of Metamorphism

• We all know that pressure and temperature increase with depth.

– When these become high enough, rocks melt and form magma.

– Sometimes, high temperatures and pressures combine to alter the texture, minerology, or chemical composition of a rock without melting it.

Metamorphic means that the rock changed form, while remaining solid.

• So where does the heat come from?

– Heat created by deep burial pressure.

– Heat from nearby igneous rocks.

Where does the pressure come from?

• Vertical pressure caused by the weight of overlying rock.

• Compressive forces generated as rocks are deformed during mountain building.

Types of Metamorphism

• Various amounts of temperature and pressure results in different types of metamorphism (See fig.

6-12 on pg. 133)

• When high temperature and pressure affect large regions of Earth’s crust, they produce large belts of regional metamorphism.

– Can fall into low, intermediate, and high grades.

• These reflect the intensity of temperature and pressure.

• Knowing the temperatures that certain areas experienced when rocks were forming can help geologists locate economically valuable metamorphic minerals like garnet and talc.

• When molten rocks come in contact with solid rock, contact metamorphism occurs.

– Results from high temperatures and moderate-to-low pressure.

• When hot water reacts with rock and alters its chemistry and mineralogy, hydrothermal metamorphism occurs.

– Common around igneous intrusions and near active volcanoes.

Metamorphic Textures

• There are 2 textural groups: nonfoliated and foliated.

– Foliated: Wavy layers and bands of minerals.

• Long thin bands form in the rock perpendicular to the pressure.

– Most common examples: Schist and Gneiss.

• Nonfoliated metamorphic rocks lack mineral grains with long axes in one directions.

– Composed mainly of minerals that form with blocky crystal shapes.

• Examples: Quartzite and Marble

• Porphyroblasts are minerals that grow quite large while surrounding minerals remain small.

– Found in areas of both contact and regional metamorphism.

Mineral Changes

• Minerals change in metamorphism just as fractional crystallization occurs.

– Minerals are stable at certain temperatures and crystallize from magma at different temperatures.

• These stability ranges apply to minerals in solid rock.

• During metamorphism, the minerals in a rock change into new minerals that are stable under the new temperature and pressure conditions.

– This is called a solid-state alteration.

• Scientists can use minerals found in the rocks to interpret the conditions inside the crust during the rocks’ metamorphism.

Compositional Changes

• Most metamorphic rocks reflect the original chemical composition of the parent rock.

– Ex: Gneiss has the same general chemical composition as granite.

• Sometimes, hot fluids migrate in and out of the rock during metamorphism, which can change the chemical composition of the rock.

– This is especially common during contact metamorphism near igneous intrusions.

• Valuable ore deposits of gold, copper, zinc, tungsten, and lead are formed in this manner.

Rock Cycle

• Any rock can be changed into any other type of rock.

– This continuous changing and remaking of rocks is known as the rock cycle.

Rock Cycle
