LANGUAGES OVERVIEW - Italian “In Gelateria” – At the ice cream shop. Unit Title: Unit Outline Achievement Standard Year Level Year 5 or 6 1.25 hrs/ week In this unit students will learn how to interact in a culturally significant setting through role play. They will develop understanding of words, formulaic phrases and simple sentences used in buying a gelato (ice-cream) and indicate comprehension through actions, shared reading, viewing, writing and song. Students will reflect on similarities and differences in cultural practices. The language they will encounter is authentic, with modifications when necessary, involving familiar and new vocabulary. By the end of Year 6, students interact using spoken and written Italian to describe and give information about themselves, family, friends, home and school routines, experiences, interests, preferences and choices. They talk about aspects of their environment, express opinions, for example, È buonissimo ...è molto bravo, mi piace di più ...,penso di sì/no, secondo me..., accept or reject ideas, agree and disagree, for example, No, non sono d’accordo! Hai ragione/torto. They ask simple questions, for example, Ti piace? Cosa prendi? Chi viene alla festa? Vieni anche tu? They understand the main points in spoken interactions consisting of familiar language in simple sentences. They display some consistency in the use of pronunciationand intonation. They understand short written texts with some variation in sentence structures and some unfamiliar vocabulary. In reading independently, they begin to use context, questioning, and bilingual dictionaries to decode the meaning of unfamiliarlanguage. They connect ideas in different informative and creative texts, expressing and extending personal meaning by giving reasons or drawing conclusions. Students create sentences with some elaboration, for example, using coordinating conjunctions and comparisons to build short coherent texts on familiar topics, for example, La musica di ... è bella, ma mi piace di più ... They write descriptions, letters, messages, summaries, invitations and narratives. They use the present tense of verbs, noun and adjective agreements and some adverbs; they choose vocabulary appropriate to the purpose of the interaction, such as to describe, to plan or to invite. Students have developed some metalanguage to talk about both linguistic and cultural features. They discern familiar patterns and features of written and spoken language and compare them with English, understanding that language, images and other features of texts reflect culture. They demonstrate some understanding of variation in language use, adapting language forms according to audience and context. They recognise and are comfortable with linguistic and cultural differences, understand the multilingual and multicultural character of Australian society, and have some awareness that dialects are spoken both in Italy and in Italian-speaking communities around the world. Through questioning and discussion they build intercultural understanding, participating in reflective and comparative work in Italian and English. Strands COMMUNICATING Socialising Content Descriptions COMMUNICATING (ACLITC039) Interact to share interests, leisure activities, feelings, opinions and preferences Informing (ACLITC041) Participate in simple transactions such as Creating purchasing and ordering goods and services. Translating (ACLITC043) Listen to, view and read texts and gather Reflecting information from a range of sources, including concepts UNDERSTANDING drawn from other learning areas Systems of (ACLITC049) Compare everyday social experiences and Language related language use and consider own responses and reactions and those of others Language Variation and Change UNDERSTANDING (ACLITU051) Develop pronunciation and intonation of Roles of Language Italian-specific sounds and Culture (ACLITU052) Use grammatical knowledge, to interpret and create meaning in Italian (ACLITU053) Notice and use distinctive features of text organisation in Italian Assessment (A) Formative: Reading: Place the sentences in the correct order. Writing: Students write a sentence about their favourite flavour on a piece of paper. Eg. Io preferisco cioccolato. When finished they hand their paper to a friend. Speaking: Students volunteer to say out loud which flavour their friend prefers eg. A Annie preferisce cioccolato Writing: Labelling gelato flavours Summative: Writing/Speaking: The Italian word for ‘ice-cream shop’ is gelateria. You are in Rome and it is a hot day