TEACHING SIMPLE PAST TENSE BY USING SUBSTITUTION CONCORD DRILL TECHNIQUE AT THE FIRST YEAR STUDENTS OF SMA YPKKP CIJERAH BANDUNG IN ACADEMIC YEAR 2012/2013 Sandi Maulana Abdillah E-mail: sandiman09@ymail.com English Education Study Program Language and Art Department Sekolah Tinggi Keguruan dan Ilmu Pendidikan (Stkip) Siliwangi Bandung ABSTRACT The objective of this study entitled “teaching simple past tense by using substitution concord drill technique at the first year students of SMA YPKKP CIJERAH in academic year 2012/2013” was to find out whether or not Substitution-Concord Drill Technique improves students’ simple past tense comprehension. This research used one group pretest-posttest design and quantitative research method. The population of this research was thirty one students of the first year of SMA YPKKP Cijerah and the sample of the research was entire population. The instrument of this research was test and the data were collected by giving written test to the students’ sample. The data were analyzed by using t-test formula. The results of this research showed that: the mean score of pretest was 31.90 and the mean score of posttest was 42. The tobserved was 5.43 and the t-table with degree of freedom (df) 30 and level significance at 0.05 (5%) was 1.697. Based on the data above, the alternative hypothesis (Ha) of the research was accepted because tobserved was higher than t-table (5.43 > 1.697). It also means that teaching simple past tense by using substitution concord drill technique was effective to improve the students’ comprehension in simple past tense. Key words: past tense, substitution concord drill technique. The English language subject is a requirement in senior high school aimed at student’s personal development in the field of science, technology and culture. It is hoped that the instruction of English in this level of schooling will enable the students to row as Indonesia citizens are expected to play an active role in the national development. The purpose of education according to the constitution of the National Education system no. 2,1989, as mentioned on chapter IX, article 37, which reads: “ kurikulum di susun untuk mewujudkan tujuan pendidikan Nasiona dengan memperhatikan tahap perkembangan peserta didik dan kesesuaian dengan lingkungan hidup, kebutuhan pembangunan Nasional, perkembangan ilmu pengetahuan dan teknologi serta kesenian, sesuai dengan jenis dan jenjang masing- masing satuan pendidikan” Various measures and policies have been adopted in an effort to improve the quality of English teaching. In fact, students thought that English is one of the weird things that came from their school. Because they supposed that English lesson is difficult. Hence, it is a big challenge for the teacher to make them interested in learning English lesson especially in learning grammar. Many students can mention grammar rules, but they have difficulties in applying them. They fail to grasp A. BACKGROUND As other language, English language has many parts. One of its parts is grammar. Grammar is a description of the structure of language and the way which linguistics unit as words and phrases are combined to produce sentences in the language. It usually takes into account the meanings and function on this sentence in the overall system of the language, Richard et al (1985: 125). In Indonesia itself, English language is learned as a foreign language. Therefore the government includes English language in education curriculum. The latest curriculum which is being implemented nowadays is school based curriculum (SBC) or Kurikulum Tingkat Satuan Pengajaran (KTSP). Puskur Balitbang Depdiknas (unnoted year) states that in general, SBC has six important components namely: 1) school vision and mission, 2) instructional aim, 3) educational calendar, 4) the structure and content of SBC, 5) syllabus, and 6) lesson plan Suprijadi (2012: 23). It means that curriculum must refer to the National Education Standard in order to achieve National Education Goals. Then, the curriculum is developed based on the schools’ need, the potential of area, and the learners’ need. 1 the function and understanding appropriate context taught to them. However in learning grammar especially simple past tense, the students will face a lot of difficulties such as the use of verbs, differentiate between regular and irregular verbs, pronunciation –ed ending and making right sentences. Based on the facts that the students lacked of grammar comprehension, the writer is intended to use substitution concord drill technique to improve the students’ comprehension in grammar, especially in improving simple past tense comprehension. Substitution concord drill technique that is a somewhat easier variation of the substitution drill, but one that still requires active use of grammatical pattern Byrne (1969:76). By drilling the students, it