Student Launch 2013-2014 Critical Design Review Project Advance 2/28/14 SUMMARY OF CDR REPORT Team Summary Team Name: Project Advance School: University of Central Florida Address: Department of Mechanical, Materials and Aerospace Engineering 4000 Central Florida Blvd, Orlando FL, 32816 Team Mentor: Anthony Laiuppa, NAR 9399, Level 2 Certified Launch Vehicle Summary Size and Mass: 91 in length, 3.15 in diameter, 8.5 lb. Motor: Cesaroni K-660 Sparky Recovery System: The rocket will feature a dual deployment recovery system powered by a PerfectFlite Stratologger. The recovery will be composed of two parachutes. One being an X-form drogue chute to be deployed at apogee, and the other to be an 84 inch semi hemispherical main parachute to be deployed at 750 feet. Using these parachutes and projected altitudes for deployment the rocket will descend at a rate of 17.24 feet per second according to our rate of descent calculations. This falls well below the NAR minimum rate of descent which is at about 20 feet per second. In order to assure the chutes deploy the altimeter will be wired to ejection canisters on each end of the electronics bay containing approximately 1.5 ounces of black power. Based on previous experience and the power of black powder this should be more than enough to deploy the recovery. Additional details can be found further down under the Recovery System heading. Rail size - The vehicle will be launched on an eight foot long rail that is one inch in diameter. CDR Milestone Review Flysheet Payload Summary 3.1 The rocket will include a camera that will scan the ground for landing hazards and the data will be transmitted in real time to a ground station and analyzed using custom made on-board software. Video will be taken using a 5MP camera module. The on-board software will be processed using a Raspberry Pi and will, in real time, analyze frames in the video for any hazards and video captures along with data that will be transmitted to a screen on a ground station. A 3G Dongle receiver will be connected to the Raspberry Pi video output and transmit video data to the ground station with any data about ground hazards overlaid onto the video. This project will examine the airframe, propulsion, and electrical systems through structural and dynamic analysis during boost. Strain gauges will be placed on the body tube to measure strain on the structure of the rocket through voltage readings. The electrical system will be analyzed by connecting voltmeters at various points along the circuit. To analyze propulsion, an accelerometer will be placed on the body tube of the rocket to measure acceleration during burn and an altimeter will be fixed to the rocket to measure its velocity. Taking the positive y-direction to be vertically straight up, the sum of the forces on the rocket in the y-direction during burn is found to be 1 Eq. 1 ↑ ∑ πΉπ¦ = ππ = π − ππ − 2 ππΆπ π£ 2 π΄ Eq. 2 1 2 ππ + ππ + ππΆπ π£ 2 π΄ = π where “m” is the mass of the entire rocket, all its components, the motor and motor casing, and half of the propellant, “a” is the acceleration of the launch vehicle measured by the accelerometer, “v” is the velocity of the rocket measured by the altimeter, “g” is the acceleration due to gravity, “” is the density of air, “A” is the cross-sectional area of the rocket, “” is the coefficient of drag found using computational fluid dynamic simulation in Solidworks, and “T” is the thrust generated by the motor. From equation 2 the thrust of the motor during burn can be determined assuming a perfectly vertical launch with no wobble. The burn time of the motor will be determined from the acceleration vs. time graph generated by the accelerometer. The time from the point on the graph that shows acceleration to the point on the graph that shows the start of deceleration will give the total burn time of the motor. The impulse generated by the motor can then be found using equation 3 Eq. 3 tT=I where “t” is the burn time of the motor, “T” is the thrust of the motor, and “I” is the impulse generated by the motor. Aerodynamic analysis will also be performed on protuberances from the structure which will include computational fluid dynamic simulation and wind tunnel testing. The team will examine the aerodynamics of the rocket by using computational fluid dynamic simulation in SolidWorks, especially to determine the effect of protrusions from the structure such as the video cameras. Changes made since PDR Changes made to vehicle criteria The airframe has now been changed to solid fiberglass. This is to account for the structural rigidity during supersonic flights. As it is a much stronger material than quantum tubing it is less prone to cracking and flexing during flight. We have also changed the design of the fins to a fin that is made of G10 fiberglass in a clipped delta shape. With a span of 4 inches and a root chord of 6.5 inches our fin flutter calculator has given us a result that the fins will not shred and hold up well. This is an improvement on the previous fins that were much more unstable. We have also moved some of the electronics towards the top of the rocket as it adds stability to the rocket and also allows us to fit our electronics in better given our space allotted. Item Changed PDR CDR Reason Hazard Detection Equipment Arduino Uno and Video Experimenter Shield with Radio Transmitter Raspberry Pi Model B and 3G Dongle Raspberry Pi was found to be more reliable in processing video data AirFrame Quantum Tubing Fiberglass Improved structural rigidity during supersonic flights. Fins Trapezoidal Fins Clipped Delta G10 Fiberglass Reducing fin flutter for stable flight Changes made to payload criteria The cameras will now be tucked inside the nose of the launch vehicle and spring loaded to deploy when the drogue chute is deployed. The reasoning for putting the cameras inside the nose is to prevent them from possibly shearing off during launch. The nose cone will always be pointing downward during the recovery processes of the launch so the camera will always be facing the correct direction. There will now be two electronics bays, one in the nose cone area, the other in the original electronics bay location of the body tube. The justification for putting an electronics bay in the nose has to do with the location of the cameras. These electronics will be located in the nose, therefore the wiring and battery must be able to reach these electrons without being damaged during the deployment of the recovery system. Team Advance discovered that the best way to do so would be to simply make another electronics bay in the nose. The other electronics bay will have to exist further down the body tube in order to gather data from a strain gauge that will be placed on the structure of the launch vehicle. Both electronics bays will be shorter than the original planned size from the PDR since they will both house less electronics, so the overall length of the launch vehicle will not be affected. Team Advance has also decided to use a Raspberry Pi instead of an Arduino to send video footage to the ground station. Through testing on a personal Raspberry Pi the software engineer of Project Advance has determined that it will be easier to program a Raspberry Pi to send video footage to the ground station than it would be to program an Arduino to do the same. However, an Arduino will still be used in the electronics bay of the body tube to record data from the strain gauge and accelerometer. Changes made to project plan Subscale and full scale assembly and test launches could be delayed. Team Advance is still waiting on parts to arrive. III) Vehicle Criteria Design and Verification of Launch Vehicle # Requirement Feature Verification 1.1 The vehicle shall deliver the research payload to a predetermined altitude of 8,500 ft. above ground level. The rocket will have a payload The rocket will carry bay capable of housing the the payload during the research system. full scale test launch. 1.2 The vehicle shall carry one commercially available, The design of the rocket will designate a space for an The altimeter will be verified during the half barometric altimeter for recording of the official altitude used in the competition scoring. altimeter. scale and full scale test launch. 1.3 The launch vehicle shall be The rocket, fins, and payload designed to be recoverable and bay will be made of strong reusable. materials able to withstand the launch and landing. The rocket will decouple and implement parachutes. The cameras will allow the team to monitor the location where the rocket lands. The decoupling system and parachutes will be inspected prior to launch. The integrity of the materials will be tested during the half scale and full scale test launch. 1.4 The launch vehicle shall be capable of being prepared for flight at the launch site within 2 hours, from the time the Federal Aviation Administration flight waiver opens. The team will practice preparing the rocket for flight. Team preparation efficiency will be tested during the half scale and full scale test launches. 1.5 The launch vehicle shall be capable of remaining in launch-ready configuration at the pad for a minimum of 1 hour without losing the functionality of any critical on-board component. The vehicle will contain sufficient batteries to supply power to the research systems and payload for over an hour. The circuits involved in the research system will be analyzed for power consumption. 1.6 The launch vehicle shall be capable of being launched by a standard 12 volt direct current firing system. The rocket will be designed to meet this criteria. This will be tested and verified during the half scale and full scale test launches. 1.7 The launch vehicle shall require no external circuitry or special ground support equipment to initiate launch other than what is provided by Range Services. The rocket will be built to be compatible with the equipment provided by Range Services. Launch equipment compatibility will be verified during the full scale test launch. 1.8 The launch vehicle shall use a The team will be using an The motors commercially available solid NAR-certified Cesaroni K-660 specifications will be by motor propulsion system using Sparky motor. the RSO. ammonium perchlorate composite propellant as approved by the National Association of Rocketry. 1.9 Pressure vessels on the vehicle The pressure vessels will be shall be approved by the RSO designed to the specified and shall meet criteria 1.9.1 to standards. 1.9.4. 1.10 All teams shall successfully launch and recover their full scale rocket prior to FRR in its final flight configuration and criteria 1.10.1 to 1.10.5 must be met in the full scale demonstration flight. This will be verified during the full scale launch. The rocket will be flown with the payload and full scale motor and will not be altered following the full scale demonstration flight. This will be verified during the full scale test launch. 2.1 The launch vehicle shall stage the deployment of its recovery devices, where a drogue parachute is deployed at apogee and a main parachute is deployed at a much lower altitude. The team will design the rocket to deploy these systems at the proper altitudes by activating altimeters at apogee for the drogue and 1000 feet for the main parachute. These systems will be tested during the half scale and full scale test launches. 2.2 The parachute system(s) shall be designed and manufactured by the team. The team will design the system by combining research and prior experience. Mentor Anthony Laiuppa will give a written statement verifying that the parachute system has been designed and manufactured by the members of Project Advance. 2.3 At landing, each independent sections of the launch vehicle shall have a maximum kinetic energy of 75 ft-lbf. The parachutes will be designed to minimize kinetic energy by the time of impact. The parachutes will be analyzed in programs like Rocksim and tested during half scale and full scale test launches. 2.4 The recovery system electrical circuits shall be completely independent of any payload electrical circuit. The recovery system electrical systems will be properly isolated from the payload electrical system. The circuitry will be tested on the ground before and after the half scale launch as well before the full scale test launch. 2.5 The recovery system shall contain redundant, commercially available altimeters The drogue and parachute will have redundant sets of altimeters. The altimeters will be tested on the ground prior to launch using a vacuum chamber. 2.6 Each altimeter shall be armed by a dedicated arming switch on the rocket airframe. A screw switch will be designated for each altimeter. The circuitry will be tested on the ground to ensure that each altimeter is connected to a single screw switch. 2.7 Each altimeter shall have a dedicated power supply. A battery will be designated for each altimeter. The circuitry will be tested on the ground to ensure that each altimeter is receiving power from a separate battery. 2.8 Each arming switch shall be capable of being locked in the ON position for launch. Switches are designed to lock securely during all phases of flight. The switches will be tested during full and half scale test launches. 