A. State Wise consolidated Plan for Capacity Building (under NCBF) component of RGPSA (1) Assam Sr.No 1 (a) Theme Expanding Outreach Clientele/ Stakeholders Status Annual Plan 3 Years Plan ER , Regular functionaries , sectoral functionaries , CBOs , NGO & Gram Sabha members being covered include secondary school going students about PRS Shall include the regular target audience will continue and along with academicians, social workers, women activists, and youth leaders (b) Numbers of training programs for each category 1 to 3 times per year Continue the same with quality (c) Time taken to cover first time ERs after election More than 1 Year (d) Cascade Mode Yes, the institute develop team of trainers from different thematic areas for different levels Continue the services as per the plan (e) Decentralised level institutions 31 centers functioning at different levels better out reach Institute proposes to enhance the number of trainers from different field of areas including mobile trainers (f) SATCOMS One hub and 16 SITs have been functioning with the support of ISRO Need to include another 15 SITs for better outreach (g) Collaboration with NGO The institute has collaboration with different Propose to establish linkages with more shall be completed within first year after the elections are over institute proposes to set up 10 DPRCs and 20 BPRCs academic institutes, universities inside and outside the state. Institute established linkages with training centers of sectorial department and Assam Agricultural university. Collaborate with Unicef specialized institutes & organizations belonging to different thematic areas. The institute organize training programs for ERs simultaneously at 31 locations. The institute propose to enhance the number of centers by setting up of 10 DPRCs & 20 BPRCs Proposed to develop specific mechanism to overcome from the uneven standard 2 (a) Mode of Training Simultaneous training in large numbers (b) Uniform standard of training at different locations uniformity at delivery point has not been ensured because quality of RP , No proper regular physical verification mechanism in place (C) Use of mass media There is no proper coordination with mass media. Proposed to have tie ups with various media (d) e-based training Started generating contents for e based trainings The SIRD will outsource the technical support for development of e based training modules SIRD need to have the internal technical competency to develop e based modules and materials (e) Exposure visits SIRD has been organizing exposure visit to within the State and outside the States like Kerala, West Bengal, Karnataka Haryana as part of the training programs. (f) Innovative modes SIRD is doing Quiz based trainings for functionaries . 3 (a) Areas of Training Foundation courses Need to enhance the number of more elected representatives on the exposure visits. SIRD has been organizing foundation course for both ERs and functionaries SIRD will continue the same by ensuring the quality of training 5 days for ERs and 3 ~5 days for Functionaries (b) Refresher courses For elected representatives it will start from 4th year of the tenure SIRD will continue the same as same by ensuring the quality of training Subject specific refresher courses for elected representatives and Functionaries (c) Sectoral training for different stakeholders Develop trainers from different sectoral departments at district and sub district level They have been organizing different sectoral Proposes to establish linkages with the institutes being run by the sectorial departments for these programs Need to identify the best of the line department personnel to rope in for the training programs of other stakeholders training programme for different stakeholders (d) Training materials/Modules for different stakeholders Prepared 50 handbooks and guide books on different subjects in local language for ERs (e) Training materials/Modules for gender and Marginalised sections Collaboration with Unicef for training programs for women and their developmental issues. Materials and modules are prepared for EWRs (f) Training for Resource persons Trained up a team of RPs both inside and outside the state like KILA, NIRD, IRMA etc. Module and Materials for refresher course and new target groups Propose to prepare more thematic materials by involving experts Need to have more RPs on board ToT on subject specific courses (g) Training of Trainers 4 (a) Quality of Training Following SAT (TNA,TMD,TOT, Trg, TIA for each category) SIRD organize the TOT programme based on the needs of the course like cascading and decentralized training programs Propose to have more number of TOTs along with the quality of courses Yes, SIRD follow SAT cycle. Identify the needs of our target audience, accordingly prepare the Need to have more number of third party agencies to carry out assessment of impact analysis of all the training design and reference materials, Training of Trainers, Implementation of actual trainings and Evaluation of trainings programmes at regular intervals Periodic evaluation by the third party of the training programme will be taken up from 2015-16. Based on the recommendations the necessary follow-up action will be taken up (b) Follow up and periodic evaluation No periodic evaluation is being done to ascertain the Quality / outcome of training programme due to lack of man power (c) IEC and Campaign Every year IEC campaigns are organized in the remote villages to mobilize the rural people for meaningful participation in the Gram Sabha Developed large scale of IEC materials in local language (d) Improving quality of resources (persons & material) selection of RPs through proper screening process Organize regular ToTs and filed exposure for better performance Involvement of thematic experts for development and Involve BNVs in the process Adopt remote villages for intensive IEC campaign through convergence and coordination of the line department improvement of reference materials Linkages with various sectorial institutes, NGOs for faculty development Careful 5 (a) Marginalised Sections Training Programs for Women, SC/STs (b) Training on Gender Gender specific training programme in collaboration with Unicef (c) Special support for EWRs Special round of training programs for EWRs on women empowerment (d) Empowerment of Gram Sabhas Sensitization of rural people about Gram Sabha is ongoing and also communicating the importance of Gram Sabha during the sensitization (e) Training in PESA areas No such activities 6 (a) Institutional Structure Institutions (b) CB&T for faculty Gender specific training programme in collaboration with Unicef Yet to start DPRCs Conduct faculty development Assam planning to scale up their Unicef programme Planning to have mahila sabha and issue based sabha at ward level 10 DPRCs will be set up and 20 BRPCs will be setting up training programs in association with specialized institute (c) Synergy and convergence with other departments Not too Need to have structured way of structured way convergence of convergence Line departments shall will have to work in close coordination with PRIs to provide better services to the community Framework for convergence and coordination has to be drawn at the State level (2) Karnataka Sr.No 1 (a) Theme Expanding Outreach Clientele/ Stakeholders Status Annual Plan 3 Years Plan ERs, Regular functionaries, sectoral functionaries, CBOs and NGOs being covered Include the Gram Sabha members training shall include programme Volunteers, academicians, social workers and youth leaders (b) Numbers of training programs for each category 1 to 3 times per year Continue the same with quality (c) time taken to cover first time ERs after election More than 2 Years (d) Cascade Mode Yes, the institute training the master trainers, they in-turn train the trainers and then implemented at the below block level shall be completed within first year after the elections are over Continue the services as per the plan Need to Strengthen the SPRC and need to establish all the DPRCs (e) Decentralised level institutions 30 DTIs, 175 Capacity building center’s at block level for better outreach trainings (f) SATCOM Yes, SATCOM at Mysore & Bangalore. Earth Station is located at Mysore. 