savanna grassland Caroline Maddie Dhara Anna

Grassland Savannah
by Dhara, Anna, Maddie and Caroline
There are a lot of herbivores in the grassland Savannah. It is ok
because there is a lot of long wavy grass. Only few trees cover
the land. Here are some of the animals that are herbivores:
Giraffes, African Elephants, zebras and there are even more.
African Elephant
There are many different types of carnivores in the grassland Savannah.
There are Lions, Hyenas and even cheetahs! Carnivores mean they eat
only meat no fruits no vegetables. Here is some pictures of the Animals
that are carnivores.
Omnivores are animals that eat both plants and meat so they are like
humans (if your not a vegetarian). There aren't that many animals in
the grassland savannah that are omnivores. Here are a few animals that
are omnivores : Jackals, Hyenas
Animal Adaption
They have to eat rough and dry plants because they are very coarse
They don’t have to adapt to too much because they eat both plants
and animals. They eat meat in the winter and eat plants in the
They also don’t have to adapt to many things because they can
mostly get meat on any season. If one species went extinct they
could slowly die out from starvation
Decomposer role
One decomposer in the savannah is the hyena. Hyenas and other
decomposers play important roles in their environment. Hyenas
and other decomposers take the dead bodies of other organisms
and put them back into the environment. They eat the dead
bodies of other animals. They also help break down carcass's.
Some other decomposers in the savannah are beetles, termites,
and millipedes.
Here is the food webs
Where is grassland savanna located?
• Grassland savanna is located in many places, half of Africa is
savanna other places are: Australia, South America, and India.
• Give a description of the physical features of grassland savannas.
• A savanna is covered by scattered individual trees , mountains,
lots of grass for the animals to eat and its mostly flat land.
• How humans influence the
Environment in this biome.
Humans aren't to bad to grassland
Savannas but when tourist come
They force the animals to be seen and the animals get scared by all
the flashes of the cameras and the safari cars make noise.
Map of Grasslands and savanna.
The Climate is mostly warm and temperatures are
from 68 to 86 degrees.
There is not many trees to shade the animals also
so to protected the ground
The winter season is 4 -6 months dry
The summer season are 6-8 moths wet
The annals rain fall is from 10 -30 inches per year
The weather patterns impact the environment and the
organisms in it in many ways. The dry winter season
impacts the living organisms because they would feel like
they are stuck in an enclosed area. The animals and plants
could also get overheated. When plants get overheat the
plants may not do to well. The humidity can also slightly
confuse animals.
In the wet summer season the extra water helps the plants
grow but if it rains too much the soil can become muddy
and the plant might have too much water and die. The
animals will have enough water to drink and to bathe in.
One problem is that if it rains to much than the savannah
can easily get flooded. Those are some ways that the
weather patterns affect the environment.
Abiotic factors often help plants in the Savannah. The
sunlight helps the plants grow by shining down on it. The
summer climate is also good for the plants because it is
wet. The water helps these plants grow. The soil is also
very helpful. It is porus. Porus means it is full of pores. The
soil also has a rapid drainage of water.
The plants in the savannah have to go through many
special adaptions. They have to adapt to the dry and humid
winter weather. They have to withstand not having to much
water and because of that most of the grass is dry and
coarse. The grass will mainly grow on flat areas. Plants
cannot grow in certain places of the savannah because it is
to dry or many other reasons. So you will mostly see that
the plants grow in little patches. The trees have to adapt to
the low rainfall but most don’t make it.
Rhode Grass
Star Grass
Lemon Grass
Prairie Clover
Red Oats Grass
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