2.9 Removable shear pins shall be used for both the main parachute compartment and the drogue parachute compartment. The main parachute and drogue will use removable shear pins that will be broken by black powder charges. The shear pins will be tested on the ground as well as during half scale and full scale test launches. 2.10 An electronic tracking device shall be installed in the launch vehicle and on any untethered rocket section or payload component and it shall transmit the position of the tethered vehicle or any independent section to a ground receiver. GPS will be installed on the components of the vehicle. The accuracy of the location transmission will be tested during half scale and full scale test launches. 2.11 The recovery system electronics shall not be adversely affected by any other on-board electronic devices from launch until landing. The recovery electronics system will be properly isolated from other on-board electronic devices within the rocket. The circuitry will be tested on the ground before and after the half scale launch as well before the full scale test launch. 3.1 The rocket will include a camera that will scan the ground for landing hazards and the data will be transmitted in real time to a ground station and analyzed using custom made on-board software. A camera connected to a Raspberry Pi with image processing software will send hazard data using a transmitter. The camera will be tested on the ground as well as during half scale and full scale test launches. 3.2 The payload shall be designed to be recoverable and reusable. The payload will be encased in a robust material such as metal in order to prevent damage upon landing. The durability of the payload housing will be tested during the half scale and full scale test launch. 3.3 The payload shall imcorporate requirements and in addition to requirement 3.1. The payload will incorporate all three systems as described in detail in the Payload Criteria section below. All payload systems will be tested throughout the design, build and test launches. 3.4 The team that demonstrates the highest level of fidelity in meeting requirements 3.4.1 to 3.4.10 will have the chance to fly a microgravity payload on the reduced gravity aircraft. Not applicable. Not applicable. 4.1 Each team shall use a launch and safety checklist. The team will work with the safety officer to create these checklists. Launch and safety checklists will be verified by the safety officer and used during all launches. 4.2 Students on the team shall do 100% of the project, including design, construction, written reports, presentations, and flight preparation with the exception of a few minor activities. Project Advance will complete Team mentor Anthony all aspects of the project. Laiuppa will give a written statement verifying that Project Advance completed all aspects of the project. 4.3 The team shall provide and maintain a project plan to minimally include project milestones, budget and community support, checklists, personnel assigned, The team will work together to plan these tasks for completion in a thorough and timely manner. The plan will be used throughout the entirety of the project in order to stay on task. educational engagement events, and risks and mitigations. 4.4 Each team shall identify a “mentor” prior to the PDR who is certified by the National Association of Rocketry, owns the rocket for liability reasons, and must travel with the team to the launch. Team mentor Anthony Laiuppa, who is certified by the National Association of Rocketry, will have ownership of the rocket and will be accompanying the team to the launch. The team mentor will verify that these requirements are met and travel with the team to the launch. 4.5 All team members attending launch week activities shall be identified by the Critical Design Review. Team members will confirm their ability to travel and attend launch week activities before CDR. The team will verify the final list of members by the time of CDR. 4.6 Foreign National team members shall be identified by the Preliminary Design Review and may be separated from their team during launch week activities. Project Advance will verify citizenship of all team members and explain possible circumstances. The citizenship of all team members will be verified for launch week activities. 4.7 During test flights, teams shall abide by the rules and guidance of the local rocketry club’s RSO. Team members will follow any rules set by the local rocketry club’s RSO and follow any guidance given. Any rules set by the RSO will be reviewed by all members. 4.8 The team shall engage a minimum of 200 participants (at least 100 of those shall be middle school students or educators) in educational, hands-on science, technology, engineering, and mathematics (STEM) activities. Project Advance will engage fifth grade and middle school students in two events that will allow the students to learn about STEM fields through interactive presentations and hands on activities. These events will be documented and verified through photos, videos and the Educational Engagement Form. 4.9 The team shall develop and host a Web site for project documentation. The team will maintain its website and any documentation will be posted to it. Team members will verify that each document is posted to the website once a final draft is created. Table 1 Flight Reliability and Confidence Mission statement, requirements, and mission success criteria The mission of Project Advance is to send a rocket to an altitude of 8,000 ± 500 feet and return the vehicle to the ground in a manner such that it can still be used in the future. Upon descent the rocket will deploy onboard cameras that will scan the ground for landing hazards and the data will be transmitted to a ground station in real time in order for data to be analyzed. This project will also perform an examination of the airframe, propulsion and electrical system through structural and dynamic analysis, as well as aerodynamic analysis on protuberances from the launch vehicle. The mission of the project is also to serve at least 200 individuals in the local community through STEM related outreach such as workshops and events. Mission success is all dependant on the rocket’s ability to launch to 8,000 ± 500 feet in altitude and safely return to the ground with the capability of being launched again without any major repairs to the vehicles. Mission success is also dependent on the ability of the onboard cameras to deploy properly and clearly send information about possible incoming landing hazards to a ground station in real time. It is also required that the sensors such as the strain gauges, accelerometer, and barometric pressure sensor function properly in order to extrapolate data from them. This means the raspberry pi must collect data from the strain gauge while the arduino collects data from the other strain gauge and the accelerometer. Additionally the barometric pressure sensor will collect the data of its own accord and store it within its internal memory. Electrical ground tests using voltmeters and CFD analysis through SolidWorks must be performed to show that the launch vehicle can safely operate with no concerns. Additional testing concerning the ability of the programmed devices to run properly given constraints defined by the programmer will also be taken into account. Finally as a last measure of success, Project Advance must reach out to at least 200 individuals in the community through STEM outreach events, with at least 100 of them being middle school students or educators. Major milestone schedule Final Design Completed - February 28, 2014 Subscale Assembly Completed - March 7, 2014 Subscale Test Launch - March 8, 2014 Full Scale Assembly Completed - April 11, 2014 Full Scale Test Launch - April 12, 2014 Full Scale Alterations Completed - April 30, 2014 Rocket Ready for Shipment - May 3, 2014 Rocket Shipment - May 4, 2014 Unpack Rocket - May 14, 2014 Rocket Inspection - May 15, 2014 Launch Setup - May 16, 2014 Launch and Recovery - May 17, 2014 Post Launch Inspection - May 18, 2014 Design at a system level Final drawings and specifications (detailed drawings) Final analysis and model results, anchored to test data Unfortunately, parts for the subscale and full scale launch vehicles have not yet arrived. Due to this set back only ground tests have been performed up until this point using parts and equipment that was already available to the team. The extent of the ground tests that have been performed are described below in the section heading “Test description and results.” Final model results anchored to test data have been found digitally through the use of digital means. The three digital tests to be elaborated upon below have given us the following three conclusions. The first being that our rocket is stable, the second being that our finals will not flutter enough to induce shredding and the third that our airframe will not flex in a manner that will cause destruction. Test description and results Black powder ejection charge testing was performed on a full scale test rocket originally built for another competition. The rocket’s diameter and length matched that of the Pioneer and was modified to match the mass of the Pioneer. This was done because parts for the full scale rocket have still not yet arrived. The test was performed with two charges, one to eject the drogue chute, the other to eject the main chute. This was done to see how much black powder was needed to confidently eject the recovery system. It was found that one, 1.5 g. black powder charge each was sufficient enough to deploy the recovery system. Although 1.5 g of black powder was enough, tests were also performed with 2 g of black powder to include a factor of safety into the design. The test also showed that two, 2 g black powder charges are not too much force that would possibly damage the vehicle, electronics bay, or components of the recovery system such as the shock cord and parachutes. With these results the team has decided to use two, 2 g black powder charges for the full scale rocket. As far as digital tests go the first of the three is the stability testing, it was modeled based on data provided by RockSim. RockSim tested the center of pressure and center of gravity using advanced Barrowman equations that were developed by James Barrowman a former NASA engineer. The results led us to a static stability margin of 2.67. This is only marginally over stable. This is however a good static stability margin as a static margin of two body diameter lengths between the CG and CP is the industry accepted safety margin used by NAR and Tripoli for high power rocket design. Additionally the Barrowman equations model a worst case scenario so in the event that our rocket was minorly unstable there is still a chance that it will still be stable. So as a result of the modeling the data does reinforce the thought that the rocket is stable as it meets the above criteria. The next modeling test ran to be backed up with data was that of fin flutter. Upon reviewing the old design and then following it with research we were able to model that we needed to revise the design. We did this by reading NACA Tec Note 4197 and “The Flutter Problem, Modeling Unstable Aeroelastic Vibrations in Rocket Fins” a research paper by Vincent San Miguel a Penn State student. Using the equations and knowledge garned in these papers we were able to combine that collected information with a spreadsheet calculator to produce data that would model and project fin flutter in our fin design. We found that by shortening the span, increasing the root cord and changing the shape, that flutter would cease to be a problem. This test has yielded the results, that are based in data, that by using a clipped Delta Shape, that fin flutter will not be a problem in this situation. Infact it was found that we had a 20% margin of safety giving us a 120% stability when faced with fin flutter. Another modeling simulator we ran was that of Flex- Roc. It models and projects the aeroelastic divergence of the body tube by using a program that runs iterations of a complex equation to give you the degree of safety concerned with aeroelastic divergence. Through this we input the numbers correlating to our rockets dimensions and materials to test for aeroelastic divergence in our rocket during its flight. The results of the test were backed in data that showed a trend that the rocket would not be prone to flexing or contortion during flight. This was shown by data pointing towards a safety margin of 20% giving our rocket a 120% total structural rigidity. This data and test has backed up the decision to use a fiberglass airframe in the final design by confirming the idea that since fiberglass is so rigid it is not prone to flexing. Tests performed on the electronics bay within the nose cone include the following: ο· Running Python scripts to check if Internet access is available. If so, the Raspberry Pi will connect to the Internet. The scripts will