will be easier for them to remember and learn; since the more often English is repeated, the stronger the habit and the greater learning will be achieved. As in the process of a child for example, who learns his/her mother tongue, a child always begins with hearing first what his/her parents speak, then he/she tries to speak afterward. In accordance with Wirathama, et al. (2012: 5) drill technique improved the students’ listening comprehension in all aspects of micro skill types of listening comprehension, such as recognition intonation pattern, recognition sentence pattern, recognition discourse marker and getting the referential info. Moreover, drill technique mostly improved the students’ listening comprehension in recognizing intonation pattern, in which their ability in that aspect was 38 % improved significantly. Therefore, based on the explanation above, this research was conducted at the first year students of SMA YPKKP Cijerah Bandung in order to improve their simple past tense comprehension through drill technique. Hopefully this technique can give student stimulant to make easier in learning simple past tense. exercise, activities, or devices used in the language classroom for realizing lesson objectives. Therefore, as a teacher we should know to deliver the material suit with students’ need. It can help student to comprehend easily. In teaching activities a teacher needs some of facilities, that is curriculum or syllabus. This will make teacher easier to arrange the material that we be delivered. Brown (1994: 51) states that curriculum or syllabus is design for carrying out a particular language program. Features include primary concern with a specification of linguistic and subject-matter objectives, sequencing, and materials so meet the needs a designated of group learners in a defined context. Based on the theory above, the writer tries to choose substitution concord drill technique in teaching grammar, especially in simple past tense. 2. Substitution Concord Drill Technique According to Byrne (1969: 76) a somewhat easier variation of the substitution drill, but that still requires active use of grammatical pattern, is the substitution- concord drill. The first step is to have the students repeat a few examples of a given sentence pattern such as the following: The letter was there, but nobody noticed it. I was there, but nobody noticed me. The children were there, but nobody noticed them. Your brother was there, but nobody noticed him. You and I were there, but nobody noticed us. As soon as the students can say the examples fluently in imitation of the teacher, they are given only the first few words (one of the italicized expressions) and asked to reproduce the entire sentence. Matthew, Spratt and Dangerfield (1991:210) Substitution drills are slightly more interactive than repetition drill because they usually give students practice in changing a word or structure in response to a prompt or cue from the teacher or another student. The teacher’s prompt can be a whole sentence, a word, a phrase, or a picture. B. THEORETICAL FOUNDATION 1. Technique Anthony (1963) in Richard and Rodgers (1999: 15 a technique is implementational – that which actually takes place in a classroom. It is a particular trick, stratagem, or contrivance used to accomplish an immediate objective. Technique must be consistent with a method, and therefore in harmony with an approach as well. According to the theory, technique in teaching process is very important to supports the teaching and learning activities process when the teacher managing the classroom. Brown (1994) states that technique is commonly referred to other terms any of wide variety of 3. Definition of Grammar Grammar is the system of language. People sometimes describe grammar as the rule of language. Actually the word grammar has several meanings and description attempted by linguists. Different experts define the word grammar differently. Jeremy Harmer (2001:12) defines the term grammar as the description of the ways in which the word can change their form and can be combined into sentences in that language. Whereas Cook and Cutter (1980:1) assume that grammar is a set of rules by which people speak and write. In accordance with the statements above, it is clear that grammar is absolutely needed in using language 2 both written and spoken form. Hornby (1989:517) defines grammar as the rules in a language for changing the form of words and combining them into sentences. In short grammar is something that people can use to find their way in getting along with other in using language. to talk about an activity or situation that began and ended at particular time in the past (E.g., yesterday, last night, two days ago, in 1999). While Cook and Sutter (1980:51) write that past tense are actions or states that usually occurred or completed in the past. Richard et al. (1985: 66-67), tense is relationship between the form of the verb and time of the action or state it. The term simple past tense can be concluded as an action or activity that began and ended in the past or precisely past experience. In English, several verbs are not standing alone, it must be helped by object, noun, adverb, adverb of place and etc and it depends on the situation (future, present, past). And this is the form of simple past tense. Positive form: Subject + Verb II + object + adverb Negative form: Subject+ did + not + verb I + object + adverb Interrogative form: Did + subject + verb I + object + adverb? 