175 receiving station across the State (g) Collaboration with NGO Institute has been collaborated with 35 various NGOs and utilizing their services both in technical expertise and logistical facilities Tied up with Hampi University to Diploma course in Panchayat Raj System 2 (a) Mode of Training Simultaneous training in large numbers (b) Uniform standard of training at different locations Institute wants to increase the number of trainers along with the monitoring mechanism Mobile trainer concept of West Bengal will be developed and utilize the services of line department functionaries Need to change for two way video along with sophisticated equipment EOI has been floated to have more collaboration with the renowned organization SIRD utilize the services of 27 DTIs, 35 NGOs and 175 Samarthya Soudhas' to carry out its simultaneous training programs Need to setting up of SPRC & DPRCs for more number of training venues uniformity at delivery point has not been ensured because quality of RP , No Proposed to develop specific mechanism to overcome from proper regular physical verification mechanism in place There is no proper coordination with mass media. SIRD has started working on e based training modules the uneven standard (C) Use of mass media Proposed to have tie ups with various media (d) e-based training (e) Exposure visits SIRD has been organizing exposure visit to within the State and outside the States like Kerala, Maharashtra, Tamil nadu as part of the training programme Need to include more States like Rajasthan, Andhra Pradesh, West Bengal, Assam etc. (f) Innovative modes Conducting quiz based trainings, activity / game oriented trainings. Need to include the experiential learning modes The SIRD will outsource the technical support for development of e based training modules SIRD need to have the internal technical competency to develop e based modules and materials Workbook concept has been introduced 3 (a) Areas of Training Foundation courses SIRD has been organizing foundation course for both ERs and functionaries 5 days for ERs and 12 weeks for PDOs & Secretaries SIRD will continue the same by ensuring the quality of training (b) Refresher courses For elected representatives the course will start from 3 years onwards of their tenure and for the functionaries of the Panchayat yearly one refresher course will be conducted SIRD will continue the same as same by ensuring the quality of training (c) Sectoral training for different stakeholders SIRD is being utilizing the services of line departments training institutes for their trainings Need to identify the best of the line department personnel to rope in for the training programs of other stakeholders (d) Training materials/Modules for different stakeholders SIRD has prepared more than 30 varieties of modules and reference materials has been developing for all kinds of training programs. Propose to prepare more thematic materials by involving experts (e) Training materials/Modules for gender and Marginalised sections Taking clue from the UN Women programme, SIRD has developed modules and materials related to Gender but not on the Marginalized sections Propose to have modules and materials for marginalized target audience (f) Training for Resource persons SIRD has pool of more than 350 RPs comprises of ERs, functionaries, practitioners who have been trained on Need to have more RPs on board Panchayat Raj Act, Rules and other development activities along with the subject specific trainings (g) Training of Trainers 4 (a) Quality of Training Following SAT (TNA,TMD,TOT, Trg, TIA for each category) (b) Follow up and periodic evaluation SIRD organize the TOT programme based on the needs of the course like cascading and decentralized training programs. Propose to have more number of TOTs along with the quality of courses Yes, SIRD follow SAT cycle. Identify the needs of our target audience, accordingly prepare the design and reference materials, Training of Trainers, Implementation of actual trainings and Evaluation of trainings Need to have more number of third party agencies to carry out assessment of impact analysis of all the training programme at regular intervals No periodic evaluation is being done to ascertain the Quality / outcome of training programme due to lack of man power Periodic evaluation by the third party of the training programme will be taken up from 2015-16. Based on the recommendations the necessary follow-up action will be taken up (c) IEC and Campaign SIRD has been organizing IEC activities to ensure better participation for gram sabha and other flagship programs like Kala jathas, Street plays. IEC materials are prepared in local language to improve the involvement of the community (d) Improving quality of resources (persons & material) selection of RPs through proper screening process Organize regular ToTs and filed exposure for better performance Involvement of thematic experts for development and improvement of reference materials Linkages with various sectorial institutes, NGOs for faculty development Careful 5 (a) Marginalised Sections Training Programs for Women, SC/STs No such initiatives are been taken up except the UN women programme for women ERs Proposed to have mobile communication van for IEC activities (b) Training on Gender UN women programme for EWRs has been conducted on Gender Karnataka would like to scale up the UN women programme (c) Special support for EWRs Under UN women project the special focus was emphasized for EWRs Need to scale up the experience with UN women for effective governance at Panchayat (d) Empowerment of Gram Sabhas Sensitization of rural people about Gram Sabha is ongoing and also communicating the importance of Gram Sabha during the sensitization (e) Training in PESA areas No such activities 6 (a) Institutional Structure Institutions (b) CB&T for faculty No DPRCs and weaken SPRC Need to strengthen the SPRC and establish DPRCs Exposure has been provided to the faculties to improve the knowledge and skills related to Panchayat and outside panchayat related issues. Trainings were also organized for faculties (c) Synergy and convergence with other departments The initiations are made to convergence the line department Need to have structured way of convergence Line departments shall will have to work in close coordination with but not executed as expected level PRIs to provide better services to the community Framework for convergence and coordination has to be drawn at the State level (3) Gujarat Sr.No 1 (a) Theme Expanding Outreach Clientele/ Stakeholders Status Annual Plan 3 Years Plan ER , Regular functionaries , sectoral functionaries , CBOs , NGO being covered include the Gram Sabha and Standing committee members training shall include programme NSS officers, academicians, social workers, secondary school going students and youth leaders (b) Numbers of training programs for each category 1 to 2 times per year Continue the same with quality (c) time taken to cover first time ERs after election More than 1 Year (d) Cascade Mode Yes, the institute develop team of trainers they train at the grass root level the initial discussion will be started with service provider (e) (f) Decentralised level Institutions SATCOM No facility is available Need to identify the centers to conduct trainings at various level (g) Collaboration with NGOs 2 Mode of Training shall be completed within first year after the elections are over Need to have partnership with NGOs and CBOs SATCOM will be set up by 2015-16 (a) Simultaneous training in large numbers 33 locations can be utilized for simultaneous trainings The institute will utilize the DPRCs in later stage (b) Uniform standard of training at different locations uniformity at delivery point has not been ensured because quality of RP , No proper regular physical verification mechanism in place Proposed to develop specific mechanism to overcome from the uneven standard (C) Use of mass media There is no proper coordination with mass media. (d) (e) (f) 3 (a) e-based training Exposure visits Innovative modes Areas of Training Foundation courses (b) Refresher courses (c) Sectoral training for different stakeholders Proposed to have tie ups with various media Need to organize courses for ERs and Functionaries For elected representatives the course will start from 3 years onwards of their tenure and for the functionaries of the Panchayat yearly one refresher course will be conducted SIRD will continue the same as same by ensuring the quality of training Need to identify the best of the line department personnel to rope in for the training programmes of other stakeholders (d) Training materials/Modules for different stakeholders District and Block level ERs material and module is ready with the SIRD but need to prepare for GP Proposed to prepare module and materials for GP members training (e) Training materials/Modules for gender and Marginalised sections SIRD has developed modules and materials related to Gender but not on the Marginalized sections Propose to have modules and materials for marginalized target audience (f) Training for Resource persons PESA trainer team has been trained (g) Training of Trainers SIRD organize the TOT programme based on the needs of the course like cascading and decentralized training programs Propose to have more number of TOTs along with the quality of courses 4 (a) Quality of Training Following SAT (TNA,TMD,TOT, Trg, TIA for each category) Yes, SIRD follow SAT cycle. Identify the needs of our target audience, accordingly prepare the design and reference materials, Training of Trainers, Implementation of actual trainings and Evaluation of trainings Need to have more number of third party agencies to carry out assessment of impact analysis of all the training programme at regular intervals Need to train the master trainers (b) Follow up and periodic evaluation No periodic evaluation is being done to ascertain the Quality / outcome of training programme due to lack of man power (c) IEC and Campaign IEC materials are prepared and made available with the trainers and functionaries of Panchayat (d) Improving quality of resources (persons & material) selection of RPs through proper screening process Organize regular ToTs and filed exposure for better performance Involvement of thematic experts for development and improvement of reference materials Linkages