continuously running while in flight to check if the Internet can be reached so that video can be relayed to the ground station. ο· Testing cameras to ensure that hazard detection software performs correctly. Considerations will be made to assure that the camera and software work together. Hazard detection tests include accuracy and precision in detecting landing hazards. Test results for nose cone electronics bay: ο· Python scripts successfully check for Internet access and connect the Raspberry Pi to the Internet if it is detected. ο· Hazard detection software and hardware were found to work correctly with each other. Some errors were found in hazard detection software where false positives were detected, but overall hazards were mostly detected accurately and precisely. Final motor selection The motor of choice for Project Advance is the Cessaroni K-660 Sparky. This motor was selected based off the results of previous rocket projects performed by members of Team Advance including the SEDS 10k competition and personal projects of team members. The team is confident that the Cessaroni K-660 will launch the vehicle to the target altitude of 8,500 ft. based off results of these past projects. Also, Rocksim rocket simulator was used to simulate launches and estimate the altitude that would be reached with the Cessaroni K-660 motor. The rocket’s size, mass, and design were put into Rocksim and run. The results showed that the rocket would easily make the desired 8,500 ft. altitude. In Rocksim the simulations showed that the rocket would overshoot the 8,500 ft. altitude, however, the team has much experience with Rocksim and has found that the simulations will often predict that the launch vehicle will launch to a higher altitude than it actually will. From previous experience with Rocksim the team is confident that the Cessaroni K-660 Sparky will not overshoot the target altitude, but will provide the required thrust to launch the rocket close 8,500 ft. Approach to workmanship as it relates to mission success. The teams approach to workmanship will be following part of the UCF Creed of Integrity, Community, Creativity, Scholarship and Excellence. In this case Team Advance will be specifically focusing on the word Excellence. As a team we would like to excel in workmanship as we represent UCF through our attempt at mission success. It is not only the best way to represent UCF by following the UCF creed, but also the best way to chase after mission success through workmanship by having excellence in all the team does. This means working hard to insure that the rocket isn't just adequate to achieve the mission, but that it excels in all it does. It is vital that all tasks are completed using a high level of precision as to avoid making mistakes that would compromise the functionality or the scientific objectives of the mission. Planned additional component, functional, or static testing. As soon as parts arrive the team will immediately begin construction of the subscale rocket and prepare the electronics bay for a subscale test flight. The purpose of the subscale launch will be to test the accelerometer, strain gauges, cameras, altimeters, recovery system, Raspberry Pi, and Arduino to see if these components function properly in flight and that proper data is being gathered and stored for later analysis. The team will also perform all the calculations and analysis from the subscale launch just as they will for the competition to ensure everything goes smoothly on launch day. This includes using the acceleration data from the accelerometer and velocity gathered from the altimeter to find the thrust and impulse generated by the motor. Strain gauge data will also be converted from voltage measurements into strain measurements to see how much strain the structure of the launch vehicle endures during launch and if reinforcements to the vehicle structure need to be made for the full scale rocket. The subscale launch will also show whether or not improvements need to be made to the design of the recovery system, such as insuring that the parachutes are safe from burning and that they deploy properly and at the proper altitudes. Status and plans of remaining manufacturing and assembly. All assembly of both the subscale and full scale rockets still need to be completed due to the late arrival of parts. As soon as parts arrive Team Advance will begin quick construction of the subscale and perform a test launch as soon as possible. Based on the results of the subscale necessary adjustments will be made and full scale assembly will begin. The team will strive to build both the subscale and full scale as quick as possible without sacrificing safety or quality. Design Integrity Suitability of shape and fin style for mission Previously the issue of fin shape and size was mentioned during the preliminary design presentation of the rocket. Upon researching the issue it was found that the fins were unstable as they were trapezoidal and had to long of a span. In order to properly research the issue of fin flutter a published paper from Penn State University by Vincent San Miguel titled “The Flutter Problem, Modeling Unstable Aeroelastic Vibrations in Rocket Fins”, as well as NACA Tec Note 4197 were used along with the accompanying formulas and spreadsheets set up to model our fin flutter for analysis. Upon using these equations to model various forms of fins, two conclusions were reached. The first is that the fin flutter equations provided are not accurate for supersonic flight and thus are not feasible for purposes of the project as they would require a fourth order partial differential equation to properly model. Second was that our current shape and dimensions was not suitable for the rocket even reaching speeds up to mach before the equations begin to become inaccurate. In order to amend this we have decided to retain the material being used which is G10 fiberglass and plenty strong however, we have changed the shape to that of a Clipped Delta. With a smaller span and slightly elongated root chord it ran through the fin flutter sheet with numbers showing our fin would be stable at subsonic speeds and shall not flutter excessively or shred. Infact it was more than stable as the calculator produced a 120% stability rating which coincides with current research belonging to the calculator stating you want at least that 20% margin to ensure the rigidity of the fins. Additionally the Clipped Delta was picked as upon impact the tip of a traditional Delta fin would be the point of weakness and be especially prone to breaking. In order to combat this a Clipped Delta was picked as it reduces the change of this breaking upon impact. Thus we have found the suitable shape and fin style for the mission to be a Clipped Delta constructed from G10 Fiberglass. The following diagrams are related to structural integrity and fin flutter. (Image courtesy of Contest - Roc Yahoo group.) Image showing Lack of Divergence after computation A graph of a non-divergent rocket based upon the data. Increase it by an order of E01 and the results are accurate towards out rocket. Fin Flutter Calculator Courtesy of Duncan McDonald Equation Courtesy of Vincent San Miguel The result stating the G-10 will not shred. Final chart showing the integrity of our rocket Fins, bulkheads, and structural elements and proper assembly procedures, proper attachment and alignment of elements, solid connection points, and load paths To begin with the material of the fins will be G10 fiberglass as it the second strongest commercial grade material the team has access to. It has been chosen as our calculations and past knowledge shows it to be rigid enough to withstand the duress and strains of high speed flights. Next the team has decided to chose carbon fiber as the material of choice for bulkheads. This is largely due to the availability and capability of the team to effectively manufacture the bulkheads in house. Additionally as some bulkheads will act as anchors for various pieces related to the electronics bay or shock cord, carbon fiber is the optimal choice as drilling into any material to anchor these items will weaken it fundamentally. However given the strength of carbon fiber it should be able to withstand and tension from the shock cords pulling on the bolts anchored in them, while also maintaining much more structural rigidity when drilled into than if balsa wood or fiber glass had been chosen. Through the use of the Flex-Roc structural integrity calculator for our rockets airframe, provided by Contest-Roc yahoo group, a reading was given stating that our structure is not prone to aeroelastic divergence. It used a software running iterations based upon numbers and densities correlating to our rocket and its components to estimate if aeroelasticity divergence would occur to our body tubing during the flight. The calculator gave us the result that the rocket had a safety factor of 120%. Meaning it is more than structurally safe for the flight based on the projected velocity and calculations ran by the program. This reinforces the thought that as fiberglass is inelastic it is not prone to bending or flexing. In order to further insure the structural integrity of the airframe the body tubing will have at least 4 inches of coupler connecting the parts. This lines up with common high power construction techniques. We will also use another high power construction technique by putting our fins through the wall to connect them directly to the motor mount. Sufficient motor mounting and retention The motor casing will be mounted inside a motor mount which will be secured into the rocket by being epoxied in. After that it is as simple as installing an AeroPak 54mm motor retainer to hold the motor casing inside the motor mount. Status of verification The status of the verification is that the rocket has been verified to be stable and structurally sound. This has been determined by multiple calculators and programs modeling the points of failure across the various subsystems of the rocket and analyzing probable events to cause failure. Using this, the team was able to mitigate these issues by working around them in various ways described throughout the paper. Drawings of the launch vehicle, subsystems, and major components Mass Statement and expected mass growth The estimated mass of the final design of the rocket is to be 136.9992 ounces. The NAR code defines the minimum acceptable thrust as 5:1. Thus by that standard and the formula to determine this ratio we have concluded the rocket would have to be more than 30 pounds to exceed this standard. This is all founded through RockSim which has given us accurate values for all of the rockets components we do not possess to weigh such as the body tube. It has also given us the ability to add in mass overrides based on the electronics systems we do possess allowing us to get a more accurate reading. The expected mass growth between CDR and delivery of the product is going to be between 3 and 4 pounds. This is just to account for any additional pieces it may take to power electronics and additional weight that RockSim cant predict like putty applied to the fins to fillet them. Overall the vehicles mass is quite resilient to most changes in mass and even projecting 4 pounds of mass growth is a worst case scenario. So the rocket should possess a more than adequate amount of thrust to get it off the ground and to the projected altitude. Discuss the safety and failure analysis. Failure analysis: The failure analysis begins with the outermost layers and then proceeds inwards. The failure analysis for the airframe can be broken down into three parts. The point of failure regarding the stability of the rocket, the point of failure regarding its fins, and the point of failure that is the body tube itself. The failure analysis that has been done on the stability of the rocket has been modeled in RockSim and the data has been collected accordingly. Through RockSim we calculated the center of pressure and center of gravity using the advanced Barrowman equation that was developed by NASA engineer James Barrowman. Standard static stability margin of 2 body diameters is the industry accepted safety margin used by NAR and Tripoli. As we are close to this with a static stability margin of 2.67 the rocket should be fine. Static stability margin is a massive part of the failure analysis as it is a failure of the rocket as a whole if it were to head off in a wrong direction due to instability. It can only be mitigated by properly designing the rocket to be stable which in this case, the rocket has met the above criteria. The next point of failure of the rocket will be failure point involving the fins. As the rocket is moving upwards if the fins are not of the proper shape as higher speeds are reaching the fins will begin to flutter. In some catastrophic situations the fins can flutter violently enough to shred and render them and the lower region of the rocket useless. In order to combat this we first began to look at our fin design from the PDR. We took note of its shape and span. Upon reviewing the old design and then following