Mist Generator


Mist Generator

http://www.rcjournal.com/con tents/06.00/06.00.0609.asp.

Kelly Toy Jon Cappel

Joe Bothwell Abdikarim Mahamud

Advisor – John Webster

Client – Jack Jiang, MD, PhD

University of Wisconsin - Madison

Biomedical Engineering Design Courses


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Problem Statement

Background Material

Summary of product design specifications

Design Alternatives considered

Future Work

Problem Statement

Research being conducted on the larynx can be benefited by the specific targeting of medication in the respiratory system

Specific targeting of medication is difficult to complete accurately

The process of atomizing particles is complex

Client Requirement

-Product is needed that can:

Generate a mist of different densities

Generate particle sizes in the range of 0.5-50 microns

Adaptable as inhaler

Generate mist such that different areas of the respiratory system can be targeted


Different ways to generate mist:

– Ultrasonic Nebulizer

– Micropumps

– Pressure activated devices

Particle measurement techniques

Ultrasonic Nebulizer

Converts electricity into ultrasonic waves

Transducer vibrates at frequency of waves (1-3


Higher the frequency, smaller droplets

Transducer generates ultrasonic fountain of liquid

Aerosol delivered by fan or inspiration

Creates particles ~1-6 microns

Dennis J, Hendrick D

Ultrasonic Nebulizer



Stable particle size

Small dead volume

High aerosol output


Fast drug delivery


Aerosol solution can become heated


Short cycle life (600-1000 uses) http://www.mabis.ne



OnQ is one of the micropumps used in the market for nebulizers. contains over a thousand precision-formed tapered holes, surrounded by a vibrational element. plate vibrates over 100,000 times per second.

It draws liquid through the holes to form consistently sized droplets.


How to adjust the frequency.


Pressure Activated Devices

Devices that create mist by using pressure

– Inhalers use a similar principle hand-held portable devices that deliver medication directly to the lungs

Uses pressurized canister with chemical propellant http://www.aaaai.org/patients/allergic_c onditions/metered_dose_inhalers.stm

Pressure Activated Devices

Devices similar to hairspray bottles

– Use pressure to compress liquid

– Liquid is compressed through tiny opening creating mist http://www.drugstore.com/ http://www.atomization.de/basic.htm#Physical

Pressure Activated Devices


– Inexpensive

– Simple


– Comparatively, very large mist particles

– Different nozzles needed for different densities

Particle measurement techniques

Laser Diffraction

– Method is absolute, no need to calibrate instruments

– Wide range .01-2000 microns

– Flexibility, paint nozzle sprays to dry powder

– Can measure circulating liquid particles.

– Requires expensive equipment

– Engine research lab has a Malvern laser diffraction instrument


– Relies on microscope, and precision measuring devices.

– Somewhat prone to error due to the judgment of the operator.

Particle measurement techniques

Cascade impactor

– Progressively filters out smaller particles through a series of tubes.

– Particles accumulate according to their size, and the concentrations are analyzed after the experiment

– Can take a relatively long time to complete

Electrozone sensing

– Changes in capacitance are measured as a charged particle flows through a small opening.

– Extremely difficult/near impossible to measure sprays.

Design Alternatives

1.Modify a Nebulizer

– Adjust pressure input

– Adjust vibration frequency

– Apply a charge to solution

– Adjust opening size

– Particle size selector

– Requires monetary investment

Design Alternatives

2.Create our own simple device

– Use the most simple aspects of fluid mechanics

– Obtain an actuator, and force liquid through it at different pressures.

3.Purchase existing components

– May require slight modifications

– Extremely expensive

Design/Decision Matrix


Nebulizer Our Device Purchase

5 6 9

8 3 Complexity

(ease of use)




Life span 6

Total 25







Final Design Choice

Create our own simple device.

– We will force liquid through different sized actuators, and experimentally determine what size and pressures will obtain the required particle size.

Easy to modify if needed

Relies only on pressure and actuator opening

Future Work

Obtain different sized actuators

Develop a method for subjecting liquid to specific pressure levels.

Develop a prototype

Perform experiments

Analyze results.


Basic principals of particle size measurement, Dr. Alan Rawle, Malvern

Instruments limited http://www.tsi.com/particle/products/accessories/376060.htm


Hess D. Nebulizers: Principles and Performance. Respiratory

Care. http://www.rcjournal.com/contents/06.00/06.00.0609.asp. 2 March


Dennis J, Hendrick D. Design of drug nebulizers. Journal of Aerosol

Science. 2000;Sep:S787-s789.

this one is for picture

American Academy of Asthma and Allergy Immunity http://www.aaaai.org/patients/allergic_conditions/metered_dose_inhalers.st

m 2004

Aerogen, 2004 http://www.aerogen.com/