and you want to buy an ice-cream. Use Italian language and culturally appropriate language and gestures you have learnt in the unit to write a dialogue about purchasing a gelato. Roleplay the scene in pairs. (ACLITU055) Recognise that language use varies according to the contexts of situation and culture Learning Framework Community Contributor Leader and Collaborator Cross Curricula Priorities Catholic Ethos Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Histories and Cultures Active Investigator Effective Communicator Designer and Creator Quality Producer Social Emotional Learning Asia and Australia’s Engagement with Asia General Capabilities Literacy Critical and Creative Thinking Numeracy Ethical Behaviour Links to other Learning Areas English Mathematics Religion History Geography Technology The Arts HPE Inclusive Education Sustainability Education Information and Communication Technology Personal and Social Competence Science Learning and Teaching Strategies Week 1 Engage ⇒ 2 3 Explore ⇒ 4 5 6 Explain ⇒ 7 10 Evaluate Resources 1. Flavours of the World. Introduce students to the world of ice cream by exploring websites to find out answers to the following questions. What did Aboriginal people use to flavour their food? Who invented ice cream? What are the 10 craziest Japanese ice cream flavours? What are the top 20 favourite Italian gelato flavours around the world? Locate places on a world map and identify the types of flavours that are popular in that country. Label the name of the country in Italian and the ice cream flavour in Italian (Whole class activity) 9 Elaborate ⇒ Engage 8 What is your favourite ice cream flavor? 2. Create a survey to find out the favourite ice cream flavours in the class in Italian. Choose 10 flavours and list them in Italian and English on the board, Eg. Chocolate – cioccolato, mint – menta, strawberry - fragola ( colour code English/Italian words) eam flashcards/pictures of popular gelato flavours a map of the world Practise the pronunciation of the names of the flavours. Play a game such as board snap, to reinforce the vocabulary list (or) match the word to the image. ( flashcards/pictures) To survey the class Teacher asks each student what their favourite flavour is. Students choose one flavour from the list of flavours on the board. Teacher: Quale gusto ti piace? Student: mi piace …… Teacher places a tick beside the name of the flavour. When each student has responded use the data on the board to say most popular/least popular flavours. Quali sono I gusti preferiti della classe? Which flavours are the most popular/least popular in the class? Students respond. Language Elaborations Assessment Opportunities Il gelato, ti piace, mi piace, non mi piace, gusto – gusti, vocabulary for gelato flavours. Sounds of the letter blends: ci, chi Observe how confidently students pronounce the Italian words. (ACLITU051) Develop pronunciation and intonation of Italian-specific sounds Reflection What worked well this week? What was a stumbling block? What would I change next time? Week 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 Engage ⇒ Explore ⇒ Explain ⇒ Explore Elaborate ⇒ Evaluate Resources Hand out words to song: “Vorrei un gelato” . Listen to the song, students name the Italian flavours. Introduce the verb Preferire – to prefer Io preferisco Tu preferisci, Lui/lei preferisce. Writing: Students write a sentence about their favourite flavour on a piece of paper. Eg. Io preferisco cioccolato. When finished they hand their paper to a friend. Speaking: Students volunteer to say out loud which flavour their friend prefers. ( eg. A Annie preferisce cioccolato. Cloze activity: Listen to the song and fill in the missing words. Choose the words from the list. View images of typical gelataria in Italy. Are Italian ice cream shops the same or different to ice cream shops you have seen in Cairns/your town? Why do you think they are the same? Teacher should draw attention to the fact that Italian immigrants have set up gelato shops in Cairns. Draw your own version of a gelataria. Give it a name and label the flavours in Italian. Language Elaborations Vorrei un gelato, un gelato buono, che gusto preferisci? Gelateria. Verb: preferire – to prefer. Io preferisco, tu preferisci, lui/lei preferisce. Sing and Learn Italian ABC Melody. Images of gelataria in Italy- Google images –“gelataria in Italia” Assessment Opportunities Speaking: (ACLITU052) Use grammatical knowledge, to interpret and create meaning in Italian Reflection What worked well this week? What was a stumbling