with various sectorial institutes, NGOs for faculty development Careful 5 (a) Marginalised Sections Training Programs for Women, SC/STs Women training programs were organized under RGPSA but no Periodic evaluation by the third party of the training programme will be taken up from 2015-16. Based on the recommendations the necessary follow-up action will be taken up Need to have TV & Radio shows. Leaf lets, brochure and slogan, wall paintings and hoardings Street plays, cultural source, film source, mobile communication van will be adopted initiatives related to SC / STs (b) Training on Gender Women programme for EWRs has been conducted on Gender (c) Special support for EWRs Selected areas EWRs are trained (d) Empowerment of Gram Sabhas (e) Training in PESA areas Before organizing GS, a orientation programme was conducted. PESA training are being done 6 (a) Institutional Structure Institutions (b) (c) Proposed to have more number of training programs No separate building for SIRD and No DPRCs Need to establish DPRCs CB&T for faculty No such initiatives Master training has to be provided along with exposure visits to other states Synergy and convergence with other departments No such initiatives Need to have convergence among the line department Line departments shall will have to work in close coordination with PRIs to provide better services to the community Framework for convergence and coordination has to be drawn at the State level (4) Tamil Nadu Sr.No 1 (a) Theme Expanding Outreach Clientele/ Stakeholders Status Annual Plan 3 Years Plan ER , Regular functionaries , sectoral functionaries , CBOs , NGO being coverd shall include the Gram Sabha and Standing committee members training shall include programme NSS officers, academicians, social workers, secondary school going students and youth leaders (b) Numbers of training programs for each category 1 to 2 times per year Continue the same with quality (c) time taken to cover first time ERs after election More than 1 Year (d) Cascade Mode Yes, the institute develop team of trainers they train at the grass root level SATCOM model in West bengal, Karnataka and Assam will be studied. Process will be initiated (e) Decentralised level Institutions 5etcs available at present for CB& T Proposes to enhance the number of trainers comprising of various sectoral department West bengal model of mobile trainer will be adopted (f) SATCOM No facility is available will set up 25 DPRC and 5 ETCs will be strengthened SATCOM will be set up by 2015-16 (g) Collaboration with NGO Institute has collaboration with NGOs in a limited manner .Also have tie up with institutions like KVK, NDRF, Red cross and Need to have partnership with NGOs and CBOs Propose to establish linkages with more specialized institutes & organizations belonging to Shall be completed within first year after the elections are over academic institutions different thematic areas. Trainings are organized at Regional, District, Block and cluster level simultaneously Utilize the services of DPRCs and ETCs in large manner Proposed to develop specific mechanism to overcome from the uneven standard 2 (a) Mode of Training Simultaneous training in large numbers (b) Uniform standard of training at different locations uniformity at delivery point has not been ensured because quality of RP , No proper regular physical verification mechanism in place (C) Use of mass media There is no proper use of mass media. Proposed to have tie ups with various media (d) e-based training Started generating contents for e based trainings The SIRD will outsource the technical support for development of e based training modules The Intervention of MOPR is sought (e) Exposure visits SIRD has been organizing exposure visit to within the State as part of the training programme SIRD has proposed to organize exposure visit outside the States like Kerala, Karnataka, West Bengal, Rajasthan as part of the training programme The Intervention of MOPR is sought (f) Innovative modes During the ecourse test for functionaries done ( for Engineers) , will give focus on quiz contest, FAQs, sharing of experiences experiential sharing session by best panchayats 3 (a) Areas of Training Foundation courses (b) Refresher courses (c) Sectoral training for different stakeholders SIRD at present organized training on sectoral department training to Engineers with the assistance of officials of sectoral departments (d) Training materials/Modules for different stakeholders SIRD had prepared about 25 various materials (e) Training materials/Modules for gender and Marginalised sections SIRD developed training materials for women/sc/st Village Pt Presidents Propose to have modules and materials for marginalized target audience (f) Training for Resource persons SIRD has pool of more than 550 RPs comprises of Need to have more RPs on board SIRD has been organizing foundation course for both ERs and functionaries For elected representatives the course will start from 3 years onwards of their tenure and for the functionaries of the Panchayat yearly one refresher course will be conducted SIRD will continue the same by ensuring the quality of training SIRD will continue the same as same by ensuring the quality of training SIRD will continue the same as same by ensuring the quality of training Proposes to establish linkages with the institutes being run by the sectorial departments for these programs Need to identify the best of the line department personnel to rope in for the training programs of other stakeholders ERs, functionaries, practitioners who have been trained on Panchayat Raj Act, Rules and other development activities along with the subject specific trainings (g) Training of Trainers 4 (a) Quality of Training Following SAT (TNA,TMD,TOT, Trg, TIA for each category) (b) Follow up and periodic evaluation SIRD organize the TOT programme based on the needs of the course like cascading and decentralized training programs Propose to have more number of TOTs along with the quality of courses Yes, SIRD follow SAT cycle. Identify the needs of our target audience, accordingly prepare the design and reference materials, Training of Trainers, Implementation of actual trainings and Evaluation of trainings Need to have more number of third party agencies to carry out assessment of impact analysis of all the training programs at regular intervals No periodic evaluation is being done to ascertain the Quality / outcome of training programme due Periodic evaluation by the third party of the training programme will be taken up from 2015-16. Based on the recommendations to lack of man power (c) IEC and Campaign IEC materials are prepared and made available with the trainers and functionaries of Panchayat (d) Improving quality of resources (persons & material) selection of RPs through proper screening process Organize regular ToTs and filed exposure for better performance Involvement of thematic experts for development and improvement of reference materials the necessary follow-up action will be taken up Need to have TV & Radio shows. Leaf lets, brochure and slogan, wall paintings and hoardings Linkages with various sectorial institutes, NGOs for faculty development Careful 5 (a) Marginalised Sections Training Programs for Women, SC/STs (b) Training on Gender TN has been organizing a special courses for Women and SC / ST members on Personality Development and Leadership skills programme for EWRs has been conducted on Gender Proposed to have more number of training programs Street plays, cultural source, film source, mobile communication van will be adopted (c) Special support for EWRs Special round of training programs for EWRs on women empowerment (d) Empowerment of Gram Sabhas Sensitization of rural people about Gram Sabha is ongoing and also communicating the importance of Gram Sabha during the sensitization (e) 6 (a) Training in PESA areas Institutional Structure Institutions (b) CB&T for faculty Trainings were also organized for faculties (c) Synergy and convergence with other departments The initiations are made to convergence the line department but not executed as expected level No DPRCS and SPRC Need to establish DPRCs &SPRCs Need to have convergence among the line department Line departments shall will have to work in close coordination with PRIs to provide better services to the community Framework for convergence and coordination has to be drawn at the State level (5) Andhra Pradesh Sr.No 1 (a) Theme Expanding Outreach Clientele/ Stakeholders Status Annual Plan 3 Years Plan Sarpanches21,807; Wardmembers220,060; MPTCs16161; ZPTCs1097; MPPs1097; ZPCs-22; DPC members660; Functionaries50,000 ZPTCs and ZPC members All stakeholders in regular training (b) Numbers of training programs for each category Sarpanches and Ward membersFoundation courses; Foundational courses- 1 training for each category and following year on each thematic area As required (c) time taken to cover first time ERs after election Within one month after assuming office Within 1-2 months of assuming office Covered every year as per RGPSA guidelines 2 (a) Mode of Training Simultaneous training in large numbers Cascade mode of training in all districts and at the mandal level – MoTs (341) in 5 batches; ToTs (660) in 14 batches; Sarpanches in 312 batches; Wardmembers in 4401 batches As