4. Importance of Learning Grammar The importance of grammar as stated by Nasr (1978:52) is that grammar is a part of any language. Grammar and language cannot be separated. Consequently, if language has no grammar, it will never be spoken, because people will be able to either use and learn a language if the language has its pattern as the grammatical rules. Grammar can help us to learn a language more quickly and efficiently. This reasonable since studying grammar as something that tells us how to speak and write correctly. When a second language learner understands the grammar as a system of language, he will know how the language works. As a result, he will make sentences or statements grammatically correct and meaningful to other people. 7. Form of Simple Past Tense a. Regular Verb Regular verb are verbs whose simple past tense and past participle are formed by adding “ed / d” to the infinitive. b. Irregular Verb Based on Oxford dictionary irregular verb is verb not formed the normal way. The reference list of irregular verb as follows: 5. English Tenses In general tense is a system which we use to refer to time; past, present, and future. Many languages use tenses to talk about time. In English, we use tense as a method that we use to indicate time. Other languages may have no tenses, but of course they can still about time using different methods. Wishon and Burks (1980: 192) state that tense means time. However, it should be pointed out that time in relation to concept that exists in the mind of the speakers, reader, or listener. Hornby (1989:1324) assume that tense is any of the forms of a verb that may be used to indicate the time of the action or state express by the verb. In line with Hornby that says tense is verb form that shows time, Frank (1972:47) states that tense is special verb endings or accompanying auxiliary verb signaling the times an event takes. There are sixteen English tenses and this research focus on simple past tense. The reason to choose those tense is because before mastering simple past tense, students should remember and know the word changing of simple past tense. Without mastering the word changing, students will confuse where this words comes from. Simple past tense is one complicated tenses in English grammar, because it has many discussions. 9. Teaching Activities of Grammar Since this stage is very important, a teacher should know are salient features. According to Harmer, (1998: 16), a good presentation has a number of characteristics, namely: clear efficient, lively, and interesting, appropriate, and productive. Having understood good characteristics of presentation, a teacher should master the procedure in the presentation stage. Based on Heni in her book, English for teacher (2012) the procedure includes the following points: a. Classroom management includes teacher’s voice, teacher’s instructions, and teacher questions must be clear so the students understand about the explanations. b. Greeting. A teacher has to start the lesson with greeting expressions, such as good “morning everybody, good morning guys and etc.” c. Prayer. d. Checking student’s attendance. e. Introducing yourself, if in the first meeting. f. Reviewing the last lesson g. Giving instructions. h. Inviting student’s active participation. 6. Definition of simple past tense The past tense indicates definite events happened in the past. There are many definitions about past tense. According to Azar (2003:39) the simple past is used 3 i. j. k. l. Presenting the lesson. Doing classroom activities. Checking student’s understanding Finishing the lesson: summarizing and reviewing the lesson m. Talking about the next lesson and homework. one to draw appropriate meaningful, and useful inferences, and it is reliable to the extent that whatever that measures, it measures consistently. 