Behaviour Policy - Baguley Hall Primary School

Baguley Hall
Primary School
Behaviour Management
A guide for parents.
Our Commitment
The staff at Baguley Hall Primary School are committed to supporting
children’s personal, social and emotional development. An important element
of this is helping our pupils to develop a growing understanding of:
 what is right and wrong and why and
 to learn about the impact of their words and actions on themselves or
other people .
Through positive relationships, supportive intervention and the modelling of
appropriate behaviours, children will learn to understand boundaries,
distinguish right from wrong and begin to make correct choices. With positive
reinforcement and praise, these behaviours will become internalised by the
child so positive behaviour will be a reward in itself.
Our Behaviour Management Strategies.
We have three separate policies in school which cover different stages of
children’s development and different times of the school day.
 EYFS Behaviour Management Strategy
 KS1/KS2 Behaviour Management Strategy
 Lunchtime Behaviour Management Strategy
All three policies are based on the principles of positive behaviour
management. This means behaviour is managed and modified, wherever
possible, through praise and reward for correct behaviours rather than by
drawing attention to inappropriate behaviours.
Our behaviour management policies support children in understanding
 what is right and wrong and why and
 to learn about the impact of their words and actions on themselves or
other people
They are different for different ages of children but all link in to the same
system of rewards and sanctions.
Your child will receive a smiley face for any
behaviour that is worthy of praise.
Used in conjunction with Staff member’s own reward / motivational
systems e.g: verbal praise, comment to other staff, peer celebration,
comment to parents, stickers / sticky labels with positive comment, teachers’
own rewards and prizes.
4 smiley faces in any one day = Class star
Class star = Name in Star of the Week barrel on Thursday
Nursery and Reception
If a child’s name stays on the sunshine all week = Name in the Star of the Week
One name is pulled out of the Star of the Week barrel at
Worker of the Week assembly each week. The winner is
allowed to wear the Yellow jumper for the following week.
If your child manages a whole term without a sad face, they will be
awarded an enamelled badge in our Smiley Face Assembly.
Any child who manages to go through the whole school year
without a sad face, wins a smiley face jumper award (A special
badge to sew on your school jumper).
Nursery and Reception :
Each classroom has a display which includes:
A sun
A cloudy sun
A cloud.
At the start of every day, all children’s names are on the sun.
Appropriate Behaviour is always acknowledged and supported by eg: Verbal praise, Comment to other staff, Peer
celebration, Comment to parents, Stickers / sticky labels with positive comment, Teachers’ own rewards and prizes.
Inappropriate Behaviour
Staff always try to diffuse poor behaviour before it happens. If this is not successful, they:
Stage 1:
1. Talk to the child quietly about what was unacceptable.
2. Remind them that if that behaviour continues, their name will move off the sunshine.
3. Redirect their attention to the activity, model appropriate interaction and, as soon as possible, praise, positive
Stage 1 +: (can be repeated up to 3 times as deemed necessary)
Remind the child of the above and draw their attention to the sunshine, saying how much they want them to stay there.
If behaviour continues to be inappropriate:
Stage 2:
1. Quietly and calmly remove the child from the activity, remind them, about what is unacceptable.
2. Remove name from sun and put on the class cloudy sun.
3. Redirect / distract them with a new activity in another part of the classroom/outdoor area, as soon as possible
praising, positive behaviour.
Positive behaviour throughout the rest of the day means the name can be returned to the class sun.
If behaviour continues to be inappropriate:
Stage 3:
1. Quietly and calmly remove the child from the activity and take them to the designated ‘thinking’ place.
2. Remind them quietly but firmly that they are disappointed with their behaviour. Explain that they want them to
watch the other children behaving nicely and ‘think about’ what they should do differently.
3. Place child’s name on the classroom cloud.
4. After no more than five minutes, redirect / distract them with a new activity, praising, positive behaviour.
Positive behaviour means the name can be returned to the class cloudy sun and, if it continues to the sun.
If behaviour continues to be inappropriate:
Stage 4:
Quietly and calmly remove the child from the classroom and take them to another EYFS class for ‘thinking time’.
Positive behaviour means the name can be returned to the class cloudy sun and, if it continues to the sun.
Recording and Reporting:
These behaviour stages will be recorded in the class book.
At the end of the day you will be told about any behaviour which has resulted in your child’s name being moved. You will
also be told about positive behaviour that has resulted in the name being moved back to an earlier stage.
