Thesis Statements

Thesis Statements
ELI 100(3)
Fall 2001
Tyler Hawkins
Thesis Statements
 A thesis
(also called a thesis statement) in an
essay is a sentence (or sometimes two or
three sentences) that explicitly identifies the
point of a paper or summarizes its main
Thesis Statements
 There
are two types of thesis statements, a
report thesis statement and an argumentative
thesis statement. Both statements make a
judgment about a topic.
Thesis Statements
 A report
thesis statement does not make a
claim that must be proved. It expresses an
idea that is generally accepted by experts
and society.
Thesis Statements
 An
argumentative thesis statement, on the
other hand, makes a claim that must be
proven with evidence. It expresses an
assertion that needs argumentative proof.
Thesis Statements
 We
will be using argumentative thesis
statements for this research paper
 Be
sure your point is worth making
 Your
thesis must pass the “So what?” test.
Thesis Statements
 Your
• will preview what your paper will be about
• is a complete sentence (or sentences) that tells
the reader what you will write about
• should be short, but informative
• should indicate the major points you want to
discuss in your paper
Thesis Statements
 Place
your thesis effectively
• don’t assume it has to be the first sentence
• usually it is in the first paragraph of an essay
• where to put the thesis depends on the audience,
purpose and topic of your paper
Developing a Thesis Statement
 How
can you explore and develop a thesis?
Note: these techniques can be use ANYTIME
in the writing process
• Freewriting
– write non-stop for ten or fifteen minutes to explore
what you already know and to generate ideas
– don’t worry about grammar, spelling and punctuation
– don’t cross anything out, it might be useful later
Developing a Thesis Statement
 Use
the journalist’s questions - these
questions can help you to cover all the
important information about a topic
Developing a Thesis Statement
 Look
at your topic from different perspectives
• Ask questions of fact
– What has already happened?
– What facts are already available?
• Ask questions of definition
– What categories does your topic fit into?
Developing a Thesis Statement
 Look
at your topic from different perspectives
• Ask questions of value
– Is the idea you are talking about a good thing or a bad
• Ask questions of policy
– What should be done about this issue?
Developing a Thesis Statement
 Write
a zero draft
• sometimes it is helpful to just start writing
• this can help you organize your ideas
Developing a Thesis Statement
 Read
about your topic
• Go to the library to research your topic
• Look at general books to get background
• Look for sources on the Internet
Developing a Thesis Statement
 Talk
to others about your topic, for example:
Your instructors
The school librarian
Senior students
Your classmates
Your host families
Developing a Thesis Statement
 Enter
online discussions about your topic
• Examples of online discussion groups related to
religion are:
– Yahoo! Chat: Religions and Beliefs:Hinduism
– Religions and Spirituality Forum
– Discover Real Islam