K Unit 5 Week 6 This Is the Way We Go to School ELL lesson

Unit 5 Week 6 This Is the Way We Go to School
Unit Theme: How do people get from here to there?
ELL Planning Sheet
High Frequency Words: where, come
New Phonics Skills: Yy /y/ Qq /kw/
Grammar: Verbs in a sentence
Amazing Vocabulary: cable car, trolley, horse and buggy, skis, Metro line, vaporetto
Story Vocabulary: El – Elevated Train, map key
(Amazing Words
Story Vocabulary
Tier II and III)
Activate Prior
Poster 30
Poster Talk-Through
Poster activities Day 1
Video clips: cable
car/trolley; horse and
buggy; vaporetto
Talk with me/Sing with
me Chart 30 A/B:
cable car, trolley,
horse and buggy, skis,
Metro line, vaporetto
This is the Way We Go
to School
Poster 30
Day 2: Wheel Count
Talk with me Chart 30 cable
Talk with me Chart 30
car, trolley, horse and cable car, trolley,
buggy, skis, Metro line, horse and buggy, skis,
Metro line, vaporetto
Story Vocabulary:
El – Elevated Train,
map key
This is the Way We Go
to School
Draw Conclusions:
Pg 329 definition
This is the Way We Go
to School
Draw Conclusions:
Pg DI50
This is the Way We
Go to School
Draw Conclusions:
Pg 353
Verbs in Sentences:
ID in phrases
Teacher model: given
picture, create
sentence – circle verb
Verbs in Sentences:
Give noun picture,
students create a
sentence – circle verb
Verbs in Sentences:
Give noun picture,
students create a
sentence – circle verb
This is the Way We
Go to School
Web retell graphic
Unit Connection
Verbs in Sentences:
Practice Workbook
pg. 60
Unit 5 Week 6 This Is the Way We Go to School
Unit Theme: How do people get from here to there?
High Frequency
Where come
Poster 30 day 3
Flash Cards
Where come
Flash Cards
Where come
Flash Cards
Yy /y/ Qq /kw/
Phonemic Awareness
pictures initial sound
sort (queen, quarter,
yak, yarn, yo-yo, quilt,
question, yellow )
segment/ blend (yes,
Yy /y/ Qq /kw/
Phonics initial sound sort
(queen, quarter, yak,
yarn, yo-yo, quilt,
question, yellow)
Blend (past, yet, rest)
Yy /y/ Qq /kw/
Phonics workbook pg.
134 & 149
Phonic Reader: Run,
(keep to re-read on
Day 3)
Re-read Phonics
Reader: Run, Tim
Where come
Flash Cards
Find HF words in
Decodable Reader:
The Quiz
Yy /y/ Qq /kw/
Phonics - spelling
(yum, yak, quit)
Where come
Flash Cards
Decodable Reader:
The Quiz
(keep to re-read on
Day 5)
Decodable Reader
The Quiz
Yy /y/ Qq /kw/
Phonics- spelling
(yo-yo, yet, quiz)
blend (help, plus, quiz)
Unit 1 Proposed Assessment Plan
High frequency words
Classroom teacher
Verbal retell
Classroom teacher
Writing CBM
ELL tutor
Unit 5 Week 6 This Is the Way We Go to School
Unit Theme: How do people get from here to there?
Day 1
High Frequency Words: where, come
New Phonics Skills: Yy /y/ Qq /kw/
Grammar: Verbs in a sentence
Amazing Vocabulary: cable car, trolley, horse and buggy, skis, Metro line, vaporetto
Story Vocabulary: El – Elevated Train, map key
Tier II and III)
Poster 30
 Poster Talk-through – read aloud and point as you describe the poster. Have
students repeat the underlined words in the script, after you say them and
identify on the poster.
 Students need to respond to the following questions with one of the embedded
answer choices or complete sentence as modeled.