block? What would I change next time? Week Engage ⇒ 1 2 3 Explore ⇒ 4 5 6 Explain ⇒ 7 9 Elaborate ⇒ Explain Buying a gelato or food and drinks in Italy. Explain: Ways of greeting and leave taking. – Formal/informal Explain Italian money – Euro. When ordering food or drinks in Italy first order and paying for what you want at the cashier ( Quanto costa?). Then take your receipt ( lo scontrino) to the person behind the counter, pay and collect your change ( il resto) say what you want and give the sales person your receipt. When do Italians eat gelato? Often as part of the afternoon/evening “passeggiata” or in summer after dinner in the piazzia”. How much does a gelato cost in Italy? Visit the webpage and compare the cost of gelato in Italy. Compare the similarities and differences of buying an ice cream in Australia and Italy. ( Discuss in English) Using a map of Italy, identify the places on the map and compare the minimum and maximum prices for that city and median price. Use an online currency converter to show students how much this is in Australian dollars 8 10 Evaluate Resources tti-alimentari/news/prezzi-gelato Speaking: (pairs) Students use the table of prices to ask and answer questions about prices in different cities in Italy. They learn language to say it is too expensive or it’s a good price. Quanto costa una coppetta/un chilo di gelato a Milano/Bologna/Roma? Costa cinque (5) euro. È troppo caro/ È un buon prezzo. LANGUAGE ELABORATIONS Assessment Opportunities Ciao/buongiorno, grazie/prego, un cono/una coppetta/al chilo, arrivederci, Quanto costa? Il resto, lo scontrino, È troppo caro, È un buon prezzo Reflection What worked well this week? What was a stumbling block? What would I change next time? Week 1 Engage ⇒ 2 3 Explore ⇒ 4 5 6 Explain ⇒ 7 8 9 Elaborate ⇒ 10 Evaluate Elaborate Resources Euro money: As a whole class create a script on the board to practice language used to buy a gelato (Teacher guided/ Modelled). Number the order of the sentences so students see the sequence of the language. Students write the script into their workbooks. _Series_Banknotes.png Hand out paper money to students to practice greetings, asking for a gelato, asking the price, paying and receiving change ( il resto), the use of please, thank you and you are welcome ( per favore, grazie, prego) Students use the script in their books as a guide to practice the dialogue. Rate your gelato flavours: List popular gelato flavours on the board. Student respond - È Buono ( it’s good) È OK, È Buonissimo ( it’s really good), È delizioso ( it’s delicious) Worksheet: ( Teacher made) John is in Italy and he wants to buy a gelato at the gelataria but his language is all mixed up. Help John by Re-arranging the sentences in the correct order so it makes sense. Free Maths sheets using Euro money Reading: Rearrange the sentences in the correct order so the conversation makes sense. Maths activities using euro money LANGUAGE ELABORATIONS Buono, buonissimo, delizioso/ non mi piace Reflection What worked well this week? What was a stumbling block? What would I change next time? Assessment Opportunities Reading: Place the sentences in the correct order. (ACLITU052) Use grammatical knowledge, to interpret and create meaning in Italian Week 1 Engage ⇒ 2 3 4 Explore ⇒ 5 6 Explain ⇒ 7 8 9 Elaborate ⇒ Evaluate 10 Evaluate Resources iPads Hand out task and criteria sheet to students. Read through the task with the students. Review the language you might use for buying a gelato. Pair off students. Presentation: Students may act out the role play in front of the class or record their role-play using an appropriate app on iPads eg. Puppet pals, BookCreator, recording app. Send the finished product to the teacher. LANGUAGE ELABORATIONS appropriate greetings, asking for a gelato and requesting flavours , say you want it in a cup or a cone, ask and talk about the price, show your understanding of how food and drinks are ordered in Italy, show your understanding of prices of gelato in Italy, comment on the flavour of your gelato, say goodbye and thank you before leaving the gelateria. Reflection What worked well this week? What was a stumbling block? What would I change next time? Assessment Opportunities Summative assessment task ( see criteria ) Student Planning for differently abled students Learning and Teaching Strategies Different ability Assessment Strategies ASSESSMENT TASK SHEET Learning Area - LANGUAGES Name of Task: Vorrei un gelato, per favour Year Level: 5/6 Name: ( I would like an ice-cream, please) Date commenced: Due