it with research we were able to conclude that we needed to revise the design. We did this by reading NACA Tec Note 4197 and “The Flutter Problem, Modeling Unstable Aeroelastic Vibrations in Rocket Fins” , a research paper by Vincent San Miguel who is a Penn State student. Using the equations and knowledge garned in these papers we were able to combine that with an Excel spreadsheet calculator to produce data that would model and project fin flutter in our fin design. We found that by shortening the span, increasing the root chord and changing the shape, that flutter would cease to be a problem. This test has yielded the results, that are based in data, that by using a clipped Delta Shape, that fin flutter will not be a problem in this situation. Infact it was found that we had a 20% margin of safety giving us a 120% stability when faced with fin flutter. This in turn mitigates the point of failure that is known as fin flutter during flight. There is also a point of failure in the way the fins are attached to the rocket. Using a slotted body tube the fins will be mounted to the motor mount of the rocket by a method referred to simply as “through the wall fins.” The fins will then be filleted by an epoxy putty then further secured with a 2 inch band of carbon fiber running the length of the root chord. This will not only mitigate the point of failure that is where the fins attach, but it will also reduce the coefficient of drag on the rocket. The point of failure is the airframe. The airframe will be prone to bending and flexing during the rockets flight. However given that the body tube is composed of fiberglass it is not likely to bend or flex. This is merely an assumption so in order to properly assess the risk of failure when it comes to the body tube we did research followed by calculations. Our research was that of looking into the Contest - Roc Yahoo group and using their Flex- Roc calculator in order to plug in our rockets components and materials to predict whether or not it will flex and break during its flight. The program ran many iterations of the formulas involved to predict the materials failure during flight every step of the way. It was solving for an aeroelastic divergence. The software found that our rocket was not in fear of aeroelastic divergence as the team had predicted, and therefore the rocket was not at risk of flexing to a point of destruction. So this point of failure was properly mitigated by picking a strong enough material to house the rockets internals for flight. The next point of failure is the recovery system. will be as follows. To start with the chute material will be a Rip Stop nylon with a rating of 70DEN FR to be provided by Seattle Fabrics. The FR designation means fire retardant, as the chute is a polyurethane coated fabric. With the chute diameter measured out to eighty-four inches we will be using an eighth inch Flat Braid Dacron which is rated up to four hundred pounds. It can be found at paragear under the category number W9754FR. We chose the eighth inch Dacron over the three sixteenth inch as it is lighter and conserves space this way. Also the eighth inch Dacron is strong enough as each line is rated up to four hundred pounds. So with there being eight gores this gives our shrouds the cumulative strength of thirty-two hundred pounds, or about 320G's. Meaning it would take an opening shock at 320G's of force to cause a failure in the chute material or shroud lines, which is extremely unlikely to happen at it's time of deployment. Also as far as the shroud line goes we are using a flat fabric as opposed to round due to it being easier to sew with our given skill set. Two types of thread line will be provided by Seattle Fabrics for use in the chute. The first being Z46 thread used to sew the gores together. It is size forty-six and one ounce thread that is nylon bonded giving it the Z designation. The next being the Z69 to sew the gores and threads to the shroud lines. It is size 69 and nylon bonded giving it the Z designation. As mentioned prior we plan on using eight gores in the construction of the chute. The gore length is fifty inches for this semi hemispherical design with a gore width of thirty three inches. It has an apex of forty-five and base angle of sixty. The base angle is derived from the fact that a semi hemisphere is two thirds of a full hemisphere leaving us with an angle of sixty instead of ninety. Using loops we will be able to give each piece two shroud lines sewn the length of the gore giving it reinforced strength. This also makes it easier to hook the parachute to the hardware as it will be presented in a loop instead of leaving us with shrouds to knot. We will be running French fell seams along the entirety of the chute which is a strong stitching pattern. This clearly has been determined to be a strong pattern for our main chute being the semi hemispherical one. The X-form drogue has already been sewn in house with all materials and techniques aforementioned. It has so far successfully brought down a level two rocket flying a J class motor that weighed in at ten pounds with a height of eighty four inches. Next we have the hardware. The shroud lines being composed of loops will be attached to to a D Link. This D link will come from a standard hardware store and is size five sixteenths. This gives it a strength rating of 1500 pounds or 150G's. The D Link will hook into a barrel swivel that is provided by LOC precision. It is swivel 12 and rated for 1500 pounds of strength. Which is again at 150G's of force in order to induce failure. The barrel swivel will be hooked onto our quarter inch tubular kevlar shock cord which carries a 3000 pound strength rating. Which comes down to 320G's of force to induce failure. The shock cord will be tied onto a Ubolt that will be anchored in a carbon fiber bulk head made with 24KPL50 which provided by solarcomposites. According to their website it boasts a rating of aerospace 600KPSI. Through the parachute design and hardware applications the point of failure is determined to be the D-link or barrel swivel which are rated for 150G's of force or 1500 pounds. However seen as at apogee the rocket will not nearly be under this pressure and according to the rate of descent calculator once the drogue is deployed it will descend at 24 feet per second. Meaning even when the main chute deploys it will still not experience 150G's of force, thus giving our chutes a theoretical point of failure at the D-Link to barrel swivel connection however it is not likely to happen. It has been properly mitigated by analyzing all possible points of failure then looking at the feasibility of it actually happening. The next point of failure during the failure analysis is the electronics components. The electronics have three points of failure. First they can fail due to improper wiring, which would cause the electronics to malfunction and not work at all. Second they can fail due to an improper power source, without power they cannot run. Finally they can fail due to manufacturer defect. In order to mitigate against these points of failure in the electronics, they must be thoroughly inspected for the faults. Then the appropriate action must follow, whether it is changing batteries or adjusting wiring. It can be difficult to mitigate for a manufacturer defect however testing upon receiving the components should work well towards combating it. Another common point of failure is the nose cone. As the nose cone is held onto the rocket by a shock cord, special care must be taken to mitigate the possible of a failure of the nose cone to be held to the rocket. The team is attempting to mitigate this risk by using a nose cone formed out of a kevlar and fiber glass composite to give it structural rigidity, as well as attaching it firmly to the shock cord using strong materials such as metal bolts and metal wire. This will do well to prevent a point of failure in the nose cones attachment to the rocket. During the failure analysis the boat tail has also come under scrutiny. The boat tail could present a potential point of failure if it is not firmly attached to the rocket. In order to mitigate this the boat tail will be attached to the rocket by using an epoxy resin. Epoxy resin should be strong enough to hold the boat tail to the rocket as the boat tail isnt taking a large force of pressure during flight. The rockets over all safety has been determined by this failure analysis. The safety of the rocket will be quite assured once the rocket is assembled and ready for flight. Additional safety hazards the rocket may be concerned with outside of the aforementioned failure points, are it’s shipping and transportation to the launch site. Transportation is a big logistic of such a large rocket and as such it is mission critical that no parts be damaged during its transport. This presents a large concern for the rockets safety however there is not much the team can do to mitigate this safety concern if the team decides to have the rocket shipped as it is entirely up to the people who handle the rocket during its transit. Although the team can take preventative steps to package it to try and reduce and damage due to mishandling during transport. How the subscale flight data has impacted the design of the full-scale launch vehicle. Results from the subscale launch will determine if the set up of the electronics such as the accelerometer to the arduino, the strain gauges to the arduino and Raspberry Pi, and cameras to the Raspberry Pi are set up correctly to record the appropriate data. This includes appropriate coding of the Arduino, and Raspberry Pi. Data will be analyzed from the subscale launch to see if the data makes sense and adjustments will be made accordingly. Recovery Subsystem Beginning with the parachute the specifications will be as follows. To start the chute material will be a Rip Stop nylon with a rating of 70DEN FR to be provided by Seattle Fabrics. The FR designation means fire retardant, as the chute is a polyurethane coated fabric. With the chute diameter measured out to eighty-four inches we will be using an eighth inch Flat Braid Dacron which is rated up to four hundred pounds. It can be found at paragear under the category number W9754FR. We chose the eighth inch Dacron over the three sixteenth inch as it is lighter and conserves space this way. Also the eighth inch Dacron is strong enough as each line is rated up to four hundred pounds. So with there being eight gores this gives our shrouds the cumulative strength of thirty-two hundred pounds, or about 320G's. Meaning it would take an opening shock at 320G's of force to cause a failure in the chute material or shroud lines, which is extremely unlikely to happen at it's time of deployment. Also as far as the shroud line goes we are using a flat fabric as opposed to round due to it being easier to sew with our given skill set. Two types of thread line will be provided by Seattle Fabrics for use in the chute. The first being Z46 thread used to sew the gores together. It is size forty-six and one ounce thread that is nylon bonded giving it the Z designation. The next being the Z69 to sew the gores and threads to the shroud lines. It is size 69 and nylon bonded giving it the Z designation. As mentioned prior we plan on using eight gores in the construction of the chute. The gore length is fifty inches for this semi hemispherical design with a gore width of thirty three inches. It has an apex of forty-five and base angle of sixty. The base angle is derived from the fact that a semi hemisphere is two thirds of a full hemisphere leaving us with an angle of sixty instead of ninety. Using loops we will be able to give each piece two shroud lines sewn the length of the gore giving it reinforced strength. This also makes it easier to hook the parachute to the hardware as it will be presented in a loop instead of leaving us with shrouds to knot. We will be running French fell seams along the entirety of the chute which is a strong stitching pattern. This clearly has been determined to be a strong pattern for our main chute being the semi hemispherical one. The X-form drogue has already been sewn in house with all materials and techniques aforementioned. It has so far successfully brought down a level two rocket flying a J class motor that weighed in at ten pounds with a height of eighty four inches. Next we have the hardware. The shroud lines being composed of loops will be attached to to a D Link. This D link will come from a standard hardware store and is size five sixteenths. This gives it a strength rating of 1500 pounds or 150G's. The D Link will hook into a barrel swivel that is provided by LOC precision. It is swivel 12 and rated for 1500 pounds of strength. Which is again at 150G's of force in order to induce failure. The barrel swivel will be hooked onto our quarter inch tubular kevlar shock cord which carries a 3000 pound strength rating. Which comes down to 320G's of force to induce failure. The shock cord will be tied onto a Ubolt that will be anchored in a carbon fiber bulk head made with 24KPL50 which provided by solarcomposites. According