 Error Corrections: If needed, model, test, and ask the same question at the end
of this section to retest.
o Where are all the children in these pictures going? All the children are
going to school.
o Are they getting to school the same way? No, they are not going to
school the same way.
o What would someone use to cross the water to get to school? You can
use a ferry boat to cross the water.
o What other transportation do you see in the top picture? I see a train.
o What type of transportation do you see that is only used to take
children to school? The school bus takes children to school.
o What other types of transportation do you see in the middle picture. I
see some bikes.
o Do you think the children in the middle picture live close to the school?
Why not?
o These children are going to go down the stairs. What type of
transportation will they use to get to school? a subway
o Looking at the bottom picture, what are other types of transportation
could children use to get to school?
Video clips: cable car/trolley; horse and buggy; vaporetto
Display Talk with Me Chart 30 A
“This week we will be talking about different forms of transportation children all over
the world take to get to school.”
 Point to the bottom left picture. This is cable car.
o A cable car is pulled by a metal rope called a cable.
o What is a cable car? A car that is pulled by a cable or a metal rope.
o What do we call a car that is pulled by a cable? A cable car.
o Cable cars are used on hills that are hard to climb.
o Buses have a hard time going up steep hills, so people use cable cars.
o Have you seen or been on a cable car?
 Point to the top left picture. This is a trolley.
o A trolley is like a bus with no engine. How do you think a trolley moves
without an engine?
o See the wires above the trolley? The wires have electricity in them. The
trolley uses the electricity in the wires to move.
Unit 5 Week 6 This Is the Way We Go to School
Unit Theme: How do people get from here to there?
o What does a trolley use to move? Electric wires
o You could call a trolley an electric bus.
o What could we call a trolley? An electric bus
o People use trolleys in a city.
o Where do people use trolleys? In a city
o Have you ever seen a trolly?
 This is a picture of a horse and buggy.
o What makes the buggy move? A horse makes a buggy move.
o A horse and buggy is a small cart pulled by a horse.
o What is a horse and buggy? A small cart pulled by a horse.
o What do we call a small cart pulled by a horse? A horse and buggy
o Would you see a horse and buggy in the city or in the country? You
would see a horse and buggy in the country.
o Have you ever seen a horse and buggy?
 These are skis.
o Where can you use skis? You can use skis where there is snow.
o Skis are long boards that strap to your feet.
o What are skis? Long boards that strap to your feet?
o What is the word for long boards that strap to your feet? Skis
o Have you ever worn skis?
 This is called a Metro line.
o Another name for a Metro line is subway.
o What is another name for a Metro line? Subway
o Where does a Metro line travel. A metro line travels underground
o A Metro line is an underground train.
o What is a Metro line? an underground train.
o What do we call an underground train? A metro line
 This is a vaporetto.
o What does a vaporetto look like?
o This vaporetto is in a city named Venice in Italy.
o Venice has a lot of water.
o A vaporetto is a boat that carries people across the water in Venice.
o What is a vaporetto? a boat that carries people across the water in
o What do we call a boat that carries people across the water in Venice? A
o Have you ever heard of a vaporetto before?
Display This is the Way We Go to School
 I see different children. They are carrying books. Where do you think they are
going? The title of this book is This is the Way We Go to School. What do you
think this book will be about?
Read This is the Way We Go to School
Grammar and
High Frequency Where, come
Poster 30 Day 3 (modify)
 Point to someone on the poster and ask, “Where (display the word card) did
he/she come (display word card) from.”
Unit 5 Week 6 This Is the Way We Go to School
Unit Theme: How do people get from here to there?
Have students repeat the question and point to the high frequency
word cards when the word is said.
o Select a student to answer in a complete sentence. “They came from
o Have students repeat the answer.
Here are this week’s high frequency words.
o This word is where. What word? Where
o Spell the word what… w-h-e-r-e
o What word? where
This word is come. What word? come
o Spell the word come …. C-o-m-e
o What word? come
Second Time
When I touch under the word, say the word in your head.
When I tap under the word, everyone will say the word aloud.
Practice the word list until they read the list without errors.
Unpredictable individual turns (Not everyone will have an individual turn.)
