“Lifting As We Climb” NABA BOSTON SCHOLARSHIP APPLICATION AND INFORMATION SHEET The Boston Professional Chapter of the National Association of Black Accountants offers 3 types of scholarships to help ensure the continued advancement of Minorities in the Accounting profession: 1. Educational Institution Scholarships: Funded by NABA’s Educational Partners - Bentley University, Babson College and Simmons College Partial to full tuition renewable scholarships Awarded to a student who has been accepted into a full-time undergraduate or graduate program at a partnering college/university For students entering their first year of the program 2. Corporate Scholarships Funded by NABA’s Corporate Partners Non-renewing scholarships Awarded to full-time undergraduate and graduate students 3. Certification Scholarships Funded by NABA’s Corporate Partner – Becker Professional Education For students and professionals pursuing a CPA Provides for half of Becker CPA Review course for all 4 parts of the CPA exam Visit www.nababoston.us for further details Or send an email to nababostonchapter@gmail.com NATIONAL ASSOCIATION OF BLACK ACCOUNTANTS BOSTON METROPOLITAN CHAPTER UNIVERSAL SCHOLARSHIP APPLICATION This application must be postmarked by February 27, 2015 for consideration. Requirements for Consideration - All NABA Boston Scholarships GENERAL REQUIREMENTS FOR ALL SCHOLARSHIPS 1. Complete the Universal Scholarship Application. *** 2. Applicant must be a NABA Member. If the applicant is a high school senior entering college, the applicant must plan to become a member of NABA. (If awarded the scholarship the applicant must maintain membership in NABA) 3. Applicant must be a minority student or professional 4. Applicant must provide summary biographical information in a short paragraph. ADDITIONAL REQUIREMENTS FOR ALL CORPORATE AND EDUCATIONAL INSTITUTION SCHOLARSHIPS APPLICANTS 1. Maintain a minimum GPA of 3.0 on a 4.0 scale in the major of Accounting/ Auditing, Finance or other Business-related major, and a GPA of 3.0 overall 2. Submit an essay discussing career goals and how NABA can help you reach those goals. 3. Submit a current official transcript. If an official transcript for the Fall 2014 semester is not available by the application deadline of February 27, 2015, you may submit a printout from your school’s website. However, should you be selected for an award you will be required to submit an official transcript before the award is granted. 4. Submit two current letters of recommendation from college/university professors (or high school teachers, if you are a High School Senior.) 5. Submit a copy of your current resume. 6. Finalists may be interviewed if a tie occurs between two applicants NOTE: For Educational Institution Scholarships Applicants 1. In order to be eligible for an Educational Institution Scholarship from NABA, the Applicant must be accepted into an Undergraduate program at one of NABA's partnering colleges/universities. Applicants to the undergraduate programs must be admitted through the institution’s early decision programs. This will allow for the applicant to know which school they will be attending when they submit their NABA Scholarship application by February 27, 2015. 2. The Applicant must be entering their FIRST year in a Graduate or Undergraduate program. ADDITIONAL REQUIREMENTS FOR CERTIFICATION SCHOLARSHIP APPLICANTS NOTE: For the Becker CPA Review Course Scholarship, applicants must have met the educational requirements to sit for the CPA exam and cannot be currently employed by a company which offers a free CPA review course. ***Only Sections 1, 2, and 6 of the Universal Scholarship Application should be completed 1. Submit an essay discussing career goals, extracurricular activities, and how you have participated in or plan to become involved in NABA. 2. Submit a 1 page executive summary explaining why you are the best candidate for this scholarship. 3. Submit official transcripts or other evidence that you have met the educational requirements to sit for the CPA exam. 4. Submit a copy of your current resume. NABA BOSTON UNIVERSAL SCHOLARSHIP APPLICATION I hereby apply for financial assistance in the payment of my (please indicate one with an "x"): Undergraduate Education (currently a high school senior – please indicate whether you were accepted into a partnering college/university via the Early Decision program) _____ Undergraduate Education (currently an undergraduate freshman-junior) Simmons College, Bentley University McCallum Graduate Education _____ _____ Becker CPA Review For the Academic/Fiscal Year 2015 to 2016 ______ Fall Semester _________ ONLY ______ Spring Semester _________ ONLY ______ Other Academic Period (Please Explain) ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ NABA Member since (Month, Year) SECTION 1 – PERSONAL INFORMATION 1. NAME (Last, First Middle Initial) 2. PERMANENT ADDRESS 3. PHONE NO. 4. DATE OF BIRTH 5. ARE YOU A UNITED STATES CITIZEN (Y/N) ? IF NO, DO YOU HAVE A PERMANENT RESIDENT VISA (Y/N) ______________? PERMANENT RESIDENT VISA NUMBER _______________________ Attach copy of resident visa to application. 6. PLEASE INDICATE YOUR MINORITY GROUP _____ NATIVE AMERICAN _____ ASIAN AFRICAN AMERICAN _____ LATINO _____ OTHER SECTION 2 – EMPLOYMENT EXPERIENCE 1. ARE YOU PRESENTLY EMPLOYED (Y/N) 2. IF YES, FULL-TIME OR PART TIME? 3. NAME AND ADDRESS OF EMPLOYER 4. ANNUAL GROSS SALARY $______________ SECTION 3 – EDUCATION (For Corporate and Educational Institution Scholarship applicants ONLY) 1. COLLEGE OR UNIVERSITY TO BE ATTENDED DURING THE PERIOD FOR WHICH AID IS REQUESTED SCHOOL ___________________________________________________________________ ADDRESS ___________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________ 2. DATE ENTERED _____________________________ EXPECTED DATE OF GRADUATION ____________ EXPECTED DEGREE ___________________________ MAJOR/ CONCENTRATION ____________________ G.P.A.