Date: Type of Task: ☐ Speaking ☐ Reading and Responding ☐ Writing ☐ Listening Task Conditions: ☐ In Class ☐ Individual ☐ Own time ☐ Pairs ☐ Group Opportunity to Access: ☐ Books ☐ Notes ☐ Self ☐ Library ☐ Technology ☐ Peer ☐ Teacher Assessed by: Task Description: The Italian word for ‘ice-cream shop’ is gelateria. You are in Rome and it is a hot day and you want to buy an ice-cream and you want to practise your Italian. Use Italian language and culturally appropriate language and gestures you have learnt throughout the term to write a dialogue between you and the people in the gelataria about purchasing a gelato. Role- play the scene in pairs. Procedure: 1. Student A – Person buying the gelato 2. Student B – Cashier at the cash register 3. Teacher C – Server of gelato 4. Order the sequence of your dialogue so it includes - an appropriate greeting at the beginning, - asking for a gelato and the flavours you would like - asking for a cup or a cone, - ask and talk about the price, - show your understanding of how food and drinks are ordered in Italy, - show your understanding of prices of gelato in Italy, - comment on the flavor of your gelato, - say goodbye and thank you before leaving the gelateria. 5. Ensure each person has equal speaking parts. 6. You may use palm cards to act out your role play. 7. Negotiate the use of props with your teacher. Content Descriptors (ACLITC041) Participate in simple transactions such as purchasing and ordering goods and services. (ACLITU051) Develop pronunciation and intonation of Italian-specific sounds (ACLITU052) Use grammatical knowledge, to interpret and create meaning in Italian (ACLITU053) Notice and use distinctive features of text organisation in Italian CRITERIA SHEET Learning Area – LANGUAGES COMMUNICATING ASSESSABLE ELEMENTS STRAND SUB STRAND Socialising Creating UNDERSTANING Systems of Language Language Variation and Change FEEDBACK OVERALL GRADE CRITERIA A B Student work demonstrates evidence of: Participate in Convincing and Mostly accurate simple highly accurate and effective transactions such delivery delivery as purchasing and ordering goods and services Writing and Manipulates and Uses detailed and performing own expands known effective texts, adapting structures to structures to patterns from perform a perform a familiar model dialogue dialogue Develop pronunci Fluent and Mostly accurate ation and intonati expressive pronunciation and on of Italianpronunciation intonation with specific sounds Native like few errors/pauses intonation Recognise that language use varies according to the contexts of situation and culture Interacts skilfully and meaningfully in the culturally appropriate situation Interacts proficiently in the culturally appropriate situation TEACHER SIGNATURE C Moderately accurate and capable delivery D Partially accurate and limited delivery Uses key words and phrases to perform a dialogue E Inaccurate and vague delivery Uses a limited range of vocabulary and structures to perform a dialogue Moderately Limited accuracy accurate with major errors pronunciation with and extended some minor pauses. errors/pauses Uses minimal words and phrases to perform a dialogue Interacts adequately in the culturally appropriate situation Needed support to interact in the culturally appropriate situation Needed some guidance to interact in the culturally appropriate situation DATE Inaccurate and rudimentary pronunciation Year 5/6, Speaking assessment sample, ‘In gelateria’ (“A” response/example) Customer (cliente): Buongiorno signora/e Cashier (cassiere): Ciao, cosa vuoi? Customer (cliente): Vorrei un cono/coppetta con tre gusti per favore. Quanto costa? Cashier (cassiere): Costa sei (6) euro Customer (cliente): Ma è troppo caro! Allora prendo un cono/coppetta con due gusti. Quanto costa? Cashier (cassiere): Costa quattro (4 ) euro Customer (cliente): Va bene. Ecco! (handing the money over) Cashier (cassiere): Ecco il resto (counting the change out loud) e lo scontrino Customer (cliente): Grazie (taking the change and the receipt) Cashier (cassiere): Prego The customer walks to the counter holding the receipt Customer (cliente): Buongiorno signora/e Server (commesso): Ciao, che gusto preferisci? (Hands the receipt to the server). Customer (cliente): Cioccolato e vaniglia (list two favourite flavours), per favore Server (commesso): Con panna? Customer (cliente): Si, mi piace/No, non mi piace, grazie Server (commesso): Ecco il gelato Customer (cliente): Grazie, arrivederci (Starts eating) Delizioso/buono/buonissimo/! Server (commesso): Arrivederci.