Yy /y/ Qq /kw/
Today we will learn a new sound. Listen and watch as I say the sound: /y/, /y/, /y/.
o Please say the /y/ sound……/y/ /y/ /y/
o Say yak…yak. What sound do you hear at the beginning of the word
yak? /y/
o Say quarter…quarter. What sound do you hear at the beginning of the
word quarter? /kw/
o Which word has the /y/ sound at the beginning, yak or quarter? yak
o Which word has the /kw/ sound at the beginning, yak or quarter?
Show the yak or quarter T-chart.
o Have students say the words with you as you point to the pictures.
o Show the other picture cards one at a time. (These pictures will be used
again on day 3.)
 Say the word and have students repeat.
 Have students identify the beginning sound.
 Pass out pictures and have students sort on the yak or quarter
T-chart. (queen, quarter, yak, yarn, yo-yo, quilt, question,
Use three fingers to help children see the number of sounds you say while
segmenting a word. Model then have students repeat.
o Segment the word yes . Hold up fingers as you say the individual sounds.
“yes: y – e - s”
o Say it with me. yes: y – e – s
o You (Students) do it. yes: y – e - s
o Model putting fingers together and quickly blending the word: yes
o Have students blend word together.
 Repeat with the following words: quit
Unit 5 Week 6 This Is the Way We Go to School
Unit Theme: How do people get from here to there?
Unit 5 Week 6 This Is the Way We Go to School
Unit Theme: How do people get from here to there?
Unit 5 Week 6 This Is the Way We Go to School
Unit Theme: How do people get from here to there?
Unit 5 Week 6 This Is the Way We Go to School
Unit Theme: How do people get from here to there?
Day 2
High Frequency Words: where, come
New Phonics Skills: Yy /y/ Qq /kw/
Grammar: Verbs in a sentence
Amazing Vocabulary: cable car, trolley, horse and buggy, skis, Metro line, vaporetto
Story Vocabulary: El – Elevated Train, map key
Poster 30 Day 2
Follow directions for activity: Wheel Count
Display Talk with Me Chart 30 A
“This week we will be talking about different forms of transportation children all over
the world take to get to school.”
 Point to the bottom left picture. This is cable car.
o A cable car is pulled by a metal rope called a cable.
o What is a cable car? A car that is pulled by a cable or a metal rope.
Tier II and III)
o What do we call a car that is pulled by a cable? A cable car.
 Point to the top left picture. This is a trolley.
o See the wires above the trolley? The wires have electricity in them. The
trolley uses the electricity in the wires to move.
o You could call a trolley an electric bus.
o What could we call a trolley? An electric bus
 This is a picture of a horse and buggy.
o A horse and buggy is a small cart pulled by a horse.
o What is a horse and buggy? A small cart pulled by a horse.
o What do we call a small cart pulled by a horse? A horse and buggy
 These are skis.
o Skis are long boards that strap to your feet.
o What are skis? Long boards that strap to your feet?
o What is the word for long boards that strap to your feet? Skis
 This is called a Metro line.
o Where does a Metro line travel. A metro line travels underground
o A Metro line is an underground train.
o What is a Metro line? an underground train.
o What do we call an underground train? A metro line
 This is a vaporetto.
o A vaporetto is a boat that carries people across the water in Venice.
o What is a vaporetto? a boat that carries people across the water in
o What do we call a boat that carries people across the water in Venice? A
Display This is the Way We Go to School
 When we read a story and use what we already know to decide things about the
story that is called drawing conclusions.
o Display drawing conclusion page. Using the story plus what we know is
drawing conclusions.
o Display and read pg 17. Fill in the first row of the chart.
 Words and Pictures: horse and buggy, fields
 What I know: there are lots of fields in the country
 Draw Conclusion: Jane and Jake must live in the country.
Unit 5 Week 6 This Is the Way We Go to School
Unit Theme: How do people get from here to there?
Grammar and
High Frequency
 Read This is the Way We Go to School
Verbs in Sentences
 A verb is an action word. A verb tells something we do .
o What is a verb? an action word or tells something that we do.
