Social research report for: London Borough of Waltham Forest: Community Cohesion Survey Findings – Final Report 12th May 2011 Table of Contents • Introduction Page 1 • Respondent Profile Page 5 • Participation, Decision Making and Communication Page 10 • Community Cohesion Page 18 • Perceptions of Community Safety Page 29 • Gangs and Gang-Related Issues Page 47 • Formation and Nature of Cultural Beliefs Page 57 • Awareness and Perceptions of Extremism Page 64 • Research Findings by Sub-Group Page 75 • Other Issues Raised Page 82 • Engagement Segmentation Model Page 84 • Conclusions Page 102 • Recommendations Page 105 INTRODUCTION 1 Research Objectives • In January 2010 Waltham Forest Council commissioned Ci Research to conduct a survey of secondary schools in the borough to understand more about the views of young people on extremism, gangs and community safety. • There were a series of objectives for the research which included: • • • • • To quantify and qualify the knowledge and understanding that Key Stage 4 (KS4) pupils had of extremism, gangs and community cohesion in Waltham Forest. To understand how extremism and gangs were affecting the lives of KS4 pupils. To understand the factors that might be influencing KS4 pupils to develop extremist views or join gangs. To seek views from KS4 pupils as to how to prevent extremism and gang membership amongst fellow pupils and friends across Waltham Forest. The outcomes of the programme of quantitative and qualitative research have included: • • • A representative sample from across the borough of the KS4 demographic. An inclusive piece of research which has been sensitive to the issues which needed to be addressed and has produced valid results for all members of the community. Evidence based recommendations for use in Waltham Forest’s Prevent Action Plan and associated strategies. 2 Research Methodology: Quantitative Survey • In order to design an effective survey which would add value to existing knowledge of issues of community cohesion in Waltham Forest, Ci Research facilitated a workshop with stakeholders from within the Council and representatives from local schools. • All schools in the borough were invited to participate in the survey and in total six schools responded, four in the last half term of 2010 and two in the first half term of 2011. • The questionnaire was developed in conjunction with the Youth Engagement Team at Waltham Forest Council and was piloted with a group of Young Ambassadors. • Questions were also included to allow comparisons with previous community cohesions surveys, such as the Tell Us Research conducted in 2008 and the Young Voice Survey conducted in 2007. • The questionnaire was finalised by Ci Research in accordance with the Market Research Society Code of Conduct. It was designed to take no longer than 15 minutes to complete under supervision within tutorial groups or during PSHE classes. • Each school was approached to ascertain whether they would prefer paper self-completion surveys or an on-line option. All the schools selected to complete the survey via the paper questionnaire approach. • Information packs were prepared for the teachers involved and each school was asked to select a full year group within KS4 to complete the survey. • Completed surveys were returned to Ci Research for inputting and data verification. 3 Research Methodology: Qualitative Phase • During the qualitative stage, research was conducted in seven settings: • A group of young advisers to Waltham Forest Council, • Three school-based groups with a representative mix of students from each school, • A group with Muslim students, • A Christian group at a local youth organisation, and • One to one interviews conducted at a Pupil Referral Unit (PRU). • Young Adviser Focus Group: Conducted at Walthamstow Town Hall with members of the Council’s panel of young advisers. 12 young people attended and were incentivised at their agreed hourly rate for their input to the Council. • School–based focus groups x 3: These were conducted with representative groups of Year 10s during PHSE, citizenship lessons or lunch time. • Heathcote School – 12 students • George Mitchell School – 14 students • Willowfield School – 10 students • Muslim Focus Group: Conducted with 6 Year 10 Muslims attending Madrassas. Students attended Kelmscott School and a cash incentive towards funding the end of Year Ball was provided for their participation. • Christian Focus Group: Undertaken with 9 young Christians attending a youth group at the Emmanuel Christian Centre. Cash incentives were provided. • One to one interviews at a PRU x 7: Conducted with Year 10s at the Davis PRU in Chingford during one visit to the Unit. 4 RESPONDENT PROFILE 5 Quantitative Survey: Responses by School A total of 628 KS4 students completed the survey across six schools. Kelmscott accounted for the largest proportion of the sample (23%), whilst Lammas made up the smallest (8%). Number of responses by school School Number of completed questionnaires Connaught School for Girls 112 George Mitchell School 99 Heathcote School % responses by school 16% 18% Connaught George Mitchell 120 8% Heathcote Kelmscott School Lammas School 144 16% Kelmscott 53 Lammas Willowfield School 100 23% Willowfield Total 19% 628 6 Quantitative Survey: Gender and Age of Respondents More than half (55%) of the respondents to the survey were female, which is a slight over representation when compared to the gender profile for Waltham Forest (51%). A third (33%) of the respondents were aged 15, while the highest represented age group was 14 year olds, who made up 56% of the sample. Gender Age 6% 7% 4% 39% 33% 56% 55% Male Female Prefer not to say 14 years Base: 527 Respondents Balance: Not stated 15 years 16 years Base: 533 Respondents Balance: Not stated NB: The sample profile is slightly over representative of females. The Waltham Forest Gender Equality Scheme 2007/10 stated that women comprise 51.3% of the LA population. 7 Prefer not to say Quantitative Survey: Ethnicity of Respondents The ethnic profile of the survey demonstrates an over representation of BAME groups, with White British and White Other respondents accounting for a quarter of the young people consulted (25%). Individuals of Asian / Asian British origin accounted for a third of respondents (33%) and Black / Black British just under a fifth (18%). Ethnicity 100 The sample is over representative of BAME respondents. The ONS states that Waltham Forest has the following ethnic profile: • White British (55.74%) • White Other (8.75%) • Black/Black British (15.42%) • Asian/Asian British (14.75%) • Mixed Race (3.55%) • Chinese (1.79%) 90 80 % Respondents 70 60 50 40 33 30 18 20 14 11 6 10 10 2 6 0 White British White Other Black / Black Asian / Mixed Race British Asian British Base: 522 Respondents Balance: Not stated 8 Chinese Other Prefer not to say Quantitative Survey: Religion of Respondents 83% of the young people consulted stated that they followed a religion. Just under half (48%) described themselves as being Muslim and a further 30% as Christian. All other religions accounted for 1% of the responses respectively. Religion 100 90 % Respondents 80 70 60 48 50 40 30 30 17 20 10 1 1 1 Buddhist Hindu Jewish 1 1 Sikh Any other religion 0 Christian Base: 516 Respondents Balance: Not stated 9 Muslim No religion at all RESEARCH FINDINGS: PARTICIPATION, DECISION MAKING AND COMMUNICATION 10 Out of School Activities The majority of respondents were able to list activities they participated in outside school, with ‘hanging out with friends’ being the most popular pastime (75%). Just under a quarter of respondents (23%) took part in religious activities. Almost one in ten (9%) stated that they did not participate in any activities outside school. Participation In out of school activities 100 90 % Respondents 80 75 Higher amongst • White British (83%) and White Other (82%) 70 60 Higher amongst • Asian (29%) and Black (35%) respondents • Kelmscott School (33%) 47 50 40 30 23 20 10 6 10 4 9 2 0 Hanging out with friends Sports and leisure activities Religious activities Study groups Volunteering activities Base: 619 Respondents Balance: Not stated / multiple responses allowed 11 Other activities Don't do any Prefer not to activities say outside school Social Venues In line with the number of respondents spending time with friends outside school, the most common social venues were the homes of friends (63%) and relatives (52%). Parks were another important social venue, highlighted by almost half (48%) of those consulted. There was very little evidence of young people travelling to other boroughs (1%). Time spent at social venues 63 Friend's houses 52 Relative's houses 48 Parks 25 Leisure centres or gyms 21 20 17 16 Places of worship Cafes and takeaways After school clubs Places of learning 6 5 5 I don't go to any places apart from my home Internet cafes Entertainment/shopping outlets 1 1 Sports/activity centres Other Boroughs 5 Other places 3 Prefer not to say 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 % Respondents Base: 616 Respondents Balance: Not stated / multiple responses allowed 12 70 80 90 100 Degree of Influence Whilst almost half of respondents strongly agreed that they were free to make decisions about their activities outside school (46%), this level of agreement declined significantly in terms of their ability to influence decisions which affect them at school (21%) or in their local area (7%). In addition, there were high levels of disagreement about being able to make a difference to how the country is run (33% strongly disagreeing). Influencing decisions I am free to make my own decisions about the types of activities I do outside school (599) -2-3 -9 I can help make decisions about things that affect me at school (579) -2-4 I can help make decisions about things that happen in my local area (518) -10 I can make a difference to how my country is run (515) -100% -33 -80% -60% -23 -17 -40% 23 -26 -20% 46 56 -37 -21 40 15 0% 21 7 5 20% 40% 60% 80% 100% % Respondents Strongly disagree Disagree Base: Shown in brackets above Balance: Not stated / don’t know 13 Neither agree nor disagree Agree Strongly agree Qualitative insights on Influence and Decision Making (1) The qualitative research confirmed that many young people at KS4 age in Waltham Forest felt that they could make decisions and have their say at school, but felt less empowered to influence other aspects of their local area. • Feedback received during the qualitative research stage tended to reflect the quantitative findings which highlighted that young people did not feel that they could influence decision making within their local areas. • This was due to not knowing who to talk to about their views, but also a belief that even if they were to express themselves they would not be taken seriously. “Not a lot (of influence on the local area)...We just get stereotyped.” (School group) “If you’re given the chance to make things in your local area change then yes, but who has the guts to give a teenager a chance?” Nobody wants to do it.” (School group) • “I wouldn’t even know who to go to so I wouldn’t say anything.” (School group) This view was confirmed by the Waltham Forest Young Advisors. In general they stated that if they were unhappy with issues affecting their local area they would discuss these with their parents rather than their MP’s. However, they did feel that they had the benefit of also being able to approach the Youth Participation Officer due to their position as Young Advisors, whereas other young people may not know how to make contact with the Council in this way. “It’s a route but the majority of young people don’t have a link with the council.” (Young Advisors Group) 14 Qualitative insights on Influence and Decision Making (2) • As was the case in the quantitative survey, young people were more inclined to feel like they had a say in what happened at their school. • This was often through formal consultation structures organised by the school, for example pupil led committees, internal surveys or other consultation events. “We do a little questionnaire and everyone answers it on behalf of their year and speaks out about stuff people have complained about, so that’s good.” (School group) “We have JLT meetings where we can have a say on things.” (School group) • This was, however, not always the case. Some pupils reported that although they felt able to raise concerns with teachers or other members of staff about things they were unhappy about, this did not translate into a feeling that this would result in any action, or the issues being resolved. “If I told a teacher something I don’t think anything would happen.” (Christian group) 15 Communication Routes If the young people surveyed felt unhappy about an issue in their local area they were most likely to speak to a parent (47%) or friend (44%). In general, respondents preferred informal communication routes rather than organising petitions or attending meetings. A fifth (20%) of the individuals consulted were unsure how to express concern. Dealing with issues affecting the local area Speak to a parent 47 Speak to a friend 44 Speak to another family member 20 Speak to a teacher 16 Contact someone in the local council 14 Speak to another adult in your community 10 None of the above 10 Join an action group 6 Organise a petition 6 Speak to a religious leader 6 Attend a public meeting 6 Don't know 20 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 % Respondents Base: 614 Respondents Balance: Not stated / multiple responses allowed 16 70 80 90 100 Key Findings: Participation, Decision Making and Communication • 75% of young people suggested that hanging out with friends was the most popular out of school activity. • This was supported by limited use of formal recreational facilities, with 63% and 52% instead suggesting their time is spent at friends or relatives houses respectively. • There was also limited travel, suggesting that young people of this age stay close to home and have limited experience of other areas or communities. • 77% of young people agreed that they can influence decisions within school, which is supported by activities such as pupil-led committees, school surveys and consultation events. • In contrast, 20% of young people indicated they did not know where to turn when dealing with issues that affected their local area. • Almost half (47%) of respondents stated they would speak to a parent about these issues rather than trying to engage with the Council or other professional advocates. • This was seen as contributing to a feeling amongst the young people surveyed that they could not influence decision making within the local area once outside the school environment. • Therefore, there was seen to be a need to help young people in this age category understand the channels available for expressing their views and to invest more in communicating how their views are used to change things in their local area. 17 RESEARCH FINDINGS: COMMUNITY COHESION 18 Sense of Belonging The young people surveyed felt a much stronger sense of belonging to their friendship groups and peers than the wider community (58% and 46% respectively stating that they felt a very strong link to these groups). They were also more likely to feel part of London than of belonging to Waltham Forest (32% very strongly compared to 20%). Ethnic classifications were slightly more meaningful to those consulted than religious groupings. A sense of belonging Your friendship group (569) -2 -8 Your age group (583) -2 -8 Your ethnic group (518) -5 London (549) Your neighbourhood (564) -6 Great Britain (528) -12 Waltham Forest (526) -12 Europe (512) -16 -100% -80% -60% -40% 40 42 -20 32 29 -27 39 45 -24 23 37 -30 27 38 -27 -20% 46 37 -20 -12 58 44 -18 -7 Your religious community (516) 32 20 33 0% 20% 23 40% 60% 80% % Respondents Not at all Not very strongly Base: Shown in brackets above Balance: Not stated / don’t know 19 Fairly strongly Very strongly 100% Civic Pride Over half (53%) of the respondents stated that they felt ‘fairly’ or ‘very’ proud to be living in Waltham Forest. This was significantly lower than the proportion reporting to feel this way in the Young Voice Survey conducted in 2007 (84%). One in ten (10%) of the young people consulted stated that they were not at all proud of the area. Pride in Waltham Forest 100 90 % Respondents 80 Lower amongst: • White British respondents (5%) • Heathcote School (5%) 70 Higher amongst: • Kelmscott School (24%) 60 Higher amongst: • George Mitchell School (19%) 50 40 40 30 22 20 15 13 10 10 0 Very proud of the area Fairly proud of the area Not very proud of the Not at all proud of the area area Base: 598 Respondents Balance: Not stated 20 Don't know Qualitative insights around civic pride (1) The focus groups and one-to-one interviews revealed mixed perceptions in relation to whether young people felt proud to belong to Waltham Forest. While generally acknowledging that Waltham Forest compared favourably to some other areas of London, some respondents were less proud, citing gangs as the main reason why this was the case. • Civic pride measured much lower than when a similar Young Voice Survey was conducted in 2007, with young people in this survey citing gang activity as one of the reasons why they lacked pride in their local area. • The majority of the young people who were consulted in the PRU also suggested that gang membership was an issue that affected pride as it had created ‘no go’ areas in some parts of the borough, making it difficult to feel proud of the local area. • However, there were some concerns that some people associated gang membership with pride, seeing it as a ‘badge of honour’ to be linked to a gang and therefore protecting a local patch. • Amongst the Young Advisor group there was concern that these types of values could draw their younger siblings into mixing with the wrong crowds as they did not understand the other more serious connotations of being involved with a gang. “The crime and the amount of murders that happen, it’s always displayed on the news.” (Young Advisors Group) “I’m not that proud because it isn’t a good area. There’s not one place you can go without being under threat.” (School group) “I think most people don’t see anything as pride. They just see it as a place to live, unless you’re in a gang warfare” …… “If you’re in a gang you will be very proud… too proud.” (Young Advisors Group) “There’s a lot of gang violence around here.” (School group) 21 Qualitative insights around civic pride (2) • There was an indication from the Young Advisors forum that young people from neighbouring areas have more reason to be proud than those in Waltham Forest. • This was due to the services and support offered to young people in those areas, as well as the facilities available. “I started seeing North London helped the young people quite a lot. They get free laptops……. They give you money…. I know Waltham Forest won’t do that.” (Young Advisors Group) • “I think one of the things that gives Walthamstow a bad press is the lack of facilities in the sense that we don’t have a cinema.” (Young Advisors Group) There were also concerns raised that this issue could get worse in the future if services were cut do to the recession, particularly education and youth services. “Probably the education. If that deteriorated I don’t think I would be proud of the council.” (Young Advisors Group) 22 Qualitative insights around civic pride (3) • However, there was an acknowledgement amongst the Young Advisors consulted that Waltham Forest was a better place to live than neighbouring areas and also that the area had improved recently. • The strength of diversity and community spirit was identified amongst most groups interviewed. “I think it’s the diverse culture and sense of community that we have here. We have the biggest high street in Europe and if you go down there every Saturday it is one massive community.” (Young Adviser Group) 23 Ethnic Diversity Only 2% of the respondents stated that they did not have any friends from different ethnic backgrounds. The majority of young people had friends who were White (89%), Black (89%) and Asian (88%). Just over half (56%) had friends from Eastern Europe. Cultural connections 100 89 90 89 88 % Respondents 80 70 56 60 48 50 42 40 30 20 10 2 0 I have friends that are White I have friends that are Black I have friends that are Asian I have friends that are from Eastern Europe Base: 624 Respondents Balance: Not stated 24 I have friends that are Chinese I have friends I don't have any from ethnic friends from backgrounds different ethnic not listed here backgrounds Community Cohesion Over two thirds (70%) of the young people surveyed agreed that Waltham Forest was somewhere where people from different backgrounds could get on well together, with over a fifth (21%) definitely agreeing that this was the case. Only 5% strongly disagreed with this statement. Waltham Forest as a place where people from different backgrounds get on well 100 90 80 % Respondents 70 Lower amongst: • Heathcote School (8%) 60 49 50 40 30 21 16 20 10 10 5 0 Definitely agree Tend to agree Tend to disagree Base: 613 Respondents Balance: Not stated / multiple responses allowed 25 Definitely disagree Don't know Respect for Other Cultures and Religious Beliefs It was agreed by almost three quarters (73%) of respondents that people should respect the culture and religious beliefs of others even when different to their own (60% strongly agreeing). Only a small proportion (2%) of respondents disagreed with this statement. To what extent would you agree that “people should respect the culture and religious beliefs of others even when different to their own? 100 Higher amongst: • Asian / Asian British respondents (79%) • Connaught (77%) and Kelmscott Schools (76%) • Females (66%) 90 % Respondents 80 70 60 60 Lower amongst: • Heathcote School (27%) • White British respondents (45%) • Black / Black British (51%) 50 40 30 18 20 13 7 10 1 1 Disagree Strongly disagree 0 Strongly agree Agree Neither agree nor disagree Base: 497 Respondents Balance: Not stated 26 Don't know Community Involvement Almost three quarters (72%) of the respondents had done something to help family or friends in the last month. Three fifths (59%) stated that they had helped an elderly, disabled or sick person and a further 23% that they had helped a neighbour or someone in the local area. Less than a fifth (16%) of the young people had not done any of the community activities tested. In the last four weeks have you done any of the following things? 100 90 • Higher at Kelmscott School (35%) • Lower at George Mitchell School (12%) % Respondents 80 72 70 60 50 40 30 27 32 23 22 20 18 16 9 10 0 Helped an elderly or disabled person Helped care for someone who is sick Done something else to help family or friends Done Volunteered Taken part in Helped out in None of these something for a charity or or helped out a school or else to help a a local group with a sports with a school neighbour or club / team activity someone in the local area Base: 616 Respondents Balance: Not stated / multiple responses allowed 27 Key Findings: Community Cohesion • 90% of young people felt a strong sense of belonging to their friendship group as well as to others of the same age. • There was less sense of belonging to Waltham Forest as an area compared to London or their local neighbourhood. • Whist this may have contributed to a lower sense of civic pride compared to the Young Voice Survey in 2007, the qualitative feedback tended to focus on the issue of gang-related violence and its associated problems as being the main factors preventing young people feeling proud of their local area. • The cultural and diverse mix of Waltham Forest was identified as a strength of the area, with around 90% of young people indicating that they had friends of White, Black and Asian ethnicities. • 60% of the respondents strongly agreed that it was important that people should respect the culture and religious beliefs of other people and the fact that Waltham Forest was a place where people from different backgrounds could get along together was a key driver of civic pride. • Less than one in five of the respondents to the survey could not think of any example where they had helped out another member of their community over the last month. 28 RESEARCH FINDINGS: PERCEPTIONS OF COMMUNITY SAFETY 29 Community Safety In general, the young people surveyed felt safest in school (62% very safe) or whilst travelling to or from their place of learning (55%). Walking alone in their local neighbourhood after dark was seen as being the most unsafe activity (56% very or quite unsafe), with respondents evidently wary of other areas of London (49%) and different parts of the Borough (47%). Safety in situations On the journey to and from school (599) -2-5 In school (595) -5 -5 When walking alone in your local area during the daytime (606) 38 29 62 -2 -10 On public transport (587) -4 55 44 -17 44 56 22 When in different parts of Waltham Forest (566) -10 -37 39 14 When in other areas of London (567) -13 -36 39 13 When walking alone in your local area after dark (602) -100% -25 -80% -60% -31 -40% -20% 29 0% 14 20% 40% 60% % Respondents Very unsafe Base: Shown in brackets above Balance: Not stated / don’t know 30 Quite unsafe Quite safe Very safe 80% 100% Threats to Personal Safety Nearly three quarters (73%) of respondents were concerned about the threat of gangs and almost half (49%) based their fears on hearing stories of attacks and fights. In contrast, sexual harassment was a comparatively uncommon cause of young people feeling unsafe (4%). Reasons for feeling unsafe 100 90 % Respondents 80 73 • Higher at Lammas School (89%) • Higher at Willowfield School (83%) • Lower at Heathcote School (61%) 70 60 49 50 37 40 34 33 27 30 19 20 10 10 4 0 Gangs Hearing Dangerous stories of dogs being attacks and around fights in these places A possible terrorist attack People being The time it Swearing on Sexual aggressive might take for public harassment towards me the Police to transport arrive if there was a problem Base: 514 Respondents Balance: Not stated / did not feel unsafe / multiple responses allowed 31 Other Perceptions of Safety on Public Buses Some respondents were able to cite specific bus routes as being particularly unsafe. The two most commonly mentioned were the ’58’ and ‘158’ routes. • 12% (12 respondents) of those that did not feel safe on public buses felt this way about all or most routes. The eight most commonly mentioned routes are listed in the table below: Bus number Route No. respondents 58 Walthamstow Central, East Ham, Central Park, Belmont Road, Britwell Shopping Centre 13 Specific mentions were also given to the following areas: 158 Stratford, Chingford Mount 11 69 Canning Town, Walthamstow Central 6 • Walthamstow – 16 respondents • Hackney (outside Borough) – 13 respondents • Leyton – 8 respondents W15 Pembury Road, William Morris School 6 97 Leyton, Downsell Road, Chingford Station 5 48 London Bridge, Walthamstow Central 5 W11 Walthamstow Central, Chingford 5 230 Upper Walthamstow, Wood Green 4 Base: 97 Respondents Balance: Not stated / don’t know / feel safe on the bus / don’t use public buses 32 Improving Safety on Public Buses Almost two thirds (64%) of the respondents felt that making cameras more clearly visible would make people feel safer when travelling on public buses. A further 58% believed it would be useful to have PCSOs on the buses. However, just over a tenth (12%) of the individuals consulted did not feel there was a need to take any further action. Making people safer on buses 100 • Higher amongst Asian / Asian British (73%) 90 % Respondents 80 70 64 58 60 50 36 40 34 28 30 20 12 4 10 0 Cameras being clearly visible Having PCSOs travel on the bus Another adult on the bus Signs telling people what number to ring if they feel physically threatened Base: 590 Respondents Balance: Not stated / multiple responses allowed 33 Signs telling people that bad behaviour won't be tolerated Other I don't think anything more needs to be done Main Safety Concerns Approximately two thirds of the young people consulted were either fairly or very worried about being mugged or robbed (69%), physical (68%) or sexual assault (65%), or having their home broken into (66%). Suffering violence from friends was less of a concern for the majority of respondents (only 35% expressing concern). How worried are you about the following? Being mugged or robbed (578) -7 -24 Being physically attacked (581) -9 -24 Having your home broken into and something stolen (589) -12 -22 Being sexually assaulted (565) -18 Being kidnapped (578) -23 Being insulted while in the street or any other public place (582) -15 Being attacked because of your skin colour (585) -23 Being attacked because of your religion (581) -31 Being attacked because of your sexuality (582) -100% -80% -60% -40% 17 -19 16 48 43 24 19 -23 30 16 11 -26 -20% 37 26 -27 -38 43 29 -16 -24 38 25 -35 -39 Violence from your friends towards you (575) 31 15 0% 30 26 20 20% 40% 60% 80% % Respondents Not at all worried Base: Shown in brackets above Balance: Not stated / don’t know 34 Not very worried Fairly worried Very worried Qualitative Insights around Safety Concerns The main safety concerns of participants in the qualitative research were around physical attacks such as muggings and street robberies, in addition to concerns over gangs. • The quantitative survey revealed that the main safety concerns (other than gangs) were around being mugged and / or physically attacked. This finding was supported by qualitative feedback from the focus groups with a number of young people seemingly quite concerned about being a victim of a street robbery or physical assault. “I’m reasonably worried [about being physically attacked].” (School group) • “A girl in our school was attacked by a group of girls. Girls attack girls and boys attack boys.” (Christian group) It was generally felt that the reasons for such assaults were not necessarily along the lines of skin colour, ethnicity or religion, but were opportunistic attacks motivated by material gain. More serious physical attacks were often attributed to gang loyalties and ‘turf wars’. “I’m most worried about being a victim of a stabbing or a shooting by a gang.” (School group) • “I’m worried about being attacked by gangs.” (School group) It was evident from the PRU interviews that ‘black on black’ crime was an issue, meaning that there was a higher likelihood of being targeted by black gangs, if you were black. There was a strong understanding of which areas were ‘safe’ and which areas were high risk and this had created pockets of no-go areas within the borough. 35 Qualitative Insights around Sexual Assault and Sexual Harassment (1) Worries from females around behaviour associated with sexual assault or sexual harassment were evident within the qualitative research. Feedback revealed concerns over the perceived likelihood of this happening to them in places that are quiet and isolated, predominantly based on anecdotal evidence of rates of occurrence. • The quantitative survey indicated that 65% of respondents were worried about sexual assault. As such, this issue was investigated further in the qualitative groups. • Unprompted feedback demonstrated that this was a significant issue for young people in the area and was a concern for both young women and young men (although in relation to males this tended to be due to concern for female siblings or friends rather than for themselves). “Being honest, I think the boys aren’t overly worried but the girls get really worried.” (School group) “Sexual abuse is an issue here.” (School group) “I think girls are more vulnerable. I am always worried about it (sexual harassment).” (School group) • Despite this, it is important to keep these insights in proportion as a number of the young people consulted felt that sexual assault and / or sexual harassment or related physical attacks was not really an issue in Waltham Forest. • Therefore, in addressing this topic it will be important not to generate increased fears and concerns. “It is safe… It is more safe here than it is around there (Canning Town).” (School group) “Not in this area.” (School group) 36 Qualitative Insights around Sexual Assault and Sexual Harassment (2) • Feedback on the nature of this type of behaviour included being whistled at in an aggressive or inappropriate way, being followed or observed by older men in cars as they drove by. • Some individuals felt that the likelihood for a sexual assault or harassment to take place was increased in quiet and / or isolated locations and therefore this limited the areas they were prepared to visit on their own. “Whistling, winking, maybe walking behind the girl’s back or happens occasionally, especially in alley ways in the morning.” (Muslim Group) “It happens in places where there’s nobody...Small areas and quiet areas.” (School group) “I think it’s older people (that harass the young people) in their thirties and stuff.” (Young Adviser group) • There were also a few anecdotal accounts of serious, sexual assaults. These were based on stories that had been heard in the local press and from friends. • The respondents felt that better street lighting, more CCTV cameras and more community police officers would improve the situation. However, in the meantime they often made sure they did not walk around on their own or in very small groups after dark. 37 Qualitative Insights around issues of Sexuality and Safety The young people consulted during the qualitative stage were sometimes confused as to the meaning of the word ‘sexuality’ and often related it to gender rather than sexual preference. The majority of respondents thought that being referred to as a homosexual was not a serious put down, rather a common term used in banter. • 37% of respondents to the quantitative survey indicated that they were worried about being assaulted because of their sexuality. Further discussion of this area within the focus groups revealed three key insights: 1. Confusion around the meaning of the word ‘sexuality’ existed to some degree, with the young people either unsure what it meant or when the term should be used. One of the more frequent responses was that sexuality meant whether you were male or female. 2. Potentially linked to this misunderstanding the respondents often had a quite naïve view of the word and when promoted to discuss whether it meant being homosexual or not often laughed this off and spoke about the term ‘gay’ being frequently used in conversations and banter but not linked to whether they actually knew or suspected if some was homosexual. 3. Relating to the previous point, a certain degree of ignorance was demonstrated towards the consequences of calling people names in this way, again suggesting that this was not thought of as being a serious insult to target somebody with. Therefore, the young people lacked awareness of how they could be causing offence by using this term. “It is just becoming a regular word now...People just use it, it doesn’t mean anything anymore.” (School group) “People use the word gay in too many ways.” (School group) “Gay people probably even say it (the word gay) because it is like slang really. Because that is what we’ve been brought up on and what we us it has just become a regular word now.” (School group) “Some people do it in a jokey way, some people do it in a serious way. It depends who you’re with, if you’re with friends or somebody else.” (Muslim group) 38 Perceptions of Risk to Young People Over two thirds (70%) of respondents thought that gang members posed the greatest threat to their safety, while other young people (26%) and other adults (23%) were also mentioned by around a quarter of the individuals consulted. Only 2% stated that they did not feel young people felt at risk. Threats to safety Gang members 70 Other young people 26 Other adults 23 Male friends 17 Boyfriends More likely amongst female respondents 14 Family members 10 Female friends 9 Girlfriends 8 None of the above / nobody 2 Don't know 13 0 10 20 30 40 50 % Respondents Base: 587 Respondents Balance: Not stated / multiple responses allowed 39 60 70 80 90 100 Perceived Frequency of Physical and Sexual Attacks Just over two fifths of respondents (41%) felt that attacks of a physical or sexual nature were commonplace in Waltham Forest, with around one in ten (12%) believing them to be ‘very common’. That being said, a similar proportion (39%) thought them uncommon, while a further fifth (19%) were unsure. Frequency of physical or sexual attacks 100 90 • Higher at Kelmscott School (17%) • Lower at Heathcote School (5%) 80 % Respondents 70 60 50 40 29 30 30 19 20 12 9 10 1 0 Very common Fairly common Not very common Not at all common Base: 596 Respondents Balance: Not stated 40 Don't know Prefer not to say Qualitative Insights: Time, Space and Place In relation to concerns about the frequency of attacks, the young people who participated in the qualitative stage of the research felt that the likelihood of being involved in an attack was significantly increased at certain times of the day, in certain places and when alone. • Qualitative feedback from the young people consulted in the focus groups shed light on the influence of the local environment on their perceptions of safety. • Asked if there were any particular areas or times of the day that participants felt less safe, many of the young people, especially females, mentioned the following situations as being places where the threat of attacks on their personal safety were increased: • Quiet areas such as parks and back roads • Areas that are built up and have more places for people to hide • In the evening or night time “I would probably feel unsafe walking across a dark street where no shops are open, no one can see you and no one is on the road. I would probably run home.” (Young Adviser group) “Walking past alleyways because you know that walking past them at night can be scary in a way.” (School group) “The parks aren’t very brightly lit, so you don’t know if anyone is there. If you’re walking through the park to get home, there are really dark areas that have no light at all, so you don’t know if anyone is hiding there and waiting for someone to come round.” (Young Adviser group) 41 Qualitative Insights: The Power of Hearsay It was evident from the qualitative research that the perceptions of a number of young people in relation to concerns over safety and crime were influenced more by what they heard in the news and from other people, such as friends, than their own direct experiences. • It was important, whilst conducting the qualitative research, to understand the extent to which the perceptions of safety and in particular the worries of the young people consulted were influenced by their own, direct experiences, or were to some extent due to what they heard from others and therefore believed to be the case. • It was clear from the feedback that for the young people in these groups their fears were based on both anecdotal evidence from their peers and from media coverage. • To some extent, both these sources were given equal weight in terms of their validity and their impact on behaviour change. • It was also noted that incidents and stories were circulated very quickly amongst peers at school, which often led to the proliferation of certain news stories that related to safety concerns and crime. “You always hear about it if a girl nearly gets raped or something. That is the first thing in the newspapers that you will hear.” (School group) “Its just the things you hear really.” (School group) “You only have to be at school and it (stories about sexual assault) will go around.” (School group) “Even if you don’t read about it in the newspaper, you will always hear about it.” (School group) 42 Confidence in Reporting Crime to the Police More than two fifths (44%) of respondents were confident that if they were a victim of crime they would report it to the police. However, three in ten respondents (30%) were unsure if they would report a crime against them to the police. Just over a quarter (26%) would not have the confidence to report a crime. Reporting Crime Higher at Lammas (54%) and Willowfield (53%) schools 30% 44% Yes No Don't know 26% Base: 585 Respondents Balance: Not stated 43 Being a Victim of Crime More than half (56%) of respondents had not been a victim of crime or anti-social behaviour. Of those who had, the most common crimes were muggings or robbings (12%), house break-ins (10%) and insults (10%). It was fairly uncommon for respondents to have suffered violence or verbal abuse because of their religion (5%) or sexuality (2%). Victims of Crime No, I have not been a victim of