Water Research at The University of Limerick

Showcasing Ireland's Water
and Waste Water Research
Dr Catherine Adley
7th May 2014
EI Workshop May 7th 2014
Water Research at The University of Limerick
Current and Past Research:
Groundwater Quality and Management
Vulnerability Analysis of Water Supplies
Water Management and Legislative Control
Epidemiology of Waterborne Disease
Antibiotic Resistance in water derived bacterial isolates
Our Expertise:
Environmental Science: Use of GIS, legislative understanding and applied knowledge to tackle
environmental problems
Microbiology: Epidemiology of waterborne infectious disease, antibiotic resistance and emerging
Health: Analysis of areas of intrinsic vulnerability to water related disease, predictability modelling
and Health Impact Assessment.
Statistical Analysis: Statistical Consultancy Unit which establishes methodical statistical regimes to
facilitate hypothesis testing and strengthen research publications.
Research at UL benefits from ‘Collaborative Science’;
utilising expertise from different areas to tackle multi-faceted research areas.
Contact: Catherine.Adley@ul.ie
EI Workshop May 7th 2014
Water Research at The University of Limerick
Chemical Quality
Nutrient indicators,
heavy metal analysis,
toxicological analysis,
ecological profiling.
genotypic and
biochemical analysis,
susceptibility testing.
EI Workshop May 7th 2014
Data Processing
Statistical modelling,
Information Systems,
Spatial modelling
Water Research at The University of Limerick
From the laboratory to the land: Spatial Planning for Industry
Research at UL has focussed on:
Methodologies and Systems for Water Management & Planning
that can be applied in industrial and public spheres.
Sustainable Planning
Data Collection
Spatial Analysis
Contact: Catherine.Adley@ul.ie
EI Workshop May 7th 2014
- Desk
- Visual planning
- Cost Effective
- Environmental
- Modelling
- User Friendly
- Communicable
‘Derive before you drive!’
Unculturable microorganisms in water and wastewater
Pembroke Lab University of Limerick- Contact Prof J T Pembroke tony.pembroke@ul.ie
Using a combination of PCR of 16srDNA and rpoB genes and DGGE
(Denaturing Gradient Gel Electrophoresis) coupled with DNA sequencing we can identify organisms resident in
water and waste water that are non culturable with culture based approaches. Examples using ATAD
(Autothermal Thermophilic Aerobic Digestion) or waste water sludge. Such techniques can be used to assess and
evaluate safety of resident populations.
Recent Bibliography
Piterina, A.V., C. MacCausland, J. Bartlett and J.T. Pembroke (2008). Microbial
ecology of autothermal aerobic digestion (ATAD): diversity, dynamics and
activity of bacterial communities involved in treatment of municipal wastewater. P
526-535 In Mendez-Vilas, Antonio (ed.) Modern Multidisciplinary Applied
Microbiology ISBN 3-527-31611-6 - Wiley-VCH, Weinheim Print ISBN:
9783527316113 Online ISBN: 9783527611904
Piterina, AV. J.Barlett and J.T. Pembroke (2009) 13C-NMR assessment of the
pattern of organic matter transformation during domestic wastewater treatment by
autothermal aerobic digestion (ATAD). Int. J. Environ. Res. Public Health , 6(8),
Piterina, AV. J.Barlett and J.T. Pembroke (2010) Evaluation of the Removal of
Indicator Bacteria from Domestic Wastewater Processed by Autothermal
Thermophilic Aerobic Digestion (ATAD). Int. J. Environ. Res. Public Health
2010, 7(9), 3422-3441;
Piterina, AV. J.Barlett and J.T. Pembroke (2010) Molecular Analysis of Bacterial
Community DNA in Sludge Undergoing Autothermal Thermophilic Aerobic
Digestion (ATAD): Pitfalls and Improved Methodology to Enhance Diversity
Recovery. DIVERSITY 2 (4), 505-526.
Piterina, AV. J.Barlett and J.T. Pembroke (2011) Morphological characterization
of ATAD thermophilic sludge; sludge ecology and settleability. WATER
RESEARCH 45 (11) 3427- 3438.
Figure 1 DGGE analysis of unculturable
populations using V3-V5, V6-V8 and rpoB
Figure 2 Unculturable organisms (blue triangles) derived
from ATAD wastewater by PCR analysis of 16s rDNA and
their nearest affiliations using phylogenetic analysis.
Piterina, AV. J.Barlett and J.T. Pembroke (2012) Phylogenetic Analysis of the
Bacterial Community in a full scale Autothermal Thermophilic Aerobic Digester
(ATAD) treating mixed domestic sludge. WATER RESEARCH 46:2488-2504
Piterina, AV and J.T. Pembroke (2013) Use of PCR-DGGE based molecular
methods to analyse microbial community diversity and stability during the
thermophilic stages of an ATAD wastewater sludge treatment process as an aid to
performance monitoring. ISRN Biotechnology vol2013 id 162645
There is
Benefit from EI Innovation Partnerships
There are many successes…
EI Workshop May 7th 2014
Energy Efficiency Improvement through
Technology Optimisation and Low Grade Heat Recovery
An in depth energy analysis of the overall process of Green Farm Foods Ltd.
(an industrial partner in the food processing industry) was carried out.
Shortcomings were identified in the energy management of the plant.
A simplified approach for technology optimisation was developed based on
the methodology of optimised heat management and
GALGEM (General Approach for Low Grade Energy Management), using a
combined tools package of Heat Exchanger Networks, Process Integration,
Pinch and Exergy Analysis .
Applying the methodology, technical solutions for energy saving were
proposed and an evaluation of the economic impact was carried
The main advantages of the proposed solution are:
1. An increase in the exergy efficiency of the overall system: 3.1 times
2. An increase in the production of hot water at 50oC:
2.6 times
3. A reduction in waste water effluent from oven:
1.9 times
A fuel saving of 12.1% despite the above listed benefits
EI Workshop May 7th 2014
Energy Efficiency Improvement through
Technology Optimisation and Low Grade Heat Recovery
The total estimated heat saving, in relation to the energy currently
produced by the fuel is shown below in Table 1:
Table 1: Heat Saving
EI Workshop May 7th 2014
Potential Impact of Second Generation contact
External Air
G = 0.313
Flue gas out
G = 0.319
t = 42.1 oC
t = 15 oC
X = 0.0528
X = 0.0085
Cold water in 12 oC
81.7 kW
Hot water out 62 oC
Water 28 kg/h
Hot Air
G = 0.319
G = 0.313
Flue gas
t = 47.4 oC
t = 200 oC
X = 0.0769
X = 0.1557
Heat +10.9 kW
Fuel equiv. 109 kW (14.4%)
92.6 kWh
φ = 0.85
Light Oil LCV = 39.1 MJ/kg
63.241 kg/h
678 kW
757 kW
X - humidity [kg water vapour/kg dry gas];
G – dry gas flow rate [kg dry gas/s].
EI Workshop May 7th 2014
Emission saving
31 kg/h
0.137 kg/h
42 kg/h
Energy Efficiency Improvement in Complex
Industrial Systems
Vacuum flash tank-condenser system has never performed as designed since
commissioning of plant, recovering only 28.6 MW from the target 39.2 MW
Solving this issue would provide savings of €4.5 million in additional
energy costs per annum for the facility.
GALGEM research group currently focusing on increasing efficiency of
removal of the non-condensable gases from the system, which occupy
valuable heat exchange area within condensers.
EI Workshop May 7th 2014