If a child reaches stage 4 above, three times in a half term, you will be invited to come into school for a meeting to discuss
more formally how we can work together to support your child.
Children will be awarded a smiley face badge:
if their name has been on the sunshine at the end of every day or
off the sunshine at the end of the day no more than three times in any half term.
Children will be awarded a smiley face jumper if they receive a smiley face badge every 1/2 term in any
one school year
KS1/2 Behaviour Management Strategy
Smiley Faces
Any behaviour that is worthy of praise
4 smiley faces = Class star ->Name
in Star of the Week barrel.
1st mis-behaviour
Verbal warning
2nd mis-behaviour
1st Sad Face
3rd mis-behaviour
Verbal Warning
4th mis-behaviour
2nd Sad Face
5th mis-behaviour
Verbal Warning
6th mis- behaviour
3rd Sad Face + classroom time-out
(age appropriate amount of time.)
Subsequent misbehaviour
4th Sad Face = Loss of chance – Text
Message home
To be used in conjunction with
Staff member’s own reward /
motivational systems
Sad Faces
Where a sad face has been
given, sensitivity is shown to
any reaction to that sad face
and the child has calming
down time rather than
another sad face.
Subsequent misbehaviour,
unless for the same thing,
also receives a warning.
Please note, if your child loses a chance
they will have significantly interrupted the
teaching and the learning planned for all of
the children in their class on that day.
1st loss of chance
Behaviour/time out record
Immediate Text Message + narrative
behaviour report to be sent home at
the end of the day.
If after time out, pupil is not ready to return to class, TA to take pupil to Phase Leader for remainder of the
session. If subsequent behaviour does not improve then internal seclusion with PL, Dep Head or Headteacher,
and a phone call to parents/carers to speak to phase leader and class teacher at the end of the day.
Behaviour/time out record
2nd Loss of chance
Thinking sheet to be completed.
Behaviour letter 1 – to include
narrative about the behaviour which
led to loss of chance.
Classteacher contacts parents/carers
3rd loss of chance
Phaseleader / Classteacher meets
with parents/carers.
Agree Daily Behaviour Diary
4th loss of chance
½ day seclusion to Benchill.
Special Educational Needs
paperwork completed.
Individual Behaviour Plan
Inappropriate behaviour beyond a 3rd loss of chance and serious incidents involving violence and aggression are dealt
with on an individual basis by the Headteacher. In extreme cases, they may lead to a fixed term or permanent exclusion.
Children will be awarded a smiley face badge if they have no sad faces during a half term.
Children will be awarded a smiley face jumper if they receive a smiley face badge every 1/2 term in any
one school year.
Lunchtime Pupil Behaviour Management Strategy
Lunchtime Star Awards
Lunchtime Organisers to choose two children per phase each week to receive a special
certificate in Monday’s assembly.
(Every effort should be made to ensure that all children get the opportunity to be a
lunchtime star during the year.)
Yellow Card / Red card
Where a yellow card has been
given, sensitivity should be shown
to any initial reaction to that
yellow card, and, if possible, the
child should have calming down
time to avoid the getting of a red
Card offences:
Aggressive behaviour / fighting
Not following instructions
Subsequent misbehaviour, unless
for the same thing, should
initially receive a yellow card.
Subsequent misbehaviour, unless for the same
thing, should initially receive a yellow card.
1st mis-behaviour
Yellow card
2nd (same) mis-behaviour
Red card -> loss of rest of play +
lunchtime detention the following
Thinking sheet to be completed.
Narrative structure used to investigate
the incident.
Text message to be sent home
Head / Deputy to contact parents and explain that any subsequent lunchtime red cards
will lead to a lunchtime exclusion.
Head / Deputy to contact parents/carers and organise lunchtime exclusion
2nd Red card
3rd Red card
4th Red Card
Head / Deputy to contact parents / carers to organise further, extended, lunchtime
It is always our intention to deal fairly with incidences of behaviour and to support children
in developing strategies to manage situations appropriately.
We are proud of the behaviour demonstrated by the majority of pupils, they respond
very well to our systems, as evident by the number of children receiving smiley face
badges each half term. Many more, whilst not receiving badges, behave well the
majority of the time.
The systems in place to deal with lost chances / red cards are necessary in only a
very few cases.
If you have any questions regarding the behaviour strategies used in school you may talk to
your child’s classteacher, the Phase Leader or Mrs Bulman
K Bulman
January 2014