crime or anti-social behaviour I have been mugged or robbed 12 I have had my home broken into 10 I have been insulted in a public place 10 I have been physically attacked Higher amongst Males (20%) 8 I have been subject to violence or verbal abuse because of the colour of my skin 7 I have been sexually assaulted 5 I have been subject to violence or verbal abuse because of my religion 5 I have been subject to violence or verbal abuse because of my sexuality 2 Prefer not to say Base: 570 Respondents Balance: Not stated / multiple responses allowed Lower amongst Black / Black British (49%) 56 12 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 % Respondents 44 70 80 90 100 Qualitative Insights around Making Waltham Forest Safer Participants in the qualitative research viewed more CCTV and extra police officers as being effective ways of making Waltham Forest safer. • Participants in the qualitative stage were asked as to suggest how Waltham Forest could be made safer for young people. Although there were some differences in opinion, it was generally felt that having more police on the street and more CCTV cameras would help to do this. “If you get mugged in a public place then people might not know and might not be able to help. It’s also proof, it “I think there should be CCTV cameras could actually be proved that you actually got attacked watching all day and all night.” (School group) by someone.” (School group) • In relation to the police, the majority of those consulted felt re-assured by their presence and were of the view that an increased police presence would be beneficial to community safety. “I actually feel safe with the police, like if I see police in the road, I’ll be like, yeah, I’m going to walk down this road fine, no one’s going to jump out and grab me. But I don’t see hardly any police anyway.” (Young Adviser group) “I would personally say if the police were there more, like community support in the area, I think it would be safer.” (Young Adviser group) • That being said, there was a suggestion that more police were required to provide an increased focus on gang activity. “We need one hundred and twenty more police officers. We don’t have enough.” (Muslim group) “I would feel safer if there was more Police, in the back areas as well as on the main high road.” (School group) 45 “I think the police are scared of the gangs and don’t want to do anything about them.” (Christian group) Key Findings: Perception of Community Safety • 93% of the young people surveyed indicated they felt safe on the journey to and from school as well as 90% feeling safe within school. However, in terms of perceptions of safety in other areas, they had concerns about walking on their own at night and in other areas of London. • Only 12% stated they felt safe on public bus journeys and expressed the potential of increased use of CCTV and community police officers on certain bus routes to increase safety for passengers. • 41% of young people suggested that physical or sexual attacks were ‘fairly’ or ‘very’ common. Emphasis was placed on isolated and poorly lit spaces as being regarded as dangerous. Sexual harassment or assault was a concern mainly amongst young females. • Gang members were perceived as the greatest risk to young people as indicated by 70% of participants. Furthermore, concerns were identified around the risks of being mugged or robbed. • Participants expressed little direct experience of being involved in physical or sexual assaults, suggesting that they just heard about these incidents. • On a positive note, over half of the respondents had not been involved in any form of crime. However, if they were to be, less than half felt confident about reporting crime to the police. • Based on responses to the qualitative consultation this seemed to be due to a perception of low police presence in certain areas and, in some cases, a view that the police were unwilling to deal with gangs and gang related crime. 46 RESEARCH FINDINGS: GANGS AND GANG RELATED ISSUES 47 Involvement in Gangs Three fifths of respondents (58%) were of the view that more young people were becoming involved in gangs in Waltham Forest than used to be the case. However, more than a third (35%) were unsure or preferred not to comment on this issue. Proportion of young people becoming involved in gangs 6% Yes 29% No Don't know 58% Prefer not to say 7% Particularly those from Kelmscott School (78%) and respondents aged 15 years (68%) Base: 600 Respondents Balance: Not stated 48 Perceptions of Gangs Causing trouble was identified as the main characteristic of a gang, with 44% of respondents holding this view. Gangs were also relatively commonly described as groups of people living in similar areas (32%) and hanging around together to socialise (19%). Gang associations linked to skin colour or religious beliefs were less common (6% and 5% respectively). The perceptions of a gang? 44 A group of people hanging around together to cause trouble Asian / Asian British respondents more likely to feel this way (53%) 32 A group of people who live in similar post-codes or areas A group of people hanging around together to socialise Black / Black British respondents more likely to feel this way (30%) 19 11 A group of people who believe in the same things 6 A group of people with the same skin colour 5 A group of people with the same religious beliefs All of the above 11 None of the above 12 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 % Respondents Base: 575 Respondents Balance: Not stated / multiple responses allowed 49 70 80 90 100 Understanding of Gang Locations The main geographical areas that respondents felt had problems with gangs were Walthamstow (48%), Leyton (47%) and Chingford (35%). A relatively small proportion (6%) thought that no areas of Waltham Forest had issues with gangs, while just over a quarter (27%) were unsure. Areas of gang activity 48 Walthamstow 47 Leyton 35 Chingford Highams Park 25 South Leytonstone 25 Females were less likely to perceive problems with gangs in most areas 24 North Leytonstone 21 Lea Bridge 19 Blackhorse Road 12 Temple Mills 6 None of these areas 27 Don't know 0 10 20 30 40 50 % Respondents Base: 586 Respondents Balance: Not stated / multiple responses allowed 50 60 70 80 90 100 Motivations for Joining Gangs The most commonly perceived motivation for joining gangs was to earn respect, mentioned by two thirds of respondents (67%). Other commonly mentioned motivations included protection (55%), peer pressure (50%), safety (48%), the influence of the local environment (45%) and boredom (38%). Motivations for joining 67 To earn respect 55 Protection 50 Peer pressure To feel safe 48 Because of where they live 45 Boredom 38 Because of their upbringing / family 35 They are bullied or pressured into joining 33 They are offered money 33 32 A lack of opportunities Because they have the same interests in things 22 To go through the process of 'initiation' 12 Other 6 Don't know 12 0 10 20 30 Base: 583 Respondents Balance: Not stated / multiple responses allowed 40 50 60 % Respondents 51 70 80 90 100 Gang Membership in Schools Nearly a quarter (23%) of respondents agreed that gang membership does not matter inside schools, although a higher proportion (33%) did not agree with this statement. It is important to note that over a fifth (23%) of respondents neither agreed nor disagreed, while a similar proportion (21%) were unsure how to respond. 100 90 • More likely amongst Asian / Asian British respondents (26%) • More likely amongst Males (21%) • More likely amongst 15 year olds (22%) • More likely at Kelmscott School (23%) • Less likely at Heathcote School (6%) % Respondents 80 70 60 50 40 30 23 18 20 10 13 21 15 10 0 Strongly agree Agree Neither agree nor disagree Base: 568 Respondents Balance: Not stated 52 Disagree Strongly disagree Don't know Qualitative insights on Gangs (1) It was generally agreed by the young people consulted in the qualitative stage that gangs were an issue in Waltham Forest and a notable concern amongst a high proportion of young people. Gangs were felt to be numerous, areabased, and linked to the safety concerns raised previously, such as muggings and physical violence. • The issue of gangs featured heavily throughout all of the qualitative interviews and focus groups with gangs being cited as one of the main reasons for a lack of pride in the local area and for concerns over safety. • There presence in Waltham Forest was seen as something that young people had to be vigilant about at all times and was a constant theme in discussions about the local area and its characteristics. “There’s lots of gangs walking past you. Normally you see people in big groups and sometimes you feel a bit scared.” (Muslim group) “They’re everywhere. There’s three gangs in Walthamstow at least. They’re big, well known gangs.” (School group) • There was a strong sense that a ‘gang’ was different to a large group of people just ‘hanging around’. Echoing themes from the quantitative survey, gangs were seen as having a common purpose, often linked to defending a territory. • As noted in the quantitative findings, reasons for a joining a gang included peer pressure, the desire to earn respect or the need to feel safe. Amongst the Young Advisors there was also recognition that gangs could provide surrogate families. “It’s like a sense of belonging for them, they don’t feel part of anything so when in a gang they feel welcomed… they feel loved.” (Young Advisors Group) “The younger ones look at the past they’ve had, (they) try and top that.” (Young Advisors Group) “He tried to join a gang because of protection, because in school there was a year 11 guy who bullied him.” (Young Advisors Group) “A replacement of the family …. It’s just about trying to be loyal to each other.” (Young Advisors Group) 53 Qualitative insights on Gangs (2) • Based on feedback during the qualitative stage it was clear that the young people felt that the primary characteristics of a gang was linked to territory, specifically postcode areas or a particular estate. • Whilst the type of gang varied, the link to a territory was what was most likely to define them as a gang. “They make the postcode their territory. They act like they own it.” (School group) • “You get all types of gangs, like you get a gang that represents a type of area or postcode.” (School group) A full understanding of the risks and dangers of being associated with gangs was not often expressed by the young people in school groups. However during the PRU interviews and Young Advisor groups there was a greater appreciation of the dangers associated with gang membership. “Because you’re all supposed to be together, but once you’re in it you cant get out of it. Once you’re in it you’re not safe.” (Young Advisors Group) “It doesn’t matter where or what time of day it is (gangs are there).” (PRU interviews) 54 Qualitative insights on Gangs (3) • Despite these concerns there was considerable agreement that schools remain safe places for young people, away from concerns about gang boundaries. This was also referred to during the PRU interviews as a number of the respondents had links to gangs and were appreciative of the fact that the PRU was neutral territory for them. “In a school you’re kind of slightly protected in a way. But as soon as you leave the school gates….” (Young Advisors Group) • It was strongly suggested by many of the young people consulted, particularly those at the PRU, that an effective way of tackling gangs would be to introduce more CCTV ‘safe areas’ as gang members were very concerned about being recognised by the police and having their identities known. “Gangs won’t go to places where there is a camera. When you’re running from gangs, if you go where there’s CCTV, you’ll be safe.” (PRU interviews) • The Young Advisors also recognised that there was a need to provide positive engagement for gang members to give them an alternative to their current activities and provide opportunities for them to recognise their talents. However, in the short term they felt that the Council should provide more school bus services to help people feel safe on their journey to and from schools as well as once they were inside the school gates. “I think schools should start having school busses… because it will be a lot safer.” (Young Advisors Group) “Explore their talents because a lot of them have free time on their hands and are really talented.” (Young Advisors Group) 55 Key Findings: Gang and Gang Related Violence • Respondents felt that there were a high volume of gangs within the borough and 58% suggested an increased involvement of young people in gang related activities. • Perceptions of what defined a gang focused on territories, specifically certain postcodes or housing estates. Beyond that, they were seen as a group of people hanging around to cause trouble. • There was a belief that young people joined gangs to earn respect or because they were seeking protection or were looking for a sense of belonging. • With the exception of the PRU respondents and the Young Advisors there was a limited appreciation of the dangers of being involved in a gang and the serious nature of some of their criminal activities. • Gangs were frequently cited as being an underlying factor in relation to many of the physical attacks and muggings that took place in the borough. Gang violence and targeting was seen as being likely to occur throughout the day and in a wide range of locations. • On a positive note, schools were seen as relatively safe environments where gang boundaries and territories were set aside. The young people surveyed wanted to see more done to increase these safe areas, either through convincing gangs to disband and participate in more positive activities, or through providing more protection for those outside gangs such as supervised school bus services. 