 I am going to say some words. Tell me what the action word or the verb is.
o Glass/drink, play/piano, movie/watch, sleep/pillow
 Point to the class door. “The door opens.”
o Model writing the sentence, “The door opens.”
o What do we need at the beginning of a sentence?
o What do we need at the end of a sentence?
o What do we need to put between words?
o What is the verb or action in the sentence? Opens
o Circle the verb.
Where, come
 Here are this week’s high frequency words.
o This word is where. What word? Where
o Spell where. W – h – e – r - e
o This word is come. What word? Come
o Spell come. C – o – m - e
When I touch under the word, say the word in your head.
When I tap under the word, everyone will say the word aloud.
Practice the word list until they read the list without errors.
Unpredictable individual turns (Not everyone will have an individual turn.)
Yy /y/ Qq /kw/
 Hold up a Y letter card. This is the letter Y. It makes the /y/ sound.
o Give each student a Y letter card.
o Trace the letter Y on your card and say /y/.
o What sound does this letter make? /y/
o What is the name of this letter? Y
 Hold up a Q letter card. This is the letter Q. It makes the /q/ sound.
o Give each student a Q letter card.
o Trace the letter Q on your card and say /kw/.
o What sound does this letter make? /kw/
o What is the name of this letter? Q
 Display the Y Q T-chart. Have students sort the pictures (from Day1) under the
correct letter.
 Use the page with arrows and blocks to practice blending words together.
o With students slowly sound out each letter while pointing to the letter
with finger.
o With students repeat sounding out and pointing at a faster speed.
o With students repeat reading and pointing at a normal speed.
Phonics Reader : Run, Tim
Keep reader to re-read on Day 3
Unit 5 Week 6 This Is the Way We Go to School
Unit Theme: How do people get from here to there?
Unit 5 Week 6 This Is the Way We Go to School
Unit Theme: How do people get from here to there?
Words and
What I
Unit 5 Week 6 This Is the Way We Go to School
Unit Theme: How do people get from here to there?
Unit 5 Week 6 This Is the Way We Go to School
Unit Theme: How do people get from here to there?
Unit 5 Week 6 This Is the Way We Go to School
Unit Theme: How do people get from here to there?
Unit 5 Week 6 This Is the Way We Go to School
Unit Theme: How do people get from here to there?
Unit 5 Week 6 This Is the Way We Go to School
Unit Theme: How do people get from here to there?
Day 3
High Frequency Words: where, come
New Phonics Skills: Yy /y/ Qq /kw/
Grammar: Verbs in a sentence
Amazing Vocabulary: cable car, trolley, horse and buggy, skis, Metro line, vaporetto
Story Vocabulary: El – Elevated Train, map key
Display Talk with Me Chart 30 A
“This week we will be talking about different forms of transportation children all over
the world take to get to school.”
 Point to the bottom left picture. This is cable car.
o A cable car is pulled by a metal rope called a cable.
o What is a cable car? A car that is pulled by a cable or a metal rope.
Tier II and III)
o What do we call a car that is pulled by a cable? A cable car.
 Point to the top left picture. This is a trolley.
o See the wires above the trolley? The wires have electricity in them. The
trolley uses the electricity in the wires to move.
o You could call a trolley an electric bus.
o What could we call a trolley? An electric bus
 This is a picture of a horse and buggy.
o A horse and buggy is a small cart pulled by a horse.
o What is a horse and buggy? A small cart pulled by a horse.
o What do we call a small cart pulled by a horse? A horse and buggy
 These are skis.
o Skis are long boards that strap to your feet.
o What are skis? Long boards that strap to your feet?
o What is the word for long boards that strap to your feet? Skis
 This is called a Metro line.
o Where does a Metro line travel. A metro line travels underground
o A Metro line is an underground train.
o What is a Metro line? an underground train.
o What do we call an underground train? A metro line
 This is a vaporetto.
o A vaporetto is a boat that carries people across the water in Venice.
o What is a vaporetto? a boat that carries people across the water in
o What do we call a boat that carries people across the water in Venice? A
Display This is the Way We Go to School
 When we read a story and use what we already know to decide things about the
story that is called drawing conclusions.
o Display drawing conclusion page. Using the story plus what we know is
drawing conclusions.
o Display and read pg 20-21. Fill in the third row of the chart.