and when required. Cascade mode to be followed. As and when required. Cascade mode to be followed. (b) Uniform standard of training at different locations TNA, TMD based trainers manual, material hand book and ready reckoners along with CD of films flip charts necessary to be TNA, TMD based trainers manual, material hand book and ready reckoners along with CD of films flip charts necessary to be TNA, TMD based trainers manual, material hand book and ready reckoners along with CD of films flip charts necessary to be used by all MoTs and ToTs used by all MoTs and ToTs used by all MoTs and ToTs (C) Use of mass media Radio, Doordarshan and Stanikapalana Radio, Doordarshan and Stanikapalana Radio, Doordarshan and Stanikapalana (d) e-based training CBTs, Films, social media and DVDs, open access CBTs, Films, social media and DVDs, open access (e) Exposure visits Kerala and Maharashtra Other states (f) Innovative modes APARD web site: CBTs, Films, social media and DVDs, open access External exposure visits to be conducted to Kerala along with within state exposure visits Proposed mobile training platformpreloaded SD cards 3 (a) Areas of Training Foundation courses Sarpanches and wardmembers completed. ZPTC, MPP, MPTCs and ZPCs to be done Would be undertaken ZPTC chairperson and MPP presidents in this year (b) Refresher courses After completion of foundational course Would be undertaken ZPTC chairperson and MPP presidents in this year (c) Sectoral training for different stakeholders To be taken up Sectoral and integrated planning to be undertaken Sectoral and integrated planning to be undertaken (d) Training materials/Modules for different stakeholders Separate material and modules prepared for: (a) Sarpanches and Wardmembers (b) ZPTCs and ZPCs (c) MPPs and MPTCs (d) Elected Women For government functionaries and for all stakeholders , Face to face as well as TV programmes For government functionaries and all stakeholders. Face to face as well as TV programmes Mobile trainers representatives (e) PESA areas (9) SC, ST, ERs (e) Training materials/Modules for gender and Marginalised sections Training for Resource persons Yes, EWR and SC, STs All covered MOTs, TOTs, DTMs, MTC, DTC, Women empowerment volunteers Exposure visits to KILA, Maharashtra (g) Training of Trainers 660 ToTs, 341 MoTs As and when required As and when required 4 (a) Quality of Training Following SAT (TNA,TMD,TOT, Trg, TIA for each category) Yes, Followed for all category SAT cycle followed. TNA, TMD, MoT and ToT done. Training based upon training modules specifically prepared for each level Sectoral officers involved in training on their subjects DTCs, MTCs and the Dist., and Mandal administration based on G.O.377 and 520 monitoring training programmes To be followed (b) Follow up and periodic evaluation 3rd Party evaluation done by ASCI, NIRD, CESS,CMD 3rd Party evaluation 3rd Party evaluation (c) IEC and Campaign Sthanikapalana, Doordarshan, SATCOM, Mana TV Sthanikapalana, Doordarshan, SATCOM, Mana TV Sthanikapalana, Doordarshan, SATCOM, Mana TV (f) Outdoor broad casting van Outdoor broad casting van Faculty members are deputing various training programmes to enrich their capabilities Faculty training at DoPT Faculty training at DoPT Training programmes are being conducted for women, SC, STs exclusively both at the state institute and at ETCs This component is ensured at all levels This will be ensured (d) Improving quality of resources (persons & material) 5 (a) Marginalised Sections Training Programs for Women, SC/STs (b) Training on Gender Imparted training to the identified women to participate in the elections and on gender issues under UN Women project programme This component is ensured at all levels. Gender component main streamed in all the training programs This will be ensured (c) Special support for EWRs Special training conducted to women representatives in 5 ETCs Special targeted training programs conducted covering all EWRs within the first year and is conducted every year To be followed (d) Empowerment of Gram Sabhas To conduct Gram Sabha effectively state government initiated steps by issuing government orders, Campaign Mass posters in every GP; Radio and Doordarshan, Mana TV programme (K band), Multidepartment fair with entertainment component Campaign will continue, Radio jingles, Mass media campains, (e) Training in PESA areas 6 (a) Institutional Structure Institutions (b) CB&T for faculty (c) Synergy and convergence with other departments Especial focus on STs but not exclusively for PESA areas Prepared booklets and reading material for PESA areas To cover all the areas SIRD, 5 ETCs, 22 DTCs, 1096 Distance mode monitoring centres and 2 Outreach centres 5 ETCs to become DPRCs. SPRC : Land demarcated on the APARD campus construction to begin soon 4 districts land allocated funds sanctioned for DPRCs construction to begin. DPRC :13 to be established (Need to be taken in 2014-15) Faculty members are deputing to undergo courses on DTS, DoT, MoT, EoT etc- all faculty members have been trained Synergy and convergence with the RD programmes like MGNREGS, Water and Sanitation and Watershed Programme Advance courses of DoPT Advance courses for all faculty from DoPT All departments will be involved All points to be covered and synergy to be established (6) Chhattisgarh Sr.No 1 (a) Theme Expanding Outreach Clientele/ Stakeholders Status Annual Plan 3 Years Plan ZP (27), JP (146), GP (9734), Govt functionaries (25000), Others (SHG, VMCs, BNVs, WDC, NGOs etc)-Total183000 (PRIs+GF) Presently covering (12-13)36000 To cover all the stakeholders (b) Numbers of training programs for each category time taken to cover first time ERs after election Mode of Training Simultaneous training in large numbers Uniform standard of training at different locations 1100 1200 6000 (C) (c) 2 (a) Within 6 months Within 3 months Cascade mode Cascade mode Cascade mode SATCOM SATCOM SATCOM (increasing bandwidthseparate hub) Use of mass media All India Radio, News letter (quarterly) All India Radio, News letter (quarterly) Community Radio All India Radio, Community Radio Newsletter (monthly (d) e-based training ICT skills using on-line software, PRIYA soft, Epanchayat + Video conferencing at state level + Video conferencing at DPRC level (e) Exposure visits Out of State, Within state Out of State, Within state Out of State, Within state (f) Innovative modes Help line (State level) Quiz contest, Help line (district level) Mobile Van, Mobile based applications, SMS, e-based support 3 (a) Areas of Training Foundation courses PRI+GF (PRI all covered) Govt functionaries PRI+GF+ Gazetted officers (b) Refresher courses Partial coverage PRI + Functionaries PRI+GF+ Gazetted officers (b) (c) Sectoral training for different stakeholders PRI (standing committeehealth, education, revenue) all covered at GP level (d) Training materials/Modules for different stakeholders Developed for all (foundation + Refresher + sectoral) Revising PESA, Gram Sabha Activation Revise all modules (e) Training materials/Modules for gender and Marginalised sections Training for Resource persons Developed TSP module Gender networking, Institution based Institution based + exposure+ collaboration with IIM (g) Training of Trainers PRI, decentralised training, accounting, budget All subjects + Marginal groups 4 (a) Quality of Training Following SAT (TNA,TMD,TOT, Trg, TIA for each category) (b) Follow up and periodic evaluation Yearly- Internal (c) IEC and Campaign Essay writing, debate, Mock GS Essay writing, debate, Mock GS Essay writing, debate, Mock GS (d) Improving quality of resources (persons & material) As per need and situationcollaboration with university and other resource organisations IIM Raipur for evaluation study As per need and situationcollaboration with university and other resource organisations 5 (a) Marginalised Sections Training Programs for Women, SC/STs TOT (5) +Trg developed Training (5) As per need/ full coverage (f) TIA not followed ZP + JP + Thematic areas TNA, TMD, TOT, Trg Entire cycle would be followed including TIA External evaluation (b) Training on Gender TOT (4) + Trg () Nil As per need/ full coverage (c) Special support for EWRs Women networking, TOT, Trg Federation (d) Empowerment of Gram Sabhas Radio serial NRLM self-help groups (income generation, account keeping) Radio serial, GP (1500), SHG trg as mobiliser (e) Training in PESA areas National Workshop, Exposure visit Functionaries As per need/ full coverage- PRI and functionaries 6 (a) Institutional Structure Institutions SPRC, PTCs, BPRCs (110) SPRC Human resource, DPRC (11), Upgradation of PTCs to ETCs, BPRCs (20) DPRC + BPRCs + CRCs coverage (b) CB&T for faculty TOT Faculty development, Exposure international and national, Direct Training Skills Faculty development, Exposure international and national, Direct Training Skills, MoT (c) Synergy and convergence with other departments IIM- Raipur, Pandit Ravi Shankar university , IIM Raipur, Pandit Ravi Shankar university for three months certificate course, IGNOUDiploma in watershed management All departments, Universities, KVKs, training centres of all departments As per need/ full coverage (7) Goa Sr.No 1 (a) Theme Expanding Outreach Clientele/ Stakeholders Status Annual Plan 3 Years Plan ERs, GP Secretaries, Gram Sevaks, Gram Sabha, RD