
First Aid
Copyright Progressive Business Publications
Why Learn First Aid?
 Each year there are:
– 10,000 fatalities on the job
– 5.5 million non-fatal worker-related injuries
 Prompt care can mean the difference between:
Life and death
Minor and debilitating injuries
Temporary and permanent injuries
Quick and prolonged recoveries
Copyright Progressive Business Publications
Be Prepared
 Know locations of
first aid kits
 Know local
emergency numbers
– Ambulance, fire, police,
poison control
 Know designated
first responders
 Know associates certified in CPR
 Be ready to help
Copyright Progressive Business Publications
First Aid Kits
 Contents:
1 absorbent compress
16 adhesive bandages
1 adhesive tape
10 antiseptic application
6 burn application
2 medical exam gloves
4 sterile pads
1 triangular bandage
Copyright Progressive Business Publications
Responding to an Emergency:
General Rules
 Rule #1: Keep calm
 Assess the situation
– Who requires help?
– Have hazards been
 Alert medical assistance
– Know local emergency
phone numbers
 Keep the victim calm
 Notify supervisor
Copyright Progressive Business Publications
Assess the Status of the Victim
 Is victim conscious?
 Are airways blocked?
 Is victim breathing?
 Does victim have
a pulse?
 Is victim bleeding?
 Are there secondary injuries?
– Broken bones, dislocations or sprains, back or
spinal injuries
Copyright Progressive Business Publications
Rescue Breathing
 Place person on back
 Open airway by tilting head back
 Clear mouth and throat of obstructions
 Pinch nose and seal your lips tight around
victim’s mouth
 Give 2 full breaths for 1 to 1 1/2 seconds each
 Give 1 breath every 5 seconds
 Check pulse
Copyright Progressive Business Publications
 Do not touch blood with bare hands
– Use gloves or other personal protective equipment
 Control the bleeding by
– Putting direct pressure on the wound
– Elevating the wound above the heart
– Using pressure points if needed
 Use a tourniquet only as a last resort:
– Can risk permanent tissue damage leading
to amputation
Copyright Progressive Business Publications
Saving Limbs or Fingers
 Recover the severed part
 Rinse severed part in clean water
 Wrap in moist towel
 Place in clean plastic bag and seal
 Cool by resting on ice
– Never allow direct contact with ice
– Never place in freezer
 Be sure package transported to medical
facility where victim was taken
Copyright Progressive Business Publications
 Can be life threatening
and result in death
 Symptoms: cold sweat,
weakness, irregular
breathing, chills, pale or
bluish lips, confusion,
nausea and vomiting
 Treatment:
Have victim lie down with legs elevated
Cover with blanket or clothes to keep warm
No food or drink
Get medical help
Copyright Progressive Business Publications
 Signs: stains on skin or clothes, unusual odors,
open containers, convulsions, sweating,
confusion, pin-point pupils, difficulty breathing
 Get victim away from poison as necessary
 Attempt to identify source
– Check label or MSDS for instructions
For eyes: Flush with water for 15 minutes
Gas: Remove victim from area
Skin: Remove clothing and flush area with water
Notify poison control center and 911
Copyright Progressive Business Publications
 Remove clothing
– If stuck to burn, leave it
 Hold burned area under
running water for
15 minutes
Do not apply ointmnets
or creams
Bandage with a clean, dry cloth
Do not pop blisters
For severe burns call for medical help
Copyright Progressive Business Publications
Electric Shock
 Stay clear until electrical
contact is broken
– Switch off source of
electricity if possibe
 Check to see if
– Victim is breathing
– Victim has pulse
 Keep vicitm lying down
 Keep victim warm
 Call for emergency help
Copyright Progressive Business Publications
Eye Injuries
 Know where nearest eyewash station or
source of running water is located
 For contact with chemicals: Flush with
running water for 15 minutes
 For cuts or punctures of the eye
– Bandage the eye lightly
– Do not remove embedded object
– See physician immediately
 Particles in eyes: Lift upper eyelid out toward
lower lid
 Blow to the eye: Cold compress
Copyright Progressive Business Publications
Head Injuries
 Can result in a concussion or brain injuries
 Symptoms: difficulty speaking, headache,
unequal size pupils, pale skin.
– If brain injury: clear or redish fluid draining from
ears, nose or mouth, or paraylsis.
 Keep victim lying down
 Apply ice
 Be sure vicitm is breathing
 Do not give liquids to drink
Copyright Progressive Business Publications
Heat Exhuastion and Heat Stroke
 Heat Exhaustion
– Symptoms: excessive fatigue, dizziness, confusion
– Move to cool area and give plenty of liquids
 Heat Stroke
– Symptoms: flushed skin, lack of perspiration,
confusion, rapid pulse, high body temperature
– Move to cool area
– Put in cool water, sponge skin or wrap in cool wet
clothes, and fan the victim
– Give plenty of liquids
Copyright Progressive Business Publications
 Can result in death if
not treated
 Symptoms: uncontrollable
shivering, dizziness, slurred
speech, slowed pulse
 Treatment
Take victim to sheltered area
Raise body temperature slowly
Remove clothes and replace with warm dry clothes
Wrap victim in blanket
Give warm liquids to drink
Copyright Progressive Business Publications
 Simple fracture: does not
pierce through skin
– Immobilize area
– Apply splint
 Compound fracture:
pierces through the skin
Control bleeding
Cover injured area
Immobilize area
Apply splint
Copyright Progressive Business Publications
Moving an Injured Victim
 Never attempt to move an injured victim
– Exceptions: situations where victim faces more
danger if left in position
 Move by dragging:
– Underneath shoulders or by feet
– By clothes near neck or shoulders
– After placing on blanket
 If spinal or back injury is suspected:
– Drag in direction of spine or
– Place firm board underneath victim and carry
Copyright Progressive Business Publications
 If victim is conscious
– Stand behind victim, grasp hands across abdomen
above navel and make fist
– Make quick upward thrusts until item is dislodged
 If victim becomes unconscious
Lay victim on back
Check airway for obstructions and remove
Begin rescue breathing
If necessary, straddle victim and perform
abdominal thrusts
Copyright Progressive Business Publications
 Prior to losing consciousness: victim complains of
lightheadness, weakness, nausea, and has pale and
clammy skin
 If a person begins to feel faint, have them sit
down, lean forward and lower head toward knees
 Treatment:
– Keep vicitm lying on back with legs elevated
– Loosen any tight clothing and apply cool damp cloths
to face or neck
 Do not allow victim to rise until you question him
Copyright Progressive Business Publications