56 RESEARCH FINDINGS: FORMATION AND NATURE OF CULTURAL BELIEFS 57 Use of News and other Information Sources It was most common for respondents to form opinions about what was ‘in the news’ through television and radio (81% indicating they used this to ‘some’ or a ‘great’ extent) and the internet (77%). There were also frequent mentions of family members (75%), friends (71%) and local (67%) / national (66%) newspapers. Religious leaders (47%) and politicians (45%) were least commonly mentioned. Influencers on opinion Television and radio (506) -3 The internet (502) -15 -4 Family (492) -19 -5 Friends (496) 38 44 -20 -7 43 33 37 -23 38 40 31 Local papers (493) -8 -26 41 26 National newspapers (472) -10 -25 42 24 Teachers (480) -15 Religious leaders (446) -28 Politicians (443) -100% -29 -80% -60% -40% -30 36 -24 27 -27 -20% 20 25 0% 19 20 20% 40% 60% % Respondents Base: Shown in brackets above Balance: Not stated / don’t know Not at all A little 58 To some extent To a great extent 80% 100% Trusted News and Information Sources The most trusted source of news and information was commonly cited as family members, with 43% expressing this view. More than three in ten (36%) stated that television and radio was their most trusted source. Politicians were the least trusted source of information (4%) and comparatively low levels of trust were identified for teachers (10%) and religious leaders (10%). Trusted Sources of Information 43 Family 36 Television and radio 21 Friends 13 Local papers National newspapers 12 The internet 12 Religious leaders 10 Teachers 10 4 Politicians 0 10 20 30 40 50 % Respondents Base: 614 Respondents Balance: Not stated / multiple responses allowed 59 60 70 80 90 100 Qualitative insights on Information Sources The qualitative stages revealed that media had a big influence on the opinions of young people. Opinions on many of the issues raised during the survey, such as personal safety and community cohesion, were often heavily influenced by the media and internet based news. However, there was some scepticism about these sources. • Quantitative analysis revealed that news media was an information source that influenced opinion of a large proportion of young people. However, during the qualitative follow up there was discussion about the ways in which the news media could ‘overblow’ an issue and therefore create more of an issue than had been there in the first place. “Waltham Forest is (perceived to be) a dangerous area, and I'm like ‘it’s not at all’ but the way in which it is presented on the news it seems like a place you wouldn’t really want to go.” (Young Advisors Group) “There’s a lot of crime in the news.” (Muslim group) “That’s why its happening a bit more, because the media is putting it around.” (Muslim group) • Only 12% of young people responding to the survey suggested that newspapers and the internet were trusted sources of information. This was again emphasised through the opinions expressed during focus groups where respondents spoke about the problems of relying on the media for information. • There was also considerable concern about the type of information that was put on the internet and how it could be used to create trouble and stir up ill feeling. “The internet, most of it is a load of crap…. You can upload anything.” (Young Advisor Group) “You forget that newspapers are biased as well because they have political affiliations.” (Young Advisors Group) “Facebook… it’s poison. There’s so many groups on Facebook. Some people go on to look for fights.” (Young Advisor Group) 60 Perceptions of Topical Issues When asked to review a series of topical statements, high levels of agreement were found for free choice in terms of following a religion (88% agreeing strongly), equal rights for both sexes (88%) and having the right to free speech (88%). Respondents were least likely to agree that the West is waging a war on Islam (42%). Agreement with topical issues People should be able to choose whether or not to follow a religion (483) -1 -3-8 15 73 Men and women should have equal rights (473) -2 -2-8 13 75 Everyone should have the right to free speech (482) -1 -2-10 22 Having a mix of people from different backgrounds in an area makes it a better place to live (470) -3-6 -12 23 Religion should not influence politics (453) -2-3 -20 It's OK to be gay (447) -16 -7 -18 18 -40 15 The West is waging war on Islam (374) -100 % Strongly disagree -14 -5 -80% -60% -40% -20% 66 56 22 0% 53 41 27 20% 40% 60% 80% 100% % Respondents Disagree Base: Shown in brackets above Balance: Not stated / don’t know / prefer not to say 61 Neither agree nor disagree Agree Strongly agree Acceptability of Violence Respondents were more inclined to state that violence to other people could be acceptable if their life depended upon it (52%) and to defend loved ones or fiends (48%). Being ordered or asked to be violent towards other people was generally not seen as an acceptable justification to do so. Acceptability of violence 52 If your life depended on it and you had to 48 To defend loved ones or friends Never 20 If it was for something you believed in 19 If you were ordered to by somebody you trusted and respected 8 If you were ordered to by someone you were frightened of 8 7 If you were asked to by somebody you trusted and respected 12 Prefer not to say 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 % Respondents Base: 506 Respondents Balance: Not stated / multiple responses allowed 62 70 80 90 100 Key Findings: Formation and Nature of Cultural Beliefs • Broadcast and digital media were cited as prominent sources of information that helped to form opinions, with 81% of young people citing television/radio and 77% the internet as their main sources of information. • However, there was a degree of understanding that these sources could sometimes exaggerate or ‘overblow’ an issue and that the internet in particular often contained misleading information which could be damaging to particular groups or people. • This was further emphasised by only 12% of young people who suggested that the internet or newspapers were trusted sources of information. Young people understood the bias of newspapers and the lack of credibility in the content of webpages. • 88% of young people agreed that people should have the right to chose whether or not to follow a religion and that men and women have should have equal rights. However, only 59% of young people agreed that it is OK to be gay. This suggested that whilst religious differences were tolerated there was not the same acceptance/understanding of sexuality. • There was strong consensus that violence was only acceptable in extreme circumstances, for example if there was a life at stake. Only 7% felt that violence was permissible in a situation where they were asked to do it by someone they liked or trusted. 63 RESEARCH FINDINGS: AWARENESS AND PERCEPTIONS OF EXTREMISM 64 Harmful Beliefs Nearly two fifths (38%) of respondents agreed that there were individuals in their local area who had beliefs that could lead to them harming those around them. The proportion disagreeing with this was relatively small (14%), leaving just under half (49%) that could neither agree nor disagree or were unsure. People with harmful beliefs within local area 100 90 % Respondents 80 • More likely at Heathcote school (36%) 70 60 50 40 26 30 20 26 23 12 9 10 5 0 Strongly agree Agree Neither agree nor disagree Base: 554 Respondents Balance: Not stated 65 Disagree Strongly disagree Don't know The Nature of Harmful Beliefs Views held by people that were considered harmful to those around them were believed by respondents to primarily relate to gangs (46%) and religion (42%). Other common dangerous beliefs were thought to focus on issues of territory (31%), politics (28%), homosexuality (26%) and immigration (24%). Understanding content of beliefs 46 Gangs 42 Religion Respondents at Kelmscott School were significantly more likely to see these beliefs as being about politics, religion, global issues, anti-gay views and immigration 31 Territory 28 Politics 26 Anti-gay beliefs 24 Immigration Less likely amongst Females (19%) 23 School issues Global issues 17 The local area 17 11 Pollution 2 Other issues 33 Don't know 0 10 20 30 40 50 % Respondents Base: 551 Respondents Balance: Not stated 66 60 70 80 90 100 Prevalence of Harmful Beliefs Almost half (48%) of respondents thought that negative beliefs around the previously mentioned issues were at least ‘fairly common’ amongst young people, with a fifth believing them to be uncommon (20%). Almost a third (29%) of the young people consulted were unsure on this matter. Young people sharing harmful beliefs 100 90 80 % Respondents 70 60 • More likely at Kelmscott School (18%) 50 36 40 29 30 18 20 12 10 2 2 0 Very common Fairly common Not very common Not at all common Base: 545 Respondents Balance: Not stated 67 Don't know Prefer not to say Origins of Negative Beliefs Harmful or negative beliefs amongst young people were felt by respondents to originate primarily from peers (57%) and family members (46%) with similar thoughts and ideas. The internet was also a relatively frequently mentioned influencing source (35%), while books (16%) and leaflets / pamphlets (12%) were less commonly cited. Origins of negative beliefs 57 Friends with similar beliefs 46 Family members with similar beliefs • More likely amongst Asian / Asian British respondents (44%) • More likely at Kelmscott School (48%) • Less likely at Heathcote School (18%) 35 The internet 31 From themselves 25 Other adults with similar beliefs 16 Books 12 Leaflets / pamphlets 2 Other 24 Don't know 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 % Respondents Base: 540 Respondents Balance: Not stated / multiple responses allowed 68 70 80 90 100 Knowledge of Groups with Strong Views The young people aware of groups with strong views / beliefs were most likely to have knowledge of those which focus on the promotion of a greener society (54%), human rights (53%), immigration to the UK (52%) and restrictions on Muslims practising their religion freely (52%). Knowledge of Groups with Strong Views Promoting a greener society 54 Campaigning for better Human Rights across the world 53 Stopping people from other countries coming to live in the UK 52 Believing that Muslims shouldn't be able to practice their religion freely in the UK 52 Preaching hatred and promoting violence towards people of different religions 48 Taking positive action to promote peace 48 Higher taxes to pay for Government services 44 Non-Christian values and beliefs being part of UK Law 43 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 • Higher at Willowfield school (73%) and lower amongst females (46%) 70 80 90 100 % Respondents Base: 374 Respondents knowing of groups like these Balance: Not stated / multiple responses allowed Nb: Figures in chart above denote % of the number that know of such groups (374) not overall sample (628) 69 Distribution of Leaflets by Groups with Strong Beliefs Respondents who stated that they had been given leaflets by groups with strong beliefs reported that these most commonly focused on environmental (53%), economic (40%) and human rights issues (39%). However, more than a third reported having been given leaflets on anti-immigration (39%), preaching hatred and promoting violence (37%) and non-Christian values and beliefs being part of UK Law (35%). Receipt of leaflets 53 Promoting a greener society Higher taxes to pay for Government services 40 Campaigning for better Human Rights across the world 39 Stopping people from other countries coming to live in the UK 39 Preaching hatred and promoting violence towards people of different religions 37 Higher at Heathcote School (50%) 35 Non-Christian values and beliefs being part of UK Law 33 Taking positive action to promote peace Believing that Muslims shouldn't be able to practice their religion freely in the UK 30 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 % Respondents Base: 296 respondents given a leaflet Balance: Not stated / multiple responses allowed Nb: Figures in chart above denote % of the number given a leaflet (296) not overall sample (628) 70 Likelihood of Attending a Community Meeting Young people who stated that they would consider going to meetings were most likely to be open to those promoting peace (50%) and campaigning for human rights (44%). Relatively lower consideration was given to attending the meetings of environmental groups (30%) and those focusing on non-Christian values (33%) and preaching hatred (31%). Reasons to attend community meetings 50 Taking positive action to promote peace Higher amongst Asian / Asian British (56%) 44 Campaigning for better Human Rights across the world Higher taxes to pay for Government services 39 Believing that Muslims shouldn't be able to practice their religion freely in the UK 38 Stopping people from other countries coming to live in the UK 33 Non-Christian values and beliefs being part of UK Law 33 Preaching hatred and promoting violence towards people of different religions 31 Promoting a greener society 30 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 % Respondents Base: 264 Respondents that would consider going to a meeting Balance: Not stated / multiple responses allowed Nb: Figures in chart above denote % of the number that would consider going to a meeting (264) not overall sample (628) 71 Qualitative insights on Perceived Meaning of Extremism Qualitative feedback collected in the focus groups and one-to-one interviews revealed that the word ‘extremism’ had various connotations for young people. Very few individuals associated the word with religious extremism, fundamentalism or terrorism, instead it was more commonly linked to gang culture and individual’s personal agendas. • When discussing extremism and extremist behaviour with the KS4 pupils during the qualitative stage it was important to firstly understand whether they understood what these terms meant for two key reasons : 1. To establish a baseline definition so that all participants in the group were comfortable with what was meant by extremism and therefore felt able to have an informed discussion around the issue. 