______________ A=________________ 3. HIGH SCHOOLS AND ANY OTHER COLLEGES ATTENDED Include names, dates attended and school address ________ ________ ________________________________________________________ ________ ________ ________________________________________________________ ________ ________ ________________________________________________________ ________ ________ ________________________________________________________ 4. HIGH SCHOOL RANKING Number _______ out of_________ graduating seniors. 5. ACADEMIC STATUS DURING THE PERIOD FOR WHICH SCHOLARSHIP AID IS REQUESTED _________________________________________________________________________________ (Full time, part time, or other - If "other", please explain) SECTION 4 – FAMILY INCOME (For Corporate and Educational Institution Scholarship applicants ONLY) 1. Please provide: Name, Occupation, and Total Annual Gross Income for all applicable family members below: Father ____________________________________________________________________________ Mother ____________________________________________________________________________ Guardian ____________________________________________________________________________ Spouse ____________________________________________________________________________ Other ____________________________________________________________________________ 2. Are your family circumstances such that they could provide you financial support? ____________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________ SECTION 5 – ESTIMATED INCOME AND EXPENSES (For Corporate and Educational Institution Scholarship applicants ONLY) 1. PLEASE LIST ALL SCHOLARSHIPS AND LOANS PREVIOUSLY RECEIVED Source Period Amount ___________________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________ 2. PLEASE LIST ALL SCHOLARSHIPS AND LOANS YOU NOW HAVE, HAVE APPLIED FOR, OR WILL APPLY FOR WHICH COVER THE PERIOD OF AID REQUESTED IN THIS SCHOLARSHIP APPLICATION. UNDER "STATUS", PLEASE INDICATE "APPLIED FOR", "TO BE APPLIED FOR", OR "RECEIVED". Source Period Amount Status ____________________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________ 3. PLEASE COMPLETE THE WORKSHEET ATTACHED AS AN ADDENDUM TO THIS APPLICATION 4. PLEASE INDICATE YOUR LIVING ACCOMMODATIONS ______UNIVERSITY HOUSING ______PARENTS' HOME ______ OTHER (PLEASE EXPLAIN) SECTION 6 – SUMMARY BIOGRAPHICAL INFORMATION In a short paragraph to be submitted with this application, please indicate the following: Your Name, School, Year (i.e. Freshman, Sophomore), Major, overall GPA, major GPA, Years involved in NABA, NABA e-board positions held, any pertinent extra-curricular activities and information regarding the most recent job placement (i.e. 2014 summer internship or full-time). Should you be selected for an award this paragraph will be used in our Awards Ceremony publications. SECTION 7 – APPLICANT’S STATEMENT In submitting this application, I hereby certify that: 1. I am a minority student or professional who is an undergraduate, graduate, or post-graduate studying Accounting/Auditing, Finance or other Business-related major. 2. I am in need of this scholarship aid to continue my degree or to prepare for certification. 3. I will use the proceeds of any scholarship received for the payment of tuition, required fees, board, room, required materials, or books. 4. The information submitted in this application is complete and accurate, and I agree to inform the committee of any changes in my financial circumstances. 5. I agree to the release of my grades to the National Association of Black Accountants, Boston Metropolitan Chapter. 6. Additional Comments, if any: _________________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________ PRINT NAME: ____________________________________________________________________ SIGNATURE: ___________________________________________________________________ DATE: ____________________________________________________________________ If a scholarship is awarded, the check, payable to the school, will be forwarded to the attention of the school representative. Please identify who the appropriate school representative is (usually the Director of the Office of Financial Aid or the Accounts Receivable Manager) to receive this check. All scholarship awards will be applied to tuition or other school fees. NAME __________________________________________________________________________ TITLE __________________________________________________________________________ SCHOOL __________________________________________________________________________ ADDRESS __________________________________________________________________________ This application should be sent to: NATIONAL ASSOCIATION OF BLACK ACCOUNTANTS BOSTON METROPOLITAN CHAPTER ATTENTION: SCHOLARSHIP COMMITTEE POST OFFICE BOX 961945 BOSTON, MASSACHUSETTS 02105-1945 For information email nababostonchapter@gmail.com Boston Metropolitan Chapter Scholarship Committee SECTION 5 - QUESTION 3 The following information should be submitted for the same period as aid is requested: Estimated Income Estimated Expenses Personal Savings Total Earnings Tuition Fees Aid from Parents Income from Spouse Aid from Other Relatives Books and Materials Room Board Loans (Please List): Lunch & Travel Expense (Commuters ONLY) Scholarships (Please List): Personal and Recreational Social Security Veterans Benefits Welfare Aid Other Resources (Please List): TOTAL ESTIMATED INCOME Total Estimated Income $ Total Estimated Expenses $ Difference $ Other Expenses (Please List): $ $ $ $ - TOTAL ESTIMATED EXPENSES $ -