IMC Proposal

IMC Proposal
Bachelor of Business in Entrepreneurship DL231-2
Integrated Project - IMC Proposal
IMC (50%), OB (20%) EC (40%) EF (10%), IA (%)
IMC - Major Project (Pilot) – PROPOSAL
(10%) -
2,000 words approximately
Table of Content
Introduction of Executive Summary of Proposal
Mission Statement
Environment Analysis
Opportunities & Threats
Strengths & Weaknesses
Overall Marketing Objectives
Customer Benefits
Target Market
Marketing Strategies & Segmentation
IMC objectives for the organisation
Integrated Marketing Communication Strategy
implementation issues you are likely to encounter
Tentative Budget figures and breakdowns
Proposed methodology
Likely outcomes
Timescale of project
Research sources you will consult
Suggested list of main appendices
IMC Proposal
We have chosen to base our IMC project on the newly opened woman’s personal
training gym ‘Women on the Run’. As this is a newly founded gym we found that this
was the perfect business to base our project on because not many have heard of it.
Executive Summary of Proposal
Mission Statement
“To lose the weight empty the plate”
We propose to use this mission throughout our IMC project and will
incorporate into the business as i have setup potential meetings with the
owner of the business to discuss our ideas for her company.
Opportunities & Threats
With the opportunities and threats of the business we are going to discuss
these with the owner seeing how we can use opportunities of the business
to promote the company while also how we can eradicate the threats of
other potential businesses so that the company does not lose out on their
target audience.
Strengths & Weaknesses
In regards to the strengths & weaknesses of the company we intend to use
our strengths and maximise by talking about a way we can compromise
prices in order to bring in more people and getting rid of the weaknesses in
the sense of reducing high prices so again we can bring in more people to
the business.
Overall Marketing Objectives
The marketing objectives of the company would be generally to promote
the business to further regions of Dublin rather than to be secluded to the
Dun Laoghaire District and we will go about doing this by setting up
IMC Proposal
promotion campaigns in order to make women more aware of the service
this company provides in regards to health and fitness.
Customer Benefits
The customer benefits this organisation provides is that it is a local
company with good prices in which in benefits women in regards to fitness
and well being. Also with it being local the transport services are very
generous because it is on the dart line and Dublin Bus accommodates
plenty of buses to Dun Laoghaire for these women who do not drive.
Target Market
This will be very short and straight to the point our target market would be
those of women between 25-50 years of age with the potential to
decrease the target age to the late teen years around 18,19 and 20 years
of age.
Marketing Strategies & Segmentation
Strategies we will use could be using the local area to promote to the
target market by setting up free sessions and open days to provide
awareness of the company and then also making it look that the company
is better than any other company of its sort in the local district and also
around Dublin.
Integrated Marketing Communication Strategy
A possible marketing communication strategy would be use say
which sends text messages to a group of people letting them know certain
events. This could be used to cut costs while also achieving one of our
marketing strategies whereby we attend to all our target market needs by
letting them know about our events and classes through a cheaper
medium such as teamer which is free when you sign up.
Proposed methodology
IMC Proposal
The proposed methodology potentially being used is that we intend to
setup various meetings with the owner of women on the run and set out
potential ways in which we can improve her business at low cost while
also increasing core numbers and lowering prices which is especially
crucial in the current economic climate.
Likely outcomes
We cannot make assumptions of what will happen but the likely outcomes
are that we will be able to help improve awareness of the business and
then hopefully bring in more members that will increase the overall
revenue and turnover of the business itself.
Timescale of project
The timescale of the project will run from the start of December to the Start
of March which gives us ballpark 3months to run a successful campaign to
improve the awareness and revenue of the business.
Research sources you will consult
We will go straight to the core of the business by contacting the owner and
get valuable information first hand on how we can help her and how she
can help us we will also use Twitter & Facebook two social networking
sites to send out our message. We will also hopefully consult some
members of the gym and get there thoughts on the business and how it
can be improved.
IMC Proposal
Mission Statement
Our ideal mission statement would be this
“To lose the weight empty the plate”
This was made up by Darragh and I, it is a very simple statement made to
help women strive to improve the weight in a healthy and comfortable
Environment Analysis
The macro analysis of the business will be based on the unemployment side of
things in regards too if we can help improve the awareness of the business and
increase turnover and revenue then that will cause a chain reaction because more
disposable income will be available which then in turn could be used to employ a fulltime personal trainer who is there for everybody’s needs increasing employment.
On The Micro side of things we will be focusing on Supply & Demand of course
because the aim for the business is to maximise the use of scarce resources in order
to increase profits, awareness and membership of the business. So to do this price
levels will have to assessed so that the levels can be fair enough so that the demand
IMC Proposal
levels will increase and therefore as this demand increases supply will automatically
increase and this will lead to increased profits and increased membership of the
Opportunities & Threats
Local Business
New business
Not many of its type in the market
Market exploitation through promotion & marketing
New businesses entering the market
Business so small so hard to promote
Expensive to rent because of location
Strengths and Weaknesses
 Small and Local Business
 Good equipment and good core of members
 Easily accessible by Dart And Dublin Bus
 Enthusiastic Owner with ambitions
IMC Proposal
Hard to promote with business being so small
There could be high joining fees due to attempt to build business
Overall Marketing Objectives
We have three overall marketing objectives
1. Improve Awareness of the company – by promotion and advertising setting up
open days and free trials so as consumers can sample the business
environment and its benefits.