functionaries presently going on cover Gram Sabhas (b) Numbers of training programs for each category 30 presently being conducted cover all categories (c) time taken to cover first time ERs after election Mode of Training Simultaneous training in large numbers six months face to face (in sequence) face to face (in sequence) face to face (in sequence) Maintained Maintained Maintained (C) Uniform standard of training at different locations Use of mass media Posters, radio radio, TV (d) e-based training E – Panchayat Films, CBT mode (e) Exposure visits 4 per year Cover all GPs (f) Innovative modes Mobile training in one block, Quiz, One district 3 (a) Areas of Training Foundation courses (b) Refresher courses ERs and Functionaries on random basis ERs and Functionaries on random basis Cover all ERs and Functionaries (c) Sectoral training for different stakeholders health micro planning, DPC Dec 2014 – June 2015microplanning to be completed; Sectoral training to be initiated (d) Training materials/Modules for different stakeholders Partly 2014-15 Revision of the same 2 (a) (b) Presently conducted six months Soon after elections within six months (e) Training materials/Modules for gender and Marginalised sections - 2014-15 Revision of the same, developing case studies (f) Training for Resource persons Already planned to train in DTS, DoT and domain areas on PR Aug – Oct 2014 Workshops, refresher progs. (g) Training of Trainers Already planned Train in DTS, DoT and domain areas on PR Aug – Dec 2014DTS and DoT is planned Workshops and training planned as briefing sessions on new developments 4 (a) Quality of Training Following SAT (TNA,TMD,TOT, Trg, TIA for each category) Follow up and periodic evaluation As per requirement five months Aug – Dec 2014. The entire cycle to be followed (b) follow up is done internally external (c) IEC and Campaign Gram Sabha campaigns ( 1 block) cover all (d) Improving quality of resources (persons & material) Workshop and refresher programs for Faculty Revising material Workshop and refresher programs for Faculty 5 (a) Marginalised Sections Training Programs for Women, SC/STs (b) Training on Gender progs are conducted (c) Special support for EWRs Computer literacy, skill development exposure visit thematic course (d) Empowerment of Gram Sabhas Trainings conducted on pilot basis to two GPs Handholding in preparation of plans of 2 GPs. March 2015 Orientation to all WDCs By 2015 (e) Training in PESA areas NA presently under FRC leadership, communication, etc need based 6 (a) Institutional Structure Institutions 1 SIRD SPRC (b) CB&T for faculty yes training programmes and exposure visits. (c) Synergy and convergence with other departments Infrastructure and resource persons from university, Colleges, NGOs with NGOs, line departments. DPRC with SIRDs and other institutions. (8) West Bengal Sr.N o 1 (a) Theme (b) Numbers of training programs for each category time taken to cover first time ERs after election Mode of Training Simultaneous training in large numbers (c) 2 (a) Status Annual Plan 3 Years Plan 24139 office-bearers & Chairpersons of Standing Committees covered by Face-to Face Training 183375 ERs & Fs to be covered under SATCOM training 100000 GS members at community level 24139 office-bearers & Chairpersons of Standing Committees to be covered by Face-to Face Training 183375 ERs & Fs to be covered under SATCOM training 100000 GS members at community level Once in 2-3 years 128696 ERs & Fs through 3600 training programmes Once after Panchayat Election 245982 ERs & Fs through 7000 training programmes Once a year through multiple means 2 years 1 year Panchayat Election due in 2018; plan to train all within 6 months Residential training undertaken in 1 SIPRD, 5 ETCs and 30 DTCs; nonresidential training undertaken in Residential training being undertaken and to be continued in 1 SIPRD, 5 ETCs and 30 DTCs; non-residential training undertaken in 341 ROTcum-BRCs and 3349 GPs Residential training being undertaken and to be continued in 1 SIPRD, 5 ETCs and 30 DTCs; non-residential training undertaken in 341 ROTcum-BRCs and 3349 GPs Expanding Outreach Clientele/ 14540 officeStakeholders bearers & Chairpersons of Standing Committees covered under Face-to Face Training 54120 covered under SATCOM training 245982 ERs & Fs through 7000 training programmes each year 341 ROT-cumBRCs and 3349 GPs having day training facilities having day training facilities having day training facilities Uniform standard of training at different locations Use of mass media Maintained at locations mentioned above To be sustained, at the locations To be sustained and standard to be improved Weekly TV programme, weekly Radio Programme & Monthly magazine Weekly TV programme, weekly Radio Programme, Monthly magazine, wall-posters, slogans, pamphlets, leaflets etc. Weekly TV programme, weekly Radio Programme, Monthly magazine, wall-posters, slogans, pamphlets, leaflets, traditional folk media, puppet show etc. (d) e-based training Not focused Computer Based Tutorial to be introduced and tested Computer Based Tutorial to be run in addition to the popular modes (e) Exposure visits Done, occasionally Started, to be organized for 16000 ERs To be organized for 16000 ERs each year (f) Innovative modes (b) (C) Mobile Training at the level of around 40% GPs, based on demand, 2 times on an average Participat ory Reading & Learning sessions at Communi ty level for awarenes s generatio Mobile Training to be done at the level of 60% GPs, based on demand, 3 times on an average Tutorial for SC/ST/OBC/Min ority at Block level for 60% GPs Participatory Reading & Learning sessions at Community level 2 times for awareness generation on each of 2 themes e.g. Public Health & Education) Mobile Training to be done at the level of 100% GPs, based on demand, 4 times on an average Tutorial for SC/ST/OBC/Min ority at Block level for 100% GPs each year Participatory Reading & Learning sessions at Community level 3 times for awareness generation on each of 4 themes e.g. Public Health, n occasiona lly on 2 themes (Public Health & Education ) Education, Gender & National Resource Management. 3 (a) Areas of Training Foundation 1600 courses courses covering 55000 persons 2000 courses to cover 70000 persons 1000 courses to cover approx. 35000 persons each year (b) Refresher courses 200 courses covering 7000 persons 2000 courses to cover 70000 persons 3000 courses to cover 105000 persons each year (c) Sectoral training 100 courses for different covering 3500 stakeholders persons 3000 courses to cover 105000 persons 4000 courses to cover 140000 persons each year (d) Training materials/Modu les for different stakeholders 26 kinds of Training Materials/module s Updating and improving these 26 kinds of Training Materials/modules Continuously updating and improving these 26 kinds of Training Materials/modules + 10 kinds of new ones over 3 years (e) Training materials/Modu les for gender and Marginalised sections 2 kinds of Training Materials/Modul es (Gender Issues & Development of Women & Children) Updating 2 kinds of Training Materials/ Modules e.g. Gender Issues and Development of Women & Children + preparation of 1 more namely Development of SC/ST/OBC/ Minority Updating 3 kinds of Training Materials/ Modules e.g. Gender Issues, Development of Women & Children and Development of SC/ST/OBC/ Minority + preparation of 1 more namely Legal Literacy for Women (f) Training for Resource persons 10 days of TOT done for around 300 Resource Persons 6 days’ Refresher TOT for 300 Resource Persons and 6 days of fresh TOT for 300 new Resource Persons 6 days’ Refresher TOT for 600 Resource Persons and 6 days of fresh TOT for 300 new Resource Persons in 2016-17 (g) Training of Trainers Approx. 40 days of TOT done for around 300 Trainers 10 days’ Refresher TOT for 300 Trainers and 6 days of fresh TOT for 10 days’ Refresher TOT for 600 Resource Persons and 10 days of 300 new Resource Persons fresh TOT for 200 new Trainers within 2016-17 4 (a) Quality of Training Following SAT SAT followed (TNA,TMD,TOT, TNA every 2 Trg, TIA for each years; category) TMD done continuously; TOT every year; Training done continuously as planned; TIA done but not in structured manner SAT cycle to be followed in its entirety - TNA every year; TMD to be done continuously; TOT every year and as when required; Training to be done continuously as planned; TIA to done but regularly and in a structured manner as recommended in NCBF SAT cycle to be followed in its entirety - TNA every year; TMD to be done continuously; TOT every year and as when required. Training to be done continuously as planned; TIA to done but regularly and in a structured manner as recommended in NCBF (b) Follow up and periodic evaluation Done internally at random, externally every two years To be internally on regular basis, externally during the year Follow up and periodic evaluation internally on regular basis, externally every year (c) IEC and Campaign IEC and Campaign done occasionally IEC and Campaign to be done in a planned manner through multiple means IEC and Campaign to be done in a planned manner through multiple means (d) Improving Done regularly quality of resources (persons & material) Marginalised Sections Training Special training Programs for programme for Women, SC/STs Women, SC/ST done