2. To understand the extent to which any ‘top of mind’ and initial thoughts existed when presented with the chance to comment on extremism and / or extremist behaviour. What is meant by the terms extremism and / or extremist behaviour? • Based on their unprompted responses the majority of young people surveyed did not have an appreciation of what was meant by extremism. Despite their claimed use of media for news and information they lacked exposure to the term extremism and as such struggled to put it into context in terms of their everyday lives. “Asbos?” (PRU interviews) “Erratic behaviour isn’t it? Is it like over-doing it.” (School group) “I have no idea what it is.” (School group) • “EMOs and Goths and chavs and people like that.” (Young Adviser group) “Graffiti?” (School group) “Over the top behaviour.” (School group) However, some individuals, particularly in the focus group conducted with Muslims, identified extremist behaviour with terrorism and some saw extremist views as being about religion and / or politics. “Terrorism.” (Muslim group) “For some people its (extremism) to do with religion, for others its politics.” (Muslim group) 72 Qualitative insights on Knowledge of Extremist Groups Knowledge of extremist groups and organisations in Waltham Forest was virtually non-existent amongst the young people consulted. A few mentions of far-right groups were made, but these were not based on any experience of coming into contact with them. • The qualitative phase of the research was used to explore whether participants had any knowledge of groups in Waltham Forest that could be considered to be extremist. In the main, the young people were not aware of any such groups, although in some cases, they did associate gangs and gang-related behaviour as being a type of ‘extremism’. • Generally, knowledge of extremist groups was extremely low and in the vast majority of cases, non-existent. Anecdotal evidence from some individuals revealed an awareness of a small number of far right political organisations such as the British National Party (BNP) and the English Defence League (EDL), while there were further anecdotes of people from religious organisations knocking on doors and distributing leaflets in the street. • “Jehovah’s witnesses have knocked on my door a couple of times.” (School group) “Down in Walthamstow, there are (religious groups) outside handing out leaflets.” (School group) “The English Defence League.” (Muslim Group) “There have been cases in the past of terrorists living across the road…It was on the news – the police were searching the house.” (School group) Further anecdotal evidence from some members within the Muslim group suggested that social networking was being used by a very small minority of individuals to create and display messages of hate and intolerance towards certain religious groups. This was said to have been done by non-Muslims towards Muslims and by Muslims towards nonMuslims. “There’s groups for everything (on Facebook). Someone will say kill the Muslims, some people say kill the non-Muslims.” (Muslim Group) 73 Key Findings: Awareness and Perceptions of Extremism • Just over a third of respondents felt that there were people who had beliefs that could lead them to harm other people in their local area. • When considering the nature of these harmful beliefs, the perception was that they were most likely to be about gangs or religion. • 48% of young people felt that it was ‘fairly’ or ‘very’ common for young people to also share these harmful beliefs, mainly because they had friends or family who held those views. • However, when put into the context of extremism young people demonstrated little understanding of what this was. Furthermore, their knowledge of extremist groups was limited to those known within the mainstream and was mainly based on anecdotal evidence. • Where young people had been given leaflets or materials about groups in the local area the highest recall was that the information had been about groups set up to promote sustainable/greener living or critiquing government spending plans. • If they were to attend an community group meeting, the young people surveyed were most likely to attend a group that took positive action to promote peace or that was campaigning for improved human rights. 74 KEY RESEARCH FINDINGS: BY SUB-GROUP 75 Attitudinal trends: Ethnicity (1) Cross-tabulation analysis of key attitudinal scale-based questions revealed the following findings in relation to the ethnicity of respondents: White British respondents… • Were more likely to ‘strongly agree’ that they could help make decisions that affect them about their school (27% compared to (cf.) an average of 21%) and that they could make their own decisions about activities they can do outside school (56% cf. 46%); • Were less likely to ‘strongly agree’ that they felt part of their ethnic group (23% cf. 40%) and their religious community (17% cf. 39%); • Were less likely to feel ‘very safe’ when walking alone in the daytime (30% cf. 43%); and • Were less likely to feel ‘very worried’ about being attacked because of their skin colour (15% cf. 30%), religion (11% cf. 30%) or sexuality (15% cf. 26%). Asian / Asian British respondents… • Were more likely to ‘strongly agree’ that they felt part of their religious community (52% cf. 39%); • Were more likely to feel ‘very worried’ about being mugged or robbed (49% cf. 38%), being physically assaulted (52% cf. 43%), and being attacked because of their religion (40% cf. 30%) or sexuality (34% cf. 26%); • Were more likely to ‘strongly agree’ that everyone should have the right to free speech (75% cf. 66%) and that the West was waging a war on Islam (40% cf. 27%); and • Were less likely to ‘strongly agree’ that people should be able to choose to follow a religion (67% cf. 73%). 76 Attitudinal trends: Ethnicity (2) Cross-tabulation analysis of key attitudinal scale-based questions revealed the following findings in relation to the ethnicity of respondents: Black / Black British respondents… • Were more likely to ‘strongly agree’ that they felt part of their ethnic group (46% compared to (cf.) an average of 40%); • Were more likely to feel ‘very safe’ whilst walking in their local area during the daytime (64% cf. 43%); • Were more likely to feel ‘very worried’ about being attacked because of their skin colour (40% cf. 30%); and • Were more likely to reveal that they used local newspapers (39% cf. 26%) and religious leaders (33% cf. 20%) to inform their opinions about what is in the news ‘to a great extent’. White Other respondents… • Were less likely to ‘strongly agree’ that they could help make decisions that affect them about their school (13% cf. 21%); • Were less likely to feel ‘very safe’ in school (47% cf. 62%); and • Were less likely to ‘strongly agree’ that having a mix of people from different backgrounds in an area makes it a better place to live (39% cf. 56%). 77 Attitudinal trends: Gender Cross-tabulation analysis of key attitudinal scale-based questions revealed the following findings in relation to the gender of respondents: Male respondents… • Were more likely to ‘strongly agree’ that they could help make decisions that affect them about their school (27% compared to (cf.) an average of 21%), that they could make their own decisions about activities they can do outside school (52% cf. 46%) and make decisions about their local area (14% cf. 8%); • Were more likely to ‘strongly agree’ that they felt part of Waltham Forest (26% cf. 20%); • Were less likely to ‘strongly agree’ that men and women should have equal rights (66% cf. 75%); and • Were more likely to ‘strongly disagree’ that it was OK to be gay (28% cf. 16%). Female respondents… • Were less likely to ‘strongly agree’ that they felt part of their neighbourhood (18% cf. 23%); • Were less likely to feel ‘very safe’ whilst walking in their local area during the daytime (38% cf. 43%); • Were more likely to feel ‘very worried’ about being mugged or robbed (48% cf. 38%) and sexually (58% cf. 48%) or physically (54% cf. 43%) assaulted; and • Were more likely to ‘strongly agree’ that having a mix of people from different backgrounds in an area makes it a better place to live (62% cf. 56%) and that it is OK to be gay (50% cf. 41%). 78 Attitudinal trends: School (1) Cross-tabulation analysis of key attitudinal scale-based questions revealed the following findings in relation to the school of respondents: Respondents from Heathcote School… • Were more likely to feel ‘very safe’ when walking alone in their local area after dark (21% compared to (cf.) an average of 14%) and when on the journey to and from school (65% cf. 55%); • Were less likely to feel ‘very worried’ about having their home broken into (23% cf. 37%), being mugged or robbed (22% cf. 38%), being physically attacked (26% cf. 43%), insulted (8% cf. 24%), attacked due to skin colour (19% cf. 30%), religion (16% cf. 30%), sexuality (14% cf. 26%) and violence from friends (11% cf. 20%); and • Less likely to ‘strongly agree’ that everyone should have the right to free speech (49% cf. 66%), that men and women should have equal rights (61% cf. 75%) and that having a mix of people from different backgrounds in an area makes it a better place to live in (35% cf. 56%). Respondents from Kelmscott School… • Were more likely to state that they ‘very strongly’ felt part of their religious community (50% compared to (cf.) an average of 39%); and • Were more likely to indicate that they trusted politicians as an information source ‘to a great extent’ (28% cf. 20%). 79 Attitudinal trends: School (2) Cross-tabulation analysis of key attitudinal scale-based questions revealed the following findings in relation to the school of respondents: Respondents from Connaught School… • Were less likely to state that they ‘very strongly’ felt part of Waltham Forest (9% compared to (cf.) an average of 20%); • Were more likely to feel ‘very worried’ about being mugged or robbed (50% cf. 38%) and being physically attacked (54% cf. 43%); • Were more likely to indicate that they trusted television and radio as an information source ‘to a great extent’ (49% cf. 43%); and • Were more likely to ‘strongly agree’ that men and women should have equal rights (87% cf. 75%), that it is OK to be gay (55% cf. 41%), that having a mix of people from different backgrounds in an area makes it a better place to live (70% cf. 56%) and that people should respect the culture and religious beliefs of others (77% cf. 60%). Respondents from George Mitchell School… • Were less likely to feel that they ‘very strongly’ felt part of their age group (33% cf. 46%); and • Were less likely to feel ‘very safe’ whilst in school (45% cf. 62%). 80 Attitudinal trends: School (3) Cross-tabulation analysis of key attitudinal scale-based questions revealed the following findings in relation to the school of respondents: Respondents from Lammas School… • Were more likely to state that they ‘very strongly’ felt part of Europe (41% compared to (cf.) an average of 23%); and • Were more likely to indicate that they trusted local (40% cf. 26%) and national newspapers (37% cf. 24%) as an information source ‘to a great extent’. Respondents from Willowfield School… • Were less likely to state that they ‘very strongly’ felt part of their ethnic group (29% cf. 40%) and their friendship group (46% cf. 58%); and • Were less likely to feel ‘very worried’ about being sexually assaulted (35% cf. 48%). 81 RESEARCH FINDINGS: OTHER ISSUES RAISED DURING THE SURVEY 82 UNPROMPTED FEEDBACK 52 respondents to the quantitative survey chose to make additional comments. These primarily related to discrimination against certain groups Is there anything else you would like to tell Waltham Forest Borough Council about any of the issues raised within this questionnaire? “There is too much racism and too much Muslim hatred.” Top ten suggestions for Waltham Forest: 1) Prevent discrimination against certain religious groups (17%) 2) Improve safety (12%) 3) More places / activities for young people (10%) 4) Tackle gangs (8%) 5) Change negative perceptions of Police (6%) 6) Reduce knife crime (6%) 7) Target bullying (4%) 8) Bring EMA back (4%) 9) More sports in schools (4%) “There should be more cameras around the places crime happens.” “Waltham Forest needs to organise more after school activities for young people.” “Sort out the gangs.” “Police PCSOs pick on people because they are bored.” “Stop knife crime now.” “I want EMA back because when I go to college I won’t get it.” “More sports in schools e.g. tennis and rugby.” 