to their website it boasts a rating of aerospace 600KPSI. Through the parachute design and hardware applications the point of failure is determined to be the D-link or barrel swivel which are rated for 150G's of force or 1500 pounds. However seen as at apogee the rocket will not nearly be under this pressure and according to the rate of descent calculator once the drogue is deployed it will descend at 24 feet per second. Meaning even when the main chute deploys it will still not experience 150G's of force, thus giving our chutes a theoretical point of failure at the D-Link to barrel swivel connection however it is not likely to happen. Electrical components and how they will work together to safely recover the launch vehicle. The main electrical component in charge of the recovery of the rocket is our PerfectFlite stratologger. The PerfectFlite stratologger will be wired up to a terminal block which will then be wired to two ejection charge cups made of PVC. Through previous experience the PVC cup and terminal block will work to deploy the ejection charge contained within the cup after carrying the charge from the flight computer. The flight computer and terminal block will be wired with size eighteen AWG running between them all. It can handle up to three hundred volts which gives it full capability to carry the charge from the PerfectFlite stratologger to the terminal block. So it is a simple system that has the flight computer working with a terminal block and charge cup all brought together through wiring to cause black power charges to go off and deploy the recovery. The electronics system for the deployment system is a simple as a flight computer sending a charge through a circuit. Possible points of failure through this design lay within the wiring or battery. In order to mitigate these points of failure to next to nothing it is simple as making sure all wiring is secure through the ports connected, and that the battery is holding the proper amount of charge. Assuming this the flight computer will easily be able to send its charge to the ejection cups without failure. Include drawings/sketches, block diagrams, and electrical schematics. Raspberry Pi System Schematic Arduino Uno System Schematic Kinetic energy at significant phases of the mission The major changes in the kinetic energy of the mission occur at launch, completion of motor burn, apogee, drogue deployment, main deployment, and landing. Test results. As previously discussed the parts for the subscale and full scale have not yet arrived so testing has been limited to ground testing utilizing equipment and parts that were already available to the team. Results of the ejection charge tests showed that two, 1.5 g black powder ejection charges per break would be enough to ensure the safe deployment of the recovery system if one of the charges failed due to faulty wiring, a faulty altimeter, or incorrect arming of the black powder charge. Safety and failure analysis. The safety and failure analysis of the recovery system hinge on the components it is made out of. To begin with the barrel swivel and D-link have a strength rating of 1500 pounds or 150G’s. This makes them a failure point as if there is more than 150G’s of force exerted on the rocket this could cause a hardware failure. However the rocket is unlikely to encounter more than 150G’s of force during its flight. The next point of failure during analysis of the recovery system is the shock cord. The shock cord could potentially burn or snap however as it is a ¼ inch tubular kevlar shock cord, it is flame resistant to 2000 degrees fahrenheit and is also capable of withstand up to 3000 pounds of tensile strength, or 300G’s. As it is highly unlikely to experience either of those conditions during flight it should be safe. The next point of failure may be the parachute. With the various cords and threads being described in detail above it is easier to just note the point of failure for the parachutes will be approximately 3200 pounds of tensile strength due to its quality materials. This actually makes the parachute the strongest point of this failure analysis as it has the capability to withstand 320G’s. There is also the matter of the anchor of what the shock cord is anchored to. The shock chord is anchored to a U bolt that is mounted inside of a carbon fiber bulkhead. This creates an additonal safety hazard during this failure analysis. However it is being mitigated by being made of carbon fiber which according to the manufacturer solarcomposites can withstand up to 600000 kpsi of force. Which should prove more than adequate for withstanding any force exerted upon it by the shock cord. Through this the hardware pieces of the recovery system have been noted for their various points of failure. However due to the strength of all these materials it is easy to say the potential for failure has been mitigated drastically by picking materials that are able to withstand these forces acting upon them. The PerfectFlite Stratologger is what causes the recovery system to deploy so it is also a crucial point of failure. Should the flight computer fail to deploy the recovery system, all of the strength of the materials ceases to matter as they are unable to do their job. In this case the proper mitigation for this scenario would be to test the flight computers before being installed, as well as once installed. It would also be keen to check the points of failure of the flight computer which includes the wiring and power source. Once the power source has been verified as charged and the wiring declared functional, the flight computer should work. Mitigation for those two sub components is as simple as testing the current to ensure that enough power is being supplied. Once this is done and the flight computer passes pre flight checks, it is safe to deploy the recovery system. Mission Performance Predictions Mission performance criteria. A successful mission involves all systems and subsystems working properly. The rocket itself must reach the desired altitude of 8,500 feet and the recovery system must deploy to let the rocket descend safely to the ground. The first of the payload criteria, the hazard detection system, involves the camera capturing a live video feed which must be analyzed by the software on the Raspberry Pi microcontroller. The feed and hazard detection overlay must be transmitted to a computer at the ground station in real time. The strain gauges, accelerometers, altimeters, and voltmeter, all must function completely in order to collect data that will meet the criteria for the analysis in payload option Aerodynamically, the rocket must perform as closely as possible to the specifications and coefficients of drag determined using computational fluid dynamic simulation and wind tunnel analysis. Flight profile simulations, altitude predictions with final vehicle design, weights, and actual motor thrust curve. Thrust Curve courtesy of ThurstCuver.Org Show stability margin and the actual CP and CG relationship and locations. Payload Integration The launch vehicle will have two electronics bays, one in the hollow nose cone, the other in the mid section of the rocket. The reasoning of using two electronics bays is due to the placement of two separate strain gauges. The team’s objective is to measure the strain endured by the launch vehicle during launch in two separate locations, therefore, two electronics bays are needed. The electronics bays will be enclosed cylinders and double as couplers for the rocket.The electronics bay in the nose cone will contain an accelerometer, a sonic beacon, a battery, and a Raspberry Pi which will be connected to a camera located just outside the nose electronics bay at the base of the nose cone. The camera will be spring loaded against the inner side wall of the structure of the vehicle. The camera will be designed to slide out and deploy as the nose cone is ejected from the rest of the rocket during the deployment of the main parachute. The Raspberry Pi will also be wired to a strain gauge on the outer part of the base of the nose cone by drilling small holes through the lower part of the nose cone to feed the wires into the electronics bay. The second electronics bay will be in the mid section of the rocket roughly 39 in. from the tip of the nose cone. This electronics bay will house the altimeter, Arduino, accelerometer, and two 9V battery. The outer ends of the electronics bay will have a small PVC cup on either side that will hold black powder and will serve as the ejection charges for the recovery system. The Arduino will also be wired to a strain gauge on the outside of the structure of the rocket in the same way as the nose cone electronics bay. Ease of integration Integration plan. Payload will be integrated and stabilized using a center panel bolted in the electronics bays. The Arduino components, transmitter, altimeter, accelerometer, Raspberry Pi, batteries, and cameras will be stored on one either side of the center panel. This will be done to ensure that none of the contents of the rocket shift haphazardly during launch. The electronics bays will be enclosed cylinders that also serve as couplers for the rocket and will be easily compatible with the rocket. The electronics bay bulkheads will be able to be screwed on and off and the electronics will be on a sled capable of easily being removed and inserted into and out of the electronics bays. Ejection charges will be mounted on the ends of the electronics bays which eliminates the probability of them moving during flight to ensure a safe deployment of the recovery system. The most difficult assembly of this launch vehicle will be leading wires through the structure of the rocket to the strain gauges. Only a very small portion of wire will be exposed to the outside of the launch vehicle to reduce the possibility of the strain gauges shearing off during flight. What little wire that will be on the outside will be taped down in such a way as to make the strain gauge wire as streamlined as possible. Installation and removal, interface dimensions, and precision fit. Installation of the parts will be simple. First the electronics bay bulkheads will be undone. This will allow us to pull the length of wire from the switches for the altimeter and black powder charges, and wire them onto the perfect flite. Then we can wire the 9 volt to the perfectflite. This is of course taking into account that the perfectflite is mounted to an internal sled that is composed of a wooden slab with rail guides on the back of it. The additional electronics for the ebay will also already be pre mounted to the wooden slab. They will also be wired to the internals they respectively control, such as the strain gauges. Once this is done the sled will be put on the internal steel rod of the electronics bay and slid into position amidst all the wires. The bulkhead will be resealed and thus the installation of the mid electronics section is complete. For the installation of the nosecone the process is largely the same when it comes to the slab being inserted. However the slab is not to be in place by a rod inside the nose cone. Instead it is installed by simply inserting the sled to fit into centering rings inside the nose cone. Then a bulkhead will be placed at the bottom of the nose cone with a bolt placed horizontally beneath it to hold it in place. This bolt will have a length of steel wire then tied onto it then the kevlar shock cord respectively. Thus the nose cone electronics bay is installed. Removal of electronics is as simple as repeating the process in reverse. Bulkheads are undone, then the internal wires are disconnected and the sled is slid off of the rod it was resting on in the internal space. Interface and precision fits for the electronics have been taken into consideration. It will be a precision fit as all pieces will fit in an exact location with consideration to its job and space available. They will interface with other pieces according to what they have designated to do when it is time to perform. E.g the flight computer with the ejection charges and the microprocessors with the sensor payload. Compatibility of elements All of the elements of the payload will work together to accomplish the objectives of the mission. The 5MP camera module, Raspberry Pi, and 3G Dongle receiver will work together to give the team the ability to monitor the rocket in flight. The strain gauges, voltmeters, and accelerometer will work together to allow the team to monitor the strain, electrical system, and propulsion of the rocket in flight. The elements will all be placed inside of the body tube and they will be kept apart to prevent damage and experimental errors. Simplicityof integration procedure. Components were selected for their simplicity in integration into the electronics bay. The Raspberry Pi system was specifically designed to operate easily. The Raspberry Pi’s 5MP camera was chosen for its easy integration with the Raspberry Pi as it was manufactured specifically for its use. The pi was also picked for the simplicity of integrating the 3g dongle to it as well. Since so many