occasionally To be done in a planned manner To be done every year in a planned manner Specially designed tutorial programmes for Women, SC/ST/OBC/ Minority to be done for 40% of them at 30% Blocks Specially designed tutorial programmes for Women, SC/ST/OBC/ Minority to be done for 60% of them at 60% Blocks every year (b) Training on Gender Done as essential part of the regular training programmes Special programmes to be done for both men and women on cascade mode through specially trained cadres Special programmes to be done for both men and women on cascade mode through specially trained cadres every year (c) Special support for EWRs Done under NRLM To be fucused in networking with NRLM and other Social Welfare programmes To be fucused in networking with NRLM and other Social Welfare programmes 5 (a) (d) Empowerment of Gram Sabhas (e) Training in PESA West Bengal do not have Schedule V area. areas Institutional Structure Institutions 1 SIPRD Upgraded for PS & infrastructure in ZP level SIPRD to cover training; more PS & ZP level trainings SPRC functioni SPRC to be ng in functioning in hired hired building at building State HQ at State 5 ETCs to be HQ functioning for 5 ETCs for specialized GP specialize training d GP DTC-cum-DPRC training in permanent at buildings in 12 regional districts to be level; fully functional; DTC-cumconstruction of DPRC in DTC-cum-DPRC permane to be done in 2 nt districts, to be buildings started in 3 in 10 districts;– total districts 30 DTCs complete functional for d; DTC GP level training run in 7 districts in hired buildings – total 30 DTCs functiona l for GP level training 6 (a) (b) CB&T for faculty Done occasionally Done for the existing trainers regularly To be done in a planned manner in 20% of Gram Sabhas To be done for the new 4 SPRC and 54 DPRC faculty members To be done in a planned manner in 50% of Gram Sabhas every year Upgraded infrastructure in SIPRD to cover more PS & ZP level trainings every year SPRC to be functioning in own building at State HQ by end of 2015 5 ETCs with upgraded infrastructure to be functioning for specialized GP training DTC-cum-DPRC in permanent buildings in 17 districts to be fully functional; construction of DTC-cum-DPRC to be completed 1district by end of 2016 - total 35 DTCs functional for GP level training in both permanent and hired buildings Refresher training for all the faculty members of SPRC & DPRCs every year (c) Synergy and convergence with other departments Done as required To be initiated in a planned manner To be intensified in a planned manner (9) Bihar Sr.No 1 (a) Theme Expanding Outreach Clientele/ Stakeholders (b) Numbers of training programs for each category time taken to cover first time ERs after election Mode of Training Simultaneous training in large numbers Uniform standard of training at different locations (c) 2 (a) (b) (C) Use of mass media Status Annual Plan Total No. of ERs and Officials of PRIs to be trained – approx. 1.5 lakhs First Round of Training by way of basic orientation of PRI – ERs and Officials – was completed in 2012-13through 4 days orientation programme 3 Years Plan • Cascade Decentralised mode of training followed, through ToT - at State and District level, coupled with preparation of standardised modules and materials Use of MassMedia to be tapped in future years for educating ERs & Gram Sabha Members through Radio & TV Programmes, Hoardings, Newspaper Ads and Folk media (Kala Jathas). (d) e-based training (e) (f) Exposure visits Innovative modes 3 (a) Areas of Training Foundation courses (b) Refresher courses (c) Sectoral training for different stakeholders Under e-Panchayarts initiative- training for all 380 MRPs, 38 DPMs & 38 DLOs, alongwith 534 IT- Operators of Block level has been completed on 10 applications. Selecting 86 Panchayat Mukhiyas (GP Presidents)who are post graduates as the change maker role model and peer educators for PRIERs through ToT approach and Exposure Visits. Basic Orientation is planned to equip all ERs – including EWRs, SC & ST ERs, along with official counterparts for ensuring a common level of understanding on PRI structure, functions, roles and responsibilities, flagship programmes, mandatory meetings, soft skills likeleadership, motivation & gender issues. A module on Panchayat finances and record keeping is also included. These trained trainers shall outreach training to all 1.5 lac PRIfunctionaries in second round of Refresher Training for all under RGPSA/BRGF in 2014-15. • Expert NGO- PRAXIS has been outsourced the task of preparing 4 thematic modules for PRIs: Activization of Gram Sabha Gender Issues in PRIs Flagship Programmes implemented by PRIs Panchayat Accounts & Record Keeping (d) Training materials/Modules for different stakeholders (e) Training materials/Modules for gender and Marginalised sections Training for Resource persons (f) • Training of Gram KutcherisSarpanches, Ward members, Nyaya Mitras and Nyaya Sachivs is being conducted for all PRIs for strengthening the Panchayat Judicial System under BRGFCovering all 38 Districts of Bihar. Based on above Modules-216 MRPs & 2136 DRPs shall be trained in ToTs at State and District levels for optimizing trainer skills on participatory methods for upgrading the knowledge of PRIs on above issues (g) 4 (a) (b) Training of Trainers Quality of Training Following SAT (TNA,TMD,TOT, Trg, TIA for each category) Follow up and periodic evaluation (c) (d) IEC and Campaign Improving quality of resources (persons & material) 5 (a) (e) 6 (a) Marginalised Sections Training Programs for Women, SC/STs Training on Gender Special support for EWRs Empowerment of Gram Sabhas Training in PESA areas Institutional Structure Institutions (b) CB&T for faculty (b) (c) (d) Periodic written exam of trainers to maintain trainer quality and session based quiz – mode testing of trainees for ensuring transfer of learning Concurrent feedback from participants and observers Outsourcing Quality Surveillance of decentralized training of PRIs through an expert NGO- PRAXIS. Expanding institutional framework from present 1 state institute (BIPARD) & 9 Divisional ETCs/20 notified District Panchayat Resource Centres to all 38 districts with DPRCs under RGPSA by 2017 & 1 SPRC at the State level. (c) Synergy and convergence with other departments (10) Sikkim Sr.No 1 (a) Theme Expanding Outreach Clientele/ Stakeholders (b) Numbers of training programs for each category time taken to cover first time ERs after election (c) Status Annual Plan Total No. of ERs and Officials of PRIs to be trained – approx. 1500. • • First Round of Training by way of basic orientation of PRI – ERs and Officials – was completed in 2012-13through 2 days orientation programme conducted by SIRD. Basic Orientation was planned to equip all ERs – including EWRs, SC & ST ERs, with a basic understanding on PRI structure, functions, roles and responsibilities, flagship programmes, mandatory meetings and Panchayat Finances and Record 3 Years Plan Keeping. Basic computer training was also included. (d) Satellite 2 (a) (C) Mode of Training Simultaneous training in large numbers Uniform standard of training at different locations Use of mass media (d) (e) e-based training Exposure visits (b) (f) Innovative modes V-SAT connectivity for 32 Block Administrative Centers & 8 Additional District Collector (Devt.) Offices for improving Satellite based internet linkages This will enable improved online communication and training through ICT mode for all GPs. Use of Mass-Media to be increased under RGPSA Every year exposure study visits to selected beacon Panchayats are promoted under RGPSA, for peer learning & motivating other GP leaders Inter-State exposure visits for PRIs are also being facilitated under RGPSA. In the current year – Tripura and Kerala have been identified for out of Sikkim study visits. Video Cameras have been provided to all in future years, for educating ERs & Gram Sabha Members through Radio & TV Programmes, Hoardings, Newspaper Ads etc. GPs for video recording of Gram Sabhas. 3 (a) (b) (c) Areas of Training Foundation courses Refresher courses Sectoral training for different stakeholders • • • • • (d) (e) Training materials/Modules for different stakeholders Training materials/Modules for gender and Marginalised sections Mental Health and Well-being looking to the high suicide rates in the state. Increasing Tourism Potential at GP level for raising own income of Panchayats. Training on Legal issues for PRIs in collaboration with State Legal Services Authority. Special Training for EWRs as they are over 50% in the PRI-ER population. For strengthening institutional framework in the state-SPRC is proposed to be set up under RGPSA in 2014-15. (f) (g) 4 (a) (b) (c) (d) 5 (a) (b) (c) (d) (e) 6 (a) (b) (c) Training for Resource persons Training of Trainers Quality of Training Following SAT Cascade Decentralised (TNA,TMD,TOT, Trg, TIA mode of training for each category) followed, through ToT - at State and District level, coupled with preparation of standardised modules and materials The Trained trainers outreach training to PRIs at GP level in 176 GPs of the State. Follow up and periodic Concurrent feedback evaluation from participants and observers. -Hand-holding support is provided to GP-ERs by Panchayat Coordinators & DLOs from the district level. IEC and Campaign Improving quality of resources (persons & material) Marginalised Sections Training Programs for Women, SC/STs Training on Gender Special support for EWRs Empowerment of Gram Sabhas Training in PESA areas Institutional Structure Institutions CB&T for faculty Synergy and convergence with other departments (11) Rajasthan Sr.No 1 (a) Theme Expanding Outreach Clientele/ Stakeholders Status (b) Numbers of training programs for each category 11 Mega Training Campaigns conducted for PRIs in the last decade with support of about 1400 Trainers Trained for different locations. (c) time taken to cover first time ERs after election Mode of Training Simultaneous training in large numbers 2 (a) (b) (C) Uniform standard of training at different locations Use of mass media Annual Plan 3 Years Plan Total No. of ERs and Officials of PRIs to be trained – approx. 