10) Improve transport infrastructure (4%) “There is too much traffic.” Base: 52 Respondents commenting. Balance: Not stated / don’t know 83 SEGMENTATION MODEL FOR ENGAGING YOUNG PEOPLE WITH COMMUNITY ISSUES 84 INTRODUCTION TO SEGMENTATION Attitudinal scale questions eliciting respondents’ views and beliefs on a range of topics were used as the basis of a cluster analysis conducted in order to identify specific segments of respondents, based on shared views and characteristics. Cluster analysis is a commonly used market research technique that is used to partition the general population of consumers into market segments in order to better understand relationships between different groups of consumers or potential customers In social research, this technique can be applied in order to organise respondents to surveys into relatively homogeneous groups or ‘clusters’. Members should be similar to one another and unlike members of other clusters. Segment identifier questions included: In this survey, cluster analysis was used primarily in order to identify specific groups of respondents that shared similar beliefs and character traits. • Ability to affect decisions • Sense of belonging • Pride in the local area • Views on multi-culturalism in local area • Safety issues and worries • Information sources • Views on civil liberties • Respect for other people’s beliefs A six-cluster solution was adapted for the young people completing the community cohesion survey in Waltham Forest. 85 SEGMENTATION OF MODEL Six segments of young people in Waltham Forest were identified using cluster analysis, with proportional coverage of between 11% and 21%. Segment 1: ‘Well informed, but worried’ Segment 6: ‘Civil liberty apathy and less linked to wider community’ 11% 18% Segment 5: ‘Supportive of civil liberties but disenfranchised / disaffected’ 15% Segment 2: ‘No worries but conscious of civil liberties’ 21% 20% Segment 4: ‘Fearful, even of friends’ 15% 86 Segment 3: ‘Civil liberty apathy’ Segmentation Model Six segments were identified using cluster analysis. • • • • • • • • • Segment 1: ‘Well informed, but worried’ (18% of respondents) Feel they can make a difference Feel part of their community Use a variety of sources to keep informed Concerned about the issues raised about personal safety and violence in the community More likely to be Muslim or Asian Segment 4: ‘Fearful, even of friends’ (20% of respondents) Most likely to be fearful about threats to their own personal safety and to their homes This included fears about violence from friends Also most likely to be concerned about the threat of gangs More likely to be female • • • • • • • • • • Segment 2: ‘No worries but conscious of civil liberties’ (21% of respondents) Believe in human rights Feel safe when travelling to and from school Less likely to see the issues raised as beging of concern to them More likely to be males Segment 5: ‘Supportive of civil liberties but disenfranchised / disaffected’ (15% of respondents) Agreed on value of civil liberties Views based on informal sources rather than from people in authority Concerned about gangs and increasing gang membership Felt unable to make a difference Felt distanced from their local communities. More likely to be female 87 • • • • Segment 3: ‘Civil liberty apathy’ (15% of respondents) Displayed lack of agreement with statements on human rights Higher feeling of safety when moving around the local area Less likely to feel threatened by gangs Unlikely to engage with the Council to discuss issues Segment 6: ‘Civil liberty apathy and less linked to wider community’ (11% of respondents) • Least likely to feel proud of living in Waltham Forest • Feel disassociated from their peers and wider community • Do not feel as much concern for personal safety • Less agreement with civil liberties • More unlikely to see WF as a place of successful multi-culturalism Segment 1: Well informed but worried This cluster of respondents feel like they belong, that they can make a difference and that they are well informed as a result of their use of multiple information sources. They are also more likely to be worried, which may be as a result of being more informed. Asian / Asian British and Muslim respondents are over-represented within this segment. Significantly more likely to… • Feel that they can make a difference to how their country is run; • Feel part of their age group, neighbourhood, ethnic group, religious community, Waltham Forest, London and Great Britain; • Feel worried about all areas prompted; having their home broken into, being mugged, physically attacked, insulted, sexually assaulted, attacked because of skin colour, religion and sexuality, being kidnapped and violence from friends; and • Form their opinions through a wide variety of sources (greatest extent on all prompted sources); television and radio, the internet, local papers, national newspapers, friends, family religious leaders, politicians and teachers. Key membership traits (more or less frequently than would be expected randomly)… • More frequently Asian / Asian British; • More frequently Muslim; and • Less frequently ‘No religion at all’. 88 No. respondents in segment % of sample 114 18% Segment 1: Well informed but worried This cluster of respondents feel like they belong, that they can make a difference and that they are well informed as a result of their use of multiple information sources. They are also more likely to be worried, which may be as a result of being more informed. Asian / Asian British and Muslim respondents are over-represented within this segment. Additional characteristics: • • • • • • • More likely to spend time at internet cafes (11% cf. 5%); More likely to see sexual attacks amongst people of their age group as being ‘very common’ in their local area (22% cf. 12%); More likely to believe that young people feel most at harm from family members (19% cf. 10%); More likely to feel confident in reporting a crime to the police (55% cf. 43%); More likely to strongly agree that there are young people in the local area with beliefs that could lead to them harming those around them (27% cf. 12%); More likely to see harmful beliefs held by young people as being about politics (38% cf. 28%) and global issues (29% cf. 17%); More likely to see it as being ‘very common’ for young people to have such harmful beliefs (21% cf. 12%). Cf. = Compared to the average 89 Segment 2: No worries but conscious of civil liberties This cluster of respondents were less likely to be worried and expressed support for a number of civil liberties. Males tended to occur more frequently within this segment. Significantly more likely to… • Feel safe on the journey to and from school; and • Believe people should be able to choose whether or not to follow a religion, that everyone should have the right to free speech and that men and women should have equal rights. Significantly less likely to… • Feel worried about all areas prompted; having their home broken into, being mugged, physically attacked, insulted, sexually assaulted, attacked because of skin colour, religion and sexuality, being kidnapped and violence from friends. Key membership traits (more or less frequently than would be expected randomly)… • More frequently Male. 90 No. respondents in segment % of sample 130 21% Segment 2: No worries but conscious of civil liberties This cluster of respondents were less likely to be worried and expressed support for a number of civil liberties. Males tended to occur more frequently within this segment. Additional characteristics: • • • • • More likely to spend time at places of worship (29% cf. 21%); Least likely to state that a possible terrorist attack made them feel unsafe (22% cf. 34%); Most likely to state that the time it would take the police to respond if there is a problem made them feel unsafe (28% cf. 27%); More likely to see sexual attacks amongst people of their age group as being ‘not at all common’ in their local area (16% cf. 9%); More likely to feel that young people who have harmful beliefs develop them themselves (40% cf. 31%). Cf. = Compared to the average 91 Segment 3: Civil liberty apathy This cluster of respondents often disagreed with a number of statements relating to civil rights and liberties, in addition to respecting the culture and beliefs of others. Significantly more likely to… • Feel safe when walking alone in their local area during the daytime and on public transport. Significantly less likely to… • Feel worried about being mugged, physically attacked or insulted in the street; • Agree that; • People should be able to choose whether or not to follow a religion; • That everyone should have the right to free speech; • That religion should not influence politics; • That men and women should have equal rights; • That having a mix of people from different backgrounds in an area makes it a better place to live; • Agree that people should respect the culture of and religious beliefs of others even when different to their own. Key membership traits (more or less frequently than would be expected randomly)… • More frequently Heathcote School; • Less frequently Asian / Asian British; and • Less frequently Muslim. 92 No. respondents in segment % of sample 96 15% Segment 3: Civil liberty apathy This cluster of respondents often disagreed with a number of statements relating to civil rights and liberties, in addition to respecting the culture and beliefs of others. Additional characteristics: • • • • Less likely to contact someone in the local council if unhappy about an issue (7% cf. 14%); Less likely to believe that young people feel most at harm from gang members (55% cf. 70%); Less likely to see harmful beliefs held by young people as being about gangs (31% cf. 46%); Less likely to feel that young people who have harmful beliefs get them from friends (33% cf. 57%), family members (25% cf. 46%) and other adults (7% cf. 25%). Cf. = Compared to the average 93 Segment 4: Fearful, even of friends This cluster of respondents were significantly more worried about threats to their personal safety. This segment was over-represented by females, Muslims, Asian / Asian British respondents and those from Lammas School. Significantly more likely to… • Feel worried about all areas prompted: • Having their home broken into; • Being mugged; • Being physically attacked; • Being insulted in the street; • Being sexually assaulted; • Being attacked due to skin colour, religion and sexuality; • Being kidnapped; and • Violence from friends. Key membership traits (more or less frequently than would be expected randomly)… • • • • More frequently Female; More frequently Muslim; More frequently Asian / Asian British; and More frequently Lammas School. 94 No. respondents in segment % of sample 125 20% Segment 4: Fearful, even of friends This cluster of respondents were significantly more worried about threats to their personal safety. This segment was over-represented by females, Muslims, Asian / Asian British respondents and those from Lammas School. Additional characteristics: • • • • More likely to state that gangs made them feel unsafe (84% cf. 73%); More likely to feel that young people who have harmful beliefs get them from leaflets / pamphlets (20% cf.12%); More likely to state that they would consider going to a meeting of groups with beliefs around promoting a greener society (45% cf. 30%); Less likely to have been given a leaflet around preaching hatred and promoting violence towards people of different religions (23% cf. 37%). Cf. = Compared to the average 95 Segment 5: Supportive of civil liberties but disenfranchised / disaffected This cluster of respondents agreed on a number of civil liberties issues, were less likely to form opinions influenced by people of authority, were unlikely to feel that they could make a difference to how their country was run and felt distanced from their local communities. Over-representation of females, White British and those from Connaught school. Significantly more likely to… • Agree that people should be able to choose whether or not to follow a religion, that everyone should have the right to free speech, that religion should not influence politics and that men and women should have equal rights. Significantly less likely to… • • • • Form opinions about what’s in the news from religious leaders, politicians and teachers; Feel worried about being attacked because of their sexuality and about violence from friends; Feel that they can make a difference to how their country is run; and Feel part of their neighbourhood, religious community, Waltham Forest, London and Europe. Key membership traits (more or less frequently than would be expected randomly)… • • • • • More frequently Female; More frequently White British; More frequently Connaught School; More frequently ‘no religion at all’; and Less frequently Muslim. 