repositories of code and tools exist for the raspberry pi it is possible to easily integrate all of its peripherals into its operations. Launch concerns and operation procedures Recovery preparation. Recovery preparation will begin with taking the electronics bay out from the mid section of the rocket, and then loading the appropriately sized black powder charges into their cups on their respective sides. Then the black powder charges will be secured into the cup and the mid section will be reloaded. Once it is reloaded the parachutes will be hooked into their anchors inside the rocket and then packed in a manner conducive to an easy release upon ignition of the ejection charges. Once this is complete the rocket will be reassembled and any shear pins or screws will be installed in their respective locations. After this the altimeters pull pin will be removed turning it on. After the readout of data is output by the altimeter, the switches for the black powder charges will be turned to the on position, allowing them to be deployed when the charge comes from the altimeter. After this is all done the system will be in an armed state and the recovery system will be ready for its deployment. Motor preparation. The motor will be prepared by first removing the K660 out of its shipping package. The motor will then receive an inspection for any flaws that could be present due to manufacturer error. Once the motor has passed this inspection it will then be covered in lithium grease so that the motor may be then slid into the motor casing. The lithium grease also prepares the motor not only for launch, but for post recovery cleaning as it allows the motor to be removed from the casing easily. Once the motor is slid into the casing, the bottom ring of the casing will be secured. Then the casing will then be slid into the motor mount and then secured by the Aeropak motor retainer. Once the retainer ring is secured tightly onto the retainer the motor will be deemed secure in the rocket. Then following this a pyrogen based electronic igniter will be inserted into the motor and then secured onto the power source with special consideration taken to not touch the leads together. At this point everyone will retreat away from the pad to the minimum safe distance in order to observe the launch. All work will be considered acceptable if the range safety officer approves, as he has the finals say. Igniter installation. As mentioned above the igniter will be installed by being inserted into the fully prepared motor once it is on the launch pad. It then will be hooked up to the power source with special consideration taken to prevent the leads from touching. Once this is done the igniter will be deemed ready. Setup on launcher. In order to be set up on the launch rail, the rocket must have the motor and recovery system properly installed as outlined above. Then the rocket will be slid onto the launch rail by its rail mounts. Then the igniter will be installed as it is stated above. Then rocket will be then deemed to be setup on the launcher. Troubleshooting. Trouble shooting at launch will be mainly concerned with the failure of the igniter or the onboard launch components of the rocket. If an onboard electronics component is failing the first troubleshooting step will be to check the connections in order to make sure power is able to flow. If the connections are valid, then the power source will be checked for power. If that too has failed then troubleshooting will involve a more direct examination of the electronics to see if there is any damage to the piece causing it to malfunction. Troubleshooting with the igniter will be to see if it is improperly hooked up to the leads causing it to not ignite the rocket, or that the power source needs to be examined in the event the rocket doesn’t launch upon the pressing of the ignition button. These are the initial steps of troubleshooting two of the most probable points of failure but first beginning with a simple examination. Postflight inspection. Afterward the rocket is recovered, the team will inspect the launch vehicle for any critical damage. This will include but not be limited to the body tube, fins, internal electronic components and wiring, power systems, and measurement devices, among others. Safety and Environment (Vehicle) PreEffect(s) RAC Mitigation electrical burns, skin damage, Careful grounding of damage to electronics and Testing flight electrical persons working on computer and components, start electronics, safety Exposure sensors; Installing a fire to personell in vicinity, to electric flight computer and surrounding work use certified shock sensors area 3D components fire suppressant easily Burns, skin accessible, injuries, lung masks/open air when irritation, working with powder, damages to safety officer present, airframe and maintain minimum testing/installing electronics bay, safe distance of 10 ft Exposure recovery charges cause a fire to when testing and have to black and motor ignition surrounding work no personell in line of powder system area 3C sight of firing direction wear masks and gloves when working with epoxy and epoxy related materials, have safety officer present, construction of the skin damage, lung work in an area with vehicle structure, damage, damage adequete ventilation, Exposure payload mounts, to airframe, highly avoid heat and spark to epoxy and motor mounts flammable 3C sources constrution and skin irritation, lung wear masks and Exposure machined irritation, damage gloves when working to alterations to to electrical with fiberglass and fiberglass airframe and components if fiberglass related dust related structure exposed 2D materials construction and having trained team machined members use Machining alterations to machining equipment, related airframe and cuts, skin injuries, wearing safety glasses hazards related structure eye injuries D2 and general PPE Hazard Cause Identify safety officer for your team. Verification PostRAC Airframe Loading Procedure 2.1.1 D44D - Safety and Handling of Electronics Bay Components Airframe Loading 3D Procedure 1.1.2 - Safety and Handling of Recovery Charges UCF Machine Lab Composite Materials Procedure UCF Machine Lab Composite Materials Procedure UCF Machine Lab-Machine Lab Safety Procedure 3D 3D 3D The safety officer of the team is Anthony Laiuppa. He has been picked based on his qualification of holding a level two high power rocketry license through the National Association of Rocketry for the past two years. This along with his experience with high power rocketry and the regulations around them gives him a strong base of knowledge involving not only the hazards of construction the rocket, but also the regulations surrounding high power rocketry. He has previously led and supervised two previous SEDS sound rockets produced by the club to to compete in the SEDS high power rocketry competition 10,000 foot challenge. He will be responsible for the safety and regulation of the team during construction and launch. Risk Consequence Mitigation Systems or components fail during testing and/or test launches. Systems and components may have to be redesigned or replaced. Order extras of any possibly fragile components to prevent manufacturing delays. Have backup ideas for any systems that may fail. Parts arrive late. Manufacturing, testing, and test launches are delayed. Order parts well in advance and ensure that they are in stock. The project costs more than the team estimates. Project is over budget and team may not have sufficient funds to continue. Constantly maintain and update budget and overestimate costs if possible. The project takes longer to complete that the team estimates. The team is behind schedule. Keep all team members informed of the planned schedule and start working on aspects of the project earlier than necessary whenever possible. The rocket does not meet RSO requirements on launch day. The team loses points and does not get to fly. Work closely with NAR Team Mentor to verify that the rocket is being built to the required standards. The team loses members Project is severely and does not have sufficient behind schedule and may personnel to complete all not be completed. aspects of the rocket. Prioritize work in order to meet the most significant criteria. List of personnel hazards and demonstration research is as follows. ο· ο· ο· ο· ο· ο· ο· ο· ο· ο· ο· ο· ο· ο· ο· ο· ROL ATF News Federal Explosives Law (790k) Exemption Paper Trail (613k) List of Explosive Materials (96k) Federal Firearms Laws (227 k) Letter from ATF 1-13-99 (57k) AeroTech to J. Zamillo 11-4-98 (70k) ATF Communique 4-25-94 (53k) Memorandum of Opinion 6-24-02 (1.48MB) Letter From ATF 4-20-94 (80k) Letter From ATF 6-20-94 (66k) G. Brunda to ATF 5-28-92 (104k) ATF to G. Brunda 6-5-92 (21k) ATF to T. Smith 11-28-01 (35k) GCR ATF Affidavit 6-27-02 (217k) Court Order re: TRA/NAR vs. ATFE 3-16-09 Discuss any environmental concerns. The environmental concerns that the team anticipates are largely confined to the specifics of the Bonneville Salt Flats. To begin with possible environmental concerns start with the weather and conditions of the launch site. Rain is an environmental concern that carries the capability to possibly damage electronics. There is also that of salt of dust which are concerns for an area as arid as the salt flats as they can potentially damage electronics through corrosion or interference. The rocket also faces the environmental concern of the ground. The salt flats have a rough compact surface which can be potentially damaging to the rocket depending on its rate of descent as it lands on the surface. Also the rocket carries the potential of landing near hazardous indigenous wildlife that is native to the environment present. In the event of this, it could also pose a threat to the team during the retrieval process of the rocket. Also the team faces the environmental concerns faced with human health in a dry environment. This means proper hydration as well as taking precautions to make sure no one injures themselves through accidents on the flats. Such as falling and scraping their knee as an obvious example. That is a viable environmental concern as rough ground is extremely hazardous towards fragile human skin. Simple mitigations towards these environmental concerns are as easy as taking the obvious proper precautions such as bringing water or avoiding the native wildlife. IV) Payload Criteria Testing and Design of Payload Experiment Design at a system level. Drawings and specifications Analysis results Analysis of the payload involved making sure each part used in the experiment worked together, analyzing which components would be best suited for our experiment and finding which methods would be most cost-effective in creating our experiment. We found that the Raspberry Pi system would fit all of the requirements for our payload experiment. Test results Tests resulted in a successful performance of our payload components. Cameras, transmitters and data collection performed successfully according to our payload missions. Integrity of design The design of the system has been carefully implemented to ensure the integrity of all components and systems. The design has been created in order to collect and transmit accurate and precise data. # Requirement Feature Verification 3.1.1 The payload shall incorporate a camera system that scans the surface during descent in order to detect potential landing hazards. The rocket payload will include a camera that provides a video feed during descent. The camera will be tested during half scale and full scale launches. 3.1.2 The data from the hazard detection camera shall be analyzed in real time by a custom designed on-board software packaged that shall determine if landing hazards are present. The rocket will contain a Raspberry Pi microcontroller with original software that will analyze the video feed for hazards. The software will be tested for hazard locating accuracy during the half scale and full scale launches. 