 Words and Pictures: skis, bundled up
 What I know: it is cold where there is snow
 Draw Conclusion: Neils and Sloveig must live where there is lots
of snow.
 Read This is the Way We Go to School
Unit 5 Week 6 This Is the Way We Go to School
Unit Theme: How do people get from here to there?
Grammar and
High Frequency
Verbs in a Sentence
 A verb is an action word. A verb tells something we do .
o What is a verb? an action word or tells something that we do.
 Show the rabbit picture.
o Have each student think of a verb to tell something the rabbit can do.
o Have each student use their verb in a sentence.
o Have other students repeat the sentence
 Pass out the writing paper and have students write their sentence.
o Remind students that every sentence starts with a capital letter, spaces
between words and ends with a capital letter.
o Ask students to circle the verb in their sentence.
Come, where
 This is the word come. What word… come
o A sentence with the word come is….”He will come to school in a
vaporetto. ”
o Ask students to use come in a sentence.
 This is the word where. What word… where
o A sentence with the word where is….”Where is the trolley?”
o Ask students to use where in a sentence.
Second Time
When I touch under the word, say the word in your head.
When I tap under the word, everyone will say the word aloud.
Practice the word list until they read the list without errors.
Unpredictable individual turns (Not everyone will have an individual turn.)
Yy /y/ Qq /kw/
 Hold up a Y letter card. This is the letter Y. It makes the /y/ sound.
o Give each student a Y letter card.
o Trace the letter Y on your card and say /y/.
o What sound does this letter make? /y/
o What is the name of this letter? Y
 Hold up a Q letter card. This is the letter Q. It makes the /kw/ sound.
o Give each student a Q letter card.
o Trace the letter Q on your card and say /kw/.
o What sound does this letter make? /kw/
o What is the name of this letter? Q
 Phonics workbook pgs. 134 & 149
 Use the page with arrows and blocks to practice blending words together.
o With students slowly sound out each letter while pointing to the letter
with finger.
o With students repeat sounding out and pointing at a faster speed.
o With students repeat reading and pointing at a normal speed.
Re-read Phonics Reader : Run, Tim
Unit 5 Week 6 This Is the Way We Go to School
Unit Theme: How do people get from here to there?
Unit 5 Week 6 This Is the Way We Go to School
Unit Theme: How do people get from here to there?
Unit 5 Week 6 This Is the Way We Go to School
Unit Theme: How do people get from here to there?
Day 4
High Frequency Words: where, come
New Phonics Skills: Yy /y/ Qq /kw/
Grammar: Verbs in a sentence
Amazing Vocabulary: cable car, trolley, horse and buggy, skis, Metro line, vaporetto
Story Vocabulary: El – Elevated Train, map key
Tier II and III)
Story Vocabulary:
“This week we will be talking about different forms of transportation children all over
the world take to get to school.”
 Display and read pg. 16-17.
o The El – is short for Elevated train. Write out the word Elevated Train
and circle the El.
o An Elevated train is a train that is on tracks that are high up above the
o Look at the picture; can you see how the train is the same height as the
 Display pg. 38-39.
o This is a map of Earth.
o Do you see the numbers on the map? Model how to use the number on
the map and match it to the key to know where the people from the
story live.
o This part of a map is called a key.
o A key tells what the writings or drawings on a map mean.
o What does a key used for? A key tells what the writings or drawings on
a map mean.
o What do we call the part of the map that tells us what the writings and
drawings mean? a key
Display On The Move!.
Comprehension When we read a story, we think about what it is all about and what the author wants us
to know. This is called the main idea.
