Mirror World Synopsis Draft 4.2

Synopsis Draft 4.2
Michael a young man runs away down the street from something, police sirens blare in
the distance behind him. Michael awakes from his bed in a cold sweat and goes into the
bathroom. He runs the tap and stares into the mirror at his guilty reflection. The next day
while Michael is walking down the street his eye is caught by a missing poster. After
taking a quick look at it, he avoids looking at it. That night he wakes from another cold
sweat. He goes to the bathroom, takes some pills and then splashes water on his face. He
looks into the mirror and then slams his fists against it, but instead of the mirror breaking
he falls through it.
Michael lands in the middle of a dark, empty and quiet street. His eye is caught by a
sign, its writing is backwards. Michael looks at it intriguingly and then moves on.
Walking around Michael begins to notice that things that never used to be backwards
now are, in fact everything is backwards, the mirror of what it was before. Furthermore
there seems to be no people around. Michael stops as he sees the same missing poster as
before (now backwards) and tears it off the wall, but there is another below it. This other
poster is identical to the last one, but has a different face on it.
Michael charges away down an alleyway. The alleyway is dark and dank, and he spots
something move among the darkness. It’s a homeless man. Michael grabs the man by
the shoulder and he turns around. Michael recoils in disbelief, the man has no face. The
man slowly approaches Michael and he immediately runs away.
Michael runs back to the street and into a shop. He cruises the isles scanning the shelves
of products, which are now all backwards. He hears the bell above the door ring and
hides behind the counter. He jumps back as he notices he is sat beside a skeleton. A mob
of faceless beings spot Michael and move toward him. He dashes out through the back
door and runs down the street, chased by the faceless people. He looks behind him and
then crashes into something. It’s another one of the faceless people. Michael falls back
and smashes his head on the ground falling unconscious.
Sometime later, Michael wakes up in front of a shrine with a gold bowl filled with some
sort of liquid sat upon it. A cloaked man stands behind the shrine chanting something
incomprehensible, and two faceless beings stand behind him. Michael asks what he
wants with him and the cloaked man removes his hood. His face is the same as the one
on the missing poster. Michael is stunned and stares at the man unable to speak.
The man tells Michael that he’s face changes to become the face of those wronged by its
prisoners. Michael squints confused by the man’s use of words. The man continues to
tell him that he is a killer and that his punishment begins now.
One of the faceless beings forces Michael’s face into the bowl. He struggles as if
drowning, but eventually calms and holds still.
When his head rises from the bowl, his face is gone.
The End