3.1.3 The data from the surface hazard detection camera and software system shall be transmitted in real time to a ground station. The payload will feature a 5.8 Ghz lightweight video transmitter to send the feed and hazard analysis to a computer on the ground. The transmitter will be tested for range and quality during the half scale and full scale launches. Structural and dynamic analysis of air-frame, propulsion, and electrical systems during boost. Strain gauges will be placed on the body tube to measure strain. The electrical system will be analyzed by voltmeters. An accelerometer and altimeter will be used to measure the acceleration and velocity of propulsion. The Arduino Uno will gather data. These systems will be tested during the half scale and full scale launches. Aerodynamic analysis of structural protuberances. The team will use computational fluid dynamics simulation in SolidWorks and wind tunnel testing to analyze the aerodynamics of the rocket. The data gathered from the analysis will be verified during the half scale and full scale launches. Workmanship as it relates to mission success. The teams approach to workmanship will be following part of the UCF Creed of Integrity, Community, Creativity, Scholarship and Excellence. In this case Team Advance will be specifically focusing on the word Excellence. As a team we would like to excel in workmanship as we represent UCF through our attempt at mission success. It is not only the best way to represent UCF by following the UCF creed, but also the best way to chase after mission success through workmanship by having excellence in all the team does. This means working hard to insure that the rocket isn't just adequate to achieve the mission, but that it excels in all it does. It is vital that all tasks are completed using a high level of precision as to avoid making mistakes that would compromise the functionality or the scientific objectives of the mission. Planned component testing, functional testing, or static testing. The team has planned component testing that will be performed once the ordered parts arrive. The team will be testing all of the electronics of the vehicle prior to launch as well as during the half scale and full scale launches. The team will be testing the functionality of the rocket using Rocksim as well as testing the actual rocket during the launches. Status and plans of remaining manufacturing and assembly. Project Advance is currently awaiting the arrival of parts and will begin manufacturing and assembly once they are received. Describe integration plan. Integration of payload has been planned to assure that instruments collect accurate data. The Arduino Uno as well as the Raspberry Pi will be used to capture data taken by sensors. The Arduino Uno will act as our flight computer taking input from strain gauges. Data will be taken continuously for set intervals during flight and stored on the Arduino Uno. The Raspberry Pi will be integrated with camera, 3G Dongle, accelerometer and strain gauges. Precision of instrumentation and repeatability of measurement. All components of the payload experiment will be programmed and calibrated to ensure maximum precision during measurement. The software systems on board both the Raspberry Pi and Arduino Uno will be capable of gathering data during multiple tests. Data will be transferred to computers in order to free up memory on these microcontrollers so that they can gather more data. Payload electronics with special attention given to transmitters. Nose Cone Payload: Nose cone payload consists of the Raspberry Pi system with camera, batteries, and 3G Dongle, a breadboard and an accelerometer. The Raspberry Pi will transmit live video feed with landing hazards to the ground station. Connected to the Raspberry Pi will also be a breadboard with strain gauges and an accelerometer to acquire data during flight. Electronics Bay Payload: The electronics bay payload contained in the body tube will consist of a Arduino Uno R3 Microcontroller.A strain gauge will also be attached to the Arduino Uno to collect data on the strain put on the rocket’s frame. Drawings and schematics Electronics Bay Payload Schematic Nose Cone Payload Schematic Electronics Bay Payload Block Diagram Nose Cone Payload Block Diagram Batteries/power Item Battery Type Raspberry Pi Model B 10,000mAh lithium ion battery Arduino Uno R3 Microcontroller 9V battery Transmitter frequencies, wattage, and location Transmitter Frequency Wattage Location Raspberry Pi 3G Dongle 2.4 Ghz 5 Watts Nose Cone Test plans Tests for transmitters include the following Connecting the 3G Dongle to the Raspberry Pi and ensuring that Internet connection can be achieved. Scripts will be run on the Raspberry Pi to confirm if an Internet connection can be achieved. Safety and failure analysis. Failure in the transmission components of the payload will compromise the success of the payload mission. Failure of nose cone payload may happen in the camera component, the 3G component, strain gauges, accelerometer, breadboard, and the Raspberry Pi itself. The camera’s failure would result in not being able to receive live video stream of the ground hazards during descent. Failures would be caused from the camera failing to deploy, the camera becoming damaged due to corrosion from the salt in the environment, or the camera becoming disconnected from the Raspberry Pi. Failure of the 3G dongle from the Raspberry Pi would also prevent hazards from being able to be detected. The dongle may become detached from the Raspberry Pi during flight or fail to connect to the Internet. The failure of the breadboard would result in a loss of data from components acquiring information during flight. Failure in the breadboard could be caused by faulty wiring or the breadboard becoming disconnected from the Raspberry Pi. Without these components functioning properly, the system would not be able to collect flight data, resulting in a failure of the payload objective. Payload Concept Features and Definition The purpose of the requirement 3.1 is to develop a camera system and software that will scan for landing hazards that will support the development of future SLS technology. This simplified system will explore a potential hazard identification method that could be used on a full-scale mission. The camera and software systems will be the original work of the team. The exterior of the rocket will be covered in mylar, thus accentuating the body of the rocket and increasing visibility. The nose cone is a Von Karman which will produce minimal drag on the rocket and the fins and nose cone will be composed of 100 percent fiberglass. The drogue chute will be x-shaped which will be able to slow the rocket more efficiently than streamers and will be more effective than a parachute. One of the greatest challenges the team faces is the lack of experience in the area of rocketry among its members. The group is composed of underclassman, including two freshmen, who have not partaken in any rocket launches or engineering projects. Options and involve advanced stuctural, dynamic, and aerodynamic analysis of the entire launch vehicle. Combined with 3.1 and the lack of experience among members, these objectives will prove to be a suitable challenge for undergraduate students which meets the intention of this competition. Science Value Payload objectives. The payload objectives include monitoring flight data, including acceleration, altitude, and strain on the rocket frame. Data will be collected continuously during flight at a set interval. Also, live video transmission must be received by the ground station during descent. Payload success criteria. Payload success is defined by the following criteria: o Payload must be able to be recovered and reusable o Flight computer sensors collect accurate data during flight and is collected after landing o Hazard detection sensors must transmit live, accurate data on landing hazards during landing Experimental logic, approach, and method of investigation. The logic behind this experiment is to collect data that will be helpful in the creation of future full-sized rockets. The experiment is being approached from an engineering perspective, with the rocket assembly being the most important component of the project. Ensuring that all parts of the rocket will be operational at all stages of the launch is vital to the collection of data, and thus extremely important to the overall success of the mission. The data collected from the launch will be significant for future rocket launches, making this a scientific experiment as well. The experiment is being investigated through careful planning and controlled testing through Rocksim, SolidWorks, and practice launches. Test and measurement, variables, and controls. The testing of the vehicle will be conducted through the computer softwares Rocksim and SolidWorks and the test launch that the team plans on having closer to the launch date. Through test launches the team will measure acceleration, velocity, and strain. The team will be calculating thrust and impulse, measure the altitude the rocket travels, analyze the recovery system, and the aerodynamics of the rocket. Relevance of expected data and accuracy/error analysis. The expected data is meant to help develop future rockets and spacecraft. The data the team is expecting will confirm that all of the payload criteria are met and it will allow future Student Launch teams to improve upon ideas and procedures of this project. Surveying the ground for potential landing hazards will help research methods of avoiding hazards in real world applications such as for future spacecraft or even drones. Measuring strain on the structure of the launch vehicle will assist in the building of future launch vehicles by demonstrating whether or not the fiberglass used for this rocket is able withstand the forces of launch. Measuring acceleration and velocity to calculate thrust and impulse will either verify or disprove the manufactures specifications of the motors the company produces. It will also demonstrate a means of calculating thrust and impulse as a backup method for other vehicles if the primary source of measuring thrust and impulse is lost. Possible errors include faulty wiring, incorrect coding of the Raspberry Pi or Arduino, improper loading of the motor, improper folding of the parachutes, and uncertainty of the Raspberry Pi, Arduino, strain gauges, accelerometer, and altimeter. Experiment process procedures. Prior to launch the experimental payload will be prepared and checked to ensure the system is operational. Once it is confirmed the system is loaded the team will take readings on all of the payload systems in order to establish a base reading. During the flight the experiment will proceed as the payload continues to take readings with its sensor as the rocket climbs in altitude. As the rocket reaches apogee and begins to descend the cameras will be deployed continuing on the experiment as they begin to stream video in real time so that hazards may be located. The data will then be analyzed in real time. Once the flight is over the team will recover the rocket and remove all experiment equipment. It will then proceed to power the equipment on and retrieve the data that has been recorded to it. Once the data is collected, the team will complete analysis to determine if the payload criteria were met and outside factors will be considered in the conclusions reached by the group. Safety and Environment (Payload) The safety officer of the team is Anthony Laiuppa. He has been picked based on his qualification of holding a level two high power rocketry license through the National Association of Rocketry for the past two years. This along with his experience with high power rocketry and the regulations around them gives him a strong base of knowledge involving not only the hazards of construction the rocket, but also the regulations surrounding high power rocketry. He has previously led and supervised two previous SEDS sound rockets produced by the club to to compete in the SEDS high power rocketry competition 10,000 foot challenge. He will be responsible for the safety and regulation of the team during construction and launch. Failure analysis: The failure analysis begins with the outermost layers and then proceeds inwards. The failure analysis for the airframe can be broken down into three parts. The point of failure regarding the stability of the rocket, the point of failure regarding its fins, and the point of failure that is the body tube itself. The failure analysis that has been done on the stability of the rocket has been modeled in RockSim and the data has been collected accordingly. Through RockSim we calculated the center of pressure and center of gravity using the advanced Barrowman equation that was developed by NASA engineer James Barrowman. Standard static stability margin of 2 body diameters is the industry accepted safety margin used by NAR and Tripoli. As we are close to this with a static stability margin of 2.67 the rocket should be fine. Static stability margin is a massive part of the failure analysis as it is a failure of the rocket as a whole if it were to head off in a wrong direction due to instability. It can only be mitigated by properly designing the rocket to be stable which in this case, the rocket has met the above criteria. The next point of failure of the rocket will be failure point involving the fins. As the rocket is moving upwards if the fins are not of the proper shape as higher speeds are reaching the fins will begin to flutter. In some catastrophic situations the fins can flutter violently enough to shred and render them and the lower region of the rocket useless. In order to combat this we first began to look at our fin design from the PDR. We took note of its shape and span. Upon reviewing the old design and then following it with research we were able to conclude that we needed to revise the design. We did this by reading NACA Tec Note 4197 and “The Flutter Problem, Modeling Unstable Aeroelastic Vibrations in Rocket Fins” , a research paper by Vincent San Miguel who is a Penn State student. Using the equations and knowledge garned in these papers we were able to combine that with an Excel spreadsheet