 The main idea is what the whole story is about.
o What is the main idea? What the whole story is about.
o What is the word we use for what the whole story is about? Main idea
 Display the land, water, air three column chart. Do a picture walk through the
book and have students categorize the types of transportation into the correct
Read On The Move!
Grammar and Verbs in a Sentence
 A verb is an action word. A verb tells something we do .
o What is a verb? an action word or tells something that we do.
 Show the fox picture.
o Have each student think of a verb to tell something the rabbit can do.
o Have each student use their verb in a sentence.
o Have other students repeat the sentence
 Pass out the writing paper and have students write their sentence.
o Remind students that every sentence starts with a capital letter, spaces
between words and ends with a capital letter.
Unit 5 Week 6 This Is the Way We Go to School
Unit Theme: How do people get from here to there?
High Frequency
o Ask students to circle the verb in their sentence.
Come, where
First Time
When I touch under the word, say the word in your head.
When I tap under the word, everyone will say the word aloud.
Practice the word list until they read the list without errors.
Unpredictable individual turns (Not everyone will have an individual turn.)
Second Time
Pass out Decodable Reader - The Quiz
Have students find and underline the sight words come, where in the story.
Yy /y/ Qq /kw/
Display a Y letter card. This is the letter Y. It makes the /y/ sound.
What is the name of this letter? Y
What sound does this letter make? /y/
Have students air write the letter Y while saying the /y/ sound.
Display a Q letter card. This is the letter Q. It makes the /kw/ sound.
What is the name of this letter? Q
What sound does this letter make? /kw/
Have students air write the letter Q while saying the /kw/ sound.
We are going to spell some words. Pass out writing materials. If a word is a proper
noun, remind students to begin that word with a capital letter.
 Teacher say “yum”
 Students say “yum”
 Teacher and students segment word. Hold up one finger for each letter sound.
y - u - m
 Students write the word.
Repeat for the following words: yak, quit
Decodable Reader: The Quiz
Keep reader to re-read on Day 5
Unit 5 Week 6 This Is the Way We Go to School
Unit Theme: How do people get from here to there?
Unit 5 Week 6 This Is the Way We Go to School
Unit Theme: How do people get from here to there?
Day 5
High Frequency Words: where, come
New Phonics Skills: Yy /y/ Qq /kw/
Grammar: Verbs in a sentence
Amazing Vocabulary: cable car, trolley, horse and buggy, skis, Metro line, vaporetto
Story Vocabulary: El – Elevated Train, map key
Tier II and III)
Display This Is the Way We Go to School
 Use web graphic organizer to have students retell the story.
Grammar and
High Frequency
 How did Max get to Zeke’s Palace of Ice-cream?
 What types of transportation can help people who need to be rescued?
 What types of transportation help people do their jobs?
 What does a train need to get over the mountain? An engine
 How do people in different parts of the world travel?
 How do children around the world get to school?
Verbs in a Sentence
Practice Book pg. 60
Come, where
When I touch under the word, say the word in your head.
When I tap under the word, everyone will say the word aloud.
Practice the word list until they read the list without errors.
Unpredictable individual turns (Not everyone will have an individual turn.)
Yy /y/ Qq /kw/
Display a Y letter card. This is the letter Y. It makes the /y/ sound.
What is the name of this letter? Y
What sound does this letter make? /y/
Have students air write the letter Y while saying the /y/ sound.
Display a Q letter card. This is the letter Q. It makes the /kw/ sound.
What is the name of this letter? Q
What sound does this letter make? /kw/
Have students air write the letter Q while saying the /kw/ sound.
We are going to spell some words. Pass out writing materials. If a word is a proper
noun, remind students to begin that word with a capital letter.
 Teacher say “yo-yol”
 Students say “yo-yo”
 Teacher and students segment word. Hold up one finger for each letter sound.
Y –o –y -o
Unit 5 Week 6 This Is the Way We Go to School
Unit Theme: How do people get from here to there?
 Students write the word.
 Repeat for the following words: yet, quiz
Decodable Reader : The Quiz