96 No. respondents in segment % of sample 94 15% Segment 5: Supportive of civil liberties but disenfranchised / disaffected This cluster of respondents agreed on a number of civil liberties issues, were less likely to form opinions influenced by people of authority, were unlikely to feel that they could make a difference to how their country was run and felt distanced from their local communities. Over-representation of females, White British and those from Connaught school. Additional characteristics: • • • • More likely to state that sexual harassment made them feel unsafe (10% cf. 4%); More likely to feel more young people in Waltham Forest joining gangs than there used to be (64% cf. 58%); More likely to see harmful beliefs held by young people as being about gangs (58% cf. 46%) and territory (43% cf. 31%); More likely to state that young people with harmful beliefs get them from friends with similar views (72% cf. 57%). Cf. = Compared to the average 97 Segment 6: Civil liberty apathy – less linked to wider community This cluster of respondents were less inclined to agree with statements associated with accepted civil liberties, less likely to respect the culture and beliefs of others, more unlikely to see Waltham Forest as a place of successful multiculturalism and were less connected to wider networks of people. Significantly less likely to… • Agree that they can help make decisions about things that happen in their local area; • Feel part of their age group, neighbourhood, ethnic group, friendship group, Waltham Forest, London and Great Britain; • Agree that Waltham Forest is a place where people from different backgrounds get on well together; • Feel proud to be living in Waltham Forest; • Feel worried when walking alone in their local area during the daytime, on public transport, on the journey to and from school and in school; • Agree that people should be able to choose whether or not to follow a religion, that everyone should have the right to free speech, that religion should not influence politics, that men and women should have equal rights, that it’s ok to be gay and that having a mix of people from different backgrounds in an area makes it a better place to live; • Agree that people should respect the culture and religious beliefs of others even when different to their own. Key membership traits (more or less frequently than would be expected randomly)… • More frequently Heathcote School; and • Less frequently Asian / Asian British. 98 No. respondents in segment % of sample 69 11% Segment 6: Civil liberty apathy – less linked to wider community This cluster of respondents were less inclined to agree with statements associated with accepted civil liberties, less likely to respect the culture and beliefs of others, more unlikely to see Waltham Forest as a place of successful multiculturalism and were less connected to wider networks of people. Additional characteristics: • • • • • Less likely to speak to a parent if unhappy about an issue (31% cf. 47%); Least likely to feel at risk of harm from other adults (11% cf. 23%); Less likely to state that gangs made them feel unsafe (55%); Less likely to see harmful beliefs held by young people as being about gangs (14% cf. 46%) and territory (6% cf. 31%); More likely to be unsure whether there were people in the local area that held beliefs that could lead to them harming those around them (45% cf. 26%). Cf. = Compared to the average 99 Segmentation Conclusions Based on the attributes assigned to the segments it is possible to consider priorities for engagement based on key variables such as concerns about the local area, agreement with value of civil liberties or degree of disenfranchisement. An example of this kind of model in provided below: High concern for personal safety Segment 5 Segment 1 Segment 4 Unlikely to engage with the Council to discuss issues Likely to engage with the Council to discuss issues Segment 3 Segment 2 Segment 6 Low concern for personal safety 100 Segmentation Conclusions Using the attributes assigned to the segments it is also possible to look for different ways of engaging with the young people within them based on their beliefs, values and current views of the value of civic participation. Segment 1 • Currently use varied sources of media, therefore relatively easy to reach • Can use concern about safety issue to increase involvement • Believe in the value of their opinions • Potential role as ambassadors to engage other young people Segment 4 • Concerned about threats to personal safety but currently do not know who to talk to • Need reassurance about safe places to go • Role for developing trusted sources of information and advice Segment 2 Segment 3 • Lack awareness of why these issues should be important to them • However, do value civil liberties so potential to build on these values • Not reliant on any one form of media for information or news • Currently unengaged and unaware of the issues • May be naïve in their perceptions of community safety issues • Unlikely to have links with the Council • Will require targeted information to show the importance and value of civic engagement Segment 5 Segment 6 • Value civil liberties and human rights but do not feel they can make a difference • Need to set up communication channels with Council and other stakeholders • Provide example of how young people can get involved and make a difference • Need educating of value of civil liberties and their implications for them • Lack pride in their local area and require convincing of the benefits of living in Waltham Forest • Lack awareness of threats to personal safety as they are disengaged from main sources of information and are therefore at risk 101 CONCLUSIONS 102 Conclusions • Informal activities dominated out-of-school time for young people, particularly spending time with friends and families in their own homes. • In some cases this appeared to be linked to concerns about personal safety (especially when linked to travelling outside the borough). However, there were also comments made about a lack of facilities for young people to use. • Although young people felt safe at school, and able to influence their environment, this was not necessarily the case outside school. • In terms of dealing with issues in their local area, most young people turned to family and friends rather than thinking to engage with the Council or other authorities. • There was a lack of awareness of how to communicate with the Council and how young people could have an impact on their local area. • This was seen to contribute to lower levels of pride in living in Waltham Forest than had been identified in previous surveys. • This was also attributed to a lower sense of ‘belonging’ to the borough as opposed to their own age group, local area or even their affiliation to London as a whole. • However, it was clear from both the qualitative and quantitative work that the main issue affecting civic pride was the issue of gangs and the threat to personal safety this created. • The young people were all concerned about crossing into gang territory and were looking to the police to provide more visible interventions and the Council to provide increased CCTV and better lighting for public spaces. • However, what also emerged from the survey was a strong sense of the value that the young people placed on cultural diversity and living in area with a mix of ethnicities. This was seen as a recognisable and positive feature of living in Waltham Forest. 103 Conclusions • Young people were reliant on broadcast media and the internet for news and information on current affairs. There was recognition of the dangers on using these sources to gain impartial views and, consequently, there was seen to be a gap where the Council and its partners could provide their account of local issues. • This was seen as important in relation to issues of personal safety where there were concerns that reports of incidents could be exaggerated or misreported leading to increased fear levels which may not be appropriate. • Most of the concerns expressed about personal safety and the threat of sexual violence or attack were based on anecdotal evidence. However, these stories had created heightened levels of fear amongst the young people to the extent that they were changing behaviours and not travelling around the borough. • Religious tolerance and a strong sense of the importance of promoting human rights and a peaceful society were clear from both the qualitative and quantitative studies. However, there was less understanding about different sexualities and the impact this could have on how someone may choose to live their life. • Religious extremism was not seen as an issue for the borough amongst the young people surveyed. However, extreme behaviour was a term used to describe people who belonged to gangs, especially those linked to violent activities or battles for territory. • The young people who took part in the survey were clearly very concerned about the growth of gang influence in their local areas and whilst they still felt safe from them in school this was not the case once outside the school gates. • Their main concerns were that they would be targeted by gangs during opportunistic attacks to steal mobile phones and other personal property. However, they were also fearful of getting caught up in more serious physical assaults by being in the wrong place at the wrong time. • Therefore, the young people were keen to feedback their concerns about gangs to the Council and its partners as the key issue which needed to be addressed to improve community cohesion and increase the sense of pride of living in the borough. 104 RECOMMENDATIONS 105 Recommendations Participation, Decision Making and Communication • There is a need to do more to show young people how they can get their opinions heard. • This could be done through building on the successful models used in schools to help young people extend their sphere of influence. • However, it would also be important to quickly demonstrate how the opinions and views expressed by young people are turned into action. • As young people currently rely on friends and family to discuss issues which are important to them this creates two possible routes of engagement: - Build more links with parents so that they can advise their children on how to get their voices heard. - Recruit more young ambassadors to promote the value of communicating with the Council and to publicise the outcomes of such consultation. Community Cohesion 106 • There is a need promote Waltham Forest as a location in its own right as at the moment young people do not have as strong an affiliation with the borough as they do with their local area. • Cultural diversity is valued and where this is supported and celebrated this creates pride and participation in cultural events. Therefore, the Council and its partners should do more of this. • Gang membership and fights over territories are damaging civic pride and reducing the extent to which young people feel ownership of local places and spaces. • Consequently, young people were looking for a more visible strategy/operation to address gang violence and to provide protection to young people. Recommendations Perceptions of Community Safety • Opportunistic attacks such as muggings and petty theft were primary concerns for young people. • However, there were increasing fears about the threat of sexual assault, specifically from older males, which need to be addressed sensitively so as not to increase levels of fear where not substantiated by actual evidence. • There is a need to provide reassurance and also to provide young people with the tools to cope with unwanted advances. • This, combined with concerns about the threat of gangs, meant that the young people were looking for increased police presence, including more community support officers on public transport and in their local areas. • Gangs and Gang Related Violence • Young people had two primary suggestions for dealing with gangs and gang related violence: 1. More visible policing of risky areas either through increased use of CCTV or police officers. 2. Positive engagement with gang members to give them something else to do e.g. youth events, talent spotting and creative activities. Young people also wanted more communication from the police to show what was being done and demonstrate how young people could report more of their concerns and fears. 107 • There were concerns amongst this age group that younger children could get drawn into gangs without knowing how serious the issues were. Therefore, it was felt that more education in schools would be useful. • There was also seen to be a need to break down gang boundaries through positive community events that would help families and friends ‘retake the streets’ and feel more confident in moving around the borough. Recommendations Formation and Nature of Cultural Beliefs • Extremism There was agreement that it would be useful to have a source of objective information about current affairs and events in the local area and that there could be a role for the Council and its partners in developing this. • The terms ‘extremism’ and ‘extreme behaviour’ were not widely used by the young people in this survey. • They were also not words linked to activities occurring in Waltham Forest. • This may also involve the endorsement of certain social media sites as being backed by the Council or the Community Safety Partnership. • • More broadly, there was a recommendation for more monitoring of social media sites to increase awareness of local issues and the concerns of young people. Where young people felt that residents in the borough may have beliefs that would lead them to harm other people this was predominantly linked to gang membership. • Therefore, there is a need to be careful in introducing these terms, even if the intention is that through education the young people may be better prepared to deal with these topics in the future. • There was a lack of understanding and awareness of issues of sexuality which may need to be addressed in order to increase tolerance and reduce the risk of potential discrimination in the future. • Ethnic diversity and promoting peaceful societies were strong cultural values amongst the young people surveyed and therefore could be used as a base from which to promote other human rights issues and encourage participation in civic activities. 108 For Further Information Please Contact: James Gould Youth Participation Officer Waltham Forest Council 020 8496 8105 / 07807 035680