calculator to produce data that would model and project fin flutter in our fin design. We found that by shortening the span, increasing the root chord and changing the shape, that flutter would cease to be a problem. This test has yielded the results, that are based in data, that by using a clipped Delta Shape, that fin flutter will not be a problem in this situation. Infact it was found that we had a 20% margin of safety giving us a 120% stability when faced with fin flutter. This in turn mitigates the point of failure that is known as fin flutter during flight. There is also a point of failure in the way the fins are attached to the rocket. Using a slotted body tube the fins will be mounted to the motor mount of the rocket by a method referred to simply as “through the wall fins.” The fins will then be filleted by an epoxy putty then further secured with a 2 inch band of carbon fiber running the length of the root chord. This will not only mitigate the point of failure that is where the fins attach, but it will also reduce the coefficient of drag on the rocket. The point of failure is the airframe. The airframe will be prone to bending and flexing during the rockets flight. However given that the body tube is composed of fiberglass it is not likely to bend or flex. This is merely an assumption so in order to properly assess the risk of failure when it comes to the body tube we did research followed by calculations. Our research was that of looking into the Contest - Roc Yahoo group and using their Flex- Roc calculator in order to plug in our rockets components and materials to predict whether or not it will flex and break during its flight. The program ran many iterations of the formulas involved to predict the materials failure during flight every step of the way. It was solving for an aeroelastic divergence. The software found that our rocket was not in fear of aeroelastic divergence as the team had predicted, and therefore the rocket was not at risk of flexing to a point of destruction. So this point of failure was properly mitigated by picking a strong enough material to house the rockets internals for flight. The next point of failure is the recovery system. will be as follows. To start with the chute material will be a Rip Stop nylon with a rating of 70DEN FR to be provided by Seattle Fabrics. The FR designation means fire retardant, as the chute is a polyurethane coated fabric. With the chute diameter measured out to eighty-four inches we will be using an eighth inch Flat Braid Dacron which is rated up to four hundred pounds. It can be found at paragear under the category number W9754FR. We chose the eighth inch Dacron over the three sixteenth inch as it is lighter and conserves space this way. Also the eighth inch Dacron is strong enough as each line is rated up to four hundred pounds. So with there being eight gores this gives our shrouds the cumulative strength of thirty-two hundred pounds, or about 320G's. Meaning it would take an opening shock at 320G's of force to cause a failure in the chute material or shroud lines, which is extremely unlikely to happen at it's time of deployment. Also as far as the shroud line goes we are using a flat fabric as opposed to round due to it being easier to sew with our given skill set. Two types of thread line will be provided by Seattle Fabrics for use in the chute. The first being Z46 thread used to sew the gores together. It is size forty-six and one ounce thread that is nylon bonded giving it the Z designation. The next being the Z69 to sew the gores and threads to the shroud lines. It is size 69 and nylon bonded giving it the Z designation. As mentioned prior we plan on using eight gores in the construction of the chute. The gore length is fifty inches for this semi hemispherical design with a gore width of thirty three inches. It has an apex of forty-five and base angle of sixty. The base angle is derived from the fact that a semi hemisphere is two thirds of a full hemisphere leaving us with an angle of sixty instead of ninety. Using loops we will be able to give each piece two shroud lines sewn the length of the gore giving it reinforced strength. This also makes it easier to hook the parachute to the hardware as it will be presented in a loop instead of leaving us with shrouds to knot. We will be running French fell seams along the entirety of the chute which is a strong stitching pattern. This clearly has been determined to be a strong pattern for our main chute being the semi hemispherical one. The X-form drogue has already been sewn in house with all materials and techniques aforementioned. It has so far successfully brought down a level two rocket flying a J class motor that weighed in at ten pounds with a height of eighty four inches. Next we have the hardware. The shroud lines being composed of loops will be attached to to a D Link. This D link will come from a standard hardware store and is size five sixteenths. This gives it a strength rating of 1500 pounds or 150G's. The D Link will hook into a barrel swivel that is provided by LOC precision. It is swivel 12 and rated for 1500 pounds of strength. Which is again at 150G's of force in order to induce failure. The barrel swivel will be hooked onto our quarter inch tubular kevlar shock cord which carries a 3000 pound strength rating. Which comes down to 320G's of force to induce failure. The shock cord will be tied onto a Ubolt that will be anchored in a carbon fiber bulk head made with 24KPL50 which provided by solarcomposites. According to their website it boasts a rating of aerospace 600KPSI. Through the parachute design and hardware applications the point of failure is determined to be the D-link or barrel swivel which are rated for 150G's of force or 1500 pounds. However seen as at apogee the rocket will not nearly be under this pressure and according to the rate of descent calculator once the drogue is deployed it will descend at 24 feet per second. Meaning even when the main chute deploys it will still not experience 150G's of force, thus giving our chutes a theoretical point of failure at the D-Link to barrel swivel connection however it is not likely to happen. It has been properly mitigated by analyzing all possible points of failure then looking at the feasibility of it actually happening. The next point of failure during the failure analysis is the electronics components. The electronics have three points of failure. First they can fail due to improper wiring, which would cause the electronics to malfunction and not work at all. Second they can fail due to an improper power source, without power they cannot run. Finally they can fail due to manufacturer defect. In order to mitigate against these points of failure in the electronics, they must be thoroughly inspected for the faults. Then the appropriate action must follow, whether it is changing batteries or adjusting wiring. It can be difficult to mitigate for a manufacturer defect however testing upon receiving the components should work well towards combating it. Another common point of failure is the nose cone. As the nose cone is held onto the rocket by a shock cord, special care must be taken to mitigate the possible of a failure of the nose cone to be held to the rocket. The team is attempting to mitigate this risk by using a nose cone formed out of a kevlar and fiber glass composite to give it structural rigidity, as well as attaching it firmly to the shock cord using strong materials such as metal bolts and metal wire. This will do well to prevent a point of failure in the nose cones attachment to the rocket. During the failure analysis the boat tail has also come under scrutiny. The boat tail could present a potential point of failure if it is not firmly attached to the rocket. In order to mitigate this the boat tail will be attached to the rocket by using an epoxy resin. Epoxy resin should be strong enough to hold the boat tail to the rocket as the boat tail isnt taking a large force of pressure during flight. There is also the thought of the rail guides. In order to assure the rail guides do not shear off once the rocket is loaded onto the rail, they will be bonded to the airframe with epoxy which should be more than capable of holding them on there. This will be mitigated by the team by ensuring the strength of the epoxy once they have been mounted. The rockets over all safety has been determined by this failure analysis. The safety of the rocket will be quite assured once the rocket is assembled and ready for flight. Additional safety hazards the rocket may be concerned with outside of the aforementioned failure points, are it’s shipping and transportation to the launch site. Transportation is a big logistic of such a large rocket and as such it is mission critical that no parts be damaged during its transport. This presents a large concern for the rockets safety however there is not much the team can do to mitigate this safety concern if the team decides to have the rocket shipped as it is entirely up to the people who handle the rocket during its transit. Although the team can take preventative steps to package it to try and reduce and damage due to mishandling during transport. List of personnel hazards and demonstration research is as follows. ο· ο· ο· ο· ο· ο· ο· ο· ο· ο· ο· ο· ο· ο· ο· ο· ROL ATF News Federal Explosives Law (790k) Exemption Paper Trail (613k) List of Explosive Materials (96k) Federal Firearms Laws (227 k) Letter from ATF 1-13-99 (57k) AeroTech to J. Zamillo 11-4-98 (70k) ATF Communique 4-25-94 (53k) Memorandum of Opinion 6-24-02 (1.48MB) Letter From ATF 4-20-94 (80k) Letter From ATF 6-20-94 (66k) G. Brunda to ATF 5-28-92 (104k) ATF to G. Brunda 6-5-92 (21k) ATF to T. Smith 11-28-01 (35k) GCR ATF Affidavit 6-27-02 (217k) Court Order re: TRA/NAR vs. ATFE 3-16-09 Environmental concerns. Environmental concerns are largely confined to the specifics of the Bonneville Salt Flats. To begin with possible environmental concerns start with the weather and conditions of the launch site. Rain is an environmental concern that carries the capability to possibly damage electronics. There is also that of salt of dust which are concerns for an area as arid as the salt flats as they can potentially damage electronics through corrosion or interference. The rocket also faces the environmental concern of the ground. The salt flats have a rough compact surface which can be potentially damaging to the rocket depending on its rate of descent as it lands on the surface. Also the rocket carries the potential of landing near hazardous indigenous wildlife that is native to the environment present. In the event of this, it could also pose a threat to the team during the retrieval process of the rocket. Also the team faces the environmental concerns faced with human health in a dry environment. This means proper hydration as well as taking precautions to make sure no one injures themselves through accidents on the flats. Such as falling and scraping their knee as an obvious example. That is a viable environmental concern as rough ground is extremely hazardous towards fragile human skin. Simple mitigations towards these environmental concerns are as easy as taking the obvious proper precautions such as bringing water or avoiding the native wildlife. V) Project Plan Show status of activities and schedule Budget plan Funding plan Funding for the rocket and travel arrangements will partly be provided by the University of Central Florida Student Government Association. The remainder of needed funds will be fundraised by the members of the team. The team first plans to begin an IndieGoGo campaign in order to raise a large portion of the funds given the success of other SEDS chapters abilities to raise funds for their rocket projects using the platform. Additionally the team would also like to reach out to local companies for sponsorship since the team is located just shy of the “space coast”. With a very space oriented community it should be plausible to locate sponsors and donors. Timeline Educational engagement plan and status Team Project Advance plans to make an educational presentation at Jackson Middle School. Following the presentation students will participate in a question and answer session regarding STEM fields. Additionally, the team will show the students data from previous launches and projects that members of Project Advance have participated in. The team will also teach the students how to build paper rockets and the physics behind them. The students will be able to launch them on a compressed air rocket launcher in order to observe these concepts in action. VI) Conclusion The University of Central Florida is eager to compete once again in the NASA Student Launch project. The members of Project Advance believe that their payload will be successful and the data collected from this experiment will be significant. Through testing and experimentation, the team plans on having a successful building process and launch. The payload, which includes a live-feed camera, strain gauges, voltmeters, and an accelerometer, will be crucial to the development of future UCF projects and NASA missions.