1.5 lakhs (1.20 Lac ERs & 30,000 Officials) Decentralized Cascade Mode of Training PRIs at Multiple Locations viz- at State, Divisional HQ – ZPs, all ZPs, Block Panchayats adopted for fast track Training Delivery in 90 100 days. Use of Mass Media to be nurtured-- for outreach to Rural masses. (d) (e) (f) e-based training Exposure visits Innovative modes 3 (a) Areas of Training Foundation courses (b) Refresher courses Innovative Activities – Nurturing support for research studies on PR related issues and publication of good research studies (Ph.D – awarded) & Organising Quiz / Essay / Debate Contests on PR issues for college / school youth Basic Orientation Training Completed for all PRIs ERs & Officials within 3-4 months of PRI Elections Follow-up Refresher Training Campaigns are • Basic Orientation in 2010-11 All newly elected PRI ERs and their official counterparts trained between April – July, 2010 on PR Act & Rules, Roles & Responsibilities, Human Development, Gender Responsive Planning, Major Development Schemes, Financial and Office Management, Soft Skills – leadership, motivation, communication and team building, Climate Change and Environmental Management, Disaster Management, Revenue Matters, Important Laws related to PRIs, epanchayats, etc. • Refresher Training Related to Five • • • Training of Panchayat Extension Officers (PEOs) --of all Blocks and ZPs of the state to build their capacity for Effective Planning and Supervision of GPs – being held in Districtwise batches at SIRD. Training of CEOs and ACEOs of ZPs (MDPs) -- in 2 batches, being organised in State ATI, with support of leading Management Training Institutes. State Level Workshop for all Zila Pramukhs and held for all PRIs between 2nd to 4th years of their tenure. • • • Devolved Departments (2012-13)– Education, Health, Women & Child, Social Justice & Agriculture; with focus on convergence and team building to ensure effective supervision of flagship programmes by PRIs. Refresher Training for Leadership Development of EWRs (2012-13) on Gender Responsive Governance. Training of ERs and Officials of PESA region on PESA Act, Rules and Powers of Gram Sabha.– coverage of five districts, 27 blocks, 1040 GPs and 4544 villages under PESA in Rajasthan. Refresher Training for All PRI ERs and Officials on Gender Responsive • • Pradhans (ZP & Block Presidents)-for taking feedback on Impact of Devolution of 5 Departments done in 2010 and the Way Forward. State Level Workshop for for sharing of Best Practices in Good Local Governance by PRIs – for ERs and Officials selected and sent from all Districts, for documentation of success stories. National Workshop of 9 PESA States -for sharing of experience on CB & T of PRIs related to PESA Governance (2013-14)– to create a Gender Responsive Work Culture in PRIs, conducted under RGPSA Plan of 201314 (c) (d) (e) (f) (g) 4 (a) Sectoral training for different stakeholders Training materials/Modules for different stakeholders Training materials/Modules for gender and Marginalised sections Training for Resource persons Training of Trainers Quality of Training Following SAT (TNA,TMD,TOT, Trg, TIA for each category) Based on TNAStandardized Training Modules, Reading Materials & DVDs of PPTs & Training Films are Created, Published & Disseminated to all levels of PRIs in the Training Campaigns held across the State for Universal coverage. Each Campaign is designed based on a Training Needs Assessment (TNA) & is followed by a Training Impact Assessment To be followed PRI Stakeholder Workshops for Training Impact Assessment (TIA) -2014-15 RGPSA plan focuses on holding of TIA Workshops for assessing Impact on Improving (b) Follow up and periodic evaluation (TIA)- both Conducted through MultiStakeholder Workshops. Systematic Approach to Training- SAT Cycle followed meticulously since 2000 AD onwards State level observers are assigned to each district to oversee the GP level training held at all block HQs. Simultaneously. NGO partners engaged in Training of Trainers, also assigned as observers to give feedback on various levels of PRI training held at District and Block levels. (c) (d) IEC and Campaign Improving quality of resources (persons & material) Each training campaign preceded by rigorous ToTs held afresh for training all trainers at State, Division, District and Block levels– thus, honing the knowledge and skills of the cadre of Performance of PRIs in the present tenure. TNA Workshops --for Planning, Training Strategy and Content for next electoral cycle of PRIs (2015-20). trainers before every campaign. Selection of trainer team members guided by attributes of – knowledge of PR & RD, experience of CB & T of PRIs, representing officials, NGO persons and exPRI ERs in equal numbers (2+2+2) – at every level, also ensuring at least two women trainers in every trainer team 5 (a) (b) (c) (d) (e) 6 (a) Marginalised Sections Training Programs for Women, SC/STs Training on Gender Special support for EWRs Empowerment of Gram Sabhas Training in PESA areas Institutional Structure Institutions • Institutional framework to be strengthened under RGPSA– 7 Division level PTCs to be funded for Training of GP Functionaries. 7th PTC to be set up as DPRC for Jaipur Division (b) CB&T for faculty • SPRC to be created at SIRD under 2014-15 RGPSA Plan – for providing mentoring support to PRIs and for effective tracking of training delivery , impact assessment and designing need based training software. • 6 monthly National Workshops -to be organised for exchange of knowledge products & experience sharing of RGPSA Plans and NCBF progress. Only RGPSA nodal officers for CB & T be invited-- to these workshops for continuity of memory and learning – Air Travel costs may be borne by NIRD / MoPR, GoI under RGPSA to facilitate optimal participation. Training of SIRD Faculty • • under International Training and Study Visit Opportunities --may be nurtured on an ongoing basis – by MoPR, GoI and NIRD. (c) Synergy and convergence with other departments • • • Best Practices reported under Regional Reports for NCBF --related workshops may be put on the website of MoPR and NIRD. Empanelment of National Resource Persons for PRI CB & T ----may be done, drawing from NIRD & SIRD faculty, Officials and ERs of PRIs. National Monitors and Mentors may be also empanelled -for peer review and guidance to SIRDs through exchange of these resource persons by way of Training and Visit Programmes . (12) Haryana Sr.No 1 (a) Theme Expanding Outreach Clientele/ Stakeholders (b) Numbers of training programs for each category (c) time taken to cover first time ERs after election 2 (a) Mode of Training Simultaneous training in large numbers (b) Status Annual Plan 3 Years Plan EPRIs, Department , Line Department Functionaries, Grama Sabha, Trainers/RPs 1-2 Programmes for ERs Grama Sabha : Every Year 1 Programme for others +2 students, Grama Sabha Media 1 Programmes for ER, 1 Programme for others Refresher course and Sectoral Programme ERs and others 6 months 3-6 months for all.in first yr of electoral cycle Face to face in Cascading mode MP &HAR- Face to face Cascading mode Mass media for all Module based ToT Module based TOT Helpdesk e-mode (C) Uniform standard of training at different locations Use of mass media Electronic (TV and Radio), printnewsletter, news paper folk Social media Mobile SMS, Exhibition in BRC (d) e-based training nil E-modules for Kerala (e) Exposure visits Theme based exposure visits Theme based exposure visits Video conferencing and e-books Theme based exposure visits, Exchange visits among SIRDs (f) Innovative modes Peer Peer Quiz, essay, Education/Learning Education/Learning poster, painting, declamation contests/AIRradio school 3 (a) Areas of Training Foundation courses 6 months NA 3-6 months (b) Refresher courses Every year : General/theme based One Refresher course for batches for all EPRIs Regularly after first year (c) Sectoral training for different stakeholders Part of regular programmes Part of regular programmes Part of regular programmes (d) Training materials/Modules for different stakeholders Booklets, pamphlets, brochures, documentaries, success stories Booklets, pamphlets, brochures, documentaries, success stories) e-books/folders BRC based exhibitions (e) Training materials/Modules for gender and Marginalised sections Training for Resource persons Gender training materials Gender Budgeting training materials Gender training materials Training on skill up