4. Research population According to Crowl (1996: 15) population are groups consisting of all people to whom a researcher wishes to apply the findings study Burn (1994: 62) population is an entire group of people or objects or events which all have at least one characteristic in common, and must be defined specifically and unambiguously. In this study the writer chose the first year students of SMA YPKKP Cijerah Bandung, exactly on class X with the total students are 31 (thirty one) students as population. C. RESEARCH METHODOLOGY 1. Research Design Research is one way to know and identifying the data will that be researched. The writer used the research to identify the data and know the result of the study. As described by Crowl (1996: 6):Research is used to denote the systematic process of identifying a problem, reviewing the literature dealing with a problem, developing one or more research hypothesis or questions related to the problem, collecting data by means of empirical investigation, analyzing the data, and interpreting the results of the investigation. According to Crowl (1996: 290), the one group pretest-posttest design differs from the one shot case study in that the questionnaire is administered twice: once as a pretest (O1) before students start with the word process (X) and again as a posttest (O2) after students have used the word processor. Pretest (O1) X Posttest (O2) In this research the writer chose one group pretestposttest design to find out the students’ simple paste tense comprehension whether before or after treatment. 5. Sample According to crowl (1996: 15) samples are subsets of people used represent populations. Hornby (2000: 131) sample is number of people or thing are taken from a large group used in test to provide information about the group. According to Burn (1994:63), a sample is any part of population regardless of whether it is representative or not. The sampling technique used in this study subject is not randomly assigned, so the writer would take the sample was entire population. 6. Research data collection a. Pretest The students were given questions both multiple choice and essay in the first meeting. Timing is about 45 minutes which 20 multiple choice and 16 essays. 2. Research method Research is a way of knowing that emphasizes systematic investigation Crowl (1996). Moreover, he said that the terms research denotes the systematic process of identifying a problem, review the literature dealing with the problem, developing one or more research hypotheses or question related to the problem, collecting data by means of empirical investigations, analyzing the data, and interpreting the result of the investigation. In this research the writer used the quantitative method. According to Crowl (1996 : 10), quantitative research methods are used to examine questions that can be answered by collecting and statistically analyzing data that are in numerical form. b. Posttest After giving some treatments and exercises to the experimental group in a certain period of time, posttest was carried out by giving the students questions same as pretest. D. FINDINGS AND DISCUSSIONS 1. Data of the Research The data student’s scores of the first year SMA YPKKP Cijerah was obtained by doing pretest and posttest as follow: Table 4.1 Pretest and Posttest Students’ Score of SMA YPKKP Cijerah Name of Posttest Pretest No Students 1 AS 30 18 2 AKS 31 27 3 AB 37 29 4 AK 35 35 5 AJ 47 37 6 AM 32 17 3. Research instrument In this research the writer used written test both multiple choice and essay as instrument. Gronlound (1985: 5) test is an instrument or systematic procedure for measuring a sample of behavior. (Answer the question “how well does the individual perform in comparison with others or in comparison with a domain of performance tasks?”). Crowl (1996: 101) a test is valid to the extent that its scores permit 4 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 DSR DH ES FL FN FA HH JA MMA NJ NR NH RA RA SP SUF SDS SA SMR TR WA YR YS YNS ZN Sum 56 45 43 42 33 84 47 43 56 23 36 33 33 44 54 53 37 32 40 34 34 41 54 45 48 1302 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 37 40 35 35 37 47 12 25 33 23 25 22 36 37 37 44 33 31 34 37 30 33 23 40 40 989 ∑𝑋 S=√ Posttest Pretest 30 31 37 35 47 32 56 45 43 42 33 84 47 18 27 29 35 37 17 37 40 35 35 37 47 12 18 23 0 11 11 -3 7 17 9 4 1 6 -3 4 8 31 5 8 313 324 529 0 121 121 9 49 289 81 16 1 36 9 16 64 961 25 64 6373 2 2 − (∑ 𝑥) 𝑛 𝑛−1 6373− S= √ (313)2 31 31−1 6373− 3160.29 30 S= √ 3212.71 30 S= √ S= √107.09 = 10.35 So the standard deviation is 10.35 The last calculation is t-test: Crowl (1996:179) Table 4.2 The Comparison of the Test Result between Posttest and Pretest No 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 25 33 23 25 22 36 37 37 44 33 31 34 37 30 33 23 40 40 989 c. The Standard Deviation The standard deviation is amount of spread that the scores exhibit amount some central tendency measure usually the mean. Here are some steps to get standard deviation. To calculate the standard deviation of the result of average score, the writer used the formula as follows Crowl (1996: 140): Standard Deviation b. The Comparison of the Test Result This column includes list the difference (D) between pretest and posttest and list the