Supplemental Digital Content (SDC) The List of Articles Analyzed in

Supplemental Digital Content (SDC)
The List of Articles Analyzed in This Study (N = 227)
Article list
Allard, N. C. (2007). Day surgery for breast cancer: effects of a psychoeducational telephone
intervention on functional status and emotional distress. Oncology Nursing Forum, 34(1),
133-141. doi: 10.1188/07.ONF.133-141
Ando, M., Morita, T., Akechi, T., Okamoto, T., & Japanese Task Force for Spiritual, Care.
(2010). Efficacy of short-term life-review interviews on the spiritual well-being of
terminally ill cancer patients. Journal of Pain and Symptom Management, 39(6), 9931002. doi: 10.1016/j.jpainsymman.2009.11.320
Aranda, S., Schofield, P., Weih, L., Milne, D., Yates, P., & Faulkner, R. (2006). Meeting the
support and information needs of women with advanced breast cancer: a randomised
controlled trial. British Journal of Cancer, 95(6), 667-673. doi: 10.1038/sj.bjc.6603320
Armes, J., Chalder, T., Addington-Hall, J., Richardson, A., & Hotopf, M. (2007). A randomized
controlled trial to evaluate the effectiveness of a brief, behaviorally oriented intervention
for cancer-related fatigue. Cancer, 110(6), 1385-1395. doi: 10.1002/cncr.22923
Arving, C., Sjoden, P. O., Bergh, J., Hellbom, M., Johansson, B., Glimelius, B., & Brandberg, Y.
(2007). Individual psychosocial support for breast cancer patients: a randomized study of
nurse versus psychologist interventions and standard care. Cancer Nursing, 30(3), E1019. doi: 10.1097/01.NCC.0000270709.64790.05
Arving, C., Sjoden, P. O., Bergh, J., Lindstrom, A. T., Wasteson, E., Glimelius, B., & Brandberg,
Y. (2006). Satisfaction, utilisation and perceived benefit of individual psychosocial
support for breast cancer patients--a randomised study of nurse versus psychologist
interventions. Patient Educ Couns, 62(2), 235-243. doi: 10.1016/j.pec.2005.07.008
Badger, Terry, Segrin, Chris, Dorros, Sybilla M, Meek, Paula, & Lopez, Ana Maria. (2007).
Depression and anxiety in women with breast cancer and their partners. Nursing
Research, 56(1), 44-53.
Bakitas, M., Lyons, K. D., Hegel, M. T., Balan, S., Brokaw, F. C., Seville, J., . . . Ahles, T. A.
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Barsevick, A. M., Dudley, W., Beck, S., Sweeney, C., Whitmer, K., & Nail, L. (2004). A
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Beaver, K., Hollingworth, W., McDonald, R., Dunn, G., Tysver-Robinson, D., Thomson, L., . . .
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telephone follow-up after treatment for breast cancer. British Journal of Surgery, 96(12),
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Beaver, K., Tysver-Robinson, D., Campbell, M., Twomey, M., Williamson, S., Hindley, A., . . .
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cancer: randomised equivalence trial. BMJ, 338, a3147. doi: 10.1136/bmj.a3147
Bennett, J. A., Lyons, K. S., Winters-Stone, K., Nail, L. M., & Scherer, J. (2007). Motivational
interviewing to increase physical activity in long-term cancer survivors: a randomized
controlled trial. Nursing Research, 56(1), 18-27.
Bennett, P., Phelps, C., Brain, K., Hood, K., & Gray, J. (2007). A randomized controlled trial of
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risk information. Journal of Psychosomatic Research, 63(1), 59-64. doi:
Berger, A. M., Kuhn, B. R., Farr, L. A., Lynch, J. C., Agrawal, S., Chamberlain, J., & Von
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cancer-related fatigue. Psycho-Oncology, 18(6), 634-646. doi: 10.1002/pon.1438
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Can, Gulbeyaz, Topuz, Erkan, Derin, Duygu, Durna, Zehra, & Aydiner, Adnan. (2009). Effect of
kefir on the quality of life of patients being treated for colorectal cancer. Paper presented
at the Oncology Nursing Forum.
Carpenter, J. S., Yu, M., Wu, J., Von Ah, D., Milata, J., Otte, J. L., . . . Skaar, T. C. (2009).
Evaluating the role of serotonin in hot flashes after breast cancer using acute tryptophan
depletion. Menopause, 16(4), 644-652. doi: 10.1097/gme.0b013e318199e9f6
Carpenter, Janet S, Wells, Nancy, Lambert, Beth, Watson, Peggy, Slayton, Tami, Chak, Bapsi, . .
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breast cancer. Cancer Nursing, 25(2), 104-109.
Champion, V. L., Springston, J. K., Zollinger, T. W., Saywell, R. M., Jr., Monahan, P. O., Zhao,
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Chang, M. C., Chang, Y. C., Chiou, J. F., Tsou, T. S., & Lin, C. C. (2002). Overcoming patientrelated barriers to cancer pain management for home care patients. A pilot study. Cancer
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Chang, P. H., Lai, Y. H., Shun, S. C., Lin, L. Y., Chen, M. L., Yang, Y., . . . Cheng, S. Y. (2008).
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Christman, N. J., & Cain, L. B. (2004). The effects of concrete objective information and
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Forum, 31(2), E39-45. doi: 10.1188/04.ONF.E39-E45
Cimprich, B., & Ronis, D. L. (2003). An environmental intervention to restore attention in
women with newly diagnosed breast cancer. Cancer Nursing, 26(4), 284-292; quiz 293284.
Clark, M. M., Rummans, T. A., Sloan, J. A., Jensen, A., Atherton, P. J., Frost, M. H., . . . Brown,
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Coleman, E. A., Coon, S. K., Kennedy, R. L., Lockhart, K. D., Stewart, C. B., Anaissie, E. J., &
Barlogie, B. (2008). Effects of exercise in combination with epoetin alfa during highdose chemotherapy and autologous peripheral blood stem cell transplantation for multiple
myeloma. Oncology Nursing Forum, 35(3), E53-61. doi: 10.1188/08.ONF.E53-E61
Coleman, E. A., Tulman, L., Samarel, N., Wilmoth, M. C., Rickel, L., Rickel, M., & Stewart, C.
B. (2005). The effect of telephone social support and education on adaptation to breast
cancer during the year following diagnosis. Oncology Nursing Forum, 32(4), 822-829.
doi: 10.1188/04.ONF.807-815
Coleman, Elizabeth Ann, Lord, Janet, Heard, Jeanne, Coon, Sharon, Cantrell, Mary, Mohrmann,
Carolyn, & O'Sullivan, Patricia. (2003). The Delta project: increasing breast cancer
screening among rural minority and older women by targeting rural healthcare
providers. Paper presented at the Oncology Nursing Forum.
Cornbleet, M. A., Campbell, P., Murray, S., Stevenson, M., Bond, S., Joint Working Party of the
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Dibble, S. L., Chapman, J., Mack, K. A., & Shih, A. S. (2000). Acupressure for nausea: results of
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Dibble, S. L., Luce, J., Cooper, B. A., Israel, J., Cohen, M., Nussey, B., & Rugo, H. (2007).
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Dirksen, S. R., & Epstein, D. R. (2008). Efficacy of an insomnia intervention on fatigue, mood
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