2. Increase membership- Through promotion awareness of the company will
increase therefore more people will join if they like the benefits of the gym.
3. Build a good relationship between business & community – Show how the
company can benefit the community by giving people in the local district
preference by giving them free trial runs to use the facilities in order to show
them that it is an adequate business who promotes the area well.
Competencies – Unique Customer Benefits
IMC Proposal
This business can offer what no other big gym can offer women which is providing a
service in which the women feel comfortable in a nice environment where they can
do their workouts in peace and without being self-conscious of people looking at
them doing their session so therefore will get better results as they will maximise
effort and then increase results at a quicker rate because they are not worried about
external sources. Another unique benefit that can be offered is that the woman who
setup the business is hands on and is always in the gym showing her confidence in
the business and that will help the other women to strive to do better whilst at other
gyms the people who may own it or invest are never there so they do not know what
the customers want and how they are getting on.
Likely Target Market
Seeing as the business is provided for women only it is hard to estimate a specific
target market but we believe that our target market for the business would be from
women between the ages of 25-50 years of age and then as the business increases
and becomes more well known then that may drop to late teens in between the ages
of 18-21 and then in the future they target market of the business would be between
women of the ages of 18-60. This target market is only an estimation but through
potential meetings we can work out what type of people the owner is targeting and
what ages she would like to target because the younger the target market the more
enthusiastic the whole environment of the gym will be.
Marketing Strategies – 4p’s
IMC Proposal
Product – The product of the business is the gym itself in Dun Laoghaire and the aim
is to differentiate in the market from other business around so the plan is to use the
product to maximise and increase membership through promotion.
Price – The price is simply how much the women will pay for the product (gym) and
the strategy is to make price levels fair and competitive in order to increase supply &
Promotion – Is how we make the customer aware of the service being provided at
the cheapest rate possible, so the plan is setup promotion days to already connected
in where maybe they can bring down a +1 with them to gym a friend of whatever and
let them have a free trial of the gym.
IMC Objectives
1. Promote the business around Dublin – Setup events in various parts of Dublin
in order to make people more aware of the service being provided.
2. Increase Membership Levels – Through promotion we hope to help increase
the membership levels of the gym which will increase turnover and help
develop the business and take it to another level.
3. Help increase profits of business through promotion – Profits will inevitably
increase if more people are joining the gym which will in turn help the
business and develop and potentially be able to buy state of the art equipment
for the gym.
IMC Proposal
Timescale of the project
The timescale of the project is estimated at 3 months it will run from around
the start to middle of December all the way to the start of March 2012. With
Christmas being taken into account we will most likely lose a week over that
time but with immediate meetings being planned with the owner of the
business the plan will be made out of what is being intended to do to improve
the business so 3 months should be plenty of time to help reach our goals for
women on the run.
Integrated Marketing Strategy
The main basis of our integrated marketing strategy will be mainly on social
networking sites such as Facebook, Twitter and The website itself for the company.
We will use the likes of Facebook and the women on the run page already setup to
further update the already existing members of what is happening and what
forthcoming events there are. The site will hopefully be updated on a daily basis to
keep people interested and informed as well as Twitter doing the same thing. Our
strategy for the main website itself is to try and help reconstruct it because there is
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IMC Proposal
great difficulty trying to get onto the website and it is not up to date enough. So we
will use Facebook and the main website of the company to send out our promotional
campaigns and events, but before this is done an agreement would have to be made
between the owner and us maybe to agree to keep the Facebook page updated
every one to two days while also reconstructing the main website so that it is
accessible to the public and that it is up to date and modernised. The strategy we will
take forward and use will be to setup up meetings every 10 days to fortnight in order
to discuss how things can be improved and standards maintained on a regular basis
and when the first meeting is setup then we can chat about the possibility of
upgrading the website whilst also brainstorming ideas of how we can improve the
Facebook page. They are our main integrated marketing strategies for the company.
Proposed Methodology
The only secondary research sources we can use are the existing members of the
gym who can give their opinions of what the gym is giving them and what can be
improved in the gym in regards to equipment and health standards. Other secondary
research sources we can use are newspapers and television programs that the
company has been on or been written about. So we will look through the internet and
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IMC Proposal
archive various articles and clips about the company in order to see where it benefits
and where it could be improved. The plan then is to setup regular meetings
With the owner and then to interview some of the members in the gym in order to
gather their thoughts and opinions on the gym and where it can improved etc. Then
we will gather the data given analyse it and then come up with solutions of how the
company can go forward and how we can help it throughout our 3month campaign.
Likely Outcomes
The likely outcomes are that we will be able to provide new and enthusiastic ideas
for the business which will help improve the awareness of the business throughout
the local area increasing member levels and also trying to improve their overall
revenue and turnover. We hope to help build a healthy relationship between the
business and the local community showing it has great benefits for all women.
Women on the Run
Women on the Run Facebook Page
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IMC Proposal
Twitter Page for Women on the Run
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