squares of difference score (D2) to help counting of standard deviation and t-test value. Difference (D) 12 4 8 0 10 15 19 5 8 7 -4 37 35 43 56 23 36 33 33 44 54 53 37 32 40 34 34 41 54 45 48 1302 Based on the data in table 4.2 the writer calculated the result ∑ 𝐷 = 313 and ∑ 𝐷 2 = 6373 a. The Mean of Each Test Mean is average of the students’ score. It is simply the sum of the scores (∑ 𝑥) by ne number of students (N). The result is: the mean of pretest is 31.90 and the mean of posttest is 42 Name of Students AS AKS AB AK AJ AM DSR DH ES FL FN FA HH JA MMA NJ NR NH RA RA SP SUF SDS SA SMR TR WA YR YS YNS ZN Sum 𝑡= ̅ 𝐷 (∑ 𝐷)2 2 √∑ 𝐷 − 𝑁 𝑁(𝑁 − 1) Square (D2) 144 16 64 0 100 225 361 25 64 49 16 1369 1225 𝑡= 𝑡= 10.10 √6373 − 3160.29 930 𝑡= 10.10 (313)2 √6373 − 31 31 (31 − 1) 𝑡= 10.10 √3.45 10.10 𝑡 = 5.43 1.86 The result t= 5.43 indicated that there was a difference of degree. Then to complete the result of the research, the writer found out the degree of freedom (dƒ) with the formula: 5 dƒ = N-1 dƒ =31-1 dƒ = 30 The critical value of t-table at the 0,05 level of significance for this degree of freedom 5% from 30 was 1.697 The result of the data by using the formula above shows that the coefficient is 5.43 it means that there was a significance increase after using substitution concord drill technique. a. Teacher should be creative in applying a technique in the school. They have to choose wisely by considering students’ need and ability. b. “Repetition is the mother of skill” so if you want to improve your skill you should learn continually and keep patient. c. Using English at least 60% when learning and teaching process in order to students get familiar with English. d. The key point to master something is learning deeply, the same as learn English if we want to master it we have to learn deeply by repetition more and more. D. Testing the Hypothesis and Discussion The data analysis proves that the mean students’ score of pretest is 31.90; meanwhile, their mean score of posttest after being taught by using substitution concord drill technique is 42. The t observe is 5.43 and the Degree of freedom (Df) value from 30 in level of significance at 5% is 1.697 Therefore, based on the data above, the writer concludes that the alternative hypothesis is accepted because the t observe is higher than t-table (5.43>1.697). The hypothesis of this research, that substitution concord drill technique is effective to be used in teaching. That substitution concord drill technique influenced students’ comprehension in simple past tense. According to the analysis of the data, the writer infers that teaching simple past tense by using substitution concord drill technique is more effective to improve students’ comprehension. It can be seen from the students’ score of the mean which higher than the other. BIBLIOGRAPHY Azar, Betty schrampfer. (1985). Fundamental of English grammar. Byrne, Don. (1969). English Teaching exracts. London: Longman group Limited. Brown. Douglas H. (1994). Teaching By Principles. Prentice Hall Regent Brown. Douglas H. (2000). Principles Of Language. New Jersey: Prentices Hall Regents. Carter, Ronal and Nunan, David.(2001) The Cambridge Guide To Teaching English To Speakers Of Others Language. UK: Cambridge university press. Crowl, Thomas K. (1996). Fundamental Of Education Research. USA: Brown & Mark. David Allen. Edward and Valette Rebecca .M (1977) classroom techniques: foreign languages and English as a second language. New york : Harcourt brace Jovanovich. Inc. Hartono, Heni. (2012). English For Teacher Panduan Gampang Mengajar Dalam Bahasa Inggris Untuk Para Guru. Yogyakarta: Kalarana Press. Hazera Putra, Wirathama. et al. (2012) Improving The Students’ Listening Comprehension Through Drill Technique In The First Grade Students Of Smpn 2 Bandar Lampung. Bandar Lamupng: lamung university. Richard, J.et.al. (1985). Longman Dictionary Of Applied Linguistic. London : longman The constitution of the national education system (1989), first edition, c.v suro menggolo, Jakarta Wishon, George. Burks,Julia. (1980). Let’s write English. New york : Litton education publishing. www.en-wikipedia.org/wiki/simple_past_(english) E. CONCLUSIONS AND SUGGESTIONS 1. Conclusions The writer would like to describe some conclusions based on the fact and experience in the research: a. By repetition, step by step students’ comprehension would improve. b. Substitution concord drill technique can help improving students’ skill include their pronunciation, grammar, listening or even their writing. c. Based on the research findings, the t-count is 5.43. And it is higher than t-table needed 1.697. It means that substitution concord drill technique is effective for teaching simple past tense in SMA YPKKP Cijerah Bandung. 2. Suggestions The writer would give some suggestions, hopefully would be useful for every teacher or the reader. 6