gradation/ subject specific Exposure visits Refresher courses Visits to SIRDs (g) Training of Trainers Training on skill upgradation/ subject specific Exposure visits Refresher courses 4 (a) Quality of Training Following SAT (TNA,TMD,TOT, Trg, TIA for each category) SAT cycle SAT cycle Joint Training for effective interface Convergence with Line Dept. training Institutes (b) Follow up and periodic evaluation IEC and Campaign TIA State level monitors Social media Mobile SMS State Executive Committee (c) TIA State level monitors Electronic (TV and Radio),folk, print media - News letters (d) Improving quality of resources (persons & material) Regular ToT for trainers Training materials Regular ToT for trainers Interactive learning aids Exposure visits for RPs 5 (a) Marginalised Sections Training Programs for Women, SC/STs Training for women ERs EWR Special Refresher (b) Training on Gender Gender budgeting Training on specific gender issues including female (f) Exhibition in BRC foeticide, dowry, other social issues ( Har) (c) Special support for EWRs - Leadership trg for Women Presidents Experience sharing by EWRs (d) Empowerment of Gram Sabhas Gram Sabha awareness campaign Gram Sabha awareness campaign Gram Sabha awareness campaign (e) Training in PESA areas - 6 (a) Institutional Structure Institutions PTC SPRC, DPRC BRC (Har) Theme based learning sites in selected GPs (b) CB&T for faculty NIRD, DoPT, ATIs, National level sectoral Trg. institutions NIRD, DoPT, ATIs, National level sectoral Trg. Institutions Exposure visits HIPA ToR based tie up with line dept. trg. Institutions (c) Synergy and convergence with other departments (13) - - NIRD, DoPT, ATIs, National level sectoral Trg. institutions Kerala Sr.No 1 (a) Theme Expanding Outreach Clientele/ Stakeholders Status Annual Plan 3 Years Plan ERs, Panchayat Staff, Transferred officials, Functional Committees, Grama sabha, Support Systems like Media, CBOs, Political parties, MLAs MPs Retired Volunteers (b) Numbers of training programs for each category 1-2 Programmes for ERs Grama Sabha : Every Year 1 Programmes for ER, Refresher course and Sectoral 1 Programme for others (c) time taken to cover first time ERs after election 2 (a) Mode of Training Simultaneous training in large numbers (b) 1 Programme for others 6 months Programme ERs and others 3-6 months for all.in first yr of electoral cycle Face to face in Cascading mode MP &HAR- Face to face Cascading mode Kerala –e-module also Mass media for all SATCOM Module based ToT Module based TOT Helpdesk e-mode (C) Uniform standard of training at different locations Use of mass media Electronic (TV and Radio), printnewsletter, news paper folk Social media Mobile SMS, Exhibition in BRC (d) e-based training nil E-modules (e) Exposure visits Theme based exposure visits Theme based exposure visits Video conferencing and e-books Theme based exposure visits, Exchange visits among SIRDs (f) Innovative modes Peer Peer Quiz, essay, Education/Learning Education/Learning poster, painting, Help Desk declamation contests/AIRradio school 3 (a) Areas of Training Foundation courses (b) 6 months NA 3-6 months Refresher courses Every year : General/theme based One Refresher course s for all EPRIs Regularly after first year (c) Sectoral training for different stakeholders Sector based training Agriculture, WCD for Kerala Sector based trg: Kerala (d) Training materials/Modules for different stakeholders Booklets, pamphlets, brochures, documentaries, success stories Booklets, pamphlets, brochures, documentaries, success stories) e-books/folders BRC based exhibitions (e) Training materials/Modules for gender and Marginalised sections Training for Resource persons Gender training materials, tribal heads Gender Budgeting training materials Gender training materials Training on skill up gradation/ subject specific Exposure visits Refresher courses Visits to SIRDs (g) Training of Trainers Training on skill up-gradation/ subject specific Exposure visits Refresher courses 4 (a) Quality of Training Following SAT (TNA,TMD,TOT, Trg, TIA for each category) SAT cycle SAT cycle Joint Training for effective interface Citizen’s report card, Convergence with Line Dept. training Institutes (b) Follow up and periodic evaluation TIA Academic committee TIA Academic committee State Executive Committee (c) IEC and Campaign Electronic (TV and Radio),folk, print media - News letters Social media Mobile SMS Exhibition in BRC (d) Improving quality of resources (persons & material) Regular ToT for trainers Training materials Regular ToT for trainers Interactive learning aids Exposure visits for RPs E- based materials Certificate Courses 5 (a) Marginalised Sections Training Programs for Women, SC/STs Training for women ERs, ST trg EWR Special Refresher (b) Training on Gender Gender component Gender budgeting mainstreamed in all training Training on mahila sabha (c) Special support for EWRs - Leadership training for Women Presidents Experience sharing by EWRs (d) Empowerment of Gram Sabhas Gram Sabha awareness campaign Gram Sabha awareness campaign Gram Sabha awareness campaign (f) (e) Training in PESA areas - 6 (a) Institutional Structure Institutions SIRD- KILA, ETC SPRC, DPRC, BRC Theme based learning sites in selected GPs (b) CB&T for faculty NIRD, DoPT, ATIs, National level sectoral Trg. institutions NIRD, DoPT, ATIs, National level sectoral Trg. Institutions Exposure visits ToR based IIM-K- Kerala ToR based tie up with line dept. trg. Institutions (c) Synergy and convergence with other departments (14) - - NIRD, DoPT, ATIs, National level sectoral Trg. institutions Madhya Pradesh Sr.No 1 (a) Theme Expanding Outreach Clientele/ Stakeholders Status Annual Plan 3 Years Plan ERs, Panchayat Functionaries: Secretaries, Grama Rozgar Sahayak, Panchayat Inspector, Grama Sabha Media, +2 students, Grama Sabha MLA (b) Numbers of training programs for each category 1-2 Programmes for ERs Grama Sabha : Every Year 1 Programme for others 1 Programmes for ER, 1 Programme for others Refresher course and Sectoral Programme ERs and others (c) time taken to cover first time ERs after election 1 year 2 (a) Mode of Training Simultaneous training in large numbers (b) Uniform standard of training at different locations 3-6 months for all.in first yr of electoral cycle Face to face in Cascading mode Face to face Cascading mode Mass media for all Module based ToT Module based TOT Helpdesk e-mode (C) Use of mass media Electronic (TV and Radio), printnewsletter, news paper folk Social media (d) e-based training nil (e) Exposure visits Theme based exposure visits (f) Innovative modes Peer Peer Quiz, essay, Education/Learning Education/Learning poster, painting, declamation contests/AIRradio school 3 (a) Areas of Training Foundation courses (b) Theme based exposure visits Mobile SMS, Exhibition in BRC Video conferencing and e-books Theme based exposure visits, Exchange visits among SIRDs One year NA Refresher courses Every year : General/theme based One Refresher Regularly after course for all EPRIs first year (c) Sectoral training for different stakeholders Part of regular programmes Part of regular programmes Part of regular programmes (d) Training materials/Modules for different stakeholders Booklets, pamphlets, brochures, documentaries, success stories Booklets, pamphlets, brochures, documentaries, success stories) e-books/folders BRC based exhibitions (e) Training materials/Modules for gender and Marginalised sections Training for Resource persons Gender training materials Training on skill up gradation/ subject specific Exposure visits Refresher courses Visits to SIRDs (g) Training of Trainers Training on skill upgradation/ subject specific Exposure visits Refresher courses 4 (a) Quality of Training Following SAT (TNA,TMD,TOT, Trg, TIA for each category) SAT cycle SAT cycle Joint Training for effective interface Convergence with Line Dept trg Institutes (f) 3-6 months Gender training materials (b) Follow up and periodic evaluation TIA State level monitors TIA State level monitors State Executive Committee (c) IEC and Campaign Electronic (TV and Radio),folk, print media - News letters Social media Mobile SMS Exhibition in BRC (d) Improving quality of resources (persons & material) Regular ToT for trainers Training materials Regular ToT for trainers Interactive learning aids Exposure visits for RPs E- based materials Certificate Courses 5 (a) Marginalised Sections Training Programs for Women, SC/STs Training for women ERs - Special Refresher (b) Training on Gender (c) Special support for EWRs (d) Gender component Gender budgeting mainstreamed in all training Leadership training for Women Presidents Training on gender issues Empowerment of Gram Sabhas Gram Sabha awareness campaign Gram Sabha awareness campaign (e) Training in PESA areas Training on PESA 6 (a) Institutional Structure Institutions (b) CB&T for faculty (c) Synergy and convergence with other departments Gram Sabha awareness campaign - Experience sharing by EWRs Training on PESA ETC PTC(MP, Har) BRC SPRC, DPRC (MP) Theme based learning sites in selected GPs NIRD, DoPT, ATIs, National level sectoral Trg. institutions NIRD, DoPT, ATIs, National level sectoral Trg. Institutions Exposure visits - - ToR based tie up with line dept. trg. Institutions NIRD, DoPT, ATIs, National level sectoral Trg. institutions